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In situ primary production data collected during 1978–1981 period and 1997–2000 period were combined to improve understanding of seasonal and spatial distribution of primary production in the southeastern Bering Sea. Mean daily primary production rates showed an apparent seasonal cycle with high rates in May and low rates in summer over the entire shelf of the southeastern Bering Sea except for oceanic region due to lack of data. There was also an increasing trend of primary production rates in the fall over the inner shelf and the middle shelf. There was a decreasing trend of primary production rates between late April and mid-May over the inner shelf while there was an abrupt increase between late April and mid-May over the middle shelf and the outer shelf. In the shelf break region, there was an increasing pattern in late May. These suggest that there was a gradual progression of the development of the spring phytoplankton bloom from the inner shelf toward the shelf break region. There was also a latitudinal variability of primary production rate over the middle shelf, probably due to either spatial variations of the seasonal advance and retreat of sea ice or horizontal advection of saline water in the bottom layer. Annual rates of primary production across the southeastern Bering Sea shelf were 121, 150, 145, 110, and 84 g C m−2 yr−1 in the inner shelf, the middle shelf, the outer shelf, the shelf break, and oceanic region, respectively. High annual rates of primary production over the inner shelf can be attributed to continuous summer production based on regenerated nitrogen and/or a continuous supply of nitrogen at the inner front region, and to fall production. There were some possibilities of underestimation of annual primary production over the entire shelf due to lack of measurement in early spring and fall, which may be more apparent over the shelf break and oceanic region than the inner shelf, the middle, and the outer shelf. This study suggests that the response of primary production by climate change in the southeastern Bering Sea shelf can be misunderstood without proper temporal and seasonal measurement.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - Near-inertial oscillations (NIO) are intermittent motions with a frequency close to the inertial frequency and represent an important fraction of the energy to the currents in the...  相似文献   

Cruises to Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea in US waters from late June in 2002 to early September in 2004 and the Russian–American Long-term Census of the Arctic (RUSALCA) research cruise in 2004 covered all major water masses and contributed to a better understanding of the regional physics, nutrient dynamics, and biological systems. The integrated concentration of the high nitrate pool in the central Chukchi Sea was greater in this study than in previous studies, although the highest nitrate concentration (∼22 μM) in the Anadyr Water mass passing through the western side of Bering Strait was consistent with prior observations. The chlorophyll-a concentrations near the western side of the Diomede Islands ranged from 200 to 400 mg chl-a m−2 and the range in the central Chukchi Sea was 200–500 mg chl-a m−2 for the 2002–2004 Alpha Helix (HX) cruises. Chlorophyll-a concentrations for the 2004 RUSALCA cruise were lower than those from previous studies. The mean annual primary production of phytoplankton from this study, using a 13C–15N dual-isotope technique, was 55 g C m−2 for the whole Chukchi Sea and 145 g C m−2 for the plume of Anadyr–Bering Shelf Water in the central Chukchi Sea. In contrast, the averages of annual total nitrogen production were 13.9 g N m−2 (S.D.=±16.2 g N m−2) and 33.8 g N m−2 (S.D.=±14.1 g N m−2) for the Chukchi Sea and the plume, respectively. These carbon and nitrogen production rates of phytoplankton were consistently two-or three-fold lower than those from previous studies. We suggest that the lower rates in this study, and consequently more unused nitrate in the water column, were caused by lower phytoplankton biomass in the Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea. However, we do not know if the lower rate of production from this study is a general decreasing trend or simply temporal variations in the Chukchi Sea, since temporal and geographical variations are substantially large and presently unpredictable.  相似文献   

