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芦苇湿地共域繁殖的4种雀形目鸟类的巢址选择和繁殖成效比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
鸟类的巢址选择对其繁殖成效具有重要影响。对共域繁殖的不同鸟种繁殖策略的比较,有助于理解鸟类生活史对策的进化。为此,我们在河北永年洼湿地对利用芦苇繁殖的4种鸟类即东方大苇莺(Acrocephalus orientalis)、钝翅苇莺(Acrocephalus concinens)、震旦鸦雀(Paradoxornis heudei)和棕头鸦雀(Sinosuthora webbiana)的巢址选择和繁殖成效进行了比较。结果表明,尽管四种鸟类开始繁殖的时间明显不同,但其巢址、巢型和巢结构均类似,并在同一研究地内镶嵌分布,仅在巢离水面的高度、筑巢芦苇的高度和巢址样方内的芦苇密度三个变量参数上存在显著差异。四种鸟类在两个繁殖季的繁殖成效均较低,其中东方大苇莺为34.5%(86/249),钝翅苇莺为35.3%(6/17),震旦鸦雀为38.5%(15/39),棕头鸦雀为40.9%(9/22)。影响繁殖成效的主要生态因子包括巢捕食和恶劣天气如暴雨和强风暴,而被大杜鹃(Cuculuscanorus)寄生则是导致东方大苇莺繁殖成功率较低的主要原因。我们的研究表明,同域繁殖的鸟类可以通过繁殖时间的错峰和巢址的分化等而实现共存。 相似文献
芦苇(Phragmites australis)收割是芦苇湿地管理的主要手段。2010年12月至2011年2月,在苏州太湖国家湿地公园,分别比较了芦苇收割前、后鸟类群落及鸟类的空间分布。结果表明,芦苇收割当月的鸟类物种数比收割前一个月明显减少,有10种鸟消失,而收割后一个月比收割前一个月另增加了6种鸟。除了一些鸟类物种消失外,收割导致了7种鸟的密度大幅下降,消失和密度下降的鸟的物种多为对芦苇较为依赖的物种。芦苇收割当月与收割后一个月的鸟类群落相似性系数最高,为0.647;收割后一个月与收割前一个月的相似性系数最低,为0.423。芦苇收割后一个月的多样性指数最大,为0.859 7,收割前一个月的多样性指数(0.734 6)次之,收割当月的多样性指数(0.604 4)最小;收割后一个月的均匀度指数(0.698 6)最大,收割当月的均匀度指数(0.580 4)次之,收割前一个月的均匀度指数(0.564 6)最小;收割当月的优势度指数(0.434 5)最大,收割前一个月的优势度指数(0.367 2)次之,收割后一个月的优势度指数(0.240 3)最小。在水平空间上,收割前一个月与收割次月鸟类物种分布特征一致,鸟的数量在芦苇湿地—水域、芦苇湿地—陆地区域较多。在垂直空间上,收割前一个月鸟的种类和数量在芦苇丛的下层居多。研究认为,芦苇收割的即时效应为对芦苇依赖性强的鸟的物种消失;之后则有新的物种加入;鸟类多样性经历短暂降低后,最终高于收割前。当地芦苇整体收割的方式对鸟类密度、冬候鸟越冬、特化种觅食影响很大。基于对鸟类群落和种群的保护,芦苇收割可以采取适当保留水域和陆地边缘芦苇带的管理方式。 相似文献
弃耕是一个全球性问题,被认为是土地利用变化研究中最重要的研究领域之一。明确撂荒耕地驱动因素对于提高农村地区耕地资源利用效率、保障国家粮食安全具有至关重要的作用。本文采用定性比较分析法(QCA)对赣州市49个村庄的耕地撂荒影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:(1)耕地撂荒是多因素共同作用的结果,其中农业机械化水平低是赣州耕地撂荒发生的必要条件,对耕地撂荒具有重要影响。(2)导致耕地撂荒现象的路径不具有唯一性,研究区有5个导致耕地撂荒现象产生的组合。它们分别是组合A1(交通便利、农业生产设施完善、农业机械化水平低、土地流转程度低、无政策扶持产业相结合),组合A2(农业生产设施完善、农业机械化水平低、土地流转程度低、农业劳动力充足、无政策支持产业相结合),组合A3(交通便利、农业生产设施完善、农业机械化水平低、农业劳动力充足、无政策支持产业相结合),组合A4(交通便利、农业机械化水平低、土地流转程度低、农业劳动力充足、政策扶持产业相结合),组合A5(交通不便、农业生产设施完善、农业机械化水平低、土地流转程度高、农业劳动力充足、政策扶持产业相结合)。(3)在耕地撂荒现象的条件组合中,核心条件与辅助条件共同对耕地撂荒产生影响。最后,本文提出了相应的政策建议,以期能更深层次地揭示耕地撂荒的机理,为政策制定者正确决策提供全新的思路和方法,进而促进耕地的有效利用。 相似文献
洽川湿地地处黄河中游秦、晋、豫交汇处,是黄河流域最大的温泉湖泊型湿地,也是《诗经》名篇《关雎》的诞生地。本研究在实地考察和问卷调查基础上,从使用价值和非使用价值两个方面来评估湿地的整体价值。结果显示,洽川湿地生态系统服务功能的年度使用价值为792.36×108元。采用条件价值评估法(CVM)对洽川湿地的非使用价值进行了评估,其年度非使用价值约为62.7×108元。本研究还就洽川湿地的《诗经》文化价值是否影响受访者支付意愿进行了对照组分析,结果显示其文化价值将在很大程度上影响受访者的支付意愿。 相似文献
The first-stage of an ecological conservation and restoration project in the Three-River Source Region(TRSR), China, has been in progress for eight years. However, because the ecological effects of this project remain unknown, decision making for future project implementation is hindered. Thus, in this study, we developed an index system to evaluate the effects of the ecological restoration project, by integrating field observations, remote sensing, and process-based models. Effects were assessed using trend analyses of ecosystem structures and services. Results showed positive trends in the TRSR since