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High-Mg–Al, silica-undersaturated metapelites from theOygarden Group of islands, East Antarctica, preserve clear evidencefor the stable coexistence of the assemblage orthopyroxene +corundum in natural rocks. The quartz-absent metapelite occursas pods and isolated layers within a high-strain zone relatedto deformation during the c. 0·93 Ga Rayner StructuralEpisode. Assemblages that include orthopyroxene, corundum, sapphirine,sillimanite, cordierite, garnet and kornerupine are developedacross a pre-existing compositional zoning, leading to contrastingmineral Fe–Mg ratios. The assemblage orthopyroxene–corundumis shown to exist in only a very restricted range of bulk compositionsand PT histories. Simplified qualitative FMAS grids havebeen constructed for kornerupine-absent and -present systems,illustrating MAS terminations and divariant equilibria thathelp to describe the mineral assemblage and reaction history.Reaction textures that include coronas of sapphirine and sillimaniteseparating orthopyroxene and corundum, and symplectites of orthopyroxene+ sapphirine ± cordierite/plagioclase, orthopyroxene+ sillimanite ± cordierite/plagioclase and orthopyroxene+ sapphirine + sillimanite embaying garnet, imply a clockwisePTt evolution. Conditions of P > 9–10kbar and T  相似文献   

Based on the combined analysis of the seismologic and other geophysical data (the gravity and magnetic fields and the acoustic basement topography), it was revealed that the largest earthquakes that occurred in the region of the Central Kuril Islands in 2006, 2007, and 2009 were related to the block structure of the Earth’s crust. The aftershocks of the largest earthquakes recorded in 2006 and 2007 became foreshocks for the earthquakes of 2007 and 2009, respectively. In total, the earthquakes that occurred in this area in the period of 2006–2012 are closely related to the tectonic destruction zone existing there, clarify its position, and support the previous concept of the superimposed and cross cutting relationships of this zone with respect to the Kuril Island Arc.  相似文献   

Deception Island is an active volcano with a large structural collapse caldera that has been interpreted by several investigators as having been generated by different processes. The general stratigraphy and structural study of the volcano is presented, with special emphasis on the distribution and structural disposition of the different stratigraphic units. The rocks of Deception Island have traditionally been divided into pre- and post-caldera products. A subdivision of the pre-caldera deposits, called ‘pre- and syn-caldera deposits,’ has been observed in two main units. Bulk magnetic susceptibility analyses are used to support the field stratigraphy presented. The localization and distribution of dikes is used to assign the central collapse of the volcano to rifting induced by tensional tectonics occurring in the Bransfield Strait and the presence of transcurrent faults around the island.  相似文献   

Detailed geochronological, structural and petrological studies reveal that the geological evolution of the Field Islands area, East Antarctica, was substantially similar to that of the adjacent Archaean Napier Complex, though with notable differences in late and post Archaean times. These differences reflect the area's proximity to the Proterozoic Rayner Complex and consequent vulnerability to tectonic process involved in the formation of the latter. Distinctive structural features of the Field Islands are (1) consistent development of a discordant, pervasive S3 axial-plane foliation; (2) re-orientation of S3 axial planes to approximate to the subsequent E-W tectonic trend of the nearby Rayner Complex; (3) selective retrogression by a post-D3 static thermal overprint; and (4) relatively common development of retrogressive, E-W-trending, mylonitic shear zones. Peak metamorphic conditions in excess of 800°C at 900 ± 100 M Pa (9 kbar) were attained at one locality following, but probably close to the time of D2 folding. D3 took place in late Archaean times when metamorphic temperatures were about 650°C and pressures were about 600 MPa (6 kbar). Later, temperatures of 600 ± 50°C and pressures of 700 MPa (7kbar) were attained in an amphibolite-facies event, presumably associated with the widespread granulite to amphibolite-facies metamorphism and intense deformation involved in the formation of the Rayner Complex at about 1100 Ma. The area was subsequently subjected to near-isothermal uplift. Rb-Sr isotopic data indicate that the pervasive D3 fabric developed at about 2400–2500 Ma, and this age can be further refined to 2456+8-5 Ma by concordant zircon analyses from a syn-D3 pegmatite. All zircons were affected by only minor (<7–10%) Pb loss and/or new zircon growth during the Rayner event at about 1100Ma. Thus the 450–850 μg/gU concentrations of these zircons were too low to cause sufficient lattice damage over the 1350 Ma (from 2450 Ma) for excessive Pb to be lost during the 1100 Ma event. The emplacement of pegmatite at 522 ± 10 Ma substantially changed the Rb-Sr systematics of the only analysed rock that developed a penetrative fabric during the 1100 Ma event. Monazite in this pegmatite contains an inherited Pb component, which probably resides in small opaque inclusions. A good correlation is found between Rb-Sr total-rock ages and rock fabric. U-Pb zircon intercepts with concordia also mostly correspond to known events. However, in one example a near perfect alignment of zircon analyses, probably developed by mixing of unrelated components, produced concordia intercepts that appear to have no direct geochronological significance.  相似文献   

