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TRACE observations from 15 April 2001 of transverse oscillations in coronal loops of a post-flare loop arcade are investigated. They are considered to be standing fast kink oscillations. Oscillation signatures such as displacement amplitude, period, phase and damping time are deduced from 9 loops as a function of distance along the loop length. Multiple oscillation modes are found with different amplitude profile along the loop length, suggesting the presence of a second harmonic. The damping times are consistent with the hypothesis of phase mixing and resonant absorption, although there is a clear bias towards longer damping times compared with previous studies. The coronal magnetic field strength and coronal shear viscosity in the loop arcade are derived.  相似文献   

The Solar Eclipse Corona Imaging System (SECIS) was used to record high-cadence observations of the solar corona during the total solar eclipse of 1999 August 11. During the 2 min 23.5 s of totality, 6364 images were recorded simultaneously in each of the two channels: a white light channel, and the Fe  xiv (5303 Å) 'green line' channel ( T ∼2 MK) . Here we report initial results from the SECIS experiment, including the discovery of a 6-s intensity oscillation in an active region coronal loop.  相似文献   

We suggest a way of self-consistently solving the problem of the excitation and rapid damping of coronal loop oscillations observed from the TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer) satellite. Oscillations are excited on the dispersion branch of fast magnetoacoustic waves, which propagate mainly across the magnetic field. The rapid damping of the observed oscillations is governed by the dispersion spreading of the pulse of these waves that was produced, for example, by a solar flare. The fundamental oscillation period is close to the period of the fundamental mode. Dissipative processes attributable to the nonideality of the plasma and the coronal-loop footpoints play no fundamental role.  相似文献   

We discuss simultaneous visible-light and radio observations of a coronal transient that occurred on 9 April, 1980. Visible-light observations of the transient and the associated erupting prominence were available from the Coronagraph/Polarimeter carried aboard SMM, the P78-1 coronagraph, and from the Haleakala Observatory. Radio observations of the related type III-II-IV bursts were available from the Clark Lake and Culgoora Observatories. The transient was extremely complex; we suggest that an entire coronal arcade rather than just a single loop participated in the event. Type III burst sources observed at the beginning of the event were located along a nearby streamer, which was not disrupted, but was displaced by the outmoving loops. The type II burst showed large tangential motion, but unlike such sources usually do, it had no related herringbone structure. A moving type IV burst source can be associated with the most dense feature of the white-light transient.  相似文献   

In their “mixing time” theory of magnetic heating of the corona by slow photospheric motion, Heyvaerts and Priest (1984) neglected certain second-order terms in the calculation of the energy and retained the linear part of the perturbed magnetic field which led to infinite displacements. In this paper, we revised these points. Our main results are: (1) the heating efficiency we obtained is greater than what they found. (2) Dissipation-free, linear evolution of the force-free field of coronal arcade is impossible. (3) The possibility of reconnection of field lines of non-linear force-free field is clarified in terms of the field configuration and it is pointed out that reconnection is most likely at a height equal to about one width of the arcade.  相似文献   

At the 1980 total solar eclipse, we searched for high-frequency (0.1–2 Hz) oscillations in the intensity of the 5303-Å coronal green line, as a test of predictions of theories of coronal heating via magnetohydrodynamic waves. Portions of the image 2.5- or 5-arc sec across were fed to cooled photomultipliers using fiber-optic probes. We detected excess power in Fourier transforms of the data for the region between 0.5 and 2 Hz at the level of 1% or 2% of the incident power. Such oscillations could be associated with Alfvén waves that are trapped on loops a few thousand kilometers long or with fast waves that are trapped on loops a few thousand kilometers in diameter. Additional observations at the 1983 eclipse are planned to resolve atmospheric and instrumental contributions.  相似文献   

An isophotal map of a small coronal loop, obtained from a coronagraph observation through a solid Fabry-Perot interferometer, is used to estimate the variation of emission per unit volume and the pressure gradient at the top and sides of the loop. The magnitude of the magnetic field necessary to maintain the estimated pressure gradients is found to be ¦H 2¦ = 30 G2.  相似文献   

