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Considered are the results of the numerical analysis of two mesoscale cyclonic vortices generated over the Black Sea near the Caucasian coast on August 3, 2007 and August 7, 2010. It is demonstrated for the axially symmetric and more long-lived vortex occurred in 2007 that the Caucasian vortices are two-dimensional structures dying out rapidly due to the turbulent friction in the near-water boundary layer, and the deviation from the strictly two-dimensional motion is associated with the presence of the secondary circulation. The difference is demonstrated in the mechanisms of the origin of vortices in 2007 and 2010. In the first case, this is the formation of cyclonic circulation over the eastern part of the Black Sea limited by the Anatolian and high Caucasian Mountains, at the intrusion of the airflow of northwestern direction. In the second case, these are the processes of the generation of cyclonic vorticity at the baroclinic airflow running around the northwestern edge of the mountain range over the land.  相似文献   

陈瑞荣 《大气科学》1981,5(3):247-256
本文利用1979年夏季季风实验期间稠密的飞机下投探空仪资料,对一次阿拉伯海季风气旋的垂直气流分布、云层分布、水平螺旋辐合气流和强风环等结构以及它们之间的关系等进行了分析研究。并指出了高空次天气尺度和中尺度的一些现象。垂直气流速度是根据探空仪落速变化算出,把它用在天气系统分析是初次尝试。  相似文献   

In this study, long-term change of wind characteristics on the Black Sea has been investigated using two widely used data sources, i.e., European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim and National Centers for Environmental Prediction/Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (NCEP/CFSR), spanning 40 years between 1979 and 2018. Spatial and seasonal variability of climatic features such as the wind speed, direction, number and duration of storms, and wind power density are discussed. Wind climate is characterized by strong, durable and stable winds in the northern and western Black Sea, and relatively weak, short-lived and highly-variable winds in the eastern Black Sea. These long-term wind patterns indicate that the eastern part of the basin is likely to be subjected to the impacts of climate change. Long-term stable and strong wind conditions in the southwest part indicate reliable, persistent and sustainable wind energy potential. Long-term and seasonal variation of wind power density (WPD) at 110 m altitude over the Black Sea is investigated. There is a significant difference in WPD values between winter and summer seasons, with around 2.8 times larger WPD in winter than that in summer. In the western Black Sea, narrow confidence intervals observed in each season indicate a low level of variation during a season and ensures stable wind power conditions.  相似文献   

The technology of waterspout monitoring over the Russian part of the Black Sea is presented. The technology was developed using the foreign experience of tornado and waterspout prediction and the data from the meteorological observation network of the Russian Federation. The technology is based on the software for the organization and maintenance of operational database including the data of satellite imagery, numerical weather prediction models, lightning detection systems, and weather radars. It was found that the results of the use of the presented technology for analyzing waterspout-risk conditions during the waterspout season are of the greatest interest. The waterspout season in the Black Sea area usually begins in May and ends in September. The review of waterspout occurrence over the Russian part of the Black Sea in 2014 is presented.  相似文献   

探讨了一种利用海岛自动站、石油平台站、海洋气象浮标观测站、船载自动气象站等在内的海基观测资料来改进南海热带气旋强度分析的客观估计方案,并利用该方案对近几年(2013—2016年)出现在南海海域的18个热带气旋强度进行了分析。结果表明:该方案的估计误差与基于卫星遥感资料分析得到的结果水平相当,其估计效果与热带气旋的自身强度和有效样本数量有关,同时是否有观测样本位于热带气旋最大风速半径内也会影响估计的准确性。在传统基于卫星遥感资料对热带气旋强度主客观分析出现不一致时,利用海基观测来估计台风的强度可以作为一种补充方案来提高强度分析的可靠性。  相似文献   

