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The distribution of ice‐rafted detritus (IRD) is studied in three cores from the western Svalbard slope (1130–1880 m water depth, 76–78°N) covering the period 74–0 ka. The aim was to provide new insight into the dynamics of the Svalbard–Barents Sea Ice Sheet during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 4–1 to get a better understanding of ice‐sheet interactions with changes in ocean circulation and climate on orbital and millennial (Dansgaard–Oeschger events of stadial–interstadial) time scales. The results show that concentration, flux, composition and grain‐size of IRD vary with climate and ocean temperature on both orbital and millennial time scales. The IRD consists mainly of fragments of siltstones and mono‐crystalline transparent quartz (referred to as ‘quartz’). IRD dominated by siltstones has a local Svalbard–Barents Sea source, while IRD dominated by quartz is from distant sources. Local siltstone‐rich IRD predominates in warmer climatic phases (interstadials), while the proportion of allochthonous quartz‐rich IRD increases in cold phases (glacials and stadials/Heinrich events). During the Last Glacial Maximum and early deglaciation at 24–16.1 ka, the quartz content reached up to >90%. In warm climate, local iceberg calving apparently increased and the warmer ocean surface caused faster melting. During the glacial maxima (MIS 4 and MIS 2) and during cold stadials and Heinrich events, the local ice‐sheets must have been relatively stable with low ablation. During ice retreat phases of the MIS 4/3 and MIS 2/1 transitions, maxima in IRD deposition were dominated by local coarse‐grained IRD. These maxima correlate with episodes of climate warming, indicating a rapid, stepwise retreat of the Svalbard–Barents Sea Ice Sheet in phase with millennial‐scale climate oscillations.  相似文献   

A coastal cliff facing the ocean at the west coast of Spitsbergen has been studied, and seven formations of Weichselian and Holocene age have been identified. A reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and glacial history shows that most of the sediments cover isotope stage 5. From the base of the section, the formation 1 and 2 tills show a regional glaciation that reached the continental shelf shortly after the Eemian. Formation 3 consists of glacimarine to marine sediments dated to 105,000–90,000 BP. Amino acid diagenesis indicates that they were deposited during a c . 10,000-year period of continuous isostatic depression, which indicates contemporaneous glacial loading in the Barents Sea. Foraminifera and molluscs show influx of Atlantic water masses along the west coast of Svalbard at the same time. Local glaciers advanced during the latter part of this period, probably due to the penetration of moist air masses, and deposited formation 4. A widespread weathering horizon shows that the glacial retreat was succeeded by subaerial conditions during the Middle Weichselian. Formation 5 is a till deposited during the Late Weichselian glacial maximum in this area. The glaciation was dominated by ice streams from a dome over southern Spitsbergen, and the last deglaciation of the outer coast is dated to 13,000 BP. A correlation of the events with other areas on Svalbard is discussed, and at least two periods of glaciation in the Barents Sea during the Weichselian are suggested.  相似文献   

New marine geological evidence provides a better understanding of ice-sheet dynamics along the western margin of the last Svalbard/Barents Sea Ice Sheet. A suite of glacial sediments in the Kongsfjordrenna cross-shelf trough can be traced southwards to the shelf west of Prins Karls Forland. A prominent moraine system on the shelf shows minimum Late Weichselian ice extent, indicating that glacial ice also covered the coastal lowlands of northwest Svalbard. Our results suggest that the cross-shelf trough was filled by a fast-flowing ice stream, with sharp boundaries to dynamically less active ice on the adjacent shelves and strandflats. The latter glacial mode favoured the preservation of older geological records adjacent to the main pathway of the Kongsfjorden glacial system. We suggest that the same model may apply to the Late Weichselian glacier drainage along other fjords of northwest Svalbard, as well as the western margin of the Barents Ice Sheet. Such differences in glacier regime may explain the apparent contradictions between the marine and land geological record, and may also serve as a model for glaciation dynamics in other fjord regions.  相似文献   

