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Rainfall-induced debris flows involving ash-fall pyroclastic deposits that cover steep mountain slopes surrounding the Somma-Vesuvius volcano are natural events and a source of risk for urban settlements located at footslopes in the area. This paper describes experimental methods and modelling results of shallow landslides that occurred on 5–6 May 1998 in selected areas of the Sarno Mountain Range. Stratigraphical surveys carried out in initiation areas show that ash-fall pyroclastic deposits are discontinuously distributed along slopes, with total thicknesses that vary from a maximum value on slopes inclined less than 30° to near zero thickness on slopes inclined greater than 50°. This distribution of cover thickness influences the stratigraphical setting and leads to downward thinning and the pinching out of pyroclastic horizons. Three engineering geological settings were identified, in which most of the initial landslides that triggered debris flows occurred in May 1998 can be classified as (1) knickpoints, characterised by a downward progressive thinning of the pyroclastic mantle; (2) rocky scarps that abruptly interrupt the pyroclastic mantle; and (3) road cuts in the pyroclastic mantle that occur in a critical range of slope angle. Detailed topographic and stratigraphical surveys coupled with field and laboratory tests were conducted to define geometric, hydraulic and mechanical features of pyroclastic soil horizons in the source areas and to carry out hydrological numerical modelling of hillslopes under different rainfall conditions. The slope stability for three representative cases was calculated considering the real sliding surface of the initial landslides and the pore pressures during the infiltration process. The hydrological modelling of hillslopes demonstrated localised increase of pore pressure, up to saturation, where pyroclastic horizons with higher hydraulic conductivity pinch out and the thickness of pyroclastic mantle reduces or is interrupted. These results lead to the identification of a comprehensive hydrogeomorphological model of susceptibility to initial landslides that links morphological, stratigraphical and hydrological conditions. The calculation of intensities and durations of rainfall necessary for slope instability allowed the identification of deterministic hydrological thresholds that account for uncertainty in properties and observed rainfall intensities.  相似文献   

On 15 May 1991, a landslide occurred at Gacharage Village in the Murang'a District of Kenya; it buried a house near the toe of a cliff, killing all eight residents in their sleep. The principal determining factors of the slide were a high, mechanically unstable slope of deeply weathered volcanic soil and a high sorption capacity of the surface soil layer. The slide was triggered by rapid saturation of the soil following a heavy downpour. Based on field investigations and laboratory studies, this paper discusses the physical properties and environmental factors that affected slope stability at Murang'a. It also points out the economic and social impact of landslides in the region and suggests remedial measures.  相似文献   

Landslides are a common phenomenon in all the regions of Malawi. A number of historical landslides have been documented and are summarized here. This paper examines the occurrence of landslides in the Rumphi District of Northern Malawi. The study is based on a detailed study of 98 landslides that occurred in 2003 at Ntchenachena and Chiweta areas in the Rumphi District. This paper examines factors that contributed to and caused these landslides. The paper suggests that landslides were triggered by 206 mm of rain received in 2 days. The high percentage of medium to fine sand and abrupt rise in pore pressure accelerated the process of liquefaction at Ntchenachena. Cleft water pressure at the point between regolith and soil mass caused a number of slides in the Chiweta areas. High slope angles, deep weathering of the basement and high annual total rainfall contributed to the slope instability. Human activities through cultivation on steep slope, slope remodeling, and deforestation significantly altered the conditions of the slopes, thereby increasing the degree of landslide hazard present in these areas.  相似文献   

