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元家台滑坡位于石门县皂市水库北西侧,现今仍威胁当地10户50余人的生命和财产安全。分析了元家台滑坡的成因机制:斜坡自身稳定性较差,长期降雨和人类活动等因素的共同作用促成了滑坡的发生;利用滑体岩土样品的实验分析数据,结合滑坡形成机制,计算分析了不同工况下元家台滑坡的稳定性:工况一(自重+地面荷载)处于基本稳定状态,工况二(自重+地面荷载+暴雨)为不稳定状态,存在再次滑动可能。  相似文献   

研究库水位波动和降雨影响下滑坡的位移变形特征并分析其破坏机制,对了解三峡库区滑坡的演化过程具有重要意义。以奉节曾家棚滑坡为例,基于GPS地表监测位移分析了滑坡在不同特征库水位运行阶段的变化规律,结合灰色关联度模型确定了滑坡不同部位的变形在不同阶段的主要控制因素,借助GEO-Studio软件模拟了曾家棚滑坡在历史降雨和库水位波动耦合作用下的稳定性变化,并与定量分析结果进行了交叉检验。结果表明:曾家棚滑坡的运动状态随时间变化,从缓慢蠕变状态进入阶跃变形状态。平面上,中东部坡体与西部坡体相比,运动更加强烈;剖面上,前缘变形早且变形量大。曾家棚滑坡变形失稳过程为初期蓄水启动了曾家棚古滑坡,前缘首先发生变形;降雨作为中后期主控因素,和库水位波动联合作用共同诱发了滑坡多次阶跃变形,使滑坡前中后部形成贯通裂缝;最终由二十年一遇的暴雨诱发滑坡发生整体破坏。   相似文献   

大路沟滑坡位于陕西省昊起县大路沟村北侧,该滑坡规模巨大且对新建路段和周围居民构成直接威胁.本文通过对滑坡区地形地貌、地层岩性及水文地质条件等地质环境的分析,并结合对该滑坡的形态特征、变形破坏特征及结构特征的阐述,对其形成机制和稳定性做出了定性分析.  相似文献   

2019年8月,济南市南部山区水井北村发生滑坡地质灾害。根据水井北村滑坡的地质背景,针对性布置物探、钻探等勘查手段,研究滑坡工程地质特征,分析水井北村滑坡类型及发生的地质成因机制;采用刚体极限平衡分析法,研究水井北村滑坡整体稳定性。研究认为断裂发育、岩层风化、地势、浅层含水层受降雨影响,是水井北村地质灾害点具备滑坡发生的内在条件。降雨和泉水入渗、耕植等行为是滑坡发生的外在条件。水井北村山体滑坡在天然条件下,稳定系数平均值为1.033,整体属欠稳定状态。暴雨状态下,稳定系数平均值为0.903,坡体处于不稳定状态。  相似文献   

红层在我国分布广泛,其边坡稳定性是工程建设中经常面临的问题。红层通常孕育顺层缓倾滑坡地质灾害,具有规模大、隐蔽性强、成灾机理多样等特点。本文以醴陵市鸭塘水库滑坡为例,对其形成机制进行了分析,对其稳定性进行了评价。评价结果表明水库长期渗水是该滑坡发展的一个重要因素,其稳定性与后缘裂隙贯通率、滑带泥化率及后缘裂隙充水高度密切相关,超过临界值,坡体将会失稳。对以后红层区库区选址、设计蓄水位确定、防渗处理工作具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

本文在对岚皋县柳家坡滑坡群进行野外调研的基础上,论述和分析了该滑坡群的自然地质环境、工程地质特征及形成滑坡的主要因素。文章认为,因有构成河流阶地基座的软弱的千枚糜棱岩充当滑床和在滑床与滑体间有充分起润滑作用的水的供给,是柳家坡滑坡产生的根本原因。本章最后还对滑坡群的防护和治理措施提出了看法和意见。  相似文献   

