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《Gondwana Research》2015,27(3-4):803-815
The early Proterozoic Era between 2.45 and 2.2 Ga is well known for a distinct minima in juvenile magmatism and detrital zircon abundance, an intriguing observation given its coincidence with many fundamental changes in Earth processes. A recent hypothesis seeks to explain this Siderian ‘Quiet Interval’ as the result of a plate tectonic shutdown in which extended tectonic quiescence is due to widespread lithospheric stagnation in an episodic mantle overturn regime. The model suggests that this period characterizes a ‘pre-modern’ geodynamic style and has profound implications for many geodynamic processes.We use spatially-linked chronostratigraphic and paleomagnetic databases to assess the major predictions of the model and find six of its key predictions are not supported by current data. The quiet interval includes a greater extent of contractional orogenesis and a broader range of paleopressures than previously known and is not characterized by LP–HT metamorphism proposed to have been related to higher upper mantle temperatures from decreased upper mantle cooling. Glacial conditions do not appear to have been triggered by the coincidence of the onset of magmatic shutdown with the end of mass-independent sulphur isotope fractionation and oxygenation of the atmosphere, as the initial glacial episodes predate this time. The glacial record, moreover, requires four episodes of climatic amelioration during the proposed shutdown, for which a mechanism appears lacking. A purported gap in Large-Igneous-Province formation, related to decreased mantle vigour, is not apparent. Quiet interval magmatism includes juvenile, arc-type and TTG magmatism, supporting significant crustal additions on a number of cratons. The prediction of negligible plate velocities during shutdown is not borne out by the well-constrained Superior Province paleomagnetic record. We suggest that plate tectonics did not shut down but that the Siderian Quiet Interval represents overall diminished tectonic activity during peripheral orogenesis, as is known for other relatively quiet periods following supercontinent or supercraton amalgamation.  相似文献   

As we continue searching for exoplanets,we wonder if life and technological species capable of communicating with us exists on any of them.As geoscientists,we can also wonder how important is the presence or absence of plate tectonics for the evolution of technological species.This essay considers this question,focusing on tectonically active rocky(silicate) planets,like Earth,Venus,and Mars.The development of technological species on Earth provides key insights for understanding evolution on exoplanets,including the likely role that plate tectonics may play.An Earth-sized silicate planet is likely to experience several tectonic styles over its lifetime,as it cools and its lithosphere thickens,strengthens,and becomes denser.These include magma ocean,various styles of stagnant lid,and perhaps plate tectonics.Abundant liquid water favors both life and plate tectonics.Ocean is required for early evolution of diverse single-celled organisms,then colonies of cells which specialized further to form guts,appendages,and sensory organisms up to the complexity of fish(central nervous system,appendages,eyes).Large expanses of dry land also begin in the ocean,today produced above subduction zones in juvenile arcs and by their coalescence to form continents,although it is not clear that plate tectonics was required to create continental crust on Earth.Dry land of continents is required for further evolution of technological species,where modification of appendages for grasping and manipulating,and improvement of eyes and central nervous system could be perfected.These bioassets allowed intelligent creatures to examine the night sky and wonder,the beginning of abstract thinking,including religion and science.Technology arises from the exigencies of daily living such as tool-making,agriculture,clothing,and weapons,but the pace of innovation accelerates once it is allied with science.Finally,the importance of plate tectonics for developing a technological species is examined via a thought experiment using two otherwise identical planets:one with plate tectonics and the other without.A planet with oceans,continents,and plate tectonics maximizes opportunities for speciation and natural selection,whereas a similar planet without plate tectonics provides fewer such opportunities.Plate tectonics exerts environmental pressures that drive evolution without being capable of extinguishing all life.Plate tectonic processes such as the redistribution of continents,growth of mountain ranges,formation of land bridges,and opening and closing of oceans provide a continuous but moderate environmental pressure that stimulates populations to adapt and evolve.Plate tectonics may not be needed in order for life to begin,but evolution of technological species is favored on planets with oceans,continents,plate tectonics,and intermittently clear night sky.  相似文献   

