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Abstract: Plio–Pleistocene hydrothermal activity resulted in high grade low sulfidation epithermal gold mineralization in the Seta area, the southern end of the Monbetsu-Kamishihoro Graben of northeastern Hokkaido, Japan. Hydrothermal activity and accompanying hydrothermal eruptions began at approximately 2 Ma along NNW-SSE trending faults, the Tohbu-ko fault I and II. This activity resulted in two main zones of gold mineralization, the west quartz-adularia veins(QAV) and east stock-work zone(STZ), formed between 1. 8 and 1. 2 Ma. A smectite-chlorite alteration zone is observed at deeper levels, while kaolinite and kaolinite-smectite zones occur at shallower levels with an acid-leached zone present near the surface. The kaoli-nite and kaolinite-smectite zones are also distributed along faults and the STZ, to depths of several hundred meters. δ34S values of pyrite and alunite from the kaolinite and silicified zones indicate alunite formed by the oxidation of sulfide, either H2S(vapor) or mineral.
Formation of the STZ and the southern part of the QAV took place during lacustrine sedimentation, while formation of the northern part of the QAV took place after eruption of andesitic lava; the latter being associated with widespread alteration formed under neutral-pH conditions. δ18O values of quartz veins and silicified rocks indicate that the paleo-hydrothermal waters have a large meteoric component, increasing with decreasing depth in the STZ. Acid hydrothermal waters, resulting from near surface oxidation of H2S were responsible for acid-leaching and kaolinization of surrounding rocks. Between 1. 4 and 0. 3 Ma, the acid hot waters drained back along the STZ to depths of at least 500m, as a result of a fall in the paleo-water table level.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Cibaliung deposit is a low-sulfidation type epithermal gold deposit situated about 70 km west of the Bayah dome complex. The gold-bearing quartz veins are hosted by basaltic andesite of the Honje Formation, which is comparable to the host rock of gold deposits at the Bayah dome complex.
In order to clarify the timing of the mineralization and the volcanism at the Cibaliung area, two radiometric dating methods were applied. First, 40Ar/39Ar dating was conducted on six adularia samples to elucidate the age of mineralization. Second, K-Ar method was applied to two samples of the host rock, andesite and the Cibaliung tuff, in order to reveal the timing of volcanism.
The 40Ar/39Ar dating determined mineralization ages in the range from 11.18 to 10.65 Ma while the K-Ar dating indicated the age of the andesite and the Cibaliung tuff to be 11.4±0.8 Ma and 4.9±0.6 Ma, respectively. These results imply that the epithermal gold mineralization in the Cibaliung area is related to the volcanic activity that produced the Honje Formation, while the Cibaliung tuff played an important role in the preservation of the Cibaliung deposit. The Cibaliung deposit is the oldest epithermal gold deposit yet discovered in western Java.  相似文献   

论角砾/网脉-斑岩型金矿   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
刘连登  李颖  兰翔 《矿床地质》1999,18(1):29-36
斑岩型金矿可分为伴生/共生-斑岩型、角砾/网脉型和单脉/网脉-斑岩型3类。角砾岩筒及其内部构造裂隙、角砾岩筒与围岩的接触带构造、与角砾岩筒有成生关系的断裂构造是斑岩金矿的重要控矿构造。其由角砾状和网脉状矿石组成,两者又难以划分开,故称角砾/网脉-斑岩型金矿。我国本亚类斑岩型金矿中,往往伴有冰长石化(团结沟、义兴寨、祁雨沟等矿床),个别矿床伴有明矾石化(紫金山矿床),国外同类斑岩型金矿中罕见报道,反  相似文献   