Abstract Three generations of mylonites discovered in the northern Prince Charles Mountains (nPCM) are associated with episodes of crustal thickening and thinning. First-generation mylonites (MY1) are shallow thrusts which pre-date both folding and peak metamorphic conditions, and formed during early crustal thickening. Second-generation mylonites (MY2) are significant subvertical normal faults that formed at conditions of c. 5 kbar and 700° C, and throughout the nPCM consistently display NW-block uplift. It is argued that MY2 uplift was rapid in the north-west, produced exhumation of approximately 6–7 km, and caused re-equilibration of most nPCM assemblages at lower pressures. It is suggested that features of this terrane may be reconciled with a tectonic model involving simultaneous crustal thickening and lithospheric thinning; MY2 uplift may reflect isostatically induced uplift. In contrast, the adjacent east Lambert Glacier Region (eLGR) was unaffected by MY2 uplift and remained at lower crustal levels. P-T trajectories across this oblique terrane thus reflect a gradual transition in uplift rates: nPCM paths preserve mostly cooling after partial MY2 exhumation, while those in the eLGR are dominated by slower uplift which facilitated the retrograde growth of coronas and symplectites at amphibolite facies conditions. Amphibolite facies third-generation mylonites, MY3, post-date the preserved P-T segments and are low-angle normal faults which indicate consistent easterly transport across the entire terrane. It is proposed that they are related to tectonic collapse.  相似文献   

This article presents an interpretative progress review and outline maps based primarily on geophysical findings, with interpolations and extrapolations, and a surmise of the continent's topography before glaciation. --AGI Staff.  相似文献   

The Leinster intrusion, S.E. Ireland, is one of a group of Caledonian granites, sensu lato, of Siluro-Devonian age, which typically exhibit strong geophysical and geochemical contrasts with their host rocks. New gravity data supplement previous road-based data and define, over the Northern Units of the intrusion, a closed residual anomaly (-160 g.u.) with steep gradients. The Northern Units are shown to comprise a large volume of low-density material extending to a depth of 8 km, and hence to constitute a significant contribution to Caledonian crustal growth. The sub-surface form of the intrusion is essentially vertical-sided having no broad root, in contrast with other Siluro-Devonian granites (s.l.). Radioelement concentrations in the Northern Units were mapped quantitatively by in situ gamma-ray spectrometry. The mean concentrations of 4·2 per cent K2O, 3·0 ppm U and 8·1 ppm Th measured are lower than those typical of the Siluro-Devonian granites (s.l.), suggesting depletion associated with high-level fractionation, and in addition a possible Th-depleted source region. Complex areal radioelement distributions reflect both the multiple intrusive event, and later secondary remobilization, particularly of U. This is demonstrated using fission-track radiography which shows that U, at least, is located in both primary and secondary minerals.  相似文献   

