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构造三角带通常发育于褶皱冲断带中,是油气勘探的重要目标.构造三角带具有多种几何形态和命名,其中,阿尔伯迭型构造三角带具有普遍意义.近年来,国内外对构造三角带的研究工作取得了重要进展.利用物理模拟和数值模拟并结合实际地质情况,许多学者对构造三角带的演化提出了多种运动学模型和成因解释,本文介绍了2个运动学模型和单斜推进模式.影响构造三角带形成与发展的因素包括滑脱层、地层能干性差异、同构造沉积、剥蚀等.由于其内部构造的复杂性.三角带的地震剖面品质一般较差.而利用地震模拟和生长地层的方法可以在地震剖面上帮助识别出构造三角带.国内的地震勘探表明.中国西部挤压盆地中广泛发育三角带构造.文中列举了中国西部盆地中发育的构造三角带的实例.  相似文献   

构造三角带通常发育于褶皱冲断带中,是油气勘探的重要目标。构造三角带具有多种几何形态和命名,其中,阿尔伯达型构造三角带具有普遍意义。近年来,国内外对构造三角带的研究工作取得了重要进展。利用物理模拟和数值模拟并结合实际地质情况,许多学者对构造三角带的演化提出了多种运动学模型和成因解释,本文介绍了2个运动学模型和单斜推进模式。影响构造三角带形成与发展的因素包括滑脱层、地层能干性差异、同构造沉积、剥蚀等。由于其内部构造的复杂性,三角带的地震剖面品质一般较差。而利用地震模拟和生长地层的方法可以在地震剖面上帮助识别出构造三角带。国内的地震勘探表明,中国西部挤压盆地中广泛发育三角带构造。文中列举了中国西部盆地中发育的构造三角带的实例。  相似文献   

构造三角带通常发育于褶皱冲断带中,是油气勘探的重要目标。构造三角带具有多种几何形态和命名,其中,阿尔伯达型构造三角带具有普遍意义。近年来,国内外对构造三角带的研究工作取得了重要进展。利用物理模拟和数值模拟并结合实际地质情况,许多学者对构造三角带的演化提出了多种运动学模型和成因解释,本文介绍了2个运动学模型和单斜推进模式。影响构造三角带形成与发展的因素包括滑脱层、地层能干性差异、同构造沉积、剥蚀等。由于其内部构造的复杂性,三角带的地震剖面品质一般较差。而利用地震模拟和生长地层的方法可以在地震剖面上帮助识别出构造三角带。国内的地震勘探表明,中国西部挤压盆地中广泛发育三角带构造。文中列举了中国西部盆地中发育的构造三角带的实例。  相似文献   

Synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of the data on the distribution of organic material in the Cenozoic sediments of the Azov-Kuban Petroleum Basin have shown that this distribution is caused by transgressive-regressive sedimentation cycles. Within the Cenozoic sedimentation megacycle, several transgressive-regressive sedimentation cycles and subcycles can be distinguished. Transgressive subcycles are associated with the expansion and deepening of the basin. Based on the geochemical data, the beginning of a new transgressive-regressive subcycle is associated with an increase in the organic matter content of the rocks, suggesting the good petroleum potential of the region.  相似文献   

寒武系—奥陶系是塔里木盆地最重要的海相碳酸盐岩含油气层系。基于板块构造环境、深部构造背景、沉积充填、构造演化、火山活动等分析,对塔里木克拉通寒武纪—奥陶纪原型盆地和岩相古地理进行了恢复,并研究其与油气的关系。根据盆地所受主要构造应力,对寒武纪—早奥陶世伸展构造背景阶段和中、晚奥陶世聚敛挤压构造背景阶段原型盆地及岩相古地理演化进行了分析。重点关注对油气聚集有重要控制作用的盆地内古隆起形成演化、碳酸盐岩台地演化与消亡过程、开阔及局限台地相及台缘相带展布等;总结了寒武系—奥陶系主要烃源岩和储集层发育模式。根据烃源岩发育所处的盆地类型及构造部位,认为塔里木盆地发育3种类型的优质烃源岩;储层主要划分为沉积型礁滩储层以及岩溶储层两大类。沉积型礁滩储层按照发育位置以及形成的控制因素可以分为4种类型,岩溶型储层按照发育部位及形成机理也可以划分为4类。综合考虑盆地构造演化、烃源岩和储层的发育等因素,提出了塔里木盆地海相碳酸盐岩未来的有利勘探领域。  相似文献   

