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Australia׳s remote location and position on the vast Indo-Australian plate mean that possesses one of the largest continental shelf areas in the world. The criteria in Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea permit the claiming on continental shelf to 200 nautical miles from territorial sea baselines, and if certain criteria are met based on the configuration and content of the seabed, to distances beyond. During the negotiations at UNCLOS III, Australia was a strong proponent of this extended shelf regime, as it was likely to have large areas beyond 200 nautical miles. Article 76 provides for a number of requirements to be met for a coastal State to assert sovereign rights over areas of continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, including a ten year deadline from becoming a party. This placed a disproportionate burden upon Australia, as it faced the same ten year time frame to lodge data with the Commission on the Limits on the Continental Shelf (CLCS) as other States with much smaller areas in issue. Australia also chose not to rely upon measures agreed between State parties to effectively extend this deadline, and to limit the requirements to be met within it. This paper looks at how Australian authorities approached the difficult task, while maintaining the standards required for data by the CLCS, and how the task was ultimately implemented. It also examines how the extended continental shelf arrangements interacted with the rest of Australia׳s law of the sea practice and maritime boundaries with other States. For example, after the entry into force of the Convention, Australia negotiated two maritime boundaries with neighbouring States that each explicitly dealt with areas beyond 200 nautical miles. It concludes with consideration of what issues remain unresolved in respect of the Australian continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. The paper will conclude at how Australia׳s implementation has raised new issues with neighbouring States, including an unresolved dispute in the South Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Although continental shelf and slope environments typically exhibit high epifaunal biomass and have been subjected to increasing fishing pressure, ecological information on assemblages of non‐commercial invertebrate species from subtidal and bathyal areas remains limited. Sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), which are known to influence communities through their feeding habits, have received less attention than structural taxa such as corals and sponges. To better understand the ecological roles of asteroids on continental shelves, we investigated ~30 species and assessed their distributions and co‐occurrence with other benthic invertebrates on the shelf and slope of Eastern Canada. Using fisheries data and in situ video footage, we compiled a large dataset covering ~600,000 km2 that included over 350,000 individual asteroid records (37–2243 m depth). Multivariate analyses revealed geographically distinct asteroid assemblages, with a maximal overall density at 400–500 m and the highest diversity at 500–700 m. The most abundant and densely occurring species was Ctenodiscus crispatus. We found that asteroids associate with corals, sponges, bivalves, and other echinoderms, and that depth and substrate influence these assemblages. We identified species likely to affect coexisting organisms by their burrowing behavior that can disrupt epi‐ and infauna (C. crispatus) and through predation on ecologically important corals (Hippasteria phrygiana). In addition to providing baseline distribution and ecological information for many bathyal asteroid species in the Northwest Atlantic, this work highlights the abundance and diversified roles of asteroids within continental shelf and slope ecosystems.  相似文献   

As a fundamental study to evaluate the contribution of the Kuroshio to primary production in the East China Sea (ECS), we investigated the seasonal pattern of the intrusion from the Kuroshio onto the continental shelf of the ECS and the behavior of the intruded Kuroshio water, using the RIAM Ocean Model (RIAMOM). The total intruded volume transport across the 200m isobath line was evaluated as 2.74 Sv in winter and 2.47 Sv in summer, while the intruded transport below 80m was estimated to be 1.32 Sv in winter and 1.64 Sv in summer. Passive tracer experiments revealed that the main intrusion from the Kuroshio to the shelf area of the ECS, shallower than 80m, takes place through the lower layer northeast of Taiwan in summer, with a volume transport of 0.19 Sv. Comparative studies show several components affecting the intrusion of the Kuroshio across the 200 m isobath line. The Kuroshio water intruded less onto the shelf compared with a case without consideration of tide-induced bottom friction, especially northeast of Taiwan. The variations of the transport from the Taiwan Strait and the east of Taiwan have considerable effects on the intrusion of the Kuroshio onto the shelf.  相似文献   

