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The Alvand River basin, situated in the northwest of the Zagros mountain range, Iran, drains carbonate aquifers through some important karst springs. The physical, chemical and isotopic characteristics of spring water were studied for two years in order to assess the origin of groundwater and determine the factors driving the geochemical composition. Principal components analysis was used to identify the main factors controlling the water chemistry. Two groups of springs were identified: (1) low mineralisation, ion concentration, especially sulphate, low temperature, light isotope composition and high elevation of the recharge area, and (2) moderate to high mineralisation, especially sulphate, higher temperature, heavy isotope composition and low altitude of the recharge area. The main factors controlling the groundwater composition and its seasonal variations are the geology, because of the presence of evaporite formations, the elevation and the rate of karst development. In both groups, the carbonate chemistry is diagnostic of the effect of karst development. The supersaturation with respect to calcite indicates CO2 degassing, occurring either inside the aquifer in open conduits, or at the outlet in reservoirs. The undersaturation with respect to calcite shows the existence of fast flow and short residence-time conditions inside the aquifer. A PCA analysis showed that, contrary to most developed karst systems, where dilution occurs during the wet season, leaching of the gypsum-bearing Gachsaran Formation by rainwater produced higher mineralisation.
Resumen La cuenca del río Alvand, situada en el noreste de la cadena montañosa Zagros drena acuíferos compuestos por carbonatos a través de manantiales kársticos. Durante dos años se estudiaron las características físicas, químicas e isotópicas del agua de manantial con el objetivo de determinar el origen del agua subterránea y de los factores que controlan su composición geoquímica. Se utililizó el análisis de componentes principales para identificar los factores principales que controlan la química del agua. Se identificaron dos grupos de mantaniales: (1) de baja mineralización, concentración de iones especialmente sulfatos, y baja temperatura, composición de isotopos livianos y elevación alta del área de recarga, y (2) mineralización moderada y alta, especialmente, sulfatos, y temperatura más alta, composición de isotopos pesados y altitud más baja del agua de recarga. Los factores principales que controlan la composición del agua subterránea y sus variaciones estacionales son la geología debido a la presencia de formaciones evaporitas, la elevación y la tasa a la que se desarrolla el karst. En ambos grupos la química de los carbonatos es un diagnóstico del efecto del desarollo de la estructura kárstica. La supersaturación con respecto a la calcita indica presencia de CO2 que está en proceso de degasificación que ocurre dentro de acuífero en conductos abiertos o a la salida en reservorios. La subsaturación en lo referente a la calcita muestra la existencia de flujo rápido y de tiempos cortos de residencia al interior del acuífero. El análisis de componentes principales muestra que a diferencia de la mayor parte de sistemas kársticos en donde la dilución ocurre durante la temporada de lluvias, la lixiviación de la formación Gachsaran que contiene yeso a causa de lluvia produce mineralizaciones más altas.

Résumé Le bassin de la rivière Alvand, situé dans le nord-ouest de la chaîne de montagne Zagros, draine des aquifères carbonatés par le biais dun important réseau de sources karstiques. Les caractéristiques physiques, chimiques et isotopiques de leau provenant des sources ont été étudiées pendant deux ans afin de déterminer lorigine de leau souterraine et les facteurs responsables de sa composition chimique actuelle. Lanalyse des éléments chimiques majeurs a été utilisée pour identifier les processus qui contrôlent la composition chimique de leau. Deux groupes différents de sources ont été identifiés: (1) faible minéralisation et concentration en ions, spécialement en sulfates, faible température, composition isotopique légère et haute élévation de la zone de recharge, et (2) minéralisation moyenne à élevée, particulièrement en sulfates, température élevée, composition isotopique lourde et plus basse altitude de la zone de recharge. Les facteurs principaux qui contrôlent la composition et la variation saisonnière de leau souterraine sont la géologie, en raison de la présence dévaporites, lélévation et le taux de développement des karsts. Dans les deux groupes, la teneur en carbonates est un diagnostic de leffet du développement de la structure des karsts. La sursaturation par rapport à la calcite indique un dégazage en CO2 qui a lieu soit à lintérieur de laquifère, dans les conduits ouverts, ou à sa sortie, dans les réservoirs. La sous-saturation par rapport à la calcite indique lexistence dun écoulement rapide et un faible temps de résidence dans laquifère. Une analyse des éléments chimiques majeurs a démontré que contrairement aux systèmes de karst les mieux développés où la dilution a lieu lors de la saison humide, le lessivage du gypse de la formation de Gachsaran par leau de pluie produit une minéralisation plus élevée.

