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The role of the ‘tidal vortex’ in the mechanism of generation of tidal residual circulation is investigated for a bay with a narrow entrance channel. It is shown that the circulation of residual flow is produced not by the vorticity of the inflowing sidewall-boundary layer, but by a tidal vortex formed by rolling up of the discontinuity surface released from the flow separation point at the entrance. This tidal vortex is affected by the circulation of the inflowing water, that is the inflowing tidal vortex. A returning tidal vortex formed in the bay diminishes the circulation of the tidal vortex of the next generation, while the inflowing tidal vortex formed in the open sea increases it. These cases correspond to tidal vortex life-histories of type-II and type-III, respectively (Kashiwai, 1984a). Tidal vortices of each life-history type have different strength and produce residual circulation of different strength, corresponding to each type. The ratio of kinetic energy of residual flow to that of the tidal current through the bay entrance, that is to say the energy gain of the residual circulation, is proportional to the reciprocal of the Strouhal number, and its rate of increase depends on the life-history type of the tidal vortex. This explains the experimental observation reported by Oonishi (1977) and Yanagi (1978) that the energy ratio of residual flow to tidal flow increases with the Reynolds number not monotonously but goes through a maximum and a minimum at intermediate Reynolds number.  相似文献   

Two new types of mechanism for the generation of tidal residual flow are revealed with the use of a hydraulic model experiment. A remarkable anticlockwise tidal residual circulation is formed in a model bay due to the presence of a tidal current, the Coriolis force and a horizontal boundary. A similar circulation is also formed due to the presence of a bottom slope, a horizontal boundary and a tidal current which flows normal to the inclination of the bottom slope. The residual circulation in the Sea of Iyo in the Seto Inland Sea is considered to be due to a combination of the effects of the Coriolis force, a bottom slope, a horizontal boundary and the tidal current. We classified some of the generation mechanisms of tidal residual flow which have been described to date into seven types on the basis of vorticity considerations.  相似文献   

A self-excited oscillation of tidal flow occurs in a tidal channel-basin system with a narrow and high speed inflowing tidal jet. The mechanism of this oscillation was examined through hydraulic experiments. Results show that the oscillation is caused by alternation in the strength of asymmetric residual circulation caused by a biased supply of vorticity by asymmetric tidal vortex pairs, and that the mechanism of alternation also depends on negative feed-back between the residual circulation and the vorticity supply.The unstable state of the flow suggested the possibility of controlling the tidal current and tidal exchange in the channel-basin system and this was confirmed experimentally. Under fixed tidal conditions and with fixed basin dimensions, the tidal residual circulation was controlled to form two strong clockwise and anticlockwise circulations or a single circulation by changing the shape of the bay entrance.  相似文献   

The tidal residual circulation in a bay was investigated by means of a hydraulic model experiment. In addition to the experiment in the previous paper, some other experiments were carried out to study the effect of external parameters to the tidal residual flow. The ratio of the kinetic energy of tidal residual flows to that of tidal currents in the bay depends on the Reynolds number. With the training wall at the mouth, the vorticity transfer from the tidal current to the tidal residual flow sharply decreases. As a result the remarkable tidal residual circulation in the bay does not occur.  相似文献   

The tidal residual circulation in a bay was experimentally investigated with use of a hydraulic model. The model basin is a square bay of 5 m sides with a one-sided mouth of 1 m wide. The depth of the basin is 0.1 m. The tide of a six-minute period was provided by a tide generator of plunger type through the mouth. Tidal currents in the bay always flow in one direction though its strengths change according to the tidal phase, that is, a strong tidal residual circulation occurs in the bay. A similar flow pattern was observed to occur in a field with a horizontal boundary geometrically similar to the present model. The vorticity transfer from tidal current to residual flow is balanced with the vorticity advection of residual flow and the dissipation due to the viscosity.  相似文献   

