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We have identified 22 galaxies with photometric redshifts zph=5–7 in the northern and southern Hubble Space Telescope deep fields. An analysis of the images of these objects shows that they are asymmetric and very compact (~1 kpc) structures with high surface brightness and absolute magnitudes of MB≈?20m. The average spectral energy distribution for these galaxies agrees with the distributions for galaxies with active star formation. The star formation rate in galaxies with zph=5–7 was estimated from their luminosity at λ=1500 Å to be ~30 Myr?1. The spatial density of these objects is close to the current spatial density of bright galaxies. All the above properties of the distant galaxies considered are very similar to those of the so-called Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) with z ~ 3–4. The similarity between the objects considered and LBGs suggests that at z ~6, we observe the progenitors of present-day galaxies that form duringmergers of protogalactic objects and that undergo intense starbursts.  相似文献   

The “Big Trio” program is conducted at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) aiming to investigate a sample of sources with steep and ultra-steep spectra fromthe RCcatalog obtained on the basis of observational data of the “Cold” survey. The population of distant FRII type radio galaxies with steep spectra is of particular interest, since new data indicate the presence of black holes with masses of more than 109 M which already formed in these giant stellar systems in the first billion years of life of the Universe, as well as their connection with emerging clusters. There are three sources with z sp > 3 in the sample. According to the observations of the 6-m SAO RAS telescope, the archival data of Subaru and Spitzer, an increased density of objects and several Lyα-emitters have been detected near one of the most powerful radio galaxies, RCJ0311+0507 (4C+04.11) with z = 4.51, which is the second most distant of the known FRII-type galaxies. Another object— RCJ1740+0502 with z = 3.57, is a possible dual AGN candidate. The third source, RCJ0105+0501, is an FRII-type galaxy (z = 3.138) with a host galaxy of a complex structure, possibly generated by interaction in a close pair of galaxies. These radio sources have high radio luminosity (L 500MHz ≈ 1028–1029WHz?1), which requires the presence of a giant black hole with a sufficient accretion rate, and also with a rapid rotation, which in turn can be provided by major merging.  相似文献   

Wide-field far-UV (FUV, 1344–1786 Å) and near-UV (NUV, 1771–2831 Å) imaging from GALEX provides a deep, comprehensive view of the young stellar populations in hundreds of nearby galaxies, shedding new light on the process of star formation (SF) in different environments, and on the interplay between dust and SF. GALEX’s FUV-NUV color is extremely sensitive to stellar populations of ages up to a few hundred Myrs, unambiguously probing their presence and enabling age-dating and stellar mass estimate, together with the characterization of interstellar dust extinction. The deep sensitivity, combined with the wide field-of-view, made possible in particular the discovery and characterization of star formation in extremely low-density, diffuse gas environments such as outer galaxy disks, tidal tails, low-surface-brightness galaxies (LSB) and dwarf Irregular galaxies, and of rejuvenation episodes in early-type galaxies. Such results provide several missing links for interpreting galaxy classes in an evolutionary context, extend our knowledge of the star-formation process to previously unexplored conditions, constrain models of galaxy disk formation, and clarify the mutual role of dust and star formation. We review a variety of star-forming environments studied by GALEX, and provide some model analysis tools useful for interpretation of GALEX measurements, and potentially as basic science planning tools for next-generation UV instruments.  相似文献   