A dye-tracing test is employed to study the karst development and flow regime at an artesian limestone sub-aquifer, the Khersan3 Dam site, Zagros Zone, Iran. Tracer breakthrough curves showed an early dominant peak followed by a pronounced tailing effect. The peak concentration was a response to induced pressure during dye injection. The results suggest that the dye was pushed into the small pores and fissures around the injection point during dye injection. Hence, the dye moved out as a result of matrix and fissure diffusive processes and created a long pronounced tailing. The maximum flow velocity in the upper artesian sub-aquifer ranged from 0.97 to 2.9 m/h. However, the mean tracer velocity ranged from 0.19 to 0.51 m/h based on the mean residence tracer time; consequently, the flow regime in the artesian sub-aquifer was determined to be mainly diffusive. The results reveal (1) a low hydraulic gradient from upstream of the dam axis to downstream; consequently, there is no considerable flow; (2) poor karst development and diffuse flow at the tracing test area; (3) a discharge zone at a location downstream of the dam axis which is the main terminal of general flow direction at the dam site.  相似文献   

The Mombi bauxite deposit is located in 165 km northwest of Dehdasht city, southwestern Iran. The deposit is situated in the Zagros Simply Fold Belt and developed as discontinuous stratified layers in Upper Cretaceous carbonates (Sarvak Formation). Outcrops of the bauxitic horizons occur in NW-SE trending Bangestan anticline and are situated between the marine neritic limestones of the Ilam and Sarvak Formations. From the bottom to top, the deposit is generally consisting of brown, gray, pink, pisolitic, red, and yellow bauxite horizons. Boehmite, diaspore, kaolinite, and hematite are the major mineral components, while gibbsite, goethite, anatase, rutile, pyrite, chlorite, quartz, as well as feldspar occur to a lesser extent. The Eh–pH conditions during bauxitization in the Mombi bauxite deposit show oxidizing to reducing conditions during the Upper Cretaceous. This feature seems to be general and had a significant effect on the mineral composition of Cretaceous bauxite deposits in the Zagros fold belt. Geochemical data show that Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3 and TiO2 are the main components in the bauxite ores at Mombi and immobile elements like Al, Ti, Nb, Zr, Hf, Cr, Ta, Y, and Th were enriched while Rb, Ba, K, Sr, and P were depleted during the bauxitization process. Chondrite-normalized REE pattern in the bauxite ores indicate REE enrichment (ΣREE = 162.8–755.28 ppm, ave. ∼399.36 ppm) relative to argillic limestone (ΣREE = 76.26–84.03 ppm, ave. ∼80.145 ppm) and Sarvak Formation (ΣREE = 40.15 ppm). The REE patterns also reflect enrichment in LREE relative to HREE. Both positive and negative Ce anomalies (0.48–2.0) are observed in the Mombi bauxite horizons. These anomalies are related to the change of oxidation state of Ce (from Ce3+ to Ce4+), ionic potential, and complexation of Ce4+ with carbonate compounds in the studied horizons. It seems that the variations in the chemistry of ore-forming solutions (e.g., Eh and pH), function of carbonate host rock as a geochemical barrier, and leaching degree of lanthanide-bearing minerals are the most important controlling factors in the distribution and concentration of REEs. Several lines of evidences such as Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios as well as similarity in REE patterns indicate that the underlying marly limestone (Sarvak Formation) could be considered as the source of bauxite horizons. Based on mineralogical and geochemical data, it could be inferred that the Mombi deposit has been formed in a karstic environment during karstification and weathering of the Sarvak limy Formation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of active tectonics on the geomorphic processes and landscape evolution along the Kazerun Fault Zone (KFZ) in the Zagros Mountains of Iran using spatial analysis of geomorphic indices. We document how topography and morphology are influenced by active tectonic deformation. The Zagros fold–thrust belt is an area of