綦江县土台镇滑坡是重庆市的重点地质灾害点之一.1998年9月5~6日,滑坡体发生了大规模的变形破坏,造成的直接经济损失高达100万元.本文通过成因机制分析,对土台镇滑坡的稳定性进行了定性评价,并对各种状态下的滑坡稳定性进行了系统的定量计算,认为该滑坡体总体是稳定的,但在前缘和东侧陡坡地带斜坡处于准极限平衡状态,具有发生次级滑坡的可能.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted along the Mugling–Narayanghat road section and its surrounding region that is most affected by landslide and related mass-movement phenomena. The main rock types in the study area are limestone, dolomite, slate, phyllite, quartzite and amphibolites of Lesser Himalaya, sandstone, mudstone and conglomerates of Siwaliks and Holocene Deposits. Due to the important role of geology and rock weathering in the instabilities, an attempt has been made to understand the relationship between these phenomena. Consequently, landslides of the road section and its surrounding region have been assessed using remote sensing, Geographical information systems and multiple field visits. A landslide inventory map was prepared and comprising 275 landslides. Nine landslides representing the whole area were selected for detailed studies. Field surveys, integrated with laboratory tests, were used as the main criteria for determining the weathering zones in the landslide area. From the overall study, it is seen that large and complex landslides are related to deep rock weathering followed by the intervention of geological structures as faults, joints and fractures. Rotational types of landslides are observed in highly weathered rocks, where the dip direction of the foliation plane together with the rock weathering plays a principle role. Shallow landslides are developed in the slope covered by residual soil or colluviums. The rock is rather fresh below these covers. Some shallow landslides (rock topples) are related to the attitude of the foliation plane and are generally observed in fresh rocks. Debris slides and debris flows occur in colluviums or residual soil-covered slopes. In few instances, they are also related to the rock fall occurring at higher slopes. The materials from the rock fall are mixed with the colluviums and other materials lying on the slope downhill and flow as debris flow. Rock falls are mainly related to the joint pattern and the slope angle. They are found in less-weathered rocks. From all these, it is concluded that the rock weathering followed by geological structures has prominent role in the rock slope instability along Mugling–Narayanghat road section and its surrounding regions.  相似文献   

The El-Nino-triggered landslides and their socioeconomic impact on Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Kenya experienced extraordinarily heavy rainfall between May 1997 and February 1998 due to the El-Nino weather phenomenon. This period of about 10 months heavy rainfall caused widespread landslides and floods which were experienced in various parts of the country. Normally mid-December to late March is the driest and hottest season in Kenya. However, during this period, the season turned out to be the wettest with one of the heaviest precipitation events recorded in the country in the past several decades. Research investigations have revealed that the landslides were a result of four major factors. The factors included, geology and soils of the landslide prone areas, high relief, steep slopes with poor anchorage for slope stability, continuous heavy precipitation which resulted into oversaturation of rocks and soils. The effects of the El-Nino-triggered landslides in Kenya were enormous. Although statistical data about landslide destruction are not presently quantified, human and animal fatalities and plant destruction were enormous. Fertile farmlands, roads, railway lines, bridges, telephone and power lines were relocated and destroyed. Soil erosion which increased from higher surface runoff and surface exposure filled rivers with sediments. The sediments were transported to the hydro-electricity producing dams which eventually became clogged and power generation stopped. The national economic loss to the country is estimated at about US $ 1 billion and will take a long time to recover. Received: 7 April 1998 · Accepted: 2 March 1999  相似文献   

Many landslides occur every year during heavy rains at the Hai Van Pass and surrounding area in central Vietnam, where granitic rocks are distributed. As is common in granite areas, these landslides often occur as small-scale flow-type and slump-type landslides. However, several horseshoe-shaped loose slopes of widths and lengths of 500 to 800 m, which incorporate these landslides, are observed on slopes across the area. These topographies resemble those formed by past and present large-scale landslides. The presence of such a topography and the repeated occurrences of landslides within this topography are rare in granite areas, where shallow flow-type landslides are generally frequent. To understand the mechanism causing the landslides in the Hai Van region, and as a support for future risk assessment, the factors and processes leading to the formation of such a topography and their relationship with these landslides must be identified and assessed. This study investigated the history of past landslide movement in the Hai Van Pass and surrounding area through observations of drill cores and outcrops, and analysis of the direction of remanent magnetism in the granitic rocks. Mineral compositions, cracks, degrees of weathering, and topographic shapes of the granitic rocks and their relationship to the landslides occurring today were also investigated. The results of the study reveal no variation in the direction of remanent magnetism in the granitic rocks in the region that would indicate disturbance of the ground due to a past large-scale landslide. No evidence of such an event could also be found both in the drill cores and the rock outcrops. Further, results of the analysis of cracks and weathering pattern confirm that the topography of the region is affected by the weathering of the granitic rocks that progresses in concentric circles of various sizes. Thus, it can be concluded that these topographies were not formed by a singular large-scale landslide of the past, but rather by a composite of relatively shallow landslides occurring on the slope of dome structures unique to granite areas, which are formed by differential weathering and denudation regulated by cracks.  相似文献   

