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In this paper, we explore the plausible luminosity evolution of early-type galaxies in different cosmological models by constructing a set of pure luminosity evolution (PLE) models via the choices of the star-formation rate (SFR) parameters and formation redshift z f of galaxies, with the observational constraints derived from the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST  ) morphological number counts for elliptical and S0 galaxies of the Medium Deep Survey (MDS) and the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). We find that the number counts of early-type galaxies can be explained by the pure luminosity evolution models, without invoking exotic scenarios such as merging or introducing an additional population, but the evolution should be nearly passive, with a high z f assumed. The conclusion is valid in all of the three cosmological models we adopt in this paper. We also present the redshift distributions for three bins of observed magnitudes in the F814w passband, to show the redshift at which the objects that dominate the counts at a given magnitude may be found. The predictions of the redshift distribution of 22.5 <  b j  < 24.0 are also presented for comparison with future data.  相似文献   

Surface photometry of 18 Virgo cluster dwarf elliptical (dE) and dwarf lenticular (dS0) galaxies, made by Gavazzi et al. in the H band (1.65 μm) and in the B band (0.44 μm), shows that the ratio of the effective radii of these stellar systems in the B and H bands,   r e B / r e H   , ranges between 0.7 and 2.2. In particular, dwarf ellipticals and lenticulars with a red total colour index   B - H   (i.e. with  3.2< B - H <4)  have equal effective radii in these two passbands. By contrast, blue (i.e. with  2.5< B - H <3.1)  dEs and dS0s have B -band effective radii about 50 per cent larger than the H -band ones, on average. Consistently, strong negative gradients in   B - H   along the galactocentric radius are found to be associated with blue total colours. This trend is not found in a sample of 29 giant E and S0 galaxies of the Coma cluster with analogous data available in the literature. These early-type giants span a broad range in    r e B / r e H    (0.2–2.2)  , with a mean   r e B / r e H ∼1.1  , but a narrow range in (red) colour  (3.3< B - H <4.2)  . In these stellar systems, colour gradients are usually interpreted as arising either from age/metallicity gradients along the radial coordinate or from dust attenuation, whatever the total colour of the system is. Assuming each of these three distinct interpretations of the origin of colour gradients, we discuss the origin of the association of strong negative colour gradients with blue colours found in the early-type dwarfs under study, in relation with current scenarios of formation and evolution of dE and dS0 galaxies.  相似文献   

We search for ongoing major dry mergers in a well-selected sample of local brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) from the C4 cluster catalogue. 18 out of 515 early-type BCGs with redshift between 0.03 and 0.12 are found to be in major dry mergers, which are selected as pairs (or triples) with r -band magnitude difference  δ m r < 1.5  and projected separation   r p < 30 kpc  , and showing signatures of interaction in the form of significant asymmetry in residual images. We find that the fraction of BCGs in major dry mergers increases with the richness of the clusters, consistent with the fact that richer clusters usually have more massive (or luminous) BCGs. We estimate that present-day early-type BCGs may have experienced on average  ∼0.6 ( t merge/0.3 Gyr)−1  major dry mergers and through this process increases their luminosity (mass) by 15 per cent  ( t merge/0.3 Gyr)−1 ( f mass/0.5)  on average since   z = 0.7  , where t merge is the merging time-scale and f mass is the mean mass fraction of companion galaxies added to the central ones. We also find that major dry mergers do not seem to elevate radio activities in BCGs. Our study shows that major dry mergers involving BCGs in clusters of galaxies are not rare in the local Universe, and they are an important channel for the formation and evolution of BCGs.  相似文献   

We extract from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey a sample of 347 systems involving early-type galaxies separated by less than 30 kpc, in projection, and 500 km s−1 in radial velocity. These close pairs are likely progenitors of dry mergers. The (optical) spectra are used to determine how the interaction affects the star formation history and nuclear activity of the galaxies. The emission lines (or lack thereof) are used to classify the sample into AGN, star forming or quiescent. Increased AGN activity and reduced star formation in early-type pairs that already appear to be interacting indicate that the merging process changes the nature of nebular activity, a finding that is also supported by an increase in AGN luminosity with decreasing pair separation. Recent star formation is studied on the absorption-line spectra, both through the principal component analysis and via a comparison of the spectra with composite stellar population models. We find that the level of recent star formation in close pairs is raised relative to a control sample of early-type galaxies. This excess of residual star formation is found throughout the sample of close pairs and does not correlate with pair separation or with visual signs of interaction. Our findings are consistent with a scenario whereby the first stage of the encounter (involving the outer parts of the haloes) triggers residual star formation, followed by a more efficient inflow towards the centre – switching to an AGN phase – after which the systems are quiescent.  相似文献   

We apply principal component analysis (PCA) to a sample of early-type galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) in order to infer differences in their star formation histories from their unresolved stellar populations. We select a   z < 0.1  volume-limited sample comprising ∼7000 early-type galaxies from SDSS/Data Release 4. Out of the first few principal components (PC), we study four which give information about stellar populations and velocity dispersion. We construct two parameters (η and ζ) as linear combinations of PC1 and PC2. The four components can be presented as 'optimal filters' to explore in detail the properties of the underlying stellar populations. By comparing various photospectroscopic observables – including near-ultraviolet (NUV) photometry from Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) – we find ζ to be most sensitive to recent episodes of star formation, and η to be strongly dependent on the average age of the stellar populations. Both η and ζ also depend on metallicity. We apply these optimal filters to composite spectra assembled by Bernardi et al. The distribution of the η component of the composites appear to be indistinguishable between high- and low-density regions, whereas the distribution of ζ parameters have a significant skew towards lower values for galaxies in low-density regions. This result suggests that galaxies in lower density environments are less likely to present weak episodes of recent star formation. In contrast, a significant number of galaxies from our high-density subsample – which includes clusters (both outer regions and centres) and groups – underwent small but detectable recent star formation at high metallicity, in agreement with recent estimates targeting elliptical galaxies in Hickson Compact Groups and in the field.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that the apparent axial ratio of an elliptical galaxy is correlated with the age of its stellar population. We find that old ellipticals (with estimated ages t >7.5 Gyr) are rounder on average than younger ellipticals. The statistical significance of this shape difference is greatest at small radii; a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test comparing the axial ratios of the two populations at R = R e/16 yields a statistical significance greater than 99.96 per cent. The relation between age and apparent shape is linked to the core/power-law surface brightness profile dichotomy. Core ellipticals have older stellar populations, on average, than power-law ellipticals and are rounder in their inner regions. Our findings are consistent with a scenario in which power-law ellipticals are formed in gas-rich mergers, while core ellipticals form in dissipationless mergers, with cores formed and maintained by the influence of a binary black hole.  相似文献   

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