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珍稀濒危和特有物种是地区生物物种的重要组成,研究珍稀濒危和特有物种的多样性对生物保护和良好生态环境的维护有重要意义。本文在对桂林喀斯特世界自然遗产提名地生物物种调查的基础上,对提名地内的珍稀濒危和特有生物物种及其受威胁级别情况进行了统计,并从种群、群落和生境3个层面对珍稀濒危和特有物种的保护提出了建议。结果表明,在167.5 hm2范围内共有高等植物754种,脊椎动物525种;列入 IUCN红色名录443种、濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约67种、中国物种红色名录145种、中国国家重点保护野生动植物55种,并包括部分古老孑遗植物,珍稀濒危生物多样性较高;此外提名地还拥有87种特有种,是动植物特有种的重要资源地。在珍稀濒危和特有物种多样性的保护上,应根据提名地的珍稀濒危物受威胁级别,有计划地开展种群调查和生境分析,确定不同级别珍稀濒危物种的最小生存种群和最小动态区,并采取就地保护或迁地保护的措施,以促进小种群的发展;加强顶级群落的保护和监测研究,实施封山育林和群落恢复工程,促进群落的正向演替;划定珍稀濒危和特有种群和群落保护范围,建立自然保护区,维护其生存繁衍所必需生境量;此外着重加强对野生兰科植物的研究及生存空间保护,加强洞穴、峰林、峭壁等独特生境的保护。  相似文献   

李维东 《新疆地质》2003,21(1):45-45
中国是钾资源极为短缺的国家,同时也是世界上主要的钾盐消耗国家之一目前,地质工作者在罗布泊地区已探明贮量相当可观的钾盐资源,罗布泊钾盐资源开发在即.但在人们期待钾盐开发获得巨大经济利益的同时,或许尚未意识到正面临着一个环境方面的严重问题,如果这一问题解决不当,可能会导致一个珍稀生物物种的灭绝.  相似文献   

外来种入侵现象、问题及研究重点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
外来入侵种已在全世界范围内广泛传播,引起极大的社会、经济和生态问题。这些物种严重威胁着生态系统的结构与功能,破坏了生态系统的完整性,加速物种灭绝,造成生物多样性的丧失。中国也同样面临着外来种入侵的严峻问题,目前共查明有283种外来入侵种。这些外来入侵种已给中国经济带来了巨大损失,据初略估算,其经济损失每年约为144.8亿美元。结合外来种入侵所造成的问题及该领域的研究进展,提出了进一步加强入侵机理、扩散过程和入侵生态效应的理论研究,建议尽早建立外来种数据库与早期预警系统,呼吁外来物种对生态系统的食物网结构、物种多样性和生态系统功能的影响等问题是我国应当优先开展的研究工作。  相似文献   

生物多样性是指生命有机体及其借以存在的生态复合体的多样性.生物多样性包括遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统的多样性三层含义.遗传多样性,即指所有遗传信息的总和;物种多样性,即生命机体变化的多样化;生态系统的多样性,即栖息地、生物群落和生物圈内生物过程的多样化.相应的生物多样性保护也在环环相扣的多个生物空间等级层次上进行,即景观和生态系统总和体层次、群落层次、物种层次、基因层次[1].  相似文献   

曾勇  张鑫 《现代地质》2007,21(3):479-483
利用重庆合川地区茅口组地层中的腕足动物化石进行了物种多样性演变的统计分析,从分析的结果可以发现,本地区前乐平世事件发生在中二叠世晚期。根据腕足类物种多样性综合指数的变化规律,以及地层中腕足类属中的演变过程,可以看出前乐平世事件在本区由两期组成:第一期属、种灭绝率分别为42.9%和60%,第二期属、种灭绝率分别为42.9%和66.7%。在两次灭绝前,还出现了二次物种多样性辐射过程:第一次物种新现率为75%,第二次物种新现率为77.8%,无论是灭绝还是辐射,其规模均是第二次大于第一次。  相似文献   

近20万年来地球生物多样性及地球环境经历了多种多样的变化,尤其是过去11000年以来人类活动加剧了地球环境的恶化和物种的快速消亡,有部分学者提出人类正经历地质历史上的第六次生物集群灭绝事件。古今生物多样性研究的融通,将现代生物多样性问题放进地质历史的框架中分析,是认识生物和环境协同演变规律的重要途径,也是预估人类、生态系统以及地球环境未来发展的重要手段。基于此,依赖于数据积累的一门新型学科:保育古生物学正在兴起,越来越多的学者开始重视化石数据资料的积累,并建立了多种门类和不同用途的数据库,如启动于1998年的PBDB(Paleobiology Database)等。这些优秀的数据库提供了高质量的在线免费服务,并已产出不少重要成果。文章介绍了国内外古脊椎动物学领域的相关数据库及数据驱动下的重要研究实例,希望借此为深时数字地球计划(Deep-time Digital Earth)整合和共享开源的古脊椎动物大数据提供参考。  相似文献   