Shallow landslides (i.e., slide, flow, and complex) are widespread around the world, affecting the soil mantle and upper regolith as a result of the weathering of granitic bedrock, and periodically cause enormous social and economic damages. Shallow landslide hazards are predominantly due to the scarcity of warning signs during the pre-failure stage, high velocities reached in the post-failure phase, and an increase in mobilized volumes caused by the entrapment of material in the downhill path of the phenomena. Owing to the abovementioned aspects, susceptibility assessment of shallow landslides in weathered granitic rocks is a relevant issue for land use planning and design purposes. This study proposes a three-step methodology for the susceptibility assessment of these phenomena. The methodology has been tested and validated at the 1:10,000 scale over a 30.4-km2 area in southern Italy, where weathered granitic rocks are periodically affected by shallow landslides. This methodology is divided into three successive steps: step 1 consists of database creation, with an emphasis on the weathering grade map (including five weathering classes, from class II to class VI, each one characterized by comparable mechanical behavior), and steps 2 and 3 focus respectively on susceptibility map calibration and validation through statistical analyses. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) shows values ranging from 0.95 in step 2 (calibration) to 0.88 in step 3 (validation) and is a testament to the good overall predictive accuracy of the methodology. The obtained results demonstrate both the effectiveness and the consistency of the proposed methodology in performing susceptibility mapping of shallow landslides in weathered granitic rocks, as well as the important role played by the weathering grade map.  相似文献   

Weathering and landslide occurrences in parts of Western Ghats,Kerala   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The climatic condition of Western Ghats has influenced the process of weathering and landslides in this mountainous tract along the southwest coast of India. During the monsoon period, landslides are a common in the Western Ghats, and its intensity depends upon the thickness of the loose unconsolidated soil formed by the process of weathering. Debris landslides with a combination of saprock, saprolite and soil, indicate the role of weathering in landslide occurrences. This paper reports on how the weathering in the windward slope of Western Ghats influences the occurrence of landslides and the factors which accelerate the weathering process. Rock and soil samples were collected from the weathering profile of hornblende gniess and granite gneiss. The chemical analysis and the calculated Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) indicate the significant weathering and its possible influence on landslide occurrences in the study area. Mainly, the CIA value of lateritic soil and forest loam indicated the extent of high chemical weathering in this region. Rainfall is the dominant parameter influencing the chemical weathering process. In addition, deforestation, land use practices and soil erosion are some of the other important factors accelerating the weathering process and landslide occurrences in the region. The locations of the previous landslides superimposed on geology and soil show that most of the landslide occurrences are associated with the highly weathered zone, particularly lateritic soil and the ‘severe’ (rock outcrop) erodability zone.  相似文献   

Recent studies on flow-type landslides in pyroclastic deposits have been performed to identify potential source areas and the main depositional mechanisms. Interesting methods for mapping landslide susceptibility have also been proposed. Since the potential volume of flow-type landslides is a measure of event magnitude, hence of considerable use in hazard assessment, we propose a method to estimate the potential volume for the morphometric analysis of 213 flow-like landslides occurred in Campania in recent centuries. First, our data show that the height, H, of the detachment and erosion-transport zones (i.e. the difference in height between the top of source area and a point, the first break at the foot of the slope, where the deposition stars to take place and the landslide loses velocity) and the area, A f, of the same zones are linked by a mathematical function. Secondly, only part of the entire thickness of the pyroclastic material on the slope is involved. To define the potential volumes of the flow-type landslides, we analysed slopes, both in volcanic and carbonatic contexts, considering both channelled and unchannelled flow-type landslides. The most susceptible areas are identified by using a landslide-triggering susceptibility map, and then in each case the height H was estimated. This height is the difference in level between the point on the slope with highest susceptibility and the first break at the foot of the slope. Using the statistical correlation between H and A f, both calculated for historical landslides, we evaluate the area of a potential landslide on a slope. Finally, potential volumes are calculated by using A f and a constant thickness of the pyroclastic cover for the whole slope. This method could represent a useful tool to detect the main areas where risk mitigation works are required.  相似文献   

