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In the W Hoggar (Algeria), the major transcurrent N–S East Ouzzal shear zone (EOSZ) hosts several world-class gold deposits over a 100-km length. The late Pan-African EOSZ separates two contrasting Precambrian domains: the Archaean In Ouzzal block to the west (orthogneisses with subordinate metasediments, reworked and granulitized in the c. 2 Ga Eburnean event) and a Middle Proterozoic block to the east (again orthogneisses and metasediments, involved in the c. 600 Ma Pan-African event). The EOSZ is a mylonite belt, 1–3 km wide, with a 50-m-wide ultramylonite belt hosting numerous quartz veins and lenses (giant hydrothermal quartz system) associated with a quartz-sericite-pyrite-carbonate (beresite) alteration. These hydrothermal events occurred under ductile (evolving towards brittle) conditions, between 500 and 300 MPa, at 500–300°C, with aqueous-carbonic fluids derived both from underlying devolatilized metamorphic rocks and a mantle source, as recorded by stable (C, O) isotope data. No gold mineralization was associated with these typical mesothermal events. Following a pressure drop (to 130 MPa), related to the inception of extensional tectonics, the EOSZ was later percolated by a new set of hydrothermal fluids, evolved from basinal waters that deeply penetrated into the In Ouzzal basement. These fluids were Ca-bearing brines (up to 25% wt. eq. NaCl), characterized by high δD (-9 to + 18‰ range), mobilized by the thermal energy released by the late Pan-African granite magmatism (Taourirt granites). As demonstrated by Pb isotope data, the brines leached Au from the In Ouzzal granulites (which contain 3 ppb Au). Fluid inclusion studies indicate that gold was deposited from these brines in the EOSZ at a depth of c. 5 km, due to mixing and cooling with descending diluted fluids.  相似文献   

金矿是班公湖-怒江成矿带的优势矿种之一。由于地质工作程度总体较低,金矿的成矿规律和成矿作用研究相对薄弱,严重制约了金矿的评价。本文在前人已有研究成果的基础上,通过大量的野外地质调查与综合研究成果,初步论述了班公湖-怒江成矿带金的成矿地质背景、金矿床的主要成因类型、时空分布特征和成矿作用。研究结果表明,班公湖-怒江成矿带金矿床(点)在空间分布上具有东西成带,相对集中的分布特征。金主要以共生、伴生的形式存在。矿床类型有矽卡岩型、斑岩型、造山型和浅成低温热液型等4类,其成矿时代集中于晚侏罗世-晚白垩世。依据矿床成因及成矿作用主控因素,可将班公湖-怒江成矿带金矿床归纳为与洋壳俯冲消减作用有关的岩浆热液金成矿系统和与大陆碰撞造山作用有关的金成矿系统。与洋壳俯冲消减作用有关的岩浆热液金成矿系统可进一步划分出浅成低温热液型金矿床、斑岩型铜金矿床、矽卡岩型金铜矿床等3种成因类型;而与大陆碰撞造山作用有关的金成矿系统包括浅成低温热液型铜金矿床、造山型金矿床、矽卡岩型金铜矿床等3种成因类型。  相似文献   

The Tirek gold deposit hosted in the Archean shield is one of the richest sources of mined gold for Algeria. The deposit is controlled by the East Ouzzal shear zone (EOSZ), a transcurrent N–S lithospheric fault. The EOSZ is a late Pan-African dextral-ductile shear zone separating two contrasting Precambrian domains: the Archean In Ouzzal block to the west (Orthogenesis with subordinate metasediments reworked and granulitized during the ca. 2 Ga Eburnean event) and a middle Proterozoic block to the east involved in the ca. 600 Ma Pan-African event. The auriferous quartz veins are mainly oriented in two directions, N–S veins hosted in mylonitic rocks and NE–SW veins hosted in gabbroic or gneissic bands. The NE–SW veins contain the richest ore. Gold ore is found in a system of veins and lenticular quartz veinlets arranged in anastomosing networks. The hydrothermal alteration associated with these veins is characteristically a carbonate-sericite-albite-pyrite assemblage. Gold is the main metal of economic importance; it is disseminated in the quartz as grains or fibers along microcracks and as microscopic grains in the host rocks. Microthermometric results and Raman laser data from fluid inclusions demonstrate that the ore-forming fluids contained H2O-CO2±CH4 and were low salinity. Homogenization temperatures are commonly 250–310 °C. In the Tirek deposit, the role of the shear zone that hosts the mineralization was to drain the hydrothermal fluid. Interactions between the fluid and the mafic host rocks and CO2 also contributed to the formation of the hydrothermal gold deposit at Tirek.  相似文献   

