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Provenance studies from Cambro‐Ordovician sediments of the North Gondwana passive margin typically ascribe a North African source, a conclusion that cannot be reconciled with all observations. We present new U‐Pb ages from detrital rutile and zircon from Late Ordovician sediments from Saxo‐Thuringia, Germany. Detrital zircons yield age populations of 500–800 Ma, 900–1050 Ma and 1800–2600 Ma. The detrital rutile age spectra are unimodal with ages between 500 and 650 Ma and likely represent, together with the 500–800 Ma and 1800–2600 Ma zircon populations, detritus sourced predominantly from North Africa. In contrast, the c. 950 Ma zircons, which are persistently found in Cambro‐Ordovician sediments of North Gondwana, have no obvious African source. We propose that these zircons are sourced from the Rayner Complex–Eastern Ghats regions of Antarctica and India. An Indo‐Antarctic source indicates either continental‐scale sedimentary transport from central Gondwana to its peripheries or multiple cycles of sediment reworking and redeposition.  相似文献   

Molar-tooth structures are intricately crumpled, microsparry calcite fissure fills that formed during the Precambrian. Strontium isotope stratigraphy constrains the last occurrence of volumetrically significant molar-tooth structure (MT) in the geological record to ∼ 750 Ma. Although the disappearance of MT is commonly ascribed to the influence of metazoans on sediment cohesion, this now seems less plausible because there is no evidence for significant sediment disruption by metazoans before ∼ 550 Ma. It is proposed here that the most likely alternative explanation for MT disappearance is a change in ocean chemistry. A decrease in CaCO3 saturation and/or an increase in the concentration of precipitation inhibitors in mid-Neoproterozoic seawater may have contributed to MT disappearance, and might also help to explain the approximately contemporaneous decline in stromatolite diversity.  相似文献   

We tested the suitability of the fine‐grained quartz (4–11 μm) Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and thermally‐transferred OSL (TT‐OSL), and the fine‐grained polymineral (4–11 μm) post‐infrared IRSL (post‐IR IRSL or pIRIR) signals for dating samples from aeolian‐lacustrine deposits from the Xiaochangliang archaeological profile in the Nihewan Basin, China; these deposits include material from the Jaramillo subchron (c. 1.0 Ma). In the upper aeolian section, the OSL and pIRIR290 ages are consistent with each other, and show that the upper 8.8 m was deposited between c. 0.3 and c. 140 ka. The luminescence ages indicate a major discontinuity in deposition between the aeolian and the older lacustrine deposits. Below this hiatus at 9.4 m (i.e. in the lacustrine sediments) all three signals are found to be in field saturation (no further systematic increase in burial dose with depth) despite the TT‐OSL signal (apparent mean burial dose ~880 Gy) being well below saturation on the laboratory growth curve. This is in contrast to the pIRIR290 signal, which saturates in the field at a level consistent with laboratory saturation. This results in a practical upper limit to the measured burial dose of ~900 Gy (2D0). Thus for the TT‐OSL and pIRIR290 signals, the upper limits for dating lacustrine deposits are <260 ka and c. 240 ka, respectively. These results have major implications for the appropriate future application of these signals. The ages of our lacustrine samples cannot be regarded as necessarily accurate ones; nevertheless, these ages provide the first long series absolute chronology for study of local palaeolithic and geomorphic evolution history aside from the magnetostratigraphical results available before this research.  相似文献   

A valley‐filling ignimbrite re‐exposed through subsequent river incision at the southern margin of the Andean (Puna) plateau preserves pristine geological evidence of pre‐late Miocene palaeotopography in the north western Argentine Andes. Our new 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Las Papas Ignimbrites yields a plateau age of 9.24 ± 0.03 Ma, indicating valley‐relief and orographic‐barrier conditions comparable to the present‐day. A later infill of Plio–Pleistocene coarse conglomerates has been linked to wetter conditions, but resulted in no additional net incision of the Las Papas valley, considering that the base of the ignimbrite remains unexposed in the valley bottom. Our observations indicate that at least 550 m of local plateau margin relief (and likely >2 km) existed by 9 Ma at the southern Puna margin, which likely aided the efficiency of the orographic barrier to rainfall along the eastern and south eastern flanks of the Puna and causes aridity in the plateau interior.  相似文献   

