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Understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics of urban population is crucial for addressing a wide range of urban planning and management issues. Aggregated geospatial big data have been widely used to quantitatively estimate population distribution at fine spatial scales over a given time period. However, it is still a challenge to estimate population density at a fine temporal resolution over a large geographical space, mainly due to the temporal asynchrony of population movement and the challenges to acquiring a complete individual movement record. In this article, we propose a method to estimate hourly population density by examining the time‐series individual trajectories, which were reconstructed from call detail records using BP neural networks. We first used BP neural networks to predict the positions of mobile phone users at an hourly interval and then estimated the hourly population density using log‐linear regression at the cell tower level. The estimated population density is linearly correlated with population census data at the sub‐district level. Trajectory clustering results show five distinct diurnal dynamic patterns of population movement in the study area, revealing spatially explicit characteristics of the diurnal commuting flows, though the driving forces of the flows need further investigation.  相似文献   

交通拥堵是当代各大城市普遍面临的问题,如何通过各种技术手段发现城市交通的易拥堵路段并予以改善是城市交通相关部门以及学者关心的一个问题。通过各种GPS设备产生的历史轨迹数据对城市的研究逐渐受到重视,且取得一定的进展。文中总结运行车辆的4种通行状态:正常行驶、停靠/停泊、信号灯等待以及拥堵,分析这4种状态下运行车辆的速度特征,定义轨迹段平均速度和轨迹段速度方差两个数字特征用来描述运行车辆轨迹段的速度特征以及描述路段拥堵程度的拥堵指数,提出一种基于轨迹分段的拥堵检测的可视化方法,通过实验验证发现其可以较好地估计城市交通拥堵状况。  相似文献   

本文基于NPP-VIIRS夜光遥感数据对京津冀城市群2015—2019年的空间结构进行分析,通过灯光值统计、城市位序-规模法则、空间关联测度等方法探究京津冀城市群空间结构及时空变化特征,结合城市总体规划浅析时空变化的原因。结果表明:①京津冀城市群灯光总量整体呈上升趋势,北京市和天津市的灯光增长率最高,其次为河北省廊坊市和石家庄市。②灯光集中分布在高位序城市北京和天津,中小城市不够发达。从时间序列上看,中小型城市快速发展,京津冀各城市有趋于ZIPF理想状态分布的态势。③随着区域交通一体化的推进,城市间的关联度整体增强,北京市与天津市的总体关联度占主导地位,但北部城市与中南地区的交通联系不足,关联度较弱。  相似文献   


Detecting and describing movement of vehicles in established transportation infrastructures is an important task. It helps to predict periodical traffic patterns for optimizing traffic regulations and extending the functions of established transportation infrastructures. The detection of traffic patterns consists not only of analyses of arrangement patterns of multiple vehicle trajectories, but also of the inspection of the embedded geographical context. In this paper, we introduce a method for intersecting vehicle trajectories and extracting their intersection points for selected rush hours in urban environments. Those vehicle trajectory intersection points (TIP) are frequently visited locations within urban road networks and are subsequently formed into density-connected clusters, which are then represented as polygons. For representing temporal variations of the created polygons, we enrich these with vehicle trajectories of other times of the day and additional road network information. In a case study, we test our approach on massive taxi Floating Car Data (FCD) from Shanghai and road network data from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project. The first test results show strong correlations with periodical traffic events in Shanghai. Based on these results, we reason out the usefulness of polygons representing frequently visited locations for analyses in urban planning and traffic engineering.  相似文献   

介绍了利用出租车轨迹数据提取城市居民出行时空分布特征的过程,包括利用数理统计的方法对出租车上下客事件基于时间进行特征分析;给出了一种融合核密度估计(KDE)与兴趣点(POI)分类的密度聚类算法,实现了出租车上下客热点区域的挖掘以及居民出行活动规律与城市功能区之间关系的发现.?研究表明:居民的出行活动特征在"工-休"日之...  相似文献   