韦雪梅  韦恒叶  邱振 《沉积学报》2016,34(3):436-451
瓜德鲁普统末期生物灭绝是发生在二叠末期生物灭绝之前的一次独立的生物灭绝事件。该次生物灭绝事件对当时海洋底栖生物危害的严重性曾被认为可与五大生物灭绝事件对生物的影响程度相提并论。近年来,随着地层年龄数据的逐渐增多,地层的年代归属逐渐明朗,瓜德鲁普末期生物灭绝的严重性受到越来越多的质疑。同时,曾被认为是该次生物灭绝的主要原因--峨眉山大火成岩省(LIP)也受到质疑。峨眉山LIP是否仍是该次生物灭绝的主要原因?为了阐明上述问题,文章综述了瓜德鲁普末期生物灭绝、峨眉山LIP的喷发、卡匹敦阶碳、锶同位素变化以及引起该次生物灭绝的主要原因。结合研究数据认为:①瓜德鲁普末期生物灭绝事件对浅海底栖生物的影响不是特别严重,生物多样性减少幅度比五大生物灭绝事件要小;②瓜德鲁普统-乐平统(G-L)界线附近碳同位素负偏受成岩作用和相变的影响较大,卡匹敦阶碳同位素比值的变化存在两次负偏,第一次发生在卡匹敦中期(幅度约为1.0‰至1.5‰),第二次发生在G-L界线(幅度约为1.4‰至2‰);③该次生物灭绝的主要原因很可能不是峨眉山大火成岩省,而可能是大规模海退和海洋缺氧。  相似文献   

当代生物多样性剧减与古-中生代之交生物绝灭的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何卫红  殷鸿福  盛桂莲  周修高 《地球科学》2004,29(3):263-268,316
18世纪以来人类活动对环境造成了强烈破坏,给生物多样性带来了巨大损失.为了了解生物多样性的变化趋势,利用"绝灭物种统计法"、"种-区曲线法"和化石记录对400年以来的生物多样性和古-中生代之交的生物绝灭进行了分析.当代生物多样性剧减表现为物种的快速绝灭(从8×104种/Ma增大到1.2×106种/Ma),而属的绝灭几乎为0;古-中生代之交生物绝灭的初始阶段也表现为物种的快速绝灭(从40种/Ma增大到150种/Ma),并且这个阶段的属的绝灭速率远低于绝灭高峰阶段的相应值(即66属/Ma远小于465属/Ma),可见当代生物多样性剧减相当于二叠-三叠系之交生物绝灭的初始阶段.  相似文献   

巽他地区位于东南亚热带环境,是世界最主要的三大热带雨林分布区之一,也是世界生物多样性最高的区域之一,同时也是受到物种绝灭威胁最强烈的区域。该区域多样性的形成主要是因其位于温暖湿润的热带、地质历史上位于欧亚板块与印度—澳大利亚板块之间,另外该区域主要为陆架区,被海水分割成分散隔离的众多岛屿,在冰期—间冰期的气候旋回中受到气候与海平面变化的强烈影响加速物种与基因的交流,从而累计大量的物种。在第四纪气候变化时期,温度与海平面变化强烈地影响了物种的分布范围与彼此间的隔离与融合,使得它们的多样性受到较大影响。冰期时海平面的下降使得大面积陆地出露,利于物种的传播与扩展及基因的交流,间冰期时上升的海平面隔离了许多生境,隔离的环境有利于新物种生成,但是绝灭也更容易发生。生物避难所对于物种的存续起着重要作用。而在当前快速气候变暖与人类活动的影响下,避难所显得更加重要,然而,一部分物种虽然可以由此延续,但是大多数物种面临的生存危机可能更大,这是未来该地区生态保护的一大挑战。  相似文献   

人类活动与气候变化对科尔沁沙质草地植被的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1992—2006年在科尔沁沙地开展了草地放牧和封育试验,分析研究了人类放牧活动和气候变化对草地植被的影响。研究结果表明:①人类放牧活动对沙质草地植被具有显著影响,其中轻度放牧可使原退化草地植被盖度、高度、物种丰富度和多样性明显提高,中度放牧下虽然草地植被盖度和高度有所下降,但对物种丰富度和多样性无不良影响,持续过度放牧可以导致草地植被迅速破坏;②围栏封育可以促进退化草地植被盖度、高度、物种丰富度和植物多样性得到较快恢复,其恢复速度是草层高度>植被盖度>物种丰富度>多样性;③暖湿气候有利于草地维持较高的植被盖度、高度、物种丰富度和多样性,而持续干旱会导致相应指标的明显下降,多雨时期气温变化对植被的影响较大,干旱时期降水变化对植被的作用较强。  相似文献   

