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自20世纪70年代初期和80年代末期以来,国际矿产品市场经历了总体衰退阶段。与此相反,由于世界经济快速增长,特别是90年代初的中国和21世纪初的印度快速发展,导致世界矿产市场和贸易中对矿产资源的需求大幅上升。过去几十年来,矿产资源的生产、消费和贸易对中国的经济增长与发展起了重要的作用。本文主要对国际矿产品市场和贸易模式的变化特征进行了综合评价,力图筛选出影响中国矿产资源供需的主要因素,并实证分析中国矿产资源贸易及其发展前景的基本特征。作者认为,中国矿产资源的巨大潜力能否成为国际矿产资源贸易的主要驱动力并因此带动中国未来经济增长,依然值得继续观察。无能如何,中国正积极影响着全球矿产资源市场和贸易,这一点是肯定的。  相似文献   

曾卓  熊理然  蒋梅英 《热带地理》2019,39(6):869-879
基于全球恐怖主义数据库(GTD)和南亚恐怖主义门户网站(SATP)所收录的印度暴力袭击事件数据,借助统计分析和核密度分析法,对1980—2017年印度暴力袭击事件时空演变及其驱动机制进行分析。结果表明:印度国内的暴力袭击事件频发,1980年以来呈现出波动上升态势。从空间上看,印度国内的暴力袭击事件具有自西到东、从北到南以及由边境地区向内地发展的扩散特点,展现出局部集中、面上扩散的发展趋势;呈现出以西北部的查馍-克什米尔地区和旁遮普邦、东北部的阿萨姆邦和曼尼普尔邦、中部的恰蒂斯格尔邦和东部的贾坎德邦、比哈尔邦和西孟加拉邦为主的四大集聚中心;形成以印度河上游—恒河—布拉马普特拉河一线为横轴,东高止山脉及其北部山区为纵轴的“T”字形空间格局。印度暴力袭击事件的时空演变受到身份认同、经济问题、历史问题和利益诉求等多方面因素的影响,通过宗教极端主义组织、民族分离主义组织、武装革命主义组织推动以及行动主体之间的互相作用,推动了暴力袭击事件的时空演变。要从根本上解决印度国内暴力袭击事件频发的态势,需要从政治、经济、宗教、社会等多方面进行综合施策。  相似文献   

Bangalore is held up as a model for how cities, particularly in the global south, should develop in the globalized information age, in which entrepreneurs with new access to international capital fuel service-sector-driven development. Expanding market forces cultivate cities of skilled middle-class workers whose increased consumption generates broad developmental benefits. Now known as the “Silicon Valley of India,” Bangalore was previously the capital of India’s public sector enterprises (PSEs), which laid important groundwork for the city of today, including the IT sector. I show how, by providing access to homeownership along with high wages and benefits tied to secure employment, Bangalore’s PSEs created the foundation for the city today and its middle-class character. The skilled workforce that PSEs created helped the IT sector emerge in the city. By examining this erased history, we see the role of the state in development projects, and consider alternative models for urban change.  相似文献   

基于信阳师范学院地理科学学院2001—2012级学生生源分布和就业数据统计,运用基尼系数和集中化指数识别分析了地理科学专业应届毕业生的生源地、就业地的时空格局。研究发现:研究对象的生源地和就业地呈"大分散、小集聚"且就业地分布较生源地分布分散的格局;来自不同地区的毕业生迁移距离具有标度分布的统计规律,可为高校的招生和就业工作提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

Migration helps to minimize regional, socioeconomic, and cultural disparities, and is considered to be an integral component of the development process. Migration helps to diffuse development, technology, and innovations from more developed areas or cities to rural or less developed areas. Little attention, however, has been paid to migration policy in India. Most studies on migration in India either describe the patterns of migration or analyze reasons for the moves. This paper discusses why migration takes place, what are the consequences of migration, whether India has a migration policy, whether India needs a migration policy, and what type of policy is required. The development and entrenchment of urban slums in India is related to the country's lack of migration policy. A two-pronged policy on migration is thus proposed which would ensure employment opportunities and an improved standard of living in rural areas, while taking into account the planning of cities and city surroundings. Rural areas and small towns need to be provided with more employment opportunities, financial and technological support to process raw materials, infrastructure for agricultural service centers, better education and other facilities to improve local living standards, and the diffusion of industries from big cities to district headquarters and medium-size towns. Commensurate efforts should be made in urban centers to prevent the future development of slums.  相似文献   