the beginning of the project, but not yet a return to the optima of the 1970 s. Specifically, while continued degradation in grassland has been initially contained, results are still far from the desired objective, ‘grassland coverage increasing by an average of 20%–40%'. In contrast, wetlands and water bodies have generally been restored, while the water conservation and water supply capacity of watersheds have increased. Indeed, the volume of water conservation achieved in the project meets the objective of a 1.32 billion m~3 increase. The effects of ecological restoration inside project regions was more significant than outside, and, in addition to climate change projects, we concluded that the implementation of ecological conservation and restoration projects has substantially contributed to vegetation restoration. Nevertheless, the degradation of grasslands has not been fundamentally reversed, and to date the project has not prevented increasing soil erosion. In sum, the effects and challenges of this first-stage project highlight the necessity of continuous and long-term ecosystem conservation efforts in this region. 相似文献
The Babao River Basin is the "water tower" of the Heihe River Basin. The combination of vulnerable ecosystems and inhospitable natural environments substantially restricts the existence of humans and the sustainable development of society and environment in the Heihe River Basin. Soil temperature(ST) is a critical soil variable that could affect a series of physical, chemical and biological soil processes, which is the guarantee of water conservation and vegetation growth in this region. To measure the temporal variation and spatial pattern of ST fluctuation in the Babao River Basin, fluctuation of ST at various depths were analyzed with ST data at depths of 4, 10 and 20 cm using classical statistical methods and permutation entropy. The study results show the following: 1) There are variations of ST at different depths, although ST followed an obvious seasonal law. ST at shallower depths is higher than at deeper depths in summer, and vice versa in winter. The difference of ST between different depths is close to zero when ST is near 5℃ in March or –5℃ in September. 2) In spring, ST at the shallower depths becomes higher than at deeper depths as soon as ST is above –5℃; this is reversed in autumn when ST is below 5℃. ST at a soil depth of 4 cm is the first to change, followed by ST at 10 and 20 cm, and the time that ST reaches the same level is delayed for 10–15 days. In chilling and warming seasons, September and February are, respectively, the months when ST at various depths are similar. 