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The correlations of the δ18Omax in the shallow ice core from the Guliya ice cap on the Tibetan Plateau with the global sea surface temperatures (SST) and height at the 500 hPa over the Northern Hemisphere were analyzed. The correlated regions on oceans that have a significant influence on the δ18Omax in the Guliya ice core are all located in ocean currents, or convergent regions of currents. They are the eastern Equatorial Pacific, the Northern Pacific Current, the Hot Pool in the eastern Indian Ocean, the Mozambique Current, the Northern Atlantic Current, the Canary Current and the Atlantic Equatorial Current. The δ18Omax in the Guliya ice core has negative correlations with the SST located in the lower latitudes, and positive correlations with the SST in the middle latitudes. The correlated areas at the 500 hPa that have a great impact on the δ18Omax are located in the subtropical highs over the mid-low-latitude oceans and the long-wave trough area over Balkhash Lake, where there are marked negative correlations between the heights in those areas and the δ18Omax. The influencing mechanism is displayed by the diversity of the vapor origins transported to the Guliya region. The strengths of the European ridge and the ridge over Baikal Lake have notable positive correlations with the δ18Omax. The two systems indirectly influence the vapor transportation towards the Guliya region by the adjustment of long-wave trough and ridge.  相似文献   

The correlations of the δ18Omax in the shallow ice core from the Guliya ice cap on the Tibetan Plateau with the global sea surface temperatures (SST) and height at the 500 hPa over the Northern Hemisphere were analyzed. The correlated regions on oceans that have a significant influence on the δ18Omax in the Guliya ice core are all located in ocean currents, or convergent regions of currents. They are the eastern Equatorial Pacific, the Northern Pacific Current, the Hot Pool in the eastern Indian Ocean, the Mozambique Current, the Northern Atlantic Current, the Canary Current and the Atlantic Equatorial Current. The δ18Omax in the Guliya ice core has negative correlations with the SST located in the lower latitudes, and positive correlations with the SST in the middle latitudes. The correlated areas at the 500 hPa that have a great impact on the δ18Omax are located in the subtropical highs over the mid-low-latitude oceans and the long-wave trough area over Balkhash Lake, where there are marked negative correlations between the heights in those areas and the δ18Omax. The influencing mechanism is displayed by the diversity of the vapor origins transported to the Guliya region. The strengths of the European ridge and the ridge over Baikal Lake have notable positive correlations with the δ18Omax. The two systems indirectly influence the vapor transportation towards the Guliya region by the adjustment of long-wave trough and ridge.  相似文献   

根据Aqua MODIS 2级云产品和Cloudsat的2级产品资料,结合降水数据和MODIS L1B级辐射率数据,对发生在京津冀地区夏季的三次强降水过程中冰云的宏微观物理量的特征进行分析,并探究这些物理量和降水强度的关系。结果表明:在水平分布中,强降水过程中降水强度高值区内云相为冰云,冰云云顶高度在8~17 km,冰云粒子有效半径、冰云光学厚度、冰水路径分别最高可达60 μm、 150、 5 000 g?m-2;冰云光学厚度、冰水路径、冰云云顶高度随降水强度增大而增大。在垂直分布中,冰云主要分布在3.5 km以上,发生强降水站点的冰云为深对流云,冰云粒子有效半径、冰水含量、冰云粒子数浓度分别最高可达150 μm、 3 000 mg?m-3 、 500 L-1;冰云粒子有效半径高值区存在于云层中下部,且随高度上升而减小,冰云粒子数浓度高值区存在于云层中上部,且随高度上升而增加,冰水含量高值区则存在于云层中部;冰云粒子有效半径、冰水含量、冰云粒子数浓度在9 km以上随降水强度增大而增大。  相似文献   