Angel Paniagua 《GeoJournal》2018,83(5):993-1004
The aim of this study is to place the current geographical debate on nature in the context of protected natural areas severely affected by depopulation processes, in which the daily lives of the inhabitants have been altered by changes in the traditional balance between human and non-human populations. A significantly humanized area within the Sierra Norte de Guadalajara National Park in central Spain is considered as an example. The qualitative methodology followed is based on documentary analysis and interviews with key inhabitants in the area, revealing narratives with a productive or consumer view of the nature. The national park appears as a container of a cultural nature, initially created by the traditional inhabitants, which generates an artificial, excessive nature and accelerates regressive sociodemographic dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cultural geographic approach for understanding local social processes of territorial re-appropriation taking place in response to non-local forces and interests. This approach is applied to the small rural locality of La Niña, in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The small village of La Niña is currently in a locally-led process of recovering from a recent depopulation trend caused mainly by the irruption of transnational agribusiness. As economic opportunities have dwindled in the last decades, more recently local inhabitants and new settlers have set forth diverse strategies aimed at mitigating the effects of depopulation on the social structure. We focus our attention on the way the living experience of place is involved in all these strategies. We contend that despite economic and cultural homogenization caused by globalization, the experience of place is a permanent though ever-changing aspect of social life. Our research was based on archival and hemerographic surveys and ethnographic field techniques, encompassing participatory observation, semistructured and in-depth interviews with social and government leaders and local producers as well as field landscape appraisals.  相似文献   

In Europe, mountain landscapes have evolved in a long-term relationship with human communities and present-day landscapes reflect that ancient interaction. The present study aims to reconstruct human activity in two mountain areas in northern Portugal using palynological analysis integrated with the available regional historical, archaeological and palaeoenvironmental archives. Pollen records from two sedimentary sequences span the Medieval and Modern periods and show that mixed agriculture and livestock grazing were consistently present in both regions throughout these times. Variations in cultural indicators show that the extent of farming fluctuated throughout time, with a general increase in cultivation during the Medieval period but with contractions likely coinciding with times of social disturbance. Historical sources suggest that sociopolitical factors and population pressure were fundamental in the utilisation of upland spaces. This study did not find any convincing evidence to suggest that fire was a fundamental factor in heathland spread. We conclude that long-term occupation of the uplands was sustained by low-intensity land use throughout the Medieval to post-Medieval periods, and that the present landscape has assumed a very different character following depopulation of the mountain areas and a shift towards commercial forestry.  相似文献   

The former agro-pastoral system which prevailed in the Tunisian Sahara had developed a pastoral resource management which preserved the rather fragile ecological equilibrium. Nowadays in the Tunisian Sahara nearly all former nomads are settled around the villages and irrigated areas which were created with the official aim of utilizing the Sahara. The sedentarization of the nomads has provoked two phenomena: a concentration and an increased density of population around the newly founded oases on the one hand and a depopulation of the more remote steppes on the other hand. Actually this demographic disequilibrium threatens the ecological equilibrium which existed in the past. It has caused a multiplication of the stocking of the actual pastures and increases the risk of degradation of the peripheral and easily accessible grazing-grounds. It exercises an excessive pressure on the environment through the intensive human activities and the satisfaction of new needs. This pressure manifests itself in the enlargement of the circles of degradation around the oases and the intensification of aeolian dynamics. A regeneration of the former organically developed eco-system is impossible without conscious reference into the local traditions and without consideration of the complexity of interelationship of the various factors.  相似文献   

Like urban space population density patterns are constantly changing. While Newling observed four stages of density gradients from youthful through mature and old stages of a city, this study shows that Rome was not a youthful city at the end of the 19th century yet Newling's youthful stage density gradients were prevalent at that time. In the 20th century, like Newling's later stages Rome also showed depopulation of the center leading to a crater-like density gradient. City planning policies were only partially responsible for patterning the density over the century. Though Newling's model is not applicable in the 19th century Rome, it is largely valid when automobiles were introduced.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the paleoenvironmental context for Paleoindian and Early Archaic settlement of the south-central Andes. I attempt to reconcile proposals for late-glacial and early Holocene environmental changes that have originated in several Quaternary sciences. Most useful are the records of changing lake levels, geomorphological indicators of glacial advance and retreat, changes in vegetation as seen through pollen stratigraphy, the record of large mammal extinctions, and the archaeological settlement pattern itself. High lake stands in the central and south-central Andes, c. 12,500 to 11,000 B.P., seem to correspond to glacial retreat. Palynological studies also suggest higher temperatures, coincident with greater summer precipitation from 11,500 B.P. to perhaps 10,000 B.P., followed by some reduction in temperatures and then widespread aridity from about 8500 to 5000 B.P. Environmental change at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary was at least a major contributing factor to the extinction of horse and sloth around 10,000 B.P. Archaeology of the salt puna and Punta Negra region conforms well with the environmental record, showing human entry by the Early Archaic (11,000-8000 B.P.), subsequent depopulation and perhaps abandonment, then readaptation to more localized resources in the Late Archaic (5500-4000 B.P.).  相似文献   