Robert Kerrich  Ali Polat   《Tectonophysics》2006,415(1-4):141-165
Mantle convection and plate tectonics are one system, because oceanic plates are cold upper thermal boundary layers of the convection cells. As a corollary, Phanerozoic-style of plate tectonics or more likely a different version of it (i.e. a larger number of slowly moving plates, or similar number of faster plates) is expected to have operated in the hotter, vigorously convecting early Earth. Despite the recent advances in understanding the origin of Archean greenstone–granitoid terranes, the question regarding the operation of plate tectonics in the early Earth remains still controversial. Numerical model outputs for the Archean Earth range from predominantly shallow to flat subduction between 4.0 and 2.5 Ga and well-established steep subduction since 2.5 Ga [Abbott, D., Drury, R., Smith, W.H.F., 1994. Flat to steep transition in subduction style. Geology 22, 937–940], to no plate tectonics but rather foundering of 1000 km sectors of basaltic crust, then “resurfaced” by upper asthenospheric mantle basaltic melts that generate the observed duality of basalts and tonalities [van Thienen, P., van den Berg, A.P., Vlaar, N.J., 2004a. Production and recycling of oceanic crust in the early earth. Tectonophysics 386, 41–65; van Thienen, P., Van den Berg, A.P., Vlaar, N.J., 2004b. On the formation of continental silicic melts in thermochemical mantle convection models: implications for early Earth. Tectonophysics 394, 111–124]. These model outputs can be tested against the geological record. Greenstone belt volcanics are composites of komatiite–basalt plateau sequences erupted from deep mantle plumes and bimodal basalt–dacite sequences having the geochemical signatures of convergent margins; i.e. horizontally imbricated plateau and island arc crust. Greenstone belts from 3.8 to 2.5 Ga include volcanic types reported from Cenozoic convergent margins including: boninites; arc picrites; and the association of adakites–Mg andesites- and Nb-enriched basalts.Archean cratons were intruded by voluminous norites from the Neoarchean through Proterozoic; norites are accounted for by melting of subduction metasomatized Archean continental lithospheric mantle (CLM). Deep CLM defines Archean cratons; it extends to  350 km, includes the diamond facies, and xenoliths signify a composition of the buoyant, refractory, residue of plume melting, a natural consequence of imbricated plateau-arc crust. Voluminous tonalites of Archean greenstone–granitoid terranes show a secular trend of increasing Mg#, Cr, Ni consistent with slab melts hybridizing with thicker mantle wedge as subduction angle steepens. Strike-slip faults of 1000 km scale; diachronous accretion of distinct tectonostratigraphic terranes; and broad Cordilleran-type orogens featuring multiple sutures, and oceanward migration of arcs, in the Archean Superior and Yilgarn cratons, are in common with the Altaid and Phanerozoic Cordilleran orogens. There is increasing geological evidence of the supercontinent cycle operating back to  2.7 Ga: Kenorland or Ur  2.7–2.4 Ga; Columbia  1.6–1.4 Ga; Rodinia  1100–750 Ma; and Pangea  230 Ma. High-resolution seismic reflection profiling of Archean terranes reveals a prevalence of low angle structures, and evidence for paleo-subduction zones. Collectively, the geological–geochemical–seismic records endorse the operation of plate tectonics since the early Archean.  相似文献   

Many geological and geochemical changes are recorded on Earth between 3 and 2 Ga.Among the more important of these are the following:(1)increasing proportion of basalts with"arc-like"mantle sources;(2)an increasing abundance of basalts derived from enriched(EM)and depleted(DM)mantle sources;(3)onset of a Great Thermal Divergence in the mantle;(4)a decrease in degree of melting of the mantle;(5)beginning of large lateral plate motions;(6)appearance of eclogite inclusions in diamonds;(7)appearance and rapid increase in frequency of collisional orogens;(8)rapid increase in the production rate of continental crust as recorded by zircon age peaks;(9)appearance of ophiolites in the geologic record,and(10)appearance of global LIP(large igneous province)events some of which correlate with global zircon age peaks.All of these changes may be tied directly or indirectly to cooling of Earth's mantle and corresponding changes in convective style and the strength of the lithosphere,and they may record the gradual onset and propagation of plate tectonics around the planet.To further understand the changes that occurred between 3 and 2 Ga,it is necessary to compare rocks,rock associations,tectonics and geochemistry during and between zircon age peaks.Geochemistry of peak and inter-peak basalts and TTGs needs to be evaluated in terms of geodynamic models that predict the existence of an episodic thermal regime between stagnant-lid and plate tectonic regimes in early planetary evolution.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Early Neoproterozoic metaigneous rocks occur in the central part of the Kaoko–Dom Feliciano–Gariep orogenic system along the coasts of the...  相似文献   

