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文章介绍了广西晚二叠世煤的种类及分布情况,并对煤变质规律及其影响因素进行分析探讨,认为煤变质程度是由桂西向桂中、桂东以及桂东南一带呈逐渐减低趋势,平面上煤变质规律明显,影响煤变质有三大因素即深成变质、动力变质、接触变质,以区域性深成变质为主。  相似文献   

文章对百都地区晚二叠世火山岩野外地质调查及样品分析结果的主量元素、微量元素及锆石U-Pb的年龄进行测定,结果表明,该地区岩石类型为玄武安山岩、石英角斑岩及火山碎屑岩,属钙碱性系列和拉斑系列,轻稀土富集。玄武安山岩与火山碎屑岩具富钠贫钾(K_2O/Na_2O1),而石英斑岩则相反,具贫钠富钾(K_2O/Na_2O1)特征;锆石U-Pb同位素年龄在257±2.6Ma~259±5.6Ma。新发现的石英角斑岩与玄武安山岩组成的晚二叠世双峰式火山岩为广西区内首次发现。双峰式火山岩的发现丰富了桂西晚二叠世火山岩地球化学特征及成因研究资料。  相似文献   

本文通过对广西晚二叠世古构造及岩相古地理的研究与煤盆地含煤地层及其含煤性的分析,探讨了其聚煤作用的控制条件。认为广西晚二叠世成煤环境,在古构造上聚煤主要场所是构造沉降带,而断陷带仅在其中局部隆起区;在沉积相上主要含煤岩系产于碳酸盐台地潮坪—浅滩相带中,至于滨岸陆屑滩相带、半局限台地相带和台地边缘浅滩相带中仅局部含煤;不同岩石组合及煤层顶底板特征反映了成煤条件的差异。还指出了相区的划分为今后煤田地质研究和找煤工作具有实际意义。  相似文献   

呼玛县五隆屯地区出露的花岗岩岩石类型为中一中细粒花岗闪长岩,计有1个侵入体,呈岩株状产出。一、岩石及矿物学特征中一中细粒花岗闪长岩:中一中细粒花岗结构,块状构造,主要矿物为斜长石、条纹长石、石英和暗色矿物,粒度在0.6ram~5.0mm之间。斜长石40%~55%,条纹长石15%~20%,石英22%~28%。暗色矿物由黑云母和角闪石组成,含量10%。角闪石,绿色、褐绿色,  相似文献   

一、岩石学及矿物学特征 本期侵入岩岩相变化较明显,其岩石学及矿物学特征分述如下: 中细粒石英闪长岩:分布于图幅西北部夹皮沟林场北一带,仅由一个岩体组成,即四号棚子岩体。岩体出露面积较小,岩相变化不显著,与本期中细粒花岗闪长岩为渐变过渡关糸(相变),岩石为中细粒花岗结构,新鲜面为灰白色,[第一段]  相似文献   

本文介绍了陕南西乡峡口地区上二叠统地层问题,着重研究了其在大巴山西段的发育规律。据其组合类型,可划分出台地相区、台坡相区和台沟相区等三个沉积相区。对长兴期的大隆组与吴家坪组的相变问题,本文则进一步提出:在横向上,它们是同期异相;在纵向上,它们在过渡的台坡相区内表现为大隆组在上,并随着背离台地相区距离的增加,大隆组的厚度比增大。根据(竹蜒)和有孔虫的产出,对晚二叠世地层提出了分带意见,并依据岩性、岩相、古生物以及沉积间断现象存在与否,指出了二叠系与三叠系在台地相区是平行不整合,在台坡或台沟相区是整合的结论。  相似文献   

陆刚  胡贵昂 《南方国土资源》2000,13(4):11-14,18
广西天峨老鹏礁发育于合山组下部,形成于晚二叠世吴家坪期.是在孤立碳酸盐岩台地内部生长的圆丘状点礁群,由菌藻类、串管海绵及一些纤维海绵、水螅、板海绵等造礁,发育有块状隐粘结岩、隐障积岩、潜障积岩等,从初期到后期具不同的发育模式.据其建造特征及海绵生物的造礁性能,说明了二叠纪台缘相发育的巨厚海绵灰岩是生物礁,菌藻类在礁的建造中起着关健作用.  相似文献   

大八浪岩体位于佳木斯地块中部的桦南隆起区,岩性为中细粒黑云母花岗闪长岩,其侵入到晚二叠世白云母二长花岗岩中。岩石LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为(234±1)Ma,属于晚三叠世早期。大八浪岩体具有较高的SiO2含量(质量分数,下同)(62.04%~64.30%)、Al2O3含量(15.68%~16.95%)、Sr/Y值(23.38~36.15)、(La/Yb)N值(18.57~33.04),较低的MgO含量(0.91%~1.20%)和中等Mg#值(34.03~37.27),以及低Yb含量((1.18~1.52)×10-6,平均值为1.30×10-6)、Y含量((15.43~20.50)×10-6,平均值为16.94×10-6),同时Na2O/K2O值为0.77~1.06,平均值为0.94,显示与C型埃达克岩相似的地球化学特征。结合佳木斯地块东缘...  相似文献   