We examine multi-year conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) data to better understand temperature and salinity variability over the central Bering Sea shelf. Particular consideration is given to observations made annually from 2002 to 2007 between August and October, although other seasons and years are also considered. Vertical and horizontal correlation maps show that near-surface and near-bottom salinity anomalies tend to fluctuate in phase across the central shelf, but that temperature anomalies are vertically coherent only in the weakly or unstratified inner-shelf waters. We formulate heat content (HC) and freshwater content (FWC) budgets based on the CTD observations, direct estimates of external fluxes (surface heat fluxes, ice melt, precipitation (P), evaporation (E) and river discharge), and indirect estimates of advective contributions. Ice melt, PE, river discharge, and along-isobath advection are sufficient to account for the mean spring-to-fall increase in FWC, while summer surface heat fluxes are primarily responsible for the mean seasonal increase in HC, although interannual variability in the HC at the end of summer appears related to variability in the along-isobath advection during the summer months. On the other hand, FWC anomalies at the end of summer are significantly correlated with the mean wind direction and cross-isobath Ekman transport averaged over the previous winter. Consistent with the latter finding, salinities exhibit a weak but significant inverse correlation between the coastal and mid-shelf waters. The cross-shelf transport likely has significant effect on nutrient fluxes and other processes important to the functioning of the shelf ecosystem. Both the summer and winter advection fields appear to result from the seasonal mean position and strength of the Aleutian Low. We find that interannual thermal and haline variability over the central Bering Sea shelf are largely uncoupled.  相似文献   

High incorporation of carbon into proteins and low incorporation into lipids were a characteristic pattern of the photosynthetic allocations of phytoplankton throughout the euphotic zone in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea in 2004. According to earlier studies, this indicates that phytoplankton had no nitrogen limitation and a physiologically healthy condition, at least during the cruise period from mid-August to early September in 2004. This is an interesting result, especially for the phytoplankton in the Alaskan coastal water mass-dominated region in the Chukchi Sea which has been thought to be potentially nitrogen limited. The relatively high ammonium concentration is believed to have supported the nitrogen demand of the phytoplankton in the region where small cells (<5 μm) composed of about 50% of the community, since they prefer to use regenerated nitrogen such as ammonium. In fact, a small cell-size community of phytoplankton incorporated much more carbon into proteins in nitrate-depleted water suggesting that small phytoplankton had less nitrogen stress than large phytoplankton. If the high carbon incorporation into proteins by the phytoplankton in 2004 is a general pattern of the photosynthetic allocations in the Chukchi Sea, they could provide nitrogen-sufficient food for the highest benthic faunal biomass in the Arctic Ocean, sustaining large populations of benthic-feeding marine mammals and seabirds.  相似文献   

Chen  Shengli  Chen  Daoyi  Xing  Jiuxing  Hu  Jianyu  Sun  Zhenyu 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(3):353-365
Ocean Dynamics - Features of internal tides in the northern South China Sea are investigated using measurements of two moorings at 506&nbsp;m (MR1) and 260&nbsp;m (MR2) working between...  相似文献   

Seasonal and event scale variations in the distribution and growth of phytoplankton in different hydrographic regions of the continental shelf are compared and evaluated in terms of floristic composition and the evolution of density and nutrient structure across the shelf. Annual cycles of phytoplankton biomass inshore of the 1000-m isobath are characterized by a March maximum and a July minimum. Cross-shelf biomass gradients usually increase in an offshore direction, a phenomenon that is most pronounced during March and April when biomass is high, diatoms dominate, and growth rate is light limited. This is a consequence of the combined effects of growth along the stratified side of the shelf-break front and offshore transport of biomass produced nearshore. We estimate that about 90% of the diatom biomass produced during the February to April bloom period (35% of annual production) is exported from shelf to slope water. Similar but less-pronounced gradients develop during summer due to the development of a chlorophyll maximum layer below the pycnocline where growth rate is also light limited. Production and loss are more tightly coupled under these conditions and about 9% of the biomass produced during May to October appears to be exported (5% of annual production). Export during the diatom bloom period is balanced mainly by nitrate inputs from the Gulf of Maine and adjacent slope water while summer export may be balanced by anthropogenic nitrogen input. The latter could be coupled with biomass export by ammonium remineralization and nitrification in the cold pool of the mid-shelf region. In general, export is greatest when diatoms dominate, growth is light limited, and biomass distributions are physically forced. Export is lowest when nanoplankton dominate, growth is nitrogen limited, and biomass distributions are controlled by grazing.The shelf-break front plays a key role, influencing patterns of phytoplankton growth, biomass distributions, and shelf export. During the diatom bloom period, the development of stratification in nutrient-rich offshore water between storm events results in high growth rates and biomass near the surface on the shelf side of the front. Under these conditions, biomass accumulates in the mid-shelf region on a time scale of days to weeks. Export occurs during wind events with net export from the shelf occurring on a time scale of weeks to months. Blooms also develop along the shelf side of the front during summer but below the pycnocline. Most of the summer export of biomass probably takes place here with accumulation and export occurring on a time scale of hours to days. While this export is small compared to export during the diatom bloom period, it may be critical to the prevention of anoxic events such as that of 1976.  相似文献   