The notable authority on tectonics and the history of geosciences, Professor Celal Sengor from Istanbul, has produced another remarkable book-which, as he tells the reader, grew rapidly from an initial paper into a massive tome. Just as Georges Cuvier liked the idea of ‘bursting the limits of time‘, so Professor Sengor has again ‘burst the limits of a paper‘!  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1644-1659
The formation of a series of intermountain basins is likely to indicate a geodynamic transition, especially in the case of such basins within the central South China Block (CSCB). Determining whether or not these numerous intermountain basins represent a division of the Cretaceous Pan-Yangtze Basin by exhumation of Xuefeng Mountains, is key to understanding the late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic tectonics of the South China Block (SCB). Here we present apatite fission track (AFT) data and time–temperature modeling in order to reconstruct the evolution history of the Pan-Yangtze Basin. Fourteen rock samples were taken from a NE–SW-trending mountain–basin system within the CSCB, including, from west to east, the Wuling Mountains (Wuling Shan), the south and north Mayang basins, the Xuefeng Mountains (Xuefeng Shan) and the Hengyang Basin. Cretaceous lacustrine sequences are well preserved in the south and north Mayang and Hengyang basins, and sporadically crop out in the Xuefeng Mountains, whereas Paleogene piedmont proluvial–lacustrine sequences are only found in the south Mayang and Hengyang basins. AFT results indicate that the Wuling and Xuefeng mountains underwent rapid denudation post-84 Ma, whereas the south and north Mayang basins were more slowly uplifted from 67 and 84 Ma, respectively. Following a quiescent period from 32 to 19 Ma, both the mountains and basins have been rapidly denuded since 19 Ma. Both the AFT data and sedimentary facies changes suggest that the Cretaceous deposits that cover the south–north Mayang and Hengyang basins through to the Xuefeng Mountains define the Cretaceous Pan-Yangtze Basin. Integrating our results with tectonic background for the SCB, we propose that rollback subduction of the paleo-Pacific Plate produced the Pan-Yangtze Basin, which was divided into the south–north Mayang and Hengyang basins by the abrupt uplift and exhumation of the Xuefeng Mountains from 84 Ma to present, apart from a period of tectonic inactivity from 32 to 19 Ma. This late Late Cretaceous to Paleogene denudation resulted from movement on the Ziluo strike–slip fault, which formed due to intra-continental compression most likely associated with the Eurasia–Indian plate subduction and collision. Sinistral transpression along the Ailao Shan–Red River Fault at 34–17 Ma probably transformed this compression to the extrusion of the Indochina Block, and produced the quiescent window period from 32 to 19 Ma for the mountain–basin system in the CSCB. Therefore, the initiation of exhumation of the Xuefeng Mountains at 84 Ma indicates a switch in tectonic regime from Cretaceous extension to late Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic compression.  相似文献   


Two unconformity‐bound groups of volcanic rocks and associated sediments (El Sherana and Edith River Groups) separate the older Pine Creek Geosyncline metasediments from platform cover of the McArthur Basin. Dominated by intersecting NW and ENE rift systems, the volcanics are genetically related to an extensional tectonic system which was also active during deposition of the Pine Creek Geosyncline sequence. In contrast, the younger platform cover was deposited in a relatively stable environment. The rift valleys were filled with rhyolite flows, ignimbrite and ill‐sorted arenite and rudite, and flyschoid sediments spread onto adjacent lands. Following tight upright folding, granite intrusion and erosion, an extensive ignimbrite sheet (=6000 km2) spread from a centre probably at the intercept of the two rifts. Microgranite at this intersection was possibly emplaced in the evacuated magma chamber. The volcanic sequences were deeply eroded and weathered before platform cover deposition began. The platform sediments, represented in the area by the Kombolgie Formation, were deposited from about 1690 Ma to 1650 Ma, and their base is taken as the closest stratigraphic indicator of the boundary between the Early and Middle Proterozoic.  相似文献   

