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Seismic-tomography studies were conducted in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan using two different observation schemes. The first was based on the arrival times of P and S waves from regional earthquakes recorded with local seismological networks (local scheme). Nonlinear tomographic inversion based on the LOTOS algorithm was used to construct the 3D distributions of P and S wave velocities in the crust beneath the Kyrgyz Tien Shan and to refine the earthquake locations. The second scheme was used to study the upper-mantle structure based on data from global earthquake catalogs (regional scheme). All the data on waves which at least partly travel within the volume studied were used here, including (1) those from regional earthquakes recorded at world seismic stations and (2) teleseisms recorded at the local stations. This approach was earlier applied to calculate the upper-mantle structure beneath Asia. We used a fragment of this structure beneath the Tien Shan and adjacent areas. A series of synthetic tests was performed to estimate the resolution provided by both schemes. The tomography shows traces of the delamination of the Tarim mantle lithosphere from south to north. Also, the local and regional schemes reveal evidence for cold-matter descent from north to south in the northern Tien Shan but on a much smaller scale. Low velocities in the upper mantle beneath the Tien Shan might indicate lithospheric thinning. These data suggest that mantle-lithosphere delamination is taking place underneath both the northern and the southern margins of the Tien Shan collision belt. Lack of the mantle lithosphere beneath the Tien Shan leads to lithospheric weakening and active deformation, thus causing intense orogeny.  相似文献   

This study provides new low-temperature thermochronometric data, mainly apatite fission track data on the basement rocks in and adjacent to the Talas-Fergana Fault, in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan in the first place.In the second place, we also present new detrital apatite fission track data on the Meso-Cenozoic sediments from fault related basins and surrounding intramontane basins. Our results confirm multistaged Meso-Cenozoic tectonic activity, possibly induced by the accretion of the so-called Cimmerian blocks to the Eurasian margin. New evidence for this multi-staged thermo-tectonic activity is found in the data of both basement and Meso-Cenozoic sediment samples in or close to the Talas-Fergana Fault.Zircon(U-Th)/He and apatite fission track data constrain rapid Late TriassiceE arly Jurassic and Late JurassiceE arly Cretaceous basement cooling in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan around 200 Ma and 130 -100 Ma respectively. Detrital apatite fission track results indicate a different burial history on both sides of the Talas-Fergana Fault. The apatite fission track system of the Jurassic sediments in the Middle Tien Shan unit east of the Talas-Fergana Fault is not reset, while the Jurassic sediments in the Fergana Basin and Yarkand-Fergana Basin, west of the fault zone, are partially and in some cases even totally reset. The totally reset samples exhibit Oligocene and Miocene ages and evidence the Cenozoic reactivation of the western Kyrgyz Tien Shan as a consequence of the India-Eurasia convergence.  相似文献   

In the structure of west Kyrgyz Ridge (North Tien Shan), a great role is played by complexly dislocated Upper Precambrian-Cambrian terrigenous-carbonate and shale strata, as well as by granitoids that comprise several coupled WNW-striking synforms and antiforms, the largest of which is the Makbal antiform. Southeast of the core of this antiform, granitoids comprise the large Kara Dzhilga massif and several massifs that are of lesser size and have tectonic correlations with the hosting terrigenous-carbonate strata. In the Kara Dzhilga massif, the rocks of three penetration phases are distinguished; contacts between rocks are often of tectonic character. The early phase is presented by monzonite and monzodiorite; the main one, by large-porphyric biotitic granites; and the additional one, by aplitic granites and pegmatites. By the chemical composition, granites of Kara Dzhilga massif of the main phase correspond to subalkaline granites of high-potassium calc-alkali series. The age of their crystallization (zircon-based U-Pb method) is 1131 ± 4 Ma (Stenian). The formation of Stenian granitoids in the North Tien Shan may be related to development of Grenville fold belts, whose fragments were identified in the units of the Central Asian Belt. Tectonic correlations between these granitoids and hosting terrigenous-carbonate strata appeared as a result of immersion to significant depths and subsequent exhumation into the upper crustal horizons in the Early Ordovician.  相似文献   