Greenschist facies schist which hosts the Macraes Mine in East Otago, New Zealand has been pervasively altered by post-metamorphic (lower greenschist facies) fluids over a 120 m thick section perpendicular to foliation. Metamorphic titanite has been replaced by rutile, and epidote has been replaced by a variety of metamorphic minerals including siderite, chlorite, muscovite and calcite. The early stages of this alteration occurred during development of a ductile cleavage associated with kilometre scale recumbent folding. The cleavage was widely overprinted by a subparallel set of spaced (mm scale) microshears which are locally enriched in rutile and hydrothermal graphite. Strain was then concentrated into narrow (m scale) zones where more intensely deformed portions of the rock are crossed and highly disrupted by closely spaced (100 μm scale) microshears. The highly strained rocks show a combination of mylonitic and cataclastic microstructures, including crystal-plastic grain size reduction and recrystallization of micas to form a new foliation. Muscovite has grown at the expense of albite in the mylonitic cataclasites. Hydrothermal alteration was accompanied by addition of pyrite, arsenopyrite and gold without development of quartz veins. Gold precipitated with sulphides during reduction of the fluid by hydrothermal graphite. The whole altered rock sequence was later cut sporadically by mesothermal quartz veins which contain gold, scheelite, rutile, pyrite and arsenopyrite. This deposit displays a continuum of post-metamorphic processes and hydrothermal fluid flow which occurred during uplift of the schist belt. Received: 4 December 1997 / Accepted: 21 September 1998  相似文献   

湖南苗儿山韧性剪切带与金矿化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康如华 《黄金地质》2000,6(4):23-27
湖南雪峰弧形构造带中的苗儿山韧性剪切带存在糜棱岩和片理化岩石两大构造岩类,各具不同的变形特征,根据金矿的产出规律,认为该地区金矿化受韧性剪切带,老地层,后期脆性断裂等多重因素控制,发育于老地层中的片理化带提供了成矿流体的运移通道和容矿空间,加强片理化带的研究对于在雪峰弧形构造带上找金具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In the Laouni terrane, which belongs to the polycyclic Central Hoggar domain, various areas contain outcrops of formations showing granulite-facies parageneses. This high-temperature metamorphism was accompanied by migmatization and the emplacement of two types of magmatic suite, one of continental affinity (garnet pyroxenites and granulites with orthoferrossilite–fayalite–quartz), and the other of arc affinity (layered metanorites). Paragenetic, thermobarometric and fluid-inclusion studies of the migmatitic metapelites and metabasites make it possible to reconstruct the PTaH2O path undergone by these formations. This path is clockwise in the three studied areas, being characterized by a major decompression (Tamanrasset: 10.5 kbar at 825 °C to 6 kbar at 700 °C; Tidjenouine: 7.5 kbar at 875 °C; to 3.5 kbar at 700 °C; Tin Begane: 13.5 kbar at 850 °C; to 5 kbar at 720 °C), followed by amphibolitization that corresponds to a fall of temperature (from 700 to 600 °C) and an increase in water activity (from 0.2–0.4 to almost 1).The main observed features are in favour of petrogenesis and exhumation related to the Eburnean orogeny. However, the lacks of good-quality dating work and a comparison with juvenile Pan-African formations having undergone high-pressure metamorphism, in some cases reaching the eclogite facies, do not rule out the possibility that high-temperature parageneses are locally due to Pan-African events.  相似文献   

