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颗粒破碎对颗粒材料宏观力学行为有重要影响。 结合Hardin的破碎经验公式,将表征破碎程度的破碎参量与Cosserat连续体的内部长度参数相关联,形成一个基于Cosserat连续体且能考虑颗粒破碎的弹塑性模型。数值算例主要考察了颗粒破碎对颗粒材料承载能力、塑性应变及局部化行为的影响,数值结果表明,颗粒破碎主要发生在剪切带内,颗粒破碎使得剪切带明显变窄且剪切带内外等效塑性应变梯度明显增大。  相似文献   

Compressive loading of granular materials causes inter‐particle forces to develop and evolve into force chains that propagate through the granular body. At high‐applied compressive stresses, inter‐particle forces will be large enough to cause particle fracture, affecting the constitutive behavior of granular materials. The first step to modeling particle fracture within force chains in granular mass is to understand and model the fracture of a single particle using actual three‐dimensional (3D) particle shape. In this paper, the fracture mode of individual silica sand particles was captured using 3D x‐ray radiography and Synchrotron Micro‐computed Tomography (SMT) during in situ compression experiments. The SMT images were used to reconstruct particle surfaces through image processing techniques. Particle surface was then imported into Abaqus finite element (FE) software where the experimental loading setup was modeled using the extended finite element method (XFEM) where particle fracture was compared to experimental fracture mode viewed in radiograph images that were acquired during experimental loading. Load‐displacement relationships of the FE analysis were also compared with experimental measurements. 3D FE modeling of particle fracture offers an excellent tool to map stress distribution and monitors crack initiation and propagation within individual sand particles. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈龙  楚锡华  张明龙  徐远杰 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3306-3314
基于CLoE与Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型数值模拟了平面应变条件下Hostun砂的应变局部化现象。从侧向压力和初始缺陷两个方面对比研究了两种模型所预测应变局部化的产生及演化模式。结果表明:(1)两种模型均能反映Hostun砂刚度随着侧向压力提高而增大的现象。(2)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得出的应变局部化形态与试验结果更加一致。(3)CLoE亚塑性模型能够反映随着荷载增加,砂的体积先膨胀后缩小的特点。(4)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得到的应变-应力曲线能够更明显地反映应变局部化带中单元的软化现象。(5)CLoE亚塑性模型能够更好地模拟由初始缺陷导致的不均匀应变。总的来说,所得的数值结果表明,CLoE亚塑性模型能够较好地模拟侧向压力和初始缺陷对应变局部化的影响,在模拟应变局部化现象方面较Gudehus-Bauer更有优势。然而,现有CLoE亚塑性模型无法考虑孔隙比,也未包含颗粒材料内尺度变量,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

刘瑞珣  吕古贤  刘德良  张臣  任宏 《地质通报》2011,30(04):487-494
20世纪60年代,在板块理论建立的同时,对变形岩石和矿田构造作定量分析以替代定性分析的有限应变测量方法也建立了起来。定量分析的主要标志是将摩尔圆方法从力学引入到地质学,同时也引入矿田构造分析中,并且得到改进与发展。有限应变摩尔圆为分析岩石大变形而建立,极摩尔圆随后为分析广布于野外岩石中的一般剪切变形而建立。我国著名学者李四光在此之前将应力摩尔圆和库仑准则从力学领域介绍到构造地质学,尔后一些中国学者为改进和发展极摩尔圆方法作出了自己的贡献。本文以浅显的方式解释摩尔圆的基本概念和作图方法,附带做些练习和解答。  相似文献   

有限应变测量的关键原理——摩尔圆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代,在板块理论建立的同时,对变形岩石和矿田构造作定量分析以替代定性分析的有限应变测量方法也建立了起来。定量分析的主要标志是将摩尔圆方法从力学引入到地质学,同时也引入矿田构造分析中,并且得到改进与发展。有限应变摩尔圆为分析岩石大变形而建立,极摩尔圆随后为分析广布于野外岩石中的一般剪切变形而建立。我国著名学者李四光在此之前将应力摩尔圆和库仑准则从力学领域介绍到构造地质学,尔后一些中国学者为改进和发展极摩尔圆方法作出了自己的贡献。本文以浅显的方式解释摩尔圆的基本概念和作图方法,附带做些练习和解答。  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional particle morphology is a significant problem in the discrete element modeling of granular sand. The major technical challenge is generating a realistic 3D sand assembly that is composed of a large number of random‐shaped particles containing essential morphological features of natural sands. Based on X‐ray micro‐computed tomography data collected from a series of image processing techniques, we used the spherical harmonics (SH) analysis to represent and reconstruct the multi‐scale features of real 3D particle morphologies. The SH analysis was extended to some highly complex particles with sharp corners and surface cavities. We then proposed a statistical approach for the generation of realistic particle assembly of a given type of sand based on the principle component analysis (PCA). The PCA aims to identify the major pattern of the coefficient matrix, which is made up of the SH coefficients of all the particles involved in the analysis. This approach takes into account the particle size effect on the variation of particle morphology, which is observed from the available results of micro‐computed tomography and QICPIC analyses of sand particle morphology. Using the aforementioned approach, two virtual sand samples were generated, whose statistics of morphological parameters were compared with those measured from real sand particles. The comparison shows that the proposed approach is capable of generating a realistic sand assembly that retains the major morphological features of the mother sand. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

