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软硬互层结构的顺层岩质边坡破坏类型复杂、难于防治,针对此类边坡地质灾害易发、多发的问题,从坡面角度、岩层倾向及组合形式、节理分布等方面进行了研究。边坡物理模型试验是揭示边坡变形破坏机理的重要手段,基于相似理论,以重庆市万州区孙家滑坡为工程依托,根据滑坡区地质勘探报告设计了室内边坡物理模型试验;试验通过顶升模型箱模拟重力加载来探究顺层岩质边坡发生破坏时,前缘坡角和软弱夹层倾角之间的关系;结合有限元分析软件Plaxis 2D对物理模型进行了多组数值模拟试验,以验证软硬互层顺层岩质边坡破坏机制。试验结果表明:对于顺层岩质边坡,当软弱夹层的倾角在22°左右,前缘开挖坡角58°左右时,顺层岩质边坡容易发生滑动,滑动面为后缘节理面和软弱夹层的贯通面。因此,顺层岩质边坡稳定性受层面和节理面密度的控制,当边坡含多层软弱层面时,易沿层面和后缘节理贯通面发生破坏,随着软弱面层数增加,边坡稳定系数逐渐降低。研究成果可以为公路开挖切坡导致的顺层岩质边坡失稳机理研究及其稳定性评价提供理论依据,为顺层岩质边坡失稳的预测预报提供支撑。  相似文献   

顺层岩质滑坡突发性强,破坏性大,是危害山区城镇安全的重要灾害类型之一。发育软弱夹层的顺向斜坡是顺层岩质滑坡的高发区,区域顺层岩质滑坡易发性评价应融入软弱夹层的控滑机制和空间分布不确定性分析。以万州区铁峰乡为研究区,在软弱夹层物质结构及空间分布详细调查的基础上,分析了原生沉积、构造变形和表生改造作用下区内页岩和泥岩两类软弱夹层发展为滑动面的演化机理,总结了顺层岩质滑坡的变形破坏机理。考虑软弱夹层空间分布的不确定性,提出了软弱夹层垂向分布和有效控滑深度范围内软弱夹层控滑贡献度的计算模型。提取了软弱夹层类型和控滑贡献度等表征顺层岩质滑坡控滑结构的关键指标,结合地形地貌、斜坡结构、水文地质及人类工程活动4类要素,构建了顺层岩质滑坡易发性评价指标体系。针对万州区铁峰乡河谷南侧的顺向坡区段,以斜坡为评价单元,采用层次分析法对研究区顺层岩质滑坡开展了易发性评价。结果显示研究区内侏罗系珍珠冲组泥化夹层和自流井组页岩层是顺层岩质滑坡的主要控滑层位,极高易发区和高易发区占比分别为9.7%和25.8%,岩质斜坡单元下伏软弱夹层分布情况和斜坡前缘开挖情况是影响滑坡灾害易发性的主要因素,建房和道路开挖等人类工程...  相似文献   

动水驱动型顺层岩质滑坡数量多、灾害频发、危害大, 是滑坡地质灾害领域的研究重点, 但目前对于滑坡启滑机制的认识仍不充分, 滑坡的准确预报还面临巨大挑战。鉴于此, 以含软弱夹层的中倾角顺层岩质滑坡为研究对象, 通过构建理想的单层滑带滑坡物理模型, 开展了一系列动水作用下的滑坡模型试验研究。结果表明, 动水作用下顺层岩质滑坡从开始变形至失稳滑动需经历初始变形、缓慢变形、加速变形和失稳破坏4个阶段, 而各个阶段的演化特征与滑面粗糙度和倾角密切相关。滑面倾角越大或粗糙度越小, 滑坡体从开始变形至失稳滑动所需的时间则越短; 相应地, 坡体加速变形阶段越不明显, 滑坡破坏的突发性越强。滑带内的渗流冲蚀作用会使滑带土中的骨料流失, 导致其抗剪强度降低, 进而引发坡体滑动。与此同时, 上覆坡体的压剪作用以及变形演化过程亦将反过来影响冲蚀强度。基于滑带土黏聚力随水力梯度和冲蚀时间的变化关系, 提出了渗流驱动下滑带土黏聚力演化模型, 可较好地描述滑带土黏聚力的退化过程。滑面粗糙度的存在不仅显著影响了滑带的冲蚀劣化规律, 还改变了滑带不同区域的破坏模式。此外, 通过考虑滑面粗糙度对滑带不同区域破坏模式的影响, 开展了动水多效应关联分析, 建立了滑坡地质体力学分析模型, 实现了动水作用下顺层岩质滑坡动态稳定性的有效评估。本研究成果可为实际动水驱动型顺层岩质滑坡的预测和防治提供理论参考。   相似文献   

基于可靠度理论建立顺层岩质边坡稳定的可靠性分析方法,获得顺层岩质边坡可靠指标和失稳概率的计算表达式。以某高切坡为例分析其稳定状态和失稳概率,并据此探讨不同粘聚力、内摩擦角、炸药量和爆心距条件下边坡失稳概率的变化规律。计算结果表明,粘聚力对边坡的失稳概率影响较大;随着内摩擦角的增加,边坡失稳概率近乎线性减小;当单孔药量从10 kg增大到160 kg后,失稳概率增幅97.10%;当爆心距小于20 m时,边坡的失稳概率减小的速度很快,而爆心距超过20 m后边坡失稳概率减小的幅度较小。考虑爆破振动的时效性,爆破荷载使边坡失稳概率增大49.61%,单次爆破振动的影响时间约6 s。  相似文献   