本文以郴州市龙家背滑坡为研究对象,分析该滑坡的成因过程及机理。经勘察研究发现,此滑坡属推移式与牵引式复合型的岩土混合滑坡,破坏模式为典型的拉裂-蠕滑缓动型变形破坏模式。郴州独特的煤系地层是滑坡产生的主要内因,通过UU试验分析二叠系上统龙潭组页岩煤系地层特殊岩土力学性质,总结其力学参数随含水率的升高显著下降的变化规律,并分析对比滑带土室内试验结果,发现经地下水软化后的滑带的含水率约为35%,强度较干燥状态下降约71.4%;坡脚切方施工是最终形成复合式滑坡的触发因素,运用改进毕肖普法计算挖方前后坡脚土体的稳定性,坡体稳定性系数由1.13下降至0.93,坡体失稳滑动。郴州市山岭地区独特的煤系地层,加之春秋多暴雨的特殊气候条件,在工程建设中极易触发产生滑坡等次生灾害。本文依托此龙家背滑坡,分析其破坏过程及成因机理,为今后城市建设中的灾害防治提供参考和理论支持。  相似文献   

芷江地处湖南省西部,域内地质灾害频发,严重威胁着当地居民的生命财产安全.本文在野外调查、初步勘查和室内研究的基础上,着重从地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、气象水文等方面对该县晓坪乡集镇滑坡的成因机制进行探讨,并提出综合防治建议方案.  相似文献   

我国是世界上滑坡灾害最严重的国家之一, 重大滑坡灾害严重威胁人民生命财产安全和国家重大战略实施。滑坡精准预测预报是防灾减灾的前提, 也是亟待突破的世界性科学难题。以重大滑坡预测预报为目标, 聚焦滑坡演化过程与物理力学机制核心科学问题, 凝炼了滑坡启滑关联机制、滑坡启滑物理力学机制、滑坡过程预测预报理论3个关键科学问题, 提出了如下研究思路: 以系统论、控制论和信息论为指导, 依托大型野外试验场, 采用现场原型试验与多场关联监测、大型物理模型试验、多场耦合模拟等技术手段, 以滑坡孕育过程为基础, 提出了重大滑坡的启滑分类; 揭示锁固解锁型、静态液化型和动水驱动型滑坡启滑物理力学机制, 建立相应的启滑判据; 构建重大滑坡数值预报模式与实时预报平台, 创立基于物理力学过程的滑坡预测预报理论。通过实施, 可奠定上述3类滑坡预测预报的地质、力学与物理基础, 引领重大滑坡预测预报研究, 保障国家重大战略的顺利实施, 契合国家防灾减灾重大需求。   相似文献   

Collapse is a disaster in Changbai Mountain area. Based on the present stage of collapse, the anthors summarized three types of collapse and analyzed their formation mechanism. This research makes sense to further study.  相似文献   

Collapse is a disaster in Changbai Mountain area.Based on the present stage of collapse,the anthors summarized three types of collapse and analyzed their formation mechanism.This research makes sense to further study.  相似文献   

By using the landslide risk evaluating model and the advantages of GIS technology in image processing and space analysis, the relative landslide hazard and risk evaluating system of the new county site of Badong is built up. The system is mainly consisted of four subsystems: Information management subsystem, hazard as- sessment subsystem, vulnerability evaluation subsystem and risk prediction subsystem. In the system, landslide hazard assessment, vulnerability evaluation, risk predictions are carried out automatically based on irregular units. At last the landslide hazard and risk map of the study area is compiled. During the whole procedure, Matter-Element Model, Artificial Neural Network, ancl Information Model are used as assessment models. This system provides an effective way for the landslide hazard information management and risk prediction of each district in the Reservoir of Three Gorge Project. The result of the assessment can be a gist and ensure for the land planning and the emigration project in Badong.  相似文献   

By using the landslide risk evaluating model and the advantages of GIS technology in image processing and space analysis, the relative landslide hazard and risk evaluating system of the new county site of Badong is built up. The system is mainly consisted of four subsystems: Information management subsystem, hazard assessment subsystem, vulnerability evaluation subsystem and risk prediction subsystem. In the system, landslide hazard assessment, vulnerability evaluation, risk predictions are carried out automatically based on irregular units. At last the landslide hazard and risk map of the study area is compiled. During the whole procedure, Matter-Element Model, Artificial Neural Network, and Information Model are used as assessment models. This system provides an effective way for the landslide hazard information management and risk prediction of each district in the Reservoir of Three Gorge Project. The result of the assessment can be a gist and ensure for the land planning and the emigration project in Badong.  相似文献   

