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The Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) was approved by the Department of Commerce as Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 173 on July 29, 1992. As a FIPS, the SDTS will serve as the national spatial data transfer mechanism for all federal agencies and will be available for use by state and local governments, the private sector, and research organizations. FIPS 173 will transfer digital spatial data sets between different computer systems, making data sharing practicable. This standard is of significant interest to users and producers of digital spatial data because of the potential for increased access to and sharing of spatial data, the reduction of information loss in data exchange, the elimination of the duplication of data acquisition, and the increase in the quality and integrity of spatial data. The success of FIPS 173 will depend on its acceptance by users of spatial data and by vendors of spatial information systems. Comprehensive workshops are being conducted, and the tools and procedures necessary to support FIPS 173 implementations are being developed. The U.S. Geological Survey, as the FIPS 173 maintenance authority, is committed to involving the spatial data community in various activities to promote acceptance of FIPS 173 and to providing case examples of prototype FIPS 173 implementations. Only by participating in these activities will the members of the spatial data community understand the role and impact of this standard.  相似文献   

吴炳方  高峰  何国金  张宁  曾红伟 《遥感学报》2016,20(6):1479-1484
本文是国家重点研发计划"全球变化及应对"专项之"全球变化大数据的科学认知与云共享平台"项目介绍。针对中国全球变化数据"数据海量、信息缺乏、知识难觅"的困局,项目力图通过联合中国对地观测领域、大气科学领域、气候变化研究领域的优势力量,建成具有中国特色的全球变化大数据共享平台,践行破除信息数据"深藏闺中"的壁垒。该平台将集大数据快速汇聚、大尺度产品快速生成、不确定性分析、大数据驱动的全球变化敏感因子认知于一体,一方面为中国全球变化研究提供中国区域最好的全球变化大数据集,另一方面为在国际相关活动中,掌握全球变化问题的主导权,发出中国的倡议与声音提供应有的支持。  相似文献   

海南省遥感大数据服务平台建设与应用示范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间信息技术产业是国家战略性新兴产业。遥感技术的多元化应用和海量数据使得空间信息技术与大数据时代接轨成为现实。海南省是中国最大的省级经济特区。依靠独特的自然地理环境,海南省目前正在实施国际旅游岛、南海战略和21世纪海上丝绸之路重要战略支点等国家战略;坚持生态立省的原则,海南省也是国家生态文明试验区。2016年立项的海南省重大科技计划——"海南省遥感大数据服务平台建设与应用示范"项目,以天空地一体化的空间科技为切入点,基于遥感、导航、GIS等天空地一体化技术手段,建设以海南遥感大数据云为代表的大数据基础设施和智能化共享服务平台,实现海南省典型行业的空间技术应用示范,满足面向新时期海南省社会经济发展中对空间信息产品的快捷、准确、个性化共享服务需求。项目重点攻克了大规模空间观测数据和信息产品共享中的多项关键技术难题,消除目前空间数据分散和信息孤岛现象,提高空间信息获取的准确性和时效性,实现信息资源共享和高效服务。在天空地一体化遥感大数据服务平台下,项目围绕海岸带、农业、林业、旅游、城市环境等典型行业领域开展应用示范,构建省级典型行业领域应用服务信息系统,提供及时有效的动态监测信息和科学决策,以进一步提升政府部门在资源环境管理方面的能力和水平,实现全省资源、环境、经济、社会协调可持续发展。  相似文献   

目前行业内普遍存在难以实现海量空间数据快速服务(包括快速存取、显示、检索、分发和在线服务)的难题,制约了自然资源数据的共享应用。针对上述问题,本文提出了一套"基于分布式列式数据库和Hilbert空间编码规则优化海量空间数据的存取、检索、显示效率"的解决方案,对其具体技术路线进行了详细阐述,并进一步介绍了大数据快速服务平台研发和推广情况。本文旨为满足新时代经济社会发展对海量空间信息快速服务的迫切需求。  相似文献   

The future information needs of stakeholders for hydrogeological and hydro‐climate data management and assessment in New Zealand may be met with an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards‐compliant publicly accessible web services framework which aims to provide integrated use of groundwater information and environmental observation data in general. The stages of the framework development described in this article are search and discovery as well as data collection and access with (meta)data services, which are developed in a community process. The concept and prototype implementation of OGC‐compliant web services for groundwater and hydro‐climate data include demonstration data services that present multiple distributed datasets of environmental observations. The results also iterate over the stakeholder community process and the refined profile of OGC services for environmental observation data sharing within the New Zealand Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) landscape, including datasets from the National Groundwater Monitoring Program and the New Zealand Climate Database along with datasets from affiliated regional councils at regional‐ and sub‐regional scales. With the definition of the New Zealand observation data profile we show that current state‐of‐the‐art standards do not necessarily need to be improved, but that the community has to agree upon how to use these standards in an iterative process.  相似文献   

