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报告了实现钙原子光频标的前期工作—钙原子束的光学Ramsey谱线研究的初步工作,介绍了实验的系统方案、真空和激光器部分的设计以及部分已完成的工作。在得到光学Ramsey线形后,如果把激光器锁定在谱线上,就可以得到一个高精度的光学频率标准。  相似文献   

上海天文台时间频率研究室以原有被动型氢钟物理部分为基础,开展了脉冲微波式氢原子钟的研究。设计电路产生2个相干微波脉冲,连续激励氢原子跃迁,模拟双腔共振,使氢原子发生Ramsey干涉,压缩氢原子跃迁谱线宽度,以期提高氢原子钟短期稳定度指标。具体做法为:用DDS产生扫频电路,混频生成1.420 405 GHz激励信号后,再用CPLD产生脉冲时序控制数字衰减器,将激励信号衰减为脉冲形式,激励氢原子发生Ramsey干涉,导出微波信号并进行相关处理就可以产生Ramsey条纹。已观测到Ramsey干涉条纹,其中心峰宽度为1.2 Hz,相比传统被动型氢原子钟压缩了60%。  相似文献   

从温度对缓冲气体碰撞频移和弛豫率的影响出发,对充有Ar和N2这2种缓冲气体的POP(pulsed optically pumped,脉冲激光抽运)汽泡式铷原子钟的温度特性进行了理论和实验研究。研究表明,Ar与N2的气压比为1.6时,60℃的线性温度系数为0;不同温度时,布居数差弛豫率1和相干弛豫率2各不相同,若1 2,则POP铷原子钟Ramsey条纹包络在微波场与原子跃迁失谐为0附近为凹陷,信噪比较差,反之,为凸起,信噪比较高。研究结果对设计POP原子钟的缓冲气体气压比和工作温度,以及提高POP原子钟的中长期稳定度有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

相干布居囚禁现象用于原子频标   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在Λ型三能级原子系统模型的基础上,采用半经典的密度矩阵方法分析了87Rb气体的相干布居囚禁现象。数值模拟结果显示,当两束相干激光频率差等于87Rb原子的两个基态超精细结构子能级频率差时,87Rb气体具有相干暗线和相干微波辐射的特性。它们可以作为相干布居囚禁原子频标的鉴频物理基础。最后简要分析了两种相干布居囚禁原子频标的各自特点和实验装置结构。  相似文献   

时间尺度的就是根据一组原子钟的数据,用统计的方法计算出平均的时间尺度。其目的是使综合时间尺度的噪声最小。一般的原子时算有脱离经典加权的局限性,只能抑制原子钟的栽一种噪声。运用小波分解的方法建立以分解原子时,将原子信号在小汉域按频率尺度分解原,然后在不同频率范围加权,这种方法不但考虑不同原子钟在同一个频率分量的不同稳定度,而且考虑不同频率分量的不同稳定度,它有着独特的优越性。  相似文献   

星载氢原子钟具有频率稳定度高、频率漂移率低的优点,在卫星导航定位和频率计量中得到了广泛应用。星载氢原子钟的腔泡系统用于实现氢原子的量子跃迁及其信号采集,原子跃迁信号幅度直接决定了系统的信噪比,进而影响整机性能指标,所以腔泡系统是星载氢原子钟的核心组件。目前,星载氢原子钟腔泡系统主要采用直螺线管来产生原子跃迁所需的C场。由于星载氢原子钟物理部分的结构限制,直螺线管的磁场均匀度有进一步提高的空间。探讨使用多段线圈代替直螺线管用于产生C场的可行性。首先对多段线圈产生的磁场进行理论分析计算,同时使用ANSYS电磁场仿真软件对多段线圈的各项参数进行仿真和优化,包括各段长度、段数、间距以及匝数、内径和总长度等。然后优选磁场均匀度较好的线圈配置参数,可将C场的非均匀度由直螺线管约10%降低到多段线圈约1%。根据仿真优化结果建立了试验九段线圈,对比测试了原子跃迁信号增益,同时结合电路部分进行闭环测试,对频率稳定度指标进行了对比。实验结果表明,原子跃迁信号可有效提升,阿伦方差在中短稳(1~1 000 s)表现更好。此项工作为星载氢原子钟整机性能指标的进一步提升打下了基础。  相似文献   