A model study is conducted to examine the role of Pacific water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007.The model generally agrees with the observations in showing considerable seasonal and interannual variability of the Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait in response to changes in atmospheric circulation. During summer 2007 anomalously strong southerly winds over the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean strengthen the ocean circulation and bring more Pacific water into the Arctic than the recent(2000-2006) average.The simulated summer(3 months) 2007 mean Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait is 1.2 Sv,which is the highest in the past three decades of the simulation and is 20%higher than the recent average.Particularly ,the Pacific water inflow in September 2007 is about 0.5 Sv or 50%above the 2000-2006 average.The strengthened warm Pacific water inflow carries an additional 1.0×10~(20) Joules of heat into the Arctic,enough to melt an additional 0.5 m of ice over the whole Chukchi Sea.In the model the extra summer oceanic heat brought in by the Pacific water mainly stays in the Chukchi and Beaufort region,contributing to the warming of surface waters in that region.The heat is in constant contact with the ice cover in the region in July through September.Thus the Pacific water plays a role in ice melting in the Chukchi and Beaufort region all summer long in 2007,likely contributing to up to 0.5 m per month additional ice melting in some area of that region .  相似文献   

2005年北极冰川首期GPS监测   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
2005年7月至8月,中国北极黄河站第二次科学考察期间,科考队员针对黄河站附近首次队踏勘选定的两条典型冰川(AustreLov啨nbreen和Pedersenbreen),开展了以监测冰川物质平衡和冰川运动为主要内容的研究课题。本文分析了利用差分GPS进行北极冰川运动监测的可行性和优越性;初步处理了首期GPS监测的数据,并进行了精度分析,得出了较为满意的结果;针对北极冰川特殊的地理环境,探讨了在北极冰川上进行GPS测量应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

The largest sulphuric acid event revealed in an ice core from the Lomonosovfonna ice cap, Svalbard, is associated with the densest concentration of microparticles in the ice core at 66.99 m depth. Electron microscope analysis of a volcanic ash particle shows it has the same chemical composition as reported for debris from the eruption of Iceland's Laki fissure in 1783 and confirms the identification of the tephra. Most of the particles in the deposit are not ash, but are common sand particles carried aloft during the eruption event and deposited relatively nearby and downwind of the long-lasting eruption. The tephra layer was found 10–20 cm deeper than high sulphate concentrations, so it can be inferred that tephra arrived to Lomonosovfonna about 6–12 months earlier than gaseous sulphuric acid precipitation. The sulphuric acid spike has a significant cooling impact recorded in the oxygen isotope profile from the core, which corresponds to a sudden drop in temperature of about 2°C which took several years to recover to previous levels. These data are the first particle analyses of Laki tephra from Svalbard and confirm the identification of the large acidic signal seen in other ice cores from the region. They also confirm the very large impact that this Icelandic eruption, specifically the sulphuric acid rather than ash, had on regional temperatures.  相似文献   

We measured the concentration of non-sea-salt sulfate () in the Dome Fuji shallow ice core (Antarctica) from the surface to 40 m depth with the aim of dating the core with reference to the record of volcanic eruptions. Three huge spikes related to large-scale volcanic eruptions were detected at depths of 12.5, 29.9, and 38.8 m, correlated to the eruptions of Tambora (AD 1815), Kuwae (AD 1452) and an unknown event (AD 1259), respectively. We identified another nine spikes related to accurately dated eruption events. The shallow ice core was dated from AD 1260 to AD 2001 based on these 12 eruption events and the assumption of constant annual snow accumulation in the periods between eruption events. The results yield a maximum correction of ∼20 years compared with the dating proposed in a previous study. The annual accumulation varied within ±∼15% of the average water equivalent value over the study period (25.5 mm).  相似文献   