Currents on either side of Well Bank were recorded for 41 days in May–June 1981, in order to distinguish locally tidally-generated asymmetries (pertinent to maintenance of the bank) from larger-scale and wind-driven flows.Semi-diurnal currents were dominant, nearly rectilinear and slightly inclined to the bank axis.Fourth-diurnal currents were consistent with previously observed and computed fourth-diurnal tides for the area overall; amplitudes varied as the square of the semi-diurnal amplitude. Hence they appear to be generated by tides, but only a small part locally.Residual currents (average over a tidal cycle) were always in the sense of clock-wise circulation around the bank, consistent with simple models and giving strong evidence of local generation by tides. This circulation combines with the semidiurnal currents to maintain the bank. The slow increase of the residuals with the semi-diurnal amplitude is interpreted as an effect of strong semi-diurnal currents. A persistent component onto the bank 7 m above the bottom at one position may indicate distortion of the frictional layer by the sloping bottom or by bank curvature.  相似文献   

A current measurement was carried out in Kasado Bay to understand the vertical structure of tidal residual flow and its dependence upon the tidal range. The tidal residual flows have almost the same flow direction in the upper and the lower layer and its magnitude in the upper layer is larger than that in the lower layer. The tidal residual flow at spring tides is stronger than that at neap tides.  相似文献   

A fundamental mechanism of generation of the tidal residual flow, the steady or quasi-steady flow induced in the tidal current system, is studied by numerical methods. The model basin is a very simple one, a rectangular basin of 5m×10m of constant depth and with a cape of 4 m length jutting out at a right angle from the center of the longer side wall. This basin has the same topography as that studied byYanagi (1976) by means of the hydraulic model experiments.The steady, circular, horizontal current is found to be induced through the following processes. Horizontal friction at the coast makes the vorticity of vertical component in the oscillating flow. Self-interaction of this flow causes the vorticity transfer to the steady flow in frequency domain. This vorticity transfer is confined in the narrow coastal boundary layer. The steady flow advects the transferred vorticity and makes itself develop fully wide over the bay. In other words, there are two kinds of cascade-up, one with regard to time scale and the other with regard to horizontal space scale.When the tidal range, the tidal period and the horizontal eddy viscosity change under the condition that the model geometry is fixed, the nondimensional parameter which controlls the steady flow is found to be the Reynolds number of the oscillating flow.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the tidal residual flow, the steady current induced in the tidal current system, are studied by a numerical method. The model basin has the same topography as that studied byYanagi (1976) and byOonishi (1977) where only the horizontal motion of the residual flow is concerned. In this study, the effect of the vertical motion is investigated as it is associated with the tidal residual flow. To this end, the bottom friction omitted in the previous study (Oonishi, 1977) is included and a two-leveled model is adopted.The first two experiments exclude the earth's rotation and the buoyancy effect on the flow. The results are as follows. The horizontal flow pattern is essentially the same as that obtained in the previous Oonishi study. The bottom friction results in the reduction of the velocity of the residual flow especially in the bottom level. An important result is that vertical velocity is as strong as the horizontal velocity multiplied by the scale ratio and that it remains even in the time-average. Upwelling appears at the center of the residual circulation. This upwelling explains Yanagi's observation in the hydraulic model that the sediment is swept by the flow and accumulates horizontally in the area at the bottom below the center of the residual circulation. The distribution of a tracer, which is simultaneously calculated in these cases, indicates the important role of vertical motion in the material dispersion in the model.The last experiment includes the earth's rotation and the buoyancy effect presuming a more actual sea. It shows another effect of the vertical motion. The Coriolis term, which operates only under the condition that a horizontal divergence of the flow is present, skews the horizontal residual flow pattern.  相似文献   

