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Some glaucophane schists are chemically indistinguishable fromgreenschists and epidote amphibolites. Provided all three rocktypes represent equilibrium assemblages, they must have formedunder differing physical conditions. The mineralogy of suchglaucophane schists taken in conjunction with experimental evidencesuggests that these rocks formed at low temperatures and atrelatively elevated pressures. The relatively high-pressure,low-temperature phases lawsonite, jadeitic pyroxene, and metamorphicaragonite are diagnostic of physical conditions attending thismetamorphism. Differential stress may aid in the attainmentof the appropriate mean pressure necessary for the productionof these phases. Graphic analysis and approximated thermodynamic calculationsindicate that relatively elevated pressures, or relatively lowtemperatures, or both, promote the formation of glaucophanein rocks of a wide range of bulk compositions while restrictingthe compositional range of albite-bearing rocks. It is concludedthat the coexistence of glaucophane with carbonate, calcium-aluminumsilicate or paragonite results from such physical conditions,and it is on the basis of these associations or, equally well,the presence of lawsonite, jadeitic pyroxene, or metamorphicaragonite that the blueschist facies should be defined. High pressures are not required for the production of glaucophaneitself. It is stable under physical conditions present in thegreenschist and epidote amphibolite facies in rocks deficientin CaO and rich in Na2O and MgO relative to A12O3. Such bulkcompositions might result from exchange of material betweenserpentinite and albite-bearing country rocks, and could accountfor glaucophane aureoles around, and inclusions of glaucophanerock within, some serpentinites.  相似文献   

Coleman & Lee's discovery that aragonite is a widespreadmetamorphic mineral in California glaucophane schists is confirmedand amplified. Methods of microscopic distinction between aragonite,calcite, and dolomite, including a universal-stage technique,are described. Further data are recorded regarding the paragenesisof aragonite-bearing glaucophane and lawsonite schists. Carbonatesin the greenschist facies are found to be exclusively calciteand dolomite. In many Californian metamorphic aragonites partialinversion to calcite has been observed. This appears to be anequal-volume replacement in which an a axis and an edge [f:f] of calcite—both directions of Closest spacing of Ca++ions—commonlyare parallel to of the crystal axes a, b, and c of aragonite. The problem of survival of metamorphic aragonite through a necessarilylong period of post-metamorphic unloading is approached by experimentalexploration of the kinetics of the aragonite calcite transformation.It is found that Californian aragonite could survive unloadingfrom a depth of 20 km if the linear temperature gradient were10? C per km, but not appreciably higher. Available experimentaldata are consistent with crystallization of aragonite, jadeite,and lawsonite at depths of 20–30 km if a gradient of 10?C per km is assumed. The corresponding conditions of the glaucophane-schistfacies (T = 2OO?-3OO? C, P = 6000-9000 bars) are attributedessentially to deep burial in regions (subsiding geosyn-clines)of unusually low temperature gradient (10? C per km).  相似文献   

A suite of mica schists from the staurolite zone was studiedin detail. Phase rule considerations and distribution relationsindicate that chemical equilibrium was attained within the samplevolume. Iron-magnesium ratios of the silicates vary greatly,and correlate with rock ferrous-ferric ratio, as does the oxidemineral mode. Rock oxidation state varies locally, and is probablydependent on the composition of the original sediment. Distribution coefficients for Fe, Mg, and Mn among garnet, biotote,and staurolite show no vaiation attributable to temperature.Partition of Fe and Mg between staurolite and biotite is regular,but non-ideal. The staurolite structure permits only limited(15–35 percent) substitution of Mg for Fe.  相似文献   

李智佩  彭礼贵 《岩石学报》2000,16(2):183-190
应用古火山地质学和岩石地球化学对白银厂中酸性火山穹隆内的凝灰岩、昌屑凝灰岩、中酸性枕状、绳状熔岩和具有特殊构造的补丁岩等火山碎屑碉进行了较快速度沉降并堆积成岩,产于火山喷口附近。海底成矿热液蚀变作用使其SiO2、FeO、MgO、CO2等化学成分发生变化。凝灰质千枚岩则是细火山灰在海吕中经缓慢的沉降后形成于远离火山口的火山斜坡上的火山-沉积变质岩。根据“0补丁”的成分可将补丁岩分为两种类型:绿泥石质  相似文献   

