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The main aim of the present study was to detect species indicative of pollution impact on communities of soft-bottom fauna in Norwegian fjords. The work was based on the assumptions that increased pollutant load and lowered diversity are correlated and that different species respond differently to pollution.

Low diversity was caused by high dominance of a limited number of opportunistic species capable of reaching high densities in adverse environmental conditions, and by the recession of a number of species intolerant of such conditions. Pollutant load was a main cause of these structural changes. Classification of 100 common species according to their distribution along a diversity gradient comprising 150 stations are presented. About 45 species were significantly absent from the low-diversity stations. The presence of one or more of these species will indicate that the pollution impact is low or moderate. Certain groups of species can by collective absence indicate, if within a defined zoogeographical area, that the pollution impact is high.  相似文献   

Unlike many reactive continental shelf mud deposits in temperate regions, bacteria and microfauna rather than macrofauna typically dominate benthic biomass and activities over large areas of the Gulf of Papua (GoP) deltaic complex, Papua New Guinea. During mid NW monsoon periods (Jan–Feb), macrofaunal densities at Gulf stations were relatively low (), large macroinfauna were absent (upper 25 cm), and small (), surface deposit-feeding polychaetes and tubiculous amphipods were dominant, reflecting a frequently destabilized seabed and high sedimentation/erosion rates. Although frequent physical disturbance generally inhibits development of macrobenthic communities, some regions of the Gulf deposits are periodically colonized and extensively bioturbated during quiescent periods, as shown by preserved biogenic sedimentary structures. Bacterial inventories integrated over the top 20 cm were extremely variable within each sub region of the clinoform complex. A possible bimodal pattern with bathymetric depth and distance offshore may occur: lowest-inventories within the sandy, proximal Fly River delta, an open Gulf inner topset zone (10–20 m) having sites of relatively high inventories, an open Gulf mid-topset region with intermediate values and less extreme variation, and the outer topset—upper foreset zone (40–50 m) where highest values are attained (). Various measures of microbial activity, including measures proportional to the cellular rRNA content and the proportion of dividing cells, indicate extremely productive populations over the upper 1-m of the seabed throughout the Gulf of Papua region. Bacterial biomass (0–20 cm) including data of Alongi et al. (1991, 1992, 1995) varied from a low of in intertidal mud banks to a high of in the topset—foreset zone. Macrofaunal biomass did not exceed in any sampled region, ranging from 0.009±0 to with no obvious correlation with bathymetric depth (1–63 m). Meiofaunal biomass was generally an order of magnitude lower than macrofaunal biomass. Relatively elevated bacterial biomass and high turnover rates are consistent with high measured rates of benthic remineralization, presumably reflecting the rapid response time of bacteria to physical reworking, the associated entrainment of organic substrate, and flushing of metabolites. Solute exchange is also enhanced below the directly mixed surface region, possibly producing ‘far field’ stimulation of microbes in underlying deposits. Physical reworking and reoxidation of sediments between 10 and 50 m water depth maintain suboxic, nonsulfidic conditions in the upper 0.5–1 m despite active microbial communities and high benthic remineralization rates.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis approach was used to assess the effect of dredging induced changes in sediment composition, under different conditions of natural physical disturbance, for the structure and function of marine benthic macrofaunal communities. Results showed the sensitivity of macrofaunal communities increased as both the proportion of gravel increased and the level of natural physical disturbance decreased. These findings may be explained by the close association of certain taxa with the gravel fraction, and the influence of natural physical disturbance which, as it increases, tends to restrict the colonisation by these species. We conclude that maintaining the gravel content of surface sediments after dredging and, where practicable, locating extraction sites in areas of higher natural disturbance will minimise the potential for long-term negative impacts on the macrofauna.  相似文献   