2014年夏季北极东北航道冰情分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
使用2003—2014年6—9月份的AMSR-E和AMSR-2海冰密集度数据计算了北极海冰范围, 并获得海冰空间分布图。通过分析得出, 2014年北极夏季海冰范围在数值上与2003—2013年的多年平均值很接近, 在空间分布上与多年中值范围相比主要表现为两个方面的不同:(1)2014年夏季拉普捷夫海及其以北海域海冰明显少于多年中值范围, 9月份冰区最北边界超过了85°N;(2)巴伦支海北部斯瓦尔巴群岛至法兰士约瑟夫地群岛区域海冰范围明显多于多年中值范围, 而且海冰范围在8月份不减反增, 冰区边界较7月份往南扩张了约0.8个纬度。2014年夏季在拉普捷夫海以南风为主, 而在巴伦支海以北风为主。南风将俄罗斯大陆上温暖的空气吹向高纬地区, 造成高纬地区温度偏高, 促进拉普捷夫海海冰融化, 并使海冰往北退缩。北风将北冰洋上的冷空气吹向低纬地区, 造成巴伦支海的气温偏低, 不利于海冰的融化, 同时北风使海冰往南漂移扩散, 造成巴伦支海北部海冰范围在2014年偏多。2014年北地群岛航线开通时间范围大约在8月上旬到10月上旬, 时长约两个月。新西伯利亚群岛及附近海域的开通时间稍早于北地群岛, 但关闭时间比北地群岛晚, 所以 2014年东北航道全线开通的时间主要受制于北地群岛附近海冰变化。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of snow cover on the central Arctic sea ice is investigated here based on the observations made during the Third Chinese Arctic Expedition. Six types of snow were observed during the expedition: new/recent snow, melt-freeze crust, icy layer, depth hoar, coarse-grained, and chains of depth hoar. Across most measurement areas, the snow surface was covered by a melt-freeze crust 2-3 cm thick, which was produced by alternate strong solar radiation and the sharp temperature decrease over the summer Arctic Ocean. There was an intermittent layer of snow and ice at the base of the snow pack. The mean bulk density of the snow was 304.01±29.00 kg/m3 along the expedition line, and the surface values were generally smaller than those of the subsurface, confirming the principle of snow densification. In addition, the thicknesses and water equivalents of the new/recent and total-layer snow showed a decreasing trend with latitude, suggesting that the amount of snow cover and its spatial variations were mainly determined by precipitation. Snow temperature also presented significant variations in the vertical profile, and ablation and evaporation were not the primary factors in the snow assessment in late summer. The mean temperature of the surface snow was 2.01±0.96°C, which was much higher than that observed in theinterface of snow and sea ice.  相似文献   

A 6-m ice core was recovered in 2004 from the Naimona’Nyi Glacier, the middle Himalayas. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis on the major ion reveals that EOF1 represents the variations of majority of ions which may be originated from crustal aerosols. Comparing the calcium concentrations from the Naimona’Nyi with these from Dasuopu, East Rongbuk and Guliya ice cores, it is observed that calcium, a good indicator of the input of crustal aerosol in snow, concentrates mostly in the Guliya ice core located on the northern Tibetan Plateau, and gradually decreases from west to east in the Himalayas.  相似文献   

朱大运  王建力 《地理科学进展》2013,32(10):1535-1544
冰芯是重建古气候重要的信息载体,因具有分辨率高、保真性强、信息量大、时间尺度长等优点而成为研究热点。中国自1986 年在祁连山敦德获取第一支冰芯起,相继在青藏高原地区钻取了古里雅、马兰、达索普、普若岗日、东绒布等冰芯。本文重点回顾和总结了利用上述冰芯重建古气候的研究成果,分别论述了冰芯作为信息载体反映古气候的主要指标,包括氧同位素与温度、冰芯积累量与降水、大气气溶胶与古环境、微量元素与古环境、冰芯包裹体与古环境,以及冰芯内微生物与古环境的关系等。青藏高原地区冰芯对过去一些极端气候事件、中世纪暖期、小冰期、冰期—间冰期旋回、厄尔尼诺事件、太阳活动规律,以及工业革命以来的全球气候变暖均有不同程度的响应,但纬度差异导致青藏高原地区的响应机制有别于南北极地区;并进一步对比说明了受不同季风系统影响的冰芯在重建古气候上的异同。最后,基于当前研究状况,就加强多学科交叉与创新、新技术应用与代用指标开发、冰芯记录影响因素评估及量化模型构建等未来需要深入的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

2012年11月—2013年4月中国第29次南极科学考察期间,针对南极夏季固定冰单轴压缩性质开展了研究。使用冰芯钻直接在平整冰层钻取力学试样,取样冰厚为149 cm,其中颗粒冰、柱状冰和片状冰分别占采样冰芯总长度的15.4%、72.5%和12.1%;单轴压缩试样只采用柱状冰部分,加工好的力学冰样尺寸为直径9 cm,长度为18 cm;共设置5个试验温度(-2、-4、-6、-8和-10℃),加载应变速率在10-6—10-2s-1。利用统计方法分析试验结果,建立了南极夏季海冰单轴压缩强度与孔隙率和应变速率的关系式,以及综合考虑应变速率和温度影响下的单轴压缩强度定量表达式;同时,基于分形理论对单轴压缩试样破碎块分布规律进行了分析,结果显示碎块长度分形维数随着温度和应变速率的降低有增大趋势。在特别低应变速率下海冰试样整体发生蠕变时,无法采用分形方法讨论海冰内部破碎程度。  相似文献   