颗粒形态是影响砂土力学特性的重要因素,特别是影响砂土在低应力状态下的抗剪强度、剪胀效应和临界状态行为,以及高应力状态下的颗粒破碎行为。因此,准确地重构砂粒的三维形态,并量化计算其形态表征参数是研究砂粒形态效应的前提工作。借助于高精度的CT扫描技术和图像处理技术,获得近海石英砂和风化花岗岩残积砂这两类砂土颗粒的三维形态信息。采用球谐函数序列实现两种砂颗粒三维形态的准确重构,并通过球谐函数分析计算砂土颗粒的体积来验证该方法的有效性。基于球谐重构的三维砂粒表面,提出了实用性的方法来计算砂粒的表面积、表面曲率和三维尺寸等,进而计算砂粒的三维球度、圆度和伸长率等形态表征参数。结果表明,当球谐函数阶达到15时,其重构的砂粒基本形状和表面纹理均与真实砂粒非常接近;近海石英砂在水流搬运和磨蚀的作用下颗粒形态较为规则和圆滑,球度和圆度较大,而风化花岗岩残积砂则在物理风化和剥蚀作用下颗粒形态较为复杂和粗糙,球度和圆度较小;而这两种地质作用对砂土颗粒的伸长率则没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

It is normally accepted that materials inside the shear band undergo severe rotation of the principal stress direction, which causes non‐coaxiality between the principal stress and principal plastic strain rate. However, classical plasticity flow theory implicitly assumes that the principal stress and the principal plastic strain rate are coaxial; thus, it may not correctly predict the onset of the shear band. In addition, classical continuum does not contain any internal length scales; as a result, it cannot provide a reasonable shear band thickness. In this study, the original vertex non‐coaxial plastic model based on the classical continuum is extended to the Cosserat continuum. The corresponding codes are implemented via the interface of the user defined element subroutine in ABAQUS. Through a simple shear test, the effectiveness of the user's codes is verified. Through a uniaxial compression test, the influence of non‐coaxiality on the onset, the orientation, and the thickness of the shear band is investigated. Results show that the onset of the shear localization is delayed, and the thickness of the shear band is widened when the non‐coaxial degree increases, while the orientation of the shear band is little affected by the non‐coaxial degree. In addition, it is found that the non‐coaxiality can weaken the micro‐polar effect to some extent; nonetheless, the Cosserat non‐coaxial model still has its advantage over the classical non‐coaxial model in capturing the pre‐bifurcation as well as the post‐bifurcation behaviors of strain localization. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The diffused and localized instabilities in sand under drained biaxial loading have been analyzed here following a plane strain bifurcation framework, where the rate independent material is defined using a generalized 3D non-associative constitutive model. This study is focused on how various instability modes emerge with respect to initial density, confining pressure, and the applied boundary conditions. Results from large deformation framework have been compared with those from small deformation approximation and the later is noticed to fail in capturing the emergence of diffused modes and predicts delayed onset of localization. The theoretical predictions compares well with existing experimental observations.  相似文献   

基于连续介质力学模型,提出了一种简单易行的可靠性分析方法,该方法能利用现行通用的有限元程序,能得到显式的功能函数,但又不同于响应面法。以公路隧道圆形隧洞的开挖支护为例,采用此方法将围岩参数c (黏聚力)、E,? 和二次衬砌厚度D作为随机变量,采用有限元程序得到单一变量变化下的衬砌轴应力值,进而拟合出衬砌轴应力关于单一随机变量的关系式,并通过多元线性或非线性回归得到衬砌轴应力关于所有随机变量的显示表达式,再对圆形隧洞的衬砌结构进行了敏感性和可靠性分析,得到了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

This article focuses on modeling the strain hardening‐softening response of statically compacted silty sand as observed from a comprehensive series of suction‐controlled, consolidated‐drained triaxial tests accomplished in a fully automated, double‐walled triaxial test system via the axis‐translation technique. The constitutive model used in this work is based on the theory of Bounding Surface (BS) plasticity and is formulated within a critical state framework. The essential BS model parameters are calibrated using the full set of triaxial test results and then used for predictions of compacted silty sand response at matric suction states varying from 50 to 750 kPa. Complementary simulations using the Barcelona Basic Model have also been included, alongside BS model predictions, in order to get further enlightening insights into some of the main limitations and challenges facing both frameworks within the context of the experimental evidence resulting from the present research effort. In general, irrespective of the value of matric suction applied, the Barcelona Basic Model performs relatively well in predicting response at peak and critical state failure under low net confining pressure while the Bounding Surface Model performs relatively well under high net confining pressures.  相似文献   