Three multi-metric benthic macrofauna indices were used to assess marine benthic ecological quality status (EcoQS) according to the European Water Framework Directive, in seven pollution gradients mainly, western Scandinavia. The impacts included organic load, hypoxia, metals, urban effluents and physical disturbance. The indices responded in a similar threshold fashion, irrespective of impact factor identity. Usually, the border between Good and Moderate EcoQS (G/M), is determined as some deviation from a reference situation. References, however, are difficult to find. An alternative procedure is described to estimate the G/M border, not requiring reference data. Thresholds, where faunal structure deterioration commences, were identified from non-linear regressions between indices and impact factors. Index values from the less impacted side of the thresholds were assumed to come from environments of Good and High EcoQS, and the 5th percentile of these data, was defined as the G/M border. Estimated G/M borders compared well with previous studies.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals are common chemical contaminants in estuaries receiving effluent from wastewater and sewage treatment facilities. The purpose of this research was to examine benthic microalgal (BMA) community responses to sublethal exposures to tylosin, a common and environmentally persistent antibiotic. Bioassays, using concentrations of 0.011–218 μmol tylosin l−1, were performed on intertidal muddy sediments from North Inlet Estuary, SC. Exposure to tylosin resulted in a reduction in total BMA biomass and primary productivity. Furthermore, exposure seemed to retard diatom growth while having a minimal effect on cyanobacteria biomass. Estuarine systems receiving chronic inputs of trace concentrations of tylosin, as well as other antibiotics, may experience significant reductions in BMA biomass and primary productivity. Given the well-documented role of BMA in the trophodynamics of estuaries, these impacts will likely be manifested in higher trophic levels with possible impairments of the structure and function of these sensitive systems.  相似文献   

Infralittoral soft-bottom macrofauna abundance data collected during four-year surveys after the Aegean Sea (Galicia, Spain) and the Amoco Cadiz oil spill (Brittany, France) at a total of seven sites were analysed at three different taxonomic levels (species, genus, and family). The effects of the spills on macrofauna populations were very similar in the two areas. The post-spill time-courses of Shannon-Weaver diversity values were similar regardless of whether species-, genus- or family-level data were used. Non-metric multidimensional scaling identified well-defined groups of samples corresponding to different times post-spill, and again the results obtained were very similar regardless of the taxonomic level considered. In general, the use of genus- or family-level data did not lead to relevant information loss by comparison with species-level data. In view of these findings and those of previous studies of this type, we conclude that family-level data is generally sufficient for monitoring pollution effects in infralittoral soft-bottom environments.  相似文献   

The eastern Mediterranean is naturally highly oligotrophic, but urbanization along the Levant coast has led to raised organic and nutrient loads. This study tracks living foraminiferal assemblages at two sites near an activated sewage sludge outfall from 11/2003 to 5/2004. Oligotrophic site PL29 shows seasonal variations in O2, chlorophyll a, and organic carbon, and has an abundant, diverse benthic foraminiferal assemblage living at various in-sediment depths. At eutrophic site PL3, ∼16 years of sludge injection favor a depleted assemblage primarily of opportunist foraminifera. This site shows less seasonality, is subjected to organic matter overload, O2-stress, and periodic anoxia, foraminifera are less abundant and diverse, and live at shallower depths. The assemblages at both sites represent a common pool of species, with Ammonia tepida highly dominant. Benthic foraminifera were therefore found to be sensitive to trophic trajectories, respond on sub-seasonal time-scales, and track injection and dispersal of organic loads on the shelf.  相似文献   

The author describes experimental and observational approaches to establishing standards for pollutants and stresses the need for the use of more realistic experimental models than, for example, the simple short-term toxicity test and for more sensitive procedures to detect and analyse environmental change and damage than the simple classification systems and indices so widely used in the past.  相似文献   

The ocean floor is one of the main accumulation sites of marine debris. The study of this kind of debris still lags behind that of shorelines. It is necessary to identify the methods used to evaluate this debris and how the results are presented and interpreted. From the available literature on benthic marine debris (26 studies), six sampling methods were registered: bottom trawl net, sonar, submersible, snorkeling, scuba diving and manta tow. The most frequent method used was bottom trawl net, followed by the three methods of diving. The majority of the debris was classified according to their former use and the results usually expressed as items per unity of area. To facilitate comparisons of the contamination levels among sites and regions some standardization requirements are suggested.  相似文献   

A brackish lagoon near Marseilles now receives an erratic inflow of fresh water. The fauna and flora were studied before and after the construction of a canal which introduces the fresh water. Instead of the expected change from a marine-dominated to a brackish biota, a general impoverishment has resulted. Increasing urbanization and industrialization of the area is causing extensive deterioration of the coastal environment of which this lagoon forms a part.  相似文献   

