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Results of the observations of mutual eclipses of Galilean satellites observed from the Vainu Bappu Observatory during 1985 are presented. Theoretical models assuming a uniform disc, Lambert’s law and Lommel-Seeliger’s law describing the scattering characteristics of the surface of the eclipsed satellite were used to fit the observations. Light curves of the 1E2 event on 1985 September 24 and the 3E1 event on 1985 October 24 observed from VBO and published light curves of the 1E2 event on 1985 September 14, the 3E1 event on 1985 September 26 and the 2E1 event on 1985 October 28 (Arlotet al 1989) were fitted with theoretical light curves using Marquardt’s algorithm. The best fitting was obtained using Lommel-Seeliger’s law to describe the scattering over the surface of Io and Europa. During the fitting, a parameterδxshift which shifts the theoretical light curve along the direction of relative motion of the eclipsed satellite with respect to the shadow centre, on the sky plane (as seen from the Sun) was determined along with the impact parameter. In absence of other sources like prominent surface features or non perfect sky conditions which could lead to asymmetric light curves,δxshift would be a measure of the phase correction (Aksnes, Franklin & Magnusson 1986) with an accuracy as that of the midtime. Heliocentric Δα cos (δ) and gDδ at mid times derived from fitted impact parameters are reported  相似文献   

Excitation temperatures of the peculiar objects Boss 1985, AG Pegasi and AG Carinae have been derived form the corrected intensities of the emission lines.The values obtained are 5900K for Boss 1985, 8000K for AG Pegasi and 10500K for AG Carinae.From the observed quantities log (I/I c), whereI is the intensity of the line andI c the intensity of the underlying continuum, the true continuum has been derived.The results are in good agreement with those predicted in previous investigations.  相似文献   

The W UMa-type system V839 Oph was observed photoelectrically in two wavebands (B andV) during 1985 at the Kryonerion Astronomical Station of the National Observatory of Greece. The light curves of the system are analysed using the frequency-domain techniques and new geometric and photometric elements are given. The light variations of the system are also discussed.  相似文献   

By expressing the magnetic field and fluid velocity in terms of two Chandrasekhar-Kendall functions (n = 0, m = 0; n = 1, m = 0) we investigated the steady-state pressure profile inside a solar coronal loop. For constant density loops, we found a two-dimensional (radial and axial) structure of pressure. This work is the modified version of the work of Krishan (1985). At the base of the loop, the pressure is found to increase steeply outwards along the radius, whereas at the apex it decreases slowly. The radial variation of pressure is found to be minimum around L/5, where L is the length of the loop measured from one foot to another one. But Krishan (1985) found that the rate of increase of pressure at the base was nearly equal to the rate of decrease of pressure at the apex, and the pressure was found nearly constant at L/4. For axial variation, we found that along the loop axis the pressure increases from the base up to z = 3L/8 and then decreases up to the apex, whereas at the surface, the pressure decreases from the base up to the apex. Krishan (1985), however, found the axial variation to be linear.  相似文献   

The variation with position and view direction of heliospheric H-L scattered intensity seen by a L detector in the heliosphere is re-examined. Here, a frequency- and angle-dependent multiscattering calculation (Scherer, 1994; Scherer and Fahr, 1995) is used that takes into account the local thermodynamical conditions of the scattering agent, such as temperature, density and bulk velocity of the neutral interplanetary hydrogen, as given in a recent model by Osterbart and Fahr (1992). The calculated intensity patterns show strongly pronounced dependencies of the direction of the line of sight which are explained by effects of the Doppler shift in the resonance absorption and the dipole-phase function used in the multiscattering calculation. The theoretical results obtained with these computations nicely fit the intensities measured byPrognoz 5/6 probe (Lallement, Bertaux, and Dalaudier, 1985; Bertauxet al., 1985) without, however, assuming a latitude dependence of the solar wind mass outflow. This expresses the fact that, using an adequate radiation transport calculation, it is possible to explain thePrognoz andGalileo data without the need to specify anisotropic solar wind mass outflow from the corona preferred by several authors (Lallement, Bertaux, and Dalaudier, 1985; Lallement, 1989; Broadfoot and Kumar, 1978; Bertauxet al., 1985; Ajelloet al., 1994). In view of forthcomingUlysses solar wind measurements at polar latitudes this might be of importance to know.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the eccentric eclipsing binary V1143 Cyg were performed during Aug.–Sep. 2000 and July 2002, in Johnson B and V bands. The analysis of both light curves was made separately using the 1998 version of Wilson’s LC code. In order to find a new observed rate of apsidal motion, we followed the procedure described by Guinan and Maloney (1985). A new observed rate of apsidal motion of 3.72/100 yr was computed, which is close to the one reported earlier by Khaliullin (1983), Gimenez and Margrave (1985), and Burns et al. (1996).  相似文献   