The repetitive sedimentology of many Precambrian sheet‐dominated fluvial sandstones favoured their attribution to unconfined depositional processes. This article presents outcrop evidence for deep‐channelled drainage in the 1·9 Ga Burnside River Formation of Kilohigok Basin, Arctic Canada. On the ground, sheet‐like sandbodies with ubiquitous cross‐bedding are at first consistent with classic, unconfined depositional models. However, satellite and oblique‐aerial imagery of sections up to 15 km wide and 500 m thick reveals the occurrence of incised palaeovalleys hosting clustered, kilometre‐scale, channel bodies with attached large foreset bars pointing to downstream‐lateral accretion, sand sheets with aspect ratios (i.e. width to thickness) as high as 2500, and scattered aeolian intervals. The genetic association of these architectural elements points to aggradational fluvial piedmonts composed of low‐relief unit bars generated by braidplain channels several metres deep. Preservation of aeolianites was facilitated by fluctuating groundwater table and accommodation. Fluvial piedmonts were transected by weakly sinuous channel belts up to 25 m deep and characterized by through‐going or tributary planform. Aspect ratios comparable with those of late Palaeozoic to modern braided channels disprove the inference that all Precambrian streams readily widened in response to increased discharge. Previous facies models for large‐scale Precambrian sheet‐braided rivers failed to depict entire channel forms, possibly because they could not be resolved by ground‐based observations. Based on their limited geomorphic variability and abundance of architectural elements with very high aspect ratios, this study recommends that large sheet‐braided fluvial systems should still be considered separately from their post‐Silurian (i.e. vegetated) braided counterparts. Parallels between sheet‐braided and modern dryland rivers do not, however, reconcile with the deep, perennial, channelized processes described here. Yet, distal sand‐bed and perennial reaches of modern sandur plains remain the closest analogue to sheet‐braided rivers. This conjecture contradicts the assumption that all Precambrian rivers were prone to simulate seasonal behaviours independently from their actual climate regime.  相似文献   

The competing roles of bedrock uplift and climatic change in the formation of fluvial terraces remain uncertain. Most of recent studies have attributed terrace formation to climatic changes and held that, even in tectonically active settings, climate variations control cycles of terrace planation and abandonment. Based on field investigations of loess-paleosol sequences, magnetostratigraphy and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, we develop a new chronology for a spectacular flight of terraces along the Yellow River near Lanzhou, China over past 1.24 Ma. All the terraces are strikingly similar in that they have several meters of paleosol developed directly above fluvial deposits on the terrace treads, suggesting that the abandonment of each terrace due to river incision occurs during the transition from glacial to interglacial climates. However, the ages of terraces cluster in two relatively short time periods (1.24–0.86 Ma and 0.13 Ma – present). During the intervening time between 0.86 Ma and 0.13 Ma, terraces either did not form or were not preserved. We suggest that this record indicates that rock uplift rates varied through time and influenced terrace formation/preservation. Thus, our results demonstrate the utility of deep chronologic records from fluvial terraces for deconvolving the effects of tectonics and climate on fluvial incision.  相似文献   

Quantitative diatom abundance and species composition was studied in the longest 81-m Lake Hovsgol drill core, HDP-04. Lake Hovsgol diatom biostratigraphy of the past 1 Ma includes 14 local diatom assemblage zones (LDAZ). Planktonic diatom flora of Lake Hovsgol is dominated by members of Stephanodiscus and Cyclotella. A large-scale shift from Stephanodiscus-dominated to Cyclotella-dominated flora occurred in the mid-Brunhes chron. Significant morphological variability of Cyclotella ocellata complex and Cyclotella cf. minuta, as well as the presence of new extinct endemic taxa of genus Stephanodiscus, suggest long speciation and/or adaptation history of diatom flora. The recognition of taxa morphologically similar to the extinct endemic species of Lake Baikal suggests potential correlation ties between Lake Hovsgol and Lake Baikal diatom biostratigraphies around the MIS 17, MIS 25, and, possibly, MIS 15 interglacial intervals. Narrow peaks of diatom abundance in the Lake Hovsgol sedimentary record are episodic and short-lived. These peaks may represent humid optima of past interglacials and/or interstadials, characterized by elevated surface runoff in the Hovsgol basin and relative highstands of the lake.  相似文献   