Improved multiparameter records from the northern Barents Sea margin show two prominent freshwater pulses into the Arctic Ocean during MIS 5 that significantly disturbed the regional oceanic regime and probably affected global climate. Both pulses are associated with major iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) events, revealing intensive iceberg/sea ice melting. The older meltwater pulse occurred near the MIS 5/6 boundary (∼131,000 yr ago); its ∼2000 year duration and high IRD input accompanied by high illite content suggest a collapse of large-scale Saalian Glaciation in the Arctic Ocean. Movement of this meltwater with the Transpolar Drift current into the Fram Strait probably promoted freshening of Nordic Seas surface water, which may have increased sea-ice formation and significantly reduced deep-water formation. A second pulse of freshwater occurred within MIS 5a (∼77,000 yr ago); its high smectite content and relatively short duration is possibly consistent with sudden discharge of Early Weichselian ice-dammed lakes in northern Siberia as suggested by terrestrial glacial geologic data. The influence of this MIS 5a meltwater pulse has been observed at a number of sites along the Transpolar Drift, through Fram Strait, and into the Nordic Seas; it may well have been a trigger for the North Atlantic cooling event C20.  相似文献   

High-resolution bathymetric mapping of the fjords and continental shelf around the Svalbard archipelago shows an extensive pattern of large- and medium-scale submarine landforms formed by differences in ice-flow regimes. Mega-scale glacial lineations, lateral moraines, transverse ridges and glaciotectonic features are superimposed on the large-scale fjord, shelf and cross-shelf trough morphology of the margin. From these landforms we have inferred the flow and dynamics of the last ice sheet on Svalbard. Major fjords and their adjacent cross-shelf troughs have been identified as the main routes for ice streams draining the ice sheet. On the west coast of Svalbard major pathways existed along Bellsund, Isfjorden and Kongsfjorden. Along the northern Svalbard margin most of the ice drained through the Woodfjorden cross-shelf trough and Wijdefjorden-Hinlopen strait. Extensive areas with trough-parallel glacial lineations in the cross-shelf troughs suggest fast ice flow by palaeo-ice streams. Lateral ice-stream moraines, several tens of kilometres in length, have been mapped along the margins of some of the cross-shelf troughs, identifying the border zone between fast ice flow and stagnant or slow-flowing ice on intervening banks. Several general implications can be drawn from the interpretation of the glacier-derived submarine landforms around Svalbard. Firstly, the Late Weichselian ice sheet was partitioned into fast-flowing ice streams separated by slower moving ice. Secondly, our submarine morphological evidence supports earlier sedimentological, stratigraphical and chronological studies in implying that a large ice sheet reached the shelf edge around almost all of western and northern Svalbard in the Late Weichselian. The idea of a relatively restricted ice sheet over Svalbard, with ice-free conditions in some areas of the west coast at the Last Glacial Maximum, is therefore unlikely to be correct. Thirdly, the ice sheet appears to have retreated more rapidly from the cross-shelf troughs and outer fjords, although sometimes this occurred in a punctuated pattern indicated by grounding-zone wedges, and more slowly from the intervening shallower banks. In addition, a grounding zone for the ice sheet has been mapped at the shelf edge 10-20 km off the northwest coast of Svalbard, suggesting that ice did not reach the adjacent Yermak Plateau during the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

Studies of a deep high-resolution reflection seismic profile through the eastern North Sea basin show that at least four erosional phases have affected the area during the Saalian, Weichselian and Holocene. Foraminiferal investigations of five boreholes make it possible to date the erosional events. When looking at the restricted area of this study, the deep incised valleys appear to have developed during sea-level fall and lowstand as the Quaternary ice sheets were established. Further erosion took place during the deglaciation of the area and the valleys were further deepened when used as drainage paths. The oldest erosional phase recognized from the seismic profiles is interpreted to be of Saalian age. Two later erosive phases were associated with intra-Weichselian glacial advances. The uppermost erosive surface represents river valleys at the transition from the Weichselian glacial to the Holocene.  相似文献   

