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辐射和积云对流过程对大气辐射通量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的全球大气环流谱模式(SAMIL-R42L26),研究了澳大利亚气象局研究中心(BMRC)新辐射方案和新Zhang-McFaflane积云对流方案对大气辐射通量模拟的影响.新辐射方案相比原辐射方案在辐射计算光谱分辨率、气体吸收和计算效率等方面作了很多改进,其对大气辐射通量的模拟能力相应提高.在晴空条件下,大气顶出射长波、大气吸收短波和地表入射短波等与观测的偏差较原辐射方案明显减小,尤其是在对流活跃区域.在云天条件下大气辐射通量与观测的偏差也较原辐射方案减小,但其偏差依然较大,这与模式中积云对流参数化方案模拟能力不足引起的辐射通量偏差有关.为此,换用了新Zhang-McFarlane积云对流方案,其结果表明,对流活跃区水汽含量显著增加,原对流方案中偏强的"双赤道辐合带"现象明显减弱,赤道辐合带地区的大气辐射通量偏差有明显减小,在海洋地区晴空大气顶出射长波和地表入射短波的量值及空间分布均接近观测结果,同时大气顶全球平均能量收支的年变化和观测结果趋于一致,其中模拟的伞球年平均大气顶能量收支和观测的偏差不到0.6 W/m2.试验结果同时表明,在未来研究中引入气溶胶分布、调整相关的云物理和陆面过程等物理参数化方案是进一步提高SAMIL-R42L26辐射通最模拟性能的关键.  相似文献   

When tropical cyclones (hereafter referred as TCs) are over the ocean, surface friction plays a dual role in the development of TCs. From the viewpoint of water vapor supply, frictional convergence and Ekman pumping provide a source of moisture for organized cumulus convection and is propitious to the spin-up of TCs. On the other hand, surface friction leads to a dissipation of kinetic energy that impedes the intensification of TCs. Which role is dominant in the developing stage of TCs is a controversial issue. In the present work, the influence of surface friction on the growth of TCs is re-examined in detail by conducting two sets of numerical experiments initialized with different cyclonic disturbances. Results indicate that, because of the inherent complexities of TCs, the impact of surface friction on the evolution of TCs can not be simply boiled down to being positive or negative. In the case that a TC starts from a low-level vortex with a warm core, surface friction and the resultant vertical motion makes an important contribution to the convection in the early developing stage of the TC by accelerating the build-up of convective available potential energy (CAPE) and ensuring moisture supply and the lifting of air parcels. This effect is so prominent that it dominates the friction-induced dissipation and makes surface friction a facilitative factor in the spin-up of the TC. However, for a TC formed from a mesoscale convective vortex (MCV) spawned in a long-lasting mesoscale convective system (MCS), the initial fields, and especially the low-level humidity and cold core, enable the prerequisites of convection (i.e., conditional instability, moisture, and lifting), to be easily achieved even without the help of boundary-layer pumping induced by surface friction. Accordingly, the reliance of the development of TCs on surface friction is not as heavy as that derived from a low-level vortex. The positive effect of surface friction on the development of TCs realized through facilitating favorable conditions for convection is nearly cancelled out by the friction-induced dissipation. However, as SST is enhanced in the latter case, the situation may be changed, and different development speeds may emerge between model TCs with and without surface friction considered. In short, owing to the fact that TC development is a complicated process affected by many factors such as initial perturbations, SST, etc., the importance of surface friction to the intensification of TCs may vary enormously from case to case.  相似文献   

张旭  江静 《大气科学进展》2012,29(2):369-380
Global teleconnections associated with tropical convective activities were investigated, based on monthly data of 29 Northern Hemisphere winters: December, January, February, and March (DJFM). First, EOF analyses were performed on the outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) data to characterize the convective ac- tivity variability in the tropical Indian Ocean and the western Pacific. The first EOF mode of the convective activity was highly correlated with the ENSO. The second EOF mode had an east-west dipole structure, and the third EOF mode had three convective activity centers. Two distinct teleconnection patterns were identified that were associated, respectively, with the second and third EOF modes. A global primitive equation model was used to investigate the physical mechanism that causes the global circulation anoma- lies. The model responses to anomalous tropical thermal forcings that mimic the EOF patterns matched the general features of the observed circulation anomalies well, and they were mainly controlled by linear processes. The importance of convective activities in the tropical Indian Ocean and western Pacific to the extended- and long-range forecasting capability in the extratropics is discussed.  相似文献   

