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Formation of gas hydrate that form in a porous medium of sediments from gas dissolved in a gassaturated fluid is analyzed for different regimes of fluid movement determined by the permeability of sediments, their physical properties, and their accumulation rate. In the framework of the presented general mathematical model of viscoelastic compaction of accumulated sediments, characteristic porosity decrease patterns, fluid movement, and gas hydrate accumulation are described by a nonlinear system of eight partial differential equations. The regime of compaction and fluid movement is determined by the values of dimensionaless similarity numbers defined as nonlinear combinations of physical and dynamic parameters of the process studied. The results of model calculations with the use of representative physical and hydrodynamic parameters of the system provided constraints on the dependence of the hydrate formation rate on the similarity numbers of the problem. It is shown that the rate and volume of hydrate accumulation are determined by the similarity numbers and dimensionless time.  相似文献   

The phase transition problem of methane hydrate in porous sediments is solved. Based on the obtained solution, the impact of faulting on the stability conditions of gas hydrates is investigated by the numerical modeling of the filtration and thermal regimes in the sedimentary cover of the Central Basin of Lake Baikal within the segment of the anomalous behavior of the bottom simulating reflector (BSR). It is assumed that such behavior is caused by the tectonic action. The calculations testify to the plausibility of the proposed model of formation of the anomalous area with total decomposition of the contained hydrates. It is shown that dissociation of gas hydrates in sediments due to faulting and the subsequent uplift of the products of these transformations along the incipient channel toward the bottom of the lake can result in the extensive accumulation of gas hydrates on this surface. It is also shown that if the total amount of the free gas, which left the hydrate dissociation zone, reached the level of the lake surface at normal pressure and temperature, its volume could be equivalent to the resources of a medium-size gas field. The results of numerical modeling the violation of the gas-hydrate stability conditions in Lake Baikal sediments can also be valid for the other regions with hydrate-bearing sediments if the case specific conditions and regional tectonic activity are taken into account.  相似文献   

海底天然气水合物层界面反射AVO数值模拟   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
本文采用AVO数值模拟方法,共选取水合物系统分层结构6个模型,对水合物、游离气和饱水沉积物接触界面的反射特征进行了数值模拟,研究了BSR及双BSR的存在条件与水合物体系垂向分布的关系,对一些现象从理论上进行了阐明.主要结论是:(1)强的似海底反射界面BSR与游离气体的存在密不可分,实际地震剖面中的“BSR”可能不对应水合物而只对应气体,无明显BSR的地方可能有水合物.(2)水合物顶部有可能存在游离气体,它可以在正常BSR(BSR1)之上形成另一个具有正极性的似海底反射界面BSR2.(3)正常BSR之下的双BSR(BSR0)其弹性机理有两种可能,一是水合物之下游离气上升迁移遇到某种阻隔层或不同气体组分的自然分层所造成的气体垂向分布的梯度性差异;二是当水合物之下的游离气体中存在残存的水合物时,同样会形成一定强度的似海底反射,在这种情形下BSR0的极性比较难以判断,取决于残存水合物上下游离气的饱和度和残存水合物的厚度.  相似文献   


Models on flow and transport in surface water sediments currently neglect compaction, although it is well understood that compaction is one of the major processes below the free fluid-sediment interface. Porosity changes in the sediment layers, as a result of compaction, are measured in almost all probes: porosity decreases with the distance from the surface water-sediment interface. This paper provides a rigorous derivation of basic flux terms for a frame of reference that is moving with the fluid-sediment interface. It is shown how burial rate, interface velocity, velocities of fluid and solid phase and porosity are connected—under steady-state conditions. It turns out that porosity and the velocities in a one-dimensional column can be directly computed from each other. These findings are important not only for the understanding of compaction-driven flow itself; they are crucial for all studies on storage and transport of chemical components in sediments. As mass fluxes across the sediment-water interface may be affected, there is an indirect link on surface water quality, making these findings relevant also for research on eutrophication of surface water bodies and/or on biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   

