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This paper presents the optical properties of the objects selected in the CLASS blazar survey. Because an optical spectrum is now available for 70 per cent of the 325 sources present in the sample, a spectral classification, based on the appearance of the emission/absorption lines, is possible. A wide variety of optical spectral types is found. Besides 'classical' BL Lacs (42), BL Lac candidates (5) and high-power     flat spectrum radio quasars (67), a significant number of 'passive' elliptical galaxies (41) is also found. Moreover, 33 broad emission line objects with a low radio power     are discovered, suggesting that at least a fraction (∼     per cent) of low-power blazars have a broad line region. Finally, 34 objects showing only narrow emission lines, either as a result of some starburst activity in the host galaxy or as a result of the presence of an active galactic nucleus, appear in the sample.  相似文献   

利用欧文斯谷射电天文台(Owens Valley Radio Observatory, OVRO) 15 GHz的观测数据,通过Jurkevich理论分析了78个耀变体样本的光变曲线,结果表明,射电源显示了显著的光变周期,范围为0.83–2.55 yr.另外,通过估算射电源光变的调制指数,发现蝎虎天体的调制指数较平谱射电类星体有更大的高斯分布峰值.  相似文献   

We present a new population of radio quasars whose X-ray band, unlike previously known sources which have (flat) inverse Compton radiation, is characterized by (steep) synchrotron emission, with a broad-band spectral energy distribution similar to that of BL Lacs with high energy synchrotron peaks. We discuss how this new class was discovered, the class properties, and the implications of its existence for our understanding of jets and active galactic nuclei in general.  相似文献   

We present the results of the first survey and monitoring study of the linear polarization properties of compact, flat-spectrum radio sources at mm/submm wavelengths and discuss the implications of the inferred magnetic field structure for the emission models involving shock waves in relativistic jets on subparsec scales. We find significant polarization in most sources but, in general, the magnetic field on subparsec scales is less well ordered than on parsec scales. We observe no difference in polarization properties between the BL Lac objects and compact flat-spectrum quasars at these wavelengths. Although we find the behaviour of some sources, particularly the most highly polarized, to be very consistent with the predictions of transverse shock-in-jet models, the detailed behaviour of most objects is not. Conical shock structures can more readily explain the observed diverse behaviour of the sample, although some degree of bending of the jet may still be necessary in some cases.  相似文献   

We present optical identifications for a sample of 20 previously unknown X-ray/radio sources that are present both in the source catalogue of ROSAT PSPC pointed observations ( ROSAT SRC) and in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). The optical spectroscopy was carried out with the 2.1-m telescope at San Pedro Martir (Mexico) during 1995 April and September. We have identified 15 active galactic nuclei [including 12 broad-emission-line (FWHM >1000 km s−1) objects, one bona fide BL Lac, one BL Lac candidate and one narrow-line (FWHM < 1000 km s−1) radio galaxy] and five radio galaxies. We derive the X-ray fluxes and luminosities by analysing the PSPC exposures, and show the radio morphology from the NVSS maps.  We find that the correlation between the monochromatic X-ray luminosity at 2 keV and the core radio luminosity at 5 GHz for the radio galaxies in our sample follows that found for the 3CR radio galaxies, suggesting a possible nuclear origin for the X-ray emission in these sources. This correlation is weaker in the case of broad-line objects, indicating the presence of another (unbeamed) mechanism for the X-ray emission only weakly related to the radio emission.  相似文献   

We present new BeppoSAX observations of seven BL Lacertae objects selected from the 1-Jy sample plus one additional source. The collected data cover the energy range     (observer's frame), reaching ∼50 keV for one source (BL Lac). All sources characterized by a peak in their multifrequency spectra at infrared/optical energies (i.e., of the low-energy peaked BL Lac type, LBL) display a relatively flat     X-ray spectrum, which we interpret as inverse Compton emission. Four objects (two-thirds of the LBLs) show some evidence for a low-energy steepening, which is probably due to the synchrotron tail merging into the inverse Compton component around ∼     . If this were generally the case with LBLs, it would explain why the     ROSAT spectra of our sources are systematically steeper than the BeppoSAX ones     . The broad-band spectral energy distributions fully confirm this picture, and a synchrotron inverse Compton model allows us to derive the physical parameters (intrinsic power, magnetic field, etc.) of our sources. Combining our results with those obtained by BeppoSAX on BL Lacs covering a wide range of synchrotron peak frequency, ν peak, we confirm and clarify the dependence of the X-ray spectral index on ν peak originally found in ROSAT data.  相似文献   