Mafic intrusive rocks (1.79–1.78 Ga) of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) and the c. 1.87 Ga Hedesunda Igneous Complex in the Fennoscandian Shield of south‐central Sweden were studied using whole‐rock and isotope geochemistry. Rock types vary from gabbros/norites (and leucogabbros) to quartz diorites, with Mg# between 76 and 49, and wt% SiO2 between 43.6 and 59.7, indicating some variation in evolutionary levels and variable cumulus components. Geochemical signatures are calc‐alkaline to shoshonitic, large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements enriched and high‐field strength elements depleted of continental‐arc type. εNd(t) ranges between +1.0 and +2.7, and 87Sr/86Sr(t) between 0.7020 and 0.7038. There is no systematic correlation between chemical parameters and isotope ratios. These isotopic data overlap with other mafic plutonic TIB rocks; samples from the Dala Province (DP) tend to overlap with the c. 1.7 Ga basic Dala lavas of TIB at slightly elevated relative Sr/Nd ratios. With two exceptions, the εNd(t) of +1 to +2 conform to an isotopically ‘mildly depleted’ source, typical for mafic TIB rocks and many Svecofennian rocks in the region. Reported values above εNd(t) +2.0 are scarce in the TIB. Mantle sources represent depleted mantle wedge material that was enriched by fluids/melts not long before (TDM c. 2.0 Ga), that is during subduction in the preceding Svecofennian (2.0–1.87 Ga) and/or during the TIB‐0&1 event (1.85–1.78 Ga). The palaeotectonic settings inferred are active continental margins; N–S‐directed convergence at 1.87 Ga and E–W‐directed at 1.79–1.78 Ga. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Rhyacian (2300–2050 Ma) is a special era of the Paleoproterozoic represented by large layered intrusions in many cratons. It is well known that there are widespread igneous events at ~ 2100 Ma in the Eastern North China Craton; however, their tectonic environments are under debate: whether they were related to an intra-continental rifting or an arc/back-arc setting along a continental margin. These ~ 2100 Ma igneous events comprise several mafic dykes/sills, with some coeval A-type granites and volcanic events in several rifts; among them, the Haicheng mafic sills in the Liaohe rift are unique as their host rock, the Liaohe Group, bears the world's largest magnesium deposit. Most of the mafic sills are E-W-elongated at present coordinates. Exclusive of superimposition caused by deformation, the widths of the individuals are tens to hundreds of meters and the lengths are hundreds to thousands of meters. They have metamorphosed to an assemblage of plagioclase and hornblende, with minor quartz and accessory chlorite, epidote, apatite, ilmenite, and magnetite. However, relic gabbro and ophitic textures with mainly plagioclase and clinopyroxene are well-preserved. SIMS Pb–Pb dating on baddeleyites from one ~ 1000 m thick sill near Xialiulinzi village yields an average 207Pb/206Pb age of 2115 ± 3 Ma (n = 15, MSWD = 2.3), representing the timing of crystallization. SIMS U–Pb dating on zircon yields a similar forming age. They are tholeiitic in composition (MgO: 4.36–8.88 wt.%; SiO2: 45.76–53.39 wt.%), enriched in light rare earth elements ((La/Yb)N = 1.72–4.37) and large ion lithophile elements (i.e., Cs, Rb, Sr, and K) but depleted in high field strength elements (i.e., Nb, Ta, and Ti). These features were unlikely caused by crustal contamination during their emplacement, as there are little variations in Nb/La and Th/Nb. The rocks have experienced significant plagioclase-plus clinopyroxene-dominating fractional crystallization. Their enriched Sr–Nd isotope characteristics (87Sr/86Srt = 0.703 ~ 0.705, εNdt =  1.9 ~ 0.6) and trace element patterns indicate that their source(s) could be the ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle; and this source is similar to those coeval sills from other parts of the craton. Their arc-like trace element features could be inherited from their source regions formed via a subduction process at the late Archean rather than at the middle-late Paleoproterozoic. These sill swarms, throughout the craton, might have developed in an integrated intra-continental rift system at ~ 2100 Ma.  相似文献   