Several authors have studied solutions of Einstein's field equations for a conformally invariant scalar field with trace-free energy-momentum tensor for the Robertson-Walker models forK = 0, ± 1. The relationship of these solutions to a previously existing one by Som (1985) is discussed. TheK = 0 model derived by Innaiah and Reddy (1985) is shown to be a special case of the Bianchi type-I models due to Accioly, Vaidya and Som (1983a).  相似文献   

Spot photometry in theUBV was obtained for the flare star BY Dra during 1985-1991 at the Bulgarian National Astronomical Observatory. Light curves are presented for 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1991. There are significant variations of the amplitudes of the light curves implying changes of the spot distribution. The phases of the light minima are variable, indicating possible latitudinal migration of the spot and differential rotation. Rough estimate of the corresponding latitudinal shear is in the range 3 × 10–11 –5 × 10–10 rad s–1 deg–1. The photometric behaviour of BY Dra since 1960 shows no compeling evidence for existence of stellar cycles. This is in contradiction with previous studies. During 1985-1991 a total of 38.47 hours of monitoring in theU-filter were obtained. Analysis of the flare activity of BY Dra shows no significant changes from previous studies.  相似文献   

We have investigated the formation of polar gaps in pulsars as envisaged by Ruderman and Sutherland (1975) in the presence of photon conversion into positronia (Shabad and Usov, 1985; Heroldet al., 1985) and dissociation of positronia by strong electric fields. For the emission of curvature radiation near the pulsar's surface, we have used formulae which are valid in the extreme relativistic regime. We find that the gap formation is not affected, only the gap height is generally slightly increased. In the sample of pulsars that we have studied, in most cases there is likely to be enough plasma in the gap to initiate processes producing radio emission in accordance with the theory. In some cases we found the possibility of emission of high-energy photons outside the pulsar magnetosphere, as was suggested earlier by us (Bhatiaet al., 1987) in conformity with some of the observations.  相似文献   

We have studied the Hoyle-Narlikar C-field cosmology with Bianchi type-I space–time in N dimensions. Using methods of Narlikar and Padmanabham (Phys. Rev. D 32:1928, 1985), the solutions have been studied when the creation field C is a function of time t only. The geometrical and physical aspects for the model are also studied.  相似文献   

We present the spectrum of the supernova 1985F over the wavelength range 4600 to 10000 Å as recorded in one 200 s exposure on 16 May, 1985, when its age was estimated to bet240 days. This wideband measurement with a resolution of 20 Å was made with the new Faint Object Spectrograph on the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos. Broad line features were observed for the ionsOi,Oii, andOiii, Caii, and Nai although broad H was noteably absent. This suggests type I rather than type II properties but Filippenko and Sargent (1985c) have concluded this object to be of neither type and of a new peculiar class. We have observed the Caii infra-red triplet at 8600 Å which has not been previously reported in the spectrum of SN1985F and alsoCi] at 9800 Å.  相似文献   

We derive some new perfect solutions in five dimensions. The solutions given are the generalizations of theL(4, 7) vacuum solution given recently by Demaret and Hanquin (1985) in an incorrect form only.  相似文献   