Three new Middle–Late Ordovician and two new Early Carboniferous paleomagnetic poles have been obtained from the North Tien Shan Zone (NTZ) of the Ural–Mongol belt in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Paleolatitudes for the Carboniferous are unambiguously northerly and average 15.5°N, whereas the Ordovician paleolatitudes (6°, 9°, and 9°) are inferred to be southerly, given that a very large (180°) rotation of the NTZ would be necessary during the middle Paleozoic if the other polarity option was chosen. Thus, the NTZ drifted northward during much of the Paleozoic; east–west drift cannot be determined, as is well known, from paleomagnetic data. In addition, detailed thermal demagnetization analysis reveals two overprints, one of recent age and the other of Permian age, which is a time of strong deformation in the NTZ. The paleolatitude of the combined Permian overprint is 30.5+2°N. The paleolatitudes collectively track those predicted for the area by extrapolation from Baltica very well, but are different from those of Siberia for Ordovician times. This finding is compatible with Sengör and Natal'in's [Sengör, A.M.C., Natal'in, B.A., 1996. Paleotectonics of Asia: fragments of a synthesis. In: Yin A., Harrison, M. (Eds.), The Tectonic Evolution of Asia. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, pp. 486–640] model of tectonic evolution of the Ural–Mongol belt and disagrees with the models of other researchers. Declinations of the Ordovician and Early Carboniferous results range from northwesterly to northeasterly, and are clearly affected by local relative rotations, which seem characteristic for the entire NTZ, because the Permian overprint declinations also show such a spread. Apparently, the important latest Paleozoic–Triassic deformation involved shear zone-related rotations as well as folding and significant granitic intrusions.  相似文献   

Based on the high correlation of the tree-ring widths of larch and spruce trees with the actual streamflow variations, the streamflow reconstruction of the Guxiang River was developed for the period 1680–2009, with the low and high streamflow periods identified. The reconstruction model accounts for 41.1 % of the instrumental streamflow variance during the period 1957–2007. Some significant cycles (18.1, 8.1, 3.8, 2.9, 2.6, 2.4 and 2.1 years) are found using the multi-taper spectral analysis. The significant correlations with the gridded SPEI dataset revealed that the streamflow reconstruction also represents the drought variation for a large area of the eastern Tien Shan. The streamflow reconstruction of the Guxiang River shows the decreasing trend since the 1970s, and compares well with high and low streamflow periods of the Selenge River previously estimated from tree-ring records. The synoptic climatology analysis reveals that there is the relationship between anomalous atmospheric circulation and extreme hydrological events in the Guxiang River basin.  相似文献   

Numerous large landslide deposits occur in the Tien Shan, a tectonically active intraplate orogen in Central Asia. Yet their significance in Quaternary landscape evolution and natural hazard assessment remains unresolved due to the lack of "absolute" age constraints. Here we present the first 10Be exposure ages for three prominent (> 107 m3) bedrock landslides that blocked major rivers and formed lakes, two of which subsequently breached, in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan. Three 10Be ages reveal that one landslide in the Alamyedin River occurred at 11–15 ka, which is consistent with two 14C ages of gastropod shells from reworked loess capping the landslide. One large landslide in Aksu River is among the oldest documented in semi-arid continental interiors, with a 10Be age of 63–67 ka. The Ukok River landslide deposit(s) yielded variable 10Be ages, which may result from multiple landslides, and inheritance of 10Be. Two 10Be ages of 8.2 and 5.9 ka suggest that one major landslide occurred in the early to mid-Holocene, followed by at least one other event between 1.5 and 0.4 ka. Judging from the regional glacial chronology, all three landslides have occurred between major regional glacial advances. Whereas Alamyedin and Ukok can be considered as postglacial in this context, Aksu is of interglacial age. None of the landslide deposits show traces of glacial erosion, hence their locations and 10Be ages mark maximum extents and minimum ages of glacial advances, respectively. Using toe-to-headwall altitude ratios of 0.4–0.5, we reconstruct minimum equilibrium-line altitudes that exceed previous estimates by as much as 400 m along the moister northern fringe of the Tien Shan. Our data show that deposits from large landslides can provide valuable spatio-temporal constraints for glacial advances in landscapes where moraines and glacial deposits have low preservation potential.  相似文献   

