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We present an analysis of the behaviour of a perturbed radio cocoon. Comparisons with observations of sound waves detected in the Perseus and Virgo clusters suggest the separations of observed ripples correspond to the natural oscillation frequency of the cocoon. An energy injection rate consistent with active galactic nucleus power is required to offset the strong acoustic damping of cocoon oscillations, suggesting the sources are in equilibrium with the intracluster medium (ICM), and the oscillations are effectively undamped. Viscous dissipation of sound waves provides ICM heating that can quench cooling flows on time-scales greatly exceeding the oscillation time-scale. Thermal conductivity is likely to be heavily suppressed.  相似文献   

X-ray clusters are conventionally divided into two classes: 'cool core' (CC) clusters and 'non-cool core' (NCC) clusters. Yet relatively little attention has been given to the origins of this apparent dichotomy and, in particular, to the energetics and thermal histories of the two classes. We develop a model for the entropy profiles of clusters starting from the configuration established by gravitational shock heating and radiative cooling. At large radii, gravitational heating accounts for the observed profiles and their scalings well. However, at small and intermediate radii, radiative cooling and gravitational heating cannot be combined to explain the observed profiles of either CC or NCC clusters. The inferred entropy profiles of NCC clusters require that material is 'pre-heated' prior to cluster collapse in order to explain the absence of low-entropy (cool) material in these systems. We show that a similar modification is also required in CC clusters in order to match their entropy profiles at intermediate radii. In CC clusters, this modification is unstable, and an additional process is required to prevent cooling below a temperature of a few keV. We show that this can be achieved by adding a self-consistent active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback loop in which the lowest entropy, most rapidly cooling material is heated and rises buoyantly to mix with material at larger radii. The resulting model does not require fine-tuning and is in excellent agreement with a wide variety of observational data from Chandra and XMM–Newton , including entropy and gas density profiles, the luminosity–temperature relation and high-resolution spectra. The spread in cluster core morphologies is seen to arise because of the steep dependence of the central cooling time on the initial level of pre-heating. Some of the other implications of this model are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We use a three-dimensional hydrodynamical code to simulate the effect of energy injection on cooling flows in the intracluster medium. Specifically, we compare a simulation of a 1015-M cluster with radiative cooling only with a second simulation in which thermal energy is injected 31 kpc off-centre, over 64 kpc3 at a rate of     for 50 Myr. The heat injection forms a hot, low-density bubble which quickly rises, dragging behind it material from the cluster core. The rising bubble pushes with it a shell of gas which expands and cools. We find the appearance of the bubble in X-ray temperature and luminosity to be in good qualitative agreement with recent Chandra observations of cluster cores. Toward the end of the simulation, at 600 Myr, the displaced gas begins to fall back toward the core, and the subsequent turbulence is very efficient at mixing the low- and high-entropy gas. The result is that the cooling flow is disrupted for up to ∼ 50 Myr after the injection of energy ceases. Thus this mechanism provides a very efficient method for regulating cooling flows, if the injection events occur with a 1:1 duty cycle.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the effect of Coulomb collisions on the temperature profiles of the intracluster medium in clusters of galaxies, motivated by recent reports of negative temperature gradients in some clusters by Markevitch et al. The time-scale for electrons and protons to reach temperature equilibrium can exceed a few × 109 years beyond radii of a megaparsec, if the intracluster gas is assumed to be at the usual cluster virial temperature. If a cluster merger has occurred within that time causing the protons, but not the electrons, to be rapidly heated then a small negative temperature gradient can result. This gradient is larger in clusters with higher temperatures and steeper density profiles.   Applying these considerations to the cluster of galaxies A2163, we conclude that, more plausibly, the observed gradient is due to a lack of hydrostatic equilibrium following a merger.  相似文献   

In this Letter, we use the recent Chandra observation of Abell 2142 reported by Markevitch et al. to put constraints on thermal conduction in the intracluster plasma. We show that the observed sharp temperature gradient requires that classical conductivity has to be reduced at least by a factor of between 250 and 2500. The result provides a direct constraint on an important physical process relevant to the gas in the cores of clusters of galaxies.  相似文献   

Strong evidence for cooling flows has been found in low-resolution X-ray imaging and spectra of many clusters of galaxies. However, high-resolution X-ray spectra of several clusters from the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on XMM-Newton now show a soft X-ray spectrum inconsistent with a simple cooling flow. The main problem is a lack of the emission lines expected from gas cooling below 1–2 keV. Lines from gas at about 2–3 keV are observed, even in a high-temperature cluster such as A1835, indicating that gas is cooling down to about 2–3 keV, but is not found at lower temperatures. Here we discuss several solutions to the problem: heating, mixing, differential absorption and inhomogeneous metallicity. Continuous or sporadic heating creates further problems, including the targeting of the heat at the cooler gas and also the high total energy required. So far there is no clear observational evidence for widespread heating, or shocks, in cluster cores, except in radio lobes which occupy only part of the volume. Alternatively, if the metals in the intracluster medium are not uniformly spread but are clumped, then little line emission is expected from the gas cooling below 1 keV. The low-metallicity part cools without line emission, whereas the strengths of the soft X-ray lines from the metal-rich gas depend on the mass fraction of that gas and not on the abundance, since soft X-ray line emission dominates the cooling function below 2 keV.  相似文献   

We use models of the rates of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and core-collapsed supernovae, built in such a way that both are consistent with recent observational constraints at   z ≲ 1.6  and can reproduce the measured cosmic star formation rate, to recover the history of metal accumulation in the intracluster medium. We show that these SN rates, in unit of SN number per comoving volume and rest-frame year, provide on average a total amount of iron that is marginally consistent with the value measured in galaxy clusters in the redshift range 0–1, and a relative evolution with redshift that is in agreement with the observational constraints up to   z ≈ 1.2  . Moreover, we verify that the predicted metals-to-iron ratios reproduce the measurements obtained in nearby clusters through X-ray analysis, implying that (1) about half of the iron mass and ≳75 per cent of the nickel mass observed locally are produced by SN Ia ejecta, (2) the SN Ia contribution to the metal budget decreases steeply with redshift and by   z ≈ 1  is already less than half of the local amount, and (3) a transition in the abundance ratios relative to iron is present between redshifts ∼0.5 and 1.4, with core-collapsed SN products becoming dominant at higher redshifts.  相似文献   

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