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地震会对核电站安全造成影响。随着核电站的数量越来越多,有必要关注在地震下核电站的安全。核反应堆厂房是核电站重要的组成部分,研究其地震响应对核电站有着重要意义。基于直接法,考虑了3种不同场地(中硬土、软岩、硬岩)在地震下的塑性变形和土的滞回阻尼,使用FLAC3D对土-核反应堆厂房模型系统进行了三维建模。为了捕捉上部结构与下部岩石/土壤之间的分离与滑动,在核反应堆厂房基础与岩石/土壤表面设置接触面单元。上层结构以集总质量模型模拟,同时考虑土-结构相互作用下基岩深度对核反应堆厂房基础地震响应的影响,最终得到核反应堆厂房结构杆件的加速度反应谱、剪力、基础的摇动和基础不均匀沉降以及侧向位移。结果表明:在中硬土场地中,位移、剪切力随基岩深度的增大而减小;在硬岩场地中,位移和剪切力响应的规律呈相反趋势;在软岩场地中,上部结构响应的规律较为复杂。对于基础摇动和基础不均匀沉降,在中硬土场地中,其呈现的规律随基岩深度增大而减小;在软岩和硬岩场地中,并无明显规律。基础不均匀沉降可直接反映结构的破坏情况。中硬土场地下基础不均匀沉降超过容许值,所以基础不均匀沉降对核反应堆厂房的影响不容忽视,这对核电站的安全设计...  相似文献   

介质不均匀性和断层倾角对同震位移场影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用三维有限元数值模拟方法,定量研究了介质不均匀性和断层倾角变化对同震位移场的影响。模拟结果显示:1)在均匀及纵向分层介质模型中,对于垂直走滑断层地震,水平位移场分量与介质的泊松比呈较弱的负相关,垂直位移场与介质的泊松比呈正相关,水平位移场与剪切模量呈正相关,垂直位移场与剪切模量呈负相关;2)模型介质的横向变化对同震位移场有较大影响,剪切模量的横向变化对地震位移场影响最大,且两者呈负相关,在垂直走滑断层地震中,保持断层一侧块体的介质参数不变、减半另一侧块体的剪切模量,剪切模量减半的块体中的最大垂直位移分量增大55.6%;3)倾角对同震位移场有重要影响。断层附近,倾角对位移场起控制作用,对于高倾角逆冲断层(60°~90°),上盘断层附近区域的水平位移场出现反向,反向区域的范围随倾角的增大而增大,当倾角为90°时,上盘水平位移场全部反向;断层倾角增大时,断层附近下盘的水平位移场的增大幅度较大。  相似文献   

将石油天然气行业发展很成熟的水平井多裂隙开发技术用于增强型地热系统(EGS)可显著提高EGS的经济效益。本研究建立了三维EGS水平井多裂隙物理模型, 采用CFX模拟分析了在井间距以及裂隙间距等不同储层特征条件下EGS的运行性能, 揭示了不同储层特征对于EGS储层采热过程的影响机理。研究结果表明: ①裂隙间距是影响EGS工程运行寿命和开采率的关键因素, 在相同注水流量下, 较大的裂隙间距不易形成热穿透, 系统运行寿命更长, 但降低了储层开采率; 过小的裂隙间距易形成热穿透, 系统运行寿命短, 但开采率高。②井间距对裂隙中的流体流速影响显著, 随着井间距增加, 在相同开采时间下, 产流流体的温度不断升高, 系统的寿命也会随着井间距的增加而增加, 井间距的增大也意味着储层的体积也就更大, 从而有更多的热量可供开采, 因而提高了系统的运行寿命。研究结果可以为EGS储层的建造提供理论指导, 为实现商业化开采地热能做好理论准备。   相似文献   

为明确缓坡型台缘生物礁的沉积特征和储层特征及其对气井产能的影响规律,以四川盆地开江—梁平海槽东侧长兴组生物礁为例,采用高密度三维地震连片处理成果、测井解释结果及岩心分析资料,研究开江—梁平海槽东侧缓坡型台缘生物礁气藏的构造、断层、沉积及储层特征,分析气藏地质特征与产能之间的关系。结果表明:研究区为典型的缓坡型台缘生物礁,礁体发育在台地边缘相中,台缘坡度小,为20°~30°,礁体呈层状发育,纵向上多套叠置,礁体规模差异大,形态多样(条状、环状、点状等);研究区各构造高度差异大,断层为逆断层且呈条带状发育,主要储集岩为礁云岩、生屑云岩及砂屑云岩,生物礁储层主要发育于长兴组中、上部的长二、长三段,属于以低孔—超低渗的次生孔隙为主的裂缝—孔隙型储层,非均质性强;缓坡型的沉积模式及储层非均质性导致气井产能差异大。该结果为研究区气藏储量核算及开发调整方案编制提供依据。  相似文献   