张峤  纪飞 《地质力学学报》2021,27(5):809-820
特拉裂谷是西南极裂谷系统在新生代发生张裂作用的最后地区,因此成为研究西南极裂谷系统构造活动的关键。文章利用中国南极科考采集的以及SDLS国际共享的地震数据,结合多个钻探计划的钻井等基础资料,统一了西罗斯海地区地震反射界面和地震层序。将研究区的断层组合样式分为同沉积断层、层间断层和负花状断层三类,并进一步划分了区内新生代断层活动的期次,圈定了特拉裂谷的影响范围。研究发现,每期断层活动具有明显的继承性,活动时间由北部阿黛尔盆地向南部特拉裂谷越来越新,呈递变性,这是裂谷作用从北向南逐渐传递的结果。为了更加全面地揭示研究区的综合地球物理特征,利用基于弹性板模型下的Fan小波相关技术获得了研究区有效弹性厚度的空间变化特征。结果显示,横贯南极山脉前缘的异常低值条带与晚新生代的裂谷活动和伴生的岩浆作用有关,并指示了西罗斯海的拉张区域。   相似文献   

The Polish Geophysical Expedition to West Antarctica in the summer of 1979–1980 was organized by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the expedition was to carry out studies of deep structures of the Earth's crust by reflection, refraction and deep seismic sounding methods. Special attention was paid to tectonically active zones and to the contact zones between the blocks of the Earth's crust and the lithospheric plates. Geophysical measurements were carried out in the area extending between 61° and 65°S and between 56° and 66°W. The measurements covered the southern Shetlands, the Antarctic Peninsula, the Bransfield Strait, the Drake Passage, the Palmer Archipelago, the Gerlache Strait and the Bismarck Strait towards the southern Pacific.Deep seismic soundings were made along profiles with a total length of about 2000 km. Seismic reflection measurements were made along profiles about 1100 km long. A detailed analysis of the seismic wave field shows that the structure of the Earth's crust in this part of West Antarctica is very complex. Numerous deep fractures divide the Earth's crust into blocks of different physical properties. The thickness of the Earth's crust changes from 32 km in the region of the South Shetland Islands to 40–45 km in the region of the Antarctic Peninsula. A preliminary geodynamical model of this part of West Antarctica is presented.  相似文献   

A marine geophysical survey in early 1982, conducted by the Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources, indicated that much of Prydz Bay is underlain by a sedimentary basin. Severe seismic multiples preclude an accurate estimate of total sediment thickness, but interpretation of the seismic and magnetic data suggest that it is probably at least 5 km. The trends of the southeast basin margin and of mild faulting and folding in the southwest indicate an overall NNE trend, roughly orthogonal to the continental margin.In the south of Prydz Bay, two series of seismic sequences are evident, separated by a mildly erosional unconformity. The lower series ranges from poorly- to well-stratified, has minor folding and faulting, and probably derives from continental and perhaps shallow marine pre-breakup sediments. The upper series is generally well-stratified, and prograded near the shelf edge; it probably represents shallow marine post-breakup sediments. The seabed is distinctly unconformable with the underlying sediments, implying both that much of the upper series sediments and some of the lower series sediments have been bulldozed off by advances of the Amery Ice Shelf, and that present sedimentation rates are very low. Possible thin moraines or tillites in the northeast part of the Prydz Bay are also attributed to these glacial advances.The continental slope and rise sedimentary section ranges from at least 3 km thick off Prydz Bay, to thin off the MacRobertson Shelf to the west, reflecting the more prolific sediment source in Prydz Bay. The deep water section includes several seismic sequences, the most distinctive being interpreted as sheet volcanics and turbidite fans. The deepest visible unconformity is locally strongly faulted and may separate the pre-breakup and post-breakup sediments.Indo-Antarctic breakup has been tentatively dated as Early Neocomian (130 Ma) and the E-W orientation of the resultant Antarctic coast invites interpretation of the Lambert Glacier-Prydz Bay structure as a possible failed rift arm of a triple junction. Direct information on the age and nature of the sediments under Prydz Bay is lacking, but Permian continental sediments cropping out at Beaver Lake, to the south, may correspond to the lower pre-breakup series. This interpretation gains some support from analogies with fault-bounded intracratonic basins in India which contain Permian to Triassic continental strata and which may have been juxtaposed prior to breakup. The upper series probably consists of Upper Cretaceous and Cainozoic sands and shales, with moraines or tillites at the top of the section.  相似文献   