The record of Quaternary glaciations of coastal areas is frequently preserved as a raised deglacial-emergence sequence. Detailed radiocarbon dating of foraminifera and marine macrofossils from a representative deglacial sequence on west Spitsbergen document two periods of sedimentation at c . 11,400 BP and at 9500 BP that together span < 500 years. The incompleteness of this record (< 25%), the highly episodic nature of sedimentation, the dominance of local glacial and environmental effects and the presence of allochthonous foraminifera inhibits ascertaining the relation between deglaciation of Svalbard/Barents Sea and changes in thermohaline circulation in the Norwegian Sea. The Late Weichselian and older deglacial sequences on west Spitsbergen have a similar sedimentologic succession. Thus, one possibility is that older raised-marine deglacial sequences on Svalbard and other Arctic areas may represent similar brief intervals, potentially confounding correlations across the Arctic and with well established events (i.e. the Eemian Interglacial) at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Alexanderson, H., Landvik, J. Y. & Ryen, H. T. 2010: Chronology and styles of glaciation in an inter‐fjord setting, northwestern Svalbard. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00175.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A 30‐m‐thick sedimentary succession at Leinstranda on the southwestern coast of Brøggerhalvøya, northwestern Svalbard, spans the two last glacial–interglacial cycles and reveals information on glacial dynamics, sea‐level changes and the timing of these events. We investigated the deposits using standard stratigraphical and sedimentological techniques, together with ground‐penetrating radar, and established an absolute chronology based mainly on optically stimulated luminescence dating. We identified facies associations that represent depositional settings related to advancing, overriding and retreating glaciers, marine and littoral conditions and periglacial surfaces. The environmental changes show an approximate cyclicity and reflect glaciations followed by high sea levels and later regression. The luminescence chronology places sea‐level highstands at 185 ± 8 ka, 129 ± 10 ka, 99 ± 8 ka and 36 ± 3 ka. These ages constrain the timing of recorded glaciations at Leinstranda to prior to c. 190 ka, between c. 170 and c. 140 ka (Late Saalian) and between c. 120 ka and c. 110 ka (Early Weichselian). The glaciations include phases with glaciers from three different source areas. There is no positive evidence for either Middle or Late Weichselian glaciations covering the site, but there are hiatuses at those stratigraphic levels. A high bedrock ridge separates Leinstranda from the palaeo‐ice stream in Kongsfjorden, and the deposits at Leinstranda reflect ice‐dynamic conditions related to ice‐sheet evolution in an inter‐fjord area. The environmental information and the absolute chronology derived from our data allow for an improved correlation with the marine record, and for inferences to be made about the interaction between land, ocean and ice during the last glacial–interglacial cycles.  相似文献   

Compared to the other islands in the Svalbard archipelago, Nordaustlandet offers only limited stratigraphical or sedimentological information on its Quaternary deposits. This article aims to fill the gap by presenting new results from glacial geological, sedimentological and chronological studies in the southern Murchisonfjorden area. Field data include reconnaissance mapping and detailed logging of vertical sections along cliff-face outcrops a few metres high adjacent to the present-day shoreline. Combined with OSL and AMS age determinations, these data provide evidence of three successive Weichselian sequences, each represented by the deposition of till followed by the accumulation of shallow marine deposits. Contrary to earlier conclusions, this study demonstrates that the area was occupied by a Late Weichselian glacier (LWG), although the LWG till is thin and discontinuous. Interstadial sublittoral sand related to the Mid-Weichselian interstadial was dated to 38–40 kyr, and an Early Weichselian interstadial to 76–80 kyr. The preservation of older sediments, multiple striae generations and abundant observations of weathered local bedrock material indicate weak glacial erosion within the study area. We suggest that the Late Weichselian glacier was relatively inactive and remained mainly cold-based until the deglaciation. The Isvika sections can be considered a new key site that offers further potential to improve our understanding of the Weichselian stage within the northwestern sector of the Barents–Kara Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

