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The force-free magnetosphere around an obliquely rotating pulsar is studied. The basic equations reduce to two equations for two Euler potentials. One of the Euler potentials is regarded as a generalization of the stream function of the poloidal magnetic field lines in an axisymmetric rotator. Two divergence-free vectors become tangential to the surface on which this Euler potential is constant.  相似文献   

Starting from a set of general equations governing the dynamics of a magneto-fluid around a compact object on curved space time, a fairly simple analytical solution for a test disc having only azimuthal component of velocity has been obtained. The electromagnetic field associated has a modified dipole configuration which admits a reasonable pressure profile for the case of fully relativistic treatment of Keplerian type of velocity distribution  相似文献   

It is shown how to set up a mathematically elegant and fully relativistic superfluid model that can provide a realistic approximation (neglecting small anisotropies due to crust solidity, magnetic fields, etc., but allowing for the regions with vortex pinning) of the global structure of a rotating neutron star, in terms of just two independently moving constituents. One of these represents the differentially rotating neutron superfluid, while the other part represents the combination of all the other ingredients, including the degenerate electrons, the superfluid protons in the core, and the ions in the crust, the electromagnetic interactions of which will tend to keep them locked together in a state of approximately rigid rotation. Order of magnitude estimates are provided for relevant parameters such as the resistive drag coefficient.  相似文献   

The propagation of light highly relativistic jets carrying a toroidal magnetic field is studied numerically. The results show that jets with high Poynting flux develop the conspicuous nose cones discovered earlier in simulations of classical magnetized jets. The size of the nose cone is significantly reduced in kinetic energy-dominated jets, which develop extensive cocoons. The magnetic field nevertheless plays a significant role in the jet–cocoon dynamics by allowing self-confined flows. The results are explained in terms of the properties of perpendicular magnetohydrodynamic shocks.  相似文献   

We present a geometric study of the radio and γ-ray pulsar B1055−52 based on recent observations at the Parkes radio telescope. We conclude that the pulsar's magnetic axis is inclined at an angle of 75° to its rotation axis and that both its radio main pulse and interpulse are emitted at the same height above their respective poles. This height is unlikely to be higher or much lower than 700 km, a typical value for radio pulsars.
It is argued that the radio interpulse arises from emission formed on open fieldlines close to the magnetic axis which do not pass through the magnetosphere's null (zero-charge) surface. However, the main pulse emission must originate from fieldlines lying well outside the polar cap boundary beyond the null surface, and farther away from the magnetic axis than those of the outer gap region where the single γ-ray peak is generated. This casts doubt on the common assumption that all pulsars have closed, quiescent, corotating regions stretching to the light cylinder.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of time-dependent simulations of the dipolar axisymmetric magnetospheres of neutron stars carried out within the frameworks of both relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and resistive force-free electrodynamics. The results of force-free simulations reveal the inability of our numerical method to accommodate the equatorial current sheets of pulsar magnetospheres, and raise a question mark about the robustness of this approach. On the other hand, the MHD approach allows us to make significant progress. We start with a non-rotating magnetically dominated dipolar magnetosphere and follow its evolution as the stellar rotation is switched on. We find that the time-dependent solution gradually approaches a steady state that is very close to the stationary solution of the pulsar equation found in 1999 by Contopoulos, Kazanas & Fendt. This result suggests that other stationary solutions that have the Y-point located well inside the light cylinder are unstable. The role of particle inertia and pressure on the structure and dynamics of MHD magnetospheres is studied in detail, as well as the potential implications of dissipative processes in the equatorial current sheet. We argue that pulsars may have differentially rotating magnetospheres which develop noticeable structural oscillations, and that this may help to explain the nature of the subpulse phenomena.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and two-fluid quasi-neutral equilibria with azimuthal symmetry, gravity and arbitrary ratios of (non-relativistic) flow speed to acoustic and Alfvén speeds are investigated. In the two-fluid case, the mass ratio of the two species is arbitrary, and the analysis is therefore applicable to electron–positron plasmas. The methods of derivation can be extended in an obvious manner to several charged species. Generalized Grad–Shafranov equations, describing the equilibrium magnetic field, are derived. Flux-function equations and Bernoulli relations for each species, together with Poisson's equation for the gravitational potential, complete the set of equations required to determine the equilibrium. These are straightforward to solve numerically. The two-fluid system, unlike the MHD system, is shown to be free of singularities. It is demonstrated analytically that there exists a class of incompressible MHD equilibria with magnetic field-aligned flow. A special subclass first identified by S. Chandrasekhar, in which the flow speed is everywhere equal to the local Alfvén speed, is compatible with virtually any azimuthally symmetric magnetic configuration. Potential applications of this analysis include extragalactic and stellar jets, accretion discs, and plasma structures associated with active late-type stars.  相似文献   