使用FNL Analysis全球格点资料,对东北太平洋一次强爆发性气旋的特殊性进行了分析,发现气旋对其西北部低压系统的吸收合并是其爆发性发展过程中的典型特征,斜压强迫对其快速发展的作用较弱,与西北太平洋爆发性气旋的发展过程存在显著差异。同时,使用Zwack-Okossi诊断方程,从影响爆发性发展的动力和热力因子方面,对其发展机制作了深入的探讨。研究表明,正涡度平流、暖平流和非绝热加热的共同作用使气旋开始爆发性发展,由潜热释放导致的非绝热加热的贡献最大,非绝热加热是其快速发展的主导因子,其中正涡度平流贡献主要来自于中高层,暖平流的贡献主要来自于中低层和高层,而非绝热加热主要发生在中低层,这为东北太平洋爆发性气旋的发展机制提供了一个新的认识。  相似文献   

In this study, we first show that tropical cyclone (TC) Usagi evolved from a mid-level vortex over the South China Sea (SCS) in August 2001. The initial disturbance of TC Usagi had a maximum potential vorticity (PV) near 500 hPa, and an anticyclonic circulation with a cold core near the surface. The cyclonic circulation and its warm core of the mid-level vortex developed gradually downward toward the surface when environmental easterly and dry air intruded from the upper troposphere; finally, the mid-level vortex evolved into TC Usagi under favorable environment conditions such as weak vertical wind shear, deep moist layer, etc. To investigate the dynamic and thermodynamic processes during TC Usagi genesis, the technique of piecewise PV inversion is employed. The results show that the actions of upper-layer PV and potential temperature anomalies were not important in TC Usagi genesis. Surface-layer thermal anomalies mainly produced negative disturbances of temperature at the vortex center below 800 hPa, which was unfavorable to the genesis of a cyclonic circulation near the surface. Middle-to-lower-layer latent heat played a key role in TC Usagi genesis and downward development of dynamic and thermodynamic processes. The actions of dry air intrusion from the upper troposphere, environmental westerly changing into easterly in the middle and lower troposphere, and baroclinic structure of the vortex were also important. The cyclonic circulation of the mid-level vortex could develop downward quickly from the middle troposphere toward the surface. However, whether the warm core of the vortex developed near the surface depended on the combined actions of surface-layer thermal anomaly and middle-to-lower-layer latent heat. Finally, we present a conceptual model of TC Usagi genesis induced by a mid-level vortex over the SCS.  相似文献   

本研究基于新一代FGOALS-f2动力集合预测系统35年(1981-2015年)的热带气旋历史回报试验对南海台风季(7-11月)热带气旋活动超前10天的月预测技巧进行评估,并对2020年南海台风季热带气旋活动进行了实时月预测尝试.结果表明:FGOALS-f2能较好地预测南海热带气旋路径密度演变特征,预测的热带气旋生成个...  相似文献   

应用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对热带气旋“尤特”(2006)在我国南海突然减弱的机理进行了分析。结果表明:水汽通道的切断是热带气旋“尤特”突然减弱的必要条件,“尤特”突然减弱对水汽来源切断的响应时间大约为12 h;对流层中低层水汽辐散区的出现,抑制了低层水汽向高层输送,导致“尤特”突然减弱;在其减弱过程中,贯穿对流层的位涡柱高值区不断向对流层中层收缩并加强,同时与平流层高位涡区迅速分离;在热带气旋“尤特”突然减弱前6 h,环境风垂直切变突然增大,同时在“尤特”不断减弱的过程中,环境风垂直切变呈现总体逐步增大的趋势。  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone (TC) genesis over the South China Sea (SCS) during 1965-2004 was analyzed.The locations of TC genesis display evident seasonal changes,with the mean position of formation situated nort...  相似文献   