Analysis of the growth pattern of stromatolites and relationships of their thick carbonate bodies with host rocks are used to substantiate the lack of reefs sensu stricto, i.e., buildups notably towering above the sea bottom, in the Proterozoic.  相似文献   

The Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberian Massif) was affected by continuous orogen-parallel transcurrent continental tectonics from the Neoproterozoic to the Carboniferous times, involving transtension (TT) and transpression (TP) processes that co-existed together, occurred separately in neighbouring regions by the means of strain partitioning or even worked diachronically. A first stage of transpression TP1 took place during the Late Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian as a result of Cadomian arc-continent collisional processes. Structures generated by transtension TT1 from Cambrian to Lower Devonian were related to strong lithosphere stretching responsible for the development of basins controlled by major detachments, tilting, rifting and important tectono–thermal diachronic processes. Denudation phenomena and inhibition of sedimentation related with thermal uplift (asthenosphere upwelling) and consequent subsidence caused by isostatic equilibrium, involving generalized transgressions, were processes responsible for major unconformities. The Variscan TP2-TT2 episodes that followed diachronically TP1-TT1, by maintaining the orogen-parallel transport direction, were concomitant with syntectonic deposition of continental basins in the OMZ and foreland basins in the SPZ. TT2 local transtension and tectonic exhumation of deep crustal rocks along major shear zones, favoured the opening of tectonic troughs filled up by sediments and volcanism. TP2 shortening have generated fold axes parallel to the orogen-strike and composite dissymmetric flower structures.  相似文献   

Molar-tooth carbonate refers to a sort of rock that has ptygmatical folded structure comparable to the ivory. This kind of carbonate exists in a special time range (from Middle to Neoproterozoic). Its origin and the possibility to use it in stratigraphic correlation of the paleocontinent is the key task of the IGCP447, a project on Proterozoic molar tooth carbonates and the evolution of the earth (2001-2005). The importance lies in that the molar-tooth structure is the key to solving problems related to Precambrian biological and global geochemical events. The molar-tooth structure is associated with microorganisms. Development and recession of such carbonates have relations with the evolution process of early lives and abrupt changes in sea carbonate geochemistry. In recent years, based on researches on petrology, geochemistry and Sr isotope of molar-tooth carbonate in the Jilin-Liaoning and Xuzhou-Huaiyang area, the authors hold that it can be used as a marker for stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary  相似文献   

Steady decline in the percentage of 235U in terrestrial uranium made natural fission impossible after about 1.8 Ga.Fission before 1.8 Ga disturbed the lead isotope system at various places worldwide,su...  相似文献   

In studying the petrogenesis of intra-plate ocean island basalts(OIB) associated with hotspots or mantle plumes, we hypothesized that the two large-low-shear-wave-velocity provinces(LLSVPs) at the base of the mantle beneath the Pacific(Jason) and Africa(Tuzo) are piles of subducted ocean crust(SOC)accumulated over Earth's history. This hypothesis was formulated using petrology, geochemistry and mineral physics in the context of plate tectonics and mantle circulation. Because the current debate on the origin of the LLSVPs is limited to the geophysical community and modelling discipline and because it is apparent that such debate cannot be resolved without considering relevant petrological and geochemical information, it is my motivation here to objectively discuss such information in a readily accessible manner with new perspectives in light of most recent discoveries. The hypothesis has the following elements:(1) subduction of the ocean crust of basaltic composition to the lower mantle is irreversible because(2) SOC is denser than the ambience of peridotitic composition under lower mantle conditions in both solid state and liquid form;(3) this understanding differs from the widespread view that OIB come from ancient SOC that returns from the lower mantle by mantle plumes, but is fully consistent with the understanding that OIB is not derived from SOC because SOC is chemically and isotopically too depleted to meet the requirement for any known OIB suite on Earth;(4) SOC is thus the best candidate for the LLSVPs, which are, in turn, the permanent graveyard of SOC;(5) the LLSVPs act as thermal insulators, making core-heating induced mantle diapirs or plumes initiated at their edges, which explains why the large igneous provinces(LIPs) are associated with the edges of the LLSVPs;(6) the antipodal positioning of Jason and Tuzo represents the optimal momentum of inertia, which explains why the LLSVPs are stable in the spinning Earth.  相似文献   