active crustal shortening where northwest–southeast oriented fault‐related folds become younger from north to south and from southeast to northwest. This temporal and spatial evolution of the belt was tested using geomorphic indices of active tectonics that include mountain front sinuosity index (Smf), the valley width/height ratio (Vf), drainage basin asymmetry factor, hypsometric integral, drainage basin shape ratio and mean axial slope of the channel. Change in the geomorphic indices is the result of active fold growth and change in the uplift rate. Decreasing Smf and Vf values from north (Smf = 2.01; Vf = 0.5) to south (Smf = 1.12; Vf = 0.2) and from southeast (Smf = 1.84; Vf = 0.8) to northwest (Smf = 1.54; Vf = 0.1) points to a migration of the active crustal shortening towards W–SW. The combined geomorphic (field evidences) and morphometric data (quantitative analysis of geomorphic indices) provide evidence of relative variation in the tectonic activity along the Kazerun Fault Zone and related landforms. The utilization of geomorphic parameters with comparison to the field observations exhibits change in relative tectonic activities mostly corresponding to the change in mechanism of the prominent fault zones in the study area. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sardinia is one of the Italian regions with the greatest number of dams per inhabitants, almost 60 for a population of only 1.5 million people. Many of these dam sites are located on non-carbonate rocks along the main rivers of the Island and their waters are used for irrigation, industrial, energy supply, drinking and flood regulation purposes.The Pedra 'e Othoni dam on the Cedrino river (Dorgali, Central-East Sardinia) is located along the threshold of the Palaeozoic basement on the Northern border of the Supramonte karst area, where water is forced to flow out of the system through several resurgences, the most famous of which is the Su Gologone vauclusian spring, used for drinking water supply. The other main outflows of the system, Su Tippari and San Pantaleo springs, are at present almost permanently submerged by the high water level of the Pedra 'e Othoni dam. In the near future water will be supplied also to other communities with a possible increase of water taken from the spring.The dam, originally meant to regulate the flooding of Cedrino river but actually used for all sorts of purposes (electricity supply, drinking water, irrigation of farmlands, industrial uses), has a maximum regulation altitude of 103 m a.s.l., only slightly less than a meter below the Su Gologone spring level (103.7 m), and 4 and 9 m respectively above the submerged Su Tippari and San Pantaleo springs.During floods of the Cedrino river, occurring on average twice a year, also the Su Gologone spring becomes submerged by the muddy waters of the lake for a time ranging between a couple of hours up to several days, making water supply impossible.The analysis of the available meteorological and hydrogeological data relative to the December 2004 flood, one of the severest of the past 100 years, suggests that the reservoir is filled in a few days time. Several flooding scenarios have been reconstructed using digital terrain models, showing that backflooding submerges most of the discharge area of the aquifer, having important repercussions also on the inland underground drainage system. The upstream flood prone areas prevalently comprise agricultural lands with some sparse houses, but also highly frequented tourist facilities. Fortunately flooding occurs outside the tourist season, thus limiting risk to a limited number of local inhabitants. Massive discharge at the dam site, instead, determines a more hazardous situation in the Cedrino coastal plain, where population density in low lying areas is much higher. To avoid flooding hazard upstream the water level in the lake should be regulated, keeping it low in the flood prone seasons, and having it filled from the end of the winter in order to have enough water stocked before the beginning of the summer. Discharge at the dam site, instead, should be done cautiously, preventing severe flooding of the coastal Cedrino plain.  相似文献   