The transition in the Slovenian countryside is examined through a case study of Cirkovce, a local centre for the central southern section of the Dravsko polje plain where natural and socio-geographical factors underpin a mixed rural-urban structure. Farming is intensive, but a high percentage of people are now employed outside agriculture; a situation which is reflected clearly in the appearance of the settlement. The process of rural depopulation, balanced by the growth of employment in industry and services, is reflected in a secondary knot of settlement around Cirkovce's railway station. Agriculture is still very significant but there needs to be some consolidation of landholding to create larger units suitable for market production and food processing. But the village must also improve its range of functions and provide a better environment for the non-agricultural population which will become increasing important for its future development. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A series of peat monoliths was collected from Hjálmarvík, Kúðá and Bægístaðir, three abandoned farm sites located on a transect extending from the coast to 18 km inland in the Svalbarðstunga region (northeastern Iceland) in order to document the impact of human occupation and patterns of land use on landscape change and vegetation. Svalbarðstunga is of considerable interest because of the geographical and ecological features that distinguish it from other regions of Iceland, in particular by the more direct influence of the cold East Greenland Current (EGC). Plant and insect macrofossils and diatoms identified in peat monoliths provided proxy indicators of human settlement and land use that in some cases corroborate, and in others expand upon, existing archaeological and historical dates. Based on the presence of ecofacts (calcined bones, fish bones and charcoal), synanthropic insects and some anthropogenic plant‐indicators (e.g. weeds), we showed that there was a consistent occupation and use of the coastal site of Hjálmarvík since AD 970. At Kúðá, the scenario is quite different. Two periods of occupation or land use were identified: from prior to c. AD 960 to 1190 and from c. AD 1650 to 1870. In the 15th and into the 16th centuries, the decrease in the deposition of traces of fuel wastes around the inland farm sites (Kúðá and Bægístaðir) suggests that they were used much less frequently. The decline of such proxies for human occupation occurred shortly before the occurrence of the coldest conditions from the 16th to the 17th centuries as well as prior to the V1477 eruption, suggesting that these natural factors may not have been the primary or unique driver of changing modes of tenancy. A scenario of famine‐related depopulation would have played a significant role in this decrease in the human impact on vegetation.  相似文献   

We report high-resolution macroscopic charcoal, pollen and sedimentological data for Agua Caliente, a freshwater lagoon located in southern Belize, and infer a late Holocene record of human land-use/climate interactions for the nearby prehistoric Maya center of Uxbenká. Land-use activities spanning the initial clearance of forests for agriculture through the drought-linked Maya collapse and continuing into the historic recolonization of the region are all reflected in the record. Human land alteration in association with swidden agriculture is evident early in the record during the Middle Preclassic starting ca. 2600 cal yr BP. Fire slowly tapered off during the Late and Terminal Classic, consistent with the gradual political demise and depopulation of the Uxbenká polity sometime between ca. 1150 and 950 cal yr BP, during a period of multiple droughts evident in a nearby speleothem record. Fire activity was at its lowest during the Maya Postclassic ca. 950–430 cal yr BP, but rose consistent with increasing recolonization of the region between ca. 430 cal yr BP and present. These data suggest that this environmental record provides both a proxy for 2800 years of cultural change, including colonization, growth, decline, and reorganization of regional populations, and an independent confirmation of recent paleoclimate reconstructions from the same region.  相似文献   

选择风火山地区受到人为干扰的高寒草甸,对处于不同干扰梯度的高寒草甸植物群落,用样带法进行调查.共调查5条样带,50个样方.统计植物的科属组成,计测其群落盖度、频度指标以及物种丰富度指数、多样性指数及均匀度指数等.对不同干扰梯度上的植物群落结构及其物种组成特点进行分析,结果表明:青藏铁路沿线的高寒草甸随着人为干扰的强度的增加,植物群落的科、属、种组成趋向单一;群落中起显著作用的物种趋向是高山嵩草→高山嵩草和矮嵩草→早熟禾和扇穗茅→早熟禾→羊茅和早熟禾;按照植物种群的重要值对干扰梯度的响应,该地区植物种群可被划分为3类响应模式,即忍耐型种、敏感型种和扩展型种.随着干扰强度的增加,物种丰富度指数和物种多样性随着干扰增加而降低.干扰梯度与有机质含量、全氮、水解氮、全磷、速效磷均呈显著相关,但是与全钾和速效钾相关关系不明显.  相似文献   

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