黄渤海一次持续性大雾过程的边界层特征及生消机理分析   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
黄彬  王皘  陆雪  李靓  张礼春 《气象》2014,40(11):1324-1337
利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP的FNL客观再分析资料和L波段雷达探测资料以及采用国家卫星气象中心多通道气象卫星监测数据和定性分析海雾的方法来处理卫星监测的海雾信息,探讨了2010年2月22—25日黄渤海大雾过程的边界层海气要素的特征、大雾成因及生消机理,结果表明:(1)这次大雾是产生在欧亚中高纬平直环流、大气层结稳定的气象条件下。南支槽前的西南气流与副热带高压西北侧及沿海高压脊后部的偏南气流汇合,形成一支跨越中低纬的偏南气流为海雾形成提供有利的水汽条件。(2)大雾的生消与海表温度、气海温差、空气稳定度和风场等气象、水文要素有密切关系;大雾期间,黄渤海气海温差在0~2℃;大气边界层至对流层下部均有逆温层和等温层,逆温层内的温差为6~8℃,垂直温度的变化是上层温度随时间增大高于低层,使逆温层加强并不断抬升,抑制空气垂直对流发展。近地层空气湿度较大,在200 m附近出现一个液态水含量达0.6 g·kg~(-1)大值区;850 hPa以下层均由2~4 m·s~(-1)的东北风随高度顺转成6~8 m·s~(-1)的西南风,为大雾形成和持续发展提供了有利条件。(3)大雾的湍流最大发展高度达到240 m,湍流混合作用可将中上层湿区水汽和雾滴带到近海面层,同时也有利于空气的降温,易达到饱和凝结而形成大雾。中低层持续弱暖平流把暖湿气流输送至冷海面上有利于近海面逆温层的建立和维持,海面辐射冷却作用激发平流形成大雾。  相似文献   


利用1980—2013年7月1日—9月30日中国东南地区818个国家地面气象站小时降水资料以及台风6 h路径观测数据分离出台风降水后,采用最大似然估计法得到台风小时降水Gamma概率密度函数分布的形状参数α和尺度参数β,并对代表站点上Gamma分布模拟的小时降水概率分布与观测的小时降水频率分布进行对比分析;最后,基于Gamma分布模拟,得到台风小时降水总的降水概率分布特征以及不同台风影响距离和台风强度影响下超过给定阈值的降水累积概率分布与极端降水阈值。结果表明:我国东南地区台风降水总的特征是小时降水超过5 mm多发地区位于华南、华东沿海地区;其余大部分地区不易发生超过5 mm的小时降水量;广东沿海、广西南部、海南西北部,小时降水超过10 mm的累积概率为10%~15%;小时雨量超过20 mm阈值的概率极低;在近距离台风影响下,随着台风强度增大,95%累积概率小时降水阈值为15~20 mm的区域由福建和广东沿海以及海南变为湛江和海南,而阈值为10~15 mm的地区由两广浙闽地区变为广东、福建和江苏沿海以及浙江;就远距离台风而言,随着台风强度增大,东南地区出现台风降水的区域逐渐由东南沿海向内陆延伸;海南、广东、福建和江西为远距离强台风影响下95%累积概率对应的小时降水阈值较高地区。


The study presents the results of long-term monitoring of wind waves was carried out on the offshore fixed gas production platform in the northwestern part of the Black Sea in 1995–2011. The analysis of more than 31000 wave records provided reliable statistical characteristics of wind waves in the analyzed region. It was found that the maximum wave height reached 4.8 m in summer and 8.76 m in winter. The maximum hourly wave height exceeds significant wave height by 1.9 times in the vast majority of cases. The method of annual maxima revealed that in the Karkinit Bay the maximum wave height with the return period of 50 years is equal to 9.2 m.  相似文献   

Three spatial zones with characteristic current regimes are singled out based on experimental data: a zone of coastal anticyclonic current vorticity, the Rim Cyclonic Current zone, and a zone of cyclonic current vorticity. Statistical and energy characteristics are given for each zone.  相似文献   