3) The average PE values of ST for 17 sites at 4 cm are 0.765 in spring 0.764 in summer 0.735 in autumn 0.723 in winter, which implies the complicated degree of fluctuations of ST. 4) For the variation of ST at different depths, it appears that Max, Ranges, Average and the Standard Deviation of ST decrease by depth increments in soil. Surface soil is more complicated because ST fluctuation at shallower depths is more pronounced and random. The average PE value of ST for 17sites are 0.863 at a depth of 4 cm 0.818 at 10 cm 0.744 at 20 cm. 5) For the variation of ST at different elevations, it appears that Max, Ranges, Average, Standard Deviation and ST fluctuation decrease with increasing elevation at the same soil depth. And with the increase of elevation, the decrease rates of Max, Range, Average, Standard Deviation at 4 cm are –0.89℃/100 m, –0.94℃/100 m, –0.43℃/100 m, and –0.25℃/100 m, respectively. In addition, this correlation decreased with the increase of soil depth. 6) Significant correlation between PE values of ST at depths of 4, 10 and 20 cm can easily be found. This finding implies that temperature can easily be transmitted within soil at depths between 4 and 20 cm. 7) For the variation of ST on shady slope and sunny slope sides, it appears that the PE values of ST at 4, 10 and 20 cm for 8 sites located on shady slope side are 0.868, 0.824 and 0.776, respectively, whereas they are 0.858, 0.810 and 0.716 for 9 sites located on sunny slope side. 相似文献
减轻汽车重量是减少空气污染的重要研究主题之一。本文通过比较传统钢制保险杠和聚酯材料保险杠的环境影响进行案例研究。首先,在整个组件制造阶段的研究中都使用了门到门的生命周期评估方法,Sima Pro 7.1软件用于评估两种保险杠对环境和健康的影响;其次,对聚酯车间进行了粉尘分析。结果表明,选择聚酯材料代替钢材料对某些影响(包括气候变化的影响)是有利的,但是不幸的是,考虑到聚酯车间的工作条件,这种影响可能会转移到对人类健康的不利影响,因为它最终会给工人带来(易怒/癌症的)健康风险。LCA已被证明是一种从环境的角度评估汽车部件重新设计的环境影响的非常有用的工具。通过此案例研究,为公司设计环保组件提出了一些建议,建议应将生态设计引入公司的生产环节中。 相似文献
Zakia MOKRANE Mustapha BOUDJENAH Yasmina BELKACEM ELHadi MORSLI Ahmed INAL Fahima BOUARAB 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2019,(4)
浮游植物群的组成是沿海水域状况的极好指标。本研究的目的是探索阿尔及利亚沿海不同地区(东部、中部和西部)浅海沿岸地区浮游植物的空间变异性。浮游植物种群的定性和定量研究是在2012–2013年期间研究船GRINE BELKACEM在该区域采集样本的基础上进行的。定性研究的结果显示硅藻和甲藻具有显著的多样性,在总菌群中分别排名第一和第二(Fr50%)。这一发现也得到了2012年和2013年样本的丰度值的定量证实,这些丰度值大大超过了西部大多数地区的平均值(56%),并且在所有中心地区略高于52%,这代表了硅藻和甲藻两者之间的均衡分布。甲藻对东部地区的数量丰富度(60%)有显著贡献。在东部地区Dia/Dino指数所记录到的最小值也证实了甲藻在该区域的主导地位,特别是在Skikda(0.31)地区更是如此。本文的研究结果还揭示了其他群体(如cocolithophoridae和euglenophyceae)存在的比例较小。 相似文献
Twenty-one typical coupled large samples were chosen from areas within and surrounding nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau using the large sample comparison method(LSCM).To evaluate the effectiveness of the nature reserves in protecting the ecological environment,the alpine grassland net primary production(NPP) of these coupled samples were compared and the differences between them before and after their establishment as protected areas were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) With respect to the alpine grassland NPP,the ecological and environmental conditions of most nature reserves were more fragile than those of the surrounding areas and also lower than the average values for the Tibetan Plateau.