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Heavy metal contents along the Northwest coast of Sabah were determined to interpret the pollution level in the marine sediment. The metal abundance is regulated by the physico-chemical properties such as the average sediment pH(7.82, 9.00 and 8.99), organic matter(0.62%, 1.60%, and 2.27%), moisture content(25.00%, 29.70%, and 15.00%) and sandy texture in Kota Belud, Kudat and Mantanani Island,respectively. The major elements show Ca>Fe>Mg>Al>Mn for all study sites, while the heavy m...  相似文献   

Surface sediments collected at the Tirumalairajan river estuary and their surrounding coastal areas were analyzed for the bulk metal concentration. The sediments were collected from post- and premonsoon seasons. Dominances of heavy metals are in the following order: Fe > Mn > Zn > Pb > Cu in both seasons from estuary and coastal area. The results reveal that Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, and Zn demonstrated an increased pattern from the estuary when compared to the coastal area. The heavy metal pattern of the sediments of the Tirumalairajan river estuary and its surrounding coastal area offered strong evidence that the coastal area was a major source of heavy metals to the estuarine region. For various metals, the contamination factor and geoaccumulation index (I geo) have been calculated to assess the degree of pollution in sediments. The contamination factor and geoaccumulation index show that Zn, Pb, and Cu unpolluted to moderately pollute the sediments in estuarine part. This study shows the major sources of metal contamination in catchment and anthropogenic ones, such as agriculture runoff, discharge of industrial wastewater, and municipal sewage through the estuary and adjoining coastal area.  相似文献   

Concentration and distribution of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn) in surface sediments collected from five stations located along the southwest coast of India were investigated seasonally to assess whether there is insidious buildup of heavy metals. Spatial variation was in accordance with textural characteristics and organic matter content. The concentration of the metals in sediments of the study area followed the order: Zn > Cr > Ni > Cu > Pb > Cd > Hg. The use of geochemical tools and sediment quality guidelines to account for the magnitude of heavy metal contamination revealed high contamination in monsoon and impoverishment during post-monsoon. Estimated total metal concentrations in the present investigation were comparable with other studies; however, concentrations of Ni and Zn were higher than that of other coastal regions. Concentrations of metals in sediment largely exceed NOAA effects range:low (e.g., Cu, Cr, Hg) or effects range:median (e.g., Ni) values. This means that adverse effects for benthic organisms are highly probable.  相似文献   

土壤修复过程中重金属形态的研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
重金属污染土壤的修复是现阶段污染土壤治理中的难点之一,在土壤修复过程中对重金属的形态研究已在多个领域中开展,并且在重金属形态及其与生物有效性和毒性等研究领域取得了一定的成果。本文综述了现阶段在污染土壤修复过程中对重金属形态研究的主要领域,分析研究重金属形态的必要性,总结出土壤修复过程中重金属形态方面应当从重金属在土壤与植物中的存在形态入手,研究重金属元素在不同界面间的迁移转化规律,通过阻断重金属元素在污染源、土壤、生物之间的传递链条,以阻止重金属对生物体造成危害,从而为土壤重金属污染的治理修复提供理论基础。  相似文献   

李东风 《世界地质》2013,32(4):867-870
镉是一种毒性很大、在自然界中分布广泛的重金属元素。利用辽河流域生态地球化学调查中取得的土壤、大气干湿沉降、灌溉水及农药化肥等样品,对沈阳细河地区土壤中镉污染源进行了甄别及追踪。结果表明: 沈阳细河地区土壤中镉元素污染是由人为源引起,且镉元素污染源主要为污水灌溉、大气降尘及磷肥三种途径。  相似文献   

