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张旭  严川  许力生 《地球物理学报》2016,59(7):2453-2467
2014年11月22日在四川省康定县发生了MS6.3地震(M1),3天后几乎在同一地点又发生了MS5.8地震(M2),本文称其为"康定双震".首先,利用逆时成像技术对康定双震以及用作经验格林函数事件的一次ML4.8地震(G1)进行了重定位,并利用广义极性振幅技术反演了三次地震的震源机制;然后,借助于G1的记录,利用经验格林函数技术分别提取了M1和M2的勒夫波视震源时间函数,并利用视震源时间函数的方位依赖性分析了M1和M2的优势破裂方向;最后,利用视震源时间函数反演方法反演了M1和M2的震源破裂过程.重定位结果表明,G1与M1和M2震源位置比较接近,分别相距~40 km和~50 km.震源机制反演结果表明,G1与M1和M2具有类似的机制,均为陡倾角左旋走滑.视震源时间函数的方向性分析表明,M1的破裂优势方向为276°,而M2的破裂优势方向为336°.破裂过程反演结果表明,M1持续时间~11 s,主要破裂区沿断层面朝北西以及浅表拓展,最大位错~0.52 m;M2持续时间~7 s,破裂区沿着断层面也朝北西以及浅部拓展,最大位错~0.33 m.  相似文献   

湘西南兰蓉岩体为一加里东期小侵入体,由黑云母二长花岗岩和二云母二长花岗岩组成.(443.5±8.1)Ma的锆石SHRIMP U Pb年龄表明花岗岩形成于早志留世早期.主量元素组成表明岩体总体属钙碱性高钾钙碱性系列强过铝质花岗岩类.该侵入体Ba、(Ta+Nb)、Sr、P、Ti强烈亏损,Rb、(Th+U+K)、(La+Ce)、Nd、(Zr+Hf+Sm)、(Y+Yb+Lu)等相对富集;稀土元素含量较高、轻稀土富集明显、Eu显著亏损;Isr值为0.71299,εSr(t)值为120,εNd (t)值为 8.11和-8.89,t2DM为1.82和1.84Ga.C/MF-A/MF图解显示其源岩为泥质岩和砂屑岩.上述地球化学特征表明兰蓉岩体为陆壳碎屑岩石部分熔融形成的S型花岗岩.基于岩石成因、构造环境判别以及区域构造演化过程,推断兰蓉岩体的具体形成机制为:奥陶纪末志留纪初的北流运动(板内造山运动)导致地壳增厚、升温,尔后在挤压减弱、应力松弛的后碰撞减压构造环境下,中、上地壳酸性岩石发生部分熔融并向上侵位而形成兰蓉岩体.  相似文献   

在中强地震发生前的临界状态下,发震断层可能在大震面波应力扰动下出现微震活动增强的现象。利用β统计值方法和匹配滤波技术,对2014年11月22日康定M6.3地震震前大震在其主震及前震所在的鲜水河断裂带的动态触发作用进行了分析讨论。结果显示,未检测到由大震面波触发的微震,表明康定地震震前其主震及前震所在区域在大震面波的应力扰动下,未出现明显的微震触发现象;通过微震检测未发现断层积累应力水平较高、即将发生强震的证据。  相似文献   

This paper reports SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages of 196±2 Ma for granite, and 195±1 Ma for gabbro from the Xialan complex in the Meizhou area, northern Guangdong Province. These results shed new light on the calm stage of magmatic activity in southeastern China during 200-180 Ma, and revealed that the back-arc extension induced by the subduction of the western Pacific plate may have begun at 195 Ma at least. Field observation on the fresh outcrops allows us to recognize some features formed by magma mixing. A par...  相似文献   

The basic dykes are widely distributed in the Tonghua area, among which the Chibaisong No.1 gabbro has attracted many geologists’ attention to the copper-nickel sulfide deposit within it. However, its formation time has been controversial all the time. Most geologists considered that it could be formed at the late Archean or the Paleoproterozoic[1]1), while some other geologists contended that it might be formed in early Yanshannian of Mesozoic2). The forming time of the basic dyke swarm i…  相似文献   

