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With the specified basic flow in the Northern Hemisphere winter, a study is made of the structure characteristics and mechanism of the principal mode of atmospheric low-frequency variability in terms of a linear barotropic model. Statistical and dynamical analyses of the model results indicate that the mode and the related dominant-forcing excitation zone are featured by evident spatial distribution and that the mechanism responsible for the mode bears fetation to the zonal asymmetry of the basic flow and the associated barotropic energy conversion.  相似文献   

TeleconnectionPaternsintheNorthernHemisphereSimulatedbyIAPGCMXueFeng(薛峰)andZengQingcun(曾庆存)InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,Chin...  相似文献   

Using the intensity data of each northern subtropical high measured by monthly 500 hPa height charts for the recent 38 years (1954-1991), we calculate their correlations with the monthly sunspot number and monthly solar radio flux at 10.7 cm wave length, respectively. Through strict test, we further confirm a series of high correlations. Next, using a method called the non-integer (year) wave, the significant response of each subtropical high’s intensity to so-lar activity at its main period of 10.9-year length is found. Special attention is paid to that of the eastern Pacific high, the possible mechanism of such sensible response is also analysed.  相似文献   

The interdecadal change in the relationship between the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and atmospheric circulation over the North Pacific is investigated using both observational data and an atmospheric general circulation model. There are two prominent modes of winter mid-latitude atmospheric variability in the North Pacific: the West Pacific (WP) teleconnection and the Aleutian Low (AL). The relationship between ENSO and the WP-AL patterns changed notably around the late 1970s. From 1957 to 1975, during the mature phase of ENSO, significant sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) occurred, mainly in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean; the associated atmospheric circulation anomaly pattern resembles the negative phase of a WP teleconnection pattern. In contrast, for the 1978–2011 period, significant negative SSTAs were observed in the western and extratropical Pacific in both hemispheres, with some significant positive SSTAs appearing over the eastern Pacific. This is in agreement with the defined regions of a mega-ENSO, the associated atmospheric circulation anomaly pattern resembles the AL mode. Further analysis suggests that a negative–positive anomaly pattern in the 500?hPa geopotential height throughout the entire North Pacific, possibly enhanced by the SSTAs in the extratropical North Pacific associated with the mature phase of ENSO, is responsible for modulating the relationship between ENSO and the North Pacific atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

The seasonality of the interaction between convection over the western Pacific and general circulation in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) is analyzed in the present paper with singular value decomposition (SVD) and empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis approaches, based on 500 hPa monthly mean geopotential height data and high-cloud amount data. The analyses demonstrate that coupled dominant patterns in the interaction between the convection over the western Pacific and the general circulation in NH are different in various seasons. In spring, the convection over the western Pacific is closely related with the western Atlantic (WA) and North Pacific (NP) like patterns of the general circulation in NH, and some associations between the WA and NP like pat?terns and the El Ni?o / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle are also existed. The Pacific Japan (PJ) pattern is the dom?inant pattern in the interaction between the interannual variabilities of the convection over the western Pacific and the general circulation in NH summer. The WA like pattern and 3-4 year period oscillation are also relatively obvious for the summer case. In autumn, the convection over the western Pacific is closely linked with the Eurasian (EU) like pattern and the Atlantic oscillation in the general circulation in NH, it is suggested that in autumn the vitiation of convective activity over the western Pacific is largely affected by the general circulation anomaly (cold air from high latitudes) through EU like teleconnection pattern. Abrupt change happened by the end of 1980’s in the autumn interaction. The strong interaction between the western Pacific (WP) and EU like patterns in the general circulation in NH and the convection over the western Pacific and a linear trend of increasing of this interaction are also suggested in winter. It is also demonstrated that the interaction in summer and winter is stronger than in the transition seasons (spring and autumn).  相似文献   