This is a 4-year longitudinal study to evaluate changes to the environment and exposure of young children associated with the introduction of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) into Australia in 2000. The cohort includes 57 females and 56 males; age range of 0.29 to 3.9 years. Samples are collected every 6 months from children in residences located at varying distances from major traffic thoroughfares in Sydney. Environmental samples: air, house and day care dustfall, soil, dust sweepings and gasoline. Samples from children: blood, urine, handwipes prior to and after playing outdoors, and a 6-day duplicate diet. All samples are analyzed for a suite of 20 elements using ICP-MS. Results are presented for the first three 6-month sampling periods for Pb and Mn. For dustfall accumulation, there was no significant change over the 3 sampling periods (time) for Pb or Mn, and a positive relationship between ‘traffic exposure' (traffic volume and proximity to the road) and Pb but not Mn. For handwipes, Pb and Mn in wipes taken from children after playing outdoors were usually significantly greater than for wipes taken prior to playing. There was no significant association between Pb or Mn in handwipes with traffic exposure. Dustfall accumulation was a significant predictor for Pb in the handwipes, and dust sweepings were a significant predictor of Mn in handwipes.  相似文献   

. Surficial sediments sampled from accreting and eroding areas along the coast of Guyana were examined for concentrations of heavy metals; aluminum, copper, chromium, iron, nickel, lead, vanadium and zinc. Twenty-four samples were collected, 12 from each of the eroding and accreting areas. For granulometric composition determination, samples were separated into particle-size fractions using sieving and hydrometer procedures. The consideration of three grain-size fractions (4.0, 5.0, and greater than 5.0 phi), plus 24 bulk samples less than 4.0 phi in diameter, required analyzing a total of 96 samples for the presence of heavy metals. The analysis employed was aquaregia digestion, followed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The statistical techniques of discriminant analysis, analysis of variance, and correlation and regression were used to analyze all obtained data. Discriminant analysis revealed that metal concentrations were statistically unique to each area. From the analysis of variance, and correlation and regression, it was discovered that the grain size of the sediment had a pronounced effect on the spatial distribution of heavy metals. The accreting area, with finer sediments, accumulated higher concentrations of heavy metals.  相似文献   

邬光海  王晨昇  陈鸿汉 《中国地质》2020,47(6):1838-1852
为研究内蒙古赤峰市废弃钨钼矿区周围土壤重金属污染特征、潜在生态风险及成因分析,共采集83份表层土壤样品和6个土壤钻孔。采用ArcGIS空间插值分析方法研究As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Mo和Zn的空间分布,构建重金属扰动指数函数研究重金属受人类活动的污染程度,利用地累积指数法验证矿区周围土壤重金属污染程度,通过相关性分析判断重金属来源并讨论污染成因。结果表明:矿区周围土壤As、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn和Mo平均含量明显高于矿区周边背景值,高含量主要分布尾矿库周围,主要来源为矿山采选活动;Cr和Ni基本无污染,主要来源为母岩风化。通过重金属扰动指数函数计算发现:采用区域背景值对矿区周围进行重金属污染评价夸大了矿山采选活动对矿区周围土壤重金属的污染,矿区周围土壤重金属污染是由于天然重金属富集和采矿活动共同作用下的“双驱动模式”导致,尾矿库周围土壤重金属污染程度随着与尾矿库水平距离的增加和深度的加大而逐渐降低。降水量丰富程度是影响重金属迁移能力的关键因素,该矿处于降水量匮乏地区,尾矿库对周围土壤重金属污染范围有限,对生态环境影响轻微。  相似文献   

通辽地区污灌区土壤中重金属迁移规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通辽地区污灌区土壤土层剖面不同深度重金属铬、铜、镉、铅元素测试和分析结果表明,重金属在垂直方向上的浓度随着土层加深,含量减少,土壤对重金属具有吸附和过滤作用,污灌区地下水目前没有受到污染。  相似文献   