(2) Of the 11 typical nature reserves selected,the positive trend in the NPP for Manzetang was the most significant,whereas there was no obvious trend in Taxkorgan.With the exception of Selincuo,the annual NPP growth rate in the nature reserves covered by alpine meadow and wetland was higher than that in nature reserves consisting of alpine steppe and alpine desert.(3) There were notable findings in 21 typical coupled samples:(a) After the establishment of the nature reserves,the annual rate of increase in the NPP in 76% of samples inside nature reserves and 82% of samples inside national nature reserves was higher than that of the corresponding samples outside nature reserves.(b) The effectiveness of ecological protection of the Mid-Kunlun,Changshagongma,Zoige and Selincuo(Selin Co) nature reserves was significant; the effectiveness of protection was relatively sig-nificant in most parts of the Sanjiangyuan and Qiangtang nature reserves,whereas in south-east Manzetang and north Taxkorgan the protection effectiveness was not obvious.(c) The ecological protection effectiveness was significant in nature reserves consisting of alpine meadow,but was weak in nature reserves covered by alpine steppe.This study also shows that the advantage of large sample comparison method in evaluating regional ecology change.Careful design of the samples used,to ensure comparability between the samples,is crucial to the success of this LSCM. 相似文献
采用Fluor Cam便携式叶绿素荧光成像仪测定鄱阳湖南矶山国家级自然保护区白沙湖和常湖冬季沉水植物的光合荧光特性,包括QY-max(即Fv/Fm,PSⅡ的最大光量子产量)、ΦPSⅡ(PSⅡ实际量子效率)、q P(光化学淬灭系数)等参数及其相应的荧光成像;应用频度法统计估测沉水植物的频度,并测定水环境的营养水平。结果表明:白沙湖优势沉水植物黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)和苦草(Vallisneria natans)的PSⅡ的最大量子产量分别为0.48-0.68和0.52-0.71,PSⅡ实际量子效率分别为0.32-0.58和0.20-0.46,表明白沙湖的黑藻和苦草具有相似的光合作用效率;而常湖优势沉水植物莕菜(Nymphoides peltatum)和苦草的PSⅡ最大光量子产量分别为0.66-0.77和0.19-0.68,PSⅡ实际量子效率分别为0.26-0.48和0.22-0.43,表明莕菜有较高的光合作用效率,容易形成优势物种。调查中发现,白沙湖黑藻的频度为90%,苦草为93.3%,小茨藻(Najas minor)为26.7%,眼子菜(Potamogeton franchetii)为10%;常湖中莕菜的频度为86.7%,苦草为16.7%,小茨藻为56.7%。白沙湖中沉水植物的频度值总体高于常湖,优势物种也存在差异性。综合分析白沙湖和常湖水体的营养水平、沉水植物多样性和光合荧光特性,结果表明:白沙湖的富营养化水平高于常湖,黑藻和苦草同为沉水植物中的优势种,光合活性相似;常湖中莕菜和苦草为优势种,但莕菜的光合活性显著高于苦草,这与湖泊水体透明度和南矶山湿地不同水体的富营养化差异及不同沉水植物的生态位有着密不可分的关系。 相似文献
不同森林植被改变了林下穿透雨、树干径流、蒸发散和地表入渗,进而对林下不同层次土壤湿度产生重要影响。以华南地区漓江上游3种典型森林,包括毛竹林(Phyllostachyspubescens)、荷木林(Schimasuperba)和杉木林(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为研究对象,比较其不同层次土壤湿度及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)毛竹林、荷木林和杉木林3种典型植被林下凋落物层和土壤层存在明显差异,荷木林林下土壤入渗强于毛竹林和杉木林;(2)由于森林植被垂直结构差异,从0–20cm表层土壤到50–80 cm深层土壤,3种典型植被不同层次土壤湿度存在较大的时空差异;(3)荷木林各层次土壤湿度都明显高于毛竹林和杉木林;(4)各层次土壤含水量与年降雨关系密切,随雨旱两季变化,毛竹林、荷木林和杉木林不同层次土壤湿度随降雨变化趋势基本一致;(5)在0–20 cm表层土壤,土壤湿度主要受地表凋落物性质的影响,而在深层土壤,土壤湿度主要受植物根系分布和土壤物理性质的影响。本研究为深入了解漓江上游森林植被对降水产流的调节作用,客观评估漓江上游水资源和科学管理水源涵养林提供理论依据。 相似文献