铯原子喷泉钟是现今的时间频率的基准,其中的频率综合器性能直接影响喷泉钟的稳定度性能.介绍了铯原子喷泉钟的低噪声频率综合器的设计和实现.对该频率综合器的测试表明,输出的9.2 GHz频率信号的相位噪声为-82 dB[Rad2/Hz]@offset1 Hz,满足设计要求.  相似文献   

本文分析了用于太阳视频矢量磁象仪和视频多普勒仪的Ramsey双带方案的优缺点,提出了新的双带方案:将滤光器中次厚级放在最前部,以代替原Ramsey方案中最厚级放于最前部的结构。详细计算表明,新双带方案优于传统的单带方案,传统的单带方案优于Ramsey双带方案。在相同磁场条件下,它们的总体信噪比是0.963:~0.800:0.578。新方案可能对新的空间视频矢量磁象仪和新建的地面系统有重要价值,也可按此改进已有的地基视频矢量磁象仪系统。  相似文献   

分析了SAR回波信号的构成及干涉相位的统计特性,系统地研究了经多视处理后SAR干涉相位的概率密度函数与相干系数、视数的关系.明确了在不同视数下,噪声对干涉图质量的影响,为干涉图的质量评价和误差消除提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

富坚 《天文学进展》2012,30(2):202-219
星际介质中的分子气体(主要是分子氢H2)和原子气体(主要是中性氢HI)成分是星系中重子物质的重要组成部分,它们对于星系中的各种物理过程至关重要。近年来随着观测技术的提高,分子气体和原子气体的观测结果越来越多,其中中性氢主要依靠21 cn氢原子射电辐射和DLA吸收体来观测,分子氢则通过一氧化碳作为示踪分子来探测。在这些观测结果基础上,理论工作者建立了一系列模型来解释和研究星际分子原子气体的转换,分子气体与恒星形成,分子气体和原子气体在星系形成和演化中所起的作用等,并为将来更进一步的观测提供了指导和预言。  相似文献   

By analyzing the Chandra data of the central region of the galaxy cluster PKS 0745-191, the properties of a patch of bright X-ray gas distributed along the radio structure in the west of the central galaxy are investigated. This gas is found to be cooler and denser than the ambient gas. According to the calculation based on radio observations, the pressure gradient of the radio gas in the west is greater than that in the east. It means that there is interaction between that patch of cool X-ray gas and the radio gas. The cool gas is either formed by outer cool gas supported and disturbed by the radio gas, or is brought out from the central galaxy by radio buoyant bubbles. Assuming that the gas is in pressure-gravity balance, the volume filling factor of the X-ray gas in the central region is calculated to be b = 0.69 ± 0.28, and the properties of the relativistic particles in the radio gas, as well as the expansion effect of the radio gas on the cooling flow, are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract– Enstatite chondrites (ECs) were subjected to noble gas analyses using stepped crushing and pyrolysis extraction methods. ECs can be classified into subsolar gas‐carrying and subsolar gas‐free ECs based on the 36Ar/84Kr/132Xe ratios. For subsolar gas‐free ECs, elemental ratios, and Xe isotopic compositions indicate that Q gas is the dominant trapped component, the Q gas concentration can be correlated with the petrologic type, reasonably explained by gas release from a common EC parental material during subsequent heating. Atmospheric Xe with sub‐Q elemental ratios is found in Antarctic E3s at 600–800 °C and through crushing. The 132Xe released in these fractions accounts for 30–60% of the bulk concentrations. Hence, the sub‐Q signature is generally due to contamination of elementally fractionated atmosphere. Subsolar gas is mainly released (up to 78% of the bulk 36Ar) at 1300–1600 °C and through crushing, suggesting that enstatite and friable phases are the host phases. Subsolar gas is isotopically identical to solar gas, but elementally fractionated. These observations are consistent with a previous study, which suggested that subsolar gas could be fractionated solar wind having been implanted into chondrule precursors ( Okazaki et al. 2001 ). Unlike subsolar gas‐free ECs, the primordial gas concentrations of subsolar gas‐carrying ECs are not simply correlated with the petrologic type. It is inferred that subsolar gas‐rich chondrules were heterogeneously distributed in the solar nebula and accreted to form subsolar gas‐carrying ECs. Subsequent metamorphic and impact‐shock heating events have affected noble gas compositions to various degrees.  相似文献   