Using the daily average outgoing longwave radiation and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data in boreal summer (Mays to Octobers) from 1979 to 2007, the propagating characteristics of convection intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) in the Asian-western Pacific (AWP) region and the relationship between tropical synoptic waves and ISOs are examined by means of finite-domain wavenumber-frequency energy spectrum analysis and lagged linear regression technique. The results are shown as follows. (1) The AWP ISOs propagate both eastward and westward, showing seasonality and regionality. The ISOs propagate eastward with a period of 30 to 60 days over equatorial regions in the whole AWP region, while the westward propagation occurs over 10 to 20? N western Pacific or in the late summers (August, September and October) with periods of 20 to 40 days. The ISOs eastward propagation mainly occurs in primary summers while the westward propagation enhances in late summers. (2) Deep ISO convections associate with westerly and cyclonic circulation anomalies that first form in the Indian Ocean, propagate eastward to the dateline in the Pacific and then turn northwestward. The ISOs convections show northwestward propagating characteristics in the western North Pacific. (3) The ISOs link with the tropical synoptic waves closely. Both convection signals, though with different spatio-temporal scale, enhance simutaneously in the northwestern Pacific, and the ISOs facilitate the forming of a cluster of tropical cyclones (TCs), while a cluster of TCs convection becomes one portion of the northwestward ISOs.  相似文献   

基于574台站的逐日降水资料及NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,在比较2010年梅雨期前后(6月7—11日和18—22日)我国东部两次强降水过程的大尺度环流型差异的基础上,从Rossby波活动通量及热带对流活动探讨了这两次强降水过程的异同。结果表明,相同之处在于:两次强降水过程期间中高纬度地区都存在Rossby波向下游传播,中纬度地区呈现双阻型式,低纬度地区西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称西太副高)强度偏强、西伸脊点位置偏西。不同之处在于:1)第一次降水过程中Rossby波的波源位于北欧地区附近,贝加尔湖地区为低槽,使得冷空气南下到36°N左右;同时孟加拉湾活跃的对流系统使西太副高加强西伸到95°E左右,冷暖空气交汇,导致强降水发生;2)第二次降水过程中Rossby波的波源位于北欧地区和中西伯利亚地区附近,东亚地区的低槽较第一次过程明显加深,有利于冷空气到达长江中下游地区(30°N左右),西太平洋暖池地区活跃的对流系统使得西太副高加强西伸到90°E左右,冷暖空气在长江中下游及其以南地区交汇,导致强降水发生。  相似文献   

In terms of a baroclinic quasi-geostrophic wave-filtering technique in connection with a dimensionless paramet-er, η(z), of condensation-released latent heat that indicates the CISK mechanism, a model is established for des-cribing tropical atmosphere CISK-Rossby waves alongside its analytical solution. Theoretical study shows that there exists pronounced difference between Rossby waves, CISK-involving and classic, and the former can be used to in-terpret some aspects of the low-frequency oscillation in the tropical atmosphere  相似文献   

利用合成技术对1995—2006年冬季(11月—次年2月)生成在西北太平洋上的34个热带气旋(tropicalcyclone,TC)个例进行分析,研究冬季西北太平洋TC生成的大尺度环流特征及其生成机制,结果表明:冬季TC生成的大尺度环流特征型为东风波西传型;北半球冬季对流层低层出现的跨赤道气旋对是冬季北半球TC形成的重要特征;太平洋中部赤道混合Rossby重力波西北传,与强对流中心重合,性质转为"热带低压型扰动",为冬季热带气旋生成提供扰动源。对合成TC初始场的涡动扰动动能的收支分析表明,涡动有效位能和正压不稳定转换为TC形成提供了能量,这两种能量分别与积云对流加热和水平不均匀气流有关。正压不稳定能量转换为动能主要位于对流层中下层,而扰动有效位能的转换主要位于对流层中上层。低层热带东风波动从平均气流中获得正压不稳定能量,并与强积云对流耦合,热力和动力共同作用下形成TC。  相似文献   