收集康定地震区及周边(99.6°~105.2°E,27.8°~33.0°N范围内)连续GPS观测站的资料求解站速度场,采用刚性-线弹性运动方程计算方法,拟合计算得到研究区域规格网格点(0.4°×0.4°)的速度值和主应变率值。基于该结果分析研究区内的运动特征和应变场变化情况,并讨论其与地震孕育发生的关系。分析结果表明,芦山7.0级地震发生前研究区呈现应变能量积累态势,而地震之后研究区呈应变能量释放调整态势,2014年康定地震的发生就是该区构造运动调整下的产物。  相似文献   

This paper selected five typical Mesozoic intrusives from the Tongling metallogenic cluster (Xiaotongguanshan, Fenghuangshan, Xinqiao, Dongguashan, and Shatanjiao plutons), and made a systemic SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating for the five plutons, which produced an age range of 151.8±2.6- 142.8±1.8 Ma. This work put an accurate constraint on the formation age of the intrusives in the Tongling metallogenic cluster. These age data indicate that magmatic activity reached a peak during Late Jurassic. The intrusive sequence of magma is generally from quartz monzonite (porphyry) through monzonite to granodiorite to quartz monzodiorite to pyroxene monzodiorite to gabbro-diabase. The intrusives of different lithology differed in crystallization age, probably implying the intrusives in the Tongling area underwent an evolutional process of magma, which was closely related to geodynamical setting in the depths of the area. A dynamic model was presented for the origin of the igneous rocks in the study area as follows. The assembly between the Yangtze craton and the North China craton fini- shed at the end of T3, and then the stage of another compressional orogeny began in the Tongling area, i.e., Pacific dynamic system. Along with the subduction of the Izanagi plate underneath the Eurasian plate at J2-J3, NW-trending compression toward the East China continent was produced, and compres- sional deformation also took place, forming NE-trending fold and resulting in thickening of the crust in the Tongling area. High-density eclogite-facies rocks were produced in the low part of the crust, re- sulting in the delamination of mantle lithosphere and lower crust, and upwelling of materials in as- thenosphere. Decompression melting produced basaltic magma, and the materials in lower crust were heated by the underplating of the basaltic magma. Thus, melting of lower crust yielded granitic magma, which intruded along deep and large faults through various geological processes (J3-K1). The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of 151.8±2.6-142.8±1.8 Ma for intrusives in the Tongling area suggests that the de- lamination of lithosphere mantle and lower crust at least began at middle-late stage of Late Jurassic, resulting in sharp thinning of lithosphere and intense extension of middle-upper crust. Thus, a lot of decollements were produced between cover and cover, basement and cover, and middle and lower crust. This was structural layering or detachment of lithosphere in the Tongling area. Three concordant ages for old inherited cores of magmatic origin (747-823 Ma) indicated that there were obvious mag- matism in the Tongling area during Neoproterozoic, and a little more of the Neoproterozoic igneous source rocks participated in the formation of Mesozoic intrusives.  相似文献   

There was an earthquake swarm of two major events of MS6.3 and MS5.8 on the Xianshuihe fault in November, 2014. The two major earthquakes are both strike-slip events with aftershock zone along NW direction.We have analyzed the characteristics of this earthquake sequence. The b value and the h value show the significant variations in different periods before and after the MS5.8earthquake. Based on the data of historical earthquakes, we also illustrated the moderate-strong seismic activity on the Xianshuihe fault. The Kangding earthquake swarm manifests the seismic activity on Xianshuihe fault may be in the late seismic active period. The occurrence of the Kangding earthquake may be an adjustment of the strong earthquakes on the Xianshuihe fault. The Coulomb failure stress changes caused by the historical earthquakes were also given in this article. The results indicate that the earthquake swarm was encouraged by the historical earthquakes since1893, especially by the MS7.5 Kangding earthquake in1955. The Coulomb failure stress changes also shows the subsequent MS5.8 earthquake was triggered by the MS6.3earthquake.  相似文献   