We study the first occurrence of clinopyroxene-free garnet bearing metabasites encased in migmatitic gneisses and metapelites, in the area of Tin Begane belonging to the Laouni terrane in the Pan-African Trans-Saharan belt (Hoggar, Algeria). They present two successive parageneses after a primary assemblage characterized by the presence of high titanium amphiboles equilibrated with coarse-grained garnet, plagioclase, biotite, quartz, and rutile. The two retrograde parageneses show decompression textures with the developing of coronas- and worm-like symplectites consisting of orthopyroxene + plagioclase ± amphibole for the secondary paragenesis and plagioclase + amphibole for the late stage paragenesis. These garnet metabasites do not show high pressure paragenesese compared to those previously studied from the Laouni terrane and which are known to present at least one high pressure paragenesis involving primary pyroxenes. We investigate the exhumation of these metabasites by combining detailed petrographic and thermobarometric studies in order to constrain the P-T conditions for each metamorphic stage. The results suggest an isothermal decompression from peak granulitic conditions (850 ± 50 ° C and 0.85 ± 0.15 GPa) down to transitional granulitic conditions (830 ±50 ° C and 0.5 ±0.1 GPa) followed by a cooling episode to the amphibolite-greenschist facies transition at 480 ± 80 ° C and 0.4– 0.5 GPa. These conditions are consistent with a tectonic exhumation process most likely provoked by a lithospheric thinning accompanied by a magmatic episode and partial melting of the lower continental crust.  相似文献   

In the Laouni region (Central Hoggar, Algeria), retrogression of high-grade orthopyroxene–cordierite-bearing rocks led to the crystallization of orthoamphibole and garnet, and at a later stage of chlorite, from the original paragenesis. Calculated phase diagrams show that this retrogression occurred at about 3  kbar with the simplest model involving hydration at 650–700°  C and at around 500°  C, with the rocks experiencing a H2O less than 1, except possibly in the last stages of chlorite crystallization. As the other rock types occurring in the same area as the orthopyroxene–cordierite rocks display similar features, it is concluded that regional hydration occurred, presumably related to the release of fluids during the crystallization of the Pan-African granitic and mafic magmas that are widespread in the Laouni area.  相似文献   

The Aleksod region is composed of metasedimentary rocks and large areas of biotite and hornblende-bearing migmatites. Anatexis associated with the main deformation stages, occurred under high pressure and temperature conditions estimated at 13±2 Kbar and 750±50° C. The bulk mineralogical composition of the Telohat migmatites shows that their protolith was granodioritic. Internal structures of zircons and U-Pb data suggest a polyphased evolution, with a 2131±12 Ma age for the protolith and a 609±17 Ma age for the Pan-African tectono-metamorphic evolution, thus precluding any Kibaran event in the Aleksod area. Leucosomes are richer in Sr and display lower Rb, Zr, Nb, Y, Th, U and REE contents than melanosomes wherein accessory phases are stored. Eu contents are also lower in the leucosomes but in lesser proportion than the other rare earth's, leading to a significant positive anomaly. Petrogenetic modelling accounting for accessory mineral phases clearly shows that the trace element contents of leucosomes and melanosomes follow a distribution law consistent neither with equilibrium nor fractional melting. Their trace element patterns are best explained by the model of disequilibrium melting, with mixing of a few residual phases. The present results and previous Sr isotopic data as well raise the question of disequilibrium melting in anatexis of crustal material CRPG Contribution no 782  相似文献   

A regional lineament of highly parallelized planar and linear structures can be followed over a distance of 150 km from the coast to the Inland Ice at Nordre Strømfjord in central West Greenland. This shear zone is situated within the Nagssugtoqidian mobile belt and transects an area of intricate interference structures, from which it has been formed by high shear strain. By using data for the orientation of planar structures outside and within the zone, the shear strain is calculated to be approximately 6. This value applies to the shear zone close to the coast where its width is approximately 15 km. The zone is cut by the granulite/amphibolite facies boundary, and towards lower metamorphic grade the width of the zone decreases. At the same time the shear strain increases, so that the offset across the zone could be constant irrespective of width. At the coast, where the zone has been mapped, the fanning of planar structures shows the zone to be wedge-shaped, thinning upwards.It is therefore suggested that the zone represents a deep-seated ductile part of a major, transcurrent fault with a sinistral displacement of at least 100 km.  相似文献   

