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Calcareous foraminifers representing 9 species and 5 genera were investigated in two Famennian sections located in the south‐western part of the Holy Cross Mountains (HCM), central Poland. They constitute redeposited material that, together with crinoids and calcareous algae, comprise the dominant component of limestone turbidite beds intercalated with deep‐marine marly sediments. The calcareous material was redeposited from an unknown carbonate platform located probably to the south of the HCM area. The first appearance data of foraminifers, mainly from the quasiendothyrid group, correlated to the Standard Conodont Zonation, indicate a diachronous appearance of the same species in different parts of Europe due to a migration delay from the foraminiferal evolutionary centre located in the south‐eastern shelves of Laurussia in the neighbouring areas. As a result, the Moravian foraminiferal zonation, where index taxa appeared in similar stratigraphic intervals, was chosen as the most applicable to the stratigraphy in the central Polish area. The Quasiendothyra communis–Eonodosaria evlanensis Interzone, the Quasiendothyra communis–Quasiendothyra regularis Zone and Quasiendothyra kobeitusana–Quasiendothyra konensis Zone were distinguished, respectively, in the HCM sections. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Apatite fission track (AFT) and (U–Th)/He data from the High Atlas have been obtained for the first time to constrain the tectono‐thermal evolution of the central part of the chain. Results from Palaeozoic basement massifs indicate long residence at low temperatures, consistently with their original location out of the deepest Mesozoic rift troughs and indicating minor exhumation. The best rocks for extracting the Alpine history of the Atlas Mountains are Jurassic intrusives, which yield AFT ages centred on c. 80 Ma; thermal models based on AFT data and constrained by (U–Th)/He suggest that these ages are included in a slow cooling trend from intrusion age to c. 50 Ma ago that we attribute to post‐rift thermal relaxation. This is followed by a stability period of c. 30 Ma and then by a final exhumational cooling until present exposure. Eocene intrusives yield AFT ages similar to those of Rb–Sr and K–Ar suggesting rapid emplacement in the uppermost crust.  相似文献   

Abundant and varied trilobite trace fossils are recognized and described in the Cambrian sequence of the Holy Cross Mountains. Cruziana and Rusophycus are stratigraphically significant and some of the described traces may be used as local index fossils. The first recognition of the Cruziana barbata ichnozone in Poland is made and it occurs in the uppermost Middle Cambrian. A new position for the Middle/Upper Cambrian boundary is established. Three new ichnospecies are described: Cruziana magna, C. regularis and Rusophycus crebus.  相似文献   

In North Africa, the Algerian margin is made of basement blocks that drifted away from the European margin, namely the Kabylia, and docked to the African continental crust in the Early Miocene. This young margin is now inverted, as dated Miocene (17 Ma) granites outcrop alongshore, evidencing kilometre‐scale exhumation since their emplacement. Age of inversion is actually unknown, although Pliocene is often considered in the offshore domain. To decipher the exhumation history of the margin between 17 and 5 Ma, we performed a coupled apatite fission track (AFT) and (U–Th–Sm)/He (AHe) study in the Cap Bougaroun Miocene granite. AFT dates range between 7 ± 1 and 10 ± 1 Ma, and mean AHe dates between 8 ± 2 and 10 ± 1 Ma. These data evidence rapid and multi‐kilometre exhumation during Tortonian times. This event cannot be related to slab break‐off but instead to the onset of margin inversion that has since developed as an in‐sequence north‐verging deforming prism.  相似文献   

Numerous phosphorite beds and phosphatic nodules occur in the upper Middle and lower Upper Ordovician carbonate-shale succession of the Bukowiany Formation outcropping in the northern Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. The vertical stacking pattern of this succession indicates that phosphatic and accompanying strata reflect a conformable sedimentary succession accumulated during a rise of relative sea level. The base of the Bukowiany Formation is marked by a conspicuous phosphorite horizon revealing a low net sediment accumulation rate reflecting a switch into a mesotrophic ecological system. This horizon was produced by reworking and redeposition of pristine phosphate sediment (e.g. by currents activity) during the late Darriwilian transgression. The overlying sedimentary record appears to reflect nucleation of the phosphate phase in the sediment–water interface and its subsequent burial by the accompanying sediment. The phosphatized tiny stromatolites and nodules preserved within the Bukowiany Formation indicate that benthic microbial communities played an important role in redistribution and concentration of phosphate during deposition of this succession.  相似文献   