利用2D数值方法对南海北部陆坡神狐海域水合物形成聚集过程进行了模拟, 对气烟囱、泥底辟与水合物成藏间的关系进行研究. 模拟结果表明, 来自深部的甲烷热解气在向上运移过程中以垂向运动为主, 且局限在某一狭窄的范围内, 故在地震剖面上显示为气烟囱及顶部BSR.只有当其越过水合物稳定带底界, 才能形成水合物, 此时BSR等于水合物稳定带底界. 而一旦水合物形成, 该地层即成为封堵层, 从而阻止甲烷继续向上运移. 因此, 水合物仅仅在水合物稳定带底界上方很薄的一层, 饱和度却可以很高. 此后如果深部气源停止供气, 那么气烟囱会逐渐消失, 只留下水合物存在. 因此, 气烟囱的存在并不一定对应着水合物存在. 另外, 模拟结果还显示, 断裂流体活动(泥底辟)对水合物形成并不十分有利.来自深部的甲烷流量与流体流量之间的匹配很重要, 在甲烷流量一定的情况下, 流体流量越大, 越不容易形成水合物.  相似文献   

The problem of compaction of depositing sediments is studied for different geophysical characteristics of the process of sedimentation. A model is proposed for describing the compaction of sediments with growing thickness. The model is based on the modern concepts of the viscoelastic rheology of accumulating sediments; and, in terms of mathematics, it is a system of nonlinear differential equations in partial derivatives, which describe the processes of compaction and filtration with an increasing thickness of sediments. I have studied numerically the dependence of the regimes of compaction on the formulated characteristic criteria of similarity in the system of equations. Fluid-dynamic criterion, which characterizes the ratio of the rate of sedimentation to the rate of the filtration of a fluid (the rate of fluidization), and the rheological criterion of compaction, which characterizes the proportion between the viscous and elastic strains on the time scale of the process of compaction, i.e., the ratio of the two time scales—the time scale of the elastic strains’ relaxation and the time scale of the viscous compaction. The complex modeling of the mechanics and hydrodynamics of the interrelated processes of compaction and movement to the surface of the saturating fluids with an increase in the thickness of sediments reproduces the mechanism of the formation of different regimes of compaction, including those, which lead to an anomalously high pore pressure and to significant, in some circumstances step-like rise in the pressure of the saturating fluid, frequently observed at depths of 2–3 km.  相似文献   


A three-dimensional Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code model was developed for a 17-km segment of the Mobile River, Alabama, USA. The model external forcing factors include river inflows from upstream, tides from downstream, and atmospheric conditions. The model was calibrated against measured water levels, velocities, and temperatures from 26 April to 29 August 2011. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients for water levels were greater than 0.94 and for water temperatures ranged from 0.88 to 0.99. The calibrated model was extended approximately 13 km upstream for simulating unsteady flow, dye, and temperature distributions in the Mobile River under different upstream inflows and downstream harmonic tides. Velocity profiles and distributions of flow, dye, and temperature at various locations were analyzed and show that flow recirculation could only occur under small inflow (50 m3 s-1) when downstream tides control the flow pattern in the Mobile River. The model results reveal complex interactions among discharges from a power plant, inflows, and tides.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor D. Yang  相似文献   

This paper builds on a recently published one-dimensional moving-boundary model of the coevolution of topset, foreset and bottomset in a reservoir that captures the dynamics of the internal muddy pond typical to reservoirs. This model was modified to account for different outlet locations at the reservoir's downstream end. This model considers a river carrying two sustained phases of sediments: coarse (sand) and fine (mud). The coarse phase deposits in the topset and delta foreset, while the fine phase forms a dilute suspension of wash load in the river. As the river enters the reservoir, the muddy water plunges on the foreset to form a Froude-supercritical (purely depositional) turbidity current. This turbidity current emplaces the bottomset. The modified numerical model was tested against five laboratory experiments previously reported by the author. The model successfully locates the muddy-water/clear-water interface. In addition, modeled and measured bed deposits are in good agreement. Results clearly indicate that the location of the internal hydraulic jump plays a key role in the final bed deposit.  相似文献   

A control volume, finite element method is used to discretize the three phase, three component equations for simulation of gas venting. The discrete equations are solved using full Newton iteration. Any combinations of phases can exist, and variable substitution is used to take into account phase appearance and disappearance. Some example computations are presented for two dimensional axisymmetric geometry. Several different scenarios for gas venting are examined. High rate air injection can be effective at removing NAPL both in the unsaturated and saturated zones. The numerical techniques can handle problems having node pore volume gas throughputs (in a timestep) of the order of 106, which greatly exceeds the maximum stable explicit timestep size.  相似文献   