VLBI total intensity ( I ) and linear polarization ( P ) images at λ =6 cm have been obtained for nine radio-bright BL Lacertae objects. These are the first VLBI P images for these sources, and, in a number of cases, the first I images as well. They confirm the previously noted tendency for the jet magnetic fields of BL Lacertae objects to be transverse to the local jet direction, but also provide new evidence that a sizeable minority of BL Lacertae objects have VLBI jet components with longitudinal magnetic fields. In addition, two sources have VLBI jet components in which the direction of the electric vector χ bears no obvious relation to the apparent local jet direction; the origin of these arbitrary χ offsets is unclear. A new tentative superluminal speed of β =6.3  h −1 has been determined for 0828+493; tentative speeds for two knots in 1418+546 are β =4.3 and 2.5  h −1. This work is part of an ongoing programme to determine the VLBI I and P structure of all 34 sources in the 1-Jy sample of northern BL Lacertae objects defined by Kühr & Schmidt.  相似文献   

The results of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) total intensity ( I ) and linear polarization ( P ) observations at     are presented for 10 radio bright BL Lacertae objects. These images complete first-epoch polarization observations for the 1-Jy sample of northern BL Lacertae objects defined by Kühr & Schmidt. Estimates of superluminal speeds are presented for several sources, bringing the total number of sources in the sample for which such estimates are available to 16. Second-epoch observations currently being reduced should yield speed estimates for VLBI features in essentially all the sources in the sample. The jet magnetic fields of these BL Lacertae objects are usually transverse to the local jet direction, but a sizeable minority (about 30 per cent) have VLBI jet components with longitudinal magnetic fields. This may suggest that the conditions in the VLBI jets of BL Lacertae objects are favourable for the formation of relativistic shocks; alternatively, it may be that the toroidal component of the intrinsic jet magnetic field is characteristically dominant in these sources.  相似文献   

A new sample of radio sources, with the designated name CENSORS (A Combined EIS–NVSS Survey Of Radio Sources), has been defined by combining the National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array Sky Survey (NVSS) at 1.4 GHz with the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) Patch D, a 3° by 2° region of sky centred at RA     , Dec. −21°00'00' (J2000). New radio observations of 199 NVSS radio sources with NVSS flux densities   S 1.4 GHz > 7.8 mJy  are presented, and are compared with the EIS I -band imaging observations which reach a depth of   I ∼ 23  ; optical identifications are obtained for over two-thirds of the ∼150 confirmed radio sources within the EIS field. The radio sources have a median linear size of 6 arcsec, consistent with the trend for lower flux density radio sources to be less extended. Other radio source properties, such as the lobe flux density ratios, are consistent with those of brighter radio source samples. From the optical information, 30–40 per cent of the sources are expected to lie at redshifts   z ≳ 1.5  .
One of the key goals of this survey is to accurately determine the high-redshift evolution of the radio luminosity function. These radio sources are at the ideal flux density level to achieve this goal; at redshifts   z ∼ 2  they have luminosities which are around the break of the luminosity function and so provide a much more accurate census of the radio source population at those redshifts than the existing studies of extreme, high radio power sources. Other survey goals include investigating the dual-population unification schemes for radio sources, studying the radio luminosity dependence of the evolution of radio source environments, and understanding the radio power dependence of the K – z relation for radio galaxies.  相似文献   

We describe deep radio imaging at 1.4 GHz of the 1.3-deg2 Subaru/ XMM–Newton Deep Field (SXDF), made with the Very Large Array in B and C configurations. We present a radio map of the entire field, and a catalogue of 505 sources covering 0.8 deg2 to a peak flux density limit of 100 μJy. Robust optical identifications are provided for 90 per cent of the sources, and suggested identifications are presented for all but 14 (of which seven are optically blank, and seven are close to bright contaminating objects). We show that the optical properties of the radio sources do not change with flux density, suggesting that active galactic nuclei (AGN) continue to contribute significantly at faint flux densities. We test this assertion by cross-correlating our radio catalogue with the X-ray source catalogue and conclude that radio-quiet AGN become a significant population at flux densities below 300 μJy, and may dominate the population responsible for the flattening of the radio source counts if a significant fraction of them are Compton-thick.  相似文献   

High‐resolution observations, made with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 330 MHz, 1.4 GHz and 8.4 GHz and with the Ryle Telescope at 15 GHz, are presented of a sample of 23 sources which are variable at 151 MHz, concluding the observations of an unbiased sample of 40 such sources. The 8.4 GHz emission of almost all of the sources is dominated by structure on a scale ≲0.1 arcsec – the spectra of these compact components are such that they will also dominate the emission at 151 MHz; the number of sources for which this is not the case is consistent with the number of spurious variables expected to be found in the sample. About two-thirds of the sources have the self-absorbed, or flat, spectra expected from their size. The majority (∼75 per cent) of the sources belong to the compact steep-spectrum (CSS) class, but are generally more compact than other CSS sources; the CSS variables also appear to exhibit more spectral ageing than typical CSS sources, which may indicate a difference in the nature of the sources.  相似文献   

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