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The components of map information are analyzed theoretically in this paper ,and the map information includes mainly the spatial information,attributive information and temporal characteristics information.Then the digital map entity is defined according to construction characteristics of the map information.Finally,on the basis of the analyses of the construction characteristics of digital map entity and present conceptual model of digital map database,an abstracted conceptual model of digital map database is presented.And the Normal Form theory of relational database is discussed particularly.  相似文献   

Rotation of the Earth as a Triaxial Rigid Body   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
The Earth is taken as a triaxial rigid body, which rotates freely in the Euclidian space. The starting equations are the Euler dynamic equations, with A smaller than B and B smaller than C. The Euler equations are solved, and the numerical results are provided. In the calculations, the following parameters are used: (C-B)/A=0.003 273 53; (B-A)/C=0.000 021 96; (C-A)/B=0.003 295 49, and the mean angular velocity of the Earth's rotation, ω =0.000 072 921 15 rad/s. Calculations show that, besides the self-rotation of the Earth and the free Euler procession of its rotation, there exists the free nutation: the nutation angle, or the angle between the Earth's momentary rotation axis and the mean axis that periodically change with time. The free nutation is investigated.  相似文献   


Geospatial simulation models can help us understand the dynamic aspects of Digital Earth. To implement high-performance simulation models for complex geospatial problems, grid computing and cloud computing are two promising computational frameworks. This research compares the benefits and drawbacks of both in Web-based frameworks by testing a parallel Geographic Information System (GIS) simulation model (Schelling's residential segregation model). The parallel GIS simulation model was tested on XSEDE (a representative grid computing platform) and Amazon EC2 (a representative cloud computing platform). The test results demonstrate that cloud computing platforms can provide almost the same parallel computing capability as high-end grid computing frameworks. However, cloud computing resources are more accessible to individual scientists, easier to request and set up, and have more scalable software architecture for on-demand and dedicated Web services. These advantages may attract more geospatial scientists to utilize cloud computing for the development of Digital Earth simulation models in the future.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):260-261

A dealer in second-hand maps, mostly Ordnance Survey maps, looks to the future of map dealers in the light of technological advances and the digital age.  相似文献   

Error analyses of CHAMP data for recovery of the Earth’s gravity field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preliminary commission error analysis whereby orbit perturbation theory and other techniques are used to assess and predict the recovery of the Earths gravity field from the challenging microsatellite payload (CHAMP) mission is developed and implemented. With CHAMP launched in July 2000, accumulated evidence is now available to quantify the errors in the recovery procedure including the orbital precision from GPS, attitude errors, accelerometer noise and thruster mismatch/misalignment. For the latter, numerical integrations using a variable length single-step Runge–Kutta integrator and a fixed length multi-step method are compared to assess the error associated with assuming that the thruster misalignment can be spread uniformly across a step interval. Error degree variances from simulated studies are compared to results from a recently released CHAMP-based gravity field, EIGEN-1S. It is seen that the orbital positioning, as derived from the onboard GPS receiver, is critical, with accelerometer noise contributing at a lower level. Attitude error, at currently quoted accuracy, is not significant as an error source. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the UK Natural Environment Research Council (Grant No. NER/A/0000/00612) for financing this study and GFZ for supplying the data and technical support.  相似文献   

By using observed CHAMP orbit ephemeredes and MSISE-90 dry air model and regarding the earth as a sphere and an ellipsoid respectively, phase delays are simulated and the simulated data are retrieved under different schemes. The comparison between the inverted temperature profiles and the model temperature profiles shows that by inverting observed data, we will get temperature results with large errors if the effect of Earth's oblateness is omitted. The correction method is proved to be effective because the temperature errors decreased obviously with this method.  相似文献   