<正>Considerable controversy exists over whether or not extensive glaciation occurred during the global Last Glacial Maximum(LGM) in the Larsemann Hills.In this study we use the in situ produced cosmogenic nuclide ~(10)Be(half life 1.51 Ma) to provide minimum exposure ages for six bedrock samples and one erratic boulder in order to determine the last period of deglaciation in the Larsemann Hills and on the neighboring Bolingen Islands.Three bedrock samples taken from Friendship Mountain(the highest peak on the Mirror Peninsula,Larsemann Hills;~2 km from the ice sheet) have minimum exposure ages ranging from 40.0 to 44.7 ka.The erratic boulder from Peak 106(just at the edge of the ice sheet) has a younger minimum exposure age of only 8.8 ka.The minimum exposure ages for two bedrock samples from Blundell Peak(the highest peak on Stornes Peninsula,Larsemann Hills;~2 km from the ice sheet) are about 17 and 18 ka.On the Bolingen Islands(southwest to the Larsemann Hills;~10 km from the ice sheet),the minimum exposure age for one bedrock sample is similar to that at Friendship Mountain(i.e.,44 ka).Our results indicate that the bedrock exposure in the Larsemann Hills and on the neighboring Bolingen Islands commenced obviously before the global LGM(i.e.,20-22 ka),and the bedrock erosion rates at the Antarctic coast areas may be obviously higher than in the interior land.  相似文献   

Seismological observations using the earthquake converted-wave method were carried out from December 7, 2002 to January 23, 2003 (season 48 of the Russian Antarctic Expedition) in the southern part of Vostok Subglacial Lake for the purpose of studying the structure of the Earth’s crust. Three observation points were placed. One of them was located at the Vostok Station and the other two were located at distances of 8.7 and 12.02 km to the east and to the west of the station, respectively. The performed investigation showed that the thickness of the Earth’s crust in the studied area is 34–36 km. The crust is subdivided into three blocks of different ranks. The low-velocity block is situated immediately beneath the Vostok Basin. Seven interfaces of mode conversion were detected. The results obtained allow us to suggest an increase in heat flow in the Vostok Basin and to the east of this basin. The seismic layering of the ice cover is correlated with the results of radioecho sounding and the structure of the glacier documented in cores of 5G-1 Borehole. The interfaces within the glacier near the Vostok Station are located at depths of 700 ± 100 m, 1600 ± 100 m, and 2200 ± 100 m.  相似文献   

Examination of the subglacial topography of central East Antarctica reveals the block structure of the Earth’s crust in this region. The intracontinental blocks of the subglacial Vostok Highlands (400 masl), Komsomol’sky Mountains (700 masl), Schmidt Basin (150 masl), and Aurora Basin (?300 masl) are distinguished. The geological nature of the Komsomol’sky Subglacial Mountains (KSM) and the Schmidt Subglacial Basin (SSB) is interpreted from gravity measurements and regional aerogeophysical routes. The basin of Vostok Subglacial Lake (VSL) is located in the conjugation zone of these blocks. The KSM are considered to be a block of the Proterozoic mobile belt disturbed by a system of normal and reverse faults. The SSB is a rigid cratonic block partly overlapped by platform cover. The localization of the VSL Graben in the zone of conjugation of heterogeneous blocks testifies to its formation in a deep fault zone characterized by intense normal and reverse dislocations.  相似文献   

GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION AND OROGENY OF EAST KUNLUN TERRAIN ON THE NORTHERN QINGHAI—TIBET PLATEAU1 XuZQ ,YangJS ,ZhangJX ,etal.AcomparisonbetweenthetectonicunitsonthesidesoftheAltunsinistralstrike slipfaultandthemechanismoflithosphericshearing[J] :ActaGeologicaSinica,1999,73:193~ 2 0 5(inChinesewithEnglishabstract) . 2 YangJS ,XuZQ ,LiHB ,Wu ,etal.DiscoveryofeclogiteatthenorthernmarginofQaidambasin,NWChina[J] .Chi neseScienceBulletin,1998,4 3…  相似文献   