Structure and composition of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were investigated during three consecutive years in six headwater streams that exhibit a high variation in environmental conditions, habitat structure and predatory pressure. We examined whether the abundance of functional feeding groups could be best predicted by the abundance of predators and some habitat and chemical variables. Mean density and biomass of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups varied significantly throughout the study area. Stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that both density and biomass of functional feeding groups was influenced primarily by chemical features of water. Shredder biomass and scraper density were also influenced by habitat features, the abundance of scrapers increasing in deeper localities at lower altitudes and with abundant macrophytes. The abundance of predatory invertebrates was related to the density and biomass of benthic prey. An influence of fish predation on invertebrate communities was not observed in the study streams. The finding that benthic communities in undisturbed headwater streams are mainly affected by water chemistry variables irrespective of fish predation and habitat features clearly highlight the sensitivity of functional feeding groups to changes in chemical features and their role as indicators for bioassessment.  相似文献   

An environmental survey was carried out in May 1981 at the intertidal and subtidal zone of Sungai (River) Bera, where Brunei Shell Petroleum Company discharges wastewater from its operations. Two reference sites, Sungai Lumut and Sungai Tali, situated northeast of Sungai Bera were also studied. In addition to sampling the macrobenthic communities, hydrocarbon, metal levels, and particle size distribution of the sediments were also studied.Populations of intertidal and subtidal macrobenthic organisms at Sungai Bera were very much lower when compared to those at Sungai Tali and Sungai Lumut. The hydrocarbon levels were highest at Sungai Bera, and least at Sungai Lumut. The distribution pattern corresponds well with the levels of hydrocarbons found at the three sites. Hydrocarbons found at the three sites were of petrogenic origin.The effects of the wastewater discharged on the intertidal zone were very localized, confined mainly to Sungai Bera. The hydrocarbon levels at Sungai Tali were almost the same as those at Sungai Lumut. No deleterious effects on the macrobenthic community were detected at these two sites.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2009,58(6-12):652-661
An in situ monitoring of the sediment characteristics and macrobenthic communities was undertaken at a marine fish culture site in subtropical waters of Hong Kong before and after the deployment of biofilters which were made of cement concrete artificial reef (AR) structures. According to the distance to the boundary of the fish cages, 6 points were selected as sampling stations: 2 at the fish cages, 2 near the boundary of the fish culture area, and 2 reference sites further away from the culture area. Bimonthly sediment samples were collected for analysis of silt-clay fraction (SCF), moisture content (MC), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP). The macrobenthos (>0.5 mm) present in the sediment were sorted, identified and enumerated. TOC, TKN and TP levels at the fish cage stations were consistently higher than those at the reference stations over the 1-year pre-AR and 2-year post-AR deployment monitoring period. The diversity of macrofauna was significantly reduced at the fish cage stations relative to the reference sites. The intermediary stations near the fish culture area showed a transitional state of disturbance. Over the 2-year post-AR deployment period, TOC, TKN and TP showed a decreasing trend at the fish cage and intermediary stations. More diverse macrofaunal communities were recorded at the fish cage stations, with species diversity H′increasing from 0–1 at the beginning of the AR deployment to H > 2 at the end of the study. The present results demonstrated that artificial reefs can improve the benthic abiotic environment and biotic conditions beneath fish rafts which are deteriorated due to farming activities.  相似文献   

An in situ monitoring of the sediment characteristics and macrobenthic communities was undertaken at a marine fish culture site in subtropical waters of Hong Kong before and after the deployment of biofilters which were made of cement concrete artificial reef (AR) structures. According to the distance to the boundary of the fish cages, 6 points were selected as sampling stations: 2 at the fish cages, 2 near the boundary of the fish culture area, and 2 reference sites further away from the culture area. Bimonthly sediment samples were collected for analysis of silt-clay fraction (SCF), moisture content (MC), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP). The macrobenthos (>0.5mm) present in the sediment were sorted, identified and enumerated. TOC, TKN and TP levels at the fish cage stations were consistently higher than those at the reference stations over the 1-year pre-AR and 2-year post-AR deployment monitoring period. The diversity of macrofauna was significantly reduced at the fish cage stations relative to the reference sites. The intermediary stations near the fish culture area showed a transitional state of disturbance. Over the 2-year post-AR deployment period, TOC, TKN and TP showed a decreasing trend at the fish cage and intermediary stations. More diverse macrofaunal communities were recorded at the fish cage stations, with species diversity H'increasing from 0-1 at the beginning of the AR deployment to H'>2 at the end of the study. The present results demonstrated that artificial reefs can improve the benthic abiotic environment and biotic conditions beneath fish rafts which are deteriorated due to farming activities.  相似文献   

