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A sea floor magnetometer for the continental shelf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurement of temporal magnetic variations on the sea floor is desirable in order to extend the technique of geomagnetic depth sounding into the oceans. This paper describes a recording three-component sea floor magnetometer and its use in continental shelf depths. The orientation and tilt of the instrument on the sea floor are recorded using gelatine solutions to freeze a compass card and a ball-bearing, respectively. A backing-off procedure initially nulls the magnetic field components along each of the three mutually orthogonal fluxgate sensors. Magnetic variations along each sensor axis are then recorded within a range of ± 300 nT of these nulled positions. The resolution is ± 1 nT, and with a power drain of 800 mW the magnetometer can record continuously for 30 days. The instrument capsule is moored to surface buoys for recovery in continental shelf applications. The buoys may have marker flags, radar reflectors or radio beacons attached to them to aid in relocation.  相似文献   


A logical approach to large area sea floor strain measurement is to use a set of precision acoustic transponders interrogated successively from a large number of different positions by a near‐bottom survey vehicle. Limiting errors in such an approach can be segregated into two classes implying two different scales on which averaging should be carried out. First are those arising from individual travel time and vehicle depth measurements. Second are those associated with imperfect knowledge of the sound propagation speed. The first are essentially independent from one measurement to the next; for the second, statistically independent observations must be separated by the order of 100 m. Several thousand observations of successive travel times to individual transponders would thus be smoothed to produce the equivalent of a smaller number (few hundred) of sets of simultaneous range observations, and then these sets would be used to determine the transponder array geometry. Computer simulations using realistic assumptions show that centimeter‐level accuracy can be achieved over areas several kilometers across.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the parameters derived through deep-sea precision CTD-probings, characteristic of the structure of the near-bottom boundaries layer, specifically, the depth of the layer's upper boundary and the mean vertical potential temperature/salinity gradients, as well as the density ratio over the layer of the near-bottom convection. The peculiarities of the parameters' spatial distribution have been identified. The conclusion derived from the analysis of the model implies that the near-bottom boundary layer occurs, aside from the presence of the bottom geothermal heat flux, due to the strong dependence of the Bosphorus salt flux on stratification. The dependence of the Black Sea buoyancy flux and vertical diffusion coefficient on depth has been estimated. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin  相似文献   

Long-term, continuous, and real-time ocean monitoring has been undertaken in order to evaluate various oceanographic phenomena and processes in the East/Japan Sea. Recent technical advances combined with our concerted efforts have allowed us to establish a real-time monitoring system and to accumulate considerable knowledge on what has been taking place in water properties, current systems, and circulation in the East Sea. We have obtained information on volume transport across the Korea Strait through cable voltage measurements and continuous temperature and salinity profile data from ARGO floats placed throughout entire East Sea since 1997. These ARGO float data have been utilized to estimate deep current, inertial kinetic energy, and changes in water mass, especially in the northern East Sea. We have also developed the East Sea Real-time Ocean Buoy (ESROB) in coastal regions and made continual improvements till it has evolved into the most up-to-date and effective monitoring system as a result of remarkable technical progress in data communication systems. Atmospheric and oceanic measurements by ESROB have contributed to the recognition of coastal wind variability, current fluctuations, and internal waves near and off the eastern coast of Korea. Long-term current meter moorings have been in operation since 1996 between Ulleungdo and Dokdo to monitor the interbasin deep water exchanges between the Japanese and Ulleung Basins. In addition, remotely sensed satellite data could facilitate the investigation of atmospheric and oceanic surface conditions such as sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface height, near-surface winds, oceanic color, surface roughness, and so on. These satellite data revealed surface frontal structures with a fairly good spatial resolution, seasonal cycle of SST, atmospheric wind forcing, geostrophic current anomalies, and biogeochemical processes associated with physical forcing and processes. Since the East Sea has been recognized as a natural laboratory for global oceanic changes and a clue to abrupt climate change, we aim at constructing a 4-D continuous real-time monitoring system, over a decade at least, using the most advanced techniques to understand a variety of oceanic processes in the East Sea.  相似文献   

卫星遥感海冰监测系统在渤海海冰监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海冰是渤海冬季常见的一种海洋灾害,对渤海海冰的监测是海洋防灾减灾的重要一环.本文初步分析了卫星遥感监测渤海海冰的能力,介绍了一种结合多遥感卫星数据源的海冰监测系统的搭建方法,该系统实现了从数据输入、预处理直至海冰信息提取、成果输出全过程的处理功能.最后介绍了该系统建成后在2010-2011年冬季渤海海冰监测中的应用情况...  相似文献   