采用表面荧光显微分析方法对2014年夏季中国第6次北极科学考察期间采集于加拿大海盆7个海冰站位的融池、冰芯和冰下海水样品进行了细菌和原生生物群落分析。结果表明,上述3类生境中的第一优势类群均为细菌(不包括ICE07站位出现水华融池的统计),分别占总生物量的42.8%、37.8%和50.7%;第二优势类群均为鞭毛虫,分别占总生物量的40.2%、34.3%和37.5%。包含细菌、鞭毛虫和纤毛虫在内的异养生物在总生物量中占有优势,显示微食物环在其中起着重要作用。在北冰洋夏季快速融冰的背景下,3类生境总体上缺少快速生长的条件,总生物量偏低。其中ICE07站位出现融池水华和冰表自养鞭毛藻高值,推测合适的藻种和营养盐的额外补充共同促成了该站位冰表(融池)藻华的形成。  相似文献   

The net accumulation record of ice core is one of the most reliable indicators for reconstructing precipitation changes in high mountains. A 20.12 m ice core was drilled in 2006 from the accumulation zone of Laohugou Glacier No.12 in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. We obtained the precipitation from the ice core net accumulation during 1960-2006, and found out the relationship between Laohugou ice core record and other data from surrounding sites of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Results showed that during 1960-2006, the precipitation in the high mountains showed firstly an increasing trend, while during 1980 to 2006 it showed an obvious decreasing trend. Reconstructed precipitation change in the Laohugou glacier basin was consistent with the measured data from the nearby weather stations in the lower mountain of Subei, and the correlation coefficient was 0.619 (P<0.001). However, the precipitation in the high mountain was about 3 times more than that of the lower mountain. The precipitation in Laohugou Glacier No.12 of the western Qilian Mountains corresponded well to the net accumulation of Dunde ice core during the same period, tree-ring reconstructed precipitation, the measured data of multiple meteorological stations in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and also the changes of adjacent PDSI drought index. Precipitation changes of the Laohugou glacier basin and other sites of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau had significantly positive correlation with ENSO, which implied that the regional alpine precipitation change was very likely to be influenced by ENSO.  相似文献   

东南极夏季中山站邻近固定冰DMS、DMSP分布初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国第30次南极科学考察期间,在中山站邻近固定冰区采集了两支海冰冰芯并首次分析其中的DMS、DMSP含量。结果表明,两支冰芯上层均含有较高浓度的DMSP+DMS,分别高达114.93及134.41 nmol·L-1。冰芯中DMS、DMSP+DMS浓度随深度的增加而递减。两支冰芯顶部DMSP+DMS高值的成因不同,冰芯1主要受藻类活动影响而产生DMSP+DMS高值,冰芯2主要是由于雪层及薄冰层阻碍,致使DMS在冰芯顶部聚集产生DMS高值。因为海冰底部较高生物量的海冰融化进入水体,所观测的剩余海冰底部Chl a、DMSP+DMS值均较低。在海冰的融化过程中,卤道内的卤水可发生垂向运输,致使冰芯中Chl a、DMSP+DMS的垂直分布有所不同。冰芯的Chl a、DMSP+DMS总量分别为6.79和10.20、51.83和88.41μmol·m-2,与前人研究结果比较,在海冰融化过程中,海冰中Chl a、DMSP+DMS总量变化的总趋势是递减的。  相似文献   