The field of population geography was first introduced during the 1960s in India and advanced under the direction of Gosal at the Punjab University. Teaching and research in population geography were introduced by Chandigarh at Punjab University, which today is the main center of research activity. Population geography in India has followed the main tenets of geography in general and is based on spatial perspectives. Deficits are apparent in the paucity of research on socioeconomic implications of spatial distributions, but there is infrastructural feedback to support theory development. Theoretical advances moving from theory to fact or from empirical fact to theory are limited. Comprehensive training in methodology and quantitative techniques is needed for further development of population theory: multivariate analysis, factor analysis, principal component analysis, model building, hypothesis testing, and theory formulation. Methodological sophistication will also help in understanding and interpreting the diverse and complex Indian demographic situation. The analysis of population geography in the Indian spatial, cultural, political, and historical context may be applied to other less developed countries of similar sociocultural background. The Indian Census has contributed over the 100 years of its existence reliable and efficiently produced data on a wide variety of measures at assorted scales down to the village level. Field work among geographers has not achieved a level of development commensurate with population censuses. Recent doctoral research has focused on qualitative studies of local situations. Research topics range from the distribution and structure of population, mortality, fertility, and migration to peripheral issues of social segregation. Popular topics include urbanization, labor force, sex composition, literacy, and population growth. Distribution of population and density studies have amounted to only 2 in 30 years. Population texts are in abundance. The Punjab University is the headquarters of the Association of Population Geographers, which publishes the journal "Population Geography." Many advances are still needed in a timely fashion.  相似文献   

International labor migration is produced and patterned through the activities of government and private institutions, such as labor recruiters and government officials. Recently, labor recruitment agencies have utilized the World Wide Web as a means of facilitating the procurement of foreign employment contracts. The purpose of this research is to examine the institutional usage of the Web as a means to facilitate the global flow of labor. Based on a qualitative assessment of 27 recruitment-related Web sites, I suggest that Web-based recruitment reinforces global patterns of gendered, racial, and occupational segregation. Moreover, Web-based recruitment offers the potential for revolutionizing patterns and processes of international labor migration.  相似文献   

The period of highest migration from India to England was 1955-1975. In 1981, the Bradford metropolitan district had about 13,000 Indians. 46% were Punjabis and 43.3% were from Gujarat. Using a 10% sample of Indian households in the Bradford district in 1984 and secondary information, this study examines the impact of the following reasons on decision to migrate: 1) push factors in the area of origin, 2) the 1947 partition of India, 3) strong economic attraction of the destination, and 4) "cultural ethos" and "status competition" among the migrant communities in the areas of emigration. Findings show that 1) Punjab and Gujarat do not have high poverty levels nor very high population densities; 2) the partition of India did not influence migration decisions; 3) the economic well-being of returning migrants and the high conversion rate of English currency did attract migrants to England (39% of surveyed migrants emigrated to England for purely economic reasons); and 4) 60% of the Punjabis and over 50% of the Gujaratis state that local status competition had a significant influence on their decisions to migrate. Thus, the economic attraction of England and the status competition among local families and the community were the dominant factors in migration decision making.  相似文献   

Whereas the global march towards the professional development of geography teachers in schools was, perhaps, the major achievement in geography education of the twentieth century, promoting the professional development of faculty teaching geography in higher education is one of the major challenges that faces us in geography education for the twenty‐first century. What little educational development is currently provided for faculty teaching in universities is largely generic. There is a need for a disciplinary specific component in educational development, both for the initial training of faculty and for their continuing professional development. This article explores how the professional development of faculty is related to the international debate about developing the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. It reviews some recent initiatives, particularly from the United States and the United Kingdom, and examines the role of national associations and international networks in supporting faculty teaching geography in higher education. Some of the challenges involved in professionalizing teaching geography in higher education are discussed. The article ends with some suggestions for promoting lifelong professional development in geography in higher education nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and the world's leading producer and exporter of coffee. Smallholders are the predominant producers of Brazilian coffee and have been significantly impacted by post-ISI (import substitution industrialisation) neoliberal reforms that swept the nation's agricultural sector beginning in the 1980s. These reforms stimulated increased coffee production while simultaneously diminishing state interventions, including agricultural subsidies, farmer credits, research and development programmes, extension services, and rural development initiatives. These changes were closely followed by major restructuring of the global coffee market and the elimination of international coffee export quotas. Our research joins a growing body of recent literature exploring how changes related to market liberalisation and globalisation affect localities and regions where producers supply coffee for conventional markets. Through a case study, we describe the impacts of neoliberal globalisation on the lives, livelihoods, and environment of small-scale coffee producers in Minas Gerais, Brazil. We explore how neoliberal reform, reflected in the specific historical, geographical, and environmental context of Brazilian coffee production, has resulted in the increased marginalisation of small-scale farmers, the degradation of soils, and overall rural decline.  相似文献   