The area of study is strategically placed 250–500 km inside the border of the Weichselian glaciation. The low relief of the area, the surrounding of a shallow sea and the varying bedrock have all influenced the physical nature of the ice. Different methods, including analyses of reworked microfossils, have been used to produce a new informal lithostratigraphy for the area. The glacial striae have been studied and grouped according to orientation and relative age. Correlation is drawn between the ice-flow pattern determined by the lithostratigraphy and the pattern determined by the glacial striae. The correlation shows the general ice flow during the different glacial events in he Late Weichselian. It is possible to broadly correlate these events with the events in Denmark. The record of glacial advances between 21,000 and 13,000 B.P. starts and ends with an ice stream following the topographyy of the Baltic. The ice streams show low profile and longitudinal axial, lobatic flow. The flow pattern during the Main Weichselian advance indicates a radially flowing dome over the mainland. There is no geologic evidence of separate ice domes in the southern Baltic during the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

Two sites in the eastern Fram Strait, the Vestnesa Ridge and the Yermak Plateau, have been surveyed and sampled providing a depositional record over the last glacial‐interglacial cycle. The Fram Strait is the only deep‐water connection from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic and contains a marine sediment record of both high latitude thermohaline flow and ice sheet interaction. On the Vestnesa Ridge, the western Svalbard margin, a sediment drift was identified in 1226 m of water. Gravity and multicores from the crest of the drift recovered turbidites and contourites. 14C dating indicates an age range of 8287 to 26 900 years BP (Early Holocene to Late Weichselian). The Yermak Plateau is characterized by slope sediments in 961 m of water. Gravity and multicores recovered contourites and hemipelagites. 14C ages were between 8615 and 46 437 years BP (Early Holocene to mid‐Weichselian). Downcore dinoflagellate cyst analyses from both sites provide a record of changing surface water conditions since the mid‐Weichselian, suggesting variable sea ice extent, productivity and polynyas present even during the Last Glacial Maximum. Four layers of ice‐rafted debris were also identified and correlated within the cores. These events occurred ca at 9, 24 to 25, 26 to 27 and 43 ka, asynchronous with Heinrich layers in the wider north‐east Atlantic and here interpreted as reflecting instability in the Svalbard/Barents Ice sheet and the northward advection of warm Atlantic water during the Late Weichselian. The activity of the ancestral West Spitsbergen Current is interpreted using mean sortable silt records from the cores. On the Vestnesa Ridge drift the modern mass accumulation rate, calculated using excess 210Pb, is 0·076 g cm?2 year?1. On the Yermak Plateau slope the modern mass accumulation rate is 0·053 g cm?2 year?1.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from stratigraphic and geomorphologic investigations in the Poolepynten area, Prins Karls Forland, western Svalbard. Field mapping, soil profile development and 14C dating reveal the existence of at least two generations of raised beach deposits. Well-developed raised beaches rise to the Late Weichselian marine limit at 36 m a.s.l. Discontinuous pre-Late Weichselian beach deposits rise from the Late Weichselian marine limit to approximately 65 m a.s.l. Expansion of local glaciers in the area during the Late Weichselian is indicated by a till that locally overlies pre-Late Weichselian raised beach deposits. Stratigraphic data from coastal sections reveal two shallow marine units deposited during part of oxygen isotope stage 5. The two shallow marine units are separated by a subglacially deposited till that indicates an ice advance from Prins Karls Forland into the Forlandsundet basin some time during the latter part of stage 5. Discontinuous glaciofluvial deposits and a cobble-boulder lag could relate to a Late Weichselian local glacial advance across the coastal site. Late Weichselian/early Holocene beach deposits cap the sedimentary succession. Palaeotemperature estimates derived from amino acid ratios in subfossil marine molluscs indicate that the area has not been submerged or covered by warm based glacier ice for significant periods of time during the time interval ca. 70 ka to 10 ka.  相似文献   