Results of analyses of stomach and intestinal contents from hooded ( Cystophora cristata ) and harp ( Phoca groenlandica ) seals captured in the pack ice belt of the Greenland Sea in summer (July-August) in 2000 and winter (February-March) in 2001 revealed that the diet of both species were comprised of relatively few prey taxa. Pelagic amphipods of the genus Parathemisto , the squid Gonatus fabricii , polar cod ( Boreogadus saida ) and capelin ( Mallotus villosus ) constituted 63-99% of the observed diet biomass in both seal species, irrespective of sampling period, but their relative contribution to the diet varied both with species and sampling period/area. For hooded seals, G. fabricii and capelin were the dominant food items in winter 2001, but the summer 2000 diet comprised a mixture of this squid and polar cod. Parathemisto was most important for the harp seals during summer 2000; in winter 2001 the contribution from krill and capelin were comparable to that of Parathemisto . Multivariate analyses revealed differences in the intestinal contents of hooded and harp seals in areas where the two species' occurrence spatially overlapped. Different foraging depths of the two species may have contributed to the observed differences in diets.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter(DOM) is an important component of ice cores but is currently poorly characterized. DOM from one Holocene sample(HS, aged at 1600–4500 B.P.) and one Last Glacial Maximum sample(LS, aged at 21000–25000 B.P.) from the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling(NEEM) ice core were analyzed by ultra-high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(FT-ICR-MS). CHO compounds contributed 50% of the compounds identified in negative-ionization mode in these two samples, with significant contributions from organic N, S, and P compounds, likely suggesting that marine DOM was an important source in these samples. Overall, the chemical compositions are similar between these two samples, suggesting their consistent DOM sources. However, subtle differences in the DOM between these two samples are apparent and could indicate differences in source strength or chemistry occurring through both pre-and post-depositional processes. For example, higher relative amounts of condensed carbon compounds in the HS DOM(5%), compared to the LS DOM(2%), suggest potentially important contributions from terrestrial sources. Greater incorporation of P in the observed DOM in the LS DOM(22%), compared to the HS DOM(13%), indicate more active microbiological processes that likely contribute to phosphorus incorporation into the DOM pool. Although these two samples present only a preliminary analysis of DOM in glacial/interglacial periods, the data indicate a need to expand the analysis into a broader range of ice-core samples, geographical locations, and glacial/interglacial periods.  相似文献   

ComparisonofcationsrecordedinAntarcticaandtheQing┐hai┐TibetanPlateauicecorebyusingfuzzyclusteranalysisDuanKeqin(段克勤),YaoTando...  相似文献   

To investigate the fate of ice algae released from sea ice, we investigated the abundance, species composition, and sinking flux of diatoms in the water column under fast ice near Syowa Station, Antarctica during the summer of 2005/2006. The diatom assemblage in the water column consisted of chain-forming planktonic species, in contrast to the under-ice assemblage dominated by pennate species reported from this site in the past; this dissimilarity suggests the presence of an unconsolidated platelet ice layer under the congelation ice, within which planktonic species can bloom. Among the dominant diatoms, Porosira pseudodenticulata and Pseudo-nitzschia cf. turgiduloides were dominant in the water column, and their water column stocks were higher than their mass sedimentation. These species apparently maintain their populations in the surface layer, as their production remains in the water column. In contrast, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and Thalassiosira australis were scarce in the water column but rich in the flux, indicating active sinking and export of their production to the benthic ecosystem. This distinction in buoyancy control and sinking characteristics of the dominant diatoms on release from the fast ice influences the diatom species composition and carbon flow under the ice.  相似文献   

Formation of turbid ice during autumn freeze-up in the Kara Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A one-dimensional (vertical) model is used to estimate the mass of ice-rafted sediment in turbid sea ice on the shallow Kara Sea shelf during autumn freeze-up. Sediment is entrained into the ice through aggregation with frazil ice crystals that are diffused downwards by wind-generated turbulence. Data from local meteorological stations are used to force the model, while water stratification and sediment concentrations from the area are used to initiate the model. Model results indicate a 0.2 m thick layer of slush ice created during 48 h with a mean wind of 6 m/s and an air temperature of −10°C. This ice contains ca. 20 mg/1 of sediment, or in total ca. 2% of the annual sediment discharge by nearby rivers. In shallow areas (<20 m depth) the process is very effective with winds of ca. 12 m/s, and the process can incorporate many years of sediment discharge. In the deeper areas (>20 m depth), the strong salinity stratification implies that winds above 18 m/s are needed for the process to be effective. For the rest of the winter months the same process may lead to additional sediment incorporated in a coastal polynya, but the freeze-up alone has the capacity to incorporate the total summer discharge of sediment into the surface ice. Calculated sediment concentrations in the surface ice cover are in the range 3 mg/1-19 g/1, in good agreement with available field data.  相似文献   

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