Among the Caledonides exposed in the western part of the Kyrgyz Range the Lower Ordovician volcanogenic-sedimentary, plutonic, and tuffaceous-terrigenous complexes were distinguished. Volcanogenic-sedimentary sequences are the Kentash Formation, composed of volcanic rocks, tuffs and subvolcanic bodies of dacitic, andesitic and basaltic composition, sandstones and tuffites with interlayers and lenses of limestone. On the basis of conodonts and U-Pb dating of zircon grains the age of this Formation is in the age interval between Late Tremadocian Stage and Early Darriwilian Stage. Differentiated volcanites are associated with ultramafic-gabbro massifs of the Kokkiya Complex of the Late Darriwilian age (U-Pb zirconology). Features of the chemical composition of rocks of the Kentash Formation and the Kokkiya Complex indicate that they formed in suprasubduction settings within the island arc with a thick heterogeneous basement. Tuffaceous-terrigenous deposits are presented by the olistostrome formation, and coarse-grained deposits of the Taldybulak and Kyzylkainar Formations. The formation of olistostrome formation is associated with the over-thrusting of Cambrian melanocratic complexes on terrigenous-carbonate and shale strata of the Upper Precambrian-Cambrian age. Deposits of the Taldybulak and Kyzylkainar Formations accumulated in the back-arc basin and on the island arc slope, made of rocks of the Kentash Formation.  相似文献   

The Song-Kul Basin sits on a plateau at the Northern and Middle Kyrgyz Tien Shan junction. It is a lacustrine basin, occupied by Lake Song-Kul and predominantly developed on igneous basement. This basement was targeted for a multi-method chronological study to identify the different magmatic episodes responsible for basement formation and to constrain the timing of the development of its present-day morphology. Zircon U/Pb dating by LA-ICP-MS revealed four different magmatic episodes: a Late Cambrian (~ 500 Ma) island arc system, a Late Ordovician (~ 450 Ma) subduction related intrusion, an Early Permian (~ 290 Ma) collisional stage, and a Middle to Late Permian (~ 260 Ma) post-collisional magmatic pulse. Middle to Late Triassic (~ 200–230 Ma) titanite fission-track ages and Late Triassic – Early Jurassic (~ 180–210 Ma) apatite fission-track ages and thermal history modeling indicate the Song-Kul basement was already emplaced in the shallow crust at that time. An exhumed fossil apatite fission-track partial annealing zone is recognized in the bordering Song-Kul mountain ranges. The area experienced only minor post-Early Mesozoic denudation. The igneous basement was slowly brought to apatite (U–Th)/He retention temperatures in the Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene. Miocene to present reactivation of the Tien Shan does not manifestly affect this part of the orogen.  相似文献   

The conducted comprehensive study of the western part of Kyrgyz Ridge provided new data on the structure, composition and age of Precambrian and Early Paleozoic stratified and igneous complexes. The main achievements of these studies are: (1) the establishment of a wide age spectrum, embracing the interval from the Neoproterozoic to the end of the Early Ordovician, for the clastic-carbonate units composing the cover of the Northern Tian Shan sialic massif; (2) the reconstruction and dating of Early and Late Cambrian ophiolite complexes formed in suprasubduction settings;(3) the discovery and dating of the Early-Middle Ordovician volcano-sedimentary complex of island-arc affinity; and (4) proof of the wide occurrence of Late Ordovician granitoids, some of which bear Cu-Au-Mo ores. The intricate thrust-and-fold structure of the western part of the Kyrgyz Ridge, formed in several stages from the Middle Cambrian (?) until the end of the Middle Ordovician, was scrutinized; the importance of the Early Ordovician stage was demonstrated. The intrusion of large batholiths in the early Late Ordovician accomplished the caledonide structural evolution. Formation of Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic caledonide complexes, which were possibly related to the protracted and entangled evolution of the active continental margin, ceased by the Late Ordovician.  相似文献   