Low-mass galaxies are known to have played the crucial role in the hydrogen reionization in the Universe. In this paper we investigate the contribution of soft x-ray radiation (E ~ 0.1–1 keV) from dwarf galaxies to hydrogen ionization during the initial reionization stages. The only possible sources of this radiation in the process of star formation in dwarf galaxies during the epochs preceding the hydrogen reionization epoch are hot intermediate-mass stars (M ~ 5–8 M) that entered the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stage and massive x-ray binaries. We analyze the evolution of the intergalactic gas in the neighborhood of a dwarf galaxy with a total mass of 6 × 108M formed at the redshift of z ~ 15 and having constant star-formation rate of 0.01–0.1 M yr?1 over a starburst with a duration of up to 100 Myr. We show that the radiation from AGB stars heats intergalactic gas to above 100 K and ensures its ionization xe ? 0.03 within about 4–10 kpc from the galaxy in the case of a star-formation rate of star formation 0.03–0.1 M yr?1, and that after the end of the starburst this region remains quasi-stationary over the following 200–300 Myr, i.e., until z ~ 7.5. Formation of x-ray binaries form in dwarf galaxies at z ~ 15 results in a 2–3 and 5–6 times greater size of the ionized and heated region compared to the case where ionization is produced by AGB stars exclusively, if computed with the “x-ray luminosity–star-formation rate” dependence (LX ~ fXSFR) factor fX = 0.1 and fX ~ 1, respectively. For fX ? 0.03 the effect of x-ray binaries is smaller that that of AGB star population. Lyα emission, heating, and ionization of the intergalactic gas in the neighborhood of dwarf galaxies result in the excitation of the 21 cm HI line. We found that during the period of the starburst end at z ~11.5–12.5 the brightness temperature in the neighborhood of galaxies is 15–25 mK and the region where the brightness temperature remains close to its maximum has a size of about 12–30 kpc. Hence the epoch of the starburst end is most favorable for 21 cm HI line observations of dwarf galaxies, because at that time the size of the region of maximum brightness temperature is the greatest over the entire evolution of the dwarf galaxy. In the case of the sizes corresponding to almost 0.’1 for z ~ 12 regions with maximum emission can be detected with the Square Kilometre Array, which is currently under construction.  相似文献   

We examine the dependence of the total hydrogen mass M HI in late-type star-forming galaxies on rotation velocity V rot and optical size D 25 or radial scale length R 0 of the disk for two samples of galaxies: (i) isolated galaxies (AMIGA) and (ii) galaxies with edge-on disks (flat galaxies according to Karachentsev et al.). M HI given in the HYPERLEDA database for flat galaxies have turned out to be, on average, overestimated by ~0.2 dex compared to isolated galaxies with similar V rot or D 25, which is apparently due to an overestimation of the self-absorption in the HI line. The hydrogen mass in the galaxies of both samples closely correlates with the total specific angular momentum of the galactic disk J, which is proportional to V rot D 25 or V rot R 0, with the low-surface-brightness galaxies lying along the common V rot R 0 sequence. We discuss the possibility of explaining the relationship between M HI and V rot D 25 by assuming that the gas mass in the disk is regulated by the marginal gravitational stability condition for the gas layer. Comparison of the observed and theoretically expected dependences leads us to conclude that either the gravitational stability corresponds to higher values of the Toomre parameter than is usually assumed, or the threshold stability condition formost galaxies was fulfilled only in the past, when the gasmass in the disks was a factor of 2–4 higher than that at present (except for the galaxies with an anomalously high observed HI content). The latter condition requires that for most galaxies the conversion of gas into stars be not compensated by the external accretion of gas onto the disk.  相似文献   

We investigate the variation of the fraction of galaxies with suppressed star formation (MK < ?21 . m 5) and early-type galaxies (fracE) of the “red sequence” along the projected radius in six galaxy clusters:Coma (A1656), A1139, and A1314 in the Leo supercluster region (z ≈ 0.037) and A2040, A2052, A2107 in the Hercules supercluster region (z ≈ 0.036). According to SDSS (DR10) data, fracE is the highest in the central regions of galaxy clusters and it is, on the average, equal to 0.62 ± 0.03, whereas in the 2–3R/R200c interval and beyond the Rsp ≈ 0.95 ± 0.04 R200m radius that we inferred from the observed profile fracE is minimal and equal to 0.25 ± 0.02. This value coincides with the estimate fracE = 0.24 ± 0.01 that we inferred for field galaxies located between the Hercules and Leo superclusters at the same redshifts. We show that the fraction of galaxies with suppressed star formation decreases continuously with cluster radius from 0.87 ± 0.02 in central regions down to 0.43 ± 0.03 in the 2–3 R/R200c interval and beyond Rsp, but remains, on the average, higher than 26% than the corresponding fraction for field objects. This decrease is especially conspicuous in the galaxy mass interval log M* [M] = 9.5–10. We found that galaxies with ongoing star formation have average clustercentric distances 1.5–2.5 R/R200c and that their radial-velocity dispersions are higher than those of galaxies with suppressed star formation.  相似文献   