Nd whole-rock data from the Windmill Islands area yield early Proterozoic to middle Archaean Nd model ages. These crustal residence times are consistent with regional correlations with other parts of Antarctica (Bunger Hills, Denman Glacier area) and the Albany-Fraser Orogen of south-western Australia during the Mid-Proterozoic and thus support reconstructions with a continuous Mid-Proterozoic orogen in these areas. The new Nd isotope data provide strong evidence that no age boundary exists between the higher- and lower-grade parts of the Windmill Islands area, and that the metamorphic complex represents a single terrane with a common crustal history. The data support the notion of a time-link between the occurrence of intrusive charnockites (C-type magmas) and high-grade metamorphism. The magmatic rocks and orthogneisses in the area are interpreted to have a mixed source consisting of older crustal components, i.e. older sediments (ca. 3.2-2.6 Ga) and a younger mafic component (ca. 1.9 Ga). Two garnet Sm-Nd isochrons yield ages of 1156ᆥ Ma and 1137DŽ.5 Ma and are identical to SHRIMP U-Pb results on monazite from these samples. A garnet Sm-Nd age of 1123ᆡ Ma for the Ford granite is significantly younger than the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age for this sample. The difference relates to the different closure temperature of each isotopic system and is thus interpreted as initial cooling after granulite facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

Southward thrusting occurred in Late Oligocene-Early Miocene in southern East Kunlun (昆仑) Mountains formed the South Kunlun thrust (SKT). Permian strata and Triassic rocks were thrusted over the Paleocene-Eocene red-beds of Fenghuoshan (风火山) Group and Oligocene brownish red conglomerate and sandstone of Yaxicuo (雅西错) Group along SKT faults, formed tectonic slices, low-angle thrust faults, multi-scaled outliers, and nappe structures in south of Middle Kunlun fault (MKF). In addition, SKT displacement or shortening is estimated to be ~(30-35) km across Dongdatan (东大滩) valley and East Wenquan (温泉) basin. 39Ar-40Ar dating of chlorite of ductile shear zone along front thrust fault indicates that SKT thrusting occurred at 26.5±2.7 Ma, and fission track dating of apatite from mylonitic granite in SKT gives the age 26±2 Ma, corresponding to initial time of rapid uplift of East Kunlun Mountains. Thrust faults and folds of SKT were covered unconformably by Late Miocene lacustrine strata, and major thrusting of SKT ended before 13.5-14.5 Ma according to regional chronological data in northern Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