The Chinese Tien Shan range is a Palaeozoic orogenic belt which contains two collision zones. The older, southern collision accreted a north-facing passive continental margin on the north side of the Tarim Block to an active continental margin on the south side of an elongate continental tract, the Central Tien Shan. Collision occurred along the Qinbulak-Qawabulak Fault (Southern Tien Shan suture). The time of the collision is poorly constrained, but was probably in in the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous. We propose this age because of a major disconformity at this time along the north side of the Tarim Block, and because the Youshugou ophiolite is imbricated with Middle Devonian sediments. A younger, probably Late Carboniferous-Early Permian collision along the North Tien Shan Fault (Northern Tien Shan suture) accreted the northern side of the Central Tien Shan to an island arc which lay to its north, the North Tien Shan arc. This collision is bracketed by the Middle Carboniferous termination of arc magmatism and the appearance of Late Carboniferous or Early Permian elastics in a foreland basin developed over the extinct arc. Thrust sheets generated by the collision are proposed as the tectonic load responsible for the subsidence of this basin. Post-collisional, but Palaeozoic, dextral shear occurred along the northern suture zone, this was accompanied by the intrusion of basic and acidic magmas in the Central Tien Shan. Late Palaeozoic basic igneous rocks from all three lithospheric blocks represented in the Tien Shan possess chemical characteristics associated with generation in supra-subduction zone environments, even though many post-date one or both collisions. Rocks from each block also possess distinctive trace element chemistries, which supports the three-fold structural division of the orogenic belt. It is unclear whether the chemical differences represent different source characteristics, or are due to different episodes of magmatism being juxtaposed by later dextral strike-slip fault motions. Because the southern collision zone in the Tien Shan is the older of the two, the Tarim Block sensu stricto collided not with the Eurasian landmass, but with a continental block which was itself separated from Eurasia by at least one ocean. The destruction of this ocean in Late Carboniferous-Early Permian times represented the final elimination of all oceanic basins from this part of central Asia.  相似文献   

Geological mapping and structural analysis of the Talas Ala Tau (Tien Shan, Kyrgyz Republic) have revealed a complex structure composed of folds with axial-plane cleavage and thrust faults verging towards the NE. The main structures of the range correspond to minor Tertiary and Carboniferous–Permian deformation superimposed on the main deformation event that took place during the Baikalian orogeny. The pervasive axial-plane cleavage diminishes in penetrativity from the hinterland to the foreland in both the Uzunakhmat and Karagoin sheets. The main thrusts developed phyllonitic shear-related rocks on the hangingwall immediately above the thrust planes. A crystal-chemical study of the phyllosilicates growth during the Baikalian deformation event along a cross-section revealed changes in the crystallinity, composition and lattice parameters of them. The phyllosilicates present in the Talas Ala Tau rocks were crystallized in very low-grade metamorphic conditions, that is below 300 °C, as indicated by their Kübler Index (KI), which decreases from SW towards the NE. Detailed TEM study of the phyllosilicates reveals a clear textural difference at the lattice level between samples with higher or lower KI parameters. There is also a clear difference in crystal-chemical parameters (KI and b) and composition between the phyllosilicates growth in relation to the axial-plane cleavage and the ones belonging to the thrust-related phyllonites. The first ones are more affected by the ferrimuscovitic vector than the phyllosilicates of phyllonites, closer to the theoretical phengitic component. Huge ranges of values of phengitic content of micas at sample level are interpreted as the result of a decompression path from at least 8 kbar. We propose a subduction geodynamic environment for the regional deformation and the origin of the phyllosilicates, as they are similar to those obtained in more recent accretionary complexes.  相似文献   