Abstract. The Pongkor Gold‐Silver Mine, Bogor district, West Java, is approximately 80 km southwest of Jakarta. The gold and silver mineralization in the area is present in a deposit consisting of an epithermal vein‐system named individually as the Pasir Jawa, Gudang Handak, Ciguha, Pamoyanan, Kubang Cicau, and Ciurug veins. In the area studied, rocks of basaltic‐andesitic composition are dominated by volcanic breccia and lapilli tuff, with andesite lava and siltstone present locally. The hydrothermal alteration minerals in the Ciurug area are typical of those formed from acid to near‐neutral pH thermal waters, where the acid alteration is distributed from the surface to shallow depth, while the near‐neutral pH alteration becomes dominant at depths. The Ciurug vein shows four main mineralization stages where each discrete stage is characterized by a specific facies; these are, from early to late: carbonate‐quartz, manganese carbonate‐quartz, banded‐massive quartz and gray sulfide‐quartz facies. The major metallic minerals are pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena; they occur in almost each mineralization stage. Bornite was observed only in the southern part of the Ciurug vein at a depth of 515 m, and the occurrence of this mineral is reported here for the first time. Electrum and silver sulfides (mostly acanthite) are minor, whereas silver sulfosalts, stromeyerite and mckinstryite, and covellite are in trace amounts. The silver sulfosalts have compositional ranges of pearceite, antimon‐pearceite and polybasite. Most of the electrum occurs coexisting with other sulfide minerals, as inclusions in pyrite grains, with very little as inclusions in chalcopyrite or sphalerite. Gold grades within the Ciurug vein vary from 1.2 to hundreds of ppm, where the highest gold grade occurs in the latest mineralization stage in a thin sulfide band in vein quartz. Fluid inclusion microthermometry of calcite and quartz indicates deposition throughout the mineralized veins in the range from 170 to 230d?C and from low salinity fluids (predominantly lower than 0.2 wt% NaCl equiv.). Fluid inclusions occur with features of boiling.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Rodnikovoe gold deposit situated in a presently active hydrothermal system located north of the Mutnovsko-Asachinskaya geothermal area in southern Kamchatka, Far Eastern Russia, consists of typical low-sulfidation quartz-adularia veins in a host rock of diorite. The age of the mineralization was dated by the K-Ar method as 0.9 to 1.1 Ma based on adular-ia collected from the veins. Representative ore minerals in the deposit are electrum, argentite, aguilarite, polybasite, pearceite and lenaite. Dominant alteration minerals are adularia, α-cristobalite, chlorite, illite and kaolinite. Hydrothermal solutions of neutral pH were responsible for the mineralization, which is divided into six stages defined by tectonic boundaries. Gold mineralization occurred in stages I and III. Hydrothermal brecciation occurred during stages III, IV and VI. Stages II, IV, V and VI were barren. The estimated ore formation temperature based on a fluid inclusion study is 150 to 250 °C at a depth of approximately 170 m below the paleo-water table. Boiling of hydrothermal fluids is hypothesized as the cause of the intermittent deposition of gold ore. The sulfur and oxygen fugacities during the deposition of anhydrite prior to the hydrothermal brecciation were higher than those during the gold mineralization stages. The occurrence in the hydrothermal breccia of fragments of high grade Au-Ag and polymetallic ores suggests that higher grade mineralization of these metal ores might have occurred in a deeper portion of the deposit.  相似文献   

贵州东南部的地质构造与金矿床的关系   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了贵州东南部的天柱、锦屏和黎平地区的地质构造特征、该区金矿床特征及其与地质构造的关系。认为区内北部和南部相距数十公里的两条近东西向的基底剪切断裂带构成了本区地堑式的构造格局。由于这两条东西向剪切断裂的剪切作用 ,形成了本区以北东向为主的褶皱和剪切带。北东向褶皱和剪切带构造是在加里东期形成的 ,同时也发生了绿片岩相的变质作用。在背斜形成的同时或稍后剪切作用开始发生 ,剪切作用继承着北东向 ,形成了若干条与褶皱轴平行或相交的剪切带。成矿流体沿着剪切带上升 ,一方面在剪切带中沉淀出穿层产出的不整合破碎带型金矿体 ,即透镜状含金石英脉 ;同时大部分充填到由背斜和剪切作用形成的层间裂隙或层间破碎带中 ,从而形成赋存于浊积岩的顺层产出的层状含金石英脉金矿床。这种类型的含金石英脉 ,无论在品位(多数可见明金 )、储量和产量方面均很有前景 ,并且有着十分重要的学术意义 ,因为这在国内还是首次发现。  相似文献   