神木气田二叠系储层以低孔、致密为特征,非均质性强,气田开发产能较低、开发难度大.在细分层系的基础上,研究沉积砂体和有效砂体空间展布特征,明确太原组、山西组沉积相类型,以及沉积作用是储层发育的主导因素;综合考虑沉积特征、储层发育程度和试气成果等,明确神木气田的主力层位,以太原组、山2段和山1段为3个单元,进行有利开发区块的优选,优选Ⅰ类有利区块8块,推荐叠合有利区.结果表明:在优选有利区内钻井开发效果好,以苏里格气田标准进行衡量Ⅰ+Ⅱ类井比例达到78%,神木气田分层系、优选有利区的开发思路正确,优选有利区准确,对气田产能建设起到促进作用.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the sedimentary characteristics and mechanism of the shell ridges on the southwestern coast of Bohai Bay, which are the largest and have the highest shell (or shell fragment) content in the world. These shell ridges are composed of two sedimentary subfacies: the ridge subfacies and the ridge infill subfacies with different inner textures and sedimentary structures. The ridge subfacies primarily consists of fresh shells and/or shell fragments with parallel beddings and high-angle oblique beddings. The ridge infill subfacies consists of finer shell fragments and silty sand with parallel beddings oblique to land. The evolution of the shell ridge is controlled by the accumulation of substantial shell material,the relative slow erosion of shoreline, storm waves, winds and the shift of river routes. Wind tunnel tests indicate that the critical movement velocity of shell is lower than that of quartz sand of the same grain size. Deltaic progradation alternates with shell ridge growth. While the Yellow River empties into the sea through this area, accompanied by deltaic progradating, the shell material is scarce, which is unfavorable to the growth of the shell ridge. Conversely, erosion occurs along an abandoned delta coast where a shell ridge may develop, e.g. the shell ridge on the southwest of Bohai Bay.  相似文献   

以松辽盆地南部为研究区,以白垩系青山口组为研究目的层,采用烃源岩质量、储层特征和资源潜力分析的/三位一体0页岩气储层综合评价方法,分析青山口组页岩气形成条件,评价青山口组的有机质丰度、储层特征和产能,得出白垩系青山口组烃源岩质量好,储层优良,生气条件良好,具页岩气生储潜能.根据青山口组页岩气生储条件评价,预测松辽盆地南部青山口组页岩气生储有利区,认为青山口组一段页岩气生储最有利区位于长岭凹陷中偏南部,位于长岭凹陷中部、长岭凹陷中部以北部分地区和德惠凹陷中部的青山口组二+三段为页岩气成藏发育最有利区带.  相似文献   

根据薄片鉴定、物性测试、压汞实验、X线衍射和扫描电镜分析等,研究鄂尔多斯盆地延长气田山西组致密砂岩储层特征.结果表明:延长气田山西组致密砂岩具特低孔低渗特性,储层的储集空间类型主要为碎屑颗粒内的粒内溶孔和粒间溶孔,次为裂缝.孔喉属细孔—微喉型,排驱压力大,孔隙结构差,孔渗相关性差.压实作用和胶结作用是导致砂岩致密化的主要因素,成岩作用早期的煤系地层有机酸性环境和成岩作用晚期的交代作用加速砂岩致密化,可溶性物质缺乏使得砂岩物性改善受阻.裂隙体系建立是改善储层物性的主要因素和转折点,使得溶蚀作用复强,溶蚀作用是储层优质化的"催化剂",能够提升储层储集油气能力.  相似文献   

在岩心观察、铸体薄片、扫描电镜资料分析的基础上,结合孔隙度、渗透率等物性资料,分析巴麦地区石炭系小海子组储层特征及控制因素.结果表明:该组的储集层岩石类型中,白云岩储层物性较灰岩好,而颗粒灰(云)岩物性也较非颗粒灰(云)岩好;储集空间类型以粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔和晶间溶孔为主;沉积相带、成岩作用及构造作用等是影响研究区储层物性的重要条件,其中高能的台地滩相储集岩是有利储层的发育地带,大气淡水暴露溶蚀作用和白云岩化作用改善了储集空间,构造破裂作用所产生的裂缝使储层物性得到进一步改善.该研究对认识巴麦地区小海子组储层特征及主控因素有参考意义.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Urban agglomeration researches originated from the concern about the city cluster in the developed areas of western countries. The modern researches have been extended to the specific areas. HALL (2001) summa- rized the generality and difference of urban metropoli- tans in Europe, and analyzed the spatial structure of dif- ferent areas. NAUDE and KRUGELL (2003) analyzed the spatial development of urban agglomeration in South Africa, and thought that the size of the p…  相似文献   

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