周生友  马艳 《中国地质》2010,37(2):446-452
哈萨克斯坦滨里海盆地北部是一个富油气区,已发现39个油气田,下二叠统和下石炭统是其中的重要产层,近几年的勘探表明,中石炭统的巴什基尔阶发育鲕粒滩及生物滩相灰岩,这些滩相灰岩的发现有可能使中石炭统成为一个新的勘探目的层系。立足勘探资料,对巴什基尔阶滩相灰岩的宏观和微观特征予以系统描述,将为今后的油气勘探提供一个重要线索。  相似文献   

The distribution of hydrocarbon accumulations in a basin is modeled as a nonstationary Poisson field of points with the average density of accumulations as a function of distance from the basin margin. The model, in which this distance is a unique parameter to define the intensity function, is suitable, in a first approximation, for Monte-Carlo simulation of the real pattern of accumulations. The Poisson random field of points is described with a power function, where the power is a fractal dimension used as an integral numerical parameter of the distribution.  相似文献   

断层破碎带变形破坏失稳过程模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究断层破碎带在采动影响下的变形破坏失稳过程,采用电镜、薄片分析及蠕变力学试验方法分别对范各庄矿F0断层物质的原样和3种含水量、5组样品的复制样进行了分析研究。在力学实验的基础上,借助数值仿真软件FLAC3D完成了对断层破碎带变形破坏失稳过程的模拟计算。模拟结果较好地刻画出了承压水对上覆岩层及断层带的影响;开采活动对底板岩层的影响;断层破碎带受开采影响的大小和范围;承压水影响的时间效应和特定水头作用下承压水沿断层导升的高度。  相似文献   

One means of countering a hazardous asteroid is discussed: destruction of the object using a nuclear charge. Explosion of such an asteroid shortly before its predicted collision would have catastrophic consequences, with numerous highly radioactive fragments falling onto the Earth. The possibility of exploding the asteroid several years before its impact is also considered. Such an approach is made feasible because the vast majority of hazardous objects pass by the Earth several times before colliding with it. Computations show that, in the 10 years following the explosion, only a negligible number of fragments fall onto the Earth, whose radioactivity has substantially reduced during this time. In most cases, none of these fragments collides with the Earth. Thus, this proposed method for eliminating a threat from space is reasonable in at least two cases: when it is not possible to undergo a soft removal of the object from the collisional path, and to destroy objects that are continually returning to near-Earth space and require multiple removals from hazardous orbits.  相似文献   

This paper develops further the case for a foreland basin origin of South Westland Basin, located adjacent to the Southern Alps mountain belt. Geohistory analyses show Middle Miocene initiation of subsidence in the basin, with marked increases at 5–6 Ma. Five seismic reflection horizons, including basement, Middle Miocene (top Awarua Limestone), top Miocene, mid-Pliocene (PPB) and mid-Pleistocene (PPA) have been mapped through the grid of seismic data. A series of five back-stripped structure contour maps taken together with five isopach maps show that prior to the Middle Miocene, subsidence and sedimentation occurred mainly along the rifted continental margin of the Challenger Plateau facing the Tasman Sea; subsequently it shifted to a foredeep trending parallel to the Southern Alps and located northwest of them. Through the Late Miocene–Recent this depocentre has progressively widened, and the loci of thickest sediment accumulation have moved northwestward, most prominently during the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene with the progradation of a shelf–slope complex. At the northern end of the basin the shelf–slope break is currently located over the forebulge, which appears not to have migrated significantly, probably because the mountain belt is not advancing significantly northwestwards. Modelling of the lithospheric flexure of the basement surface normal to the trend of the basin establishes values of 3.1 to 9.8×1020 N m for the flexural rigidity of the Australia Plate. This is at the very low end of rigidities for plates, and 1–2 orders of magnitude less than for the Australia Plate beneath the Taranaki Basin. Maps of tectonic subsidence where the influence of sediment loading is removed also clearly identify the source of the loading as lying within or beneath the mountain belt. The basin fill shows a stratigraphic architecture typical of underfilled ancient peripheral foreland basins. This comprises transgressive (basal unconformity, thin limestone, slope-depth mudstone, flysch sequence) and regressive (prograding shelf–slope complex followed by molasse deposits) components. In addition the inner margin of the basin has been inverted as a result of becoming involved in the mountain building, as revealed earlier by fission track thermochronological data. The timing and degree of inversion fits well with the geometrical and stratigraphic development of the basin. That the inversion zone and the coastal plain underlain by molasse deposits are narrow, and most of the basin is beneath the sea, highlights this as an underfilled active foreland basin. The basin is geodynamically part of the Southern Alps collision zone.  相似文献   

