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巴尔喀什成矿带晚古生代地壳增生与构造演化   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
巴尔喀什成矿带是中亚成矿域重要的晚古生代斑岩铜钼成矿带。巴尔喀什成矿带晚古生代花岗岩类(石炭-二叠纪)主要为高钾钙碱性系列,晚期出现钾玄岩系列岩石,主要为I型花岗岩类;石炭纪处在同碰撞和火山弧环境,二叠纪为后碰撞环境。分析表明,博尔雷属于经典的岛弧花岗岩区,科翁腊德、阿克斗卡和萨亚克属于埃达克岩(Adakite)区。巴尔喀什成矿带内花岗岩类εNd(t)值为(-5.87~+5.94),εSr(t)值为(-17.16~+51.10)。以巴尔喀什中央断裂为界,成矿带东、西分带,断裂两侧具有不同的地壳生长历史:断裂以东的萨亚克和阿克斗卡地区εNd(t)值较高,具有亏损地幔组分特征,为古生代增生的新生陆壳;以西的科翁腊德和博尔雷εNd(t)值较低,主要是壳幔岩浆混合的结果,反映了古老基底的存在,主要为新元古代增生地壳。成矿带花岗岩类206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb比值范围分别为18.3346~20.9929、15.5213~15.7321和38.2874~40.0209,为造山带花岗岩类,具有与天山、阿尔泰和准噶尔花岗岩类的亲缘性。  相似文献   

The Chinese Altai in northwestern Xinjiang has numerous outcrops of granitoids which provide critical information on accretionary orogenic processes and crustal growth of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf-isotopic compositions and whole-rock geochemistry of monzogranite and granodiorites in the Qinghe County are employed to elucidate Paleozoic tectonics of the Chinese Altai. Granodiorites have crystallization ages of 424.6 ± 3.1 Ma(MSWD = 0.23) and 404.0 ± 3.4 Ma(MSWD = 0.18);monzogranite was emplaced in the early Permian with a crystallization age of 293.7 ± 4.6 Ma(MSWD = 1.06). Both granodiorites and monzogranite are I-type granites with A/CNK ratios of 0.92 -0.97 and 1.03 -1.06, respectively. They also show similar geochemical features of high HREE and Y contents, low Sr contents and Sr/Y ratios, as well as enrichment of Cs, Rb, Th and U, and depletion of Nb, Ta, P and Ti.These geochemical features indicate that the monzogranite and granodiorites were formed in an arc setting related to subduction. The gneissic monzogranites display high SiO_2 and K_2 O contents, and belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series. In the chondrite normalized REE distribution pattern, the monzogranite samples exhibit enrichment of LREE with strong negative Eu anomalies(σE u =0.44 -0.53), zircon εHf(t) values from +7.24 to +12.63 and two-stage Hf model ages of 463 -740 Ma. This suggests that the monzogranite was generated from the mixing of pelitic and mantle material. The granodiorite samples are calc-alkaline granites with lower contents of Si O_2 and Na_2 O + K_2 O, higher contents of TiO_2, Fe_2O_3~t, MgO and CaO compared to the monzogranite samples. They also show enrichment of LREE and moderate negative Eu anomalies(σE u= 0.54 =0.81), as well as slightly higher differentiation of LREE than that of HREE. The425 Ma granodiorite has zircon εHf(t) values from -0.51 to +1.98 and two-stage Hf model ages of 1133 -1240 Ma, whereas the 404 Ma granodiorite displays those of +2.52 to +7.50 and 816 -1071 Ma.Geochemistry and zircon Hf isotopic compositions indicate that granodiorites were formed by partial melting of juvenile lower crust. Together with regional geology and previous data, the geochemical and geochronological data of the monzogranite and granodiorites from this study suggest long-lived subduction and accretion along the Altai Orogen during ca. 425 -294 Ma.  相似文献   