岩溶含水介质结构类型在一定程度上决定了岩溶地下水的富集与运移规律。根据鄂尔多斯盆地周边岩溶含水层的岩性、层组结构类型划分出了4种各具特色的岩溶含水介质结构类型,并对各类介质结构的钻孔单位涌水量进行了系统量化统计分析,为进一步认识鄂尔多斯盆地周边岩溶地下水的富集规律提供依据。  相似文献   

The hydraulic behaviour of the karst aquifer in the Hubelj spring catchment area (SW Slovenia) was studied by using an indirect research method based on natural tracers. The variations of natural tracers (in precipitation and in groundwater) during the storm event made possible the separation of the Hubelj spring storm hydrograph by the three-component separation technique. The results produced information on the aquifer recharge, storage and discharge processes, as well as on the mechanisms that affected them. They verified the so-called epikarst hypothesis presuming that an important part of a karst aquifer recharge reaches rapidly and intensively from the epikarst zone. It was demonstrated that epikarst water could occupy up to 50% of the spring discharge during precipitation events. This phenomenon could have important consequences on protection and management of the problems of karst aquifers, including engineering problems in karst areas. With this respect the results could give way to new engineering ideas.  相似文献   

卢放  罗旋  胡文广  于蕾 《中国岩溶》2022,41(6):986-997
为揭示太行山北段岩溶裂隙水富水性分布规律,采用电阻率、极化率、半衰时和偏离度分析不同含水层介质结构、不同含水岩组和不同地下水系统岩溶裂隙水与电性参数的关系,探讨研究区岩溶裂隙水富水性的影响因素及其电性响应特征。结果表明:含水层介质结构按照溶蚀孔洞型→断层型→褶皱型→岩体阻水型的排列顺序,半衰时值分布范围依次降低,而偏离度值分布范围依次升高;四种电性参数对奥陶系含水岩组、蓟县系含水岩组具有较强的分辨能力;极化率、半衰时和偏离度难以识别拒马河、界河-唐河以及瀑河-漕河三种岩溶裂隙地下水系统类型;奥陶系含水岩组的富水性优于蓟县系含水岩组;就含水层介质结构而言,溶蚀孔洞型富水性最佳,断层型和褶皱型次之,岩体阻水型富水性最差。  相似文献   

退化喀斯特植被的恢复机理一直是近年来土壤学和生态学研究的热点。通过分析退化喀斯特植被恢复过程中土壤微生物数量、土壤生化作用强度、土壤微生物生物量,研究了贵州花江喀斯特高原生态综合治理示范区内土壤微生物活性的变化。结果表明:退化喀斯特植被恢复过程中土壤的微生物活性存在较大差异。随着退化喀斯特植被的恢复,土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌三大微生物数量及微生物总数明显上升,表现为乔木群落阶段〉灌木群落阶段〉草本群落阶段〉裸地阶段,且细菌较真菌和放线菌相比占绝对优势,其在微生物总数中分别占95.95%,93.49%,92.32%和92.48%;各主要生理类群的数量呈上升趋势,且氨化细菌〉固氮菌〉纤维素分解菌〉硝化细菌,土壤生化作用强度增强;土壤微生物生物量碳明显增加,微生物生物量碳与土壤有机碳(P〈0.01)呈显著正相关关系。土壤微生物是表征退化喀斯特植被恢复过程中土壤质量的重要特征之一,反映出随着退化喀斯特植被的恢复土壤质量也在逐渐恢复。   相似文献   

孙宇  高明  王丹  邓炜  陈成龙 《中国岩溶》2014,33(3):347-355
文章在GIS技术支持下,以重庆市丰都县岩溶区为研究对象,根据该县的地形特征、土地利用现状及土壤类型等共采集316个土壤样品,在此基础上,通过主成分分析法、隶属度函数等方法改进的灰色关联模型,对丰都县土壤肥力进行综合评价,并利用地统计学方法揭示其空间变异特征。结果表明:土壤肥力综合指数处于0.352~0.881之间,均值为0.579;其空间变异具有一阶趋势,去除趋势后所剩残差表现出较弱的空间相关性;研究区总体土壤肥力质量中等偏上,其中Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ等级的土壤肥力分布面积分别占总区域面积的10.61%、31.09%、35.94%;土壤常规养分和微量元素养分的综合肥力贡献率分别为76.77%和23.23%。这表明将土壤微量元素养分同时纳入土壤肥力评价指标体系是合理可行的,利用改进的灰色关联模型能较好地定量化评价土壤综合肥力,地统计学方法能更好地揭示土壤肥力的空间变异。   相似文献   

In this study, the Maastrichtian-Danian boundary was measured and sampled in two stratigraphic sections, the north and south flanks of the Dehnow anticline in Coastal Fars, Southern Iran. This boundary was also investigated in the drilled exploratory well-1 in the same region. The lithology of the Maastrichtian-Danian deposits consists of glauconitic, phosphatic argillaceous limestones and marlstones. 30 genera and 77 species of planktonic foraminifera have been determined. The recognized biozon...  相似文献   

岩溶含水系统中水源组分的识别能帮助认识系统的结构,解决岩溶水文及水化学研究的基础问题。以灵水岩溶大泉为例,分解了4个水文年的电导率频率分布隐藏的峰,并对其所代表的水源组分进行分析。发现灵水泉口的水源组分主要有4种:① 含水系统中岩溶裂隙或管道中释放的重力水,占53%~77%;② 源于泉口附近携带污染物质的水源,占3%~7%;③ 强降雨期间通过覆盖层分散入渗的水源,或先前存贮在管道或裂隙中流动性差的水被带出含水层,占13%~42%;④ 地面径流以及直接降落到湖面的雨水,占2%~3%。将灵水的电导率频率分布与峰丛洼地的两个典型岩溶水系统对比,分析了电导率的频率分布所蕴藏的含义。研究结果为西南3 620个岩溶水系统的进一步归类提供了参考。  相似文献   