To establish a natural background and its temporal and spatial variability for the area around Casey Station in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, the authors studied major and trace element concentrations and the distribution of organic matter in marine and lacustrine sediments. A wide range of natural variability in trace metal concentrations was identified between sites and within a time scale of 9 ka (e.g., Ni 5–37 mg kg−1, Cu 20–190 mg kg−1, Zn 50–300 mg kg−1, Pb 4.5–34 mg kg−1). TOC concentrations are as high as 3 wt.% at the marine sites and 20 wt.% at the lacustrine sites, and indicate highly productive ecosystems. These data provide a background upon which the extent of human impact can be established, and existing data indicate negligible levels of disturbance. Geochemical and lithological data for a lacustrine sediment core from Beall Lake confirm earlier interpretation of recent climatic changes based on diatom distribution, and the onset of deglaciation in the northern part of the Windmill Islands between 8.6 and 8.0 ka BP. The results demonstrate that geochemical and lithological data can not only be used to define natural background values, but also to assess long-term climatic changes of a specific environment. Other sites, however, preserve a completely different sedimentary record. Therefore, inferred climatic record, and differences between sites, can be ascribed to differences in elevation, distance from the shore, water depth, and local catchment features. The extreme level of spatial variability seems to be a feature of Antarctic coastal areas, and demonstrates that results obtained from a specific site cannot be easily generalized to a larger area.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1817-1834
We present new geochronological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data for recently recognized lamprophyre dikes in the East Kunlun orogenic belt of NW China. Based on euhedral amphibole phenocrysts and fine-grained, plagioclase-bearing groundmass with accessory magnetite, apatite, and titanite, these dikes are classified as spessartites. Plagioclase in these rocks is Ca-rich with An ranging from 45 to 82. Most of the amphibole phenocrysts are magnesiohastingsite or ferropargasite, with systematic ‘‘normal’ zoning in which Al2O3, CaO, and Mg# decrease from core to rim. The dikes have moderate Mg# (43–49) and high Al2O3 (17.5–18.0 wt.%), FeOtotal (7.4–8.4 wt.%), and CaO (5.9–7.4 wt.%). Based on low total alkalis (Na2O?+?K2O?=?4.2%–5.0 wt.%), most samples plot in the low-K, calc-alkaline field. They are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (e.g. K, Rb, Sr, and Ba) and light rare-earth elements, but are depleted in high-field-strength elements (e.g. Ta, Nb, P, and Ti), and have enriched Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)= 0.70883–0.71045, εNd(t) = –5.51–5.72, εHf(t)?=?–4.42–0.38). Zircon U–Pb geochronology indicates that the dikes were emplaced at 253 ± 2.5 Ma and are unrelated to their granite host, which has an age of 443 ± 1.7 Ma. The geochemical and isotopic data suggest derivation from an enriched lithospheric mantle source that had been metasomatized by subduction-related fluids. Low degrees of partial melting of a phlogopite-bearing, spinel peridotite, followed by fractional crystallization of olivine, amphibole, and Ti-bearing minerals, can account for the observed geochemical features of the dikes. Trace element geochemistry and regional geology suggest that the East Kunlun lamprophryes formed in a subduction-related setting.  相似文献   

We report Sr and Pb isotope analyses for an extensive suite of volcanic rocks from the N. Mariana arc together with Sr and Pb isotope analyses of sediments from the nearby Mariana and Nauru basins. In addition ten of the most recent volcanic samples were analysed for 10Be.The Sr isotope compositions cluster tightly around 87Sr86Sr = 0.7035 being slightly but significantly higher than the Pacific ocean floor basalts on either side of the arc and agreeing well with previous data. In contrast, the large number of new Pb isotopic data presented significantly extends the observed range of Pb isotope compositions for volcanic rocks from the Mariana arc to more radiogenic compositions. The concentrations of 10Be were very low (< 0.5 × 106 atom g?1).These new data require either that the Pb and Sr isotopic compositions of the Mariana sub-arc mantle be substantially different from those of the mantle source of ocean floor basalts on either side of the arc, or that the enrichment in radiogenic Pb and Sr relative to the values observed in Pacific ocean floor basalts be related to the subduction process. We prefer the latter hypothesis in which radiogenic Sr and Pb in ocean floor sediments are added to M.O.R.B. type mantle either by direct assimilation of the sediments in partial melts or, more probably, by transfer in a fluid phase into the zone of magma production. The low 10Be concentrations observed suggest the removal of at least the top few metres of sediment during subduction.  相似文献   

青藏高原北部东昆仑地区八宝山盆地作为高原页岩气成藏特征探索的典型区域之一,对影响储层储集性能的关键因素——成岩作用的研究程度很低,不足以更大限度地发挥其勘探价值。基于岩性观察及薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X-射线衍射等实验分析资料,对该区三叠系页岩成岩作用及对储层的影响开展研究,结果显示,三叠系八宝山组页岩成岩作用共有6类:压实、胶结、黏土矿物转化、交代、溶蚀及有机质热成熟作用。综合有机质成熟度、岩石热解最高峰温、伊蒙混层比中蒙皂石占比、黏土矿物组合、孔隙类型等指标得出:研究区页岩处于中成岩B期-晚成岩阶段。结合各成岩作用对储层孔隙度的影响,研究区压实作用、胶结作用、黏土矿物转化作用易于造成孔隙度的减小,溶蚀作用、有机质热成熟作用易于孔隙度的增大,而交代作用对孔隙影响小。  相似文献   

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