Studies of supercontinental cycle are mainly concentrated on the assembly, breakup and dispersal of supercontinents, and studies of continental crustal growth largely on the growth and loss (recycling) of the crust. These two problems have long been studied separately from each other. The Paleozoic–Mesozoic granites in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt have commonly positive Nd values, implying large-scale continental crustal growth in the Phanerozoic. They coincided temporally and spatially with the Phanerozoic Pangea supercontinental cycle, and overlapped in space with the P-wave high-V anomalies and calculated positions of subducted slabs for the last 180 Ma, all this suggests that the Phanerozoic Laurasia supercontinental assembly was accompanied by large-scale continental crustal growth in central Asia. Based on these observations, this paper proposes that there may be close and original correlations between a supercontinental cycle, continental crustal growth and catastrophic slab avalanches in the mantle. In this model we suggest that rapid continental crustal growth occurred during supercontinent assembly, whereas during supercontinental breakup and dispersal new additions of the crust were balanced by losses, resulting in a steady state system. Supercontinental cycle and continental crustal growth are both governed by changing patterns of mantle convection.  相似文献   

The tectonic setting of the northern Alxa region during the Late Paleozoic is highly controversial.The key to resolve this controversy is to recognize the Late Paleozoic magmatic processes in the northern Alxa.In this paper,we present new zircon U-Pb ages,Hf-isotopic compositions and whole-rock geochemical data of four granitoids along the Zhusileng-Hangwula Tectonic Belt in the northern Alxa region that could provide critical information about the tectonic evolution of this region.The zircon U-Pb data could be grouped as two phases:Late Devonian granite and diorite(ca.373-360 Ma),and Late Carboniferous granodiorite(ca.318 Ma).The Late Devonian granites and diorites are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous,with A/CNK and A/NK ratios of 0.90-1.11 and0.95-2.19,respectively.The Late Devonian diorites are characterized by high MgO,Cr and Ni contents and MgO#values,together with variable ε_(Hf)(t) values from-1.0 to+1.3 and old T_(DM2) ages varied from 1283 Ma to 1426 Ma,indicating the primary magma was potentially derived from magma mixing of depleted mantle with Mesoproterozoic continental crust.Even though the Late Devonian granites yielded most positive and minor negative e_(Hf)(t) values between-1.1 to+5.7(three grains are negative) with two-stage model ages(T_(DM2)) of 1003-1438 Ma,they display low MgO,Cr and Ni contents and MgO#values,suggesting that they were mainly derived from juvenile crustal materials,mixed with a small amount of ancient crust.The Late Carboniferous granitoids are metaluminous and medium-K calc-alkaline series,with A/CNK and A/NK ratios ranging from 0.88 to 0.95 and1.75 to 1.90,respectively.These rocks were potentially derived from juvenile crustal materials mixed with depleted mantle,as evidenced by their high ε_(Hf)(t) values(+11.6 to+14.1) and young TDM2 ages(427 Ma to 586 Ma),as well as high Mg#values,and MgO,Ni and Cr contents.Our data,along with available sedimentary evidence and previous researches,indicate that the Late Devonian and Late Carboniferous rocks are arc-related granitoids under the subduction setting.The identification of arc-related granitoids in the northern Alxa region not only reveals the Late Paleozoic magmatic process in response to the subduction of Paleo Asian Ocean,but also provide significant constrains to the tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

Here we present new U–Pb and Hf isotopic data for detrital zircons obtained from six samples of late Palaeozoic units from central Jilin Province, Northeast China, and use these data and sedimentary formations to constrain the late Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The majority of the detrital zircons from the six samples are euhedral–subhedral and exhibit oscillatory zoning, indicating a magmatic origin. Zircons from sandstones in the Devonian Wangjiajie and Xiaosuihe formations yield seven main age populations (399, 440, 921, 1648, 1864, 1911, and 2066 Ma) and two minor age populations (384 and 432 Ma), respectively. Zircons from a quartz sandstone in the Carboniferous Luquantun Formation yield four age populations (~332, 363, 402, and 428 Ma), and zircons from quartz sandstones of the Permian Shoushangou, Fanjiatun, and Yangjiagou formations yield age populations of 265, 369, 463, 503, and 963 Ma; 264, 310, 337, 486, and 529 Ma; and 262, 282, 312, 338, 380, 465, and 492 Ma, respectively. These data, together with the ages of magmatic zircons from interbedded volcanics and biostratigraphic evidence, as well as analysis of formations, give rise to the following conclusions. (1) The Wangjiajie and Xiaosuihe formations were deposited in an extensional environment during Middle and Middle–Late Devonian time, respectively. The former was sourced mainly from ancient continental material of the North China Craton with minor contributions from newly accreted crust, while the latter was sourced mainly from newly accreted crust. (2) The Luquantun Formation formed in an extensional environment during early–late Carboniferous time from material sourced mainly from newly accreted crust. (3) The Shoushangou, Fanjiatun, and Yangjiagou formations formed during a period of rapid uplift in the late Permian, from material sourced mainly from newly accreted crust.  相似文献   