Drowned reefs, fossil reefs or paleo-reefs, are important ecologically as areas of high biodiversity, foraging, shelter environment, and as areas supporting the spawning aggregations of economically important reef fish species. This is particularly significant when the structures are situated in a wide soft-bottom continental shelf. The presence of limestone structures, fossil reefs and pinnacles dating from circa 8 to 9 ka, to the north of the Paria Peninsula in north-eastern Venezuela, has been known to local fishermen for decades. Using echograms obtained during acoustic fisheries evaluations and the scarce previously available information, an improved location map of hard-bottom structures was made. Benthic samples to study macromolluscs were taken at depths between 54 and 93 m using an unmodified 2-m beam trawl. Four trawl samples were located over fossil reef areas while another four were situated in soft-bottom valleys between limestone structures. Fossil reefs in the area showed a highly patchy distribution. A total of 91 species from 43 Bivalvia, Gastropoda and Scaphopoda families were found, Gastropoda being the dominant class with 49 species. Paleo-reef-covered areas showed higher species richness and only 21% of the species found were common to both substrates. Gastropods Tonna maculosa and Polystira albida were the most abundant species and occurred in both substrate types. Bivalve life habits, a mixture of organism–substrate relationships, shell fixation, mobility and feeding type, differed significantly according to bottom type. Six species are recorded for the first time for eastern Venezuelan waters. Bottom heterogeneity plays an important role in marine ecosystems, providing shelter to fish populations and may be significant as breeding and nursery areas. Its presence in a region with biogeographical interest, situated in the confluence of three major provinces and with oceanographic conditions varying seasonally from upwelling dominated to Orinoco River discharges, makes this the area of interest and it should be evaluated as a possible Marine Protected Area.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of current velocity and water temperature were undertaken at the mooring Sta. M (125°29.38' N,31°49.70'E) on the continental shelf area in the East China Sea in June 1999 by R/V Xiangyanghong 14. The relationship between various time series of oceanic fluctuations is calculated by spectral analysis. The major results are as follows: (1) an average (u,v) of (6.9,-3.0 cm/s) at the 30 m depth is obtained during the 9-day observation, and that at the 45 m depth is (3.7,-1.1 cm/s), I. E., the mean flows are southeastward at both the 30 and 45 m depths;the currents become stronger gradually during the observation period; this may be mainly attributed to the transition of the tidal currents from neap to spring; (2)semidiurnal fluctuation is the most dominant in the current fluctuations, and rotates mainly clockwise; in the next place, there is also diurnal fluctuation;the local inertial period is close to the period of diurnal fluctuation, and an inertial motion is clockwise; thus, local inertial motion combines with diurnal fluctuation, and makes the spectral peaks in clockwise components much higher than those in counterclockwise ones;except for the fluctuations of above main periods, there is also the peak at 3 d period for counterclockwise components in the upper and lower layers; (3) the calculation of cross spectra between two time series of current velocities at the 30 and 45 m depths shows that both the current fluctuations at the 30 and 45 m depths are much alike, I. E.,they are synchro; this shows that the flow field here is rather vertically homogeneous; (4)power spectra of temperature time series at both the 30 and 45 m depths show that the semidiurnal peak is the most predominant, and the second highest peak is the diurnal period; besides spectral peaks at above periods, there are also obvious spectral peaks at 6.8 h and 2 d; (5)plots of temperature time series at 16,30,35,45 and 50 m depths show that the temporal variations of temperature at these depths are synchro, which are like those in the velocity field; temperature records also show a gradual rise in temperature, which are also like those in the velocity field.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of current velocity and water temperature were undertaken at the mooring Sta. M (125°29.38' N, 31°49.70' E) on the continental shelf area in the East China Sea in June 1999 by R/V Xiangyanghong 14. The relationship between various time series of oceanic fluctuations is calculated by spectral analysis. The major results are as follows: (1) an average (u,v) of (6.9,-3.0 cm/s) at the 30 m depth is obtained during the 9-day observation, and that at the 45 m depth is (3.7,-1.1 cm/s), i. e., the mean flows are southeastward at both the 30 and 45 m depths;the currents become stronger gradually during the observation period; this may be mainly attributed to the transition of the tidal currents from neap to spring; (2)semidiurnal fluctuation is the most dominant in the current fluctuations, and rotates mainly clockwise; in the next place, there is also diurnal fluctuation;the local inertial period is close to the period of diurnal fluctuation, and an inertial motion is clockwise; thus, loca  相似文献   