集体林权制度改革和水权制度改革是从上世纪80年代中国改革开放以来,由中国政府主导的两种资源制度改革。林权制度改革已经完成,水权制度改革正在进行。本研究剖析了集体林权制度改革,总结梳理出林木采伐限额制度、林权补偿措施、林权确权手段和林权交易平台四个具有典型代表的改革成功措施经验,为水权制度改革提出相对应的弹性取水指标、水权流转所涉及的补偿措施、水权确权处理和各形式水权交易平台四方面切实可行的建议。这将弥补中国体制下两种重要的资源制度改革之间对比研究领域的不足,以期为推动国内外水权制度的进一步改革和发展提供参考。 相似文献
中国是发展中国家,循环经济评价应该有符合自身国情的特定标准,在经济规模增长的同时,允许环境负荷有一定幅度地增加。基于上述理念,本研究将评价过程分为发展路径评价和发展水平评价两部分。其一,构建由枣庄市、焦作市、石嘴山市和全国等几个层次的区域组成的参照系,以生态效率为评价指标,分析煤炭资源型城市循环经济的发展路径。其二,在C模式的基础上,构建循环经济评价度量模型,依据环境负荷与经济规模增长倍数之间的关系,评价煤炭资源型城市循环经济发展水平。本研究得出四点主要结论:首先,煤炭资源型城市和全国一样,循环经济走的是资源效率优先的发展道路。其次,煤炭资源型城市的综合能耗效率远远低于全国平均水平。第三,无论是煤炭资源型城市还是全国,循环经济都取得了一定的成效。第四,循环经济发展状况可以从横向比较和纵向比较两个维度进行评价。第五,以C模式作为适应中国国情的循环经济发展模式进而用以衡量区域的循环经济发展绩效具有一定的现实意义。 相似文献
Melkamu Meseret Alemu 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2019,(1)
本文分析了植被动态与地表温度等气候参数之间的关系,对环境和生态研究以及自然资源监测至关重要。本文首先利用Landsat数据探讨了1986年至2016年期间安达萨河流域地表温度(LST)和归一化植被指数(NDVI)的时空分布以及它们之间的关系,三个气象站点的月平均气温数据用于验证结果。该研究的结果表明,Andassa流域的LST在研究期间有所增加。总体而言,平均LST一直在上升,年增长率为0.081℃yr~(-1)。该研究结果还表明,所有季节的流域植被覆盖都发生了变化。在所有研究年份中,LST和NDVI之间存在负相关;从1986年到2016年,研究区植被具有退化趋势,地表温度有所升高。 相似文献
河口湿地无机碳的储存对于缓解全球气候变暖具有重要意义。本文选择胶州湾大沽河口与洋河河口为采样区,应用Duncan方法进行数据分析,探讨了土壤无机碳(soil inorganic carbon, SIC)储量的分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,距入海口越远,平行海岸带的光滩SIC储量越高,海洋潮汐的冲刷作用是主要驱动因素;在垂直剖面上,40–60cm土层SIC储量相对较高,占0–60cm土层的34.11%,这是海水淋溶作用水盐运移的结果。垂直海岸带的河漫滩SIC储量随距海距离的增加呈现出先降低后升高的趋势,在垂直剖面上,0–20 cm土层SIC储量相对较高,占0–60 cm土层的38.18%,这主要归因于海洋因素和人类活动等综合因素的影响。互花米草的入侵降低了湿地的SIC储量,植物根系的转化作用与自身生长特性和年限的差异是导致SIC储量低值的主要原因。养殖活动改变了养殖池塘土壤的理化性质,进而改变了SIC储量的分布规律。 相似文献
Svetlana Dorzhievna PUNTSUKOVA Bair Octyabrevich GOMBOEV Margarita Ramilievna AKHMETZYANOVA Tsogtbatar JAMSRAN Tsendesuren DAGDAN 董锁成 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2015,6(2):106-109
本文对俄罗斯、蒙古和中国范围气候变化对不同生态系统(寒带、热带)空气记录分布的影响进行研究,并将这些生态系统对全球气候变化的响应进行比较分析,其中空气记录来自研究范围的关键区域。研究发现,森林生态系统对气候变化具有一定的响应。伴随着气候变化,社会经济活动对生态系统的影响显著。研究结果表明,气候驱动力和人类直接影响对森林和草原生态系统如何施加影响有待进一步研究。 相似文献
本文调查了云南省某蔬菜种植大县417户蔬菜种植农户自家食用的蔬菜来源、收集了其中377户农户家中的776份用于自食的蔬菜样本并采用PR-12N快速农药检测仪定性检测了其中的有机磷类和氨基甲酸酯类农药的残留情况,以研究农户对农药导致的食品安全风险的认知和自我保护行为。研究结果表明,农户们知道在蔬菜种植过程中使用农药带来的食品安全风险并且通过主要食用自家自留地中专门种植的不使用农药或者很少使用农药的蔬菜来规避这一风险。实验室检测结果表明,来自农户自留地的蔬菜样本其农药残留阳性率(6.10%)低于来自大田(13.73%)和购买于市场的蔬菜样本(12.66%),后两种来源的蔬菜样本农药残留阳性率几乎是自留地蔬菜样本阳性率的两倍而且差异具有统计学意义(X2=9.69,0.005P0.010)。提示农户的这种自我保护行为在减少农药相关的食品安全风险方面有一定效果,然而,由于在商业性蔬菜种植中大量使用农药所导致的环境污染,这种自我保护行为的效果是有限的。此外,农户的这种自我保护行为可能对新颁布的食品安全法提出的食品安全社会共治产生消极影响。 相似文献
