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The gravitational effects (precession of charge-less particles and deflec-tion of light)in the gravitational field of a celestial body with magnetic charge and moment(CM)are investigated.We found that the magnetic charge always weak-ens the pure Schwarzschild effects,while the magnetic dipole moment deforms the effects in a more complicated way.  相似文献   

We present a state-of-the-art scenario for newly born magnetars as strong sources of gravitational waves (GWs) in the early days after formation. We address several aspects of the astrophysics of rapidly rotating, ultra-magnetized neutron stars (NSs), including early cooling before transition to superfluidity, the effects of the magnetic field on the equilibrium shape of NSs, the internal dynamical state of a fully degenerate, oblique rotator and the strength of the electromagnetic torque on the newly born NS. We show that our scenario is consistent with recent studies of supernova remnant surrounding Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) and Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters (SGRs) in the Galaxy that constrains the electromagnetic energy input from the central NS to be  ≤ 1051  erg. We further show that if this condition is met, then the GW signal from such sources is potentially detectable with the forthcoming generation of GW detectors up to Virgo cluster distances where an event rate ∼1 yr−1 can be estimated. Finally, we point out that the decay of an internal magnetic field in the 1016 G range couples strongly with the NS cooling at very early stages, thus significantly slowing down both processes: the field can remain this strong for at least 103 yr, during which the core temperature stays higher than several times 108 K.  相似文献   

本文采用计算流体力学中的高分辨率PPM格式,数值模拟了多方气体球的引力坍缩、激波形成和传播,物态方程取成P=K(s)ργ,γ为密度的分段函数,通过绝热指数γ的不同取法对三个模型分别进行了计算,并对引力坍缩、反弹激波形成和传播等三个过程以及不同模型之间计算结果上的一些差异做了比较仔细的分析,得到了一些初步结论。  相似文献   

周旭华  吴斌 《天文学报》2002,43(3):327-332
大气、固体地球及海洋组成了一个复杂、变化的地球动力学系统,这一系统中的任一质量分布变化都将产生地球引力场变化。采用全球7000多个地面气象台站的月平均降水及温度资料、NCEP提供气压月均值、TOPEX/Poseidon卫星测高资料和WOA98海水温度及盐度模型计算了大气、陆地水储量和海水质量分布变化引起地球低阶引力场系数变化。比较综合大气、陆地水储量和海水质量分布变化对带谐项J2,J3,J4影响的计算结果和人卫激光卫星的测定结果,可以看出,大气、陆地水储量和海水质量分布变化是引起地球低阶引力场系数周年变化的重要激发源。  相似文献   

The observation of the hot gas surrounding Sgr A * and a few other nearby galactic nuclei imply that electron and proton mean free paths are comparable to the gas capture radius. So, the hot accretion flows are likely to proceed under week-collision conditions. Hence, thermal conduction has been suggested as a possible mechanism by which the sufficient extra heating is provided in hot advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) accretion discs. We consider the effects of thermal conduction in the presence of a toroidal magnetic field in an ADAF around a compact object. For a steady-state structure of such accretion flows, a set of self-similar solutions are presented. We find two types of solutions which represent high and slow accretion rate. They have different behaviours with saturated thermal conduction parameter, φ.  相似文献   

In this work the junction conditions between the exterior Reissner-Nordstrom-Vaidya space-time with the interior quasi-spherical Szekeres space-time have been studied for analyzing gravitational collapse in the presence of a magneto-hydrodynamic fluid undergoing dissipation in the form of heat flow. We have discussed about the apparent horizon and have evaluated the time difference between the formation of apparent horizon and central singularity.   相似文献   

The exterior gravitation of a constant-density polyhedron is derived analytically in closed form. Expressions for potential, attraction, and gravity gradient matrix involve one logarithm term per edge and one arctangent term per face, The Laplacian can be used to determine whether a field point is inside or outside the polyhedron, This polyhedral method is well suited to evaluating the gravitational field of an irregularly shaped body such as an asteroid or comet, Conventional harmonic and mascon potential and attraction expressions suffer large errors when evaluated close to a polyhedral model of asteroid 4769 Castalia.  相似文献   

The restricted three-body problem is reconsidered by replacing the point-like primaries of the classical problem by a pair of axisymmetric rigid bodies which have a plane of symmetry perpendicular to their axes, and the infinitesimal mass by a gyrostat. The conditions for the circular motion of the primaries around their center of mass are stated and they yield the classification of all possible orientations of these bodies into four groups according to the value of their angular velocity. Then the equations of motion of the gyrostat are derived and solved for the equilibrium configurations of the system.  相似文献   

Attitude motion of a satellite subjected to gravitational and aerodynamic torques in a circular orbit is considered. In special case, when the center of pressure of aerodynamic forces is located in one of the principal central planes of inertia of the satellite, all equilibrium orientations are determined. Existence conditions of all equilibria are obtained and evolution of domains with a fixed number of equilibria is investigated in detail. All bifurcation values of the system’s parameters corresponding to the qualitative change of these domains are determined. Sufficient conditions of stability are obtained for each equilibrium orientation using generalized integral of energy.  相似文献   

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