引潮力对海洋环流模式的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The eight main tidal constituents have been implemented in the global ocean general circulation model with approximate 1° horizontal resolution.Compared with the observation data,the patterns of the tidal amplitudes and phases had been simulated fairly well.The responses of mean circulation,temperature and salinity are further investigated in the global sense.When implementing the tidal forcing,wind-driven circulations are reduced,especially those in coastal regions.It is also found that the upper cell transport of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) reduces significantly,while its deep cell transport is slightly enhanced from 9×106m3/s to 10×106 m3/s.The changes of circulations are all related to the increase of a bottom friction and a vertical viscosity due to the tidal forcing.The temperature and salinity of the model are also significantly affected by the tidal forcing through the enhanced bottom friction,mixing and the changes in mean circulation.The largest changes occur in the coastal regions,where the water is cooled and freshened.In the open ocean,the changes are divided into three layers:cooled and freshened on the surface and below 3 000 m,and warmed and salted in the middle in the open ocean.In the upper two layers,the changes are mainly caused by the enhanced mixing,as warm and salty water sinks and cold and fresh water rises;whereas in the deep layer,the enhancement of the deep overturning circulation accounts for the cold and fresh changes in the deep ocean.  相似文献   

渤海的潮混合特征及潮汐锋现象   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
人们对黄海的潮汐锋现象已有一些报道和研究[1~4],但对渤海的潮汐锋现象却没有进行过认真的分析和讨论,迄今只有赵保仁[1]在讨论黄海的潮汐锋时,指出过渤海海峡的潮汐锋现象;而黄大吉等[5]在数值计算渤海的温度变化时也指出在渤海内部存在着潮汐锋现象,但却没有进行深入的分析和给出任何实测证据.本文试图根据方国洪和曹德明最近在渤海取得的潮汐潮流数值计算结果1),计算由Simpson等[6]提出的陆架海的潮混合层化参量,来讨论渤海的潮混合特征;并进一步利用实测水文资料和海面温度的卫星遥感图像来说明渤海潮汐锋的分布和变化特征.  相似文献   

乐清湾的潮位、潮流和余流特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2008年7月至2009年4月在乐清湾进行了代表春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的航次调查,设置了Y4、Y14、Y15和A共4个连续观测站位,共得到12组实测的海流流速和10组CTD数据。采用潮汐调和分析法分析了距江厦潮汐能试验电站3 km处的潮汐站位连续19个月的潮位资料,结合调查数据特性和乐清湾潮汐特点,引入M2与S2、O1与K1、M4与MS4、2MS6与M6分潮之间的差比关系,对连续观测站位的潮位和潮流进行准调和分析。潮位的统计和准调和分析结果显示:Y4、Y14、Y15站位和潮汐站位8个分潮振幅和的航次调查平均值为3.75,4.02,3.94和4.03 m,(HO1+HK1)/HM2的航次调查平均值为0.32,0.28,0.32和0.24。Y4、Y14、Y15和潮汐站位的M4、MS4、M6和2MS6浅水分潮振幅的航次调查平均值分别为0.20,0.31,0.35和0.25 m,M6和2MS6浅水分潮振幅的航次调查平均值分别为0.03,0.15,0.17和0.15 m。不同航次调查4个连续观测站位涨潮最大流速的平均值为81.5 cm/s,落潮最大流速的平均值为103.1 cm/s。Y4、Y14和Y15站位潮流的M2和S2分潮振幅百分比分别为86%,65%和68%,浅水分潮振幅百分比分别为11%,29%和25%。M4、MS4分潮振幅之和分别是M6、2MS6分潮振幅之和的2.1,1.2和1.7倍。由潮位和潮流的分析结果可知:从乐清湾湾口至湾顶,潮汐逐渐增强,半日潮比率逐渐增大,半日潮型的特性更为明显;浅水分潮强度逐渐增加,其中M6和2MS6分潮强度增强更为明显。位于湾口的Y4站位在秋季(2008年10月)航次调查时的日平均余流流向为西南偏南方向,冬季(2009年1月)和春季(2009年4月)航次调查时的余流流向为东南偏南方向。Y4站位余流受灵霓大坝影响,大坝建成后湾口余流改变方向,向南流出乐清湾。位于湾顶的Y14站位,余流流速变化不大,但方向变化明显,夏季(2008年7月)为西南方向,秋季为西南偏南方向,冬季为西南偏西方向,春季又为西南偏南方向。Y15站位余流流速较小,但方向变化明显。A站位两个航次调查时的余流流向均为东北方向。  相似文献   