1989年东海陆架水团及高密水环流的季节变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文利用1989年的观测资料,分析了水团及高密水环流的季节演变特征。结果表明:东海高密水在陆架上存在一个季节性的变化过程,核心区有一个气旋型的密度环流;这个环流秋、冬季较弱,春、夏季较强;在该环流的产生过程中,它可以影响邻近水团的分布;在春季,邻近水团在东海高密水周围形成一个环状分布  相似文献   

The input of river-borne sediments to the New Zealand continental shelf has been calculated for all the major rivers and basins in New Zealand. South Island yields 284 ± 40 × 106 tonnes per year of sediment from a land area of 152 977 km2 and North Island yields 105 ± 9·4 × 106 tonnes per year from a land area of 114 621 km2. Particularly high discharges are noted off the west coast of South Island and east coast of North Island and result in higher offshore sedimentation there. The data are compatible with measured sedimentation rates on the New Zealand continental shelf. The specific sediment yield from South Island is amongst the highest previously recorded.  相似文献   

Hydrographic observations collected by conductivity-temperature-depth(CTD) and instrumented elephant seals on the Prydz Bay continental shelf during 2012 and 2013 are used to characterize the intrusion of modified circumpolar deep water.As a regular occurrence,modified circumpolar deep water(MCDW) intrudes onto the shelf mainly between 150–300 m layer of 73°–75°E and then turns southeast affected by the cyclonic gyre of the Prydz Bay.The southernmost point of the warm water signal is captured on the east front of Amery Ice Shelf during March 2012.In terms of vertical distribution,MCDW occupies the central layer of 200 m with about 100 m thickness in the austral summer,but when to winter transition,the layer of MCDW deepens with time on the central shelf.  相似文献   

依据2007年5月(春)、8月(夏)辐射沙脊群南部所获得的浮游动物样品,分析了该海域浮游动物的分布、时空变化及其与生态环境因子的关系。结果表明,调查海域浮游动物66种(不含鱼卵和仔鱼),生态属性以暖温性、近岸低盐种类为主;浮游动物总丰度春季(1 558.57 ind/m~3)>夏季(305.79 ind/m~3);饵料浮游动物生物量春季(2 923.75 mg/m~3)>夏季(335.46 mg/m~3);水平分布均呈现中北部高、南部低的特点。调查海域中部(4~5断面)多样性指数(H’)、丰富度指数(d)及均匀度指数(J)值较其他断面要低。相关性分析表明,春季浮游动物丰度和饵料浮游动物生物量的分布变化与浮游植物的丰度密切相关,夏季则与海水平均盐度的变化相关性显著;春、夏季浮游动物总丰度分布分别取决于优势种短尾类大眼幼体(Brachyura megalopa)和小拟哲水蚤(Paraca/anus parvus)的分布。  相似文献   

Several burial assessment surveys using a seabed plough have been carried out along routes on the United Kingdom continental shelf to assess their potential for cable burial. Detailed information on sediment thicknesses and characteristics within the top meter of the seabed was collected using a survey tool called the Plough Surveyor. Geophysical surveys along these routes have enabled correlation with the plough data. Results include the range of tensions, tension trace characteristics, and typical penetration, and these have been correlated with seabed types and thickness of sediment.  相似文献   

对位于海南岛南部陆架的S20孔沉积物进行了岩性、AMS14C年代、粒度和微量元素分析,提取了东亚季风演化的代用指标,初步探讨了该沉积区蕴含的亚洲季风演化信息。结果表明,近4 400 a以来,S20孔研究区受相对稳定的水动力条件控制。主要富集于相对粗粒和细粒物质的Zr/Rb陆源元素比值和19μm细粒敏感粒度组分平均粒径可以作为冬季沿岸流和东亚冬季风强度的代用指标。二者与东海内陆架PC-6孔以及南海17940孔海水表层温度变化表现出良好的相似性,说明中国东南部不同地区季风代用指标揭示出的东亚冬季风演化具有一致性。因此,相对于陆地和深海而言,南海陆架区沉积物中同样蕴含着丰富的季风演化信息,后续高分辨率研究工作亟待开展。  相似文献   