Due to the loose structure, high porosity and high permeability of soil-rock mixture slope, the slope is unstable and may cause huge economic losses and casualties. The h-type anti-slide pile is regarded as an effective means to prevent the instability of soilrock mixture slope. In this paper, a centrifuge model test was conducted to investigate the stress distribution of the h-type anti-slide pile and the evolution process of soil arching during the loading. A numerical simulation model was bui...  相似文献   

The stability of soil-rock mixtures(SRMs) that widely distributed in slopes is of significant concern for slope safety evaluation and disaster prevention. The failure behavior of SRM slopes under surface loading conditions was investigated through a series of centrifuge model tests considering various volumetric gravel contents. The displacement field of the slope was determined with image-based displacement system to observe the deformation of the soil and the movement of the block during loading in the tests. The test results showed that the ultimate bearing capacity and the stiffness of SRM slopes increased evidently when the volumetric block content exceeded a threshold value. Moreover, there were more evident slips around the blocks in the SRM slope. The microscopic analysis of the block motion showed that the rotation of the blocks could aggravate the deformation localization to facilitate the development of the slip surface. The high correlation between the rotation of the key blocks and the slope failure indicated that the blocks became the dominant load-bearing medium that influenced the slope failure. The blocks in the sliding body formed a chain to bear the load and change the displacement distribution of the adjacent matrix sand through the block rotation.  相似文献   

Soil shear strength is an important indicator of engineering design and an essential parameter of soil precision tillage and agricultural machinery and equipment design. Although numerous studies have investigated the characteristics of different soil shear strengths, only a few of these works have paid attention to soils containing considerable quantities of rock fragments. To date, most studies on the effects of rock fragments on the shear strength have paid attention to the role of rock fragments with sizes >2 mm. The effects of rock fragments <2 mm in soil are generally ignored. Similar to rock fragments >2 mm, the presence of rock fragments <2 mm could also change the mechanical properties of soils. Thus, in the present study we evaluated the potential influence of <2 mm rock fragments on soil shear strength via an unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial compression test. Our results were as follows: (1) A certain quantity of <2 mm rock fragments presented in purple soils developed from clay rocks; and an appropriate quantity of <2 mm rock fragments could improve the shear strength of soils. (2) The different PSDs of soils containing <2 mm rock fragments mainly caused variations in the internal friction angle of soils. (3) The shear strengths of the two mudstone-developed red-brown and gray-brown purple soils was more sensitive to water than that of the shale-developed coarse-dark purple soil. As the soil water content increased from 9% to 23%, the changes in the cohesion, internal friction angle, shear strength, and the maximum principal stress difference were smaller in the coarse dark purple soil than in the two other soils. We therefore concluded that <2 mm rock fragments in purple soils exerted important effects on soil shear strength. A better understanding of the differences among the shear strength features of purple soils could help improve the design of agricultural machinery and equipment.  相似文献   

Soil-rock mixtures containing macropore(SRMCM) is a kind of geological material with special mechanical properties. Located in the project area of Lenggu hydropower station on the Yalong River,Sichuan Province, China, there is an extremely unstable Mahe talus slide with a total volume of nearly160 million cubic meters, which is mainly composed of SRMCM. The study on the mechanical properties of SRMCM is of great significance for the engineering construction and safe operation. In this paper,laboratory tests and discrete element numerical tests based on three-dimensional scanning technology were conducted to study the influence of stone content,stone size, and the angle of the macropore structure on shear characteristics of SRMCM. The failure mechanism of SRMCM was discussed from a microscopic perspective. This work explains the internal mechanism of the influence of stone content,stone size, and the angle of the macropore structure on the strength of SRMCM through the microscopic level of stone rotation, force chain distribution, and crack propagation. As the macropore structure that intersects with the preset shear plane at a large angle could act as a skeleton-like support to resist the shear force, the fracture of the weak cemented surface of soil and stone in the macropore structure is an important cause of SRMCM destruction.  相似文献   

金坛盐面积大、矿层稳定、厚度大,品位高,是一座具很高经济价值的大型盐矿床。回顾了盐矿早期由于缺乏规划而无序开采,资源浪费的发展阶段,提出了集约化开发,实现平等互利、风险共担、走联合办矿的道路。介绍了公司把握机遇,储气库项目有序推进,真空盐项目井展顺利。  相似文献   