The early Paleozoic Terskey Suture zone,located in the southern part of the Northern Tien Shan domain in Kyrgyzstan,comprises tectonic slivers of dismembered ophiolites and associated primitive volcanics and deepmarine sediments.In the Lake Songkul area,early-middle Cambrian pillow basalts are crosscut by the Songkultau intrusion of coarse-grained gneissose quartz diorites and tonalites with geochemical characteristics typical for high-SiO2 adakites(SiO2>56 wt.%,Al2O3>15 wt.%,Na2 O>3.5 wt.%and high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios).The Songkultau granitoids have positive initialεNd(+3.8 to+6.4)andεHf(+12.3 to+13.5)values indicating derivation from sources with MORB-like isotopic signature.Volcanic formations,surrounding the Songkultau intrusion,have geochemical affinities varying from ocean floor to island arc series.This rock assemblage is interpreted as a relic of an early-middle Cambrian primitive arc where the adakite-like granitoids were derived from partial melting of young and hot subducted oceanic crust.An age of 505 Ma,obtained for the Songkultau intrusion,shows that hot subduction under the Northern Tien Shan continued until middle Cambrian.The primitive arc complexes were obducted onto the Northern Tien Shan domain,where the Andean type continental magmatic arc developed in Cambrian and Ordovician.Formation of the Andean type arc was accompanied by uplift,erosion and deposition of coarse clastic sediments.A depositional age of ca.470 Ma,obtained for the gravellites in the Lake Songkul area,is in agreement with the timing of deposition for lower Ordovician conglomerates elsewhere in the Northern Tien Shan,and corresponds to the main phase of the Andean type magmatism.The Songkultau adakites in association with surrounding ocean floor and island arc formations constitute a relic of a primitive Cambrian arc and represent a juvenile domain of substantial size identified so far within the predominantly crustal-derived terranes of Tien Shan.On a regional scale this primitive arc can be compared with juvenile Cambrian arcs of Kazakhstan,Gorny Altai and Mongolia.  相似文献   

High-density array MT soundings of the crust in the seismically active northern Tien Shan were performed using Phoenix MTU-5 stations in the Bishkek Geodynamic Polygon, at the junction of the Chu basin and the Kyrgyz Range. The MT transfer functions were determined to an accuracy of 1–2% (amplitude) and about 0.5–0.8 deg (phase) in most of 145 soundings. Preliminary analysis of the collected data aimed at estimating the geoelectrical dimensionality. The Bahr decomposition analysis indicated the presence of local 3D structures in the crust of the area superposed on the regional 2D structure.  相似文献   