We test a new emission mechanism in pulsar magnetospheres, eventually responsible in part for the high level of observed radio radiation. This is carried out by comparing the efficiency of the two-stream instability of Langmuir waves in a pulsar emission region, where the stationary and non-stationary characters of pair plasma outflows produced in the gap region are characterized by two different time-scales. On the shorter time-scale, the Ruderman &38; Sutherland 'sparking' phenomenon leads to the creation of pair plasma clouds, in motion along magnetic field lines, that contain particles with a large spectrum of momenta. The overlapping of particles with different energies produced in successive clouds results in an efficient 'two stream'-like instability. This effect is a consequence of the non-stationary character of the pair plasma produced in the gap region, just above the magnetic poles of the neutron star. On a long time-scale, resulting pair plasma outflows in pulsar magnetospheres can be treated as stationary. In this case, the instability which results from interaction between existing primary beam particles and the pair plasma is negligible, whereas the instability owing to interaction between electrons and positrons of the pair plasma itself, and more precisely to their relative drift motion along curved magnetic field lines, is effective. We derive characteristic features of the triggered instability, using specific distribution functions to describe either particles in the assembly of clouds or relative drifting of electrons and positrons in these same plasma clouds. Although linear and local, our treatment suggests that non-stationary effects may compete with, or even dominate over, drifting effects in parts of pulsar emission regions.  相似文献   

The properties of waves in a pulsar magnetosphere are considered in the most general case of a non-neutral, current-carrying pair plasma with arbitrary distribution functions for electrons and positrons. General dispersion relations are derived for a strong but finite magnetic field, including gyrotropic terms caused by the deviations from quasi-neutrality and the relative streaming of electrons and positrons. It is shown how the ellipticity of the wave polarization depends on the plasma parameters and angle of propagation. Two examples of plasma distributions are analysed numerically: a waterbag distribution and a piecewise distribution that models the numerical result for pair cascades. A possible application to the interpretation of the observed circular polarization of some pulsars is discussed.  相似文献   

An approximate Riemann solver for the equations of relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) is derived. The Harten–Lax–van Leer contact wave (HLLC) solver, originally developed by Toro, Spruce and Spears, generalizes the algorithm described in a previous paper to the case where magnetic fields are present. The solution to the Riemann problem is approximated by two constant states bounded by two fast shocks and separated by a tangential wave. The scheme is Jacobian-free, in the sense that it avoids the expensive characteristic decomposition of the RMHD equations and it improves over the HLL scheme by restoring the missing contact wave.
Multidimensional integration proceeds via the single step, corner transport upwind (CTU) method of Colella, combined with the constrained transport (CT) algorithm to preserve divergence-free magnetic fields. The resulting numerical scheme is simple to implement, efficient and suitable for a general equation of state. The robustness of the new algorithm is validated against one- and two-dimensional numerical test problems.  相似文献   

Normal modes of a one-dimensional relativistically streaming electron–positron plasma in a superstrong magnetic field are considered, taking into account possible different bulk velocities and thermal effects. This physical picture corresponds to the plasma present on the open field lines of rotating neutron stars where the observed radio emission is generated. Various cases are considered: relativistic and non-relativistic relative streaming of cold components, and relativistically hot distributions. A distinction between superluminous and subluminous waves (which can be excited by the Cherenkov effect) is clearly stated. In the low-frequency regime the Cherenkov and cyclotron two-stream instabilities occur. Polarization of the quasi-transverse modes changes from circular for the propagation along magnetic field lines to linear for angles of propagation larger than some critical angle that depends on the relative velocity of the plasma components.  相似文献   

Propagation of radio waves in the ultrarelativistic magnetized electron–positron plasma of a pulsar magnetosphere is considered. The polarization state of the original natural waves is found to vary markedly on account of the wave mode coupling and cyclotron absorption. The change is most pronounced when the regions of mode coupling and cyclotron resonance approximately coincide. In cases when the wave mode coupling occurs above and below the resonance region, the resultant polarization appears essentially distinct. The main result of the paper is that in the former case the polarization modes become non-orthogonal. The analytical treatment of the equations of polarization transfer is accompanied by numerical calculations. The observational consequences of polarization evolution in pulsar plasma are discussed as well.  相似文献   

Here we briefly report on results of self-consistent numerical modeling of a differentially rotating force-free magnetosphere of an aligned rotator. We show that differential rotation of the open field line zone is significant for adjusting of the global structure of the magnetosphere to the current density flowing through the polar cap cascades. We argue that for most pulsars stationary cascades in the polar cap can not support stationary force-free configurations of the magnetosphere.   相似文献   

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