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本文采用了两点相关函数方法,团分析方法(渗流方法)重度函数方法对两个类星体候选者样品进行了类星体成团性的分析。发现与Monte-Carlo无规抽样的平均结果无非常明显的差别,但显示出有尺度为100Mpc的极弱成团性。  相似文献   

对前人在类星体光度函数研究中的工作作了详细的介绍,在前人工作的基础上,提出两个新的研究方法和一个新的统计方法。第一为分类研究法。针类星体分作若干子类,每一子类的光度演化形式可以通过相关分析求出,而数密度则可由简单计数求得。第二为平均星等法,定义平均星等M。研究表明,对于纯密度演化模型,M与红移z无关;而对于纯光度演化模型,M与光度演化形式(Mz=M)成线性关系,提出的新统计方法是n/nmax检验法  相似文献   

本文对前人的类星体光学演化函数进行改进,使其适用于更大的红移范围,可达Z=3以上。其物理考虑是:一方面包括核心黑洞质量和吸积率变化而引起光度演化;另一方面在高红移时类星体诞生所引起的密度演化,并且这种演化率与光度有关。这种型式更利于与类星体演化的动力学模型相衔接。新的演化函数通过三种检验来决定,即(1)类星体直到m=22m.0的星等计数,(2)以ΔZ=0.1为间隔的红移分布,(3)Z>2的类星体的星等计数。在适当的光学演化参数和诞生参数下,我们的演化函数与上述三项观测对比相当好,理论预言在观测误差之内。特别要强调的是改善了其它演化函数理论预言在Z>2普遍过剩的行为,因此这个演化函数可作为类星体演化动力学模型的依据之一。  相似文献   

胡岳东  周又元 《天文学报》1995,36(2):120-126
本文对前人的类星体光学演化函数进行改进,使其适用于更大的红移范围,可达Z=3以上。其物理考虑是:一方面包括核心黑洞质量和吸积率变化而引起光度演化;另一方面在高红移时类星体诞生所引起的密度演化,并且这种演化率与光度有关。这种型式更利于与类星体演化的动力学模型相衔接。新的演化函数通过三种检验来决定,即(1)类星体直到m=22^m.0的星等计数,(2)以ΔZ=0.1为间隔的红移分布,(3)Z〉2的类星体  相似文献   

本文采用覆盖全天区的HB类星体表和ACO星系团表为样本,对不同类型的Abel星系团进行分类研究,发现不同类型的星系团与类星体的成协有不同的特性.两样品的KS检验证实与Abel成协(或反成协)的类星体与全部类星体不是出自同一母体,说明这种成协(或反成协)是真实的,不是由投影效应引起的.进一步的计算得到,D4的Abel团对其周围成协类星体的密度增强因子q=1.089,R2的Abel团对其周围的类星体的吸收星等AB=0.09.  相似文献   

本文采用目前样品数最大的Hewitt Burbidge类星体总表与覆盖全天区的Abell星系团表 (即ACO表 )研究了类星体与星系团分布的成协问题 .利用交叉相关函数方法 ,发现在角距离θ >3°范围内类星体与Abell团呈反相关现象 .这种反相关主要是由光学选类星体产生的 ,射电选类星体的分布与Abell团基本无关 ,这一事实支持了星系团中尘埃的吸收效应的解释 .在θ <3°范围反而无明显的反相关性 ,说明类星体与星系团存在着成协的倾向 .进一步分析表明类星体与星系团的相关性与红移无关 ,这不利于引力透镜效应的解释  相似文献   

Near-IR images, obtained at the ESO-VLT during excellent seeing conditions, of a sample of 17 radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars in the redshift range 1 < z < 2 are presented. The host galaxies of both types of quasars appear to follow the expected trend in luminosity of massive ellipticals undergoing simple passive evolution. We find a systematic difference by a factor ∼2 in the host luminosity between RLQs and RQQs that does not change significantly from z = 2 to the present epoch. Quasar hosts appear thus to be already well formed at z ∼ 2 and similar to massive inactive spheroids. These findings are in disagreement with the predictions of models for the joint formation and evolution of galaxies and active nuclei based on the hierarchical structure formation scenario.  相似文献   