As international health organizations have increasingly acknowledged the global burden of psychological trauma, global health experts have sought to appraise and organize the treatment of trauma through objective, neutral forms of classification and calculation. Rather than see trauma as a singular thing whose biological, social and psychological formation is bracketed by expert perspectives, this paper focuses on how psychological trauma is enacted—that is, brought into being and sustained—in particular contexts and practices. If trauma can be made and unmade in practices, rather than assumed to be a stable thing, then these practices become a matter of concern rather than fact for geographers. We take as our empirical focus the province of North Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where trauma has become a matter of growing local, national and international concern. Working with and beyond the conceptual work of Annemarie Mol, we demonstrate how different ‘versions’ of trauma uneasily co-exist in the region. Interrogating these versions, we explore the tensions that arise from attempting to explain and summate the incidence of trauma that is not singular or stable but is, instead, emergent and enacted in a variety of practices.  相似文献   

The growing salience of interactions between the functionally broad but geographically narrow regimes for the polar regions and the geographically broad but functionally specific regimes emerging to deal with global environmental changes directs attention to the issue of institutional interplay. Interplay among regimes can cause mutual interference or foster synergy. Adopting a pragmatic stance that assumes no fundamental changes in international society, this essay suggests ways to: (1) adapt global regimes dealing with ozone depletion, climate change and biodiversity to the conditions prevailing in the polar regions; and (2) ensure that concerns arising in the polar regions receive serious consideration in global forums. Specific suggestions range from modest initiatives involving monitoring and assessment to more ambitious initiatives, such as the establishment of a chamber of regions in global regimes.  相似文献   

This article investigates the origin of international norms, arguing that one pathway is via the strategic action of sector-specific policy networks. Evidence is adduced from an examination of the contested norm of sustainable forest management (SFM). It is argued that a Canadian forestry policy network, under pressure internally and externally to demonstrate its environmental and social credentials, promoted an “economistic” SFM norm in regional negotiations known as the Montreal Process. The article outlines the policy network approach, applies it to the Canadian forest sector, and analyzes how a policy network centered in the Canadian Forest Service and the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers worked to have the network's preferred conception of SFM internationally endorsed. The article highlights the importance of investigating which social actors champion which international norms and encourages reflexive policymaking by calling into question the degree to which international norms actually reflect a genuine global consensus.  相似文献   

孙健  吴康  杨宇 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1240-1250
随着全球原油贸易关系的复杂化和亚洲原油需求的上升,全球能源市场的“亚洲溢价”现象成为需要关注的议题。本文基于全球石油贸易网络复杂性视角,选取1993—2018年国际原油贸易数据进行样本数据考察,通过构建复杂网络模型和潜在竞争指数,对全球原油贸易网络中的亚洲溢价现象和中日印韩四国潜在竞争力进行分析。结果表明:全球原油贸易集团分化交融,中日印韩呈现出贸易集团化的趋势。从全球原油贸易网络指标来看,中日印韩四国在全球原油贸易网络地位和影响力不断提升,有力推动了全球原油消费中心向亚太地区转移。潜在竞争指数表明,中国与日本、印度、韩国的潜在原油竞争关系呈现出不同特征,中日表现出“先强后弱”的特点,而中印、中韩表现为整体持续增强的特征。  相似文献   

In this article I demonstrate the coexistence of multiple urban governance regimes in Delhi, India. While formal urban governance is geared toward transforming Delhi into a “world-class” city, I present original research that shows how the everyday governance of urban space in three very different areas of Delhi is determined by relations among non-state actors. These regimes foster access to space for street hawkers on an everyday basis while they allow powerful local interest groups to collect rent and influence flows of people and commodities. I argue that, in contrast to formal electoral politics, these governance regimes emerge from a parallel politics of everyday interactions, negotiations, and transgressions. Although the emancipatory potential of these regimes should not be overstated, they do offer street hawkers limited contingency to improve their access to urban space. This article contributes to a growing body of work on urban governance by showing how multiplicities of governance regimes coexist and determine how and by whom urban space is used in a metropolis in the global South.  相似文献   