This study uses zircon and apatite fission‐track (FT) analyses to reveal the exhumation history of the granitoid samples collected from the Lesser Hinggan Mountains, northeast China. A southeast to northwest transect across the Lesser Hinggan Mountains yielded zircon FT ages between 89.8 ± 5.7 and 100.4 ± 8.6 Ma, and apatite FT ages between 50.6 ± 13.8 and 74.3 ± 4.5 Ma with mean track lengths between 11.7 ± 2.0 and 12.8 ± 1.7 µm. FT results and modelling identify three stages in sample cooling history spanning the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. Stage one records rapid cooling from the closure temperature of zircon FT to the high temperature part of the apatite FT partial annealing zone (∼210–110 °C) during ca. 95 to 65 Ma. Stage two records a period of relative slow cooling (∼110–60 °C) taking place between ca. 65 and 20 Ma, suggesting that the granitoids had been exhumed to the depth of ∼1−2 km. Final stage cooling (60–20 °C) occurred since the Miocene at an accelerated rate bringing the sampled rocks to the Earth's surface. The maximum exhumation is more than 5 km under a steady‐state geothermal gradient of 35 °C/km. Integrated with the tectonic setting, this exhumation is possibly led by the Pacific Plate subduction combined with intracontinental orogeny associated with asthenospheric upwelling. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - We investigated exhumed damage zones of dextral strike-slip faults dissecting the south-western part of the Mesozoic cover of the Late Palaeozoic Holy...  相似文献   

Independent geochronological and thermal modelling approaches are applied to a biostratigraphically exceptionally well‐controlled borehole, Alcsútdoboz‐3 (Ad‐3), in order to constrain the age of Cenozoic geodynamic events in the western Pannonian Basin and to test the efficacy of the methods for dating volcanic rocks. Apatite fission track and zircon U–Pb data show two volcanic phases of Middle Eocene (43.4–39.0 Ma) and Early Oligocene (32.72 ± 0.15 Ma) age respectively. Apatite (U–Th)/He ages (23.8–14.8 Ma) and independent thermal and subsidence history models reveal a brief period of heating to 55–70 °C at ~17 Ma caused by an increased heat‐flow related to crustal thinning and mantle upwelling. Our results demonstrate that, contrary to common perception, the apatite (U–Th)/He method is likely to record ‘apparent’ or ‘mixed’ ages resulting from subsequent thermal events rather than ‘cooling’ or ‘eruption’ ages directly related to distinct geological events. It follows that a direct conversion of ‘apparent’ or ‘mixed’ (U‐Th)/He ages into cooling, exhumation or erosion rates is incorrect.  相似文献   

Apatite fission track thermochronology from Early Palaeozoic granitoids centred around the Kosciuszko massif of the Snowy Mountains, records a denudation history that was episodic and highly variable. The form of the apatite fission track age profile assembled from vertical sections and hydroelectric tunnels traversing the mountains, together with numerical forward modelling, provide strong evidence for two episodes of accelerated denudation, commencing in Late Permian—Early Triassic (ca 270–250 Ma) and mid‐Cretaceous (ca 110–100 Ma) times, and a possible third episode in the Cenozoic. Denudation commencing in the Late Permian—Early Triassic was widespread in the eastern and central Snowy Mountains area, continued through much of the Triassic, and amounted to at least ~2.0–2.4 km. This episode was probably the geomorphic response to the Hunter‐Bowen Orogeny. Post‐Triassic denudation to the present in these areas amounted to ~2.0–2.2 km. Unambiguous evidence for mid‐Cretaceous cooling and possible later cooling is confined to a north‐south‐trending sinuous belt, up to ~15 km wide by at least 35 km long, of major reactivated Palaeozoic faults on the western side of the mountains. This zone is the most deeply exposed area of the Kosciuszko block. Denudation accompanying these later events totalled up to ~1.8–2.0 km and ~2.0–2.25 km respectively. Mid‐Cretaceous denudation marks the onset of renewed tectonic activity in the southeastern highlands following a period of relative quiescence since the Late Triassic, and establishes a temporal link with the onset of extension related to the opening of the Tasman Sea. Much of the present day relief of the mountains resulted from surface uplift which disrupted the post‐mid‐Cretaceous apatite fission track profile by variable offsets on faults.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a widely used tree species in European dendroclimatology studies due to its common distribution across much of the continent. Almost all studies find radial growth strongly related to summer temperature, a result reflecting site selection at high elevation/latitude environments where trees grow at their ecophysiological limits. Due to the amount of attention spent on these sites there is a geographical and seasonal bias in temperature reconstructions based upon tree‐ring proxies in Europe. To overcome the limited availability of tree‐ring data in temperate lowlands, we present a northern Poland ring‐width chronology developed from living and historic Scots pine material with a strong common growth signal going back to AD 1200. Investigations into climate‐growth relationships found year‐to‐year ring‐width variability to be more strongly correlated to cold season temperature (November to April) prior to the growing season than summer temperatures during tree‐ring formation. Based on this relationship it was possible to reconstruct cold season temperature conditions for the last 810 years. Spatial field correlations with gridded instrumental records indicated that the reconstruction provides relevant cold season temperature information across the land regions bordering the North Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, lowlands and uplands of western and central Europe, and the eastern and central interior of Russia. Despite an unsuccessful attempt to find a stationary relationship with the North Atlantic Oscillation, comparisons with several cold season temperature reconstructions confirmed the long‐term connection between our reconstructed temperature series for northern Poland and the wider area.  相似文献   