Distribution of cold gas in the post-reionization era provides an important link between distribution of galaxies and the process of star formation. Redshifted 21-cm radiation from the hyperfine transition of neutral hydrogen allows us to probe the neutral component of cold gas, most of which is to be found in the interstellar medium of galaxies. Existing and upcoming radio telescopes can probe the large scale distribution of neutral hydrogen via HI intensity mapping. In this paper, we use an estimate of the HI power spectrum derived using an ansatz to compute the expected signal from the large scale HI distribution at z~3. We find that the scale dependence of bias at small scales makes a significant difference to the expected signal even at large angular scales. We compare the predicted signal strength with the sensitivity of radio telescopes that can observe such radiation and calculate the observation time required for detecting neutral hydrogen at these redshifts. We find that OWFA (Ooty Wide Field Array) offers the best possibility to detect neutral hydrogen at z~3 before the SKA (Square Kilometer Array) becomes operational. We find that the OWFA should be able to make a 3 σ or a more significant detection in 2000 hours of observations at several angular scales. Calculations done using the Fisher matrix approach indicate that a 5σ detection of the binned HI power spectrum via measurement of the amplitude of the HI power spectrum is possible in 1000 h (Sarkar et al. 2017).  相似文献   

We present our B, V, Rc, and Ic observations of a \(3'.6 \times 3'\) field centered on the host galaxy of GRB 000926 (α2000.0=17h04m11s, \(\delta _{2000.0} = + 51^ \circ 47'9\mathop .\limits^{''} 8\)). The observations were carried out on the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope using the SCORPIO instrument. The catalog of galaxies detected in this field includes 264 objects for which the signal-to-noise ratio is larger than 5 in each photometric band. The following limiting magnitudes in the catalog correspond to this limitation: 26.6 (B), 25.7 (V), 25.8 (R), and 24.5 (I). The differential galaxy counts are in good agreement with previously published CCD observations of deep fields. We estimated the photometric redshifts for all of the cataloged objects and studied the color variations of the galaxies with z. For luminous spiral galaxies with M(B)z~1.  相似文献   

We study the variations of the properties of groups of galaxies with dynamical masses of 1013 M <M 200<1014 M , represented by two samples: one has redshifts of z < 0.027 and is located in the vicinity of the Coma cluster, the other has z > 0.027, and is located in the regions of the following superclusters of galaxies: Hercules, Leo, Bootes, Ursa Major, and Corona Borealis. Using the archived data of the SDSS and 2MASX catalogs, we determined the concentration of galaxies in the systems by measuring it as the inner density of the group within the distance of the fifth closest galaxy from the center brighter than M K = ?23. m 3. We also measured the magnitude gap between the first and the fourth brightest galaxies ΔM 14 located within one half of the selected radius R 200, the fraction of early-type galaxies, and the ratio of bright dwarf galaxies (Mr = [?18. m 5,?16. m 5]) to giant galaxies (M r < ?18. m 5) (DGR) within the radius R 200. The main aim of the investigation is to find among these characteristics the ones that reflect the evolution of groups of galaxies.We determined that the ratio of bright dwarf galaxies to early-type giant galaxies on the red sequence depends only on the x-ray luminosity: the DGR increases with luminosity. The fraction of early-type galaxies in the considered systems is equal, on average, to 0.65 ± 0.01, and varies significantly for galaxies with σ200 < 300 kms?1. Based on the luminosity of the brightest galaxy, the magnitude gap between the first and the fourth brightest galaxies in the groups, and on model computations of these parameters, we selected four fossil group candidates: AWM4, NGC0533, NGC0741, and NGC6098 (where the brightest galaxy is a double).We observe no increase in the number of faint galaxies (the α parameter of the Schechter function is less than 1) in our composite luminosity function (LF) for galaxy systems with z < 0.027 in the M K = [?26m,?21. m 5] range, whereas earlier we obtained α > 1 for the LF of the Hercules and Leo superclusters of galaxies.  相似文献   

We consider the relationship between the total HI mass in late-type galaxies and the kinematic properties of their disks. The mass MHI for galaxies with a wide variety of properties, from dwarf dIrr galaxies with active star formation to giant low-brightness galaxies, is shown to correlate with the product VcR0 (Vc is the rotational velocity, and R0 is the radial photometric disks cale length), which characterizes the specific angular momentum of the disk. This correlation, along with the decrease in the relative mass of the gas in a galaxy with increasing Vc, can be explained in terms of the previous assumption that the gas density in the disks of most galaxies is maintained at a level close to the threshold (marginal) stability of a gaseous layer to local gravitational perturbations. In this case, the regulation mechanism of the star formation rate associated with the growth of local gravitational instability in the gaseous layer must play a crucial role in the evolution of the gas content in the galactic disk.  相似文献   