Captured CO2 could be deliberately injected into the ocean at great depth, where most of it would remain isolated from the atmosphere for centuries. CO2 can be transported via pipeline or ship for release in the ocean or on the sea floor. No matter what for medium depth or deep sea, it appears that a potential area exists between 122–122.5°E and 21.8–22.3°N for CO2 sequestration. The east coast of Taiwan can be a candidate for CO2 temporary storage or transmitted plant. To have whole picture of assessment of sea level fluctuation, a completed statistical summary of seasonal sea level at six tidal gauge stations along the east coast of Taiwan is provided herein. Seasonal sea level time series is analyzed using spectral analysis in frequency domain to identify periodic component and phase propagation, especially for the astronomical-driven tidal effects. It identifies that the semi-diurnal and diurnal components in the resultant time series are related to astronomical tides M2, and K1 and O1, respectively. It demonstrates a full analysis of sea level variations, and results can be useful when construction of testing or operating facilities on sea surface becomes desirable in the future.  相似文献   

The western Baltic Sea infront of the German coast is a highly variable dynamical system, dominated by a complex and small-scale morphometry, the water exchange between the Baltic and North Seas, and driven by local wind. Neither data collection, nor satellite images or model simulations alone were able to explain the observed spatial patterns and transport processes. Therefore, all these methods were combined to explain the dynamical features and to systematise them according to the typical local wind pattern and time series. The aim was to develop an instrument for regional authorities which supports the interpretation of coastal water monitoring data and forms a basis for an improved monitoring strategy. Satellite data of sea surface temperature and ocean colour from the sensors NOAA-AVHRR and SeaWiFS were applied for synoptic investigations in the entire region and Landsat-7-ETM+ for regional studies. Model simulations were performed for the western Baltic using a 3D model MOM-3 and for the Szczecin Lagoon using 2D model FEMFLOW. For the first time, regional particularities in the coastal dynamical features and processes are derived for the main wind directions and for transitions between dominant wind situations west and east as derived from wind statistics. The simulated transport of particles released from different coastal and open sea sources indicate the affected areas during changing forcing conditions. The results support the interpretation of acquired coastal monitoring data as well as the assessment and optimisation of the monitoring programme.  相似文献   