An association of organic-walled microfossils consisting of filamentous cyanobacteria, algal coenobia and acanthomorphic acritarch have been documented from non-calcareous claystones and mudstones of the Pepper Mountains Shale Formation(PMSF), located in its stratotype area in the Pepper Mountains, which are part of the Holy Cross Mountains in Poland. These sediments represent the oldest strata of the ?ysogóry Unit, deposited on the edge of the East European Craton(Baltica). Non-branched, ribbon-like and thread-like cyanobacteria trichomes exhibit morphological similarities to families Nostocaceae and Oscillatoriaceae. Cells assembled in rounded to irregular clusters of monospecific agglomerations represent multicellular algal coenobia, attributed to the family Scenedesmaceae. The co-occurrence of acritarchs belonging to species as Eliasum llaniscum, Cristallinium ovillense and Estiastra minima indicates that the studied material corresponds to the lower Middle Cambrian. Deposition of the PMSF took place in shallow marine environment, influenced by periodical freshwater inputs. The varying degree of coloration of organic-walled microfossils is interpreted in this study as factor indication of possible different source of their derivation. Dark brown walls of cells assembled in algal coenobia might have sustained previous humification in humid, terrestrial environments, which preceded their river transport into the sea together with nutrients, causing occasional blooms of cyanobacteria in the coastal environment and the final deposition of both groups of organisms in marine deposits.  相似文献   

In the Serre mountains of Calabria, Italy, an exposed section of the continental crust, as left by the Hercynian orogeny, consists of intermediate-lower to upper crustal units. Huge masses of granitoids separate the lower from the upper crustal units. Many mica ages have been obtained from metamorphic and plutonic rocks, which have been interpreted as reflecting continuous cooling or discrete Mesozoic events. A reappraisal of previously determined isotopic data integrated with new Rb–Sr biotite ages is presented and assessed at regional scale to better constrain the post-Hercynian geological evolution of the continental crust of the Serre. The ages cover a wide span of time and form clusters which fit a model involving magmatic, hydrothermal and tectonic events preceding and accompanying the opening and closure of the Tethyan ocean.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions formed in bathyal and deeper settings have been studied less frequently than those formed in shallow‐marine deposits. Similarly, concretions affected by catagenetic conditions have rarely been reported. Calcite concretions in deep‐marine mudstones and greywackes of the Bardo Unit (Sudetes Mountains, Poland) formed during early diagenesis and were buried to significant depths. Petrographic and geochemical (elemental and stable C and O isotopic) analyses document their formation close to the sediment–water interface, prior to mechanical compaction within the sulphate reduction zone and their later burial below the oil window. Although the concretions were fully formed during early diagenesis, the effects of increased temperature and interaction with late‐diagenetic interstitial fluids can be discerned. During maximum burial, the concretions underwent thorough recrystallization that caused alteration of fabric and elemental and O isotope composition. The initial finely crystalline cement was replaced by more coarsely crystalline, sheaf‐like, poikilotopic calcite in the concretions. These large calcite crystals engulf and partially replace unstable detrital constituents. The extremely low δ18O values (down to ?21·2‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) in the concretions are the result of the increased temperature in combination with alteration of volcanic glass, both causing a significant 18O‐depletion of bicarbonate dissolved in the interstitial fluids. Recrystallization led to uniform O isotope ratios in the concretions, but did not affect the C isotope signature. The δ13C values of the late‐diagenetic cements precipitated in the greywacke and in cracks cutting through concretions imply crystallization in the catagenetic zone and decarboxylation as a source of the bicarbonate. These late‐diagenetic processes took place in a supposedly overpressured setting, as suggested by clastic dykes and hydrofractures that cut through both concretions and host rock. All of these features show how the effects of early and late diagenesis can be distinguished in such rocks.  相似文献   