The Mweelrea Group (Llanvirnian) in the South Mayo Inlier, western Ireland, consists mainly of coarse shallow-water sandstones with minor slates, cobble conglomerates, and ignimbrite tuffs. The Glenummera Formation at the base (up to 600 m), dominantly well-cleaved slates with some slump features, was deposited in a slope to deep marine shelf environment. A coarsening upward sequence at its top reflects the interaction of fluvial and marine processes, coarse clastic sediments having prograded from the southeast. The rest of the Mweelrea Group (2100 m in the northwest) is dominated by coarse trough cross-bedded sandstone with little evidence for channelling. Three lenticular marine slates (Glendavock, Uggool, and Glenconnelly Formations), up to 200 m thick, wedge out to the southeast. A humid alluvial fan-fan-delta model can explain many features of the Mweelrea Group. Fans built out to the northwest into a relatively small basin with negligible tides and moderate wave energy. Marginal sediments were reworked by waves, occasional storms, and a burrowing fauna.  相似文献   

The results of synchronous measurements of temperature variations in a near-bottom thermocline, as well as microdeformations of the Earth’s crust and atmospheric pressure pulsing, recorded on-shore with the help of a laser strainmeter and laser nanobarograph, are presented. A string containing 20 thermosensors spaced at 0.5 m was used; it was placed by an anchored buoy in a place with 21-m depth and 500 m away from the shore. A good correlation between microdeformations and atmospheric pressure variations was observed for periods longer than 6 h. Quantitative estimates and spectral analysis via the Gilbert-Huang method for investigation of nonstationary and nonlinear processes lead to the conclusion that, on temporal scales from tidal to several minutes, the predominant way of formation of microdeformations in the Earth’s crust can be breaking of internal waves in a thermocline that leads to shallow water (i.e., in the zone of “internal breakers”).  相似文献   

Recent geochronological investigations reinforce the early suggestion that the upper part of the Paleoproterozoic Huronian Supergroup of Ontario,Canada is present in the Animikie Basin on the south shore of Lake Superior.These rocks,beginning with the glaciogenic Gowganda Formation,are interpreted as passive margin deposits.The absence of the lower Huronian(rift succession) from the Animikie Basin may be explained by attributing the oldest Paleoroterozoic rocks in the Animikie Basin(Chocolay Group)to deposition on the upper plate of a north-dipping detachment fault,which lacks sediments of the rift phase.Following thermal uplift that led to opening of the Huronian Ocean on the south side of what is now the Superior province,renewed uplift(plume activity) caused large-scale gravitational folding of the Huronian Supergroup accompanied by intrusion of the Nipissing diabase suite and Senneterre dikes at about 2.2 Ga.Termination of passive margin sedimentation is normally followed by ocean closure but in the Huronian and Animikie basins there was a long hiatus- the Great Stratigraphic Gap- which lasted for about 350 Ma.This hiatus is attributed to a second prolonged thermal uplift of part of Kenorland that culminated in complete dismemberment of the supercontinent shortly before 2.0 Ga by opening of the Circum-Superior Ocean.These events caused regional uplift(the Great Stratigraphic Gap) and delayed completion of the Huronian Wilson Cycle until a regional compressional tectonic episode,including the Penokean orogeny,belatedly flooded the southern margin of the Superior province with foreland basin deposits,established the limits of the Superior structural province and played an important role in constructing Laurentia.  相似文献   

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