滇中小水井金矿煌斑岩特征及与金矿化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
符德贵 《地质与勘探》2010,46(3):414-425
小水井金矿床煌斑岩呈树枝状、环状、不规则状沿断裂带侵入,岩石为致密块状细晶辉石云斜煌斑岩,其SiO2含量32.28%~49.72%,属基性-超基性范围,为碱性系列的富钾钙碱性煌斑岩,以富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,而亏损高场强元素(Ta-Nb-Ti)为特征,稀土元素分布型式类似于大陆玄武岩。煌斑岩为富含稀土元素的俯冲带流体交代过的富集地幔部分熔融所产生的岩浆,在上升过程中受到部分地壳混染的产物。对煌斑岩的黑云母进行Ar-Ar法年龄测定,获得煌斑岩40Ar-39Ar坪年龄值为(32.08±0.32)Ma,等时线年龄值为(31.86±0.40)Ma,形成时代属于新生代古近纪渐新世早期。煌斑岩与金矿化在空间分布、形成时间及成因上有密切的内在联系,煌斑岩与金元素均来自地幔,煌斑岩与金矿体均受控于断裂破碎带,共用了相同的断裂构造空间;金主成矿期早于煌斑岩,煌斑岩切穿了断裂破碎带及金矿体,煌斑岩的侵入为金进一步富集提供了物源、热能、含矿流体,使金矿化叠加富集。煌斑岩是寻找金矿的重要标志之一。  相似文献   

The 50 km2 Monywa copper district lies near the Chindwin River within the northward continuation of the Sunda‐Andaman magmatic arc through western Myanmar. There are four deposits; Sabetaung, Sabetaung South, Kyisintaung, and the much larger Letpadaung 7 km to the southeast. Following exploration drilling which began in 1959, production of copper concentrates from a small open pit started at Sabetaung in 1983. Since 1997, when resources totaled 7 million tonnes contained copper in 2 billion tonnes ore, a heap leach–electro‐winning operation has produced over 400,000 t copper cathode from Sabetaung and Sabetaung South. Ore is hosted by mid‐Miocene andesite or dacite porphyry intrusions, and by early mid‐Miocene sandstone and overlying volcaniclastics including eruptive diatreme facies which the porphyries intrude. District‐wide rhyolite dykes and domes with marginal breccias probably post‐date andesite porphyries in the mine area and lack ore‐grade copper. Host rocks to mineralization are altered to phyllic and advanced argillic hydrothermal assemblages within an outer chlorite zone; hypogene alunite is most abundant at Letpadaung and Kyisintaung. Most mineralization is structurally‐controlled with digenite‐chalcocite in breccia dykes, in steeply dipping NE‐trending sheeted veins, and in stockwork and low‐angle sulfide veins. A high‐grade pipe at Sabetaung grades up to 30% Cu, and much of the ore at Sabetaung South is in a NE‐trending zone of mega‐breccia and stockworked sandstone. The hydrothermal alteration, together with replacement quartz, alunite and barite in breccia dykes and veins, the virtual absence of vein quartz, and the presence of chalcopyrite and bornite only as rare veins and as inclusions within the abundant pyrite, indicate that the deposits are high sulfidation. Regional uplift, resistance to erosion and leaching of the altered and mineralized rocks have resulted in porous limonite‐stained leached caps over 200 m thick forming the Letpadaung and Kyisintaung hills. The barren caps pass abruptly downwards at the water table into the highest grade ore at the top of the supergene enrichment zone, within which copper grade, supergene kaolinite and cubic alunite decrease, and pyrite increases with depth; in contrast, marcasite is mostly shallow. Much of the copper to depths exceeding 200 m below the water table occurs as supergene digenite‐chalcocite and minor covellite. Disseminated chalcocite is mostly near‐surface and hence almost certainly supergene. We infer that during prolonged uplift at all four deposits, oxidation of residual pyrite at the water table generated enough acid to leach all the copper from earlier supergene‐enriched ore; below the water table the resulting acid sulfate solutions partly replaced enargite, covellite, chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrite with supergene chalcocite. Undeformed upward‐fining cross‐bedded conglomerates and sands of the ancestral Chindwin River floodplain overlie the margins of the Sabetaung deposits, form a major aquifer up to 40 m thick, and are a potential host for exotic copper mineralization. A mid‐Miocene pluton is inferred to underlie the Monywa deposits, but the possibility of porphyry‐type mineralization within the district is at best highly speculative.  相似文献   