富坚 《天文学进展》2011,(4):473-476
星际气体是星系中重子物质的重要组成部分,其中的分子气体(主要是分子氢H2)以及原子气体(主要是中性氢HI)对于星系中发生的各个物理过程至关重要。本文在前人的星系形成和演化的半解析模型基础上,加入了描述星系盘中分子气体和原子气体成分的物理模型,来研究分子气体和原子气体对于星系形成和演化所起的作用。我们主要使用了马普天体物理所Munich Group的L-Galaxies半解析星系形成模型,并借鉴了星系化学演化模型的方法,把半解析模型中的每一个星系盘分成了多个同心圆圈,然后在每个圈中分别追踪气体下落、分子气体和原子气体转化、恒星形成、金属增丰、超新星爆发加热冷气体等发生在星系盘上的物理过程,并且每个同心圈都是独立演化的。在我们的模型中,一个基本假设是每个时间步内气体都是以指数形式下落到星系盘上,并且直接叠加在已有的气体径向面密度轮廓之上,其中指数盘的标长rd正比于星系所在暗物质晕的维里半径rvir与旋转参量λ的乘积。我们的模型使用了两种描述分子气体形成的模型:一种是基于Krumholz等人解析模型的结果,其中分子气体的比例与局域气体面密度以及局域气体金属丰度相关;另一种是分子气体比例与星际压强相关的模型,根据Obreschkow等人的近似,分子气体的比例与气体面密度以及恒星质量面密度相关。由于恒星形成过程发生在星际巨分子云之中,并且根据Leroy等人的观测结果,恒星形成率面密度近似正比于分子气体的面密度,因此我们在模型中使用了与分子气体面密度相关的恒星形成规律。  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies by performing 3D magnetohydrodynamics simulations of galactic discs subject to a spiral potential using cold gas, warm gas and a two-phase mixture of both. Recent hydrodynamic simulations have demonstrated the formation of interarm spurs as well as spiral arm molecular clouds, provided the interstellar medium model includes a cold H  i phase. We find that the main effect of adding a magnetic field to these calculations is to inhibit the formation of structure in the disc. However, provided a cold phase is included, spurs and spiral arm clumps are still present if β≳ 0.1 in the cold gas. A caveat to the two-phase calculations though is that by assuming a uniform initial distribution, β≳ 10 in the warm gas, emphasizing that models with more consistent initial conditions and thermodynamics are required. Our simulations with only warm gas do not show such structure, irrespective of the magnetic field strength.
Furthermore, we find that the introduction of a cold H  i phase naturally produces the observed degree of disorder in the magnetic field, which is again absent from simulations using only warm gas. Whilst the global magnetic field follows the large-scale gas flow, the magnetic field also contains a substantial random component that is produced by the velocity dispersion induced in the cold gas during the passage through a spiral shock. Without any cold gas, the magnetic field in the warm phase remains relatively well ordered apart from becoming compressed in the spiral shocks. Our results provide a natural explanation for the observed high proportions of disordered magnetic field in spiral galaxies and we thus predict that the relative strengths of the random and ordered components of the magnetic field observed in spiral galaxies will depend on the dynamics of spiral shocks.  相似文献   