Researchers have long attempted to determine the amount of rainfall needed to trigger slope failures, yet relatively little progress has been reported on the effects of climate change on landslide initiation. Indeed, some relationships between landslides and climate change have been highlighted, but sign and magnitude of this correlation remain uncertain and influenced by the spatial and temporal horizon considered. This work makes use of statistically adjusted high-resolution regional climate model simulations, to study the expected changes of landslides frequency in the eastern Esino river basin (Central Italy). Simulated rainfall was used in comparison with rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrence derived by two observation-based statistical models (1) the cumulative event rainfall–rainfall duration model, and (2) the Bayesian probabilistic model. Results show an overall increase in projected landslide occurrence over the twenty-first century. This is especially confirmed in the high-emission scenario representative concentration pathway 8.5, where according to the first model, the events above rainfall thresholds frequency shift from ~?0.025 to ~?0.05 in the mountainous sector of the study area. Moreover, Bayesian analysis revealed the possible occurrence of landslide-triggering rainfall with a magnitude never occurred over the historical period. Landslides frequency change signal presents also considerable seasonal patterns, with summer displaying the steepest positive trend coupled to the highest inter-model spread. The methodological chain here proposed aims at representing a flexible tool for future landslide-hazard assessment, applicable over different areas and time horizons (e.g., short-term climate projections or seasonal forecasts).  相似文献   

Certain types of granite in mountainous areas are microscopically sheeted to a depth of 50 m due to unloading under the stress field that reflects slope morphology. Micro-sheets generally strike parallel to major slope surfaces and gently dip downslope, forming cataclinal overdip slopes. The cataclinal overdip slope accelerates creep movement of micro-sheeted granite, which in turn loosens and disintegrates granite via the widening or neoformation of cracks, probably in combination with stress release, temperature change, and changes in water content near the ground surface. The surface portion of micro-sheeted granite is thus loosened with a well-defined basal front, which finally slides in response to heavy rain. Innumerable landslides of this type occurred in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan, following the heavy rainstorm of 29 June 1999. Following such landslides, the weathering of micro-sheeted granite exposed on the landslide scar recommences, setting the stage for future landslide.  相似文献   

岳西县自然斜坡在地球内、外动力共同作用下,容易变形并遭到破坏,造成人员伤亡和财产损失,严重制约了当地的经济发展。通过系统的工程地质调查和浅表生改造理论分析,查明了岳西县斜坡变形破坏特征及其成因,并探讨了其演化模式。结果表明,岳西县不同岩组的抗风化能力和力学特性存在差异,斜坡发生地质灾害的机理也不相同。根据斜坡结构特征,岳西县滑坡分为全风化层滑坡、强风化层滑坡和顺层岩质滑坡:全风化层滑坡的滑面位于全风化层中或全风化层与强风化层的分界线处;强风化层滑坡的滑面主要发育于强风化层与中风化层的分界线处;顺层岩质滑坡主要发育于片麻岩发育的顺向坡中。根据变形破坏方式,岳西县崩塌可分为滑移式崩塌、倾倒式崩塌和坠落式崩塌:滑移式崩塌主要由一组缓倾坡外结构面和另一组陡倾(坡外或者坡内)结构面控制;倾倒式崩塌主要由一组陡倾坡内结构面和另一组近水平发育的结构面控制;坠落式崩塌主要由一组结构面陡倾或近直立发育的结构面控制。岳西县滑坡多发育于风化壳厚度较大、岩体较松散、结构面强度低的地区;崩塌多发育于斜坡高陡、岩质风化程度低、结构面发育的地区。研究成果对岳西县乃至整个大别山地区地质灾害的研究及防治工作具有一定的借...  相似文献   