The effect of a residual current on the combined tidal and wind driven flow and the resulting bedload sediment transport in the ocean has been investigated, using a simple one dimensional two-equation turbulence closure model. Predictions of the combined tidal and wind driven flow with given residual currents are presented, showing that the residual current has a substantial effect on both the depth averaged mass transport and the mean bedload transport directions; in some cases the effect of the residual current is to almost reverse the mean bedload transport direction. The residual current affects the rotation of the flow due to the Coriolis effect in the lower part of the water column (the near-surface flow is wind dominated), causing a larger or smaller clockwise rotation of the depth averaged mass transport, depending on the direction of the residual current.  相似文献   

Finite element numerical modelling based on field data is used to study the tidal and tidally induced residual circulation dynamics of a coupled “restricted” and “leaky” coastal lagoon system located in the Magdalen Islands, Gulf of Saint-Lawrence. Havre-aux-Maisons Lagoon (HML) is of a “restricted” nature with a neutral inlet in terms of tidal asymmetry. Grande-Entrée Lagoon (GEL) is of a “leaky” nature with a marked ebb dominance at the inlet due to direct interactions between the main astronomical tidal constituents. The imbalance caused by the different tidal filtering characteristics of both inlets combines with the internal morphological asymmetries of the system to produce a residual throughflow from HML to GEL. The residual circulation is also characterized by strongest values at both inlets, very weak residual currents in HML deep basin and a dipole of residual eddies over the deeper areas of GEL. Further investigations including numerical tracer experiments will be necessary to achieve a full understanding of the long term circulation of this lagoonal system.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of a semienclosed narrow channel demonstrates the dynamical dependency of an estuarine residual circulation (ERC) on tidal amplitudes. The ERC is defined by tidally-averaged current field. The tidally-averaged fields show that the ERC-strength variation is classified into highly stratified, partially stratified and weakly stratified ranges, respectively. The ERC becomes weaker as the tidal amplitude (and hence vertical mixing) increases in the highly and weakly stratified ranges. However, the ERC becomes stronger oppositely in the partially stratified range. The nonlinear forces induced by tides significantly affect the ERC as well as the pressure gradient force due to the freshwater flux and the vertical stress divergence (vertical eddy viscous force). In particular, the tidal stress and tidally-oscillating component of vertical stress divergence are quite important in ERC dynamics. The latter causes the enhancement of ERC in proportion to the vertical mixing in the partially stratified range.  相似文献   

Tidal marsh exchange studies are relatively simple tools to investigate the interaction between tidal marshes and estuaries. They have mostly been confined to only a few elements and to saltwater or brackish systems. This study presents mass-balance results of an integrated one year campaign in a freshwater tidal marsh along the Scheldt estuary (Belgium), covering oxygen, nutrients (N, P and Si), carbon, chlorophyll, suspended matter, chloride and sulfate. The role of seepage from the marsh was also investigated. A ranking between the parameters revealed that oxygenation was the strongest effect of the marsh on the estuarine water. Particulate parameters showed overall import. Export of dissolved silica (DSi) was more important than exchange of any other nutrient form. Export of DSi and import of total dissolved nitrogen (DIN) nevertheless contributed about equally to the increase of the Si:N ratio in the seepage water. The marsh had a counteracting effect on the long term trend of nutrient ratios in the estuary.  相似文献   