材料状态对干砂小应变特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用注能虚拟质量(EIVM)共振柱系统进行了干砂小应变特性试验,研究了有效平均正应力、土样密度、剪应变幅值以及荷载往复次数对剪切模量和阻尼比的影响。试验结果表明,剪切模量随有效平均正应力与土样密度的增加而增加,而阻尼比的变化规律则与之相反,并且有效平均正应力对干砂小应变特性的影响程度比土样密度的影响程度大得多;随着剪应变的增加,剪切模量越来越小,而阻尼比越来越大;荷载往复次数对剪切模量基本没有影响,而对阻尼比有较大影响。  相似文献   

GIS地表塌陷计算的有限棱柱法及三维数据模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
具有强大信息管理和可视化功能的GIS已在地下硐室开挖、矿山采掘、边坡等许多工程领域中得到了广泛应用。笔者给出了一种用于地下开挖变形描述和应力分析的方法——有限棱柱法,并就该方法与GIS集成中的数据模型和数据组织方法进行了探讨,建立了基于GIS的虚拟地质体地下开挖变形描述与评价计算的三维可视化系统,并对多语言集成模式和数据可视化方法进行了探讨。同时还给出了该方法的工程应用实例,对该方法的可靠性和有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

A finite element approach based on an advanced multi‐surface kinematic constitutive model is used to evaluate the bearing capacity of footings resting on granular soils. Unlike simple elastic‐perfectly plastic models, often applied to granular foundation problems, the present model realistically accounts for stress dependency of the friction angle, strain softening–hardening and non‐associativity. After the model and its implementation into a finite element code are briefly discussed, the numerical difficulty due to the singularity at the footing edge is addressed. The bearing capacity factor Nγ is then calculated for different granular materials. The effect of footing size, shape, relative density and roughness on the ultimate bearing capacity are studied and the computed results compare very favourably with the general experimental trends. In addition, it is shown that the finite element solution can clearly represent counteracting mechanisms of progressive failure which have an important effect on the bearing capacity of granular foundations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

赵民  乌效鸣  李炯  陈婷 《煤田地质与勘探》2015,43(4):106-107,111
利用SolidWorks的Simulation工具对某种测斜仪的主要零件进行了有限元分析,并在满足使用要求的前提下对该零件进行了优化,最终使得该零件的质量减少了近22%,安全系数为36.27,且受力下的变形也在安全范围内,结构参数更加合理。  相似文献   

马刚  周伟  常晓林  周创兵 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z1):257-264
堆石料流变的主要机理是由于水位变化、降雨入渗、日晒雨淋等环境因素导致堆石料发生性质劣化,与此同时,颗粒发生高接触应力-破碎和重新排列-应力释放、调整和转移,这一过程由于颗粒的持续劣化而不断重复。在考虑颗粒破碎的堆石体不连续变形分析方法(SGDD)中,引入颗粒强度劣化模型反映颗粒强度随外界环境的持续劣化。应用该方法进行堆石料三轴流变数值试验,模拟结果与室内试验所观察到的规律一致,表明考虑流变效应的SGDD方法抓住堆石料流变的主要机理,适合模拟堆石料的流变变形这一复杂的、非线性演化问题。数值试验结果表明,堆石料随外界环境的劣化程度、劣化速率、母岩强度对宏观流变变形有较大影响。  相似文献   

马刚  常晓林  周伟  周创兵 《岩土力学》2012,33(5):1505-1512
重力坝深层滑动主要表现为沿缓倾角的软弱结构面形成滑移通道,滑移通道内应变积聚且应变梯度急剧不连续,是典型的应变局部化现象,采用经典连续介质理论进行数值模拟时存在病态的有限元网格依赖性。引入Cosserat连续体理论作为正则化机制,提出了基于Cosserat理论的Mohr-Coulomb弹塑性模型,考虑非关联的流动法则,在经典塑性理论框架下采用向后Euler隐式积分算法进行应力更新。采用ABAQUS的自定义单元接口(UEL)进行二次开发,进行了平面应变条件下单轴受压的数值验证。数值模拟结果表明,该模型能保证应变局部化问题的正定性。基于Cosserat理论的重力坝深层抗滑稳定分析结果表明,采用超载法进行重力坝渐进破坏过程模拟时,基于经典连续体理论的模拟结果有较大的网格依赖性,而且结果偏于安全,而采用Cosserat连续体理论的结果对网格密度不敏感。  相似文献   

砂质混合粘土的孔隙水压力和残余变形特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以砂质混合粘土为例,通过实施不同初始固结比水平的动力循环荷载试验,考察了土的孔隙水压力和残余变形的发生过程。探讨了当将土的不等向固结分为初始剪应力和等向固结两种应力状态时,孔隙水压力和残余变形的预测方法。提出了归一化的孔隙水压力和累积损失能量及残余变形和有效应力比间的关系模型。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simplified approach for the analysis of axial strain induced by three-dimensional consolidation of cohesive soils. The axial strain is divided into a constant volume component and a consolidation component. A relevant undrained stress–strain relationship is required to determine the constant volume component. A theoretical formulation is developed for the evaluation of the consolidation component. Predictions of the axial strain accompanying true triaxial laboratory tests for a variety of stress patterns correlate sufficiently well with the measured data. The proposed method is potentially applicable in conjunction with a finite difference scheme to analyze the time-dependent response of pile groups subjected to static vertical loading. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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