Gold Grade and Tonnage Models of the Gold Deposits, China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: The gold grade and tonnage modelling is applied to some types of the gold deposits in China, including placer, Archaean lode, slate belt, Carlin, volcanogenic, skarn and Shandong Peninsula, among others. The Shandong Peninsula type denotes the gold deposit, which was formed in an intensely reshaped Archaean greenstone belt. The modelling results show: (1) the Archaean lode gold deposits of China are similar to the Homestake type in gold grades. (2) The Chinese slate belt type gold deposits are marked by moderately lower gold grades but considerably larger ore volumes than the similar type elsewhere. (3) The Carlin style gold deposits of China are identified by higher Au grades but evidently smaller sizes in comparison with their counterparts in western North America. (4) The volcanogenic (continental) style is similar to Sado epithermal veins in gold grade‐tonnage models and general characteristics while volcanogenic gold deposits of the oceanic subgroup contrast with Kuroko‐type deposits in the gold grade model. But the Chinese volcanogenic (oceanic) subtype (Palaeozoic age) shows similar higher gold grades to those of the Palaeozoic Kuroko‐type deposits elsewhere. (5) Porphyry and skarn gold deposits tend to have a large size but low grade. (6) Less than half of the Shandong Peninsula gold deposits are of ore volumes exceeding the 50th intercept of the relevant gold tonnage model, implying possible undiscovered gold deposits with a larger size in the peninsula. (7) In general, Chinese gold deposits of larger sizes tend to have lower gold grades in relation to gold grade models. (8) Gold grade‐tonnage models can be effectively influenced by how to include or exclude non‐economic gold resources in the modelling. Ore volumes of gold deposits actually to some extent depend on gold grades. Consequently, the way of including or excluding low‐grade values may effect a gold grade‐tonnage model and cause different interpretation of the modelling results. This is particularly true to the gold deposits, which generally show an inverse correlation between gold grade and tonnage.  相似文献   

桂北地区剪切带型金矿成矿机理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
莫江平 《地质与勘探》2009,45(6):655-660
桂北地区金矿划分为石英脉型、石英细脉带型和构造蚀变岩型金矿.不同级别剪切带构造控制矿化集中区、矿床、矿体分布以及矿脉形态、产状和矿化类型,具有上部石英脉型、中部石英细脉带型、下部构造蚀变岩型金矿的矿化分带模式.金质矿源主要来源于上地壳围岩,硫源主要来自深部,金矿成矿溶液主要来源于大气降水,热源来自变质和构造运动,成矿时代主要为燕山期.矿床成因属是产于前寒武纪浅变质碎屑岩系的与脆一韧性剪切带有关的中低温热液脉状金矿.  相似文献   

小秦岭金(钼)矿田北矿带推覆构造演化与成矿作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在小秦岭北矿带桥上寨、灵湖、大湖和秦南-太阳沟等地,对金矿床的控矿构造进行了野外调查。工作结果表明,小秦岭北矿带近东西向控矿断裂从北向南的F1、F8、F7、F35、F5以及F6断裂是由长英质糜棱岩、构造碎裂岩组成的。其中糜棱岩中S-C组构以及构造劈理与断裂面所夹的锐角,反映了这些断裂具有逆断裂特征,它们在平面上又具有分支复合现象。因此,这些断裂为一套向南推覆的叠瓦状断裂构造体系。这些近东西向叠瓦状断裂构造控制了北矿带金矿床的形成,部分含金石英脉发生了变形,呈条带状构造,反映了断裂发生时间为123 Ma之前。晚期与小秦岭山前有关的断裂构造为正断裂,破坏矿体。  相似文献   

曹亮 《地质与勘探》2010,46(3):377-384
南金山金矿是北山地区典型的浅成低温热液型金矿床,原20万化探扫面中在该矿床处存在W、Mo等高温元素异常组合,明显异于一般浅成低温热液矿床仅存在中低温元素异常组合。作者在系列成矿找矿思路的指导下,采集了南金山金矿床不同深度的地球化学样品,剖析该矿矿床特征、蚀变矿化特征、成矿元素的富集规律,指出该矿床是一典型的高硫型浅成低温热液矿床,矿床高温元素W、Mo,中温元素Cu向深部增高。并通过与典型铜金矿床地化特征、国外高硫型浅成低温热液型矿床与相关铜金矿床空间配位的类比,提出了南金山金矿深部存在斑岩型铜矿的可能。  相似文献   