By using observed CHAMP orbit ephemeredes and MSISE-90 dry air model and regarding the earth as a sphere and an ellipsoid respectively, phase delays are simulated and the simulated data are retrieved under different schemes. The comparison between the inverted temperature profiles and the model temperature profiles shows that by inverting observed data, we will get temperature results with large errors if the effect of Earth’s oblateness is omitted. The correction method is proved to be effective because the temperature errors decreased obviously with this method.  相似文献   

IntroductionRadio occultation technique was firstly appliedin the astronomic research in the 18th century .It has developed greatly by the scientists in JetPropulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Stanford Uni-versity since the 1960’s and widely usedin manymissions for planets exploration, which providedus with i mportant information about the at mos-phere of these planets[1]. In 1965 , it wasbrought forward by Fischbach that this tech-nique can be used in the research of the Earth’sat mosphere[2…  相似文献   

Google Earth面面观   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
2005年6月世界著名的搜索引擎公司美国的google提供了三维影像和矢量地图服务软件Google Earth供免费下载,同时发布了http://map. google.com网站,二者都免费提供卫星影像数据查询、矢量地图搜索、GPS导航等服务, 这立即引起了全世界互联网用户的极大兴趣,并进行疯狂的下载和浏览,导致Google的服务器不得不限制流量甚至暂时关闭。对于一个专注于互联网搜索的公司推出的地理信息服务所引起的轰动现象,值得思考。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the content,purpose and significance of digital agriculture,and gives a brief introduction to digital earth,digital China and digital agriculture abroad.The main content of digital agriculture includes the construction of database,Metadata standard,monitoring system,forecasting and decision-making system,information-releasing system.The main technical supports of digital agriculture are 3S technology,Metadata management technology,fast-handling technology of remote sensing,the technology of computer wide-band network and virtual reality,intelligent agriculture machinery and field real-time information collecting technology.The advantages of implementing digital agriculture in China and the problems worthy of attention are pointed out as well.  相似文献   

The paper deals with data filtering on closed surfaces using linear and nonlinear diffusion equations. We define a surface finite-volume method to approximate numerically parabolic partial differential equations on closed surfaces, namely on a sphere, ellipsoid or the Earth’s surface. The closed surface as a computational domain is approximated by a polyhedral surface created by planar triangles and we construct a dual co-volume grid. On the co-volumes we define a weak formulation of the problem by applying Green’s theorem to the Laplace–Beltrami operator. Then the finite-volume method is applied to discretize the weak formulation. Weak forms of elliptic operators are expressed through surface gradients. In our numerical scheme we use a piece-wise linear approximation of a solution in space and the backward Euler time discretization. Furthermore, we extend a linear diffusion on surface to the regularized surface Perona–Malik model. It represents a nonlinear diffusion equation, which at the same time reduces noise and preserves main edges and other details important for a correct interpretation of the real data. We present four numerical experiments. The first one has an illustrative character showing how an additive noise is filtered out from an artificial function defined on a sphere. Other three examples deal with the real geodetic data on the Earth’s surface, namely (i) we reduce a stripping noise from the GOCE satellite only geopotential model up to degree 240, (ii) we filter noise from the real GOCE measurements (the component $T_{zz})$ , and (iii) we reduce a stripping noise from the satellite only mean dynamic topography at oceans. In all experiments we focus on a comparison of the results obtained by both the linear and nonlinear models presenting advantages of the nonlinear diffusion.  相似文献   

Based on the gravity field models EGM96 and EIGEN-GL04C, the Earth's time-dependent principal moments of inertia A, B, C are obtained, and the variable rotation of the Earth is determined. Numerical results show that A, B, and C have increasing tendencies; the tilt of the rotation axis increases 2.1×10^ 8 mas/yr; the third component of the rotational angular velocity, ω3 , has a decrease of 1.0×10^ 22 rad/s^2, which is around 23% of the present observed value. Studies show in detail that both 0 and ω3 experience complex fluctuations at various time scales due to the variations of A, B and C.  相似文献   