采用美国NOAA卫星观测OLR (outing longwave radiation)资料以及NCEP/NCAR、CM AP月平均资料,利用合成分析等方法,研究了热带西北太平洋(125°~140°E,10°~20°N)与热带东南印度洋(90°~105°E,5°~15°S)对流活动异常的联系。结果表明:热带西北太平洋与东南印度洋对流活动异常的联系有显著的年代际变化; 20世纪80—90年代存在显著的正相关,20世纪90年代至21世纪初有显著的负相关,其后转变为正相关。合成分析表明,热带西北太平洋与东南印度洋对流活动正相关时,两地区均存在反气旋性环流,低层辐散、高层辐合,对流活动弱,不利于降水产生,有降水负异常;当热带西北太平洋与东南印度洋对流活动负相关时,两地区环流异常存在明显差别,热带东南印度洋有正的海温异常,高层辐散、低层辐合,有上升运动,对流活动强,有降水正异常,而热带西北太平洋则相反。热带西北太平洋和热带东南印度洋之间的斜向垂直环流圈将这两个地区联系起来,并决定了这两个地区对流活动负相关关系的形成。  相似文献   

张杰  张腾飞 《气象科学》2019,39(4):502-514
利用NCEP再分析气象资料及FY-2E卫星云图、地闪、地面自动站和气象灾情等资料对热带系统影响下的4类强对流风暴卫星云图特征和地闪演变规律进行分析。结果表明:西移北抬的赤道辐合带、副高、热带低压等热带系统外围偏东、西南和东北气流为强对流风暴发生发展提供有利环流背景及充足水汽和较高的对流有效位能,800 hPa中尺度辐合线及风随高度顺转和高层反气旋低层气旋的垂直流场结构为强对流风暴提供动力条件;在高能高湿环境条件下,由于辐合抬升作用,对流单体生成、不断长大、有规律排列、相互合并发展成不同大小和形状的单单体风暴、多单体风暴、飑线、MCC,结构密实和不均匀,伴随激烈地闪的同时产生冰雹大风和短时强降水等强对流天气;4种类型强对流风暴云顶亮温与总、负、正闪频数随时间演变规律基本一致,正、负地闪活跃程度能表征强对流风暴发展演变状况,与云顶亮温之间存在较好的相关关系,总(负)地闪频数演变趋势与云顶亮温演变趋势相反。  相似文献   

1949~1995年西太平洋热带气旋活动的气候学特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用 1 949~ 1 995年的西太平洋地区热带气旋的有关资料 ,对南海和西北太平洋地区热带气旋年生成个数 ,不同强度的热带气旋登陆次数以及热带气旋出现频数的空间分布进行了气候学分析。结果表明西太平洋地区热带气旋活动与 ENSO现象有一定的联系。  相似文献   

北上热带气旋气候特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
北上热带气旋是影响我国华北和东北地区的重要天气系统,其带来的大风和暴雨,常常造成我国北方地区的风灾和水灾。利用建国以来56 a的气象资料,对影响我国的北上热带气旋进行气候分析。结果表明:从时间上看,平均每年约有3个北上热带气旋,最早出现在5月下旬,最晚出现在11月中旬,其中以7月和8月为最多;每年6—9月为北上热带气旋登陆季节,7月和8月登陆的热带气旋占85%。从强度上看,能够到达北方的热带气旋一般都是较强的热带气旋,在进入北上热带气旋定义区后,总体强度明显减弱,但在进入黄渤海时仍能够达到台风的强度;与北上热带气旋相比,北上登陆热带气旋的强度更大。统计分析发现,在辽宁和华北登陆的热带气旋,其强度大于在山东半岛登陆的热带气旋。北上登陆热带气旋和北转向、中转向的热带气旋一般均能产生暴雨和大风。  相似文献   

以2018年盛夏一次典型的热带气旋群发(Multiple Tropical Cyclogenesis,MTC)事件为例,分析了多尺度环流(包括大尺度环流、季节内振荡及热带波动等)对MTC的影响,并探讨了MTC群发期和间歇期整层大气垂直扰动场的差异。结果表明:1)2018年盛夏西北太平洋经历了一次持续时间长达16 d有8个TC相继生成的MTC群发期和紧接着长达19 d仅1个TC生成的MTC间歇期;2)MTC群发期越赤道气流增强,季风槽加强东伸,南海和西北太平洋上空低层辐合高层辐散的环流配置有利于TC生成;3)夏季东亚-西北太平洋季节内振荡北传对MTC次季节变化具有显著的调制作用,MTC群发期(间歇期)南海和西北太平洋正好处于一次较强的季节内振荡(Intraeasonal Oscillation,ISO)北传湿(干)位相上;4)群发期内8个TC的生成皆与热带波动有关,其中5个同时受两种热带波动的影响,热带波动通过改变局地热动力状况为TC生成提供触发条件;5)多尺度环流的共同影响最终导致MTC群发期和间歇期在温压扰动场配置、垂直运动扰动和比湿扰动的垂直结构特征上表现出显著的差异,扰动分析法的应用为MTC生成的延伸期预报提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

