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建筑物图斑变化检测是遥感影像信息提取的重要内容之一,对于土地调查、自然资源常态化监测、土地执法监测等具有重要意义。岭南地区建设结构复杂,高分辨率遥感影像信息丰富,包含建筑结构细节多种多样,加上成像的季节不同、时间不同等因素导致建筑物变化信息的自动提取十分困难。针对此问题,本文提出了基于HRNet的语义分割模型,通过筛选保留高分辨率的特征层,从而保留更细节的图像信息。此外,结合图像分割二值化对结果进行优化,在一定程度上提高了高分辨率遥感影像建筑物变化自动检测的能力。  相似文献   

针对基于地物光谱统计特征的建筑物提取方法由于存在较大的同物异谱现象导致提取结果不满足要求的问题,该文提出了一种基于形态学建筑物指数并顾及纹理特征的遥感提取方法。该方法综合考虑传统民居在高分辨率遥感影像上的光谱、形态和纹理特征,首先利用形态学建筑物指数法提取建筑,并使用最小矩形长宽比和像元个数区分道路和零星地物,而后利用Contourlet变换和谱直方图相似性计算进行纹理甄别,实现传统民居的遥感识别和提取。为了验证该方法,选取湖南省常宁市庙前镇中田村QuickBird影像进行试验,结果表明该方法能够获得较高精度的提取结果,整体精度为71.54%,影响提取精度的关键原因为损毁严重的建筑物光谱特征与目标图像纹理相差较大。  相似文献   

Due to the fast development of the urban environment, the need for efficient maintenance and updating of 3D building models is ever increasing. Change detection is an essential step to spot the changed area for data (map/3D models) updating and urban monitoring. Traditional methods based on 2D images are no longer suitable for change detection in building scale, owing to the increased spectral variability of the building roofs and larger perspective distortion of the very high resolution (VHR) imagery. Change detection in 3D is increasingly being investigated using airborne laser scanning data or matched Digital Surface Models (DSM), but rare study has been conducted regarding to change detection on 3D city models with VHR images, which is more informative but meanwhile more complicated. This is due to the fact that the 3D models are abstracted geometric representation of the urban reality, while the VHR images record everything. In this paper, a novel method is proposed to detect changes directly on LOD (Level of Detail) 2 building models with VHR spaceborne stereo images from a different date, with particular focus on addressing the special characteristics of the 3D models. In the first step, the 3D building models are projected onto a raster grid, encoded with building object, terrain object, and planar faces. The DSM is extracted from the stereo imagery by hierarchical semi-global matching (SGM). In the second step, a multi-channel change indicator is extracted between the 3D models and stereo images, considering the inherent geometric consistency (IGC), height difference, and texture similarity for each planar face. Each channel of the indicator is then clustered with the Self-organizing Map (SOM), with “change”, “non-change” and “uncertain change” status labeled through a voting strategy. The “uncertain changes” are then determined with a Markov Random Field (MRF) analysis considering the geometric relationship between faces. In the third step, buildings are extracted combining the multispectral images and the DSM by morphological operators, and the new buildings are determined by excluding the verified unchanged buildings from the second step. Both the synthetic experiment with Worldview-2 stereo imagery and the real experiment with IKONOS stereo imagery are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. It is shown that the proposed method can be applied as an effective way to monitoring the building changes, as well as updating 3D models from one epoch to the other.  相似文献   

针对已有的从机载激光雷达(LiDAR)点云提取建筑物的方法多需要设置阈值及分类规则,造成算法适应性不强的问题,该文提出了一种LiDAR点云和多光谱影像进行自动化建筑物检测的方法。首先通过数据预处理从LiDAR点云中分离出建筑物点和树木点,然后综合LiDAR点云的表面曲率、强度信息和对应多光谱影像的NDVI值构建特征向量,最后基于支持向量机完成自动化的建筑物检测。试验结果表明,基于支持向量机的方法可将两种数据源有效结合起来用于自动化的建筑物检测。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for road network change detection in order to update the Canadian National Topographic DataBase (NTDB). The methodology has been developed on the basis of road extraction from IRS-pan images (with a 5.8 m spatial resolution) by using a wavelet approach. The feature matching and conflation techniques are used to road change detection and updating. Elementary experiments have showed that the proposed framework could be used for developing an operational road database updating system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a tramework for road network change detectlon In order to upctate the Canadian National Topographic DataBase (NTDB). The methodology has been developed on the basis of road extraction from IRS-pan images (with a 5.8 m spatial resolution) by using a wavelet approach. The feature matching and conflation techniques are used to road change detection and updating. Elementary experiments have showed that the proposed framework could be used for developing an operational road database updating system.  相似文献   