在受波动影响的近岸浅水区域,运用sigma坐标是计算平均水位附近的余流的有效途径。本项研究在理论上分析了在狭窄潮汐水道中sigma坐标下的余流的物理意义,并运用一系列的理想化数值模型对分析结果进行了验证。对于浅水波,sigma层和水体中的波动面相一致,因而斯托克斯速度及其分量可以用sigma坐标上的速度来表达。一个sigma层上的余流(即sigma余流)是位于这一sigma层平均深度上的欧拉余流和斯托克斯速度垂向分量的和,可以被看做是半拉格朗日余流。因为斯托克斯速度的垂向分量比其水平分量小一个量级,sigma余流可看做为欧拉余流的近似。在sigma层上的物质输运余流是sigma余流和斯托克斯速度水平分量的和,在大小和方向上和拉格朗日余流近似。  相似文献   

This study investigated the tidal asymmetry imposed by both the interaction of principal tides and the higher harmonics generated by distortions within a tidal creek network with mixed mainly semidiurnal tide in the Bushehr Port, Persian Gulf. Since velocity and water-level imposed by principal triad tides K1-O1-M2 are in quadrature, duration asymmetries during a tidal period in this short, shallow inverse estuary should be manifest as skewed velocities. The principal tides produce periodic asymmetries including a strong ebb-dominance and a weak flood-dominance condition during spring and neap tides respectively. The higher harmonics induced by nonlinearities engender a flood-dominance condition where the convergence effects are higher than frictional effects, and an ebbdominance condition where intertidal storage are extended. Since the triad K1-O1-M2 driven asymmetry is not overcome by higher harmonics close to the mouth, the periodic asymmetry dominates within the creek in which higher harmonics reinforce the weak flood-dominance (strong ebb-dominance) condition in the convergent channel (divergent area). Also, the maximum flood and the maximum ebb from all harmonic constituents occurred close to high water slack time during both spring and neap tides in this short creek. Since occational wetting of intertidal areas happened close to the high water (HW) time during spring tide, the water level flooded slowly close to the HW time of the spring tide.  相似文献   

北仑河口水动力状况复杂,受入海径流、潮汐、波浪、沿岸流、风应力等多种因子的共同影响.对北仑河口S1、S2站长序列的海流剖面资料进行数学统计、潮流调和分析和数字滤波,探讨其潮流特征和余流形成机制.分析结果表明:北仑河口潮流性质主要为不规则全日潮流;观测期间S1站实测涨、落潮最大流速分别为39、83 cm/s,S2站分别为52、44 cm/s.研究海域余流流速从表层往底层逐渐减小,其中S1站余流流速主要介于5~10 cm/s之间,流向集中在S-SW向,S2站主要介于0~5 cm/s之间,表、中层以NNE-ENE向为主,底层以偏W向为主.风应力是调查区表层与近表层余流形成的主导因素;西向沿岸流对调查区的余流也有较明显的作用;径流对调查区的S1站有一定的影响,但对S2站影响很小;潮致余流对调查区的余流贡献较小.  相似文献   

A 3D,time-dependent,baroclinic,hydrodynamic and salinity model was implemented and applied to the Oujiang River estuarine system in the East China Sea.The model was driven by the forcing of tidal elevations along the open boundaries and freshwater inflows from the Oujiang River.The bottom friction coefficient and vertical eddy viscosity were adjusted to complete model calibration and verification in simulations.It is demonstrated that the model is capable of reproducing observed temporal variability in the water surface elevation and longitudinal velocity,presenting skill coefficient higher than 0.82.This model was then used to investigate the influence of freshwater discharge on residual current and salinity intrusion under different freshwater inflow conditions in the Oujiang River estuary.The model results reveal that the river channel presents a two-layer structure with flood currents near the bottom and ebb currents at the top layer in the region of seawater influenced on north shore under high river flow condition.The river discharge is a major factor affecting the salinity stratification in the estuarine system.The water exchange is mainly driven by the tidal forcing at the estuary mouth,except under high river flow conditions when the freshwater extends its influence from the river’s head to its mouth.  相似文献   

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