Activities of low-frequency waves in the tropical atmosphere and enso   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ENSO, particularly the occurrence of ENSO is still an important research object in climatic variation. Using the ECMWF data, the relationship between ENSO and the activities of low-frequency waves in the tropical atmosphere is analyzed in this paper. It is shown that the occurrence of ENSO is closely related to the intraseasonal oscillation and the quasi-stationary waves (the period > 90 days) in the tropical atmosphere. Associated with the occurrence of El Nino event, the kinetic energy of low-frequency waves has obvious variation: the kinetic energy of atmospheric intraseasonal (30–60 days) oscillation (ISO) decreases abruptly and the kinetic energy of quasi-stationary waves increases abruptly. Moreover, the ISO and quasi-stationary waves propagate eastward clearly corresponding to El Nino; but they clearly propagate westward in La Nina cases.  相似文献   

Impact of cyclone Nilam on tropical lower atmospheric dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A deep depression formed over the Bay of Bengal on 28 October 2012, and developed into a cyclonic storm. After landfall near the south coast of Chennai, cyclone Nilam moved north-northwestwards. Coordinated experiments were conducted from the Indian stations of Gadanki(13.5?N, 79.2?E) and Hyderabad(17.4?N, 78.5?E) to study the modification of gravity-wave activity and turbulence by cyclone Nilam, using GPS radiosonde and mesosphere–stratosphere–troposphere radar data. The horizontal velocities underwent large changes during the closest approach of the storm to the experimental sites. Hodograph analysis revealed that inertia gravity waves(IGWs) associated with the cyclone changed their directions from northeast(control time) to northwest following the path of the cyclone. The momentum flux of IGWs and short-period gravity waves(1–8 h) enhanced prior to, and during, the passage of the storm(±0.05 m2s-2and ±0.3 m2s-2, respectively), compared to the flux after its passage. The corresponding body forces underwent similar changes, with values ranging between ±2–4m s-1d-1and ±12–15 m s-1d-1. The turbulence refractivity structure constant(C2n) showed large values below 10 km before the passage of the cyclone when humidity in the region was very high. Turbulence and humidity reduced during the passage of the storm when a turbulent layer at ~17 km became more intense. Turbulence in the lower troposphere and near the tropopause became weak after the passage of the cyclone.  相似文献   

重力波对青藏高原东侧一次暴雨过程的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用WRF(weather research and forecasting)模式输出资料、NCEP/NCAR1°×1°再分析资料以及地面站降水资料,对2009年7月31日至8月1日四川省一次暴雨过程进行了分析。结果表明:水汽辐合区与降水区基本一致;散度场、水汽通量和水汽通量散度对降水具有较好的指示作用。在降水之前的6h中,降水中心上空的大气层结基本稳定,这种层结条件并不利于对流运动发生和发展;但是通过对散度场、非线性平衡方程和理查森数的分析,发现在暴雨开始前存在着中尺度重力波,它激发了对流运动的发展,而对流运动对暴雨的发展起到了主要作用。这说明,在整个暴雨过程中,只有同时考虑中尺度重力波与对流运动的相互作用,才能较完整地解释雨带的强度和特征得以发展和维持的原因。  相似文献   

Analysis of the climatic characteristics of the tropical cyclones that affect China yields several interesting features. The frequency of these tropical cyclones tended to decrease from 1951 to 2005, with the lowest frequency in the past ten years. The decrease in the frequency of super typhoons is particularly significant. The main season of tropical cyclone activities is from May to November, with an active period from July to September. There are three obvious sources of these tropical cyclones and they vary with seasons and decades. Their movement has also changed with seasons. On average, these tropical cyclones affect China for 5.6 months annually and the period of influence decreases in the past decades. An analysis of daily data indicates that the days of typhoon influence are shorter in winter and spring and longer in summer. The frequency of tropical cyclones is the largest over southeastern China, decreasing northwestward. Taiwan is the region that is affected by tropical cyclones most frequently. The average annual precipitation associated with tropical cyclones has also decreased gradually northwestward from southeastern China.  相似文献   