The modeling of atmospheric circulation in the Black Sea region using the WRF-ARW model for 30 summer days is considered to single out the contribution of the breeze component of wind speed. Assuming the quasiperiodic nature of breeze, the speed of daytime and nighttime breeze is computed for the whole region and for five separate areas on the coast. Specific features of the formation of daytime and nighttime breeze in these areas are distinguished. It is revealed that the presence of coastal mountains and the complex coastline determine the typical features of breeze development.  相似文献   

The statistical study of intense mesoscale cyclones formed in the Black Sea region in 1979-2013 is carried out using the surface wind data of the RegCM climate model. Such cyclone parameters as intensity, lifetime, area, height, and trajectories over the sea as well as the place and time of origin are considered. The distribution of mesocyclones by months and times of day is considered. The obtained results are compared with the results of a statistical study on the Black Sea mesocyclones based on the PRECIS climate model. Possible causes for differences in data on the intensity and number of mesocyclones simulated by RegCM and PRECIS models are considered.  相似文献   

夏季江淮气旋的结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐夏囡  焦佩金 《大气科学》1984,8(2):189-196
本文用1980年6月23—25日和8月23—25日的常规观测资料,分析两次江淮气旋的运动场和热力场的平均结构.分析中使用了活动坐标网格,对风、温度、湿度和降水等气象要素进行合成.研究指出,这类气旋的波长为2000—2500公里,水平闭合环流的尺度为100—1500公里,垂直伸展高度达7—8公里左右,气旋轴线随高度显著地向北倾斜.气旋性环流和气旋性涡度在对流层中层的700毫巴附近最强.锋区在对流层上部明显,在对流层低层反而较弱;在气旋中心附近及其北侧,在700毫巴附近及以下仅有一狭窄的冷带.强降雨区出现在低  相似文献   

Summary A case of development of a meridionally oriented Red Sea Trough (RST) system and its intensification over the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region during the ALPEX1982 3–5 March period, is investigated. The MM4 mesoscale model of Penn State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research was first applied for a large scale investigation of the processes. The relative roles of the different acting factors, i.e., terrain, latent heat release and the surface fluxes were calculated employing the factor separation method. Topography and sensible heat flux were found to be the dominant ones.The high resolution non-hydrostatic RAMS 3a model of Colorado State University with nested grids of 100 and 20 km illustrated the finer details of the cyclogenetic processes in the mountainous area of the Abyssinean Highlands, Ethiopia, and the Arabian peninsula, where initiation of the trough took place.Results of the factor separation showed that the topography blocking acted as a cyclolytic factor, preventing the process of the northward trough propagation. The situation changed only after about 30 h of the simulation, when the trough already propagated into the EM area after intensification of the mid-tropospheric westerlies over the central part of the Red Sea area. Starting from this time, terrain was acting as one of two major cyclogenetic factors. The second local effect also working as a cyclogenetic one was the sensible heat flux. Its role was especially important after 36 h of the simulations when strong winds over the sea area caused more active heat transfer from the sea surface to the atmosphere.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The long-term variations of wave characteristics in the Black Sea are evaluated by using a third-generation wave model (Simulating WAves Nearshore, SWAN), forced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim and National Centers for Environmental Prediction/Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (NCEP/CFSR) wind data, covering the period of 1979−2018. The model results were calibrated and validated with buoy measurements at seven stations along the Black Sea. The comparative study shows that the CFSR dataset predicted slightly greater significant wave heights than the ERA-Interim dataset. The greatest difference between two datasets in terms of wave characteristics was found in the northeastern part of the Black Sea. The long-term averages and the variations of long-term trends for wave characteristics show that southwestern part of the Black Sea was characterized by greater significant wave heights, longer mean wave periods and storm durations, and lower variability, while the northeastern part of the basin was characterized by lower significant wave heights, shorter mean wave periods and storm durations, and higher variability. The long-term trends indicate that the wave characteristics over the 40-year period are more likely to be exposed to higher variation on the eastern part of the Black Sea than the western part of the basin.  相似文献   

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