Yosihiko Ogata   《Tectonophysics》2006,424(3-4):291
This paper is concerned with the intermediate-term prediction of the forthcoming M7.4–8.2 earthquake on the plate boundary, off the east coast of Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan, which has the highest occurrence probability among the long-term forecasted events announced to the public. Seismicity and aftershocks in the regions of stress-shadow preceding each of the previous ruptures in 1936 and 1978 shows significantly lower activity than the predicted rate by the ETAS model (the relative quiescence) during some years preceding the events, whereas the seismicity is normal or even activated in the regions of neutral or increasing Coulomb failure stress (CFS), which leads to the scenario based on the likely precursory slip within or near the source. Assuming such a scenario, a number of sequences of earthquakes or aftershocks during 1979–2004 from various regions in northern Japan are selected to analyze them by fitting the ETAS model. Then the results are examined in relation to the CFS increments in the considered regions using the source models of the 1793, 1936 and 1978 interplate ruptures, and additionally the source model of recently occurred 2003 Miyagi-Ken-Oki intra-slab earthquake of M7.1. It is likely that the results of the normal activity and relative quiescence in the respective activities are due to the preslip of the intra-slab earthquake rather than the preslip of the expected rupture on the plate boundary.  相似文献   

This investigation presents the temporal and spatial distribution of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg, and Zn), in water and in sediments of Port Klang, Malaysia. Water and sediment samples were collected from 21 stations at 3-month intervals, and contamination factor $ (C_{\text{f}} ) $ and contamination degree $ (C_{\text{d}} ) $ were calculated to estimate the contamination status at the sampling stations. Cluster analysis was used to classify the stations based on the contamination sources. Results show that concentrations of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb in sediment and As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr, and Zn in water were significantly higher than the background values at which these metals are considered hazardous. The main sources of heavy metal contamination in Port Klang were industrial wastewater and port activities.  相似文献   

矿山-河流系统中重金属污染的地球化学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
立足于矿山及纳污河流生态系统,从重金属污染源研究入手,分析了尾矿重金属淋滤释放规律和影响因素;阐述了重金属在矿山及相关河流系统中的迁移、转化和富集过程及其对生态环境的影响;总结和评述了现有的矿山环境重金属污染的评价方法,指出了今后的研究重点:努力减少尾矿中重金属向环境释放,逐步实现矿床的无废开采;设计不同条件和影响因素下的尾矿淋滤实验,加强酸性废水和尾矿重金属淋滤释放规律的研究,建立酸性矿山废水和重金属释放的预测模型;运用微量元素、稀土元素和高精度的Pb、S同位素测试手段,示踪重金属的来源及其运移途径;运用3S技术和高新技术手段提取和识别环境地球化学信息,加强矿山-河流系统重金属污染及其生态环境影响的监测;运用地球化学工程技术和植物修复技术治理矿山环境及其影响流域的污染。  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of the Devonian to Permian succession in Northwest Peninsular Malaysia is revised. The Timah Tasoh Formation consists of black mudstone containing graptolites and tentaculitids indicating a Pragian or earliest Emsian age. The Sanai Limestone overlies the Timah Tasoh Formation at Sanai Hill B and contains conodonts indicating a Late Devonian (Frasnian to possibly early Famennian) age. In other places, Late Tournaisian chert of the Telaga Jatoh Formation overlies the Timah Tasoh Formation. The overlying Kubang Pasu Formation is predominantly composed of mudstone and sandstone, and can be divided into 3 subunits, from oldest to youngest: (1) Chepor Member; (2) Undifferentiated Kubang Pasu Formation; (3) Uppermost Kubang Pasu Formation. The ammonoid Praedaraelites tuntungensis sp. nov. is reported and described from the Chepor Member of Bukit Tuntung, Pauh. The genus indicates a Late Viséan age for part of the subunit. Dropstones and diamictites from the Chepor Member indicate a glacial marine depositional environment. The Carbo-Permian, undifferentiated Kubang Pasu Formation consists of similar interbedded mudstone and sandstone. The uppermost Kubang Pasu Formation of Kungurian age consists of coarsening upward cycles of clastics, representing a shallow marine, wave- and storm-influenced shoreline. The Permian Chuping Limestone also represents shallow marine, wave- and storm-influenced deposits. A Mid-Palaeozoic Unconformity separating Early–Late Devonian rocks from overlying Late Devonian–Carboniferous deposits probably marks initiation of rifting on Sibumasu, which eventually led to the separation of Sibumasu from Australian Gondwana during the late Sakmarian (Early Permian).  相似文献   