Ice‐rafted debris (IRD) seeded into the ocean from Northern Hemisphere ice sheets is found in ocean cores along the southwestern European margin through the last glacial period. It is known that the origin of this IRD, especially off Iberia, can vary between North America and western Europe during short‐lived episodes of greatly enhanced iceberg flux, known as Heinrich events, although in most Heinrich events the IRD has a North American source. During the longer times of much lower IRD fluxes between Heinrich events, use of an intermediate complexity climate model, coupled to an iceberg dynamic and thermodynamic model, shows that background levels of IRD most likely originate from western Europe, particularly the British–Irish Ice Sheet. Combining modelling with palaeoceanographic evidence supports reconstructions of a short‐lived, but substantial, Celtic and Irish Sea Ice Stream around 23 ka. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Provenance studies of anomalously high-flux layers of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) in North Atlantic sediments of the last glacial cycle show evidence for massive iceberg discharges coming from the Hudson Strait region of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). Although these so-called Heinrich events (H events) are commonly thought to be associated with abrupt drawdown of the LIS interior, uncertainties remain regarding the sector(s) of this multi-domed ice sheet that conveyed ice through Hudson Strait. In Northern Québec and Labrador (NQL), large-scale patterns of glacial lineations indicate massive ice flows towards Ungava Bay and Hudson Strait that could reflect the participation of the Labrador–Québec ice dome in H events. Here we evaluate this hypothesis by constraining the source of NQL glacial deposits, which provide an estimate of the provenance characteristics of IRD originating from this sector. Specifically, we use 40Ar/39Ar ages of detrital hornblende grains in 25 till samples distributed along a latitudinal transect (lat. 58°) extending east and west of Ungava Bay. The data show that tills located west and southwest of the Ungava Bay region are largely dominated by hornblende grains with Archean ages (>2.6 Ga), while tills located east of Ungava Bay are characterized by grains with early Paleoproterozoic ages (2.0–1.8 Ga), although most samples contain a few Archean-age grains. IRD derived from the NQL region should thus be characterized by a large proportion of Archean-age detrital grains, which contrasts significantly with the predominant Paleoproterozoic 40Ar/39Ar ages (1.8–1.6 Ga) typically reported for the dominant age population of hornblende grains in H layers. Comparisons with IRD through the last glacial cycle from a western North Atlantic core off Newfoundland do not show evidence for any prominent ice-rafted event with the provenance characteristics of NQL glacial deposits, thereby suggesting that significant ice-calving event(s) from the Labrador–Québec sector may have been limited throughout that interval. Although these results tend to point towards a relative stability of this ice dome during H events, our study also indicates that further provenance work is required on IRD proximal to the Hudson Strait mouth in order to constrain with a greater confidence the sector(s) of the LIS that fed ice into Hudson Strait during H events. Alternatively, these results and other paleogeographic considerations tend to support models suggesting that part of the Ungava Bay glacial lineations could be associated with a Late-Glacial ice flow across Hudson Strait.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary ( c . 130,000–10,000 BP) glacial history of the central west coast of Jameson Land, East Greenland, is reconstructed through glacial stratigraphical studies. Seven major sedimentary units are described and defined. They represent two interglacial events (where one is the Holocene). one interstadial event and two glacial events. The older interglacial event comprises marine and fluvial sediments, and is correlated to the Langelandselv interglacial, corresponding to oxygen isotope sub-stage 5e. It is followed by an Early Weichselian major glaciation during the Aucellaelv stade, and subsequently by an Early Weichselian interstadial marine and deltaic event (the Hugin Sø interstade). Sediments relating to the Middle Weichselian have not been recognized in the area. The Hugin Sø interstade deposits have been overrun by a Late Weichselian ice advance, during the Flakkerhuk stade, when the glacier, which probably was a thin, low gradient fjord glacier in Scoresby Sund, draped older sediments and landforms with a thin till. Subsequent to the final deglaciation, some time before 10,000BP, the sea reached the marine limit around 70 m a.s.l., and early Holocene marine, fluvial and littoral sediments were deposited in the coastal areas.  相似文献   