舒飞跃  闾国年  陆婧 《测绘工程》2010,19(5):6-10,14
通过对空间数据知识的介绍和规则归类,研究土地管理空间数据知识与规则体系框架模型,为解决土地管理空间数据的共享、应用探索可行途径。借鉴知识工程的基于领域知识解决数据共享、软件重用等问题的理论与方法,采取比较研究的方法,对比研究GIS一般领域和土地管理领域的知识与规则的相关理论。提出新的空间数据分类方法以及空间数据知识和规则体系的一般框架和挖掘路线,建立一个新的土地管理空间知识体系框架。  相似文献   

蔡周平 《北京测绘》2020,(2):190-193
国内Cesium地图引擎研究处于起步阶段,针对当前基于Cesium智慧社区开发贫乏问题,本文基于Cesium和WebGL技术进行开发试探,建立了基于倾斜摄影模型的三维智慧社区系统。通过导出Cesium 3D Tiles、搭建开发平台和相关类库函数调用,实现了三维智慧社区可视化控制、空间测量、可视性分析和空间查询功能。实验结果表明,Cesium和WebGL类库函数功能强大,开发方法简单,构建的三维智慧社区系统兼容性、开放性与可移植性强,支持倾斜三维模型海量数据加载与并发访问,有效降低系统建设成本,不失为一种轻量级智慧社区Web开发方法。  相似文献   

空间数据共享及互操作是伴随WebGIS技术发展的重要研究课题,如何有针对性地访问可共享的数据资源是一个值得迫切解决的问题。本文针对网上空间数据访问引入SVG技术对地图要素进行表达、组织,通过元数据信息内容为用户提供数据的诸如质量、加工过程、表达形式等"预见性"信息,综合运用SVG 1.0标准、VC++,JavaScript等技术建立多尺度电子地图网上共享模型,该模型为用户提供了在因特网上共享空间数据的一种方法。  相似文献   

Deeply integrating Linked Data with Geographic Information Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The realization that knowledge often forms a densely interconnected graph has fueled the development of graph databases, Web‐scale knowledge graphs and query languages for them, novel visualization and query paradigms, as well as new machine learning methods tailored to graphs as data structures. One such example is the densely connected and global Linked Data cloud that contains billions of statements about numerous domains, including life science and geography. While Linked Data has found its way into everyday applications such as search engines and question answering systems, there is a growing disconnect between the classical ways in which Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are still used today and the open‐ended, exploratory approaches used to retrieve and consume data from knowledge graphs such as Linked Data. In this work, we conceptualize and prototypically implement a Linked Data connector framework as a set of toolboxes for Esri's ArcGIS to close this gap and enable the retrieval, integration, and analysis of Linked Data from within GIS. We discuss how to connect to Linked Data endpoints, how to use ontologies to probe data and derive appropriate GIS representations on the fly, how to make use of reasoning, how to derive data that are ready for spatial analysis out of RDF triples, and, most importantly, how to utilize the link structure of Linked Data to enable analysis. The proposed Linked Data connector framework can also be regarded as the first step toward a guided geographic question answering system over geographic knowledge graphs.  相似文献   

地理空间数据共享机制研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
地理空间数据是地理信息系统的重要组成部分,是国家空间数据基础设施建设的主体,但地理空间数据的多样性导致了数据共享的困难。文中探讨了产生地理空间数据多样性的原因,分析总结了现有的地理空间数据共享的解决方案,并对地理空间数据共享的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

建设黄河“智能大脑”服务流域生态保护和高质量发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了黄河流域水文、地理景观和地貌特征,下游河道变迁和河口变迁历史及生态治理,流域历史水旱灾害等基本背景,分析了黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展面临的主要问题和具有的优势。然后重点论述黄河“智能大脑”如何服务流域保护和发展,提出黄河“智能大脑”三要素,即感知系统(天地一体智能感知网)、存储管理系统(资源池)和操作系统(时空大数据平台);论述了流域一体化时空大数据中心的构成及其基本功能,时空大数据平台及其目标要求,分析并提出了基于网格集成与弹性云的混合式时空大数据平台技术体制和构建技术,提出采用“共用时空大数据平台+”应用概念模型及其具体应用模式。最后讨论了时空大数据平台服务黄河流域城市数字化、网络化和智能化,加强流域上中下游7大城市群的新型智慧城市建设,推动流域生态保护和社会经济发展,提出基于流域时空大数据平台构建服务保护和发展的综合科技信息咨询服务平台,支撑流域协同创新共同体构建,增强流域整体性和协同性发展。  相似文献   