The ecology of phytoplankton reservoir communities plays a pivotal role in their management and in the development of inland fisheries in the water scarce semi-arid regions of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. The hydrological conditions characterizing these reservoirs include infrequent rainfall and high evaporative loses. The phytoplankton assemblages in tropical climate are structured primarily on dry and wet cycles, not the annual temperature and light regime. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the ecological aspects of phytoplankton communities from three reservoirs during the period of July 2003–June 2004, which include atypical summer rainfall and reservoir overflow. The environmental data broadly divided into two categories, stress factors and disturbance factors. The stress factors deals with the impact of high particulate organic matter and low dissolved oxygen concentrations and disturbance factors, linked to water level fluctuation through flushing and reservoir drawdown, and these events are associated with the phytoplankton assemblages. Results indicated that the three distinct hydroperiods determined the structure of phytoplankton and chlorophyll levels and limited the presence and relative abundance of cyanobacterial species. Phytoplankton succession accompanied changes in clear and turbid water phase represented by the alternate dominance between diatoms and chlorophytes. Inundation and complete filling of reservoir stimulated “s” and “r” strategists species (<20 um) of unicellular and some colonial members of chlorophytes and cryptomonads in highly turbid water environment, and “c” strategist species in rest of the wet period following disturbance gradients. Statistical analysis elicited a significant relationship between particulate organic matter and relative abundance of smaller chlorophytes, which was deemed as stress factor. The flushing and reservoir drawdown indicate disturbance gradient and as a consequence high diversity. Furthermore, a substantial reduction in chlorophyll levels was registered in turbid water phase is related to the reduction of light penetration and re-suspension of sediments. Considering these results, it can be suggested that the well-managed reservoir drawdown can possibly maintain an environment free of eutrophication and cyanobacterial dominance.  相似文献   

The present study examines the benthos within western inner Swansea Bay (Wales, UK), for the period before, during and immediately after the cessation of a major, sewage discharge from Mumbles Head. There have been significant improvements in seawater quality and changes in the species composition of the benthic communities following the cessation of the sewage discharge. There has been an increase in the diversity of deposit feeders, especially the amphipods, and a decrease in the diversity of the filter feeders, especially the polychaetes. Changes are not attributable either to sediment organic matter content or to gross changes in sediment type, but are related to the significant reduction in suspended particulate organic material and sewage contaminants discharged to the Bay. A recovery model has been proposed to describe how soft sediment benthic communities in a shallow, sublittoral, high tidal energy environment respond to the abrupt cessation of a major sewage discharge.  相似文献   

An understanding of undesirable disturbance to the balance of organisms is needed to diagnose marine eutrophication as defined by EU Directives and OSPAR. This review summarizes the findings of the UK Defra-funded Undesirable Disturbance Study Team, which concluded that 'an undesirable disturbance is a perturbation of a marine ecosystem that appreciably degrades the health or threatens the sustainable human use of that ecosystem'. A methodology is proposed for detecting disturbance of temperate salt-water communities dominated by phytoplanktonic or phytobenthic primary producers. It relies on monitoring indicators of ecosystem structure and vigour, which are components of health. Undesirable disturbance can be diagnosed by accumulating evidence of ecohydrodynamic type-specific changes in: (i) bulk indicators; (ii) frequency statistics; (iii) flux measurements; (iv) structural indicators; and (v) indicator species. These are exemplified by (i) chlorophyll, transparency, dissolved oxygen, and opportunistic seaweed cover; (ii) HABs frequency; (iii) primary production; (iv) benthic and planktonic 'trophic indices'; (v) seagrasses and Nephrops norvegicus. Ecological Quality Objectives are proposed for some of these. Linking the diagnosis to eutrophication requires correlation of changes with nutrient enrichment. The methodology, which requires the development of a plankton community index and emphasizes the importance of primary production as an indicator of vigour, can be harmonized with the EU Water Framework Directive and OSPAR's Strategy to Combat Eutrophication.  相似文献   

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