The evolution and dynamics of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) have hitherto largely been reconstructed from onshore and shallow marine glacial geological and geomorphological data. This reconstruction has been problematic because these sequences and data are spatially and temporally incomplete and fragmentary. In order to enhance BIIS reconstruction, we present a compilation of new and previously published ice-rafted detritus (IRD) flux and concentration data from high-resolution sediment cores recovered from the NE Atlantic deep-sea continental slope adjacent to the last BIIS. These cores are situated adjacent to the full latitudinal extent of the last BIIS and cover Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 2 and 3. Age models are based on radiocarbon dating and graphical tuning of abundances of the polar planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral (% Nps) to the Greenland GISP2 ice core record. Multiple IRD fingerprinting techniques indicate that, at the selected locations, most IRD are sourced from adjacent BIIS ice streams except in the centre of Heinrich (H) layers in which IRD shows a prominent Laurentide Ice Sheet provenance. IRD flux data are interpreted with reference to a conceptual model explaining the relations between flux, North Atlantic hydrography and ice dynamics. Both positive and rapid negative mass balance can cause increases, and prominent peaks, in IRD flux. First-order interpretation of the IRD record indicates the timing of the presence of the BIIS with an actively calving marine margin. The records show a coherent latitudinal, but partly phased, signal during MIS 3 and 2. Published data indicate that the last BIIS initiated during the MIS 5/4 cooling transition; renewed growth just before H5 (46 ka) was succeeded by very strong millennial-scale variability apparently corresponding with Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) cycles closely coupled to millennial-scale climate variability in the North Atlantic region involving latitudinal migration of the North Atlantic Polar Front. This indicates that the previously defined “precursor events” are not uniquely associated with H events but are part of the millennial-scale variability. Major growth of the ice sheet occurred after 29 ka with the Barra Ice Stream attaining a shelf-edge position and generating turbiditic flows on the Barra–Donegal Fan at ~27 ka. The ice sheet reached its maximum extent at H2 (24 ka), earlier than interpreted in previous studies. Rapid retreat, initially characterised by peak IRD flux, during Greenland Interstadial 2 (23 ka) was followed by readvance between 22 and 16 ka. Readvance during H1 was only characterised by BIIS ice streams draining central dome(s) of the ice sheet, and was followed by rapid deglaciation and ice exhaustion. The evidence for a calving margin and IRD supply from the BIIS during Greenland Stadial 1 (Younger Dryas event) is equivocal. The timing of the initiation, maximum extent, deglacial and readvance phases of the BIIS interpreted from the IRD flux record is strongly supported by recent independent data from both the Irish Sea and North Sea sectors of the ice sheet.  相似文献   