Temperature distribution in the cylindrically symmetric coronal magnetic loop, (i) with constant pressure and (ii) with the pressure varying along the radial distance, of the (a) hotter apex and (b) cooler apex than base is investigated analytically by considering the equilibrium between the heat conduction and radiation loss. If the temperature of the loop does not lie within one of the specified temperature ranges, then the distribution is calculated numerically.The effect of the inclusion of heating due to an external source is studied and found that it increases the length of the loop. On the basis of the observed phenomenon, that the magnetic field varies along the loop, the temperature distribution in the loop is investigated for the loop-geometries proposed by Antiochos and Sturrock (1976). It is concluded that for the larger compression in the area of cross section, the height of the loop decreases.Present investigation shows that no loop with equal apex and base temperatures can exist, but a small variation between the two temperatures supports the existence of the loop, which can be observed in nature.  相似文献   

The conclusions drawn by Narain (1983) appear to be in error.  相似文献   

V. Krishan 《Solar physics》1985,97(1):183-189
The steady-state pressure structure of a solar coronal loop is discussed using the theory of magneto-hydrodynamical turbulence in cylindrical geometry. The steady state is represented by the superposition of two Chandrasekhar-Kendall functions. This representation, in principle can delinetate the three dimensional temperature structure of the coronal loop. In this paper, we have restricted ourselves to a two dimensional modeling since only this structure submits itself to the scrutiny of the available observations. The radial as well as the axial variations of the pressure in a constant density loop are calculated. These variations are found to conform to the observed features of cool core and hot sheath of the loops as well as to the location of the temperature maximum at the apex of the loop. We find that these features are not present uniformly all along either the length of the loop or across the radius as will be shown in the text. We have also discussed the possible oscillatory nature of these pressure variations and the associated time periods have been estimated.  相似文献   

By expressing the magnetic field and fluid velocity in terms of two Chandrasekhar-Kendall functions (n = 0, m = 0; n = 1, m = 0) we investigated the steady-state pressure profile inside a solar coronal loop. For constant density loops, we found a two-dimensional (radial and axial) structure of pressure. This work is the modified version of the work of Krishan (1985). At the base of the loop, the pressure is found to increase steeply outwards along the radius, whereas at the apex it decreases slowly. The radial variation of pressure is found to be minimum around L/5, where L is the length of the loop measured from one foot to another one. But Krishan (1985) found that the rate of increase of pressure at the base was nearly equal to the rate of decrease of pressure at the apex, and the pressure was found nearly constant at L/4. For axial variation, we found that along the loop axis the pressure increases from the base up to z = 3L/8 and then decreases up to the apex, whereas at the surface, the pressure decreases from the base up to the apex. Krishan (1985), however, found the axial variation to be linear.  相似文献   

Post-flare coronal loop interaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-resolution images of post-flare loop systems in Fexiv (5303 ) and Fex (6374 ) display occasional transient enhancements at the projected intersection of some loops. The brightness of a green-line enhancement gradually increases to a marked maximum and then fades with a lifetime of the order of thirty minutes. The red-line image at the same location, although fainter, shows the same overall characteristics, its maximum following that of the green-line on average by 8.6 min. H then becomes more evident and reaches a maximum in extent on average 9.3 min after the red-line maximum. The phenomenon is interpreted as a process of localized loop coalescence involving partial magnetic reconnection. Estimates of the electron density are derived from the cooling time following the initial heating of the plasma in the immediate vicinity of the X-point of interaction. Similar estimates for the energy dissipated, equivalent to a very small flare, are derived by two independent methods.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We describe the results of a model dynamic simulation of the formation and support of a narrow prominence at the apex of a coronal magnetic loop or arcade. The condensation process proceeds via an initial radiative cooling and pressure drop, and a secondary siphon flow from the dense chromospheric ends. The anti-buoyancy effect as the prominence forms causes a bending of the confining magnetic field, which propagates toward the semi-rigid ends of the magnetic loop. Thus, a wide magnetic hammock or well (of the normal-polarity Kippenhahn-Schlüter-type) is formed, which supports the prominence at or near the field apex. The simplicity of this 1.5-dimensional model, with its accompanying diagnostics, allows one to comprehend the various contributions to the nonlinear dynamics of prominence condensation and levitation.  相似文献   