Yangshan near-shore sea area is the multi-island and multi-channel area with strong flow velocity and high suspended sediment concentration. Based on the characteristics of tidal currents, waves, and sediment in the Yangshan area, a two-dimensional numerical model of tidal currents, sediment transport, and sea bed deformation is developed. In the model, the effects of tidal currents and wind waves on sediment transport are considered. According to characteristics of the study area, unstructured grids are applied to fit the boundaries of the near-shore sea area. The results show that the calculated values are in good agreement with the measured data. The field of tidal currents, suspended sediment concentrations, and the deformation of the seabed can be successfully simulated.  相似文献   

全球与区域天然气水合物中天然气资源量估算   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
天然气水合物作为未来的一种替代能源引起了国内外很多研究者的关注,他们从不同的方面对天然气水合物进行了研究.随着研究的深入,许多研究者发现,全球天然气水合物中天然气资源量并没有最初认为的那么多,而且相差了几个数量级,这就大大降低了天然气水合物在未来能源中的地位.本文的研究目的是通过分析全球天然气水合物中天然气资源量的估算方法,归纳总结有关全球及区域估算天然气水合物中天然气资源量的文献,使人们对天然气水合物有个重新的认识,同时为未来的能源勘探开发提供一定的参考.通过分析我们发现全球天然气水合物中天然气资源量的估算值随着人们对天然气水合物认识程度的增加而降低;而且目前能够较准确反映全球海洋天然气水合物中天然气资源量的估算值是(1~5)×1015m3(大约500~2 500 Gt甲烷碳).我们通过总结国外及国内几个典型区域的天然气资源量估算值还发现,国外研究者主要是根据钻孔及BSR资料确定用于计算天然气资源量的参数,使得计算结果较符合实际;而国内的学者基本是使用模拟计算及假设的方法确定各种参数,估算值仍存在很大差异,因此,我们认为只有获得实测数据才能使国内的估算结果更加接近实际.  相似文献   

In aeolian sand sheets the interaction between aeolian and subaqueous processes is considered one of the principal factors that controls this depositional environment. To examine the role played by the subaqueous processes on the construction and accumulation of sand sheets, surface deposits and subsurface sedimentary sections of a currently active aeolian sand sheet, located in the Upper Tulum Valley (Argentina), have been examined. On the sand sheet surface, airflows enable the construction of nabkhas, wind‐rippled mantles (flattened accumulations of sand forming wind ripples), megaripples, and small transverse dunes. Subaqueous deposits consist of sandy current ripples covered by muddy laminae. The latter are generated by annual widespread but low‐energy floods that emanate from the nearby mountains in the aftermath of episodes of heavy precipitations. Deposits of subaqueous origin constitute 5% of the accumulated sand sheet thickness. The construction of the sand sheet is controlled by meteorological seasonal changes: the source area, the San Juan river alluvial fan, receives sediment by thaw‐waters in spring–summer; in fall–winter, when the water table lowers in the alluvial fan, the sediment is available for aeolian transport and construction of the sand sheet area. The flood events play an important role in enabling sand sheet accumulation: the muddy laminae serve to protect the underlying deposits from aeolian winnowing. Incipient cement of gypsum on the sand and vegetation cover acts as an additional stabilizing agent that promotes accumulation. Episodic and alternating events of erosion and sedimentation are considered the main reason for the absence of soils and palaeosols. Results from this study have enabled the development of a generic model with which to account for: (i) the influence of contemporaneous subaqueous processes on the construction and accumulation in recent and ancient sand sheets; and (ii) the absence of developed soils in this unstable topographic surface. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the validity of a quasi-steady approximation for sediment transport and presents a new algorithm based on this concept. The developed non-coupled algorithm interacts among hydrodynamic, sediment, and morphology modules which are based on depth-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for the flow, the three-dimensional equation of conservation of sediment, and the mass balance between the bed and sediment (Exner equation) to simulate the reservoir sedimentation process. The non-coupled algorithm solves both the short-term scale and the relatively long-term scale problems of reservoir sedimentation. The proposed algorithm is verified using field data and by comparison with other accurate algorithms. Based upon the results of this investigation, the developed algorithm can be used to simulate long-term reservoir sedimentation while considerably decreasing the computational costs and preserving computational accuracy. The computational cost of the non-coupled algorithm is about 97% less than the conventional semi-coupled approach whereas the errors (Root Mean Square Error, Average Relative Error, and Maximum Relative Error of bed level) of the developed algorithm are approximately 15% greater than those for the semi-coupled algorithm for the average value.  相似文献   