A variety of uncommon garnet-grade assemblages have been foundin rocks from three outcrops in the western part of centralNew Hampshire, and include the associations Grt+MrgCld, Grt+Bt+CldMrg,and Mrg+Cld+HblGrt (all rocks contain Ms, Chl, Ilm, and Qtz).These unusual rocks coexist with more typical Grt+Bt+Chl+Plmetapelites and amphibolites. Rim P–T conditions are {smalltilde}49035C and 5•751•25 kbar. Projection of the assemblages from Qtz, H2O, and Ilm into theCa–Al'–Na–(Fe+Mg) tetrahedron, and from Qtz,Ilm, H2O, and Chl into the Ca–Al'–Fe'–Mn tetrahedronindicates that Ca/(Ca+Na) and Mn differ among the assemblagesin a systematic fashion. Common Grt+Bt+Chl+Pl assemblages arerestricted to relatively high Mn and low Ca/(Ca+Na) values,whereas Cld+Bt+Mrg and Cld+Hbl+Mrg assemblages are stable atlow Mn and high Ca/(Ca+Na). These data suggest that at thisgrade Cld+Bt is more stable than Grt+Chl in the KFMASH system,whereas in the Ca—KFMASH system, Hbl+Cld assemblages arestable. Composition space analysis using the singular value decompositionmethod indicates that compositions of minerals from individualsamples are consistent with local equilibrium, but that differentoutcrops may not have all equilibrated at the same P–T–aH2Oconditions. Thermodynamic analysis suggests that a garnet-zoneprograde sequence of ferromagnesian associations for these bulkcompositions would be Hbl+Cld+Grt+ChlBt+Cld+Grt+ChlBt+Grt+Chl. Staurolite-grade rocks from the same stratigraphic units areexposed across strike, and contain the assemblage Grt+StBtPl(all rocks contain Ms, Qtz, Chl, and Ilm). Margarite is commonlypresent as inclusions in the cores of garnets, but is absentas inclusions near garnet rims and from the matrix; conversely,staurolite inclusions are present towards the rims of the garnets,but are absent from the cores. These inclusion relations suggestthat margarite may react to form staurolite and garnet withincreasing grade via a reaction such as chlorite+margarite=staurolite+garnet+H2O. Biotite is common in the matrix but is not typically abundant,and appears to have been the last phase to join the assemblage.Biotite is inferred to have joined the Grt+St+Chl assemblagesafter margarite breakdown through the reaction Grt+Chl+Ms=St+Bt+H2O. Thus, uncommon margarite assemblages may evolve into commonGrt+Bt+St+Chl assemblages. * Present address: Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.  相似文献   

黑龙江依兰、牡丹江变质带蓝闪片岩特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
通过对黑龙江省依兰、牡丹江等地的蓝闪片岩产出的地质环境、岩石类型、原岩类型的研究和对蓝闪石类及与其共生的多硅白云母、黑硬绿泥石、红帘石的测试鉴定,证明依兰、牡丹江两地的蓝闪片岩为高压地质环境的产物,属于蓝闪绿片岩相。  相似文献   

Microscopic and electron microprobe studies were made of polished thin sections of part of a 30-mg sample of 250–500 μm lunar soil returned by Luna 20 from a point between Mare Fecunditatis and Mare Crisium. Very fine-grained lithic (crystalline) rock fragments, composing about one fifth of the total sample, have mineralogical compositions equivalent to various types of gabbro, anorthositic gabbro, gabbroic anorthosite and troctolite, with minor basalt. The textures now observed in these fragments are in large part metamorphic. Twentyseven electron microprobe analyses of minerals from these fragments are presented, including olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, spinel, nickel-iron and a Zr-Ti-REE mineral possibly similar to ‘phase B’ of Lovering and Wark (1971). Analyses of seven melt inclusions and twenty-eight defocused beam analyses of lithic fragments are also given. Some of the fragments contain ‘gas’ inclusions which, along with the fine grain size, are believed to indicate final crystallization under low pressure near surface conditions. The almost complete absence of granophyric material in this sample raises the question of whether or not there are at least two distinct magmas for the plagioclase-rich terrae rocks from which this soil sample was derived in part.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThestudiedareaislocatedinthenorthofGolpayegan,Iran,boundedbylatitudes33.31°Nand33.37°Nandlongi-tudes50.11°Eand50....  相似文献   

