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We present HST observations of the lower main sequence of the Galactic globular cluster M3. Our data, obtained with WFPC2 in the F814W and F555W filters, sample a region centred about 4 arcmin away from the cluster centre (at ∼4.2 core radii). The photometry of the WF2, WF3 and WF4 fields extends down to V ∼26.5 ( I ∼25), much deeper than any previous ground-based study on this cluster. The resulting luminosity function (LF) for the main sequence covers the interval MI =3–10.5, and reaches a maximum between MI =8.5 and 9, sharing in this feature the same behaviour as other clusters studied with HST so far. Making use of four different mass–luminosity (M–L) relations (theoretical and semi-empirical) a present-day mass function (MF) has also been obtained, which spans the mass interval ≃0.8–0.18 M⊙. Independent of the adopted M–L relation, the MF clearly flattens out at the low-mass limits. However, no attempt has been made to take into account possible effects due, for instance, to mass segregation and evaporation.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with the precision measurement of the magnitudes of the stars across a large field of the galactic globular cluster M5. The colours of the red giants are subjected to a thorough statistical analysis in order to quantify the extent of any star-to-star variations in metal abundance within the cluster. Use is made of an extensive optical/near-infrared observational data set acquired with a large-array CCD detector and the Johnson V and I filters. The results of this photometry, which is accurate to within a few millimagnitudes for the brighter stars, are used to compile a colour–magnitude diagram.
The analysis finds that in a metal-rich M5 ([Fe/H]=−1.2) the extent of any metal inhomogeneity, Δ[Fe/H], is less than ±0.1 dex, and in a metal-poor M5 ([Fe/H]=−1.5) then     . (The literature contains a range of derived values of metallicity for M5.)  相似文献   

Tautenburg Schmidt plates with the globular clusters M3 and M92 were measured on the APM facility in Cambridge, mainly for astrometric purposes. The data were used to derive the radial density profiles and the luminosity functions of these clusters. There is a good agreement of our results with formerly ones derived by other authors. In both clusters effects of mass segregation are observed.  相似文献   

Globular clusters are among the first objects used to establish the distance scale of the Universe. In the 1970-ies it has been recognized that the differential magnitude distribution of old globular clusters is very similar in different galaxies presenting a peak at M V ∼−7.5. This peak magnitude of the so-called Globular Cluster Luminosity Function has been then established as a secondary distance indicator. The intrinsic accuracy of the method has been estimated to be of the order of ∼0.2 mag, competitive with other distance determination methods. Lately the study of the Globular Cluster Systems has been used more as a tool for galaxy formation and evolution, and less so for distance determinations. Nevertheless, the collection of homogeneous and large datasets with the ACS on board HST presented new insights on the usefulness of the Globular Cluster Luminosity Function as distance indicator. I discuss here recent results based on observational and theoretical studies, which show that this distance indicator depends on complex physics of the cluster formation and dynamical evolution, and thus can have dependencies on Hubble type, environment and dynamical history of the host galaxy. While the corrections are often relatively small, they can amount to important systematic differences that make the Globular Cluster Luminosity Function a less accurate distance indicator with respect to some other standard candles.  相似文献   

On the basis of the work by Greenstein on the globular cluster M 4, the spatial distribution for groups of cluster stars in different stages of evolution is investigated. The comparison between the various samples is made using the apparent distributions. The results are discussed.
Riassunto Sulla base dello studio di Greenstein sull'ammasso globulare M4, è stata riesaminata la distribuzione spaziale di gruppi di stelle di questo ammasso evolutivamente significativi. Si puntualizza come sia possibile operare un confronto tra le distribuzioni dei vari gruppi sulla base delle distribuzioni apparenti anzichè su quelle reali senza alterare la sostanza dei risultati. Si discutono i risultati.