The"5.12"Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 triggered a large number of co-seismic landslides.The rear boundary or cracks of co-seismic landslide are generally located at the steep free surface of thin or thick mountains.Dynamic process of this kind of landslides could be divided into two parts:the seismic dynamic response of the slope and the movement process of rock mass.Taking the Laoyingyan rockslide as an example,the amplification effect was studied by single-degree-of-freedom system analysis method.Besides,the dynamic process of landslide under seismic loading was simulated by the finite difference method(FDM)and discrete element method(DEM).The amplification coefficient of the rockslide to seismic wave is 1.25.The results show that the critical sliding surface of the Laoyingyan rockslide was formed at the 23 th seconds under the action of seismic wave.At the same time,tension failure occurred at the rear edge of the sliding mass and shear failure occurred at the front edge.The maximum displacement was 0.81 m and the initial velocity was 2.78 m/s.During the initiation process of the rockslide,the rock mass firstly broke down along the joints which are along the dip of the rock stratum,and then collapsed bodily along the secondary structural planes.In the process of movement,the maximum velocity of rock mass was 38.24 m/s.After that,the rock mass underwent multiple collisions,including contact,deceleration to 0 and speed recovery after rebound.Finally,due to the constant loss of energy,the rocks stopped and accumulated loosely at the foot of the slope.The longest distance of movement was about 494 m.Besides,the smaller the damping ratio,the farther the rock mass moved.Compared with the results without considering the amplification factor,the movement distance of landslide by considering the amplification factor was more accurate.The study of the Laoyingyan rockslide is helpful to strengthen our field identification of potential co-seismic rockslides.At the same time,understanding its movement and accumulation process can help us better predict the hazard scope of the co-seismic rockslides,and provide a reference for the design of treatment projects.  相似文献   

It is of significance to research failure mechanism of debris landslides that are widespread in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Based on the statistical analysis of the developmental law and failure mode of debris landslides in the Three Gorges Reservoir, the mode of progressive failure is found. The mechanical model for progressive failure of debris landslides with two slip bands is also established by applying slice method. According to the results of the downslide force between adjacent slices, if the downslide force of lower slice is larger than zero, the slice fails along the major sliding surface, otherwise it is stable. In result, the failure range is obtained. The stress function can be determined through dimensional analysis of failure slice. According to static boundary conditions of the slice, stress state of any point in the slice can be obtained. Then stress state of any point in the secondary slip band can also be established. The failure of the secondary slip band is judged on the basis of Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Therefore, a mechanical method is proposed to analyze the progressive failure of debris landslide with two slip bands.  相似文献   

The buckling failure of stratified rock slopes intersected by a set of steep discontinuities that are approximately parallel to the slope surface is frequently encountered while constructing railways and roadways in mountainous areas. In this study, an analytical approach based on the energy equilibrium principle is presented to solve the flexural buckling stability of stratified rock slopes within the framework of multilayer beam theory. The generalized HoekBrown failure criterion is introduced to reflect the influences of slope size(scale effects) on the buckling stability. Subsequently, numerical and physical modellings from previous literatures are employed to validate the proposed approach. Furthermore, a practical case of Bawang Mountain landslide is also used for the comparative analysis. The study shows that the present analytical approach is capable to provide a more reasonable assessment for the buckling failure of stratified rock slopes, compared with several existing analytical approaches. Finally, a detailed parametric study is implemented, and the results indicate that the effects of rock strength, rock deformation modulus, geological strength index, layer thickness and disturbance degree of rock mass on the buckling failure of stratified rock slopes are more significant than that of rock type and slope angle.  相似文献   

This study investigated the failure mechanism associated with the rock mass structure and the dynamic fragmentation process of blocky rocks of the 2018 Daanshan rockslide that occurred on 11 August, 2018. It was found that the initially collapsed rock of this rockslide was partitioned along the unconformity and strata interfaces. We analyzed how the unique rock mass structure, coupled with the road cut and the antecedent rainfall, jointly resulted in its failure. Based on the rock types and geol...  相似文献   

The latticed dunes in the Tengger Desert are widely distributed, and the sand-blocking fence placed here are highly susceptible to local failure due to complex wind-sand activities, posing a serious threat to the safe operation of the highway. To explore the local failure mechanism of sand-blocking fence in the latticed dune area, the local failure of sandblocking fence in the latticed dune areas along the Wuhai-Maqin Highway in China was observed. Taking the first main ridge of the latticed dun...  相似文献   

Although the study of TM(Thermo Mechanics),HM(Hydraulic-Mechanics) and THM(Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanics) coupling under a loading test have been under development,rock failure analysis under THM coupling and unloading is an emerging topic.Based on a high temperature triaxial unloading seep test for phyllite,this paper discusses the deformation and failure mechanism of phyllites under the "H M,T→H,T→M" incomplete coupling model with unloading conditions.The results indicate that the elastic modulus and initial permeability decrease and the Poisson’s ratio increases with increasing temperature;the elastic modulus decreases and the Poisson’s ratio and initial permeability increase with increasing water pressure.During the unloading process,rock penetrability is small at the initial elastic deformation phase,but the penetrability increases near the end of the elastic deformation phase;mechanisms involving temperature and water pressure affect penetrability differently.Phyllite failure occurs from the initial thermal damage of the rock materials,splitting and softening(which is caused by pore water pressure),and the pressure difference which is formed from the loading axial pressure and unloading confining pressure.The phyllite failure mechanism is a transtensional(tension-shearing) failure.  相似文献   

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