近年来,随着油气勘探不断向深层—超深层领域拓展,深层展现出了巨大的油气勘探潜力,同时也在成烃-成储-成藏等方面浮现出一系列科学问题。本文在广泛调研国内外相关研究的基础上,梳理了深层油气成藏环境和生、储、盖成藏要素的特殊性,重点讨论了深层油气藏在形成与演化过程中需要深入关注的四个基本问题:(1)深层中的油气生成、储集空间形成、油气相态和运移等研究,均需要以物质守恒和能量守恒基本定律为前提开展;(2)深层经历了盆地演化全过程,需要从动态演化角度研究油气成藏;(3)需要探索新的实验方法,加大对深层液态烃稳定性与保存深度下限的研究;(4)注重多学科融合与多技术交叉,解决深层复杂的地质问题。在此基础上,提出了深层油气藏最为可能的两种成藏模式:(1)中—浅层油成藏、深埋保持型;(2)长期浅埋、晚期快速深埋(凝析)气成藏型。以塔里木盆地台盆区顺北地区和库车坳陷博孜—大北地区为研究对象,应用储层地球化学分析、流体包裹体系列分析技术、方解石原位U-Pb定年技术和盆地模拟技术,对两个地区油气成藏模式进行研究。结果表明:顺北地区奥陶系深层油气藏为“早期中—浅层成藏、后期持续深埋保存”的成藏模式,油气成藏后相...  相似文献   

西藏羌塘盆地的深部结构特征与含油气远景评价   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
羌塘盆地是目前国内石油勘探的热点地区之一,本文综合研究了羌塘盆地的地球物理、石油地质调查资料及INDEPTH-3深部调查结果,得出:①盆地内烃源层、储集层、盖层及其组合条件很好,局部构造发育,有利于形成和保存油气藏,断裂不会成为致命问题,提出了今后工作的主要目的层上三叠统—中侏罗统组成的中构造层;②对盆地二级、三级构造作了新的划分,否定羌中隆起,提出盆地表层的主要构造方向为北西—南东向,成“三凹三隆”及“一深凹”的地壳结构特征,其中主沉降带内部及其两侧是最有利的找油气远景地带;③本区壳幔之间的相互作用较强,盆地北部火山及热活动多,对油气远景评价有较大影响,而盆地南部沉积厚度大,受深层热影响相对较小,是找油气的更有利地段;④强调查明深部地层物性、油气赋存状况,烃类物质的来源和上下构造符合情况是当务之急,重点是加强点上的调查和评价研究;⑤提出不能轻视伦坡拉陆相古近—新近系盆地找油前景,它可能汇聚有两侧海相地层的油气。  相似文献   

Sections of the Bashkirian Stage of Southwestern Darvaz (the Pamir Mountains) are described. Based on fusulinids, the presence of all four Bashkirian substages was established. The Bashkirian beds transgressively overlie clastic-volcanic series of the Lower Carboniferous, and are conformably overlain by the Moscovian (Vereian). Upper Kashirian unconformably overlies both the Vereian beds and all earlier beds, up to of the Lower Carboniferous. An unconformity can be assumed within the Bashkirian, because the lower Bashkirian strata are missing from certain sections. The Bashkirian beds have no evidence of synsedimentary volcanism, which had completely ceased by the end of the Early Carboniferous. Fusulinids most characteristic of the Bashkirian substages are figured.  相似文献   