An overview of tropical cyclone and tropical meteorology research progress   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
There has been much progress in the study of tropical cyclones and tropical meteorology in China in the past few years. A new atmospheric field experiment of tropical cyclone landfall with the acronym of CLATEX (China Landfalling Typhoon Experiment) was implemented in July-August 2002. The boundary layer characteristics of the target typhoon Vongfong and the mesoscale structural features of other landfalling typhoons were studied. In addition, typhoon track operational forecasting errors in the last decade have been reduced because the operational monitoring equipment and forecast techniques were improved.Some results from the research program on tropical cyclone landfall, structure and intensity change, intensification near coastal waters, interaction between tropical cyclone and mid-latitude circulation, and the interaction among different scales of motion are described in this paper. Four major meteorological scientific experiments in China with international cooperation were implemented in 1998: the South China Sea monsoon field experiment (SCSMEX), the Tibetan Plateau field experiment (TIPEX), the Huaihe River basin energy and water cycle experiment (HUBEX), and the South China heavy rain scientific experiment(HUAMEX). Although these field experiments have different scientific objectives, they commonly relate to monsoon activities and they interact with each other. The valuable intensive observation data that were obtained have already been shared internationally. Some new findings have been published recently.Other research work in China, such as the tropical air-sea interaction, tropical atmospheric circulation,and weather systems, axe reviewed in this paper as well. Some research results have shown that the rainfall anomalies for different regions in China were closely related to the stages of E1 Nifio events.  相似文献   

影响中国大陆热带气旋路径分类及其特征研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
热带气旋(TC)是影响中国的重要天气系统,对TC路径分类有助于认识热带气旋的活动特征。本文采用中国气象局热带气旋资料中心提供的1949至2016年6—11月最佳TC路径资料,选取TC质心、生命史、转向、强度等特征参数,利用K-means聚类方法将影响中国大陆的热带气旋分为4类。对4类路径进行比对分析后发现各类TC的走向、生命史、活动季节、登陆概率及区域等特征差异显著,TC单体强度和生命史在强厄尔尼诺发展年也有不同程度的增强。在年代际变化上,1998年以来,尽管各类TC频数变化趋势不同,但各类TC单体能量耗散指数均有不同程度的增长趋势,这可能与近年来强厄尔尼诺发展有关。  相似文献   

Summary The birth and evolution of an air-sea coupled disturbance relevant to the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events is investigated using a simple coupled aqua-planet model composed of the Gill's moist atmosphere and the Anderson-McCreary ocean. A coherent air-sea coupled disturbance with the zonal wavenumber 1 emerges from different initial disturbances either in the atmosphere or the ocean and propagates eastward as observed in the 1982/83 event. In the case of an initial westerly wind burst, oceanic Kelvin waves generated by the winds cause weak but long-lasting ocean temporature anomalies which trigger the air-sea coupled disturbance. When the initial disturbance is in the oceanic mixedlayer temperature, the coupled disturbance is excited more easily because the oceanic relaxation time is long compared to the atmospheric one. This is consistent with the result that the coupled disturbance collapses when the disturbance is forced to vanish on the oceanic side rather than on the atmospheric side.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

热带加热异常影响冬季平流层极涡强度的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饶建  任荣彩  杨扬 《大气科学》2014,38(6):1159-1171
本文利用大气环流模式SAMIL/LASG,通过选择两种对流参数化方案,研究了热带加热异常对热带外平流层模拟的影响。结果表明,因不同对流参数化方案引起的热带对流加热状况的差异,可显著影响模式对北半球冬季平流层极涡强度的模拟偏差。与采用Manabe对流参数化方案相比,采用Tiedtke参数化方案可以显著改善对平流层极涡强度的模拟,使平流层极涡“过强”及极区“过冷”的模拟偏差得到明显改善。研究其中的影响过程发现,由于Manabe方案最大凝结潜热加热高度过低,在对流层中低层;而Tiedtke方案的最大凝结潜热加热位置在对流层中上层,因而Tiedtke(Manabe)方案时热带大气温度在对流层中上层较为偏暖(偏冷),在平流层低层较为偏冷(偏暖)。自秋季开始,与热带对流层高层温度的暖偏差相联系,热带外对流层高层以及热带平流层低层出现伴随的温度冷偏差;与之对应,平流层中纬度从秋季开始也出现持续的温度暖偏差。另外,随着秋冬季节平流层行星波活动的出现,Tiedtke方案时热带外地区行星波1波的强度也明显强于Manabe方案,使得秋冬季节涡动引起的向极热通量在Tiedtke方案时明显偏强,从而造成了冬季平流层极区温度偏暖、极涡强度偏弱。  相似文献   

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