An analysis of movement patterns between zones using taxi GPS data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The discovery of zones and people's movement patterns supports a better understanding of modern cities and enables a more comprehensive strategy for urban planning. This article proposes a modified method based on previous research to simultaneously discover people's zones and movement patterns, called movement patterns between functional zones (MPFZ). The method attempts to take full advantage of taxi GPS data to identify MPFZs by merging the movement traces satisfying the merging conditions. Considering movement directions, movement numbers and the adjacent constraints that consist of spatial relationship and attribute features, the merging conditions limit the movement traces to be merged. The new MPFZs are discovered by an iteration process and are measured by the following three evaluation indices: v‐value, a‐value and c‐value, which represent coverage, accuracy and their trade‐off. Using a real‐world taxi dataset of Beijing, 24 new MPFZs are discovered, which have higher v‐, a‐ and c‐values than the unmerged MPFZs. The results of the real‐world dataset experiment show that the proposed approach is effective and efficient. The proposed method can also be applied to other types of transportation data and regions by adjusting the dataset utilized and controlling the iteration process.  相似文献   


Eighty percent of big data are associated with spatial information, and thus are Big Spatial Data (BSD). BSD provides new and great opportunities to rework problems in urban and environmental sustainability with advanced BSD analytics. To fully leverage the advantages of BSD, it is integrated with conventional data (e.g. remote sensing images) and improved methods are developed. This paper introduces four case studies: (1) Detection of polycentric urban structures; (2) Evaluation of urban vibrancy; (3) Estimation of population exposure to PM2.5; and (4) Urban land-use classification via deep learning. The results provide evidence that integrated methods can harness the advantages of both traditional data and BSD. Meanwhile, they can also improve the effectiveness of big data itself. Finally, this study makes three key recommendations for the development of BSD with regards to data fusion, data and predicting analytics, and theoretical modeling.  相似文献   

Examining urban sprawl in Europe using spatial metrics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urbanisation is a global phenomenon with an important impact on the quality of human life. Europe has been widely affected by urbanisation. One of the main characteristics of urban growth is sprawl, a negative form of urban expansion, which affects large cities and most types of urban landscapes. Spatial indicators are applied to CORINE Urban Morphological Zones (UMZ) changes in order to measure urban sprawl between 1990–2000 and 2000–2006 in 24 European countries. The indicators calculate urban morphological properties such as shape, aggregation, compactness and dispersion. The results revealed that the urban areas (UMZ) increased by 146% during 1990–2006 and the urbanisation becomes more circle-shaped and less complex where mostly sprawl occurs. Moreover, urban form becomes less clumped or aggregated. Therefore, due to accelerating rates of urban sprawl, European urban planning should intensify appropriate initiatives to avoid negative impacts on human life.  相似文献   

出租车轨迹数据挖掘进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴华意  黄蕊  游兰  向隆刚 《测绘学报》2019,48(11):1341-1356
大数据、物联网与精密定位技术的发展推动了城市感知的进步。随着社会活动的与日俱增,出租车轨迹数据不仅记录了出租车的行车轨迹,还蕴藏着道路交通状态、城市居民出行规律、城市结构及其他社会问题。通过各种数据分析与挖掘手段对出租车轨迹数据进行深入探究,对于智能交通、城市规划等有着重要意义。本文综述了近十年国内外基于出租车轨迹大数据的相关研究,按照空间统计方法、时间序列方法、图论与网络方法及机器学习方法等4类,详细阐述各类方法的研究现状。随后,本文分析了现有研究的应用领域、热点主题和发展趋势。最后,本文指出了出租车轨迹数据挖掘研究领域面临的挑战和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

This study developed an impervious surface fraction algorithm (ISFA) for automatic mapping of urban areas from Landsat data. We processed the data for 2001 and 2014 to trace the urbanization of Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras, using a four-step procedure: (1) data pre-processing to perform image reflectance normalization, (2) quantification of impervious surface area (ISA) using ISFA, (3) accuracy assessment of mapping results and (4) change analysis of urban growth. The mapping results compared with the ground reference data confirmed the validity of ISFA for automatic delineation of ISA in the study region. The overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient achieved for 2001 were 92.8% and 0.86, while the values for 2014 were 91.8% and 0.84, respectively. The results of change detection between the classification maps indicated that ISA increased approximately 1956.7 ha from 2001 to 2014, mainly attributing to the increase of the city’s population.  相似文献   