The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is one of the most important regions for Cu, Au and polymetallic and rare metallic (Li, Be, Nb, Ta) mineralization over the world. Most of the ore deposits in the CAOB are closely associated with granitoids. Available Sr, Nd, S and Pb isotopic data indicate that the metallogenic epoch and sources of the mineral deposits in the CAOB are consistent with that of the regional granites. Available data suggest that mantle sources could have played an important role in the Paleozoic to Mesozoic mineralization in the CAOB.  相似文献   

试析地幔来源物质成矿域——以中亚造山带为例   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34  
文章总结了大量的Sr,Nd,S,Pb多元同位素资料,据此认为,中亚造山带的铜,金多金属矿床与区域花岗岩在形成时代和物质来源上基本吻合,具有一定的继承性,从古生代直至中生代,地幔来源物质参与了成岩成矿作用,即便是钨、锡稀有金属矿床,也受到地幔来源物质的明显影响,从而揭示了地幔来源物质在中亚造山带金属成矿作用的重要意义。  相似文献   


Quartz diorite intrusions in the Jiefangyingzi area associated with deformed Palaeozoic rocks of the Palaeozoic Bainaimiao arc magmatic belt on the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) were studied to determine their age, chemical composition, and isotopic characteristics. U–Pb dating of magmatic zircons indicates that the quartz diorites formed in Neoarchaean time between 2502.6 ± 9.1 Ma and 2551 ± 7.3 Ma. The quartz diorites have high Al2O3 and low K2O contents, A/CNK = 0.75–0.97, and belong to the low-K tholeiitic series. The quartz diorites are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) with high (La/Yb)N ratios and exhibit weak positive or no Eu anomalies, characteristics of high-alumina tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) igneous rocks. Zircon εHf(t) value for the quartz diorites ranges from +1.6 to +8.7, and the two-stage Hf-depleted mantle model age (TDM) ranges from 2705 to 2744 Ma, suggesting that the quartz diorite was derived from melting juvenile Neoarchaean crust formed from partial melting of the mantle at 2.7 Ga. Amphibolite xenoliths have low REE concentrations and are moderately depleted in LREE with (La/Yb)N ratios of 0.46–1.09. The trace element characteristics of the amphibolites are consistent with a mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB)-like protolith. This is the first time that Archaean rocks have been identified in the Bainaimiao arc magmatic belt and the age and nature of Jiefangyingzi quartz diorites suggest that they belonged to the NCC. The Early Palaeozoic Bainaimiao arc thus appears to represent an Andean-type continental arc on the northern margin of the NCC.  相似文献   