Mineral assemblages, chemical compositions of ore minerals, wall rock alteration and fluid inclusions of the Gatsuurt gold deposit in the North Khentei gold belt of Mongolia were investigated to characterize the gold mineralization, and to clarify the genetic processes of the ore minerals. The gold mineralization of the deposit occurs in separate Central and Main zones, and is characterized by three ore types: (i) low‐grade disseminated and stockwork ores; (ii) moderate‐grade quartz vein ores; and (iii) high‐grade silicified ores, with average Au contents of approximately 1, 3 and 5 g t?1 Au, respectively. The Au‐rich quartz vein and silicified ore mineralization is surrounded by, or is included within, the disseminated and stockwork Au‐mineralization region. The main ore minerals are pyrite (pyrite‐I and pyrite‐II) and arsenopyrite (arsenopyrite‐I and arsenopyrite‐II). Moderate amounts of galena, tetrahedrite‐tennantite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite, and minor jamesonite, bournonite, boulangerite, geocronite, scheelite, geerite, native gold and zircon are associated. Abundances and grain sizes of the ore minerals are variable in ores with different host rocks. Small grains of native gold occur as fillings or at grain boundaries of pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite in the disseminated and stockwork ores and silicified ores, whereas visible native gold of variable size occurs in the quartz vein ores. The ore mineralization is associated with sericitic and siliceous alteration. The disseminated and stockwork mineralization is composed of four distinct stages characterized by crystallization of (i) pyrite‐I + arsenopyrite‐I, (ii) pyrite‐II + arsenopyrite‐II, (iii) galena + tetrahedrite + sphalerite + chalcopyrite + jamesonite + bournonite + scheelite, and iv) boulangerite + native gold, respectively. In the quartz vein ores, four crystallization stages are also recognized: (i) pyrite‐I, (ii) pyrite‐II + arsenopyrite + galena + Ag‐rich tetrahedrite‐tennantite + sphalerite + chalcopyrite + bournonite, (iii) geocronite + geerite + native gold, and (iv) native gold. Two mineralization stages in the silicified ores are characterized by (i) pyrite + arsenopyrite + tetrahedrite + chalcopyrite, and (ii) galena + sphalerite + native gold. Quartz in the disseminated and stockwork ores of the Main zone contains CO2‐rich, halite‐bearing aqueous fluid inclusions with homogenization temperatures ranging from 194 to 327°C, whereas quartz in the disseminated and stockwork ores of the Central zone contains CO2‐rich and aqueous fluid inclusions with homogenization temperatures ranging from 254 to 355°C. The textures of the ores, the mineral assemblages present, the mineralization sequences and the fluid inclusion data are consistent with orogenic classification for the Gatsuurt deposit.  相似文献   

通过对北祁连红土沟川刺沟金矿及韧性剪切带的基本特征和成矿关系等研究,发现该区韧性剪切带形成过程中韧性、韧脆性剪切作用形成的构造蚀变岩控制了金矿的产出.韧脆性剪切带构成了该矿床的富矿和储矿构造,为矿液的迁移、富集提供了较好的条件,也是深部流体的通道.位于中、下地壳中的超临界流体能够以硫络合物形式溶解大量金和其他成矿元素,这种含金的超临界成矿流体沿韧性剪切带向浅部迁移.流体中金的溶解度迅速降低,导致金大量沉淀而形成金矿.北祁连地区的红土沟川刺沟金矿床产于早古生代碰撞造山带中,是该造山带形成和演化的阶段性产物.红土沟川刺沟金矿是一种典型的造山带中的韧性剪切带型金矿床,其主要的矿石类型为构造破碎蚀变岩型金矿石.  相似文献   

The Fukusen No. 1 vein is located in the southeastern part of the Yamada deposit, Hishikari epithermal gold deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan. 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of adularia from the margin and the center of the Fukusen vein are determined to be 0.617 ± 0.024 Ma and 0.606 ± 0.009 Ma, respectively. The Fukusen No. 1 vein shows banding structure composed mainly of quartz, adularia and clay minerals. Colloform texture is displayed by cryptocrystalline to amorphous silica material that is associated with fine-grained electrum and sulfides near the center of the vein. Pyrite in the Fukusen No. 1 vein often shows acicular shape resulting from inversion from marcasite. Near the center of the vein, primary marcasite occurs associated with colloform texture of silica. The Fukusen No.1 vein preserves primary texture and materials which were deposited from the ore-forming hydrothermal solution. The Fukusen No. 1 vein was formed in a short period and is one of the youngest veins in the Hishikari deposits.  相似文献   

A suite of elements(Ag,Au,Ba,Bi,Cd,Co,Cr,Cu,Ga,Hf,Hg,Mn,Mo,Ni,Pb,Rb,Sb,Se, Sr,Te and Zn),total organic carbon(TOC)and pH were analyzed in stream sediment and tailing samples from Um Shashoba area,in order to evaluate Au placer and the sediments being impacted by old mining activities.Analytical results were examined using statistical,graphical and mapping methods.In spite of the results revealing that Au and most of the elements in sediments were in general significantly lower than those in tailing,Au wa...  相似文献   