The Milandre test site is an ideal karstic aquifer for studying the spatial heterogeneity of groundwater chemistry. Numerous observation points can be sampled: the spring, the underground river and its tributaries, and boreholes at different depths. The main causes of the spatial variability of the chemical parameters are: nature and localisation of the input, the structure of the infiltration zone, chemical reactions (transit time vs. reaction kinetics) and mixing of different waters. Physico-chemical data on springs discharging from the karstic system represent the sum of this spatial heterogeneity. Therefore, it is difficult to interpret the global-chemical response with a simple mixing model of the aquifer subsystems (runoff, matrix reservoir, epikarst). Chemical constituents related to agricultural inputs show important seasonal variations (coefficient of variation approximately 15%) and parameters linked to rainfall (18O) and to the aquifer (Ca2+, HCO3 ) present variations of less than 5%. This result indicates the importance of water storage in the epikarstic aquifer for periods of a few months.
Resumen La zona de ensayos de Milandre (Suiza) es un acuífero kárstico ideal para estudiar la heterogeneidad especial de la química de las aguas subterráneas. Se puede muestrear numerosos puntos de observación, incluyendo manantiales, ríos subterráneos y sus tributarios, y sondeos a diferentes profundidades. Las causas principales de la variabilidad espacial de los parámetros químicos son las siguientes: naturaleza y localización de la entrada, estructura de la zona de infiltración, reacciones químicas (tiempo de tránsito versus la cinética de las reacciones), y mezcla de aguas diferentes. Los gráficos hidroquímicos de los manantiales en el sistema kárstico representan la suma de esta heterogeneidad espacial. Por tanto, es difícil interpretar la respuesta química global con un modelo de mezcla simple de los subsistemas acuíferos (escorrentía, reservorio de la matriz, epikarst). Los parámetros asociados a aportaciones de origen agrícola muestran variaciones estacionales importantes, con un coeficiente de variación en torno al 5%, mientras que los parámetros vinculados a la precipitación (18O) y al acuífero (calcio, bicarbonato) presentan variaciones inferiores al 5%. Este resultado indica que se produce un almacenamiento importante de agua durante un par de meses en el acuífero epikárstico.

Résumé Le site test de Milandre est un aquifère karstique idéal pour étudier lhétérogénéité spatiale des éléments chimiques majeurs car de nombreux points dobservation sont accessibles : source, rivière souterraine et affluents, forages à différentes profondeurs. Les principales causes de la variabilité spatiale des paramètres chimiques sont : nature et localisation des intrants, la structure de la zone dinfiltration, la réactivité des paramètres (temps de transit vs. cinétique de réaction) et le mélange des eaux. Les chimiogrammes observés à la source du système karstique représentent la somme de cette hétérogénéité spatiale. Il est de fait difficile, pour un tel aquifère, dinterpréter la réponse chimique globale en termes de mélanges deau des différents sous-systèmes de laquifère (ruissellement, réservoir matriciel, épikarst). Les éléments chimiques correspondant aux intrants agricoles montrent des variations saisonnières relativement importantes (Coefficient de variation denviron 15%) alors que les paramètres liés à la pluie (18O) et à laquifère (Ca2+, HCO 3 ) présentent des variations de quelques pour cents. Un tel résultat indique un stockage deau dau minimum quelques mois dans lépikarst.

中国城市地质调查中的岩溶地质调查及评价方法处于探索阶段,目前尚缺技术规范与工作指南.笔者基于杭州城市的岩溶地质特征和杭州经济社会对岩溶地质调查的需求,以基本查明城区岩溶地质特征、岩溶塌陷重点区的稳定性评价为目标,采用充分利用前人资料、补充调查、重点解剖的工作思路,地质、物探及钻探、模糊层次分析评价相结合的工作方法,较大地提高了本区岩溶地质特征、岩溶塌陷预测的研究程度.并在开展调查及评价实践的同时,对工作方法进行了积极探索与初步研究.  相似文献   

针对中东地区油藏普遍存在油水界面倾斜的特征,以伊朗雅达(Yada)油田为例对其成因进行探讨。通过对层序界面三维地震资料精细解释,以及系统的构造演化分析,认为研究区油气成藏关键期集中于新生代扎格罗斯前陆盆地演化阶段,而该阶段经历了多期较强烈的南北向差异性构造活动,在扎格罗斯东西向持续挤压背景下,后期南北向构造反转形成的长轴背斜圈闭对早期古油藏短轴背斜圈闭进行改造,从而形成了油水界面倾斜、继承性构造高点含油幅度最大、构造反转越强油水过渡带跨度越大等特征的非稳态油气藏。结果表明,研究区南北向差异性构造演化控制了油气成藏模式和油藏形态。  相似文献   