文章研究了广西隆林祥播地区中二叠统茅口阶,上二叠统吴家坪阶,长兴阶的有孔虫动物群,计有22属55种,7个未定种,分属于5个超科中的12科。并由下而上建立5个有孔虫组合,介绍了各组合特征。  相似文献   

双湖-澜沧江缝合带是一条十分重要的板块缝合带,在带内的白云母石英构造片岩中获得251.5±2.6Ma年龄,表明韧性变形的时代为晚二叠世,认为是晚二叠世—早三叠世双湖-澜沧江缝合带A型俯冲碰撞期构造变形的产物。  相似文献   

基于层序地层研究,区内聚煤作用主要发育于三级层序SQ1,SQ3,SQ4海侵体系域中,发育"根土岩—煤—粉砂岩/泥质粉砂岩/粉砂质泥岩/石灰岩"序列。海侵作用早中期,较高的泥炭堆积速率与可容纳空间增加速率相平衡,沉积了区域稳定分布的厚煤层6,14和29号煤层,最大海泛面附近的煤层较薄甚至不发育。  相似文献   

小牛煤矿位于贵州省内水城矿区的格目底向斜东段北翼,含煤地层为晚二叠世龙潭组,含煤性好。通过对小牛煤矿含煤地层及其含煤性的研究,确定了研究区的沉积环境是海陆过渡相中的三角洲沉积类型,并初步建立了沉积模式,龙潭早期和晚期均有较好的聚煤作用发生并叠加,是聚煤的最佳场所,含煤性最好。  相似文献   

Black shales of the Paleocene Patala Formation are proven source rocks for conventional hydrocarbons in southern Potwar Basin of Pakistan and are assumed to be effective source rocks towards north in the Margalla Hill Range of Pakistan. In this regard, the current study focuses on source rock geochemistry of the Paleocene Patala Formation to assess its source rock potential, organic matter types and thermal maturity levels in the Mar-galla Hill Range of North Pakistan. Source rock generative potential, kerogen types and thermal maturation of the analysed rock samples were unraveled by using Rock-Eval pyrolysis Tmax, TOC (total organic carbon) and vitrinite reflectance ( R0 ) analyses. TOC analysis coupled with S2 yield revealed poor to fair source rock quality encountered within the formation. The pyrolysis Tmax vs Hydrogen Index ( HI) , showed mostly Type Ⅲ kerogen dominated by thermally immature to mature organic matter. The HI and genetic potential is low and revealed poor hydrocarbon generation potential of the formation. The S1 vs TOC plots confirm the indigenous nature of the hydrocarbons hosted by Patala Formation. The vitrinite reflectance outcomes indicated immature to mature source rock beds lying in dry gas zone. The HI and OI signatures and abundance of Type Ⅲ kerogen are indica-ting dominance of terrestrial organic matter within the formation. Overall, the investigated Patala Formation ex-posed at the studied section of Margalla Hill Range, Pakistan acts as a poor source rock unit for liquid hydrocar-bon generation but holds prospects for dry gas generation in the study area.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe Arkhara-Boguchan brown coal mine is lo-cated in the western Arkhara depression,southeast-ern part of the Zea-Bureya Basin (Fig.1). Late Creta-ceous-Paleogene coal-bearing strata are well out-cropped at the Arkhara-Boguchan quarry. It contains four coal-bearing beds (in descending order): “Ve-likan”, “Promezhutochny”,“Dvoinoy”and “Nyzhny”, and composed of three sedimentary cycles (Fig.2). The lower cycle can be divided into two sub-cycles:the lowest sub-cycle is …  相似文献   

A well-preserved Late Cretaceous-Paleogene palynological flora from the middle member of the Tsagajan Formation and the upper member of the Tsagajan Formation including the Kivda Beds is reported for the first time from the Arkhara-Boguchan brown coal mine, southeastern part of the Zeya-Bureya Basin. Four palynocomplexes were established for the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition. The climate and phytocoenoses were also analyzed,based on the detailed palynological data. The results are coincident with those of mega-flora studied by Akhmetiev et al. (2002).  相似文献   