数字城市中城市空间数据基础设施建设构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王建涛  王青山  赵赟 《测绘工程》2004,13(2):26-28,31
作为数字化区域的重要形式,"数字城市"建设日益受到重视.城市空间数据基础设施是数字城市基础层的核心.在阐述数字城市与城市空间数据基础设施关系基础上,着重论述了城市空间数据基础设施的建设构想,包括其建设标准和规范、城市空间数据信息库建设和数据共享发布.  相似文献   

The urban forest plays an important role in mitigating the urban heat island. However, the cooling effects of different types of urban forest are unclear. In addition, the fairness of the cooling effect of the urban forest has not been discussed. In this study, the land surface temperature (LST) of Changchun City, China was obtained from Landsat ETM+ data and then correlated with detailed urban forest information derived from the high-spatial-resolution Google Maps in order to determine the cooling intensity and cooling distance of different types of urban forest. In addition, the Gini coefficient was used to evaluate the equity of cooling services provided by the urban forest. The results indicated that (1) the total area of urban forest in Changchun City is 106.69 km2 and is composed of attached forest (AF, 45.83 km2), road forest (RF, 23.87 km2), ecological public welfare forest (EF, 23.24 km2) and landscape forest (LF, 13.75 km2); (2) the cooling effect of different types of urban forest varies. The cooling intensity and cooling distance are 3.2 °C and 125 m (LF), 0.2 °C and 150 m (EF) and 0.6 °C and 5 m (AF), and RF had no cooling effect; and (3) the cooling effect of urban forest benefits approximately 760,000 people in Changchun City, and the Gini coefficient of the cooling services of urban forest was 0.29, indicating that the cooling service was reasonable. Therefore, we demonstrated that ETM+ and Google data are a convenient and affordable approach to study the LST on an urban scale, and the Gini coefficient could be a meaningful indicator to evaluate urban ecological services.  相似文献   

分析城市规划空间数据的主要特点,指出城市规划空间数据多尺度可视化表达的关键在于建立一个多分辨率的空间以及相应的空间数据模型,其尺度效应及其尺度转换规律的研究必须考虑城市规划空间数据属性的语义层次,通过多尺度处理,新的空间数据集在一定条件下的产生应该是双向的。  相似文献   

高度活跃的城市是社会稳定发展的基础。基于地理标签感知的城市活力能够量化城市发展现状,探索城市活力的影响机制,为精细化城市治理提供技术支撑。传统城市活力研究依赖于街区的活力调查,时间长,费用高。本文研究利用兴趣点和社交媒体签到等地理标签数据,提出了城市活力度量指标,探索性分析城市活力的分布模式。基于土地利用、道路和建筑物等数据计算建成环境指标,构建城市活力和建成环境之间的普通线性回归与空间自回归模型,揭示了影响城市活力的建成环境因素。基于深圳市的试验结果表明:兴趣点和社交媒体签到数据能够较好地指示城市活力。深圳市的城市活力主要受商业用地、工业用地、土地混合利用以及路网密度、地铁站点密度的影响。住宅用地和建筑物占地密度对基于POI的城市活力具有显著影响。  相似文献   

The geographical explicit ecological momentary assessment (GEMA) data collection platform provides extremely rich geospatial datasets and is very promising to gain behavior insights linking mobility, activities, and health. However, the task of analyzing these large datasets effectively is not straightforward, because they often involve a large multivariable dimension and rich qualitative data formats. Responding to the call for innovative analytic approaches in GIScience, this article advocates the use of spatial association rule mining (SARM) to extract frequent associations among daily activities, daily mobility, and health, including both physical health (e.g. pain) and mental health (e.g. happiness). This inductive mining approach works robustly with large datasets and is suitable for both qualitative and quantitative studies. A novel visualization technique to analyze the mined rules is also developed and presented.  相似文献   