中亚造山带东段何时与何地关闭,从俯冲到关闭的过程以及随后的陆内演化又经历了什么主要事件,目前还存在不同认识。中亚造山带东段林西地区的蛇绿混杂岩及其周围地区的区域地质调查表明,以杏树洼蛇绿混杂岩和双井片岩为代表的西拉木伦河构造带是一个晚古生代的增生楔,在该混杂岩带中发育了典型的岩块被包裹在基质中的构造。该楔体被中、晚二叠世克德河砾岩所覆盖。增生楔中最早的近东西向构造代表了向南俯冲阶段的变形,随后继续经历向北的逆冲推覆,卷入了中、晚二叠世地层,形成了碰撞期的变形;在晚二叠世末期—三叠纪早期,蛇绿混杂岩以及上覆的克德河砾岩又经历了区域性的强烈的右行韧性剪切,并发生应变分解。晚二叠世区域性的右行韧性剪切在中亚造山带南缘普遍发育,代表了中亚造山带已经全部进入陆内环境。双井片岩也经历了与蛇绿混杂岩类似的变形事件,在增生楔下部经历变质作用,并在碰撞期抬升至地表,晚期为区域性的右行剪切。同时,结合锆石与磷灰石低温热年代学测试表明,双井片岩和蛇绿混杂岩共同经历了中、晚侏罗世源自北侧蒙古-阿霍茨克大洋关闭导致的近南北向挤压、早白垩世期间遍及东亚的区域性伸展以及晚白垩世短暂的构造反转事件。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2022,5(4):555-578
The eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) in NE China is a key area for investigating continental growth. However, the complexity of its Paleozoic geological history has meant that the tectonic development of this belt is not fully understood. NE China is composed of the Erguna and Jiamusi blocks in the northern and eastern parts and the Xing’an and Songliao-Xilinhot accretionary terranes in the central and southern parts. The Erguna and Jiamusi blocks have Precambrian basements with Siberia and Gondwana affinities, respectively. In contrast, the Xing ’an and Songliao-Xilinhot accretionary terranes were formed via subduction and collision processes. These blocks and terranes were separated by the Xinlin-Xiguitu, Heilongjiang, Nenjiang, and Solonker oceans from north to south, and these oceans closed during the Cambrian (ca. 500 Ma), Late Silurian (ca. 420 Ma), early Late Carboniferous (ca. 320 Ma), and Late Permian to Middle Triassic (260 –240 Ma), respectively, forming the Xinlin-Xiguitu, Mudanjiang-Yilan, Hegenshan-Heihe, Solonker-Linxi, and Changchun-Yanji suture zones. Two oceanic tectonic cycles took place in the eastern Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO), namely, the Early Paleozoic cycle involving the Xinlin-Xiguitu and Heilongjiang oceans and the late Paleozoic cycle involving the Nenjiang-Solonker oceans. The Paleozoic tectonic pattern of the eastern CAOB generally shows structural features that trend east-west. The timing of accretion and collision events of the eastern CAOB during the Paleozoic youngs progressively from north to south. The branch ocean basins of the eastern PAO closed from west to east in a scissor-like manner. A bi-directional subduction regime dominated during the narrowing and closure process of the eastern PAO, which led to “soft collision” of tectonic units on each side, forming huge accretionary orogenic belts in central Asia.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

We present a detailed, new time scale for an orogenic cycle (oceanic accretion–subduction–collision) that provides significant insights into Paleozoic continental growth processes in the southeastern segment of the long-lived Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The most prominent tectonic feature in Inner Mongolia is the association of paired orogens. A southern orogen forms a typical arc-trench complex, in which a supra-subduction zone ophiolite records successive phases during its life cycle: birth (ca. 497–477 Ma), when the ocean floor of the ophiolite was formed; (2) youth (ca. 473–470 Ma), characterized by mantle wedge magmatism; (3) shortly after maturity (ca. 461–450 Ma), high-Mg adakite and adakite were produced by slab melting and subsequent interaction of the melt with the mantle wedge; (4) death, caused by subduction of a ridge crest (ca. 451–434 Ma) and by ridge collision with the ophiolite (ca. 428–423 Ma). The evolution of the magmatic arc exhibits three major coherent phases: arc volcanism (ca. 488–444 Ma); adakite plutonism (ca. 448–438 Ma) and collision (ca. 419–415 Ma) of the arc with a passive continental margin. The northern orogen, a product of ridge-trench interaction, evolved progressively from coeval generation of near-trench plutons (ca. 498–461 Ma) and juvenile arc crust (ca. 484–469 Ma), to ridge subduction (ca. 440–434 Ma), microcontinent accretion (ca. 430–420 Ma), and finally to forearc formation. The paired orogens followed a consistent progression from ocean floor subduction/arc formation (ca. 500–438 Ma), ridge subduction (ca. 451–434 Ma) to microcontinent accretion/collision (ca. 430–415 Ma); ridge subduction records the turning point that transformed oceanic lithosphere into continental crust. The recognition of this orogenic cycle followed by Permian–early Triassic terminal collision of the CAOB provides compelling evidence for episodic continental growth.  相似文献   

中亚造山带东段内蒙古中部地区一直是地球内部动力学和全球变化研究的热点地区。鉴于该地区的构造在理解中亚造山带的形成过程中起着重要作用,因此对该地区构造的研究具有重要意义。本文收集了中亚造山带东段一条长364 km的大地电磁测深(MT)剖面数据,该剖面西北起于内蒙古东乌旗内的国境线附近,向东南延伸,穿过北部造山带、索伦缝合带、南部造山带,在内蒙古翁牛特旗以西约30 km附近终止。根据数据的分析结果,对该剖面进行了二维反演。结果表明,剖面区段内岩石圈电性结构沿南北方向上整体表现为横向分块的特征。其中,北部造山带整体上以低阻为主要特征;索伦缝合带是整个剖面电性特征从低阻到高阻的过渡区;南部造山带整体上以高阻为主要特征。北部造山带的低阻特征表明该区域是不稳定的,可能是由古亚洲洋闭合后残留洋壳或者软流圈上升流引起的。索伦缝合带的电性结构特征表明该区域可能在缝合之后还发生了新的构造事件。南部造山带的高阻特征表明该区域基底是稳定的、“冷”的,且流体含量很低,电性结构的几何特征反映了该区域增厚的岩石圈。剖面所经过区域的电性结构特征表明,在西伯利亚板块与华北板块碰撞缝合之后研究区内可能还发生了诸如软流圈流...  相似文献   

