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The PDFs (probability density functions) and probability of a ship rolling under the random parametric and forced excitations were studied by a semi-analytical method. The rolling motion equation of the ship in random oblique waves was established. The righting arm obtained by the numerical simulation was approximately fitted by an analytical function. The irregular waves were decomposed into two Gauss stationary random processes, and the CARMA (2, 1) model was used to fit the spectral density function of parametric and forced excitations. The stochastic energy envelope averaging method was used to solve the PDFs and the probability. The validity of the semi-analytical method was verified by the Monte Carlo method. The C11 ship was taken as an example, and the influences of the system parameters on the PDFs and probability were analyzed. The results show that the probability of ship rolling is affected by the characteristic wave height, wave length, and the heading angle. In order to provide proper advice for the ship''s manoeuvring, the parametric excitations should be considered appropriately when the ship navigates in the oblique seas.  相似文献   

- This paper presents a procedure to calculate the safety factor against sliding of a marine gravity structure subjected to a combination of static and cyclic loads. This procedure claculates the stress at the sliding surface by the finite element method (FEM) and takes the dynamic properties of clay into account. With this procedure, the stability of a Bohai oil-drilling ship is analyzed. The calculated safety factor is much smaller than 1, indicating that this oil-drilling ship would fail just as what had happened to it.  相似文献   

风浪流联合作用下单点系泊船的受力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了风浪流联合作用下单点系泊船的受力问题.在应用Newman公式计算波浪漂移力的基础上,结合文献《Fleet Moorings Design Manual》,提出了不同方向的风、浪、流联合作用时,单点系泊船所受到的横向力、纵向力和回转力矩的计算方法.提出了风浪同向时,不同风流夹角组合对应的船舶平衡位置的确定方法.为缆绳、锚的选择以及舵角的控制提供了依据.最后通过算例验证了本方法的适用性和实用性.  相似文献   

A vertical two-dimensional turbulence numerical model for the interaction of waves and currents is developed in the paper based on the nonlinear two-equation k-ε model with the VOF method.The one-dimensional equivalent advection velocity and equivalent mixing coefficient are defined and the solving process is introduced:The pollutant concentration field,generated by an instant source in waves and currents,is calculated with the model,and then the equivalent advection velocity and equivalent mixing coefficient are obtained by calculating the time derivative of the mean and variance of pollutant concentration probability distribution.The effects of wave period and wave height on the equivalent mixing coefficient for waves and wave-currents are also investigated.  相似文献   

The determination of high-resolution geoid for marine regions requires the integration of gravity data provided by different sources, e.g. global geopotential models, satellite altimetry, and shipborne gravimetric observations. Shipborne gravity data, acquired over a long time, comprises the short-wavelengths gravitation signal. This paper aims to produce a consistent gravity field over the Red Sea region to be used for geoid modelling. Both, the leave-one-out cross-validation and Kriging prediction techniques were chosen to ensure that the observed shipborne gravity data are consistent as well as free of gross-errors. A confidence level equivalent to 95.4% was decided to filter the observed shipborne data, while the cross-validation algorithm was repeatedly applied until the standard deviation of the residuals between the observed and estimated values are less than 1.5 mGal, which led to the elimination of about 17.7% of the shipborne gravity dataset. A comparison between the shipborne gravity data with DTU13 and SSv23.1 satellite altimetry-derived gravity models is done and reported. The corresponding results revealed that altimetry models almost have identical data content when compared one another, where the DTU13 gave better results with a mean and standard deviation of ?2.40 and 8.71 mGal, respectively. A statistical comparison has been made between different global geopotential models (GGMs) and shipborne gravity data. The Spectral Enhancement Method was applied to overcome the existing spectral gap between the GGMs and shipborne gravity data. EGM2008 manifested the best results with differences characterised with a mean of 1.35 mGal and a standard deviation of 11.11 mGal. Finally, the least-squares collocation (LSC) was implemented to combine the shipborne gravity data with DTU13 in order to create a unique and consistent gravity field over the Red Sea with no data voids. The combined data were independently tested using a total number of 95 randomly chosen shipborne gravity stations. The comparison between the extracted shipborne gravity data and DTU13 altimetry anomalies before and after applying the LSC revealed that a significant improvement is procurable from the combined dataset, in which the mean and standard deviation of the differences dropped from ?3.60 and 9.31 mGal to ?0.39 and 2.04 mGal, respectively.  相似文献   

入海河流河口及其近海水域盐度分析方法浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水质监测及水环境调查中,盐度分析工作是一个重要环节,根据现行的《水质分析国家标准》,《海洋调查规范》地表水及生活用水的盐度分析一般采用前者,而海洋水样则采用后者,对于长江口及其近海水域既有适用《水质分析国家标准》(TB11896-89)的区段,又有适用《海洋调查规范》的区域,亦有两种都不适用的部分配 长江口盐度分析方法的研究,阐述了该区域进行水样盐度分析的各种方法的适用范围及提高效率保证成果质量  相似文献   

鲁南地区近40年气温变化趋势分析与农业应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用枣庄市5个气象站1977—2016年气温观测数据,对5个站点的气温进行平均;采用小波分析法和线性拟合法分析了鲁南地区近40年的逐年平均气温、季平均气温、年高温(≥35℃)日数和积温的变化特征。结果表明:1977—2016年枣庄地区年平均气温、四季平均气温和积温均呈现增温趋势,平均增温速率有所不同,其中春季的增温最为明显,倾向率为0.64℃/10a;1977—2016年每年高温日数表现出波动上升的趋势,高温日数变化的倾向率为1.70d/10a,积温变化的倾向率为90℃·d/10a。近40年来枣庄地区气温变化过程具有显著的阶段性,而不是单调递增。最后对发展高效农业的应对措施进行了分析并给出了建议。  相似文献   

本文基于实测温盐数据等资料,利用水团的浓度混合分析等方法,揭示了热带中东太平洋海域10°N断面的水团构成自上而下分别为东部赤道–热带水团、北太平洋中央水团、加利福尼亚流系水团、南太平洋中央水团、太平洋亚北极水团和太平洋深层水团。分析发现,受热带辐合带影响,9°~10°N海域常年持续的正风应力旋度诱发上升流出现,北太平洋中央水团、加利福尼亚流系水团、南太平洋中央水团和太平洋亚北极水团4个通风潜沉水团经向运动至该纬度带时被抽吸至次表层和中层,并散布在不同深度。以往研究仅指出上述4个水团在海表通风形成后将潜沉并向赤道方向运动,本研究进一步阐明了4个水团潜沉后向热带海域运动的动力机制及其在热带中东太平洋10°N断面的散布深度。研究成果揭示了热带中东太平洋水团与北太平洋副热带、亚极地和南太平洋副热带海区中上层水团间的循环过程,对认识北太平洋高–中–低纬度间物质和能量的交换和再分配具有重要科学价值。  相似文献   

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