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In geomechanics, limit analysis provides a useful method for assessing the capacity of structures such as footings and retaining walls, and the stability of slopes and excavations. This paper presents a finite element implementation of the kinematic (or upper bound) theorem that is novel in two main respects. First, it is shown that conventional linear strain elements (6‐node triangle, 10‐node tetrahedron) are suitable for obtaining strict upper bounds even in the case of cohesive‐frictional materials, provided that the element sides are straight (or the faces planar) such that the strain field varies as a simplex. This is important because until now, the only way to obtain rigorous upper bounds has been to use constant strain elements combined with a discontinuous displacement field. It is well known (and confirmed here) that the accuracy of the latter approach is highly dependent on the alignment of the discontinuities, such that it can perform poorly if an unstructured mesh is employed. Second, the optimization of the displacement field is formulated as a standard second‐order cone programming (SOCP) problem. Using a state‐of‐the‐art SOCP code developed by researchers in mathematical programming, very large example problems are solved with outstanding speed. The examples concern plane strain and the Mohr–Coulomb criterion, but the same approach can be used in 3D with the Drucker–Prager criterion, and can readily be extended to other yield criteria having a similar conic quadratic form. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new method for computing rigorous upper bounds on the limit loads for one‐, two‐ and three‐dimensional continua is described. The formulation is based on linear finite elements, permits kinematically admissible velocity discontinuities at all interelement boundaries, and furnishes a kinematically admissible velocity field by solving a non‐linear programming problem. In the latter, the objective function corresponds to the dissipated power (which is minimized) and the unknowns are subject to linear equality constraints as well as linear and non‐linear inequality constraints. Provided the yield surface is convex, the optimization problem generated by the upper bound method is also convex and can be solved efficiently by applying a two‐stage, quasi‐Newton scheme to the corresponding Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions. A key advantage of this strategy is that its iteration count is largely independent of the mesh size. Since the formulation permits non‐linear constraints on the unknowns, no linearization of the yield surface is necessary and the modelling of three‐dimensional geometries presents no special difficulties. The utility of the proposed upper bound method is illustrated by applying it to a number of two‐ and three‐dimensional boundary value problems. For a variety of two‐dimensional cases, the new scheme is up to two orders of magnitude faster than an equivalent linear programming scheme which uses yield surface linearization. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

三维塑性极限分析下限法原理及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王均星  吴雅峰  李泽 《岩土力学》2004,25(10):1627-1631
介绍了三维塑性极限分析下限法的基本原理。将计算区域离散为有限个三维空间单元,利用极限分析中的下限定理,借助有限元思想建立数学规划模型,并引入非线性规划的数值方法寻求问题的下限解。以均匀土质边坡的极限荷载作为算例,比较了所得数值解与经典塑性力学理论解,论证了该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

边坡稳定分析的极限分析下限解有限元法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雪涛  汪小刚 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):134-138
研制开发了极限分析下限解有限元程序.在程序的开发过程中,着重解决了下限解有限元法转化为标准线性规划问题和线性优化方法的选择问题,同时,通过典型算例的分析对比,对程序的合理性和可行性进行了验证.  相似文献   

极限分析方法是土边坡稳定性分析的重要方法之一。刚体有限元上限法是其中的一类,此类方法仍旧存在一些关键问题需要完善。由于单元的刚性假设,系统的塑性变形内能耗散仅发生在单元间的界面上,故此类方法的性能主要取决于界面的布局,即采用非结构化三角形单元计算往往精度较差。为此,提出了基于滑动面摄动的刚体有限元上限法及临界滑动面的搜索方法。首先,在考虑刚体转动的基础上构造刚体有限元上限法的二阶锥规划模型,用于确定在给定试滑动面条件下的运动许可速度场。其次,将试滑动面的控制参数视为决策变量,建立搜索临界滑动面的非线性非凸优化问题模型,并采用非线性单纯形方法和粒子群方法求解此优化问题找出临界滑动面。通过经典边坡稳定问题的分析求解,验证了所提出的新方法,进一步证实了网格类型(即界面的布局)是影响刚体有限元上限法计算精度的主要因素。经过计算结果的对比发现,在刚体有限元上限法中考虑刚体转动是非常必要的,不仅可以提高刚体有限元上限法的计算精度,还可以克服此方法对界面布局的依赖性。  相似文献   