高分辨率遥感影像建筑物自动提取在防灾减灾、灾害估损、城市规划和地形图制作等方面具有重要意义。但是,目前常用的传统卷积神经网络模型存在异变性强而同变性弱缺陷。针对该问题,本文提出一种基于通道和空间双注意力胶囊编码—解码网络DA-CapsNet (dual-attention capsule encoder-decoder network)的建筑物提取通用模型。该模型通过胶囊卷积和空间—通道双注意力模块增强高分辨率遥感影像中建筑物高阶特征表达能力,实现建筑物遮挡部分以及对非建筑不透水层的准确提取与区分。模型首先利用胶囊编码—解码结构提取并融合多尺度建筑物胶囊特征,获得高质量建筑物特征表达。之后,设计通道和空间注意力特征模块进一步增强建筑物上下文语义信息,提高模型性能。本文选取3种高分辨率建筑物数据集进行试验,最终的平均精度、召回率和F1-score分别为92.15%、92.07%和92.18%。结果表明,本文提出的DA-CapsNet能有效克服高分辨率遥感影像中的空间异质性、同物异谱、异物同谱以及阴影遮挡等影响,实现复杂环境下的高精度建筑物自动提取。  相似文献   

Wetlands are dynamic landscapes and their spatial extent and types can change over time. Mapping wetland locations, types, and monitoring wetland typological changes have important ecological significance. The National Wetlands Inventory data suffer from two problems: the omission error that some wetlands are not mapped, and the out-of-date wetland types in many counties of the United States. To address these two problems, we proposed an automatic wetland classification model for newly mapped (or existing) wetland polygons lacking typological information. The research goals in this study were (1) to develop a nonparametric and automatic rule-based model to assign wetland types to palustrine wetlands using high-resolution remotely sensed data and (2) to quantify wetland typological changes based on the wetland types obtained from the previous step. The model is a direct application of the Cowardin et al. (1979) wetland classification system without modification. The input information for the proposed model includes Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-derived vegetation height and color infrared aerial imagery-derived vegetation spectral information. We tested the model for the palustrine wetlands in Horry County, SC, and analyzed 29,090 palustrine wetland polygons (101,427 ha). The model achieved an overall agreement of 87% for wetland-type classification and showed the dynamics of wetland typological changes. This nonparametric model can be easily applied to other areas where wetland inventory needs updating.  相似文献   

随着遥感影像数据量以及复杂程度的日益增加,遥感图像的快速处理成为实际应用过程中亟需解决的问题。为了实现遥感影像的实时变化检测,针对基于变化矢量分析CVA的变化检测算法,设计了一种基于统一计算设备构架CUDA的并行处理模型。首先利用地理空间数据提取库GDAL实现大数据量遥感影像的分块读取、操作和保存;其次将基于变化矢量分析的变化检测过程分为变化强度检测、映射表构建和变化方向检测,并借助CUDA C将变化矢量分析算法的3个步骤嵌入到CPU和GPU组成的异构平台上进行实验;最后利用该模型对不同数据量的遥感影像进行CVA变化检测并作对比分析。实验结果表明:与CPU串行相比,基于GPU/CUDA的遥感影像CVA的变化检测速度提高了10倍左右;在一定程度上,达到了实时变化检测的效果。  相似文献   