2000年以来,印度的服务外包产业从一个提供低技术含量服务的供应方,逐步升级为一个提供高技术含量研发服务的供应方,其服务外包产业升级的成功经验值得深入探究。班加罗尔是印度软件出口的策源地,同时在研发服务业方面也日益专业化。本文以全球价值链的相关理论为支撑,以班加罗尔作为研究案例,在对该城市从软件外包到研发服务业兴起的发展轨迹进行系统回顾的基础上,将推动班加罗尔服务业兴起与发展的原因归结为高素质低成本人才的供应、跨国公司全球研发战略的转变、本土研发管理能力的提升以及海外人脉网络的充分利用四大驱动因素。  相似文献   

能源地缘政治与能源权力研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨宇  何则 《地理科学进展》2021,40(3):524-540
围绕油气资源的权力博弈仍然是当今世界最主要的能源权力争夺,但不同时代的能源权力的属性有所不同,能源安全与能源战略内涵也有所不同。论文在系统梳理能源地缘政治基础上,提出了能源权力的概念,并从地缘政治格局、能源安全观、能源网络和全球能源治理4个方面进行了具体阐述。研究认为:① 以能源分布、产销空间变化及其规律性总结是传统能源地缘政治研究的核心,油气资源地理分布的不平衡性是能源权力产生的最直接因素。② 从石油危机时代到未来新能源时代,能源安全观的不同是影响国际能源地缘政治权力变化的重要因素。③ 能源的商品属性和地缘属性决定了能源贸易不仅是经济行为,其空间的流动与国际政治关系密切。生产与消费的分离使得油气二次分配过程中的贸易控制和通道控制对能源权力重构产生重要影响。④ 全球能源权力巨变和复杂错综的能源权力网络将引发全球能源治理体系的新秩序。权力的主体从国家、国际组织、跨国公司转变为全球能源网络中利益共同体,能源治理的主题从一国之利益走向了全球能源权力的再分配过程。展望未来,如何在理论上建构新时代的能源权力的理论体系,深化气候变化和新能源等因素影响下的世界能源权力的演变、地理空间与权力的相互依赖关系、权力秩序的重构及其效应、全球能源治理机制及其治理模式等研究,对科学认知和研判世界能源形势与能源战略的演化具有重要的意义,也是能源地缘政治学研究的重要方向性命题。  相似文献   

世界钢铁工业发展趋势及对我国钢铁工业的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
20世纪是世界钢铁工业快速发展的世纪。在科技进步和市场需求的拉动下,世界钢铁生产的规模、地区格局与原材料供应等都发生了显著变化。进入21世纪,世界钢铁工业将在高科技的推动、原材料供给与产品销售的激烈竞争、以及环境容量的制约下,进入新的结构调整和发展时期。未来世界钢铁工业将以发展中国家的增长为主;生产体制从注重产量向环境友好转化;市场竞争将加速跨国公司全球资本重组。我国钢铁工业在今后20至30年内仍有较大发展空间,国内外市场需求的变化与跨国公司的并购重组,将推动我国钢铁工业布局进一步接近市场,向沿海或大都市周边地区集中。  相似文献   

Minority ethnic populations in England and Wales have been increasing steadily as a share of the total population since the 1991 Census. In this paper, we are interested in how internal migration has changed as a possible consequence. Our analysis focuses on the movements between 12 area groups, as defined by the Office for National Statistics, and addresses the following three research questions: (1) how has internal migration in England and Wales evolved from 1991 to 2004; (2) what are the main differences in the movements between the White (majority) population and the ethnic minority population; and (3) how do migration patterns differ when ethnicity, education and employment statuses are considered together? The data come from the 1991 to 2004 National Health Service Central Registers, the 1999–2004 patient registers and the 2001 Census. We find strong stability in the migration patterns of the total population over time. However, large differences appear when the flows are disaggregated by ethnicity and further by education and employment. Education level is an important factor influencing the migration patterns for the White population, whereas employment status is a much more important factor for the ethnic minority population.  相似文献   

Global change has become a major ecological concern that has the potential to dramatically alter plant distributions and assemblages worldwide. The specific response of plants to global change will depend on their ability to move, evolve, or adjust through phenotypic plasticity. Advances in biogeographic research are on the verge of a giant leap forward if we can take advantage of emerging tools in genetics and genomics. In this review, we appraise how new, post-Sanger, high-throughput sequencing and associated technologies can be used by next generation biogeographers to assess plant responses to global change. First, we briefly review the recent advances in genome sequencing and available approaches of genomic analysis. Secondly, we discuss the three main plant responses to global change: migration, adaptation, and phenotypic plasticity. This review is intended to spark the interest of biogeographers who do not traditionally use genetics but could benefit from including genetic and genomic tools into their research. Our goal is to illustrate that their use can contribute to new perspective and add an additional level of resolution into future biogeographic research.  相似文献   

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