Iodine is a trace element playing an important role in vital activities of organisms. It is im-portant for human bodys thyroid gland. Deficient or excessive iodine will not only influence hu-man health but also cause feeblemindedness, so great attention h…  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(10-11):1616-1628
Surveys of fish larvae and oceanographic conditions were conducted along transects across the shelf break region in the East China Sea (ECS) in May 2001. The objective of this study was to investigate the distribution and assemblages of fish larvae across the shelf break region and their relationships to mesoscale hydrographic features. There was a warm surface streamer from the Kuroshio which extended toward the shelf region of the ECS; concurrently, we observed the intrusion of the less saline shelf water into the subsurface layer towards the offshore. In all 66 taxa (65 families and 1 order) of larvae were collected by oblique net tows using a bongo net, the larval fish density and number of families sampled were lower in the low-temperature area. Based on cluster analysis and environmental factor, two larval fish assemblages were identified: off-shelf/Kuroshio and shelf break. In shelf break assemblage, Auxis spp. and Diaphus spp. were abundant in the warm surface streamer. In contrast, Maurolicus japonicus, Synagrops spp., Bregmaceros sp. and Champsodon spp. were found in the off-shelf region where the offshore intrusion of less-saline water occurred. This different pattern of the horizontal distribution would reflect vertical distribution of the larvae in the water column. Moreover, copepod nauplii density was higher in the upper layer of the shelf region. Thus, dynamic interactions between the Kuroshio and shelf waters at the frontal boundary are concluded to potentially affect larval fish transport and prey availability.  相似文献   

Surface transects and vertical profiles of total and leachable particulate Fe, Mn, Al and P, along with dissolved and soluble Fe were obtained during August 2003 in the southeastern Bering Sea. High concentrations of leachable particulate Fe were observed in the bottom waters over the Bering Sea shelf with an unusually high percentage of the suspended particulate Fe being leachable. Leachable particulate Fe averaged 81% of total particulate Fe, and existed at elevated concentrations that averaged 23 times greater than dissolved Fe in the isolated cool pool waters over the mid shelf where substantial influence of sedimentary denitrification was apparent. The elevated leachable particulate Fe is suggested to be a result of sedimentary Fe reduction in surficial sediments, diffusion of Fe(II) from the sediments to the bottom waters, and subsequent oxidation and precipitation of reduced Fe in the overlying bottom waters. Eddies and meanders of the Bering Slope Current can mix this Fe-rich water into the Green Belt at the outer shelf-break front. Elevated levels of leachable particulate Fe were observed in surface waters near the Pribilof Islands where enhanced vertical mixing exists. Storm events and/or cooling during fall/winter with the resultant destruction of the thermally stratified two-layer system can also mix the subsurface water into surface waters where the elevated leachable particulate Fe is a substantial source of biologically available Fe.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1998,18(9):1039-1056
The detailed three-dimensional structure of the Kuroshio frontal eddy along the shelf edge of the East China Sea is revealed by the CTD, ADCP, and satellite-tracked drifter observations. The length and width of the cold core of the Kuroshio frontal eddy are about 60 and 40 km, respectively, and its phase speed is about 30 cm s-1. The calculated buoy tracks with the use of the observed ADCP data well reproduce the observed tracks of satellite-tracked drifters around the frontal eddy. The observed maximum horizontal velocity around this frontal eddy are 40 cm s-1 and the center of this eddy shifts offshore in the deep layer. Nutrient is advected onshore across the shelf edge by passing of this frontal eddy while it is advected offshore without the frontal eddy at the shelf edge.  相似文献   

Motivated by our puzzling high-resolution radar observations of surface vortices in the nearly rectangular Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba, northern Red Sea, we propose and explore the driven cavity approach to this geophysical phenomenon. While the lid-driven cavity has long been considered a benchmark problem in computational fluid dynamics, its oceanographic context has not been considered. Despite the additional effects of rotation and stratification, our modeling demonstrates that when the fluid within a cavity geometrically similar to the Gulf of Eilat is driven by the external current, an interior vortex can develop as in our observations. Furthermore, the Eilat vortices appear only under relatively calm conditions, adding evidence to the intriguing possibility of their simple shear-driven origin.  相似文献   