A lower bound limit analysis approach based on the block element method is proposed to analyze wedge stability problem. The search for the maximum value of the factor of safety is set up as a nonlinear programming problem. Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm from a reasonable initial value is applied to obtain the optimal solution. This approach provides a strict lower bound solution considering the sliding mode and rotation effect simultaneously. The deviations of the factor of safety between the present and traditional limit equilibrium methods are positively correlated with both the friction angle and the dip of the discontinuity surface.  相似文献   

The undrained bearing capacity of shallow circular piles in non-homogeneous and anisotropic clay is investigated by the lower bound (LB) finite element limit analysis (FELA) under two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric condition using second-order cone programming, and the new solution of the problem is presented. Modified from the isotropic von Mises yield criterion, a cross-anisotropic undrained strength criterion of clays under the axisymmetric state of stress requiring three input shear strengths in triaxial compression, direct simple shear, and triaxial extension is employed in the 2D axisymmetric LB FELA. Parametric studies on the effects of pile embedment ratio, dimensionless strength gradient, anisotropic strength ratio, and pile roughness are investigated extensively, while the predicted failure mechanisms associated with these parameters are discussed and compared. Numerical results of undrained end bearing capacity of shallow circular piles are summarized in the form of design tables that are useful for design practice and represent a new contribution to the field of pile capacity considering the combined effects of undrained strength non-homogeneity and anisotropy.  相似文献   

基于下限原理有限元的强度折减法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李春光  朱宇飞  刘丰  邓琴  郑宏 《岩土力学》2012,33(6):1816-1821
对于岩土工程中常用的强度折减系数,其规划问题是非线性的,不能直接利用线性规划进行求解。基于四边形单元的下限原理有限元法,根据强度折减系数与超载系数近似符合双曲函数的特点,通过调整强度参数使得超载系数逼近于1[1],可将边坡稳定性分析中常用的强度折减系数的非线性规划求解转化为线性规划求解问题。分析表明,采用拟合双曲线插值法求解强度折减系数的计算效率高于常规的二分法及割线法,且具有较好的收敛性;该方法能够充分利用当前高效的线性规划算法,便于工程应用。  相似文献   

基于非线性规划的有限元塑性极限分析下限法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王均星  李泽 《岩土力学》2008,29(6):1471-1476
在分析Sloan建立的有限元塑性极限分析线性规划数学模型存在的局限性基础上,提出了基于非线性规划的有限元塑性极限分析下限法数学模型。采用非线性屈服条件构建了下限法静力容许应力场,建立了求解超载系数、强度储备系数的下限法数学模型,并提出了针对塑性极限分析非线性规划数学模型的求解策略;最后对一个经典算例进行了深入分析,验证了方法的正确性。  相似文献   

边坡稳定极限分析的单元集成法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐千军  李明元  陆杨 《岩土力学》2006,27(7):1028-1032
提出的单元集成法为采用塑性力学上限定理分析边坡的稳定性提供了一种通用性较强的手段。它采用类似于有限元网格划分的方式离散边坡计算区域,并设定一个机动许可的滑动机构(包括滑裂面位置和速度场,它与网格划分方式无关),在此滑动机构下可以很方便地计算每个单元贡献的外力功率和内能耗散率。把所有单元的能量相加就是滑坡体的总能量。然后,根据上限定理求得安全系数,并通过非线性数学规划方法找到最小值。对于直线滑裂面或对数螺旋滑裂面的单滑块机制,几个典型算例说明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The stability of vertical unsupported circular excavations in rock media, obeying generalized Hoek-Brown yield criterion, has been investigated by using the lower bound finite elements limit analysis. An axisymmetric analysis, composed of a planar domain with a mesh of three-noded triangular elements, has been carried out. The optimization problem is dealt with by using the semidefinite programming technique avoiding the need of either smoothing the yield surface or making any assumption associated with the circumferential stress (σθ). A detailed parametric study has been executed, and the effects of different input material parameters, namely, geological strength index (GSI), yield parameter (mi), and the disturbance factor (D) on the results have been studied. For different height to radius ratios of the excavation, the computed results are presented in the form of nondimensional stability numbers. Failure mechanisms have also been investigated for a few typical cases. The results from the analysis have been compared with that evaluated separately with the application of the software OptumG2.  相似文献   