苏鲁造山带中胡家林超镁铁质岩岩石地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏鲁造山带中胡家林超镁铁质岩地块主要由两部分组成:南部滑石山以蛇纹岩和蛇纹石化橄榄岩为主,夹薄层状石榴橄辉岩-(石榴)单斜辉石岩;北部胡家林主要由(石榴)单斜辉石岩组成,夹厚层状蛇纹岩。蛇纹岩-蛇纹石化橄榄岩低Al2O3、低Ca O和高Mg O,REE含量低,但LREE稍富集。石榴橄辉岩和(石榴)单斜辉石岩低Mg O和Ca O,高REE含量高,其稀土配分曲线均表现出单斜辉石单矿物的配分特征。这些超镁铁岩块中不同岩石的微量元素均具有Pb的正异常,弱的Nb、Ta的负异常,显示地壳流体交代信息。Nd、Sr、Pb同位素特征显示存在亏损地幔与地壳之间的混合作用。亲石元素含量最低的蛇纹石化石榴橄辉岩的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成受交代流体控制明显,而石榴橄辉岩和(石榴)单斜辉石岩不明显。胡家林和滑石山超镁铁岩中所含的交代地壳成分不同,胡家林样品受到含水熔体和富水流体的双重交代,滑石山样品主要受富水流体的交代。  相似文献   

南苏鲁造山带的超高压变质岩及岩石化学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在南苏鲁造山带核部,古老的表壳岩和花岗质侵人岩经历了三叠纪的超高压变质作用,在超高压变质岩石抬升过程中经历了强烈的角闪岩相退变质作用改造。据岩相学和岩石化学研究,可以区分出六大类典型超高压变质岩:榴辉岩、石榴石橄榄岩、石英硬玉岩、石榴石多硅白云母片岩、硬玉石英岩和石榴石绿辉石文石岩。这些岩石的角闪岩相退变质产物分别是斜长角闪岩、蛇纹岩、长英质片麻岩、长石石英云母片岩、石英岩和大理岩。地球化学研究揭示,榴辉岩的原岩很可能是形成在大陆内部构造环境的拉斑玄武岩,而石榴石橄榄岩可能是起源于亏损的残余地幔。石英硬玉岩原岩包括正变质的花岗岩和奥长花岗岩、副变质的酸性火山碎屑岩和长石石英砂岩。大面积分布的古老花岗岩很可能是形成在大陆或大陆边缘环境。长石石英云母片岩、石英岩和大理岩的原岩为沉积岩,与副变质的长英质片麻岩和基性火山岩—起构成了古老的表壳岩组合。双峰式的酸性和基性火山岩组合的存在也证明部分表壳岩是形成在大陆环境。因此,可以推测南苏鲁造山带核部的超高压变质岩原岩为形成在大陆板内环境的沉积岩—酸性和基性火山岩—花岗岩和奥长花岗岩建造。  相似文献   

High-pressure, regional metamorphic rocks (the Raspas Formation)constitute an inclusion more than 10 km long and 3 km wide ina protrusion of extensively serpentinized harzburgite in ElOro Province, southwestern Ecuador. The high-pressure rocks,all feldspar-free, consist of a dominant pelitic schist withquartzite layers, eclogite, eclogite amphibolite, garnetite,and retrograde mafic rocks. The pelitic schist is coarse grainedand is composed of quartz + phengite + paragonite + garnet +chloritoid + rutile + graphite ± kyanite ± pyrite.Eclogite is fine to medium grained, massive to strongly foliated(average mode: omphacite (Jd42Ac6(Di + He)32), 38.2 per cent;garnet (Alm53 Spess2 Pyr19 Gross26), 26.6; barroisite (4.1 percent Na2O), 22.6; clinozoisite, 4.1; rutile, 2.1; quartz, 5.7;other minerals, 0.7).Eclogite amphibolite is a medium-grainedand massive to foliated rock composed of amphibole (3.1 percent Na2O) + garnet + zoisite + kyanite + rutile + pyrite ±omphacite± paragonite ± quartz ± apatite. Retrogrademafic rocks include glaucophane schist, greenschist, and coarse-grained,amphibole-rich rocks. Prograde metamorphism took place in an active Benioff zone.Based on phase relations in the pelitic schist, partitioningof Mg/(Mg + Fetotal + Mn) in garnet-amphibole and in omphacite-amphibolepairs (Dòbretsov et al., 1975), the absence of lawsonite,and other evidence, the conditions of metamorphism are estimatedto have been T = 580 ° ± 20 °C and P total =13 ± 3 kb (43 ± 10 km depth). P H2O ranged from P total in pelitic schist, through P total in eclogite amphibolitc,to «P total in eclogite. Retrograde metamorphism accompaniedrapid uplift of the Raspas Formation during which the rockspassed through the stability field of glaucophane-epidote schist,but not the stability field of lawsonite. The inclusion of high-pressure rocks was carried upward intactin a protrusion of extensively serpentinized harzburgite whichrose diapirically through the relatively denser amphiboliteand greenschist which constitute the regional basement of ElOro Province. Serpentinization of harzburgite began at depth,and continued coevally with eclogitization. Protrusive riseoccurred upon abandonment of the Benioff zone. Radiometric K-Arages on the uplift of the Raspas Formation and the youngestlavas of a volcanic are of Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age ineastern Ecuador are synchronous (132 m.y.). Present address: Département de Géologie, Université Laval, Québec, P. Q. G1K 7P4 Canada  相似文献   