The RS CVn-type eclipsing binary star RT Lac has been observed inB andV colours, during 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, and 1988 observing seasons. The orbital period of the system was found to be decreasing with an amount of 62 s century–1. The brightnesses both at minima and maxima are changing with time. It seems that the variations of the brightnesses at mid-primary and second quarter are similar, but at second first quarters are opposite to each other. We believe that these variations are mainly related with the spots (or spot groups) located on the surface of the component star which is in front during the primary minimum. We also estimate the period of the spot activity cycle to be approximately six years.  相似文献   

Periodicities of 22, 8 and 6 years have been found by a statistical analysis of the coefficient of atmospheric activity R of Jupiter for the time period 1910–1985.We have also found variations of the coefficient of asymmetry of the activity Z measured by the Observatory of Athens for the time period 1956–1985 with periodicities of 12, 8, 6 and 4 years by statistical analysis.The same periodicities have been recently found in an analysis of the total number of solar flares and in the number of high velocity solar wind streamers.  相似文献   

The distribution of monthly counts of grouped solar flares N f has been studied for the time period 1967–1985 and they have been compared to other solar activity index R z , F 2800, and F 3750 i.e. intensities of solar radio flux at 2800 MH z and 3750 MH z . Seasonal variations have been found in the monthly distribution of solar flares.We have also studied the variation of the correlation coefficient for every year between N F and R z for the time period 1967–1985. The distribution of monthly counts of grouped solar flares N f has also been compared to the number at high velocity solar-wind streamers for the same period.  相似文献   

Exact Bianchi type-VI0 cosmological solutions to Einstein's equations are presented in vacuum and for stiff-matter in the normal gauge for Lyra's geometry and in scalar-tensor theories developed by Saez and Ballester (1985) and Lau and Prokhovnik (1986). Also cosmological solutions are obtained for pure massive strings (p-strings) and for pure geometric strings. The dynamical behaviour of the models have been discussed.  相似文献   

Field equations in the presence of a perfect fluid distribution are obtained in a scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester (Phys. Lett. 113, 1985, 467) with the aid of Einstein–Rosen cylindrically symmetric metric. A static vacuum model and a non-static stiff fluid model are presented. The physical and geometrical properties of the stiff fluid model are studied.  相似文献   

Available lunar orbital data were studied in detail to determine the nature and origin of geochemical variation in a portion of the farside highlands east of the Smythii basin. Such data exist for the elements Al, Mg, Fe, Ti, and Th (Clark and Hawke, 1981; Davis, 1980; Metzger et al., 1977). As in our previous studies (Clarke and Hawke, 1981, 1987), averages and ranges of concentrations for these elements are calculated and correlated for photogeologically defined units associated with features such as Babcock, King, Al-Khwarezmi, Langemak, Pasteur, and Sklodowska and with the region as a whole. In addition, comparisons are made between this and other highland regions which have been investigated by other workers in a similar manner (Andre et al., 1977; Haines et al., 1978; Maxwell and Andre, 1981). The region is shown to be distinctively enriched in the anorthositic end-members of the ANT-suite. Anomalies which have been reported for this region (Hawke et al., 1985) are confirmed by this study. An area south of Pasteur shows enrichment in some mafic components, giving evidence for the presence of buried mare basalt, and lending support to the hypothesis that volcanic activity may be fairly widespread even in the farside highlands. The units just southeast of Mare Smythii appear to be geochemically related to the area partly surrounding the Smythii on the west (Clark and Hawke, 1987). Considerable geochemical heterogeneity exists in this area, as in areas of the nearside highlands (Clark and Hawke, 1981, 1982, 1987; Hawke et al., 1985).  相似文献   

Axially symmetric cosmological models with cosmic string source are obtained in a scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester (Phys. Lett. A113, 467, 1985). The models obtained give us axially symmetric geometric (Nambu) string, p-string and Reddy string (Astrophys. Space Sci. 286, 2003b) in Saez-Ballester theory. Some physical properties of the models are also discussed.  相似文献   

U, B, V photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary system DX Aqr, secured in 1981, have been presented. Present results, when compared with earlier ones (cf. Srivastava and Sinha, 1985), suggest that the features of the system are changing. Some new features are reported.  相似文献   

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