基于线性规划模型的极限分析上限有限元的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨峰  阳军生  张学民 《岩土力学》2011,32(3):914-921
极限分析上限有限元法常利用三角形常应变率单元和摩尔-库仑屈服函数线性化的方法,以形成较易求解的线性规划模型。然而为满足计算精度,需引入大量的优化变量,增加了计算和存储的难度。为此,基于线性规划模型,利用MATLAB编制极限分析上限有限元程序,针对线性规划模型等式约束矩阵的高度稀疏性的特点,以稀疏矩阵的方式存储,从而在一定程度上解决了上述问题,使得上限有限元法能处理较大规模的岩土工程稳定性问题。以条形基础地基承载力课题为例进行算例分析,验证该方法的有效性,同时讨论了模型网格单元和塑性乘子数目对计算结果精度的影响。  相似文献   

The discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) with second‐order displacement functions was derived based on six‐node triangular mesh in order to satisfy the requirement for the accurate calculations in practical applications. The matrices of equilibrium equations for the second‐order DDA were given in detail for program coding. By close comparison with widely used finite element method and closed form solutions, the advantages of the modified DDA were illustrated. The program coding was carried out in C++ environment and the new code applied to three examples with known analytical solutions. A very good agreement was achieved between the analytical and numerical results produced by the modified DDA code. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates bifurcation analysis based on the second‐order work criterion, in the framework of rate‐independent constitutive models and rate‐independent boundary‐value problems. The approach applies mainly to nonassociated materials such as soils, rocks, and concretes. The bifurcation analysis usually performed at the material point level is extended to quasi‐static boundary‐value problems, by considering the stiffness matrix arising from finite element discretization. Lyapunov's definition of stability (Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse 1907; 9 :203–274), as well as definitions of bifurcation criteria (Rice's localization criterion (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Fourteenth IUTAM Congress, Amsterdam, 1976; 207–220) and the plasticity limit criterion are revived in order to clarify the application field of the second‐order work criterion and to contrast these criteria. The first part of this paper analyses the second‐order work criterion at the material point level. The bifurcation domain is presented in the 3D stress space as well as 3D cones of unstable loading directions for an incrementally nonlinear constitutive model. The relevance of this criterion, when the nonlinear constitutive model is expressed in the classical form (dσ = Mdε) or in the dual form (dε = Ndσ), is discussed. In the second part, the analysis is extended to the boundary‐value problems in quasi‐static conditions. Nonlinear finite element computations are performed and the global tangent stiffness matrix is analyzed. For several examples, the eigenvector associated with the first vanishing eigenvalue of the symmetrical part of the stiffness matrix gives an accurate estimation of the failure mode in the homogeneous and nonhomogeneous boundary‐value problem. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

杨峰  阳军生 《岩土力学》2013,34(2):593-599
对于平面应变条件下岩土稳定性分析,基于线性规划的上限有限元需对常用的摩尔-库仑屈服准则形成的二阶锥约束进行线性化,直接地处理方法是以外接多边形替代锥体投影形成的圆域。为了提高线性化精度往往需直接增加外接多边形边数,从而造成线性规划模型中决策变量包含大量的塑性乘子变量,使计算难度大为增加甚至变得不可行。为此,引入Ben-Tal和Nemirovsky提出的一种二阶锥线性化方法,并将其嵌入到自编的上限有限元程序。经算例分析发现,该法与外接多边形线性化方法所获计算结果相互印证,且其通过适量的增加决策变量和等式约束数目,能保证摩尔-库仑屈服准则线性化精度,同时形成的线性规划规模更小,可望应用于基于线性规划模型的上限有限元中。  相似文献   