Using a reliablymeasured intrinsic (i.e., corrected for absorption effects) present-day luminosity function of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in the 0.25–2 keV energy band per unit star formation rate, we estimate the preheating of the early Universe by soft X-rays from such systems. We find that X-ray irradiation, mainly executed by ultraluminous and supersoft ultraluminous X-ray sources with luminosity L X > 1039 erg s?1, could significantly heat (T >T CMB, where T CMB is the temperature of the cosmic microwave background) the intergalactic medium by z ~ 10 if the specific X-ray emissivity of the young stellar population in the early Universe was an order of magnitude higher than at the present epoch (which is possible due to the low metallicity of the first galaxies) and the soft X-ray emission from HMXBs did not suffer strong absorption within their galaxies. This makes it possible to observe the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen in emission from redshifts z < 10.  相似文献   

We used the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalog (RFGC) to create a sample of ultra-flat galaxies (UFG) covering the whole northern and southern sky apart from theMilkyWay zone. It contains 817 spiral galaxies seen edge-on, selected into theUFG sample according to their apparent axial ratios (a/b)B ≥ 10.0 and (a/b)R ≥ 8.53 in the blue and red bands, respectively. Within this basic sample we fixed an exemplary sample of 441 UFG galaxies having the radial velocities of VLG < 10000 km s?1, Galactic latitude of | b |> 10° and the blue angular diameter of aB > 1.′0. According to the Schmidt test the exemplary sample of 441 galaxies is characterized by about (80–90)% completeness, what is quite enough to study different properties of the ultra-flat galaxies. We found that more than 3/4 of UFGs have the morphological types within the narrow range of T = 7± 1, i.e. the thinnest stellar disks occur among the Scd, Sd, and Sdm types. The average surface brightness of UFG galaxies tends to diminish towards the flattest bulge-less galaxies. Regularly shaped disks without signs of asymmetrymake up about 2/3 both among all the RFGC galaxies, and the UFG sample objects. About 60% of ultra-flat galaxies can be referred to dynamically isolated objects, while 30% of them probably belong to the scattered associations (filaments, walls), and only about 10% of them are dynamically dominating galaxies with respect to their neighbours.  相似文献   

Based on data from the Two-Micrometer All-Sky Survey (2MASS), we analyzed the infrared properties of 451 Local-Volume galaxies at distances D ≤ 10 Mpc. We determined the K-band luminosity function of the galaxies in the range of absolute magnitudes from ?25m to ?11m. The local luminosity density within 8 Mpc is 6.8 × 108L Mpc?3, a factor of 1.5 ± 0.1 higher than the global mean K-band luminosity density. We determined the ratios of the virial mass to the K-band luminosity for nearby groups and clusters of galaxies. In the luminosity range from 5 × 1010 to 2 × 1013L, the dependence log(M/LK) ∝ (0.27 ± 0.03) log LK with a dispersion of ~0.1 comparable to the measurement errors of the masses and luminosities of the systems of galaxies holds for the groups and clusters of galaxies. The ensemble-averaged ratio, 〈M/LK〉 ? (20–25) M/L, was found to be much smaller than the expected global ratio, (80–90)M/L, in the standard model with Ωm = 0.27. This discrepancy can be eliminated if the bulk of the dark matter in the Universe is not associated with galaxies and their systems.  相似文献   

A galaxy that is a good candidate for polar-ring galaxies has been detected in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF). The galaxy HUDF 1619 (V ≈ 25 m , z ~ 1) is the most distant object of this type known to date. A large-scale structure crosses the highly warped disk of the main galaxy seen almost edge-on at an angle of about 70°. The luminosity of this structure (the possible polar ring) reaches ~1/3 of the luminosity of the central galaxy. A strong absorption lane is seen in the region where this structure is projected onto the disk of the central object. There are two galaxies of comparable luminosity adjacent to HUDF 1619 (in projection). One of them may be the donor galaxy the interaction with which gave rise to the ring structure.  相似文献   

We have classified a sample of 37,492 objects from SDSS into QSOs, galaxies and stars using photometric data over five wave bands (u, g, r, i and z) and UV GALEX data over two wave bands (near-UV and far-UV) based on a template fitting method. The advantage of this method of classification is that it does not require any spectroscopic data and hence the objects for which spectroscopic data is not available can also be studied using this technique. In this study, we have found that our method is consistent by spectroscopic methods given that their UV information is available. Our study shows that the UV colours are especially important for separating quasars and stars, as well as spiral and starburst galaxies. Thus it is evident that the UV bands play a crucial role in the classification and characterization of astronomical objects that emit over a wide range of wavelengths, but especially for those that are bright at UV. We have achieved the efficiency of 89% for the QSOs, 63% for the galaxies and 84% for the stars. This classification is also found to be in agreement with the emission line diagnostic diagrams.  相似文献   