Marine gas hydrates accumulate primarily in coarse-grained, high-permeability layers; however, highly saturated natural gas hydrates have been discovered in the fine-grained sediments of Shenhu area, South China Sea (SCS). This may be explained by key factors, such as the great abundance of foraminifera shells. In this paper, by analyzing the SCS foraminifera structure and performing hydrate formation experiments in the foraminifera shells, the contribution of foraminifera to hydrate accumulation in the SCS was investigated from a microscopic point of view. Simulations of hydrate formation were carried out in both pure SCS foraminifera shells and the host sediments. Pore structures in typical foraminifera were studied by use of micro-focus X-ray computed tomography (CT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Hydrate growth and occurrence characteristics in the foraminifera shells were observed in-situ. The results showed that the presence of foraminifera significantly enhanced the effective porosity of the SCS sediments. Moreover, while the hydrates grew preferentially in the chambers of the coarse-grained foraminifera by adhering to the inner walls of the foraminifera shells, no apparent hydrate accumulation was observed in the fine-grained or argillaceous matrix. These findings provide a basis for further studies on the accumulation mechanism of hydrates and physical properties of hydrate reservoir in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Experimental models are used to study the poorly known function of pore waters, i.e., their role in hydrosphere pollution. This issue is studied as applied to modern bottom sediments, soil-forming grounds of the aeration zone, and impermeable clays in aquifers. The natural and technogenic geodynamic loads, accompanied by compaction and destruction of water-bearing rocks, are shown to intensify the processes of pore water pressing with the release of rock-forming elements, heavy metals, and organic substances into bottom water layers in water bodies, free soil or intermediate waters. This results in an environmental damage to water bodies, which could be used for drinking water supply and fishery. This study is of particular importance in areas of present-day oil and gas production.  相似文献   

地震次生毒气泄漏与扩散的数值模拟与动态仿真   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
文章对破坏性地震中可能发生的次生毒气泄漏与扩散灾害进行了数值模拟与动态仿真研究,设定了几种有实际意义的数值分析模型,分别进行了结构地震破坏,有毒有害气体泄漏,在一定泄漏和气象条件下的向周围空间扩散的动态仿真研究,给出了典型毒气扩散过程中可致人员死亡,严重危险和有感区域的范围的动态变化结果,作者认为地震次生毒气泄漏与扩散研究对大地震应急、城市和大型企业防灾都有重要的意义和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

断层气氡在不同类型覆盖层中 迁移规律的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
伍剑波  张慧  苏鹤军 《地震学报》2014,36(1):118-128
断层气氡浓度是探测断层位置与断层活动性的一种有效手段. 该文基于Abdoh和Pilkington提出的氡迁移二维偏微分方程与相应的边界条件, 建立内部含裂隙、 裂隙系-断层带和非均质等3种覆盖层物理模型, 在Matlab平台上运用偏微分工具箱(pdetool)与非线性求解函数(pdenonlin), 对模型求解以及模拟覆盖层中氡迁移. 通过对3种模型的模拟结果分析, 分别解释了地表氡异常点与断层带位置不同步现象, 覆盖层厚度对氡浓度曲线形状的影响, 以及土壤结构性质对氡异常强度和异常形态的影响.  相似文献   

Along both sides of the Tancheng-Lujiang Fracture Zone in eastern China, a series of mantle source gas pools constitute a massive-scale tectonic accumulation zone in NNE direction, with the mantle geochemical characteristics of high concentrations of C02 and He, high3He/4He-40Ar/36Ar ratio system and high δ13Coo2 ratios (the main frequency, -3.4%— 4.6%), showing no difference from the tectonic framework of the area. In the area, the tectonic environment is a rift formed as a result of diapiric mantle injection and crust thinning to form graben-type basins and lithospheric fractures. The mantle-derived volcanic rocks and inclusions are well-developed and a high geothermal zone (mantlesource) exists in the area. The characteristics of the three components (solid, liquid and gas) of mantle, concentrated all over the same tectonic space zone, show that the rift system is of a good tectonic environment or passage for mantle degassing and gas migration. The main types of the gas pools are volcano, fault-block, anticline, buried hill and so on, but most of them are combination traps closely related with fracture. For the mantle source gas pools, rift is an optimum tectonic region, and nearby lithospheric fracture, mantle source volcanic rocks or basement uplifts are a favourable structural location when reservoir-caprock association develops.  相似文献   

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