Time-varying Stokes coefficients estimated from GRACE satellite data are routinely converted into mass anomalies at the Earth’s surface with the expression proposed for that purpose by Wahr et al. (J Geophys Res 103(B12):30,205–30,229, 1998). However, the results obtained with it represent mass transport at the spherical surface of 6378 km radius. We show that the accuracy of such conversion may be insufficient, especially if the target area is located in a polar region and the signal-to-noise ratio is high. For instance, the peak values of mean linear trends in 2003–2015 estimated over Greenland and Amundsen Sea embayment of West Antarctica may be underestimated in this way by about 15%. As a solution, we propose an updated expression for the conversion of Stokes coefficients into mass anomalies. This expression is based on the assumptions that: (i) mass transport takes place at the reference ellipsoid and (ii) at each point of interest, the ellipsoidal surface is approximated by the sphere with a radius equal to the current radial distance from the Earth’s center (“locally spherical approximation”). The updated expression is nearly as simple as the traditionally used one but reduces the inaccuracies of the conversion procedure by an order of magnitude. In addition, we remind the reader that the conversion expressions are defined in spherical (geocentric) coordinates. We demonstrate that the difference between mass anomalies computed in spherical and ellipsoidal (geodetic) coordinates may not be negligible, so that a conversion of geodetic colatitudes into geocentric ones should not be omitted.  相似文献   

Based on the orbit integration and orbit fitting method, the influence of the characters of the gravity model, with different precisions, on the movement of low Earth orbit satellites was studied. The way and the effect of absorbing the influence of gravity model error on CHAMP and GRACE satellite orbits, using linear and periodical empirical acceleration models and the so-called "pseudo-stochastic pulses" model, were also analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper is to construct a “digital local, regional, region“ information framework based on the technology of “SIG“ and its significance and application to the regional sustainable development evaluation system. First, the concept of the “grid computing“ and “SIG“ is interpreted and discussed, then the relationship between the “grid computing“ and “digital region“ is analyzed, and the framework of the “digital region“ is put forward. Finally, the significance and application of “grid computing“ to the “region sustainable development evaluation system“ are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is to construct a “digital local, regional, region” information framework based on the technology of “SIG” and its significance and application to the regional sustainable development evaluation system. First, the concept of the “grid computing” and “SIG” is interpreted and discussed, then the relationship between the “grid computing” and “digital region” is analyzed, and the framework of the “digital region” is put forward. Finally, the significance and application of “grid computing” to the “region sustainable development evaluation system” are discussed.  相似文献   

“Digital Region” in the Context of the “Grid Computing”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduction“Grid”computinghasemergedasanimportantnewfiled ,distinguishedfromconventionaldis tributedcomputingbyitsfocusonlarge scalere sourcesharing ,innovativeapplications,andinsomecases ,high performanceorientation .Theconceptofthe“SIG”(spatialinformation grid)whichisbasedonthegridcomputingandisthein frastructureandusefultooltoconstructthe“digitalregion”.Theregionalsustainabledevelopmentevaluationsystemisthefoundationoftheregionalsustainabledevelopment,whichistoocomplextoestablishane…  相似文献   

G. Bourda 《Journal of Geodesy》2008,82(4-5):295-305
The temporal variations of the Earth’s gravity field, nowadays routinely determined from satellite laser ranging (SLR) and GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment), are related to changes in the Earth’s rotation rate through the Earth’s inertia tensor. We study this connection from actual data by comparing the traditional length-of-day (LOD) measurements provided by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) to the variations of the degree-2 and order-0 Stokes coefficient of the gravity field determined from fitting the orbits of the LAGEOS-1 and −2 satellites since 1985. The two series show a good correlation (0.62) and similar annual and semi-annual signals, indicating that the gravity-field-derived LOD is valuable. Our analysis also provides evidence for additional signals common to both series, especially at a period near 120 days, which could be due to hydrological effects.  相似文献   

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