为揭示岩溶洞穴沉积物对沉积环境与沉积过程的指示作用,文章在分析双河洞洞系形成过程及山王洞区域地质调查资料的基础上,选取贵州山王洞中段古河漫滩沉积物为研究对象,采用粒度分析法与萨胡公式对洞穴沉积物粒度特征与沉积环境的相关性进行分析,推断不同沉积韵律期的沉积环境演变过程,研究结果表明:(1)古河漫滩表层沉积物以极细砂、粉砂和黏土为主,平均含量达94.42%,且中上部含有一层粗砂砾夹层;(2)沉积模式主要为跳跃和悬浮沉积,水动力条件整体稳定,搬运颗粒粒径平均值为637 μm,其最大沉积物颗粒粒径为864.2 μm;(3)以沉积物粒度特征为依据,将古河漫滩沉积过程划分为三级沉积韵律,一级沉积韵律厚度为404~275 cm ,二级沉积韵律厚度为285~165 cm,三级沉积韵律厚度为165~0 cm。上述研究为确定区域侵蚀基准面和地层升降运动过程提供有力证明,也为山王洞古气候环境研究提供了重要依据。   相似文献   

为探讨湖南郴州万华岩景区上游岩溶古河道的存在性,丰富景区岩溶洞穴科普知识以推动地方旅游经济发展,探索性地应用高精度磁法、高密度电法、音频大地电磁测深法(EH4)等综合地球物理方法在景区上游进行了探测研究,其结果发现几处磁、电异常部位,并结合区内岩溶垮塌地貌形态、区域地质背景资料及野外地质调查成果,认为景区上游存在岩溶古河道,同时确定出岩溶古河道的剖面位置及平面走向。整个研究思路表明综合地球物理方法在研究岩溶古河道时具有可行性。   相似文献   

The concurrent use of karst aquifers as drinking water resources and receptors of combined sewer overflow lacking appropriate pre-treatment may cause conflicts between drinking water supply and storm water management. A storm water tank (SWT) for combined wastewater is identified as the source of sporadic contamination of a karst spring (Gallusquelle, “Schwäbische Alb”, SW Germany) used for public water supply. Spring water quality was examined by routine and event sampling and by evaluating physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The total number of microbial colonies growing at 20°C and the number of Escherichia coli colonies rose to values up to four orders of magnitude higher than background, 2–5 days after overflow of the SWT. High concentrations of chloride, sodium, and total organic carbon (TOC) and high values of turbidity coincide with this increase. However, high bacterial contamination is also observed while turbidity and TOC are low. Several wastewater-related organic micro-pollutants such as chlorinated and non-chlorinated organophosphates were detected in the SWT and, depending on their Kow values and their biodegradability, in lower concentrations at the spring.  相似文献   

山西柳林泉域地下水化学信息的因子—克立格分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文尝试将因子分析与克立格法相结合,用以分析柳林泉域地下水化学资料,获取到地下水成因,循环深度等方面的信息。研究表明,因子-克立格法是一种有效,实用的研究区域水文地质问题的分析方法。  相似文献   

Study of the concentration of major, trace, and rare earth elements (REE) in the Shahindezh karst bauxite deposit, northwestern Iran clarifies the relationship of the tetrad effect with geochemical parameters in the bauxite ores. The existence of irregular curves in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns as well as non-CHARAC behavior of geochemically isovalent pairs (Y/Ho) are related to the tetrad effect. The meaningful positive correlation between the sizes of the calculated T3 tetrad effect and some geochemical factors such as Y/Ho, ΣREE, La/Y, (La/Yb)N, and (LREE/HREE)N as well as some major oxides-based parameters like Al2O3 + LOI/SiO2 + Fe2O3, Al2O3/Fe2O3, Al2O3 + LOI, IOL, and SiO2 + Fe2O3 indicate that the studied bauxite horizon was likely deposited by different (acidic and/or alkalic) solutions at different stages. The lower part of the studied horizon with a thickness of ~4.7 m displays alkali characteristics whereas the upper parts of the horizon with a thickness of ~5.3 m are characterized by more acidic conditions. These results are fully supported by the co-occurrence of convex-concave tetrad effect curves in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns. Therefore, the tetrad effect phenomenon used in this study has proved to be a good and reliable geochemical proxy to assess the conditions of the depositional environment in the Shahindezh bauxite ores.  相似文献   

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