Data presented in this paper are part of an extensive investigation of the physics of cross-shelf water mass exchange in the north-east of New Zealand and its effect on biological processes. Levels of dissolved dimethylsulfide (DMS) were quantified in relation to physical processes and phytoplankton biomass. Measurements were made at three main sites over the north-east continental shelf of New Zealand's North Island during a current-driven upwelling event in late spring 1996 (October) and an oceanic surface water intrusion event in summer 1997 (January). DMS concentrations in the euphotic zone ranged between 0.4 and 12.9 nmol dm−3. Integrated water column DMS concentrations ranged from 33 to 173 μmol m−2 in late spring during the higher biomass (15–62 Chl-a mg m−2) month of October, and from 25 to 38 μmol m−2 in summer during the generally lower biomass (16–42 Chl-a mg m−2) month of January. We observed high levels of DMS in the surface waters at an Inner Shelf site in association with a Noctiluca scintillans bloom which is likely to have enhanced lysis of DMSP-producing algal cells during phagotrophy. Integrated DMS concentrations increased three-fold at a Mid Shelf site over a period of a week in conjunction with a doubling of algal biomass. A high correlation (r2=0.911, significant <0.001) of integrated DMS and chlorophyll-a concentrations for compiled data from all stations indicated that chlorophyll-a biomass may be a reasonable predictor of DMS in this region, even under highly variable hydrographic conditions. Integrated bacterial production was inversely correlated to DMS production, indicating active bacterial consumption of DMS and/or its precursor.  相似文献   

南沙群岛西南陆架区条尾鲱鲤资源状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄梓荣 《台湾海峡》2006,25(2):273-278
根据2003年南沙群岛西南陆架区春秋两季调查资料,分析南沙群岛西南陆架区条尾鲱鲤的资源现状.结果表明,渔获率有明显的季节变动,秋季(1.76kg/h)高于春季(0.08kg/h),春季密集分布于91~100m水深,秋季密集分布于71~80m水深.其群体组成也有季节差异,春季的平均体长、平均体重大于秋季,春季优势体长组为101~110mm,秋季优势体长组为91~100mm,渔获中不足1龄鱼占多数,其资源密度及现存资源量分别为12.02kg/km^2 和880.82t,现存资源量只有原始资源量的54.92%,该鱼种资源已接近衰退状态.文中并讨论合理利用该资源的措施.  相似文献   

大陆坡脚是大陆边缘的一个重要地形特征,是沿海国扩展其大陆架权利和划定其200海里以外大陆架外部界限的基础,也是大陆架界限委员会审议沿海国划界案时特别关注的重要技术参数。《联合国海洋法公约》第76条大陆架制度的制定源于典型的被动大陆边缘。但由于全球大陆边缘的多样性和复杂性,特别是后期构造活动、沉积作用对大陆边缘的改造与影响,海底地形地貌异常复杂多变,导致大陆坡脚的识别非常困难。加上各沿海国为获得最大范围的外大陆架,对大陆坡脚的相关规定进行有利于自己的解释,使得大陆坡脚的确定成了外大陆架划界中一个颇具争议的热点问题。本文基于对《联合国海洋法公约》和《大陆架界限委员会科学和技术准则》对大陆坡脚的规定,结合不同类型大陆边缘的地质特征和各沿海国划界实践,对陆坡基部区的确定、坡度变化最大之点的选取以及相反证明规则的适用性等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper establishes techniques and methods to determine a variety of boundaries associated with 200 nautical miles beyond the continental shelf. The methods, based on topography, slope and second-deriv- ative profile integrated analysis, are now able to identify automatically the foot of the continental slope (FOS). By analyzing the sedimentary profile, the points of 1% sediment thickness are recognized. Through the intersection, cut, deletion and mergence calculation of the extrapolated data set of fLxed-point series, the method succeeds in generating automatically the extrapolated boundaries, including the FOS+60 M line, the 350 M line, and the 2500 m+100 M line. In addition, based on the automatic analysis of the topographic profile, it can be applied to determine rapidly the points of maximum water depth. Taking the northern Okinawa Trough (OT) as an example, these methods are used to calculate and examine the boundaries in- cluded in the Submission by the People's Republic of China Concerning the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical miles in Part of the East China Sea (ECS); the boundaries thus derived have a solid scientific and rational basis.  相似文献   

外大陆架划界信息系统中数据交换方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用VB.NET作为开发工具,ArcGIS Engine作为开发平台,进行外大陆架划界的数据交换研究,所开发的程序能够实现图元和文件层次的交换。该方法的研究对于我国外大陆架的划界有着非常重要的参考作用。  相似文献   

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