Salt marshes play a significant roll in the marine and coast ecological systems. They can function as a sink for pollutants that would otherwise be harmful to the environment. Our investigation is mainly focused on clay mineralogy of the salt marsh sediment, metal associations in the environment of the modern (centennial) salt marsh sediment and possible relation between these metal associations and clay minerals involved. The studied salt marsh is located in the Skalingen Peninsula, West Denmark. About 85 percent of the deposited materials, including the heavy metals, was imported from the North Sea while only a small quantity of the materials was transported through the Varde River whose mouth is located about 10 km from the salt marsh, at the opposite side of the lagoon. A 25 cm high monolithic profile of the salt marsh sediment was collected and was cut into 1-cm slices. The rate of sediment accumulation, detailed grain size distribution, clay mineralogy, dating of the profile (^210Pb and ^137Cs), content of organic matter as well as 17 metals: K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb were investigated. Principal components and factor analyses demonstrated strong positive loadings for most of the studied metals, fine grain fractions as well as organic matter, indicating a close relation among these components. Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb were found best correlated to the clay fraction (〈2 microns), which comprises primarily illite, kaolinite, minor chlorite and lesser smectite/illite mixed layer.  相似文献   

灌河口潮滩重金属累积特征及污染评价   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
于文金  邹欣庆 《地球化学》2007,36(4):425-433
河口地区潮滩是重金属重要的"汇"。测定了灌河口(燕尾港)潮滩高中低滩的33个表面样粒度、重金属数据,研究了4根柱状样的重金属和粒度特征,利用地累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法及富集指数法等评价指标,对灌河口重金属的污染状况进行了评价,并对其结果进行了相互比较和印证。分析结果显示,灌河口潮滩重金属的分布主要受水动力影响,特别是受粘土分布的控制。Cd与粒径Ф值相关性不显著,相关系数只有0.099,而与粘土含量呈明显正相关关系,Hg的变化趋势恰恰相反,其含量随着距离河口距离的加大反而有增加的趋势;其他元素的变化趋势不明显。重金属元素Zn、Pb、Cu、Hg含量变化走势基本相同,用Li作归一化标准元素归一化后,所有重金属元素的归一化值变化波动范围均比重金属含量值明显收窄,波峰和波谷有后延的趋势。灌河口滩涂总体重金属环境尚可,但存在一定程度的Hg、Cu污染富集。柱状样Hg、Cu的地累积污染指数总体上均呈现随深度增加而降低的趋势。  相似文献   

湘江入湖河段沉积物重金属污染及其Pb同位素地球化学示踪   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
湘江是我国重金属污染最严重的河流之一.本次工作利用等离子质谱(ICP-MS)和多接收同位素质谱(MC-ICP-MS)等技术,对湘江入湖河段沉积物进行了系统的重金属微量元素和Pb同位素分析.结果表明,湘江河床沉积物明显富集Bi、Sc、V、Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Sn、Sb等多种重金属微量元素,而湖盆沉积物重金...  相似文献   

本文针对吉林省 5个主要大豆种植区重金属分析测试结果 ,选取国家颁布的《土壤环境质量标准》 (GB15 6 18- 95 )为评价标准 ,进行了重金属污染评价 ,其结果为 :只有敦化种植区铜、镍和桦甸种植区铜含量超标 ,并且为轻度污染。其它地区重金属污染指数 (Pi)小于1,即土壤未受到重金属污染  相似文献   

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