Nowadays, GPS receivers are very reliable because of their good accuracy and precision; however, uncertainty is also inherent in geospatial data. Quality of GPS measurements can be influenced by atmospheric disturbances, multipathing, synchronization of clocks, satellite geometry, geographical features of the observed region, low broadcasting coverage, inadequate transmitting formats, or human or instrumental unknown errors. Assuming that the scenario and technical conditions that can influence the quality of GPS measurements are optimal, that functional and stochastic models that process the signals to a geodetic measurement are correct, and that all the GPS observables are taken in the same conditions, it is still possible to estimate the positional errors as the difference between the real coordinates and those measured by the GPS. In this paper, three spatial linear mixed models, one for each axis, are used for modelling real-time kinematic GPS accuracy and precision, of a multiple-reference-station network in dual-frequency with carrier phase measurements. Along the paper, the proposed models provide an estimate of the “accuracy” in terms of bias defined as the difference between real coordinates and measured coordinates after being processed and “precision” through the standard errors of the estimated differences. This is done using ten different transmitting formats. Mapping and quantifying these differences can be interesting for users and GPS professionals. The performance of these models is illustrated by mapping positional error estimates within the whole region of Navarre, Spain. Sampled data have been taken in 54 out of the 211 geodetic vertex points of this region. Maps show interesting error patterns depending on transmitting formats, the different axes, and the geographical characteristics of the region. Higher differences are found in regions with bad broadcasting coverage, due to the presence of mountains and high degree of humidity.  相似文献   

城市基础数据库是"数字城市"建设的重要组成部分。本文介绍了丽水市城市空间基础地理数据库的建设和应用情况,论述了空间基础地理数据库中数据的更新过程和管理功能。  相似文献   

Very high resolution hyperspectral data should be very useful to provide detailed maps of urban land cover. In order to provide such maps, both accurate and precise classification tools need, however, to be developed. In this letter, new methods for classification of hyperspectral remote sensing data are investigated, with the primary focus on multiple classifications and spatial analysis to improve mapping accuracy in urban areas. In particular, we compare spatial reclassification and mathematical morphology approaches. We show results for classification of DAIS data over the town of Pavia, in northern Italy. Classification maps of two test areas are given, and the overall and individual class accuracies are analyzed with respect to the parameters of the proposed classification procedures.  相似文献   

Optimal paths computed by conventional path-planning algorithms are usually not “optimal” since realistic traffic information and local road network characteristics are not considered. We present a new experiential approach that computes optimal paths based on the experience of taxi drivers by mining a huge number of floating car trajectories. The approach consists of three steps. First, routes are recovered from original taxi trajectories. Second, an experiential road hierarchy is constructed using travel frequency and speed information for road segments. Third, experiential optimal paths are planned based on the experiential road hierarchy. Compared with conventional path-planning methods, the proposed method provides better experiential optimal path identification. Experiments demonstrate that the travel time is less for these experiential paths than for paths planned by conventional methods. Results obtained for a case study in the city of Wuhan, China, demonstrate that experiential optimal paths can be flexibly obtained in different time intervals, particularly during peak hours.  相似文献   

Identifying and characterizing variations of human activity – specifically changes in intensity and similarity – in urban environments provide insights into the social component of those eminently complex systems. Using large volumes of user-generated mobile phone data, we derive mobile communication profiles that we use as a proxy for the collective human activity. In this article, geocomputational methods and geovisual analytics such as self-organizing maps (SOM) are used to explore the variations of these profiles, and its implications for collective human activity. We evaluate the merits of SOM as a cross-dimensional clustering technique and derived temporal trajectories of variations within the mobile communication profiles. The trajectories’ characteristics such as length are discussed, suggesting spatial variations in intensity and similarity in collective human activity. Trajectories are linked back to the geographic space to map the spatial and temporal variation of trajectory characteristics. Different trajectory lengths suggest that mobile phone activity is correlated with the spatial configuration of the city, and so at different times of the day. Our approach contributes to the understanding of the space-time social dynamics within urban environments.  相似文献   

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