多源地理矢量空间数据融合研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
杨灿  汪齐松 《测绘通报》2019,(12):112-115
随着地理信息大数据时代的到来,地理信息与多个行业领域日益深度融合,产生了海量的多源异构数据。多源丰富的空间数据为经济社会发展提供基础支撑作用的同时,其异构性也给数据共享和应用带来了问题与挑战。针对地理空间数据多源、异构、不一致性的现状及特点,本文提出了数据库模式融合与数据库实例融合为一体的多源地理空间数据融合流程与方法,并以基础地理信息、地理国情普查等实例数据进行了分析,为多源空间数据共享与应用提供了解决思路。  相似文献   

国土资源海量空间数据的集成与共享一直是国土资源信息化建设中的重要难点问题之一。SOA技术的发展及其在GIS中的应用,为地理空间数据的集成与共享提供了新的技术手段,本文从国土资源空间数据集成与共享的应用需求出发,对基于SOA的国土资源空间数据集成与共享的分层结构进行了分析,同时,对国土资源空间数据的多级集成及共享进行了探讨。  相似文献   

For more than a decade, efforts to develop and specify the U.S. Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) have on many occasions encountered limitations in both theory and "gaps in our knowledge" which have hindered its development. This work examines broad categories of these limitations from the perspective of research needs, to encourage further research on these topics. Areas in need of further study include fundamental concepts, the specification and use of spatial objects, spatial data quality, entity definitions, the data transfer mechanism, and international comparison of transfer mechanisms. In many cases recent research progress has been made in these areas and this progress is pointed out. A number of high-priority research areas are identified. It is hoped that this work will encourage more research effort to be directed towards these areas, which will benefit not only the development of spatial data transfer standards but also the spatial data sciences in general.  相似文献   

Data are increasingly spatio‐temporal—they are collected some‐where and at some‐time. The role of proximity in spatial process is well understood, but its value is much more uncertain for many temporal processes. Using the domain of land cover/land use (LCLU), this article asserts that analyses of big data should be grounded in understandings of underlying process. Processes exhibit behaviors over both space and time. Observations and measurements may or may not coincide with the process of interest. Identifying the presence or absence of a given process, for instance disentangling vegetation phenology from stress, requires data analysis to be informed by knowledge of the process characteristics and, critically, how these manifest themselves over the spatio‐temporal unit of analysis. Drawing from LCLU, we emphasize the need to identify process and consider process phase to quantify important signals associated with that process. The aim should be to link the seriality of the spatio‐temporal data to the phase of the process being considered. We elucidate on these points and opportunities for insights and leadership from the geographic community.  相似文献   

WebGIS优势是通过互联网对地理空间数据进行发布和应用,以实现空间数据的共享和相互操作。将WebGIS和富客户端技术引入Web服务器日志管理领域,从总体设计、数据库设计、实现框架等几个方面设计了Web服务器日志管理系统开发框架,并开发了某工业园区信息共享平台日志管理系统。该系统可以高效便捷地实现网络访问数据空间可视化、访问流量在线监控、访问数据统计与分析等功能,为Web服务器运行维护提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionKingGeorgeIsland (SouthShetlandIslands,Antarctica)isoneofthemostdenselypopulatedar easinAntarctica .Permanentstationsofninediffer entnationsandanairstripsuitableforhugeair craftsarelocatedonitsicefreeareas.Theseareascompriselessthan 5%oftheisl…  相似文献   

目前,实现流域多源异构的海量数据共享成为迫切需要。由于流域数据的特殊性,基于胖客户端(C/S)和瘦客户端(B/S)的数据共享体系架构不能满足用户的正常需求。而智能客户端(SmartClient)技术有效地结合了C/S和B/S的优点,能适应多种客户端使用情况和不同的运行环境。本文以太湖流域为例,在.net环境下,采用智能客户端技术,为流域数据提供统一、高效、可靠的共享平台。  相似文献   

城市GIS中空间数据的共享研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从城市GIS空间数据的特点及共享的必要性、空间数据共享的法制建设和技术支持及空间数据共享的主要模式等方面对空间数据共享进行简要分析,为进一步研究空间数据共享做简单的理论准备.  相似文献   

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