Two mineralogically different rare metal granites located in two distinct terranes from the Tuareg area are compared: the Tin-Amzi granite in the north of the Laouni Terrane and the Ebelekan granite in the Assodé–Issalane Terrane.The Tin-Amzi granite is enclosed within Eburnean granulitic gneisses, and consists of albite, quartz, protolithionite, K-feldspar and topaz granite (PG). The accessory minerals include columbite tantalite, U- and Hf-rich zircon, Th-uraninite, wolframoixiolite and wolframite. This facies is characterised by a mineralogical evolution from the bottom to the top underlined by a strong resorption of K-feldspar and albite and the crystalliK-feldspar of more abundant topaz and protolithionite II which is further altered in muscovite and Mn-siderite. It is underlain by an albite, K-feldspar, F-rich topaz, quartz and muscovite granite (MG), with W–Nb–Ta oxides, wolframite, Nb-rutile, zircon and scarce uranothorite as accessories.The Ebelekan granite intrudes into a coarse-grained biotite granite enclosed within upper amphibolite-facies metasediments. It comprises a zinnwaldite, albite, topaz porphyritic granite (ZG) with “snow ball” quartz and K-feldspar. The accessories are zircon, monazite, uranothorite, Ta bearing cassiterite, columbite tantalite and wodginite. It is capped by a banded aplite-pegmatite (AP).The geochemistry of Tin-Amzi and Ebelekan granites is nearly comparable. Both are peraluminous (A/CNK=1.10–1.29; ASI=1.17–1.31), sodolithic and fluorine rich with high SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O+K2O, Rb, Ga, Li, Ta, Nb, Sn and low FeO, MgO, TiO2, Ba, Sr, Y, Zr and REE contents. These rare metal Ta bearing granites belong to the P-poor subclass, relating to their P2O5 content ( 0.03–0.15 wt.%). Nevertheless, they are distinguished by their concentration of W, Sn and Ta. The Tin-Amzi granite is W–Ta bearing with high W/Sn ratio whereas the Ebelekan granite is Ta–Sn bearing with insignificant W content.At Tin-Amzi the W–Nb–Ta minerals define a sequence formed by W-columbite tantalite followed by wolframoixiolite and finally wolframite showing the effect of hydrothermal overprinting with an extreme W enrichment of the fluids. At Ebelekan, the Sn–Nb–Ta oxides follow a Mn sequence: manganocolumbite→manganotantalite→wodginite+titanowodginite→cassiterite that represents a trend of primary crystallisation resulting from progressive substitution Fe→Mn and Nb→Ta during the magmatic fractionation.  相似文献   

内蒙古霍各乞大型Cu-Pb-Zn矿床地处内蒙西部狼山地区,为狼山-渣尔泰山成矿带的典型矿床。前人依据该矿裂谷沉积赋矿、岩性控矿、具有层状矿体等宏观特征判断其为裂谷环境下形成的热水沉积矿床,但也有部分学者提出其为受构造控制的后生热液矿床。本次研究以岩矿相学观察为基础,结合热力学模拟,提出该矿为受剪切带控制的变质热液矿床。矿区内赋矿围岩普遍经历角闪岩相区域变质作用及韧性剪切变形。宏观上,矿体与矿区内剪切带产状协调。硫化物总体沿围岩糜棱岩片理产出,但局部切割围岩糜棱岩组构,含矿微裂隙具有脆韧性剪切变形特征,可见硫化物交代围岩峰期变质矿物。热液脉石矿物组合及矿物温压计均表明成矿期具有低绿片岩相的温压条件。上述特征表明Cu-Pb-Zn矿化受剪切带控制,发生于剪切变形晚期,围岩退变质抬升阶段。热力学模拟显示当含矿流体流经由碳质千枚岩、石英二云母片岩和富铁夹层构成的岩性柱子,碳质千枚岩层位发生Pb-Zn矿化,而石英二云母片岩层位发生Cu矿化,富铁层位形成富矿体,这与霍各乞的地质事实相一致,矿相学观察也表明围岩岩性对成矿具有控制作用,因此后生热液流体与围岩的水岩反应导致了霍各乞矿床的层控、岩矿特征。通过上述研究建立起的剪切带控矿的成矿模式既符合该矿的显微观察结果,又可以解释该矿层状矿体、岩性控矿等宏观特征。  相似文献   