The Permian is one of the most important periods during which the vegetative earth witnessed the transition from icehouse to greenhouse climate and the global environment changes. Organisms on the planet en-countered great challenge and the demise of swamp caused the extinction of arborescent lycopods and the rising of Mesophytic plants accomplished the floral transition from the Paleophytic to Mesophytic vegetation. In order to depict the climatic changes and floral succession in the middle and high latitudes of the North Hemisphere, palynological investigation was engaged, and 40 samples collected from the uppermost of Taerlang Formation, Hongyanchi Formation and Quanzijie Formation in the Tianshan Town, Turpan-Hami Basin, eastern Xinjiang, China. The result shows that the palynoflora in the studied area is composed of 50 species of 33 genera, domi-nated by disaccites and striatiti gymnosperm pollen, and characterized by diverse Protohaploxypinus, Hamia-pollenites, Alisporites and Klausipollenites. It is quite similar to those Middle and Late Permian palynological as-semblages reported in the Dalongkou section and other localities in southern margin of Junggar Basin, and aged at Middle and Late Permian. The diversity of typical Angara and sub-Angara pollen, such as Falcisporites, Alisporites, Protohaploxypinus, Vittatina, Lunatisporites, Hamiapollenites, etc. indicates that the studied palyno-flora belonged to the sub-Angara phytoprovince, while the presence of Lueckisporites virkkiae implied Euramerica pollen intruded northward sometimes. The paleoclimate of the studied area might be warm and humid with fluc-tuated dry seasons during the late Guadalupian and early Lopingian time.  相似文献   

贵州安顺新民剖面大隆组海相地层产出一批丰富的植物化石,以裸子植物和带羊齿类为主要成分,另有石松纲、楔叶纲、真蕨纲和种子蕨纲,与国内外同期植物群对比发现,华南、华北和欧美地区植物群同反映出晚二叠世末松柏类进入繁盛期,属级成分的差异应为生态气候所致,新民植物群生活型可分为两个基本层次,局部的高地生长着松柏类等旱生群落,湿水沼泽旁乔木、小乔木、树蕨和灌木植物发育,对其反映的气候信息分析表明,华南晚二叠世已不及之前的湿热,为早三叠世干旱的气候类型埋下伏笔。   相似文献   

内蒙古突泉盆地南部突D2井钻遇厚层的暗色泥岩,发现具有晚二叠世特征的孢粉化石。为获取精确的地层同位素年龄,对500.0m井段发育的粉砂岩进行碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测试分析,得到100颗锆石的谐和—近谐和年龄。结果表明:碎屑锆石按年龄和频率分布特征可以分为5组:245.0~279.0 Ma(12颗,占12%),峰值年龄为263.0 Ma;282.0~346.0Ma(48颗,占48%);355.0~531.0Ma(21颗,占21%);615.0~993.0Ma(6颗,占6%);1.022~2.163Ga(13颗,占13%,207Pb/206Pb年龄)。最小年龄段年龄的加权平均为(261.7±6.2)Ma(MSWD=0.93,12颗),与最小峰值263.0 Ma的年龄吻合,测年样品沉积时间下限为263.0 Ma,沉积时代为晚二叠世,证实突泉盆地存在林西组暗色泥岩,以及大地电磁测深剖面上存在的第二套广泛连续发育的低阻层为林西组。沉积物源具有多样性和复杂性,主体来自东北各地块,同时存在华北板块和西伯利亚板块的物源信息((1.658±0.023)、(1.877±0.016)、(1.891±0.041)、(2.163±0.011)Ga)。林西组沉积时期,华北板块与西伯利亚板块开始俯冲碰撞过程,最终闭合时间在晚二叠世之后。  相似文献   

变换之中,为铝土矿的形成提供了保障。   相似文献   

Two hundred and thirty-five samples collected from Weinan loess section (L2 – S0) have been analyzed by TOC (total organic carbon) and pyrolysis hydrocarbons. The curve of TOC with depth has been set up and compared well with other climatic markers. The main periods of TOC variation of the last 0.14 Ma are 67.08 ka and 18.29 ka, which is near with the periods of the variation of sunshine, showing that the TOC variation may be controlled by the variation of 65°N sun-shine. The distribution of pyrolysis hydrocarbon and its parameters shows that there are two kinds of hydrocarbon associated with climatic change. One is called hydrocarbon pyrolysted directly from organism (pHC2–1) which is in the range of T max350°C – 500°C, and associated with atmospheric water. The other is called carbonate inclusion hydrocarbon (pHC2–2) which is in the range of T max 500°C – 600°C and formed by evaporation and associated with dry climate. The formula calculating humidity has been deduced Og=pHC2–1/(pHC2–1 + pHC2–2). The range of humidity of the section is 47% – 77% and the reducing order is S1–3, S1–2, S0, S1–1, S1–4, S1–1, L1–1, L1–3, and L1–5. And the trend of the humidity is still increasing today.  相似文献   

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