The Cenozoic volcanicity of eastern China is entirely basalticand occurred as relatively small eruptions widely dispersedin space and time, closely associated with graben basins andtheir regional bounding faults. Samples (157) from over 30 sitesin eastern China have been studied. They are predominantly alkalinebasalts, but vary in composition from olivine nephelinites andleucitites to quartz tholeiites. The majority are aphyric butsome contain olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts. Whole-rockanalyses (X-ray fluorescence) of all samples for the major and13 trace elements are used, as are the compositions of all themajor mineral phases determined by electron microprobe. It is argued that the most primitive basanites, alkali olivinebasalts, and olivine tholeiites represent primary or near-primarymagmas which were formed by different degrees of partial meltingof the upper mantle at different depths. The olivine tholeiitesrepresent larger degrees of partial melting (8–9%) ofa spinel peridotite at depths of <66 km. The alkalic basaltscarry xenoliths of spinel and garnet peridotite and appear tohave been derived by 1–7% partial melting of a garnetlherzolite (50% ol, 25% opx, 15% cpx, 10% garnet) at depths> 79 km. The olivine nephelinite may have formed by evensmaller degrees of partial melting. Most flows are not primary; the variations in their compositionsare consistent with fractional crystallization from the spectrumof primary parents created by varying degrees of partial meltingof a mineralogically heterogeneous source. The tholeiites havefractionated by the removal of clinopyroxene and some olivine;the alkali basalts by the removal of clinopyroxene with a smallerproportion of olivine. The incompatible behavior of Sr impliesthe absence of plagioclase from any of the fractionating assemblagesand, together with the high Al content of the pyroxene phenocrysts,suggests that much of the fractionation occurred at mantle depthsand pressures. The Cenozoic magmatism of eastern China is seen as a typicalexample of volcanism associated with continental extension.That is, small volumes of predominantly alkalic basalts andolivine tholeiites erupted over a prolonged period and associatedwith extensional basins and their bounding faults. As such,the province is distinct from continental flood basalt provinces.  相似文献   

武当岩群中的变火山岩类经历了海水蚀变和区域变质的改造,其岩石学特征和化学成分发生了较大变化。不活动组分的研究表明,武当岩群中的变基性火山岩属拉斑玄武岩浆系列,原岩为玄武岩类;变酸性火山岩属钙碱性岩浆系列,原岩为流纹岩类,后者是前者结晶分异的产物。它们的地球化学特征具岛弧火山岩的性质,形成于岛弧环境。  相似文献   