This study investigated oasis evolution and the changes of peripheral desert in the Sangong River Basin since the 1950 s by rebuilding seven land cover maps derived from black-and-white aerial photographs(1958, 1968, and 1978), a color-infrared aerial photograph(1987), Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM) imagery(1998), Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre(SPOT) imagery(2004), and Landsat Operational Land Imager(OLI) imagery(2014). The results showed that:(1) Since 1950, the oasis consecutively expanded more than four times from an alluvial fan to an alluvial plain, causing the shrinkage of desert landscapes that were dominated by a Haloxylon ammodendron Bunge community(HBC) and a Tamarix chinensis Lour community(TLC). Furthermore, the primary(1958–1968) and final(2004– 2014) stages were the most important periods, during which agricultural land experienced the most rapid expansion during the period 1958–1968, and the built-up area showed the most rapid expansion after the 2000 s.(2) Two basic management modes, a "local mode" formed by the local governments and a "farm management mode" developed by Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, together promoted oasis evolution under various land-use and landcover(LULC) stages.(3) The evolution of the modern oasis during the 1950s–2004 showed the general features of an arid oasis, while during the period of 2004–2014 it was characterized by a large-scale inter-basin water diversion or the import of new water sources.(4) The oasis expanded at the expense of desert vegetation, resulting in distinct variation in the structure of the desert plant community, which will make it more difficult to protect the desert ecosystem. 相似文献
How snow cover changes in response to climate change at different elevations within a mountainous basin is a less investigated question. In this study we focused on the vertical distribution of snow cover and its relation to elevation and temperature within different elevation zones of distinct climatology, taking the mountainous Manasi River Basin of Xinjiang, Northwest China as a case study. Data sources include MODIS 8-day snow product, MODIS land surface temperature(LST) data from 2001 to 2014, and in situ temperature data observed at three hydrological stations from 2001 to 2012. The results show that:(1) the vertical distribution of snow areal extent(SAE) is sensitive to elevation in low(2100 m) and high altitude(3200 m) regions and shows four different seasonal patterns, each pattern is well correspondent to the variation of temperature.(2) The correlation between vertical changes of the SAE and temperature is significant in all seasons except for winter.(3) The correlation between annual changes of the SAE and temperature decreases with increasing elevation, the negative correlation is significant in area below 4000 m.(4) The snow cover days(SCDs) and its long-term change show visible differences in different altitude range.(5) The long-term increasing trend of SCDs and decreasing trend of winter temperature have a strong vertical relation with elevation below 3600 m. The decreasing trend of SCDs is attributed to the increasing trend of summer temperature in the area above 3600 m. 相似文献