In this study, the distribution of channel‐bed sediment facies in the lowermost Mississippi River is analysed using multibeam data, complemented by sidescan sonar and compressed high‐intensity radar pulse seismic data, as well as grab and core samples of bed material. The channel bed is composed of a discontinuous layer of alluvial sediment and a relict substratum that is exposed on the channel bed and sidewalls. The consolidated substratum is made up of latest Pleistocene and Early Holocene fluvio‐deltaic deposits and is preferentially exposed in the deepest thalweg segments and on channel sidewalls in river bends. The exposed substratum commonly displays a suite of erosional features, including flutes that are quantitatively similar in form to those produced under known laboratory conditions. A total of five bed facies are mapped, three of which include modern alluvial deposits and two facies that are associated with the relict substratum. A radius of curvature analysis applied to the Mississippi River centreline demonstrates that the reach‐scale distribution of channel‐bed facies is related to river planform. From a broader perspective, the distribution of channel‐bed facies is related to channel sinuosity — higher sinuosity promotes greater substratum exposure at the expense of alluvial sediment. For example, the ratio of alluvial cover to substratum is ca 1·5:1 for a 45 km segment of the river that has a sinuosity of 1·76 and this ratio increases to ca 3:1 for a 120 km segment of the river that has a sinuosity of 1·21. The exposed substratum is interpreted as bedrock and, given the relative coverage of alluvial sediment in the channel, the lowermost Mississippi River can be classified as a mixed bedrock‐alluvial channel. The analyses demonstrate that a mixed bedrock‐alluvial channel boundary can be associated with low‐gradient and sand‐bed rivers near their marine outlet.  相似文献   

The Oligocene to Present Wrangell Volcanic Belt (WVB) extends for ~500 km across south‐central Alaska (USA) into Canada at a volcanic arc‐transform junction. Previously, geochemistry documented mantle wedge and slab‐edge melting in <12 Ma WVB volcanic rocks; new geochemistry shows that the same processes characterized ~18–30 Ma WVB magmatism in Alaska. New 40Ar/39Ar ages demonstrate that WVB magmatism in Alaska initiated at ~30 Ma due to flat‐slab subduction of the Yakutat microplate and that the dextral Totschunda fault was active at this time. Our results, together with prior studies, show that Alaskan WVB magmatism occurred chiefly due to subduction and should be considered a volcanic arc (e.g. the Wrangell Arc). The WVB provides a long‐term geological record of subduction, strike‐slip and magmatism. Slab‐edge upwelling, flat‐slab defocused fluid‐flux and faults acting as magma conduits are likely responsible for the exceptionally large volcanoes and high eruption rates of the Wrangell Arc.  相似文献   

Evidence for ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism (UHPM) in the Rhodope metamorphic complex comes from occurrence of diamond in pelitic gneisses, variably overprinted by granulite facies metamorphism, known from several areas of the Rhodopes. However, tectonic setting and timing of UHPM are not interpreted unanimously. Linking age to a metamorphic stage is a prerequisite for reconstruction of these processes. Here, we use monazite in diamond‐bearing gneiss from Chepelare (Bulgaria) to date the diamond‐forming UHPM event in the Central Rhodopes. The diamond‐bearing gneiss comes from a strongly deformed, lithologically heterogeneous zone (Chepelare Mélange) sandwiched between two migmatized orthogneiss units, known as Arda‐I and Arda‐II. Diamond, identified by Raman micro‐spectroscopy, shows the characteristic band mostly centred between 1332 and 1330 cm?1. The microdiamond occurs as single grains or polyphase diamond + carbonate inclusions, rarely with CO2. Thermodynamic modelling shows that garnet was stable at UHP conditions of 3.5–4.6 GPa and 700–800 °C, in the stability field of diamond, and was re‐equilibrated at granulite facies/partial melting conditions of 0.8–1.2 GPa and 750–800 °C. The texture of monazite shows older central parts and extensive younger domains which formed due to metasomatic replacement in solid residue and/or overgrowth in melt domains. The monazite core compositions, with distinctly lower Y, Th and U contents, suggest its formation in equilibrium with garnet. The U–Th–Pb dating of monazite using electron microprobe analysis yielded a c. 200 Ma age for the older cores with low Th, Y, U and high La/Nd ratio, and a c. 160 Ma age for the dominant younger monazite enriched in Th, Y, U and HREE. The older age of c. 200 Ma is interpreted as the timing of UHPM, whereas the younger age of c. 160 Ma as granulite facies/partial melting overprint. Our results suggest that UHPM occurred in Late Triassic to Early Jurassic time, in the framework of collision and subduction of continental crust after the closure of Paleotethys.  相似文献   