粤北大沟谷金矿地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粤北大沟谷金矿地质特征朱大岗(中国地质科学院地质力学研究所.北京100081)关键词粤北大沟谷,韧-脆性剪切带,钠长石岩,金矿床大沟谷金矿是80年代中期,我国首次发现的赋存于初一脆性剪切带内碎裂钠长石岩中的新类型金矿床,探明储量已达中型金矿床规模。1...  相似文献   

胶东是我国黄金的主要产地,前人已开展大量矿床学研究,但主要集中在浅部,其深部的成矿研究仍然薄弱.本文以目前最深的见矿钻孔为研究对象,在宏观观察描述的基础上,以电子探针为主要研究方法,在微观上系统开展深部金矿的矿相学和元素地球化学研究,为深部金矿成矿特征提供了第一手的基础资料,研究结果对于深入认识焦家金矿带矿床的成因以及进一步的深部找矿预测都具有重要意义.超深科研钻ZK01井位于莱州吴一村地区,是目前焦家断裂带最深的见矿钻孔,也是我国岩金最深见矿孔.深钻蚀变类型主要有钾化、硅化、黄铁矿化、绢英岩化、黄铁绢英岩化、绿泥石化和碳酸盐化,矿石类型为黄铁绢英岩化碎裂岩和黄铁绢英岩化花岗质碎裂岩,矿体多以脉状、细脉网脉状、细脉浸染状为主.载金矿物主要为黄铁矿,少数金矿物分布在黄铜矿、石英和钾长石中.焦家带深部矿石金矿物成色较高,主要为含银自然金,其次为银金矿,说明该深钻深部金矿形成于高温、较深的成矿环境;成矿时代相对较老.Au主要有两种赋存形式:独立的金矿物和不可见金即晶格金.独立金矿物可分为三种赋存状态,即包体金、裂隙金和晶隙金.初步认为矿石矿物生成顺序从早到晚依次为:(不含Pb黄铁矿、方铅矿、辉铋矿、金矿物)→(黄铜矿)→(含Pb黄铁矿)→(方铅矿、金矿物)→(重晶石)→(闪锌矿).深钻成矿热液存在多期活动,碎裂岩带为含金热液运移提供了通道,多重成矿阶段的叠加和复合导致金矿物多期次结晶.  相似文献   

北部非洲地区是全球重要矿产资源供给基地,具有丰富的金等矿产资源,为给在北部非洲国家开展矿业投资企业战略选区提供参考,有必要对各国金矿投资竞争力进行分析。文章对北部非洲18 个国家金矿资源的资源禀赋、投资环境、投资成本、社会政治等数据进行标准化,并建立了适应于该地区的矿业投资竞争力评价体系,利用熵权-模糊综合法对18 个国家的金矿投资竞争力进行横向对比,根据各影响因素的熵权计算结果,发现目标国的社会政治情况对金矿投资竞争力影响权重占比最大,其次为目标国的资源禀赋条件;外交关系、资源量、资源勘探程度、资源品质是金矿投资竞争力水平的主要影响因素,而市场化程度、劳动力成本、环保成本对矿产资源投资竞争力水平影响较小。评价结果显示北部非洲地区金矿投资竞争力较高的国家为几内亚,竞争力一般的为加纳、埃塞俄比亚、布基纳法索、阿尔及利亚等10 个国家。建议企业在北部非洲地区进行金矿投资决策时应尽量避免选择竞争力较低的国家以规避投资风险,提高投资收益率。  相似文献   

王鹏 《地质与勘探》2013,49(3):429-436
本文详细研究了辽西二道沟金矿的矿化特征、矿石结构、构造和主要载金矿物黄铁矿,在此基础上分析讨论了成矿温度、热液活动期次和活动方向。研究表明二道沟金矿的形成经历了热液期和表生期,热液期又分为石英-黄铁矿阶段、石英-多金属硫化物阶段、石英-碳酸盐阶段;且可能存在多期次的热液活动,每一期热液相互叠加改造,成矿热液早期温度较高,大于450℃,但金属矿物大量沉淀时温度较低,在150~300℃,属中低温成矿。金在Ⅲ、Ⅴ号矿脉中的分布在水平方向和垂直方向都存在明显不均匀性,金品位高值区从上向下都有向南东方向发展的趋势,指示成矿热液可能来自南东方向。本文详细研究了二道沟金矿Ⅲ、Ⅴ号脉金的富集规律,对于指导矿山生产及资源勘查具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

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