Mountain block recharge(MBR), an important water resource, is a widespread process that recharges lowland aquifers. However, little is known about MBR due to the limited climatic and geologic data in mountainous regions such as the northern central foothills of Tianshan. Here, we present an approach to quantify MBR through the combination of water balance calculations and numerical modeling. MBR calculated from the water balance in the data-limited Tianshan Mountains is employed as a fluid-flux boundary condition in the numerical model of the plain. To verify the performance of the model, mean absolute error and root mean square error were used. Results show that the volume of water that is recharging the aquifer via MBR is 107.29 million m~3/yr, accounting for 2.2% of the total precipitation that falls in the mountains. Additionally, 53.3% of that precipitation enters the plain aquifer via runoff, totaling 2,652.68 million m~3/yr. The lower volume of MBR is attributed to a major range-bounding anticline with apparent low permeability in the Tianshan Mountains. Through numerical modeling of groundwater, MBR coming from bedrock was found to be significant, accounting for 14% of total aquifer recharge in the plain, only after the portion of runoff seepage. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of MBR, and may provide instructions for estimating groundwater recharge in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Cracks in rock or soil slopes influence the stability and durability of the slopes. Seismic forces can trigger slope disasters, particularly in the cracked slopes. Considering the nonlinear characteristics of materials, the more generalized nonlinear failure criterion proposed by Baker is adopted. The influence of non-dimensional strength parameters on the stability of cracked slopes under earthquakes is performed using the upper bound limit analysis. The seismic displacement is calculated by adopting the logarithmic spiral failure surface according to the sliding rigid block model. Based on the existing studies, two methods for the stability analysis of cracked slopes under earthquakes are introduced: the pseudo-static method(with the factor of safety(Fs) as an evaluation index), and the displacement-based method(with the seismic displacement as an evaluation index). The pseudo-static method can only determine the instantaneous stability state of the cracked slope, yet the displacement-based methodreflects the stability variation of cracked slopes during earthquakes. The results indicate that the nondimensional strength parameters affect the factor of safety and seismic displacement of slopes significantly. The non-dimensional strength parameter(n) controlling the curvature of strength function shapes on the slope stability is affected by other parameters. Owing to cracks, the effect of non-dimensional strength parameters on seismic displacement becomes more significant.  相似文献   

由于崩滑-碎屑流具有高隐蔽性、发生时间短暂以及较低的可预见性,较难直观观测崩滑-碎屑流发生的过程。为了对碎屑动力特性及对房屋的破坏情况进行研究,拟对碎屑流堆积体及其粒径分布进行分析。以普洒村崩塌-碎屑流为例,使用PCAS系统对碎屑流堆积体图像进行颗粒识别、统计,并通过量纲分析法,分析堆积体颗粒与房屋破坏之间的定量联系。分析结果发现:与现场筛分统计相比,图像识别堆积体颗粒的方法得到的数据更全面、详细,并且能节省大量的人力、物力资源。另外,对房屋与碎屑流之间的相互作用进行了探究,发现房屋对碎屑流颗粒有"拦粗排细"的作用。同时,利用图像识别得到的颗粒粒径数据对推导出房屋破坏的判别公式,判别效果较好,能够在地质灾害防治、预测领域发挥一定作用。   相似文献   

顶进力是顶管工程设计和施工中最重要的参数之一, 顶进力计算的精确性将直接影响顶管的工程的成败。随着顶管施工工艺越来越多的应用于岩石地层, 但鲜有关于岩石地层中顶管顶进力的计算模型。为了更加准确地计算岩石地层中的迎面阻力, 假设掌子面稳定, 通过分析岩石顶管机刀盘滚刀破岩机理、受力模型和影响规律, 在此基础上推导出岩石地层顶管迎面阻力计算公式。结果表明: 岩石顶管中, 岩石抗压强度和抗剪强度以及顶管机滚刀切入深度直接决定了迎面阻力的大小, 实测迎面阻力除个别点在计算值上下限以外, 其余与公式预测值相一致, 证明其具有适用性。   相似文献   

By field experiment in Sandaozhuang W-Mo mining area in Luanchuan of Henan Province, the authors analyzed the Experimental result of reverse circulation bit on the basis of different structures and obtained the following conclusion : the design parameter of reverse circulation bit, the number, diameter and angle of the spurt hole can influence on the reverse circulation effect. The bit with inner spurt hole is better obviously than that one without inner spurt hole in reverse circulation, one or two right and the best choice of inner spurt hole is that the diameter is Φ8, the angle is 30° dip up and the suitable number is two to three.  相似文献   

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