2008年汶川地震滑坡详细编目及其空间分布规律分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
最新研究成果表明, 2008年5月12日汶川MS 8.0级地震触发了超过197000处滑坡。首先,基于GIS与遥感技术构建了汶川地震滑坡的3类编目图,分别为单体滑坡面分布数据、滑坡中心点位置和滑坡后壁点位置。构建方法为基于地震前后高分辨率遥感影像的目视解译方法,区分单体滑坡并圈定其边界,对滑坡后壁进行识别与定点,并开展了部分滑坡的野外验证工作。这些滑坡分布在一个面积大约为110000km2的区域内,滑坡总面积约为1160km2。选择一个面积约为44031km2的区域作为研究区,区内滑坡数量为196007个,滑坡面积为1150.622km2,这是最详细完整的汶川地震滑坡编录成果,也是单次地震事件触发滑坡最多的记录。其次,开展研究区内的地震滑坡空间分布规律的研究。基于滑坡面与滑坡中心点分别构建滑坡空间分布面积密度图与点密度图,结果表明:滑坡多沿着映秀北川断裂分布,多发生在断裂的上盘。滑坡的高密度区位于映秀北川同震地表破裂的南西段(映秀镇与北川县之间)的上盘区域,这一区域恰对应着逆冲分量为主的断裂上盘,表明逆冲断裂对上盘区域发生滑坡的极强烈的控制作用,而该区域正是形变最大的区域,因此说明是地震滑坡发生的强烈控制作用。基于滑坡面密度(LAP)、滑坡中心点密度(LCND)与滑坡后壁点密度(LTND)这3个衡量指标,使用统计分析方法,评价了汶川地震滑坡与地震参数、地质参数、地形参数的关系。结果表明:LAP、LCND与LTND这3个衡量指标与坡度、地震烈度与PGA存在明显的正相关关系; 与距离震中、距离映秀北川同震地表破裂存在负相关关系; 斜坡曲率越接近0,滑坡越不易发生; LAP、LCND与LTND的高值高程区间为1200~3000m; 滑坡发生的优势坡向为E、SE、S方向; 滑坡发育的易发岩性为砂岩与粉砂岩(Z)、花岗岩; 滑坡与坡位的相关关系不太明显。统计结果还表明LCND与LTND两个衡量指标的差异对地震与地质因子不敏感,而对地形因子较敏感。最后将本文的统计结果与以往的汶川地震滑坡空间分布规律统计成果进行了一些对比,对比结果表明,对于某些因子,如高程、岩性、距离震中、距离映秀北川断裂的统计分析结果,采用不完整的滑坡分布数据或点数据,与采用较完整的滑坡分布面数据会有一定的差异,这种差异并未出现在针对坡度与坡向等因子的统计对比结果中。总之,作者认为一个完备、详细的地震滑坡分布面要素编目图是地震滑坡空间分布规律定量分析、危险性定量分析与滑坡控制的地震区地貌演化研究的重要基础,否则,与实际情况相比,得到统计结果会有一定的偏差,本文的研究成果与以往成果的对比结果证明了这一点。  相似文献   

Seismic and multi-beam bathymetric data from the northern shelf and slope of the Cinarcik Basin, which is generated by the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) located in the easternmost basin in the Marmara Sea, were re-interpreted to better understand the future sub-marine landslide susceptibility. Seismic data indicate that upper surface of the sub-marine extension of the Paleozoic rocks has an NNE–SSW oriented basin and a ridge type morphology controlled by the secondary faults of the NAFZ. Basins are fulfilled by Plio-Quaternary sediments, which are cut by strike-slip faults on the shelf and slope. The thickness of basin deposits reaches up to 130 m toward the linear northern slope of the Cinarcik Basin. A relatively recent sub-marine landslide, the Tuzla Landslide, cuts the slope of the Cinarcik Basin. The detailed morphological investigation indicates that the Tuzla Landslide is a deep-seated rotational landslide, which was likely triggered by activity of the NAFZ. Morphological analyses also indicate that the thick Plio-Quaternary deposits on the Paleozoic basement slid during the Tuzla Landslide event. This landslide is considered as a key event to understand the dynamics of the potential landslides on the northern shelf and slope of the Cinarcik Basin. Two areas locating on the eastern and the western sides of the Tuzla Landslide are considered as the potential areas for future sliding due to similarities of geological and geomorphological features with the Tuzla Landslide such as similar thick Plio-Quaternary deposits, similar slope morphology, and similar fault activity cutting the sediments. Considering this information, the purposes of the present study are to determine the dynamics of the possible landslide areas and to discuss their effects on the sub-marine morphology. In the light of the interpretations, the amounts of possible displaced material are obtained. Three different landslide scenarios due to possible slide surfaces for future landslides are developed and assessed. The first scenario is sliding of the sediments at the shelf break. The third scenario is a mass movement of almost whole basin deposits on the Paleozoic rocks. The latter one is evaluated as less important because of the volume of the displaced material, and the latter one is accepted as lowest possible event. Among the scenarios, the second scenario is accepted as the most critical and possible because of the amount of the slipped material and existence of faults rupture, which is considered as further sliding surfaces. These landslides will result in important changes in shelf, slope and basin floor in the study area.  相似文献   

Campania Region (Italy), one of the most densely populated areas in Europe, is probably the one with the highest risk of landslide. A large part of the region is covered by unsaturated cohesionless pyroclastic deposits subjected to rainfall-induced landslides. According to experience, these can display different features and magnitude. The most catastrophic landslides are liquefied debris flows which periodically occur on steep slopes, causing death and destruction in areas located downslope. Therefore, zoning of those areas which can be the source of liquefied debris flow is necessary. The paper reports some useful elements for zoning based on infinite slope analysis, accounting for the results of recent research on the mechanics of rainfall-induced landslides in pyroclastic soils.  相似文献   