The Mesoarchean (ca. 3075 Ma) Ivisaartoq greenstone belt contains well-preserved primary magmatic structures, such as pillow lavas, volcanic breccias, and clinopyroxene cumulate layers (picrites), despite the isoclinal folding and amphibolite facies metamorphism. The belt also includes variably deformed gabbroic to dioritic dykes and sills, actinolite schists, and serpentinites. The Ivisaartoq rocks underwent at least two stages of post-magmatic metamorphic alteration, including seafloor hydrothermal alteration and syn- to post-tectonic calc-silicate metasomatism, between 3075 and 2961 Ma. These alteration processes resulted in the mobilization of many major and trace elements. The trace element characteristics of the least altered rocks are consistent with a supra-subduction zone geodynamic setting and shallow mantle sources. On the basis of geological similarities between the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt and Phanerozoic forearc ophiolites, and intra-oceanic island arcs, we suggest that the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt represents a relic of dismembered Mesoarchean supra-subduction zone oceanic crust. This crust might originally have been composed of a lower layer of leucogabbros and anorthosites, and an upper layer of pillow lavas, picritic flows, gabbroic to dioritic dykes and sills, and dunitic to wehrlitic sills.

The Sm–Nd and U–Pb isotope systems have been disturbed in strongly altered actinolite schists. In addition, the U–Pb isotope system in pillow basalts appears to have been partially open during seafloor hydrothermal alteration. Gabbros and diorites have the least disturbed Pb isotopic compositions. In contrast, the Sm–Nd isotope system appears to have remained relatively undisturbed in picrites, pillow lavas, gabbros, and diorites. As a group, picrites have more depleted initial Nd isotopic signatures (εNd = + 4.23 to + 4.97) than pillow lavas, gabbros, and diorites (εNd = + 0.30 to + 3.04), consistent with a variably depleted, heterogeneous mantle source.

In some areas gabbros include up to 15 cm long white inclusions (xenoliths). These inclusions are composed primarily (> 90%) of Ca-rich plagioclase and are interpreted as anorthositic cumulates brought to the surface by upwelling gabbroic magmas. The anorthositic cumulates have significantly higher initial εNd (+ 4.8 to + 6.0) values than the surrounding gabbroic matrix (+ 2.3 to + 2.8), consistent with different mantle sources for the two rock types.  相似文献   

The ephemeral Ghaggar-Hakra River of northwestern India has always been considered to be the remnant of an ancient perennial glacier-fed river(Vedic Saraswati). The exact reason and timing of major hydrological change of this river remains speculative. The river's purported association with the zenith of the Harappan civilisation remains a conjecture because the timings of its fluvial past are still being debated. In this study we have made an attempt to resolve this issue using geochemical provenance of sediments from some dated horizons in the Ghaggar flood plain and that of the material used in the potteries from the Mature Harappan period(4600-3900 yr BP) at Kalibangan. Sampled sedimentary horizons were dated by radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) methods. Results of our study from the Ghaggar alluvium indicate that the river did have glacial sources during the early Holocene. However, the data from the potteries suggest that during the Mature Harappan period, the sediments in the Ghaggar as used by the potters did not have a higher Himalayan provenance and hence, were not derived from glaciated Himalayas.These findings imply that during the time of the Mature Harappans the Ghaggar had already become a foothill-fed river.  相似文献   