We describe here the results of a photometric time-sequence survey of the globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272), in a search for contact and detached eclipsing binary stars. We have discovered only one likely eclipsing binary and one SX Phe-type star in spite of monitoring 4077 stars with V  < 20.0 and observing 25 blue straggler stars (BSS). The newly identified SX Phe star, V237, shows a light curve with a variable amplitude. Variable V238 shows variability either with a period of 0.49 d or with a period of 0.25 d. On the cluster colour–magnitude diagram, the variable occupies a position a few hundredths of a magnitude to the blue of the base of the red giant branch. V238 is a likely descendant of a binary blue straggler.   As a side result we obtained high-quality data for 42 of the previously known RR Lyrae variables, including 33 of Bailey type ab, seven type c and two double-mode pulsators. We used equations that relate the physical properties of RRc stars to their pulsation periods and Fourier parameters in order to derive masses, luminosities, temperatures and helium parameters for five of the RRc stars. We also tested equations that relate the [Fe/H], M V and temperature of RRab stars to pulsation period and Fourier parameters. We derived [Fe/H]= −1.42 in good agreement with spectroscopic determinations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a B − V CCD colour–magnitude diagram (CMD) of the globular cluster M13 (NGC 6205), reaching down about 2 mag below the main sequence turn-off, based on a new, independent photometric calibration.
The most notable features of the CMD, including about 5500 stars, are (i) the long extension of the blue tail of the horizontal branch (HB), which can be traced down to V ∼19 and (moreover) shows the presence of two gaps; and (ii) the so-called bump on the red giant branch which is well-detected at V =14.75±0.05, using both the differential and integral luminosity functions.
No similar features have ever been detected in any previous ground-based photometry of this cluster.
A direct comparison between the CMD of M13 and M3, calibrated during the same run with the same apparatus, sets an upper limit of about 1.5 Gyr on their age difference, too small to explain the striking differences between their HB morphologies.  相似文献   

A proper motion study from Tautenburg Schmidt plates is presented for the globular cluster M3 and its vicinity. The plates were scanned with the Automated Photographic Measuring (APM) system in Cambridge (UK). A photographic B,V photometry and star counts on the deepest plates were carried out. With a limiting magnitude of about B = 21.4 proper motions with an accuracy from 2 to 3 mas/yr have been obtained for stars with B 19. The proper motions were determined using a stepwise regression method with 3rd order polynomials in the plate-to-plate solutions with about 2000 reference galaxies. The results which were corrected for systematic errors dependent on position and magnitude of the stars were used for the determination of membership probabilities. We also looked for possible internal motions of M3.  相似文献   

Using astrometric plates of Shanghai Observatory spanning a period of 29 years, the absolute proper motion of the Galactic globular cluster M79 was measured. Adopting the distance and radial velocity given by Harris (1999), its present space velocity was derived; then by taking the Galactic gravitational potential model proposed by Allen and Santillan (1991), its past orbital parameters in the Galactic system were derived. We also discuss the uncertainties in kinematical studies of globular clusters based on the use of proper motion data.  相似文献   

Interstellar reddening as a function of distance in the direction of the globular cluster M71 is determined by two-dimensional quantification of 96 foreground stars observed in the Vilnius photometric system. In concentric areas with the radii 30 and 10 centered on the cluster the reddening shows the same variations ranging fromE B-V=0.12 to 0.32. The cluster stars are likely to have variable extinction too, at least in the outer regions of the cluster.  相似文献   

The M31 globular cluster candidate     has long been known to be an extremely red, non-stellar object. The first published spectrum of this object is used to confirm that it is a globular cluster belonging to M31, with rather typical values of     and     . Using the spectroscopic metallicity to predict the intrinsic colours, we derive a reddening value of     , in good agreement with the value obtained using reddening-free parameters. The extinction-corrected magnitude of     is     (absolute magnitude     , which makes it the most luminous globular cluster in M31. We examine van den Bergh's argument regarding the brightest and most-reddened globular cluster in M31; we find that the brightest clusters are more heavily reddened than average, but this can be explained by selection effects rather than a different R V in M31.  相似文献   

We obtained a series of more than two hundred R-band CCD images for the crowded central (115″×77″) region of the metal-poor globular cluster M 15 with an angular resolution of \(0\mathop .\limits^{''} 5 - 0\mathop .\limits^{''} 9\) in most images. Optimal image subtraction was used to identify variable stars. Brightness variations were found in 83 stars, 55 of which were identified with known cluster variables and the remaining 28 are candidates for new variables. Two of them are most likely SX Phe variables. The variability type of two more stars is uncertain. The remaining stars were tentatively classified as RR Lyrae variables. A preliminary analysis of published data and our results shows that the characteristics of RR Lyrae variables in the densest part (r<35″) of the cluster probably change. More specifically, the maximum of the period distribution of first-and second-overtone (RR1, RR2) pulsating stars shifts toward shorter periods; i.e., there is an increase in the fraction of stars pulsating with periods \( < 0\mathop .\limits^d 3\) and a deficiency of stars with \(0\mathop .\limits^d 35 - 0\mathop .\limits^d 40\). The ratio of the number of these short-period RR Lyrae variables to the number of fundamental-tone (RR0) pulsating variables changes appreciably. We found and corrected the error of transforming the coordinates of variables V128–155 in M 15 into the coordinate system used in the catalog of variable stars in globular clusters.  相似文献   

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