The long-term relationship between the tree-ring-reconstructed annual precipitation in northeastern Mongolia (PRM) and the Northern Hemisphere Zonal Circulation (NHZC)§defined as the normalized zonal mean sea-level pressure at 60N in May-June-July, is examined in this study. A significant correlation coefficient (0.31) was found between the NHZC indices and PRM based on the dataset for the period of 1872–1995. The mechanisms responsible for the relationship are discussed through analyses of the atmospheric general circulation variability associated with NHZC. It follows that NHZC-related atmospheric circulation variability provides an anomalous southeast flow from the ocean to Northeast Mongolia (northwest flow from Northeast Mongolia to the ocean) in the middle and low troposphere in positive (negative) phase of NHZC, resulting in more (less) water vapor transport to the target region and more (less) precipitation in Northeast Mongolia.  相似文献   

The amplitude-phase characteristics(APC)of surface air temperature(SAT)annual cycle(AC)in the Northern Hemisphere are analyzed.From meteorological observations for the 20th century and meteorological reanalyses for its second half,it is found that over land negative correlation of SAT ACamplitude with annual mean SAT dominates.Nevertheless,some exceptions exist.The positive correlationbetween these two variables is found over the two desert regions:in northern Africa and in Central America.Areas of positive correlations are also found for the northern Pacific and for the tropical Indian and PacificOceans.Southward of the characteristic annual mean snow-ice boundary (SIB) position,the shape ofthe SAT AC becomes more sinusoidal under climate warming.In contrast,northward of it,this shapebecomes less sinusoidal.The latter iS also found for the above-mentioned two desert regions.In theFar East(southward of about 50°N),the SAT AC shifts as a whole:here its spring and autumn phasesoccur earlier if the annual  相似文献   

The harmonic analyses of monthly mean total ozone in the atmosphere over the Northern Hemisphere for 26 years (1960-1985) are made by using the Fourier expansion. The analysed results show that there is obviously a quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the interannual variations of the amplitudes of total ozone. Generally, the amplitudes of wavenumber 1 and 2 during the westerly of the equatorial QBO are larger than those during the easterly. In the early winter, the amplitude of wavenumber 1 during the easterly phase is larger, and in the late winter, it is larger during the westerly phase. These are in good agreement with the observational distributions.  相似文献   

In order to determine the response of the atmosphere to winter sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the North Atlantic area, we carried out ensemble runs of 20 years, forced with constant, perturbed, SST patterns using the climate version of the ARPèGE AGCM, at T42 resolution. A Monte Carlo technique was applied, in such a way that the control experiment, forced with observed climatological temperatures, and the four scenario experiments, forced with perturbed SSTs are equivalent to a length of 20 independent winters. Four anomalous winter North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) fields have been constructed by considering the observed SST variability in the main basins, namely the Labrador Sea and the Greenland Sea. Two patterns are of the `seesaw' type, while the two others have same the polarity in both basins. The patterns have been reinforced by a factor of 5–6 compared to presently observed multi-annual anomalies, in order to get SST anomalies which may have occurred during periods of the Little Ice Age. The differences between each of the four winter simulations with perturbed SSTs and the control run are analyzed in terms of tropospheric thickness, mean-sea-level pressure and storm activity. The `seesaw' type patterns give a weaker response in the tropospheric thickness fields than the two others. This is expected from simple considerations. In the mean circulation and synoptic activity, it appears that the Labrador Sea SST is important in determining the atmospheric response. This is probably due to enhanced temperature gradients east of New Foundland which enhances the storm activity. Received: 23 September 1998 / Accepted: 17 November 1999  相似文献   

We examined the characteristic feature and predictability of low frequency variability (LFV) of the atmosphere in the Northern Hemisphere winter (January and February) by using the empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) of the geopotential height at 500 hPa. In the discussion, we used the EOFs for geostrophic zonal wind (Uznl) and the height deviation from the zonal mean (Zeddy). The set of EOFs for Uznl and Zeddy was denoted as Uznl-1. Uznl-2, …, Zeddy-1, Zeddy-2…, respectively. We used the data samples of 396 pentads derived from 33 years of NMC, ECMWF and JMA analyses, from January 1963 to 1995. From the calculated scores for Uznl-1, Uznl-2, Zeddy-1, Zeddy-2 and so on we found that Uznl-1 and Zeddy-1 were statistically stable and their scores were more persistent than those of the other EOFs. A close relationship existed between the scores of Uznl-1 and those of Zeddy-1 30-day forecast experiments were carried out with the medium resolution version of JMA global spectral model for 20 cases in January and February for the period of 1984-1992. Results showed that Zeddy-1 was more predicta?ble than the other EOFs for Zeddy Considering these results, we argued that prediction of the Zeddy-1 was to be one of the main target of extended range forecasting  相似文献   