The results of a comprehensive analysis of continuous radio spectra of a sample of Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources are reported. The sources are selected from a flux-density-complete sample (S ν ≥ 200 mJy at 4.8 or 5 GHz) using multifrequency measurements of the RATAN-600 radio telescope and data from the CATS astrophysical catalogs support system. The analysis revealed a very small number (1–2%) of “classical” GPS objects, which is significantly less than the expected fraction of 10%. GPS galaxies are found to have narrower and steeper radio spectra than quasars. The low-frequency part of the spectrum is seen to become steeper with increasing redshift. Galaxies and quasars at the same z have comparable angular sizes, whereas their luminosities may differ by one order of magnitude. At large redshifts there is a deficit of objects with low (several GHZ) peak frequencies. The number of GPS galaxies decreases sharply with redshift, and most of them are found at z between 0.01 and 1.81. GPS quasars are found at large redshifts, from 0.11 to 3.99. A quarter of the sample consists of blazars whose spectra may temporarily have a convex shape when the object is in active state.  相似文献   

We report the results of a statistical analysis of the space distribution of galaxies of the 2MRS catalog, which contains redshifts of 43533 galaxies of the 2MASS all-sky IR survey. Because of the unique features of the 2MRS survey, such as its 90% sky coverage, galaxy selection in the IR, the complete incorporation of the old stellar population of galaxies, weakness of the dust extinction effects, and the smallness of the k- and e-corrections allowed us to determine the statistical properties of the global distribution of galaxies in the Local Universe. We took into account the main methodological factors that distort the theoretically expected relations compared to those actually observed. We construct the radial galaxy number counts N(R), SL(R, r) statistics, and the complete correlation function (conditional density) Γ(r) for volume-limited (VL) galaxy samples. The observed conditional density Γ(r) in the redshift space is independent of the luminosity of galaxies and has the form of a power-law function with exponent γ ≈ 1.0 over a large range scale-length spanning from 0.1 to 100 Mpc. We compare the statistical properties of the space distribution of galaxies of the 2MRS catalog with the corresponding properties of simulated catalogs: stochastic fractal distributions and galaxies of the Millennium catalog.  相似文献   

We report a catalog of 168 galaxy triplets with line-of-sight velocities V LG < 3500 km/s identified using a percolation criterion, which takes individual properties of galaxies into account. The catalog contains the line-of-sight velocities, K-band magnitudes, and morphological types of galaxies. Our sample of galaxy triplets is characterized by the median values of the line-of-sight velocity dispersion, projected harmonic radius, and crossing time of 40 km/s, 155 kpc, and 3 Gyr, respectively. The median projectedmass and K-band luminosity of our triplets are equal to 5 × 1011 M and 15M /L , respectively, with the uncertainty of these parameters due mostly to the errors of radial-velocity measurements. The basic properties of triple systems in the Local Supercluster are compared to those of more distant isolated triplets from the KTG and KTS samples. The fraction of triplet members among all galaxies is found be more than 5%.  相似文献   

Available velocity dispersion estimates for the old stellar population of galactic disks at galactocentric distances r?2L (where L is the photometric radial scale length of the disk) are used to determine the threshold local surface density of disks that are stable against gravitational perturbations. The mass of the disk Md calculated under the assumption of its marginal stability is compared with the total mass Mt and luminosity L B of the galaxy within r=4L. We corroborate the conclusion that a substantial fraction of the mass in galaxies is probably located in their dark halos. The ratio of the radial velocity dispersion to the circular velocity increases along the sequence of galactic color indices and decreases from the early to late morphological types. For most of the galaxies with large color indices (B–V)0>0.75, which mainly belong to the S0 type, the velocity dispersion exceeds significantly the threshold value required for the disk to be stable. The reverse situation is true for spiral galaxies: the ratios Md/LB for these agree well with those expected for evolving stellar systems with the observed color indices. This suggests that the disks of spiral galaxies underwent no significant dynamical heating after they reached a quasi-equilibrium stable state.  相似文献   

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