Some granulites from the Amessmessa area (south In Ouzzal unit, Hoggar) contain the peak assemblage gedrite+garnet+sillimanite+quartz that was used to estimate the P–T conditions of metamorphism. The rocks developed symplectites and corona textures by the breakdown of the primary paragenesis to orthopyroxene, cordierite and spinel. The successive parageneses formed in separate microdomains according to a clockwise P–T path. Geothermometry, geobarometry and phase diagram calculations indicate that the textures formed by decompression and cooling from 7–9 kbar and 850–900°C to 3.5–4.5 kbar and 700–800°C. This P–T evolution is consistent with low to medium aH2O, between 0.4 and 0.7, and is similar to the metamorphic conditions deduced in Al–Mg granulites from the north of In Ouzzal.  相似文献   

详细的野外观察和显微构造研究表明,西昆仑南缘康西瓦韧性走滑剪切带主要由宽7km的孔兹岩质糜棱岩组成.具有早期自西向东的右行走滑剪切、后期自东向西的左行走滑剪切的剪切应变特征。韧性剪切带孔兹岩质糜棱岩中典型造岩矿物的晶格优选方位的电子背散射(EBSD)测量结果表明,钠长石具(010)[001]或(100)[001]滑移系,矽线石具{hk0}[001]滑移系,均反映了高温(〉650℃)和中-高温(650-550℃)的应变特征。差应力作用下的变质生长与剪切所致的刚性旋转进一步增加了矽线石的组构强度。然而。石英却具形成于中温→中低温→低温环境(〈550℃)的{10T0}〈a〉→{10il}〈a〉→{0001}〈a〉3组滑移系,均指示自东向西的左行剪切指向,EBSD组构的结果与野外剪切应变的判断一致。Ar/Ar同位素年代学及锆石SHRIMPU-Pb同位素定年结果表明,右行韧性走滑作用形成于加里东期(445~428Ma),继后的左行走滑作用主要经历了3次明显的构造热事件(250Ma、203Ma和101-125Ma)。在白垩纪时期。阿尔金左行走滑断裂和康西瓦左行走滑断裂连接成一条连续的巨型(长度2200km)走滑构造带.同时康西瓦走滑断裂和铁克里克逆冲断裂之间的挤压转换域的形成制约了青藏高原西北缘塔里木南部前陆盆地的发育。  相似文献   

西藏改则地区金成矿作用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
西藏改则地区属班公湖-怒江板块缝合带西段,该区岩金的找矿和理论研究十分薄弱,找矿方向不明确。文章从金的成矿背景、成矿特征和成矿年代学研究入手,探讨了该缝合带演化过程中金的成矿作用,试图为该区金找矿方向的确立提供依据。研究表明,该区金矿主要分布在羌塘板片南缘铁格山一带的侏罗系雁石坪群和缝合带内木嘎岗日地体达查一带的侏罗系木嘎岗日群浅变质火-沉积建造中。大地构造及地球化学研究反映出雁石坪群和木嘎岗日群是大陆裂谷一边缘海环境中形成的亚稳定的复理石沉积,其形成伴随有较大规模的蛇绿岩和基性火山喷发,同时有较明显的海底热水活动,地层中集中了较丰富的Au、Cu等幔源物质而成为Au的初始矿源层。早白垩世晚期,在冈底斯地块和羌塘地块碰撞拼贴过程中,富含Au、Cu等幔源组分的Ⅰ型中酸性岩浆上侵,并加热下渗的海水,使之与岩浆混合成为汲取初始矿源层、蛇绿岩和中酸性岩浆岩中Au的有效介质,进而携带Au在各种岩石裂隙中运移沉淀,形成蚀变岩一石英脉过渡型金矿体。在晚白垩世海盆关闭且发生差异隆升造山过程中,原有矿床的顶部被剥蚀,并以砂矿的形式开始了金矿的再生。  相似文献   

夹皮沟剪切带与金矿床形成演化关系的模拟实验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙胜龙 《矿床地质》1995,14(1):73-81
夹皮沟金矿床,位于华北地台北缘东段,与剪切带形成,演化密切相关。剪切带发育在长英质片麻岩石中。金矿化主要发育在脆-韧性剪切作用阶段:早期形成了糜棱岩型金矿化;晚期则形成了黄铁矿-石英脉型金矿化(矿床)。不同地球化学图解以及模拟实验表明,两种金矿化(或矿床)是同一剪切带,不同发育阶段的表现形式。金矿化(矿床)是受剪切带中的剪应力、剪切带中循环流体与被剪岩石相互作用而形成的物理-化学场所控制。  相似文献   