全新世以来青藏高原东部巴塘断裂带活动强烈,地形地貌和地质构造复杂,历史地震频发,并诱发大量滑坡灾害。基于巴塘断裂带地震滑坡长期防控的需要,在分析区域地质灾害成灾背景和发育分布特征的基础上,采用Newmark模型完成了巴塘断裂带50年超越概率10%的潜在地震滑坡危险性预测评价,并完成地震滑坡危险性区划。结果表明:巴塘断裂带及其临近的金沙江断裂带区域、金沙江及其支流沿岸具有较高的潜在地震滑坡危险性,地震滑坡危险区具有沿断裂带和大江大河等峡谷区分布的总体趋势,受活动断裂和地形地貌影响显著;距离断层越近、坡度越大的斜坡,地震滑坡危险性越高;规划建设中的川藏铁路经巴塘县德达乡、白玉县沙马乡,向西北延伸,跨越金沙江,可以穿越较少的地震滑坡危险区,金沙江水电工程规划建设需加强潜在地震滑坡危害研判及防控。巴塘断裂带潜在地震滑坡危险性评价结果可为区域城镇开发和重大工程规划建设的地震滑坡长期防控提供科学参考。  相似文献   

The architecture of the Critical Zone, including mobile regolith thickness and depth to the weathering front, is first order controlled by advance of a weathering front at depth and transport of sediment at the surface. Differences in conditions imposed by slope aspect in the Gordon Gulch catchment of the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory present a natural experiment to explore these interactions. The weathering front is deeper and saprolite more decayed on north-facing than on south-facing slopes. Simple numerical models of weathering front advance, mobile regolith production, and regolith transport are used to test how weathering and erosion rates interact in the evolution of weathered profiles. As the processes which attempt are being made to mimic are directly tied to climate variables such as mean annual temperature, the role of Quaternary climate variation in governing the evolution of Critical Zone architecture can be explored with greater confidence.  相似文献   

Landslides of the flow type involving granular geo-materials frequently result in casualties and damage to property because of the long travel distance and the high velocities that these may attain. This was true for the events that took place in Campania Region (Southern Italy) in May 1998, involving pyroclastic soils originating from explosive activities of the Somma-Vesuvius volcano. Although these phenomena have frequently affected various areas of the Campania region over the last few centuries, there were no useful geological and geotechnical references available in the aftermath of the May 1998 events. For this reason Salerno University, which was involved in the scientific management of the emergency, addressed the issue of acquiring data on the geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the slopes where the landslides had taken place. The information acquired made it possible to set up a slope evolution model that is able to interpret, from a geological point of view, past and more recent landslides that had occurred in the same area. As preliminary geotechnical analyses had already validated the above model, more detailed investigations were performed both on the pore pressure regimen of the covers still in place as well as on the physical and mechanical properties of pyroclastic soils, in saturated and unsaturated conditions. The present paper begins by discussing the data acquired during the .rst phase of the studies and then goes on to illustrate the laboratory results so far obtained with the aid of approximate procedures. These help advance our knowledge of pyroclastic soils within a reasonable time frame, thus improving landslide triggering analysis.  相似文献   

在西藏昌都市江达县波罗乡发生的两次高位大型滑坡,形成堰塞体阻断金沙江,其溃决洪水对下游造成了巨大损失.本文基于野外地质调查与工程验证、遥感影像、倾斜摄影测量、岩体微观特征,结合区域地质资料进行分析研究.结果表明:(1)白格滑坡发育于金沙江构造混杂岩带,坡体属于河谷型构造破碎松散体;(2)坡体物质主要由弱变形构造透镜体岩块和强变形错动带(糜棱岩带、碎裂岩带、断层泥)组成,镜下岩石结构破坏严重,岩石强度显著降低;(3)断层破碎带控制滑坡体两侧及后缘边界,为滑坡提供了侧向及后缘的切割面;(4)不连续错动带为白格滑坡的滑动层,在重力卸荷作用下发生贯通,导致坡体发生多期次崩滑;(5)综合坡体失稳启动分析,白格滑坡为"推移式+牵引式"混合型滑坡;(6)白格滑坡是在内动力和外动力耦合作用相互交替下促进形成,加之金沙江对坡脚掏蚀,松散体在重力卸荷作用下剪切破坏致使滑坡发生.白格滑坡事件可为研究金沙江构造混杂岩带中大型滑坡形成机制提供依据,同时也为该区域防灾减灾研究提供理论指导.   相似文献   

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