The intensive Mesozoic magmatism in the North China Craton (NCC) has drawn great attention for its particular geochemical signatures (e.g. high-K), petrogenesis and tectonic setting. The North Taihang complex represents the westernmost magmatic belt of th…  相似文献   

利用140个台站的P波初动资料,其中包括Pg波11个台站、Pn波75个台站、远震P波54个台站,采用格点尝试法获得了康定地震的震源机制解。结果表明,此次地震的震源机制是走滑型,与鲜水河断裂带的破裂特征一致。将本文使用的P波初动资料分别投影到其它机构给出的震源球模型,并计算相应的矛盾比,可以看出本文的结果最符合观测资料。康定地震余震分布、烈度分布情况以及构造应力场的结果,与本文所得康定地震震源机制相符。  相似文献   

Timing of the intermediate-basic igneous rocks developed in the area of Kuhai-A'nyêmaqên along the southern east Kunlun tectonic belt is a controversial issue. This paper presents new zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating data for igneous zircons from the Kuhai gabbro and the Dur'ngoi diorite in the Kuhai-A'nyemaqen tectonic belt, which are 555±9 Ma and 493±6 Ma, respectively. The trace element geochemical features of the Kuhai gabbro and the Dur'ngoi diorite are similar to those of ocean island basalts (OIB) and island arc basalts (IAB), respectively. Thus, the Kuhai gabbro with the age of 555±9 Ma and OIB geochemical features is similar to the Yushigou oceanic ophiolite in the North Qilian orogen, whereas the Dur'ngoi diorite with the age of 493±6 Ma and IAB geochemical features is similar to the island arc volcanic rocks developed in the north Qaidam. The Late Neoproterozoic to Early Ordovician ophiolite complex in the area of Kuhai-A'nyêmaqên suggests that the southern margin of the "Qilian-Qaidam-Kunlun" archipelagic ocean in this period was located in the southern east Kunlun tectonic belt. Therefore, the southern east Kunlun tectonic belt in the early Paleozoic is not comparable to the Mianlüe tectonic belt in the Qinling orogenic belt.  相似文献   

2014年11月22日康定M6.3级地震序列发震构造分析   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
2014年11月22日在NW向鲜水河断裂带中南段四川康定县发生M6.3级地震,11月25日在该地震震中东南约10 km处再次发生M5.8级地震. 基于中国国家数字地震台网和四川区域数字地震台网资料,采用多阶段定位方法对本次康定M6.3级地震序列进行了重新定位; 利用gCAP(generalized Cut And Paste) 矩张量反演方法获得了M6.3和M5.8级地震的震源机制解与矩心深度,分析了本次地震序列的发震构造,并结合历史强震破裂时空分布和2001年以来小震重新定位结果,对鲜水河断裂带中段强震危险性进行了初步探讨. 获得的主要结果如下:(1) M6.3级主震震中位于101.69°E、30.27°N,震源初始破裂深度约10 km,矩心深度9 km; M5.8级地震震中位于101.73°E、30.18°N,初始破裂深度约11 km,矩心深度9 km. gCAP矩张量反演结果揭示这两次地震双力偶分量占主导,M6.3级地震的最佳双力偶解节面Ⅰ走向143°/倾角82°/滑动角-9°,节面Ⅱ走向234°/倾角81°/滑动角-172°. M5.8级地震最佳双力偶解节面Ⅰ走向151°/倾角83°/滑动角-6°,节面Ⅱ走向242°/倾角84°/滑动角-173°. 依据余震分布长轴展布与断裂走向,判定节面Ⅰ为发震断层面,M6.3和M5.8级地震均为带有微小正断分量的左旋走滑型地震. (2) 序列中重新定位的459个地震平均震源深度约9 km,地震主要集中分布在6~11 km深度区间,余震基本发生在M6.3和M5.8级地震震源上部. 依据余震密集区展布范围,推测本次康定地震的震源体尺度长约30 km、宽约4 km、深度范围约6 km. M6.3级主震震源附近的余震稀疏区可能是一个较大的凹凸体(asperity),在主震中能量得以充分释放. (3) 最初3天的余震主要分布在M6.3级地震NW侧;而M5.8级地震之后的余震主要集中在其震中附近. M6.3级地震以及最初3天的绝大部分余震发生在倾角约82°近直立的NW走向色拉哈断裂上;M5.8级地震与其后的多数余震发生在倾角约83°近直立的NW走向折多塘断裂北端走向向北偏转部位, M5.8级地震可能是M6.3级地震触发相邻的折多塘断裂活动所致. (4) 康定M6.3与M5.8级地震发生在鲜水河断裂带乾宁与康定之间的色拉哈强震破裂空段,本次地震破裂尺度较小,尚不足以填补该强震空段. 色拉哈段以及相邻的乾宁段7级地震平静时间均已超过其平均复发周期估值,未来几年存在发生7级地震的危险. 康定M6.3级地震序列基本填补了震前存在于塔公与康定之间的深部小震空区,未来强震发生在塔公至松林口段深部小震稀疏区内的可能性很大.  相似文献   