Decomposing co-seismic deformation is an immediate need for researchers who are interested in earthquake inversion analysis and geo-hazard mapping. However, conventional InSAR or digital elevation models (DEMs) imagery analyses only provide the displacement in the Line-of-Sight (LOS) direction or elevation changes. The 2004 Mid-Niigata earthquake in Japan provides lessons on how to decompose co-seismic deformation from two sets of DEMs. If three adjacent points undergo a rigid-body-translation movement, their co-seismic deformation can be decomposed by solving simultaneous equations. Although this method has been successfully used to discuss tectonic deformations, the algorithm needed improvement and a more rigorous algorithm, including a new definition of nominal plane, DEMs comparability improvement and matrix condition check is provided. Even with these procedures, the obtained decomposed displacement often showed remarkable scatter prompting the use of the moving average method, which was used to determine both tectonic and localized displacement characteristics. A cut-off window and a pair of band-pass windows were selected according to the regional geology and construction activities to ease the tectonic and localized displacement calculations, respectively. The displacement field of the tectonic scale shows two major clusters of large lateral components, and coincidently major visible landslides were found mostly within them. The localized displacement helps to reveal hidden landslides in the target area. As far as the Kizawa hamlet is concerned, the obtained vectors show down-slope movements, which are consistent with the observed traces of dislocations that were found in the Kizawa tunnel and irrigation wells. The method proposed has great potential to be applied to understanding post-earthquake rehabilitation in other areas.  相似文献   

Spatial and quantitative analysis of infilling processes of the tide‐dominated incised valleys beneath the Tokyo Lowland during the last 14 kyr was undertaken by using data from 18 sediment cores, 467 radiocarbon dates and 6100 borehole logs. The post‐Last Glacial Maximum valley fills consist of braided river, meandering river, estuary, spit and delta systems in ascending order. The boundary between the estuary and delta systems is regarded as the maximum flooding surface. The maximum flooding surface beneath the Tokyo Lowland is dated at 8 ka in the Arakawa Valley and 7 ka in the Nakagawa Valley. This age difference is due to the migration of the Tone River from the Arakawa Valley to the Nakagawa Valley at 5 ka, and suggests that the widely held view that the global initiation of deltas coincided with the abrupt rise of sea‐level at 9 to 8 ka is true only where there has been steady sediment supply from major rivers. The meandering river system is dominated by sheet‐like sands that were deposited during lateral migration of channels during the Younger Dryas and isolated vertical sands within muds that reflect vertical aggradation of channels before and after the Younger Dryas. The transition between these channel geometries is controlled by a threshold sea‐level rise of 4 to 7 mm yr?1. Before migration of the Tone River at 5 ka, the tide‐dominated bay in the Nakagawa Valley was filled by upward‐fining laterally accreting muds. The muds accreted from the margin to the axis of the bay. Such lateral accretion of suspended particles derived from outside the bay has been documented in other tide‐dominated coastal environments and is probably common in other similar settings. After the migration of the Tone River, the bay was filled by upward‐coarsening deltaic sediments.  相似文献   

Andean orogenic processes controlled the spatial and temporal distribution of the magmatic and sedimentary record. This contribution integrates new U/Pb zircon ages, heavy mineral analyses and biostratigraphic constraints from the Neogene sedimentary record of the fore‐arc and intra‐arc basins and volcano‐plutonic rocks of southwestern Colombia, to reconstruct these orogenic processes. The results reveal continuous arc magmatism since the Late Oligocene, with a major post‐Middle Miocene magmatic peak and exhumation. When integrated with other geological constraints, the tectonic evolution of the margin includes Eocene‐Oligocene oblique convergence with limited magmatic activity, followed by the initiation of a Late Oligocene‐Early Miocene arc that migrated to the east in the Middle Miocene, when it experienced a major increase in magmatic activity, crustal deformation, exhumation and thickening. This orogenic evolution is related to the shallowing of the slab dip due to the subduction of the Neogene Nazca Plate.  相似文献   