We consider gravitational instability of the dust layer in the midplane of a protoplanetary disk with turbulence and shear stresses between the gas in the disk and that in the dust layer. We solve a linearized system of hydrodynamic equations for perturbations of dust (monodisperse) and gas phases in the incompressible gas approximation. We take into account the gas drag of solid particles (dust aggregates), turbulent diffusion and the velocity dispersion of particles, and the perturbation of the azimuthal velocity of gas in the layer upon the transfer of angular momentum from solid particles to it and from this gas to the surrounding gas in the disk. We obtain and solve the dispersion equation for the layer with the ratio of surface densities of the dust phase and gas being well above unity. The following parameters of gravitational instability in the dust layer are calculated: the critical surface density of solid matter and the Stokes number of particles corresponding to the onset of instability, the wavelength range in which instability occurs, and the rate of its growth as a function of the perturbation wavelength in the circumsolar disk at radial distances of 1 and 10 AU. We show that at 10 AU, the maximum instability growth rate increases due to the transfer of angular momentum of gas in the layer to gas outside it, a new maximum emerges at a longer wavelength, a long-wavelength instability “tail” forms, and the critical surface density initiating instability decreases relative to that determined without the transfer of angular momentum to gas outside the layer. None of these effects are observed at 1 AU, since instability in this region probably develops faster than the transfer of angular momentum to the surrounding gаs of a protoplanetary disk occurs.  相似文献   

A model of supernova feedback in galaxy formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A model of supernova feedback during disc galaxy formation is developed. The model incorporates infall of cooling gas from a halo, and outflow of hot gas from a multiphase interstellar medium (ISM). The star formation rate is determined by balancing the energy dissipated in collisions between cold gas clouds with that supplied by supernovae in a disc marginally unstable to axisymmetric instabilities. Hot gas is created by thermal evaporation of cold gas clouds in supernova remnants, and criteria are derived to estimate the characteristic temperature and density of the hot component and hence the net mass outflow rate. A number of refinements of the model are investigated, including a simple model of a galactic fountain, the response of the cold component to the pressure of the hot gas, pressure-induced star formation and chemical evolution. The main conclusion of this paper is that low rates of star formation can expel a large fraction of the gas from a dwarf galaxy. For example, a galaxy with circular speed 50 km s1 can expel 6080 per cent of its gas over a time-scale of 1 Gyr, with a star formation rate that never exceeds 0.1 M yr1. Effective feedback can therefore take place in a quiescent mode and does not require strong bursts of star formation. Even a large galaxy, such as the Milky Way, might have lost as much as 20 per cent of its mass in a supernova-driven wind. The models developed here suggest that dwarf galaxies at high redshifts will have low average star formation rates and may contain extended gaseous discs of largely unprocessed gas. Such extended gaseous discs might explain the numbers, metallicities and metallicity dispersions of damped Lyman systems.  相似文献   

The gas permeability of 11 ordinary chondrites was measured at various gas pressures (0.5-2.5 bars) under confining pressures up to 120 bars. The gas permeability ranges from less than a nanodarcy to a few millidarcies. There is a positive correlation between the permeability and the porosity. The permeability decreased by as much as 50% when the confining pressure was increased from 10 to 100 bars, suggesting that the permeability of some chondrites is partly due to cracks. A linear relation between gas flow pressure dependence and confining pressure dependence of the gas permeability is observed, suggesting that on average, crack apertures are larger than pore spaces. The permeability of heavily-shocked chondrites is less than that of mildly shocked chondrites. Using the measured permeability data we estimated the size of a possible shocked-chondrite precursor body.  相似文献   

Mira变星拱星包层的温度结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们研究了Mira变星拱星包层的温度结构。假设Mira变星拱星包层由气体和尘埃颗粒两种成分组成,气体为理想气体,并有稳定的和球对称的径向向外流动;我们研究了拱星包层气体的加热机制和致冷原因,根据拱星包层气体的质量、动量和能量守恒方程及多方膨胀过程方程,通过计算得到了拱星包层气体温度所满足的温度方程。这个温度方程对于Mira变星拱星包层有普遍意义。对于典型的Mira变星我们进行了数值计算,得到了温度曲线。与观测得到的温度曲线比较表明,理论模型与观测事实相一致。  相似文献   

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