The complex crustal structure of the Tien Shan has a strong impact on the distribution of strain induced by the India–Eurasia collision, with intracontinental deformation in Eurasia’s interior as a distant effect. The northward propagation of the India–Eurasia deformation front is suggested by the rejuvenation of mountain ranges and intermittent intramontane basins. The Tien Shan basement is formed by the rigid, heterogeneous Precambrian blocks (microcontinents) of Tarim, Issyk-Kul (or Central Tien Shan) and Aktyuz-Boordin, surrounded by a ‘soft’ matrix of Paleozoic accretion–collision belts. The Kyrgyz Tien Shan Mountains are situated between the active structures of the Tarim Plate and the Pamir indenter (south), and the stable Kazakhstan Shield (north). Underplating by the Tarim Plate and thrusting by the Pamirs are responsible for the building of the Cenozoic Tien Shan, the reactivation of its inherited structural fabric and the tectonic layering of the upper lithosphere underlying the area. Large earthquakes (M > 6) delineate the northern and southern margins of the Issyk-Kul microcontinent, indicating that crustal heterogeneity influenced the location of active structures in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic volcanics and granitoids formed at Rodinia margins within a time span of 880 Ma–700 Ma, are well-documented in many terranes of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Ages younger than 550 Ma corresponding to the opening of the Terskey Ocean are also common. However, so far, there were very few published ages in the range 700 Ma–550 Ma from the Kyrgyz Tien Shan. In this paper we present new data for the alkaline Chon-Ashu complex emplaced at the end of the Cryogenian Period of the Neoproterozoic (850–635 Ma, Gradstein et al., 2012). The alkaline complex intrudes the Precambrian metamorphic rocks north of the Nikolaev Line which separates the Northern and Middle Tien Shan terranes in the eastern Kyrgyzstan. The undeformed shallow level alkaline rocks range from olivine gabbro to nepheline and cancrinite syenites and leucosyenites. The differentiated rock assemblage can be explained by fractional crystallization of high-silica mineral phases which drives nepheline-normative melts away from the silica saturation boundary. The alkaline rocks of Chon-Ashu are enriched in LILE and HFSE indicative of their origin from lithospheric mantle. An age of 678 ± 9 Ma (U–Pb, SHRIMP) was obtained for a protolith of country gneiss, and an age of 656 ± 4 Ma was obtained for the crosscutting alkaline rocks of the Chon-Ashu complex. Seven zircon grains recovered from gneiss and alkaline rocks had bright overgrown rims which yielded a cumulative age of 400 ± 8 Ma. A metamorphic event, followed by uplift and emplacement of shallow level alkaline complex, constrains the geodynamic setting. Alkaline rocks usually form in an extensional setting and originate from lithospheric mantle. The 690 Ma xenoliths of mafic granulite from the NW Tarim have been interpreted to originate by mafic underplating. This mafic underplating may have been responsible for metamorphism in the middle crust prior to emplacement of the Chon-Ashu complex. The 670 Ma–630 Ma period of extension and emplacement of enriched alkaline rocks can be also traced on a regional scale through southern Kazakhstan and the northern Tarim. We tentatively interpret these events as a result of mafic underplating and subsequent rifting related to the break-up of Rodinia. During field work at Chon-Ashu, rich chalcopyrite mineralization has been discovered in carbonate veinlets in leucosyenite alkaline dikes and has also been found in the adjacent Cambrian gabbro and granites shown on the map as undivided Devonian–Silurian. Stockwork mineralization predominates though disseminated mineralization is also present. The Cu content reaches 16,184 ppm and is associated with elevated concentrations of Pb, Zn and Ag. The polyphase structural evolution of the area suggests that mineralization could have formed in several genetically unrelated stages. Based on structural and mineralogical evidence we tentatively relate the earliest stage of chalcopyrite mineralization to the late magmatic CO2-rich fluids emanating from the Cryogenian alkaline complex. The Early Devonian thermal event registered by growth of new zircon at 400 Ma has important metallogenic implications on a regional scale. However the origin of two zones of alteration in the undivided Silurian–Devonian granites is ambiguous because their age was not determined geochronologically. The 522 ± 4 Ma Cambrian gabbro of the Tashtambektor Formation is strongly foliated along the splays of the Nikolaev Line, indicating a Hercynian origin of the fabric. Superimposed mineralized stockwork postdates the foliation and suggests a late-Hercynian age of mineralization in gabbro. The new data enable a reassessment of the metallogenic potential of the Eastern Kyrgyz Tien Shan. Presence of not eroded high-level mineralized Neoproterozoic alkaline intrusions points to a previously underestimated metallogenic potential of pre-Hercynian granitoids which may host preserved porphyry systems, skarns and shear-related mineralization. Finally, the Devonian magmato-metamorphic event which caused formation of a number of ore deposits in central Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan could also create potential exploration targets in eastern Kyrgyzstan.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic measurements were carried out on low-grade metamorphic carbonates, of Mesozoic age from the Shiar area (85.1°E, 28.6°N) of the Tethyan Himalaya (TH) in north central Nepal. Two characteristic remanence components carried by pyrrhotite (ChRM1) and magnetite (ChRM2) could be identified by their unblocking temperature spectra of 270–340 and 430–580°C, respectively. Fold tests are not significant, due to the uniform bedding of all sites. However, according to results from other areas of the TH, the pyrrhotite component has been probably acquired as a secondary (p)TRM during exhumation and cooling; thus the age of remanence acquisition can be related to the last cooling event (25–17 Ma in the surrounding areas). The inclination of the magnetite component matches the value expected from the Indian APWP. This may the primary origin of the ChRM2.Pyrrhotite site-mean directions show a small-circle distribution, with a best fit parallel to the N–S direction. Backtilting to the expected inclination (Iexp) by intersection of the remanence small-circle with the small-circle of constant Iexp yields a clockwise block rotation of 30–35° with respect to the Indian Plate. Characteristics of the pyrrhotite component (small-circle distribution of site-means, secondary origin, (p)TRM with unblocking temperatures below about 300°C), allow the interpretation of the chronologic order of the thermo-tectonic history: (i) an earlier main folding phase at elevated temperatures; (ii) a later event of cooling through about 300°C coinciding with the acquisition of ChRM1; (iii) clockwise block rotations with respect to the Indian Plate and (iv) long-wave folding as the youngest tectonic event.  相似文献   

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