The radial oscillations of coaxial magnetic flux tubes with an azimuthal field in the shell modeling current-carrying coronal loops are studied in the cool plasma approximation. Since the concept of current-carrying coronal loops provides a theoretical basis for studying simple loop flares, finding their parameters by means of coronal seismology is a topical problem of modern solar physics. The dispersion equation for radial oscillations is derived and the dispersion curves are constructed. Oscillations with arbitrarily long periods are shown to exist at the fundamental radial mode.  相似文献   

The free oscillations of coronal loops with a constant density and a variable magnetic field changing according to parabolic laws are investigated. Using our developed method, we derive the wave equations with constant coefficients that describe the kink oscillations of symmetric and asymmetric magnetic flux tubes. For such models, we obtain analytical expressions for the oscillation spectra and amplitudes as well as the magnitudes and directions of the displacements of the extrema of the fundamental and first modes relative to their values for homogeneous tubes. For the first mode of an asymmetric loop, we have determined the dependence of the coordinate displacement for the internal node on the ratios of the magnetic field strengths in its asymmetric parts and the ratio of the amplitudes at the extremum points.  相似文献   

On several occasions, repetitive X-ray brightenings, sometimes accompanied by mass injections into adjacent loops, appeared quasi-periodically with mean periods close to 20 minutes. In all cases when X-ray images were available, the sites of these brightenings were in active regions which were associated with large-scale coronat loops of length (2 – 3) × 105 km. Therefore, the primary source of these long-periodic pulsations might be slow-mode oscillations in these large-scale loops. Free MHD oscillations, proposed earlier by Roberts, Edwin, and Benz (1984), may fit the observed data.  相似文献   

The fluid equations describing a fully ionized single temperature (i.e., electron and proton temperatures assumed identical) hydrogen plasma in a coronal loop subject to a transient heating pulse (2 × 109 ergs cm–2 s–1) centred about the loop apex have been solved numerically. An adaptive regriding scheme was used to ensure adequate spatial resolution throughout the transition region, and due regard paid to the numerical time constants. Because of the fine gridding made possible by this scheme these results represent the first reliable simulation of the impact of a downward propagating conduction front on the transition region, and the early stages of the development of the downward moving compression and upward ablation. Intensities in the O v (1371 Å) transition region line were calculated from the model results. Finally estimates have been made of the importance of the downward-streaming collisionless high-energy tail of the distribution in the transition region resulting from the very steep temperature gradients. It is shown that the mass and energy densities are not substantially altered by the non-Maxwellian tail except in so far as they are coupled to higher moments of the distribution function such as the heat flux through the fluid equations.  相似文献   

By making line profile analyses of the Fe xiv 5303 coronal line, temporal variations of three fundamental quantities, the line intensity, the FWHM, and the Doppler velocity, have been investigated for an active region. The power spectrum shows that the line-of-sight Doppler velocity fluctuated periodically at two locations with a period of nearly 300 seconds, while no periodic oscillations were found in line intensity. As to the FWHM, some evidence of periodic fluctuations are recognized but in a less distinct manner.The Sacramento Peak Observatory is operated by the Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc. by contact with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A model is given of the magnetic-field equilibrium and possible dynamic excitations of a solar coronal arcade. Such structures are well observed in the spectral range from H to X-rays and often give rise to two-ribbon flares. However, the preflare state must be stable to ideal magnetohydrodynamic disturbances, and we treat this problem with particular attention to the necessary foot-point boundary conditions. Having devised a reasonably general perturbation set, we use an energy-principle analysis to show the strong stabilizing influence of inertial field-line tying at the photosphere.Address from October 1981: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Bombay 400005, India.  相似文献   

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