2014年11月22日,四川省甘孜州康定县(30.3°N,101.7°E)发生6.3级地震,震源深度18km。地震发生在有跨断层形变测量场地的鲜水河断裂带康定至道孚之间的色拉哈断裂。结合该断裂带2000年以来的跨断层形变观测资料,笔者重点对老乾宁、折多塘监测场地在康定地震前的观测资料进行了分析,得出了以下结论:①从2013年5月开始,老乾宁基线观测曲线持续上升,反映出鲜水河南段断层张性活动有所增强;②老乾宁、折多塘场地短水准观测曲线2014年5月至9月加速下降,断层压性活动增强,有明显的短期异常;③老乾宁、折多塘短水准异常对康定6.3级地震的短期预测有着明确的指示意义。  相似文献   

利用四川地区2010年8月至2015年3月的流动重力观测数据作出重力场等值线变化图像,研究分析2014年康定MS6.3级地震前后的重力变化特征,结果表明:(1)三岔口地区长期保持区域性重力正值变化异常及重力变化高梯度带;(2)在康定MS6.3级地震前后三岔口地区的区域性重力正值变化异常及重力变化高梯度带变化并不是特别显著;(3)在康定MS6.3级地震前震区重力变化等值线出现四象限区域或者类似于四象限区域的分布特征;(4)康定MS6.3级地震发震位置处于0值线附近且0值线在此处发生明显的转折、畸变;(5)康定MS6.3级地震发生在重力减小后回调增加的过程中,震后重力继续回调增加。  相似文献   

The Qinlingliang granite massif, Southwestern Shaanxi Province, China was reported as a rapakivi intrusion. However, its mineralogical and petrological study and detailed comparison with the Shachang rapakivi bodies in Miyun County, Beijing show that it obviously contrasts with typical rapakivi in petrographical characteristics, mineralogical assemblages, compositions of feldspar and mafic minerals, and species and contents of accessory minerals. Hence it is argued to be one of the quartz monzonite intrusions common in continental orogenic belts instead of rapakivi. Comprehensive discussions make several problems more clear, namely the Qinlingliang massif formed in a compressional tectonic background instead of an extensional setting; it intruded at the beginning of the full-scale collision between the Yangtze and North China plates other than the post-orogenic stage; the Qinling belt was an Indosinian-Yanshannian continental collision orogen.  相似文献   