面向对象的多特征分级CVA遥感影像变化检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵敏  赵银娣 《遥感学报》2018,22(1):119-131
变化矢量分析CVA方法在中低分辨率遥感影像变化检测中已得到广泛应用,但由于高分辨率遥感影像存在不同地物尺度差异大、不同类别地物光谱相互重叠的问题,因此对于高分影像的变化检测具有局限性。为提高高分影像变化检测精度,提出了一种面向对象的多特征分级CVA变化检测方法,首先,利用基于区域邻接图的影像分割方法分别对两时相遥感影像进行多尺度分割,提取分割图斑的光谱、纹理和形状特征;然后,在各级尺度下,分别运用随机森林方法进行特征选择,计算CVA变化强度图;最后,根据信息熵对多级变化强度图进行自适应融合,利用Otsu阈值法检测变化区域,并与仅考虑光谱特征的分级CVA变化检测方法、像元级多特征CVA变化检测方法以及仅考虑光谱特征的像元级CVA变化检测方法进行比较分析。实验表明:与比较方法相比,本文方法的变化检测精度较高,误检率和漏检率较低。  相似文献   

Automatic Change Detection for Road Networks from Images Based on GIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Up to now, detailed strategies and algorithms of automatic change detection for road networks based on GIS have not been discussed. This paper discusses two different strategies of automatic change detection for images with low resolution and high resolution using old GIS data, and presents a buffer detection and tracing algorithm for detecting road from low-resolution images and a new profile tracing algorithm for detecting road from high-resolution images. For feature-level change detection (FL-CD), a so-called buffer detection algorithm is proposed to detect changes of features. Some ideas and algorithms of using GIS prior information and some context information such as substructures of road in high-resolution images to assist road detection and extraction are described in detail.  相似文献   

Up to now, detailed strategies and algorithms of automatic change detection for road networks based on GIS have not been discussed. This paper discusses two different strategies of automatic change detection for images with low resolution and high resolution using old GIS data, and presents a buffer detection and tracing algorithm for detecting road from low-resolution images and a new profile tracing algorithm for detecting road from high-resolution images. For feature-level change detection (FL-CD), a so-called buffer detection algorithm is proposed to detect changes of features. Some ideas and algorithms of using GIS prior information and some context information such as substructures of road in high-resolution images to assist road detection and extraction are described in detail.  相似文献   

高分辨率遥感影像建筑物信息自动提取是遥感应用研究中的一个热点问题,但由于受到成像条件不同、背景地物复杂、建筑物类型多样等多个因素的影响使得建筑物的自动提取仍然十分困难。为此,在综合考虑影像光谱、几何与上下文特征的基础上,提出了一种基于面向对象与形态学相结合的高分辨率遥感影像建筑物信息分级提取方法。该方法首先利用影像的多尺度及多方向Gabor小波变换结果提取建筑物特征点;然后采用面向对象的思想构建空间投票矩阵来度量每一个像素点属于建筑物区域的概率,从而提取出建筑物区域边界;最后在提取的建筑物区域内应用形态学建筑物指数实现建筑物信息的自动提取。实验结果表明,本文方法能够高效、高精度地完成复杂场景下的建筑物信息提取,且提取结果的正确性和完整性都优于效果较好的PanTex算法。  相似文献   

为了克服高分辨率遥感影像配准与变化检测作为单独环节处理的局限,该文提出了一种基于变分理论的配准与变化检测一体化处理方法。该方法将配准误差作为一种光谱变化决策因子,变化信息以权值的方式迭代反馈给变分配准模型的解算过程。为了更准确地检测建筑物这个特定目标的真实变化,该文采用多尺度最大形态学轮廓建筑物检测指数的差异作为另外一个决策因子。最后将配准误差反映的变化和建筑物检测指数的差异这两个决策因子在D-S证据理论框架下建立概率模型进行融合处理,进而得到建筑物的变化检测结果。该文选取WorldView-2数据进行实验,实验结果表明,一体化处理思路可以有效地解决单独处理的局限,从根本上解决配准误差对变化检测结果的影响以及由于变化而使配准精度降低的问题,进而提高配准和变化检测的质量。  相似文献   

Automatic change detection of geo-spatial data from imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problems and diffi-culty of current change detection tech-niques are presented. Then, according to whether image registration is done before change detection algorithms,the authors classify the change detec-tion into two categories:the change de-tection after image registration and the change detection simultaneous with image registration. For the former,four topics including the change detec-tion between new image and old im-age, the change detection between new image and old map, the change detec-tion between new image/old image and old map, and the change detection be-tween new multi-source images and old map/image are introduced. For the latter, three categories, i. e. the change detection between old DEM,DOM and new non-rectification image,the change detection between old DLG, DRG and new non-rectification image, and the 3D change detection between old 4D products and new multi-overlapped photos, are dis-cussed.  相似文献   