The origin of the Anti‐Atlas relief is one of the currently debated issues of Moroccan geology. To constrain the post‐Variscan evolution of the Central Anti‐Atlas, we collected nine samples from the Precambrian basement of the Bou Azzer‐El Graara inlier for zircon and apatite fission‐track thermochronology. Zircon ages cluster between 340 ± 20 and 306 ± 20 Ma, whereas apatite ages range from 171 ± 7 Ma to 133 ± 5 Ma. Zircon ages reflect the thermal effect of the Variscan orogeny (tectonic thickening of the ca. 7 km‐thick Paleozoic series), likely enhanced by fluid advection. Apatite ages record a complex Mesozoic–Cenozoic exhumation history. Track length modelling yields evidence that, (i) the Precambrian basement was still buried at ca. 5 km depth by Permian times, (ii) the Central Anti‐Atlas was subjected to (erosional) exhumation during the Triassic‐Early Cretaceous, then buried beneath ca. 1.5 km‐thick Cretaceous‐Paleogene deposits, (iii) final exhumation took place during the Neogene, contemporaneously with that of the High Atlas.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(6):1099-1105
Fluorite is one of the secondary minerals precipitated in pore spaces at the future nuclear waste repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The authors have conducted (U–Th)/He dating of this fluorite in an attempt to constrain the temperature and timing of paleo-fluid flux into the site. Repeated analysis of colourless fluorite yielded a weighted average age of 9.7 ± 0.15 Ma (2σ), younger than previously determined sanidine 40Ar/39 Ar ages (12.8 Ma) for deposition of the tuff.Laboratory He-diffusion experiments conducted on the Yucca fluorite yield a preliminary He closure temperature (Tc) of 90 ± 10 °C (cooling rate of 10 °C/Ma) and previous studies have determined that the fluorite precipitated from warm fluids (65–80 °C) at depths of <400 m. However, minerals can experience partial He loss at temperatures well below the Tc and therefore the (U–Th)/He age of 9.7 Ma is interpreted to be a cooling age. This result implies that the last period of elevated temperature fluid circulation through the Yucca site was approximately 9.7 Ma ago.It was observed that the purple coloured outer portion of the fluorite nodule yielded non-reproducible and invariably older ages than colourless fluorite. Several possible reasons are suggested.  相似文献   

阿尔金-祁连山位于青藏高原北缘, 其新生代的隆升-剥露过程记录了高原变形和向北扩展的历史, 对探讨高原隆升动力学具有重要意义。本文采用岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹测年分析, 利用岩屑的统计特征限定阿尔金-祁连山新生代的隆升-剥露过程。磷灰石裂变径迹测试结果表明, 阿尔金-祁连山地区存在4个阶段的抬升冷却: 21.1~19.4 Ma、13.5~10.5 Ma、9.0~7.3 Ma、4.3~3.8 Ma。其中, 4.3~3.8 Ma抬升冷却事件仅体现在祁连山地区, 9.0~7.3 Ma抬升冷却事件在区内普遍存在, 且9.0~7.3 Ma隆升-剥露造就了现代阿尔金-祁连山的地貌。区域资料分析表明, 9~7 Ma(或者8~6 Ma)期间, 青藏高原北缘、东缘, 甚至整个中国西部地区发生了大规模、区域性的抬升, 中国现今"西高"的构造地貌形态可能于当时开始形成。阿尔金-祁连山地区4期抬升冷却事件与青藏高原的隆升阶段有很好的对应关系, 应该是对印度-欧亚板块碰撞的响应。  相似文献   

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