根据四分量钻孔应变观测的弹性理论模型,四个分量的观测值 S1、S2、S3、S4之间存在“自洽方程”:S1+S3=S2+S4。“十五”期间新建的“数字地震观测网络工程”四分量钻孔应变观测系统中已有一批台站,无论是几天的短期数据,还是6年以上的长期数据,两组面应变相关系数 k 值都超过了0.99。k 值不受降雨、河湖水位、机井抽水等外界干扰影响,具有稳定性。但姑咱台和昭通台,分别在汶川8.0级、鲁甸6.5级和康定6.3级地震前,观测到了 k 值发生明显变化即数据自洽性遭到破坏的现象。导出自洽方程的条件是安装应变仪钻孔附近岩石完整及应力源与观测点间介质的连续性要求,由此,作者认为,姑咱台和昭通台面应变相关系数发生变化可能由于台站附近发生的大地震的地震成核过程中震源区地层介质连续性逐渐受到破坏所致。  相似文献   

1 An out-of-line northwest trending tectonic beltin the middle part of the Yanshan Orogenic Belt The tectonic framework of the intraplate YanshanOrogenic Belt is dominated by east-west and northeastextending structures as revealed by many geologists.There lies, however, a 100-km-long enigmatic out-of-line northwest extending tectonic complex in the mid-dle part of the Yanshan Orogenic Belt (fig. 1). Theresearch on the geometry, kinematics, timing of thiscomplex tectonic belt and its r…  相似文献   

本文基于1970年以来的地震目录及四川地区4.0级以上地震的震源机制解资料,分析鲜水河断裂带分段(炉霍段、道符段、康定段、石棉段)的地震活动特征及研究区现代构造应力场,结合深部速度结构,探讨鲜水河断裂带上地震活动频度与龙门山断裂带地震活动的关系及康定地段6.3级地震的孕震环境。结果发现:(1)鲜水河断裂带北段和南段地震活动性存在差异,炉霍段和道孚段的地震活动频度1981年前要高于2000年后,康定段和石棉段的地震活动频度2000年以后高于1981年前;(2)分析地壳P波速度结构发现康定震区西侧川滇块体表现出低速异常,东侧表现出高速异常;(3)对构造应力场的分析结果表明龙门山断裂带主要以NW-SE向挤压为主,鲜水河断裂带构造应力场以NWW-SEE向为主。综合鲜水河断裂带应力场特征、深部速度结构、断层间的相互作用等信息推断,康定M6.3地震的发生与该地区应力积累及深部孕震环境相关,同时由于龙门山断裂带地震活动性影响,导致鲜水河断裂带康定段的能量释放。  相似文献   

The apparent ages of samples are obtained from fission track dating of apatite samples collected from the fault zones in Mabian area, southern Sichuan Province. In addition, thermal history is simulated from the obtained data by applying AFT Solve Program, to acquire the thermal evolution history of the samples. The result shows that tectonically the Mabian area was relatively stable between 25 and 3 Ma, compared to the inner parts and other marginal areas of the Tibetan Plateau. The studied area had little response to the rapid uplift events that occurred for several times in the Tibetan Plateau during 25-3 Ma. The latest thermal event related to the activity of the Lidian fault zone (about 8 Ma ) is later than that of the Ebian fault zone (18-15 Ma ) to the west, indicating to some extent that the evolution of fault activity in the Mabian area has migrated from west to east. The latest extensive tectonic uplift occurred since about 3 Ma. As compared with the Xianshuihe fault zone, the Mabian area is closer to the east- ern margin of the plateau, while the time of fast cooling event in this area is later than that in the southeast segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone (3.6-3.46 Ma ). It appears to support the assumption of episodic uplift and stepwise outward extension of the eastern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau in late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

系统分析康定龙头沟温泉逸出气CO2的百分含量异常与该区域中强地震的对应关系.发现龙头沟温泉CO2的百分含量成组异常(3个月时间内出现多次突降,N≥2次),在该区域中强地震的中短期预报中比单次异常更为可靠,可以在日常地震分析预报中加以运用.  相似文献   

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