建筑物作为三维模型的主体,其矢量化主要依赖人工勾画,虽有采用深度学习等方法进行建筑物提取的研究,但依然需要标注大量样本。针对上述问题,本文以天津市典型区域为试验区,提出一种融合高度和光谱信息的倾斜摄影数据建筑物自动提取方法。首先,通过高度初始分割、植被信息滤除、形态学后处理等,逐步优化建筑物提取结果,实现建筑物信息的自动提取,建筑物的总体识别精度达到94%。然后,通过对建筑物轮廓进行矢量化和规则化,在地理信息平台中实现了建筑物的对象化查询,拓展了实景三维模型的应用深度。  相似文献   

空间数据挖掘与GIS集成及应用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
阐明空间数据挖掘与GIS集成的优越性,分析空间数据挖掘与关系数据库系统的区别,介绍面向对象技术对空间数据挖掘和空间数据挖掘的常用算法.在此基础上介绍地理信息系统与空间数据挖掘工具及应用。  相似文献   

张玉鑫  颜青松  邓非 《测绘学报》2022,51(1):135-144
针对卷积神经网络在提取建筑物的过程中,存在建筑物边界不准确和建筑物内部空洞等问题,提出以RSU模块(residual U-block)为核心的MPRSU-Net (multi-path residual U-block network)。该模块利用编码器-解码器结构和残差连接,实现了局部特征和多尺度特征的融合。由于一个RSU模块提取的信息有限,MPRSU-Net进一步通过多路径结构并行了不同尺度的RSU模块,并在这些模块之间进行信息交换,提高了特征聚集效率。在分辨率为0.3 m的WHU和Inria建筑物数据集上进行试验,精度分别达95.65%和88.63%,IoU分别达91.17%和79.31%,验证了本文方法的有效性。此外,本文方法相较于U2Net,计算量明显降低,模型参数量减少68.63%,表明本文方法具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

陈凯强  高鑫  闫梦龙  张跃  孙显 《遥感学报》2020,24(9):1134-1142
建筑物提取在城市规划等土地利用分析中发挥着重要作用。用于提取建筑物的传统方法通常基于手工特征和分类器,导致精度较低。本文基于编解码结构的卷积神经网络CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks),自主学习多级的和具有区分度的特征来更好地辨识建筑物和背景,实现航空影像中的像素级建筑物提取。该网络由编码子网络和解码子网络两部分组成,编码子网络对输入图像进行空间分辨率压缩,完成特征提取;解码子网络从特征中提升空间分辨率,完成像素级的建筑物提取。此外,本文使用视野增强FoVE(Field-of-View Enhancement)方法减轻边缘现象(切片边缘附近的建筑物提取精度通常低于中心区域附近的精度)的影响,并分别在两个建筑物提取标准数据集上的实验表明,编解码卷积神经网络能有效实现像素级建筑物提取,FoVE能有效提高建筑物提取准确率;通过改变预测时切片大小和重叠度,分析其对建筑物提取结果的影响,揭示了FoVE的饱和性。  相似文献   


A 3D forest monitoring system, called FORSAT (a satellite very high resolution image processing platform for forest assessment), was developed for the extraction of 3D geometric forest information from very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery and the automatic 3D change detection. FORSAT is composed of two complementary tasks: (1) the geometric and radiometric processing of satellite optical imagery and digital surface model (DSM) reconstruction by using a precise and robust image matching approach specially designed for VHR satellite imagery, (2) 3D surface comparison for change detection. It allows the users to import DSMs, align them using an advanced 3D surface matching approach and calculate the 3D differences and volume changes (together with precision values) between epochs. FORSAT is a single source and flexible forest information solution, allowing expert and non-expert remote sensing users to monitor forests in three and four (time) dimensions. The geometric resolution and thematic content of VHR optical imagery are sufficient for many forest information needs such as deforestation, clear-cut and fire severity mapping. The capacity and benefits of FORSAT, as a forest information system contributing to the sustainable forest management, have been tested and validated in case studies located in Austria, Switzerland and Spain.  相似文献   

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