分析类星体吸收线红移和发射线红移的特征。我们从Hewitt和Burbidge ( 1 993 )的星表中选择了吸收线红移和发射线红移都同时提供的类星体 ,得到了包含 4 0 1个对象的样本。这是至今对类星体红移研究的最大样本。我们从吸收线红移和发射线红移之间的关系图发现绝大多数 ( 93 .6% )对象的吸收线红移都小于相应的发射线红移。这个结论人们在 2 0世纪 70年代已经从很小的类星体样本 (样本大小 50左右 )中得到。本文进一步支持了这个结论。它表明类星体红移确实是距离的指示器。这跟宇宙学对类星体红移的解释是一致的  相似文献   

The intergalactic extinction in FRIEDMANN (with A = o) universes homogeneously filled with dust grains is calculated assuming the extinction to be 0.5 mag at z = 1 and a λ−1 wavelength dependence. With the resulting intergalactic extinction the number of quasars which should be observed at different redshifts are estimated assuming two different luminosity functions and a density evolution of the quasars according to M. SCHMIDT (1970, 1972). The expected number of quasars decreases rapidly with increasing redshift between z = 2 and z = 3. The observed number-magnitude relation by G. A. RICHTER (1975) is well represented.  相似文献   

New observations of the jet in 3C 273 support and refine our earlier interpretation that (i) the mapped jet is 106±0.3 yr old and grows at 0.6 to 0.75 times the speed of light, at an average angle θ of (20 ± 10)? with respect to the line of sight; (ii) its twin is not seen yet because arriving signals were emitted when it was some 100.6±0.2 times younger; (iii) the fluid moving in the jet is an extremely relativistice ±-pair plasma, of bulk Lorentz factor γ >102; (iv) the beam has swung in projection through some 10?; and (v) the small excursions (wiggles) of the jet around its average propagation direction result from a self-stabilizing interaction with the nonstatic ambient plasma. All other interpretations of which we are aware depend heavily on the (‘beaming’) assumption that the jet material radiates isotropically in some (comoving) Lorentz frame, an assumption which we consider unrealistic.  相似文献   

We present the results from a campaign to monitor the relatively low redshift (z=0.3) circumpolar superluminal quasar 1928+738 with VSOP during the first Announcement of Opportunity period. The four epochs of data show that there have been substantial structural changes in this source near the core on the time-scale of a few months.  相似文献   

On the basis of Kang et al.’s semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution, the joint formation and evolution of galaxies and their central massive black holes are studied. It is assumed that the activity of quasars is caused by merging of galaxies. Via the introduction of the mass accretion rate of black holes, the bolometric luminosity function of quasars with the redshifts in the region of 0 < z < 4.5 is ascertained. With the respective limitations of the three factors, i.e., the Eddington ratio, black-hole mass function and two-point correlation function, the luminosity function predicted by the model may coincide with observations in the entire range of luminosity. This result reveals that the constant Eddington ratio cannot well describe the accretion of black holes, so the Eddington ratio has to be increased with the redshift in a certain range of redshift. The major merging of galaxies is the effective mechanism of triggering the quasar activity, while the minor merging can merely affect the quasars with low and intermediate luminosities. Its effect on the high-luminosity quasars is very small. At the place of z=1, the quasars with extremely high luminosities possess more intense properties of clustering than other quasars.  相似文献   

We present the results of a year-long monitoring campaign on J1819+3845.We interpret the results of this WSRT campaign to infer critical source parameters such as source lifetime and structure on tens of microarcseconds. The long lifetime of the source at such high brightness temperatures requires continuous energy injection or exotic emission processes. We have previously interpreted the extreme scintillation ofJ1819+3845 as due to a relatively nearby (∼ 20 pc) scattering screen. We show this screen has a velocity w.r.t. the LSR of ∼ 25 kms-1, as measured by the changing scintillation properties throughout the year: the `velocity parallax'. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

I Zw 1 and 3C 48 are two neighboring template objects at a later stage of the hypothesized merger-driven evolutionary sequence from ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) to quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). Since galaxy mergers are assumed to trigger the evolution, it is important to confirm the merger properties of transitionary objects. Using multi-wavelength observations and N-body simulations, the merger histories of I Zw 1 and 3C 48 have been investigated in two separate case studies. Here, the results from both studies are compared and their relevance for the evolutionary hypothesis is discussed.This research is partly based on observations with ISAAC at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) under projects 67.B-0009 and 67.B-0019.  相似文献   

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