中亚造山带南缘如何向南扩展,对深入理解增生型造山作用和大陆地壳生长机制以及中亚构造域与特提斯构造域的衔接具有重要科学意义.作为中亚造山带南缘的关键构造单元,敦煌构造带大地构造属性长期备受关注且颇有争议.传统观点认为敦煌构造带是古亚洲洋南侧的前寒武纪稳定大陆地块,以刚性块体的形式参与了中亚造山带南缘的最终拼贴过程.然而,...  相似文献   

阿尔泰造山带横跨中、俄、哈、蒙四国边界,是中亚造山带主要组成部分,发育大量的花岗岩等侵入体。本文研究总结这些岩体的时空演变、成因类型和构造环境,并探讨其增生造山和地壳生长意义。依据锆石年龄,这些岩体可大致分为早中古生代的470~440Ma(中晚奥陶世)和425~360Ma(晚志留世—晚泥盆世)、晚古生代的355~318Ma(早石炭世)和290~270Ma(早二叠世)以及早中生代245~190Ma(中晚三叠世—早侏罗世)3个阶段5个期次,其中425~360Ma花岗岩可进一步细分为425~390Ma和380~360Ma两个峰期。早中古生代(470~360Ma)花岗岩体分布广泛,主要为钙碱性I型,多具不同程度变形,其中470~440Ma岩体变形极强(片麻岩体)。它们为同造山俯冲增生产物,形成于活动陆缘俯冲(470~440Ma)、继续俯冲弧后盆地伸展(420~390Ma)到聚合碰撞(380~360Ma)的过程中。早石炭世岩体发育于造山带南部,为不变形圆形状或不规则状,具典型碱性花岗岩特征,为晚(后)造山产物。早二叠世岩体主要发育于阿尔泰造山带南部,少量分布于造山带内部,多为圆形,不变形,少量变形岩体集中在额尔齐斯构造带内,成因类型以I、A型为特点,伴生有大量基性岩脉(体),显示为后造山底侵伸展环境。早中生代岩体为不变形圆形或不规则状,具有高分异I型和S型花岗岩特征,伴有稀有金属矿产,具有板内环境特点。花岗岩体同位素填图显示,阿尔泰中部块体岩体具有较低的εNd(t)值和老的Nd同位素模式年龄(1~1.3Ga),暗示存在古老地壳基底;由北向南εNd(t)值增高,模式年龄变年轻,显示陆壳向南生长,其中水平和垂向生长率分别为18%~28%和7%~8%。中生代时期阿尔泰造山带保留水平增生结构,没有发生大规模构造块体垂向叠覆。阿尔泰造山带经历了古陆缘构造演化,奥陶纪—志留纪陆缘俯冲,泥盆纪陆弧及陆缘边缘裂解、弧后盆地形成,晚泥盆世最终洋盆闭合及早石炭世各块体拼合的演化过程。该研究表明增生造山带中同样存在构造演化的阶段性;中亚增生造山作用不仅具有弧前增生,而且还存在陆缘裂解再拼合作用。  相似文献   