The effect of hydro-meteorological forcings (tidal and wind-induced flows) on the transport of suspended particulate matter (SPM), on the formation of high-concentrated mud suspensions and on the occurrence of sand–mud suspensions has been studied using long-term multi-parametric observations. Data have been collected in a coastal turbidity maximum area (southern North Sea) where a mixture of sandy and muddy sediments prevails. Data have been classified according to variations in subtidal alongshore currents, with the direction of subtidal flow depending on wind direction. This influences the position of the turbidity maximum; as such also the origin of SPM. Winds blowing from the NE will increase SPM concentration, whilst SW winds will induce a decrease. The latter is related to advection of less turbid English Channel water, inducing a shift of the turbidity maximum towards the NE and the Westerschelde estuary. Under these conditions, marine mud will be imported and buffered in the estuary. Under persistent NE winds, high-concentrated mud suspensions are formed and remain present during several tidal cycles. Data show that SPM consists of a mixture of flocs and locally eroded sand grains during high currents. This has implications towards used instrumentation: SPM concentration estimates from optical backscatter sensors will only be reliable when SPM consists of cohesive sediments only; with mixtures of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments, a combination of both optical and acoustic sensors are needed to get an accurate estimate of the total SPM concentration.  相似文献   

Detailed radiolarian biostratigraphy in the Plio-Pleistocene was analyzed by using samples from IODP Site U1340 that was drilled to a core depth of 604 m in the southern Bering Sea. A total of 227 species belonging to 102 genera were identified. Based on the distributions of the radiolarian index species at Site U1340, five radiolarian zones since the Pliocene were established in the southern Bering Sea for the first time, and 25 radiolarian bioevents were recognized. Their ages were estimated on the basis of the age-depth plot that was constructed by the synthetical datum of the effective biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic events. The radiolarian zones at Site U1340 were systematically compared with those in its adjacent regions since the late Early Pliocene, which further improved and interpreted the biostratigraphic datum as well as their correlations in the middle-high latitude of the North Pacific. In addition, the comparative results of radiolarian zones show that Botryostrobus aquilonaris Zone emended in this paper is equivalent to the upper part of the same zone defined by Hays, 1970, and Druppatractus irregularis-Dorydruppa bensoni Zone as well as Spongodiscus sp. Zone, newly proposed in this paper, are well correlated with Cycladophora sakaii Zone and Stylatractus universus Zone in the subarctic North Pacific, respectively.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地坡折带紧邻富烃凹陷,具有良好的油气勘探前景,陆架到陆坡之间水深从200 m迅速加深至2000m.坡折带这种特殊海底地貌形成了复杂的地震波场,资料多次波发育且信噪比低.本文从正演模拟和原始野外记录资料分析了坡折带地震资料特征及处理的难点,提出了多次波衰减及深度域速度建模技术对策,实现了良好偏移成像.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide (DMS), a volatile excretion product of marine phytoplankton, was determined in the water column during the spring phytoplankton bloom on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf. In the same samples, a broad range of variables which characterize the biological processes in this region were measured. DMS was correlated with phytoplankton chlorophyll in the outer shelf and oceanic domains, but not in the middle shelf domain. A very strong correlation between the cell density of the haptophyte Phaeocystis poucheti and the DMS concentration in seawater was found, which suggests that this species accounts for most of the DMS present in the study region. We propose that in P. poucheti and certain other phytoplankton species the excretion of DMS is incidental to the release of acrylic acid which serves to inhibit bacterial attack upon the algae.  相似文献   

Tectonic reconstructions based on the geodynamic analysis of geologic, paleomagnetic, structural and kinematic data of Cenozoic age from the western Bering Sea region are proposed in the present paper. The most active tectonic and magmatic processes took place in the Komandorsky segment of the Bering Sea, exemplified by the Late Cretaceous–Early Eocene Olutorsky Arc and Eocene–Oligocene Govena–Karaginsky Arc, which was built on the structures of the Olutorsky Arc. A model of the complex collision of these two arcs with the paleocontinental margin, which considers rotations of the geological blocks from the various structural zones of the western margin of the Bering Sea in the horizontal plane (paleomagnetic data), was proposed by the authors. According to this model the collision of the flanks of the Olutorsky and Govena–Karaginsky arcs took place in the Eocene, before the collision of the central parts in the Miocene.  相似文献   

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