The autonomous drifting buoys equipped with satellite link turn into one of the most important components of the global system of operative observations of the ocean and the surface layer of the atmosphere. However, on the regional level, the problem of analysis of the surface circulation of waters in the coastal zone and sea straits remains quite urgent because the available drifters cannot be used in this case due to their sizes and long intervals between measurements. We present the results of development and testing of a new drifter system aimed at measuring currents. The system is based on the use of buoys operating at depths less than 1 m. To improve the space-and-time resolution of measurements, the buoys are equipped with receivers of the global positioning system (GPS) and GSM modems for the data transfer via cellular communication networks. The drifter system guarantees the possibility of determination of the coordinates of buoys with a resolution of 3 min in time and 14 m in space. We describe the specific features of the design of the proposed information-and-measuring drifter system and present the first results of application of new buoys called “minidrifters” for the pilot monitoring of currents in the Kerch Strait.  相似文献   

Sea floor spreading anomalies in the Lofoten-Greenland basins reveal an unstable plate boundary characterized by several small-offset transforms for a period of 4 m.y. after opening. North of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone, integrated analysis of magnetic and seismic data also document a distinct, persistent magnetic anomaly associated with the continent-ocean boundary and a locally, robust anomaly along the inner boundary of the break-up lavas. These results provide improved constraints on early opening plate reconstructions, which include a new anomaly 23-to-opening pole of rotation yielding more northerly relative motion vectors than previously recognized; and a solution of the enigmatic, azimuthal difference between the conjugate Eocene parts of the Greenland-Senja Fracture Zone if the Greenland Ridge is considered a continental sliver. The results confirm high, 2.36–2.40 cm yr–1, early opening spreading rates, and are consistent with the start of sea floor spreading during Chron 24r. The potential field data along the landward prolongations of the Bivrost Fracture Zone suggest that its location is determined by a Mesozoic transfer system which has acted as a first-order, across-margin tectono-magmatic boundary between the regional Jan Mayen and Greenland-Senja Fracture Zone systems, greatly influencing the pre-, syn- and post-breakup margin development.  相似文献   

基于波浪作用下软质海崖的侵蚀机理,考虑波浪水动力和海崖土质条件,建立了一种波浪作用下软质海崖侵蚀量的计算模型,利用室内水槽试验进行验证和参数回归,并使用该模型计算了平潭岛东北部软质海崖的侵蚀状况,与实测数据进行对比分析。研究发现:(1)海崖最大侵蚀量基本发生在静水位线处,随波浪持续作用,最大侵蚀量位置有所上移,当波浪持续作用一定时间时侵蚀基本停止;(2)当波高超过某一临界值时,侵蚀才会发生,而波高非常大的波浪对侵蚀的贡献相对不是很大;(3)平潭岛东北部的两处海崖,每次强台风连续作用8h时的侵蚀距离计算值为0.31m和0.25m。  相似文献   

A laser line scan system was used to characterize the high-resolution spatial variability and temporal evolution of the sea floor as a function of environmental conditions for a small section of the sea floor in the Gulf of Mexico during a period of nine days. High-resolution bathymetric profiles (<1 mm) covering about two sand ripple periods on the sea floor were acquired over a one-dimensional transect 1.35 m in length. The system was also used to measure reflectance and to produce three-dimensional bottom maps of the test area. Over the nine-day period, the sand ripple peak-to-trough height was observed to decrease slowly from about 2.5 cm to about 2.0 cm. Similar gradual changes we also observed in the time-evolution of bottom profile correlations and of the bottom roughness spectra. However, when smaller sections were examined individually, the time-evolution of the profile correlation was observed to vary acutely and in a transitory manner in some regions but not in others, and without preference for crests or troughs. In general, bottom roughness for spatial frequencies greater than 0.044 cycles/cm completely decorrelated within 20-30 h. However, this gradual trend was also marked by acute and transitory changes in bottom topography believed to be primarily from fish feeding on epibenthic prey.  相似文献   

A 250 km2 area of abyssal hills in the vicinity of 14°N, 126°W (between the Clarion and Clipperton Fracture Zones in the Equatorial Pacific) was surveyed in detail using an instrument package towed close to the deep sea floor, the MPL Deep Tow device. Both topography and near bottom magnetic field are lineated perpendicular to the major fracture zones. Except for a few localized depressions, the sediment surface is generally smooth and of low relief with maximum elevation differences of 200 m and slopes of six degrees. Several small graben-like troughs and depressions were observed, most of them near the crest of one abyssal hill. The largest trough is two kilometers long, 250 m wide and 50 m deep with steep sides (>30°). These troughs are tentatively interpreted as the result of tensional separation at the tops of the hills caused by down-slope creep and consolidation of the pelagic sediments.Contribution of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, new series.  相似文献   