The Condition Index [(dry meat weight)(100)/(internal cavity volume)] has been analyzed and compared in the American oyster,Crassostrea virginica, from two South Carolina estuaries, one of which was considered polluted by coliform bacteria standards. During the warmer months, oysters from the unpolluted habitat showed a consistently and significantly higher Condition Index. Best fit and power function regressions of Condition Index on total coliform bacteria levels conform with previously cited effects of pollutants on oysters. Condition Index droped markedly as the incidence of total coliforms increased toward levels of 100 per 100 ml of water. Our results and the known sensitivity of oysters to a spectrum of pollutants suggest that their condition could be used to monitor waterborne pollution in coastal zone areas.  相似文献   

刘鹏  王永诗  宋明水  王敏 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):77-78
正断裂带具有复杂的内部结构,多由断层核和破碎带组成(贾茹等,2017;付晓飞等,2013;陈伟等,2010)。断层核一般紧邻滑动面发育,主要由多种类型的断层岩(断层角砾岩和碎裂岩)构成,破碎带由次级断层、裂缝和节理或者变形带等组成。受控于微观构造特征,不同类型的断层岩孔隙度和渗透率差异明显,其空间分布和演化特征决定了断裂带的输导性和封堵性,不仅影响流体运移的路径,而且对储层的物性具有重要的影响。渤海湾  相似文献   

A preliminary assessment of the source potential of the Jurassic section was obtained using organic geochemical data on samples collected from outcrops on Franz Josef Land and Svalbard archipelagoes as well as boreholes in the Barents Sea basin. The presence of organic-rich shale units with good source potential was reported for the first time within the studied section of Early to Middle Jurassic age, along with well-documented Upper Jurassic source rocks. The study provides an assessment of regional variations in the kerogen type, hydrocarbon generation potential, and maturation of organic matter from Jurassic sediments.  相似文献   

We examine environmental aspects of the conflict between the Turkish state and the insurgent Kurdistan Workers Party (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan or PKK). Since the early 1990s, several civil society groups have claimed that the Turkish army burned forests and destroyed other livelihood resources in the Kurdistan region of Turkey as it evacuated settlements. We report the results of a case study of destruction in Tunceli, eastern Turkey, undertaken in order to evaluate support for such claims. We demonstrate the use of geospatial techniques in case-specific approaches to the study of armed conflict. Through the analysis of satellite images, we verified eyewitness reports and confirmed that substantial burnings did indeed take place in the study area between 1991 and 1994. We argue that this destruction was not irrational or wanton, but that it was part of a strategy used by the Turkish army in the early 1990s that aimed at actively transforming the war environment.  相似文献   

扎格罗斯盆地是全球富含油气的前陆盆地,沿走向不同构造段的油气储量规模差别巨大,各段构造特征及其对油气富集和主控因素的认识是海外超前选区选带的重要基础。本文综合分析沿盆地走向(NW-SE向)的土耳其迪亚巴克尔段、伊拉克基尔库克段以及伊朗洛雷斯坦段、胡齐斯坦段和法尔斯段等5段的构造特征、油气成藏特征及其主控因素。结果表明:扎格罗斯盆地沿走向各段油气2P可采储量差异明显,胡齐斯坦段和基尔库克段储量规模最大,且以新近系储层为主;扎格罗斯造山作用形成一系列背斜构造、不同时期形成的蒸发盐岩盖层影响盆地各段油气聚集差异;中新世以来,随着阿拉伯板块与欧亚板块的持续碰撞,扎格罗斯盆地发生了大规模的挤压褶皱作用,下白垩统油气沿裂缝向上运移至渐新统-中新统优质储层中;基尔库克段和胡齐斯坦段新生界沉积物厚度较大,渐新统-中新统蒸发岩为优质的区域性盖层,对新生界油气的保存起重要作用;法尔斯段构造变形较为强烈,三叠系之上的上侏罗统、中新统蒸发岩受不同程度的破坏,油气主要分布于下三叠统-上二叠统碳酸盐岩。通过本研究将对中东扎格罗斯盆地的新项目评价具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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