The Al–Mg-rich granulites from the In Ouzzal craton, Algeria, show a great diversity of mineral reactions which correspond to continuous equilibria as predicted by phase relationships in the FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system. The sequence of mineral reactions can be subdivided into three distinct stages: (1) a high-P stage characterized by the growth of coarse mineral assemblages involving sapphirine and the disappearance of early corundum and spinel-bearing assemblages; (2) a high-T stage characterized by the development of Sa–Qz-bearing assemblages; and (3) a later stage, in which garnet-bearing assemblages are replaced by more or less fine symplectites involving cordierite. During the course of early mineral reactions, the distribution coefficient, Kd, between the various ferromagnesian phases decreased significantly whereas Al2O3 in pyroxene increased concomitantly. These observations, when combined with topological constraints, clearly indicate that the high-P stage 1 was accompanied by a significant rise in temperature (estimated at 150 ± 50° C) under near isobaric conditions, in agreement with the reaction textures. By stage 2, pressure and temperature were extreme as evidenced by the low Kd value between orthopyroxene and garnet (Kd= 2.06–1.99), the high alumina content in pyroxene (up to 11.8%) and the high magnesium content in garnet [100 Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 60.6]. Mineral thermometry based on Fe–Mg exchange between garnet and pyroxene and on Al-solubility in pyroxene gives temperatures close to 970 ± 70° C at 10 ± 1.5 kbar. These results are in agreement with the development of Sa–Qz assemblages on a local scale. Late mineral reactions have been produced during a decompression stage from about 9 to 6 kbar. Except for local re-equilibration of Mg and Fe at grain boundaries, there is no evidence for further reactions below 700° C. We interpreted the whole set of mineral reactions as due to changes in pressure and temperature during a tectonic episode located at c. 2 Ga. Because of the lack of evidence for further uplift after the thermal relaxation which occurred at c. 6 kbar, it is possible however that the exhumation of this granulitic terrane occurred in a later tectonic event unrelated to its formation.  相似文献   

丁家林-太阳坪脆-韧性剪切带处于扬子地台、秦岭及松潘-甘孜褶皱带的结合部,出露长度大于10 km,走向40~50°,以密集的褶曲带、劈理带、石英脉带单独或组合出现为标志.主要经历了2期变形,第1期脆-韧性剪切变形分2个阶段.S1阶段茂县群地体发生低级变质并形成千枚理S1,分异石英脉q1;S2阶段分异q2并发生金矿化,形成S2.第2期韧-脆性剪切变形发育韧-脆性断层S3,分异q3,并发育擦痕和阶步及强烈金矿化.晚期韧-脆性剪切作用叠加在早期脆-韧性剪切变形之上.丁家林-太阳坪金矿带的2期内生成矿作用与变形作用同步进行,其控、容矿构造为脆-韧性剪切变形组构.  相似文献   

吴迪  刘永江  李伟民  常瑞虹 《岩石学报》2020,36(8):2571-2588
连山关地区位于华北克拉通北缘铀成矿省辽东铀成矿带,已知铀矿床(点)均发育在韧性剪切带附近。为了解韧性剪切带运动学、几何学构造变形机制及与铀矿的关系,本文以连山关岩体周缘韧性剪切带为研究对象,通过野外宏观调查和室内微观研究相结合的研究方法,探讨构造变形期次、韧性剪切带形成机理及其对铀成矿的控制作用。研究表明:连山关岩体周缘发育的韧性剪切带与近南北向挤压构造变形有关,其右行韧性剪切带应变类型为压扁应变,属于一般压缩-平面应变范围,Flinn指数K值在0.19~0.69之间,岩石类型属于S/SL型构造岩。研究区内铀矿体均为隐伏盲矿体,主要赋存于沿着连山关岩体和辽河群接触带右行剪切作用形成的背斜褶皱核部,和北东东向断裂关系密切。综合分析认为,连山关岩体南缘北西向韧性剪切带为一级控矿构造,是区内铀矿热液运移的通道,而剪切带边部的晚期北东东向断裂则是铀矿储存空间;铀源可能来自于太古宙古风化壳,并在大型韧性剪切活动(提供热液运移通道)和基性脉岩侵入(提供热源和还原剂)等综合因素作用下运移、富集成矿。  相似文献   

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