Major, rare earth and transition elements, have been determinedon a selection of volcanic rocks from greenstone belts in Rhodesia(2.6 by) and South Africa (3.4 by). In Rhodesia two distinctseries can be recognized: a komatite-tholeiite series whichoccurs early in the greenstone belt evolution and apparentlygrades into a second, calc-alkaline, series at higher structurallevels. Peridotitic komatites reflect higher degrees of partialmelting than any Phanerozoic rocks so far observed and are thereforeused to place limits on the composition of their source. Atlower MgO contents they merge into low K tholeites which havesignificantly higher CeN/YbN and Rb/Sr ratios (at any MgO content)than those observed in modern ocean floor and island are environments.The calc-alkaline series is characterized by andesites whichexhibit a marked heavy REE depletion, but similar light REEand transition metal contents to the more evolved tholeiticrock types. The continuum of compositions from komatiites totholeiites and calc-alkaline andesites suggests that the bulkof greenstone belt volcanics could have been derived by differentialpartial melting, and polybaric fractionation of an essentiallyhomogeneous peridotite source. Late stage dacitic lavas andintrusions probably reflect melting of a more eclogitic sourceregion. The distinctive trace element geochemistry of Archaeanvolcanics, particularly the high Ni and low Yb values of thecalc-alkaline rocks precludes direct comparison with modernisland are associations. Rather the large decrease in liquidustemperatures (500 °C) with increasing structural heightwithin greenstone belts, coupled with the fact that most ofthe volcanics could have been derived from an essentially homogeneoussource, may suggest that greenstone belts developed in a riftingenvironment. It appears unlikely that the tholeiite/calc-alkalineassociation observed in the Archaean may be taken as an indicationof subduction at that time.  相似文献   

大阜山以赋存金红石矿床而闻名,主体为基性变质岩体,以榴闪岩为主。主要矿物石榴子石、角闪石、斜长石、金红石等主要经历了3个发育期次,不同期次具有不同的产状特征。根据野外地质、岩石学、元素地球化学研究分析,结合区域地质背景资料,认为含矿岩体原岩为辉长岩,具正铕异常,低温中高压环境下变质而成。受扬子板块向华北板块俯冲后快速折返的影响,含矿岩体经历了退变质过程,金红石矿床形成。因此,金红石矿床是变质原岩(辉长岩)在区域变质作用下,经构造演化等综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

铜陵地区中酸性侵入岩的懈体岩石学研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
铜陵地区中生代中酸性侵入岩中含有捕虏体、残余体和岩产乐包体三大类型,其中岩浆包体包堆积岩包体、堆积晶包体、混杂岩包体和冷凝边包体。各类石包体的岩石学、矿物学、地球化学特征均不相同,反映了它们成因上的差异。  相似文献   

回顾了我国近五年来在新生代火山岩的岩石学、地球化学与年代学方面所取得的主要进展。重点总结了中国东部与青藏高原的新生代火山岩的时空分布特征,包括年代学数据成果和岩石学资料;回顾中国东部与青藏高原新生代火山岩的岩石成因和深部动力学过程研究,介绍了目前对于长白山天池火山、中国东部新生代玄武岩、青藏高原的地球动力学过程、钾质-超钾质火山岩、高镁钾质火山岩等研究已获得的主要成果和认识;提出了中国新生代火山岩研究中存在的问题以及进一步工作的建议。  相似文献   

阿尔山地区银江沟火山岩岩石学和地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过银江沟上侏罗统火山岩典型剖面的研究,认为该地区为一套中酸性、酸性火山岩及火山碎屑岩的岩相组合,中酸性火山岩与酸性火山岩成分交替韵律变化非常清楚,显示共有两次爆发-溢流相旋回。地球化学测试表明,SiO2含量为68.14%~75.40%,富碱,高铝,高钾,低镁,为高钾钙碱性火山岩;稀土总量(∑REE)及LREE富集,LREE和HREE分馏较强,强烈负Eu异常以及弱负Ce异常,富集Ba、Rb、Sr等大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损Pb、Ti等高场强元素(HFSE)。中酸性火山岩均反映了岛弧火山岩和大陆弧火山岩的一些特征。  相似文献   

大别山西部蓝闪榴辉岩U—Pb测年   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用锆石U-Pb法研究了大别山蓝闪榴辉岩的高压低温变质时代和可能的原岩时代。高桥榴辉岩和陈家店榴辉岩给出了基本一致的下交点年龄1138Ma和1127Ma及相似的上交点年龄2872Ma和2647Ma。结合岩石学证据和大别山构造演化史分析,将下交点年龄解释为高压低温变质时代,相当于晋宁运动早期,上交点年龄解释训原岩的可能时代,为新太古代,同位素地质年代学研究表明,古大别洋最初形成于新太古代,闭合于早晋  相似文献   

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