利用自主研发的近岸海浪、风暴潮及海啸灾害远程实时监测系统,在广东省阳江市闸坡附近海域进行了远程实时监测试验.文章介绍了监测系统的组成,对2007年9月1日-10月3日的观测记录进行了分析,计算出台风增水、波高和波周期,采用低通滤波方法获得重力外波.实验结果表明,研发的近岸海浪、风暴潮及海啸灾害远程实时监测系统可供实际推广应用.  相似文献   

渤海湾曹妃甸近岸海区多个潮汐深槽与沙岛相伴而生并构成极为复杂的海岸动力地貌体系,而维护既有的滩槽宏观格局是保持滩槽稳定与合理开发布局的重要基础。曹妃甸开发遵循因势利导的原则,对浅滩与深槽进行了科学保护和合理利用,通过寻找深水岸线开发、滩涂匡围与环境影响之间的平衡点,在开发合理规划布局与维护滩槽动力地貌格局现状之间实现了很好的协调性。工程实践效果表明,由于曹妃甸开发布局规划科学合理,没有改变整个海区的滩槽动力地貌格局和潮汐深槽形成的动力机制,因而深槽及周边海区在开发工程实施后稳定性良好。  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋世纪,《联合国海洋法公约》生效后各沿海国纷纷推行缓陆重海的发展战略,中国经济的复兴必须实现海洋事业的振兴。国际海底区域(以下简称“区域”)利益前景巨大,开发活动高技术密集,法律地位特殊,是未来国际社会经济、科学甚至政治、军事竞争的重要场所。国际海底区域开发产业化研究是我国争取海洋权益、发展高新技术、振兴海洋  相似文献   

GLORIA side-scan imagery from the northern North Fiji Basin reveals modern and relict sea-floor fabric. The South Pandora Ridge is marked by steep escarpments and small rift basins, but no recent volcanism. The northern and eastern limbs of the 16°58S, 173°55E triple junction are marked by rift grabens flanked by steep escarpments, but little recent volcanism is apparent there. At present, there is no well-organized spreading system in the northern North Fiji Basin; extension and shearing are occurring within narrowly confined areas. It is uncertain how these areas relate to one another and fit into the regional tectonic framework.  相似文献   

As a result of the sea bottom survey of continental shelf northwest off Kyushu including Tsushima, Iki and Goto Islands which has been carried out by the Hydrographic Department of Japan, the following features of the area are revealed. Topographically, three groups of shelf channels, trending NE-SW, N-S and NW-SE respectively, are discovered and several small banks are found. Sand wave-like shapes are also seen in a seafloor about 200 m deep in the vicinity of Tsushima Straits. Geologically, remarkable tectonic lines characterized by faults and folding axes are confirmed and named Tsushima, Iki, Hirato and Goto Tectonic Lines. Several tectonic provinces can be defined by these tectonic lines. Each province consists of small geological blocks formed by indivisual tectonic movement such as tilting, uplifting and sinking. Such differential tectonic movement is often seen on the continental shelves around active island arc. In this area, these tectonics might be caused by activity of the Ryukyu Arc. This area may thus be a metastable portion existing between the northwestern Kyushu and the Asiatic continental block. The present submarine topography is probably closely related to these tectonics in addition to the eustatic sea-level changes in Quaternary age.  相似文献   

 Between 2 and 6 February, 1995, a 25 km2 area at the Dry Tortugas (Florida Keys) was surveyed with a 100 kHz side-scan sonar system and 3.5-kHz subbottom profiler. The side-scan system revealed a pattern of alternating high and low backscatter. The subbottom profiler showed areas with no acoustic penetration between sediment troughs. The combination of both methods allowed delineation of the boundaries in high-backscatter regions, and sediment samples allowed correlations between high backscatter and coarser-grained sediments.  相似文献   

The temperature and salinity of the water at the ocean floor has been estimated by extrapolation of selected serial station data. Plots of extrapolated bottom water temperatures and salinities against bottom depth are presented, together with a chart showing the regional distribution of bottom water temperature. Discussion of the results in terms of water masses is offered.  相似文献   

浮体间距对多浮体系统水动力系数的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据三维线性势流理论,采用格林函数法,对多浮体系统的水动力系数进行了数值分析。数值算例中给出了在固定波频下水动力系数与浮体间相对位置关系曲线。水动力系数的变化幅度随着浮体间距离增大而变小。随着浮体间距的变化,水动力系数极值的出现具有明显的规律,相邻的极大值(或极小值)的间距为半个波长或一个波长。  相似文献   

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