岩石边坡稳定的块体单元极限分析上限法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑惠峰  陈胜宏  吴关叶 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):323-327
将块体单元法与极限分析上限法相结合,提出了岩石边坡稳定的块体单元极限分析上限法。借助于块体单元法离散计算区域,通过块体系统速度场在结构面上满足Mohr-Coulomb屈服条件、关联流动法则、速度边界条件以及块体系统虚功原理,构成求解边坡强度储备安全系数上限解的非线性规划模型,模型的求解采用复合形法。最后研究了一个岩质楔形体边坡算例和小湾水电站进水口边坡实例,通过将块体单元法上限分析计算结果与刚体极限平衡法相比较,验证了该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

王均星  李泽  陈炜 《岩土力学》2005,26(8):1258-1262
以极限分析下限法理论为基础,应用有限单元思想离散结构物,建立了同时满足平衡条件、应力边界条件、屈服条件和应力间断条件的静力许可应力场,其中孔隙水压力被当作一种类似于重力的外力荷载。引入线性数学规划手段后,得到了考虑孔隙水压力的边坡稳定的下限法数学规划模型,由此可以求出安全系数的下限解及其对应的应力场。最后,以2个经典的土坡为算例,与多种方法的分析结果比较,论证了该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

In this paper, the ability of a material rate‐independent system to evolve toward another mechanical state from an equilibrium configuration, with no change in the control parameters, is investigated. From a mechanical point of view, this means that the system can spontaneously develop kinetic energy with no external disturbance from an equilibrium state, which corresponds to a particular case of bifurcation. The existence of both conjugate incremental strain and stress such that the second‐order work vanishes is established as a necessary and sufficient condition for the appearance of this bifurcation phenomenon. It is proved that this fundamental result is independent of the constitutive relation of the rate‐independent material considered. Then the case of homogeneous loading paths is investigated, and, as an illustration, the subsequent results are applied to interpret the well‐known liquefaction observed under isochoric triaxial loading conditions with loose granular materials. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于MATLAB的边坡稳定性极限上限分析程序开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于系统能耗最小原理的极限分析上限定理,利用MATLAB强大的数据处理功能,对边坡稳定系数Ncr采用序列二次规划法(SQP)进行优化计算,并与枚举法相结合,从而解决SQP算法求解优化解容易陷入局部最优解的问题。同时开发了一款简单实用的边坡稳定性分析软件,实现了计算结果与临界滑裂破坏面图形的可视化输出。与经典算例对比分析,计算结果具有较好的一致性,表明了程序的可靠性。分析了内摩擦角?、边坡倾斜角?、? 3个参数对边坡稳定系数Ncr的影响。计算结果表明:边坡稳定性系数Ncr对?、? 较为敏感,而对? 的敏感次之。其次,当?、? 比较接近或在小范围内波动时,对稳定性系数Ncr的影响特别敏感;当?、?值较小时,滑动面通过坡趾下方,而当?值比较大时,滑动面通过坡趾。  相似文献   

李煜舲 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):267-272
采用研发的有限单元分析程序,并同时考虑以库仑摩擦界面为组成模式的多段式无厚度界面单元,藉以探讨边坡坡角与坡缘距离对边坡坡顶浅基础极限承载力的影响,并应用于不同几何破坏机制条件,计算边坡基础在凝聚性土体的最小荷载上限值,模拟土体间的滑动破坏趋势与渐进式破坏行为。研究分析内容包含:(1)浅基础位于半无限空间;(2)在不同边坡坡角条件下,浅基础位于坡顶边缘处;(3)在不同边坡坡角条件下,浅基础位于不同坡缘距离等。经由数值计算分析结果显示,坡缘距离值愈小或边坡坡角愈陡峭时,边坡浅基础极限承载力值则愈小。换言之,当浅基础位于坡顶边缘处且坡角为垂直开挖情况时,则导致浅基础极限承载力降低约50 %。  相似文献   

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