The sedimentary record from the Ugleelv Valley on central Jameson Land, East Greenland, adds new information about terrestrial palaeoenvironments and glaciations to the glacial history of the Scoresby Sund fjord area. A western extension of a coastal ice cap on Liverpool Land reached eastern Jameson Land during the early Scoresby Sund glaciation (≈the Saalian). During the following glacial maximum the Greenland Ice Sheet inundated the Jameson Land plateau from the west. The Weichselian also starts with an early phase of glacial advance from the Liverpool Land ice cap, while polar desert and ice‐free conditions characterised the subsequent part of the Weichselian on the Jameson Land plateau. The two glaciation cycles show a repeated pattern of interaction between the Greenland Ice Sheet in the west and an ice cap on Liverpool Land in the east. Each cycle starts with extensive glacier growth in the coastal mountains followed by a decline of the coastal glaciation, a change to cold and arid climate and a late stage of maximum extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):862-875
High resolution, multi-proxy records of ice-rafted debris (IRD) flux and provenance in the NE Atlantic detail the development, variability and decline of marine margins of the last glacial circum-North Atlantic ice sheets. Coupled lithological identification, Sr and Nd isotopic composition and 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual hornblende grains reduce ambiguity as to IRD potential source region, allowing clear differentiation between Laurentide (LIS), Icelandic and British (BIS) ice sheet sources (the Icelandic and BIS are collectively referred to as the NW European ice sheet, NWEIS). A step-wise increase in the flux of IRD to the core site at ∼26.5 ka BP documents BIS advance and glaciation of Ireland. Millennial-scale variability of the BIS at a ∼2 ka periodicity is inferred through clusters of pulsed IRD fluxes throughout the late glacial (26.5–10 ka BP). Combination of these European IRD events and the ∼7 ka periodicity of LIS instability is thought to account for quasi-synchronicity of the NWEIS and LIS IRD pulses at Heinrich event (H) 2 and H1, previously suggested to represent the possible involvement of the NWEIS in the initiation of H events. Furthermore, the lack of extensive NWEIS marine margin is inferred prior to H3 (31.5 ka BP), such that no ‘European precursor’ event is associated with either H5 or H4. This suggests that ‘precursor events’ were not directly implicated in the collapse of the LIS, and the persistent instabilities of the BIS that are clustered at a 2 ka periodicity are incompatible with the concept that both H events and their ‘precursors’ are independent responses to a common underlying trigger.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(15-17):1717-1728
Sedimentological and geochemical proxy records of a deep-sea sediment core from the southern central Nordic seas were used to reconstruct the development of glacial and interglacial conditions during the Early and Middle Pleistocene, i.e., late Matuyama to middle Brunhes Chron (1.5–0.35 Ma). An enhancement of both glacial and interglacial characteristics is observed during early Brunhes oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 16 and 15, respectively. Any intensification of the climatic conditions prior to this, as was previously described for the eastern part of the Nordic seas, is not recognized at our study site. It is further shown that the glacial–interglacial environmental contrasts increased from the early to the middle Bruhnes Chron. Of all glacial periods investigated OIS 12 is characterized by the most severe conditions, showing both maximum input of iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) as well as planktic foraminiferal δ18O values comparable to those of the Last Glacial Maximum. Among the interglaciations, OIS 11 is by far the longest interval and the first to show fully developed interglacial conditions, i.e., Holocene-like δ18O values and a minimum of IRD deposition. Hence, our comparison supports bottom water δ18O studies that have indicated the existence of a gradual intensification of glacial–interglacial climate contrasts during the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The Late Weichselian ice sheet of western Svalbard was characterized by ice streams and inter‐ice‐stream areas. To reconstruct its geometry and dynamics we investigated the glacial geology of two areas on the island of Prins Karls Forland and the Mitrahalvøya peninsula. Cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure dating of glacial erratics and bedrock was used to constrain past ice thickness, providing minimum estimates in both areas. Contrary to previous studies, we found that Prins Karls Forland experienced a westward ice flux from Spitsbergen. Ice thickness reached >470 m a.s.l., and warm‐based conditions occurred periodically. Local deglaciation took place between 16 and 13 ka. At Mitrahalvøya, glacier ice draining the Krossfjorden basin reached >300 m a.s.l., and local deglaciation occurred at c. 13 ka. We propose the following succession of events for the last deglaciation. After the maximum glacier extent, ice streams in the cross‐shelf troughs and fjords retreated, tributary ice streams formed in Forlandsundet and Krossfjorden, and, finally, local ice caps were isolated over both Prins Karls Forland and Mitrahalvøya and their adjacent shelves.  相似文献   

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