青藏高原积雪深度对延伸期预报技巧的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高原积雪是重要的陆面因子,其变化的时间尺度长于大气而短于海洋。本文利用国家气候中心第二代月动力延伸期预测模式(DERF2.0)历史回报资料与被动微波资料(SMMR)、被动微波成像专用传感器(SSM/I)数据反演的逐日雪深资料,分析了1983~2014年冬季和春季转换季节高原积雪对热带外地区延伸期尺度预测技巧的影响。结果表明,高原积雪异常年动力模式在高原积雪显著影响的青藏高原地区、贝加尔湖地区和北太平洋地区预报技巧明显高于正常年份。随着预报时效的延长,高原积雪偏多年的技巧衰减最慢、其次为积雪偏少年,积雪正常年最快,表明高原积雪异常年可预报时效更长,且高原积雪异常对预报技巧的改善在第1候的预报中就显现出来,尤其是积雪偏多年,其影响时段明显要早于海洋。结果显示高原积雪对延伸期预报技巧有重要贡献,暗示高原积雪异常为东亚延伸期预报的潜在可预报源。  相似文献   

北半球月平均环流异常垂直结构的综合分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文用一种时空综合的经验正交函数分析方法,对北半球100、500和700hPa三层月平均高度距平场进行展开,得到了不仅能反映各层高度距平场本身的空间结构分布特征,而且能同时反映各层高层距平场之间有机联系的特征向量场.分析结果表明:北半球月平均环流异常在垂直方向上具有明显的相当正压性结构特征.  相似文献   

Using the latest daily observational rainfall datasets for the period 1961–2008, the present study investigates the interannual variability of June–September (JJAS) mean rainfall in northern China. The regional characteristics of JJAS mean rainfall are revealed by a rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) analysis. The analysis identifies three regions of large interannual variability of JJAS rainfall: North China (NC), Northeast China (NEC), and the Taklimakan Desert in Northwest China (TDNWC). Summer rainfall over NC is shown to have displayed a remarkable dry period from the late 1990s; while over NEC, decadal-scale variation with a significant decreasing trend in the last two decades is found, and over TDNWC, evidence of large interannual variability is revealed. Results also show that the interannual variability of JJAS rainfall in northern China is closely associated with the Northern Hemisphere circumglobal teleconnection (CGT). Correlation coefficients between the CGT index and regional-averaged JJAS mean rainfall over NC and NEC were calculated, revealing values of up to 0.50 and 0.53, respectively, both of which exceeded the 99% confidence level.  相似文献   

中国、北半球和全球的气温突变分析及其趋势预测研究   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
魏凤英  曹鸿兴 《大气科学》1995,19(2):40-148
本文采用均值差异假设检验研究了中国、北半球和全球气温历史序列的突变现象。分析表明,中国气温从本世纪以来,在40年代末扣年代初曾出现一次由暖到冷的突变。北半球和全球均曾在19世纪末和本世纪20年代发生了突变现象。功率谱分析表明,气温的突变指数曲线具有明显的周期性。一系列比较研究证明,按照分析出的突变点将气温序列分段建模,无论数值误差还是变化趋势,效果均优于整段序列的模型。所以,对未来气温变化趋势作预测,应首先搞清楚未来会处在怎样的气候阶段中,会不会出现突变。研究表明,本文叙述的均生函数累加延拓的时序建模方案,对气温序列有很好的拟合和预测效果。  相似文献   

北半球冬季大气环流遥相关型特征与我国区域气候   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
林振敏  施能 《气象科技》2004,32(5):333-337342
计算了1951/1952~2002/2003年北半球冬季大气环流遥相关型的强度指数,研究了它们的长期变化和近期特征,指出近10年来WA型的负趋势,PNA型的正趋势还在持续并有所加强。它们的强度突变分别发生于20世纪80年代初(WA型1984年由强转弱)及70年代中(PNA型1976年由弱转强)。还指出,近10年来,亚洲(亚欧)地区的纬向环流强度继续在加强,经向环流强度继续在减弱,大气环流及遥相关型强度的这种变化是中国冬季气候变化的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