Sediments contained in the river bed do not necessarily contribute to morphological change. The finest part of the sediment mixture often fills the pores between the larger grains and can be removed without causing a drop in bed level. The discrimination between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load, therefore, is of practical importance for morphological predictions. In this study, a new method is proposed to estimate the cut‐off grain size that forms the boundary between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load. The method evaluates the pore structure of the river bed geometrically. Only detailed grain‐size distributions of the river bed are required as input to the method. A preliminary validation shows that the calculated porosity and cut‐off size values agree well with experimental data. Application of the new cut‐off size method to the river Rhine demonstrates that the estimated cut‐off size decreases in a downstream direction from about 2 to 0·05 mm, covariant with the downstream fining of bed sediments. Grain size fractions that are pore‐filling load in the upstream part of the river thus gradually become bed‐structure load in the downstream part. The estimated (mass) percentage of pore‐filling load in the river bed ranges from 0% in areas with a unimodal river bed, to about 22% in reaches with a bimodal sand‐gravel bed. The estimated bed porosity varies between 0·15 and 0·35, which is considerably less than the often‐used standard value of 0·40. The predicted cut‐off size between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load (Dc,p) is fundamentally different from the cut‐off size between wash‐load and bed‐material load (Dc,w), irrespective of the method used to determine Dc,p or Dc,w. Dc,w values are in the order of 10?1 mm and mainly dependent on the flow characteristics, whereas Dc,p values are generally much larger (about 100 mm in gravel‐bed rivers) and dependent on the bed composition. Knowledge of Dc,w is important for the prediction of the total sediment transport in a river (including suspended fines that do not interact with the bed), whereas knowledge of Dc,p helps to improve morphological predictions, especially if spatial variations in Dc,p are taken into account. An alternative to using a spatially variable value of Dc,p in morphological models is to use a spatially variable bed porosity, which can also be predicted with the new method. In addition to the morphological benefits, the new method also has sedimentological applications. The possibility to determine quickly whether a sediment mixture is clast‐supported or matrix‐supported may help to better understand downstream fining trends, sediment entrainment thresholds and variations in hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

We present results from a 484 km wide-angle seismic profile acquired in the northwest part of the South China Sea (SCS) during OBS2006 cruise. The line that runs along a previously acquired multi-channel seismic line (SO49-18) crosses the continental slope of the northern margin, the Northwest Subbasin (NWSB) of the South China Sea, the Zhongsha Massif and partly the oceanic basin of the South China Sea. Seismic sections recorded on 13 ocean-bottom seismometers were used to identify refracted phases from the crustal layer and also reflected phases from the crust-mantle boundary (Moho). Inversion of the traveltimes using a simple start model reveals crustal images in the study area. The velocity model shows that crustal thickness below the continental slope is between 14 and 23 km. The continental part of the line is characterized by gentle landward mantle uplift and an abrupt oceanward one. The velocities in the lower crust do not exceed 6.9 km/s. With the new data we can exclude a high-velocity lower crustal body (velocities above 7.0 km/s) at the location of the line. We conclude that this part of the South China Sea margin developed by a magma-poor rifting. Both, the NWSB and the Southwest Sub-basin (SWSB) reveal velocities typical for oceanic crust with crustal thickness between 5 and 7 km. The Zhongsha Massif in between is extremely stretched with only 6–10 km continental crust left. Crustal velocity is below 6.5 km/s; possibly indicating the absence of the lower crust. Multi-channel seismic profile shows that the Yitongansha Uplift in the slope area and the Zhongsha Massif are only mildly deformed. We considered them as rigid continent blocks which acted as rift shoulders of the main rift subsequently resulting in the formation of the Northwest Sub-basin. The extension was mainly accommodated by a ductile lower crustal flows, which might have been extremely attenuated and flow into the oceanic basin during the spreading stage. We compared the crustal structures along the northern margin and found an east-west thicken trend of the crust below the continent slope. This might be contributed by the east-west sea-floor spreading along the continental margin.  相似文献   

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