Reconstructing late Palaeozoic metamorphism of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) can provide a better understanding of how the CAOB formed. The petrology of sillimanite-bearing metapelitic schists from high-grade portions of the Permian Chinese Altai metamorphic belt (andalusite-type) reflects the effects of poorly understood high-T, low-P metamorphism. Phase equilibria modelling in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–TiO2–O (NCKFMASHTO) system restricts PT conditions of the sillimanite schists to approximately 635–670°C at approximately 5.8–6.8 kbar. SHRIMP U–Pb analyses of zircon from the rocks yield a concordant age of 299.2 ± 3.4 Ma. Combined with the slightly younger (292.8 ± 2.3 Ma) areally restricted pelitic granulite with peak P?T conditions of approximately 780–800°C at approximately 5–6 kbar and high-T granulite with P?T conditions of approximately 860°C at approximately 6 kbar, these metamorphic rocks reflect prograde heating at relatively low pressure in early Permian time. Together with contemporary and widespread magmatic activities, they are best explained in the context of a post-orogenic extensional environment related to a mantle plume.  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦巴尔喀什成矿带是中亚成矿域重要的晚古生代斑岩铜钼和云英岩-石英脉型钨钼成矿带,是受走滑断裂边界控制的中亚多核成矿系统的核心之一。本文根据锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年、40Ar/39Ar热年代学、磷灰石裂变径迹定年和热历史模拟,厘定了巴尔喀什成矿带西部地区晚古生代最晚期深成岩浆侵入事件。研究表明,原来被认为是属于三叠纪的后碰撞花岗岩类侵入岩体,给出锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为289.7±2.3Ma,为早二叠世。结合前人研究,本文探讨了巴尔喀什成矿带西部从深成岩浆侵入、钨钼成矿作用、区域冷却到剥露作用热历史的全过程。晚古生代最晚期花岗岩类侵入体具有与钨钼矿床相同的晚中生代剥露作用年龄(92.4±5.9Ma)。  相似文献   

Three tectonic units have been recognized in the Chifeng area, Inner Mongolia, from north to south, including the Qiganmiao accretionary prism, Jiefangyingzi arc belt and Sidaozhangpeng molasse basin, which formed an Andeantype active continent margin during the early to middle Paleozoic. The Qiganmiao accretionary prism is characterized by a mélange that consists of gabbro, two-mica quartz schist and basic volcanic rock blocks and heterogeneously deformed marble matrix. Two zircon U-Pb ages of ...  相似文献   

位于中蒙边境额仁淖尔地区的查干德勒含角闪石黑云母二长花岗岩和卫境黑云母二长花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄分别为276±2Ma和279±1Ma,均为早二叠世岩体。地球化学数据显示两个岩体均具有高SiO2含量(67.63%~74.75%)和高K2O含量(2.94%~6.13%),具弱的铕负异常(δEu=0.53~0.80),A/CNK均小于1.1,属弱过铝质的高钾钙碱性系列,具有I型花岗岩的特征。查干德勒岩体锆石εHf(t)值为-18.65~-10.95,模式年龄tDM2在2 470~1 989Ma之间,反映了深部源区可能存在古老地壳物质。卫境岩体锆石εHf(t)值为+1.71~+5.44,模式年龄tDM2在1 193~954Ma之间,具有年轻的源区特征,反映了年轻地壳的生长。额仁淖尔地区同时代两个花岗岩的锆石Hf同位素反映了完全不同的物源性质,也说明古老物质的再循环和新地壳的生长可以发生在同一个区域。  相似文献   

The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt(EKOB) provides an important link to reconstruct the evolution of the Proto-Tethys and Paleo-Tethys realm. The EKOB is marked by widespread Early Paleozoic magmatism.Here we report the petrology, bulk geochemistry, zircon Ue Pb dating and, Lue Hf and SreN d isotopic data of the Early Paleozoic granitic rocks in Zhiyu area of the southern EKOB. Based on the zircon U-Pb dating, these granitoids, consisting of diorite, granodiorite and monzogranite, were formed during 450 -430 Ma the Late Ordovician to Middle Silurian. The diorite and granodiorite are high Sr/Y ratio as adakitic affinities, and the monzogranite belongs to highly fractionated I-type. Their(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)ivalues range from 0.7059 to 0.7085, εNd(t) values from -1.6 to -6.0 and the zircon εHf(t) values show large variations from +9.1 to -8.6 with Hf model ages(T_(DM2)) about 848 Ma and 1970 Ma. The large variations of whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf isotopes demonstrate strong isotopic heterogeneity of the source regions which probably resulted from multi-phase underplating of mantle-derived magmas. Geochemical and isotopic studies proved that the diorite and granodiorite had been derived from partial melting of heterogeneous crustal source with variable contributions from ancient continental crust and juvenile components, and the monzogranites were representing fractional crystallization and crustal contamination for arc magma. The Early Paleozoic adakitic rocks and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids in the southern EKOB were likely emplaced in a continental marginal arc setting possibly linked to the southwards subduction of the Paleo Kunlun Ocean and the magma generation is linked to partial melting of thickened continental crust induced by underplating of mantle-derived magmas.  相似文献   

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