长三角盛夏—初秋强降水的延伸期过程预报探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信飞  陈伯民  孙国武  王超 《气象科学》2014,34(6):672-677
针对长三角汛期强降水过程,根据不同降水类型的特性,提出分时段建立低频模型并给出建模流程。综合分析长三角汛期强降水期的低频特性,将低频气旋及反气旋区分划分7个关键区。重点研究盛夏—初秋时段的强降水特征,在总结强降水期低频特征的基础上,借助EOF分解建立延伸期大—暴雨的预报模型:1区或2区有低频气旋维持并发展;6区、7区或5区存在低频反气旋。并且在7个关键区中1、2区的低频气旋及5、6、7区的低频反气旋为主要低频系统,起决定作用,而3区的低频系统为次要低频系统,起辅助作用。利用该模型提前30 d预报出2012年汛期最强降水过程,并分析本次过程的低频系统演变,给出动态演变模型。  相似文献   

丁婷  王永光  柯宗建  王遵娅 《气象》2017,43(7):887-893
2016/2017年冬季(2016年12月至2017年2月),东亚冬季风强度较常年同期异常偏弱,西伯利亚高压偏弱。北极涛动(AO)在冬季以正位相为主。冬季北半球500 hPa高度距平场上,亚洲中高纬地区以纬向环流为主,我国为异常正高度距平控制。受其影响,我国各地气温普遍较常年同期偏高,全国平均气温为-1.5℃,较常年同期(-3.4℃)偏高1.9℃,为1961年以来最暖的冬季。季内各月冬季风指数和西伯利亚高压均偏弱,相应我国气温各月均偏高。冬季风的异常偏弱与夏季北极地区大气环流异常状态有关。2016年夏季北极大气环流的热力和动力状态影响了秋季北极海冰偏少的滞后影响效果,不利于冬季风的偏强。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/DOE的逐日再分析资料和国家气象信息中心的常规观测站温度资料,首先分析了2012/2013年冬季中国东北区域极端低温事件过程中区域平均温度的低频振荡变化特征,然后分析了北半球中高纬度对流低层和中层低频环流系统配置的变化及其与东北地区强冷空气活动过程的联系,最后进一步研究了中高纬度低频环流系统的传播特征及其对温度变化的影响。主要结果有:(1)2012/2013年冬季东北区域平均温度存在很强的30~60 d的周期振荡特征,同时伴随较强的10~30 d低频振荡,后者与实际降温过程对应关系更好;(2)对10~30 d的低频振荡而言,在东北地区低频温度变化降低最大的位相7(位相3升高最大),500 hPa上,我国东部地区正好处于贝加尔湖地区的低频高压(低压)环流和日本海的低频低压(高压)环流型之间的低频偏北(偏南)的较强引导气流中;同时在850 hPa上,我国东部从东北到南海都是较强的偏北(偏南)低频风控制,这使得东亚冬季风环流系统加强(被抑制),东北区域则经历一次大幅度的低频温度降低(升高)过程,这些高低空低频环流系统的配置和演变导致了2012/2013年冬季一次次强(或较强)的冷空气沿偏东偏北的路径影响我国东北地区,并导致极端低温事件的出现;(3)沿着乌拉尔山-贝加尔湖-我国东北地区-西北太平洋传播的500 hPa低频波列,是驱动2012/2013年冬季东亚冬季风低频振荡和我国东北地区极端低温事件的环流系统。  相似文献   

The relationship between the variability of the surface elevation of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) in winter and sea level pressure is identified through analysis of data from satellite-borne radar altimeters, together with meteorological data fields during 1993-2005. We found that both the North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the two major teleconnection patterns of the atmospheric surface pressure fields in the Northern Hemisphere, significantly influence the GIS winter elevation change. Further, it is suggested that the NPO may affect the GIS accumulation by influencing the NAO, particularly by changing the intensity and location of the Icelandic Low.  相似文献   

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